Accessible, barrier-free environment for people with disabilities. Goals and features of the state program “Accessible Environment” for people with disabilities Program for supporting people with disabilities

In the Russian Federation there is a special program for people with disabilities called “Accessible Environment”. It has been operating for several years. The concept of “accessible environment” is more often associated with the construction of ramps among ordinary people who are not related to this plan. However, with their help alone it will not be possible to adapt the space to the needs of a person with limited mobility. Only installing ramps does not bring benefits, and sometimes even poses a danger (in case of incorrect installation and non-compliance with standards). It is necessary to understand this factor: an accessible environment for people with disabilities is a multi-level program that includes many activities, during which it is necessary to eliminate all areas that pose a danger to a person with limited mobility.

Purpose of the program

The project called “Accessible Environment” carries out a whole range of activities to help people with disabilities. A road map has been specially developed. It consists of equipping special facilities to facilitate the life of people with limited mobility. These installations, platforms and devices help to better navigate the streets and buildings and allow people with disabilities to fully participate in public life.

The objectives of the state program are:

  • development of new technologies for people with disabilities;
  • equipping medical, sanatorium and educational institutions with modern technical means for rehabilitation;
  • providing more children with disabilities with places for education (both preschool and primary, as well as secondary);
  • increasing the number of television and radio broadcasts, as well as sports facilities, tourist places for people with limited mobility;
  • both the development and implementation of regulations that are created taking into account the accessibility of facilities for people with physical disabilities;
  • creation of a mechanism for stimulating any organizations (both public and private sectors) to intensify their activities in the field of ensuring accessibility of social facilities when visited by people with disabilities;
  • introduction of general design principles when implementing any programs, developing equipment, as well as when adapting infrastructure to the needs of people with disabilities.

The first period of implementation of this program was carried out in the period from 2011 to 2012. Then its next stages were carried out in 2015 and 2019. The fourth stage will begin in 2019. Its completion is planned for 2020.

What is an accessible environment for a person with limited mobility?

An accessible environment for people with disabilities provides many opportunities for the rehabilitation and full-fledged living of people with limited functions. The program for the formation of such measures gives people with disabilities the opportunity to travel on public transport and move around the city without any special obstacles. This becomes possible thanks to the availability of various lifts and other devices. The technological part of the “Accessible Environment” includes the installation of informants, detectors, subscriber devices, .

The program provides citizens with limited mobility with the necessary facilities for life. For this purpose, grants are provided, the receipt of which requires regular reports on the completion of construction or implementation of the program.

Developers don't stop at creating just one device. They try to help disabled people of all categories: visually impaired and hard of hearing, as well as citizens with impaired motor function

Rules to ensure accessibility of housing for people with disabilities

According to federal law, an order has been signed, which prescribes the implementation of measures to ensure the accessibility of home spaces for all people with disabilities. It is possible to re-equip all premises (both personal and common use) in multi-apartment buildings. These standards include, among other things, the following requirements:

  • The surface of steps throughout the entire house where a disabled person is registered must have a rough surface.
  • There should be a fence on the porch canopy to keep out rain or snow. In addition, it requires the presence of drains. The porch should also have electric lighting.
  • In addition to steps, side ramps should be built at the entrances of houses. The porch is complemented by continuous fences on both sides. The lower as well as the upper step must be highlighted with texture or color.
  • The entrance door to the entrance must have a sign indicating the number of the house and apartments. There should be another sign nearby that includes the same information, but it must be in Braille.

If there is a single step in front of the entrance, then the estimate must include its replacement with a ramp, and in the case of two or more stairs, the construction of such a side device. There should be tactile road signs in yards. There is a turning area for wheelchairs in front of the entrance.

The resolution also contains requirements for residential premises where citizens with disabilities live. Their list includes:

  • living room;
  • combined bathroom;
  • corridor (at least four square meters).

Doorways must have removable ramps. The dimensions of all doors, bathrooms and the entrance area are specified separately. For any re-equipment, an official document is required - a passport.

There are also some requirements for the design of buildings for the rehabilitation, upbringing and education of disabled children. The main principles are:

  • creating small classes or groups to provide the opportunity to pay more attention to each child;
  • preparation of educational places taking into account the nature of children’s disabilities;
  • application of new methods and technical means for training;
  • inclusion of medical equipment for rehabilitation in the building.

Classrooms for schoolchildren are equipped with special single tables.

In addition, the classrooms also have a play area where breaks are held during classes and between lessons. Bedrooms in homes for disabled children are designed separately for girls and boys. Such establishments have locker rooms, bathrooms, rooms for laundry and individual classes, and storage rooms.

The territory of school institutions and preschool educational institutions should be located in green areas (possibly in a suburban area). The distance from industrial enterprises, busy roads and railways should not be less than 3000 meters. In the evening, these areas should be well lit. There is parking for at least six cars on the premises. All areas have fences up to two meters high, around which shrubs are planted.

On the territory of schools and kindergartens there are various playgrounds: playgrounds, a swimming pool, for physical education, rehabilitation and gymnastics classes and much more.

How a person with limited mobility looks at the program Leontyeva E.G.

Engineer-economist Leontyeva E.G. wrote a training manual with regulatory requirements and comments on accessibility. This was back in 1983, long before the “Accessible Environment” program appeared. However, the book is still relevant today. The author graduated from the Polytechnic University in the Urals, after which she got a job and completed graduate school. At the age of 27, a tragedy happened in her life, after which the woman found herself in a wheelchair. Only at that moment did Elena Leontyeva realize that very little was being done in life for people with limited mobility and the elderly. Then she began to deal with the issue of creating conditions that would equalize all citizens.

The book, through the eyes of a disabled person, examines pressing issues in the design of buildings, which, after visiting, a person with limited mobility will not feel “superfluous.” Among others, they outline the following problems:

  • design of washbasins in bathrooms;
  • creation of toilets for wheelchair users;
  • designing bathrooms suitable for people with disabilities;
  • public men's toilets;
  • designing a convenient direction for opening doors in toilet stalls;
  • designing doors throughout the premises;
  • improvement of the area adjacent to the building;
  • creation of pedestrian paths;
  • parking design.

In addition, the publication describes in detail recommendations for designing residential premises for people with limited mobility.

According to Elena Gennadievna Leontyeva, the book was created to give a boost to the dynamics of the process not only of construction, but also of the preliminary stage preparing housing for citizens with disabilities. The publication contains methodological recommendations on the implementation of structures, architecture, and design. This literature studies the accessibility of not only public or residential buildings, but also their environment for people with limited mobility. The publication was written using a variety of regulatory documents, including SNiPs, GOSTs, and medical standards.

It has been proven that the infrastructure of Russian cities is not adapted to the needs of people with disabilities, and therefore you can rarely meet them on the streets, despite the fact that there are about 15 million people with disabilities in the country - this is 10% of the total population of the country. That is why the authorities approved the federal program Accessible Environment for Persons with Disabilities for 2016-2020.

In what time frame will the “Accessible Environment” program for people with disabilities be implemented 2016-2020

The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs is responsible for the implementation of the program. development, participate in the program of the Social Insurance Fund, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Sports and Housing Construction.

It is assumed that the program for adapting infrastructure to the needs of people with disabilities will operate from 2011 to 2020. The program will be carried out in stages:

  1. The first stage will be the preparation of laws (2011-2012) to regulate the project.
  2. The second stage will be the formation of a material base - the construction of rehabilitation centers, additional equipment of public places with devices for use by people with disabilities, technical equipment of buildings, etc. (2013-2015).
  3. At the third stage, the basic objectives of the program will be implemented (2016-2018).
  4. At the final, fourth stage, the authorities will sum up the results of the work and develop a further development plan (2020-2020).

For what purpose was the “Accessible Environment” program for people with disabilities 2016-2020 organized?

401 billion rubles have been allocated from the country’s budget and extra-budgetary funds for the implementation of the program.

The main objective of the program is to help people with disabilities integrate into society and improve the quality of life of people with disabilities. The project will be implemented through achieving the following goals:

  • increasing the transparency of the work of medical and social examination specialists, as well as increasing the objectivity of decisions made during a medical examination;
  • increasing accessibility for people with disabilities to rehabilitation and habilitation services (training new skills), ensuring access to education and work;
  • creating an accessible environment for people with disabilities who are forced to move in wheelchairs to the most necessary services and infrastructure facilities of the settlement.

To implement all plans, the program was divided into subprograms.

“Accessible Environment” program for people with disabilities 2016-2020: First subprogram

It is expected that 35 billion rubles will be spent on the first subprogram.

According to the conditions of subprogram No. 1, the following activities are carried out:

  1. Providing Russian TV channels with sign language interpretation and subtitles.
  2. Organizing cultural events specifically for people with disabilities.
  3. Financing of institutions that increase the level of development of Paralympic sports and adaptive physical culture.
  4. Providing assistance to children with disabilities in obtaining an education. Educational institutions are equipped with special equipment and child psychologists are hired.
  5. City transport is equipped with ramps with a retractable system for moving a wheelchair. New buses with lowered floors are being produced.
  6. Bus stops and traffic lights are equipped with devices that provide sound.
  7. Modernization of the building taking into account the needs of people with disabilities. Design of new structures with elevators, ramps, additional banners.

“Accessible Environment” program for people with disabilities 2016-2020: Second subprogram

The cost of Subprogram No. 2 is 33.5 billion rubles.

Within the framework of subprogram No. 2, the following activities will be carried out aimed at ensuring the availability of rehabilitation services:

  1. Assessing the needs of people with disabilities. Creation of production with the help of which specialized devices would be manufactured.
  2. Easing the tax burden for business managers who are willing to hire people with disabilities.
  3. Inviting disabled people to vocational training courses if they have lost the opportunity to work in their specialty.
  4. Conducting new school lessons, the purpose of which is to form an adequate attitude towards children with disabilities.
  5. Opening and equipping new medical clinics, the activities of which will be aimed at prosthetics and reconstructive surgery, as well as general rehabilitation (medicines, sanatoriums).

“Accessible Environment” program for people with disabilities 2016-2020: Third subprogram

The authorities allocated 103 billion rubles for the latest subprogram No. 3.

The government believes that increasing the objectivity of medical and social experts can be achieved by carrying out the following activities:

  1. Anti-corruption by equipping institutions with video surveillance, audio surveillance, and electronic queues.
  2. Organization of public councils at the main bureau of medical and social examination, which would discuss the unethical behavior of specialists.
  3. Advanced training of ITU experts.
  4. Ensuring effective interaction between ITU bureaus at various levels.
  5. Ensuring the operation of a system for independent assessment of the performance of ITU bureau specialists.
  6. Purchase of diagnostic equipment for the ITU Bureau.
  7. Rethinking the criteria by which disabled groups are established.
  8. Development of more modern methods of conducting medical examination.

Ten years ago, they adopted the “Accessible Environment” state program for people with disabilities, aimed at creating a comfortable life in populated areas. Among the multi-million population of our country, 8.2% of residents are people with diseases, and as a result, disabilities. Many of them are diagnosed with disabilities at an early age. This fact poses serious questions for the authorities and the state regarding the adaptation of this category of people.

The essence of the Federal program

Organizing a barrier-free environment for people with disabilities is a project developed by the authorities, the primary goal of which is to protect and support segments of society if, for any reason, they are limited in their actions.

These are measures supported by the state during the implementation of the program at both the federal and regional levels. They provide assistance in the rehabilitation of patients. Attention is paid to people who belong to the sedentary group. The need to help them is due to many different reasons.

The state program was initially approved in the fall of 2008 after a document emanating from the Government of the Russian Federation. This was yet another confirmation that the country is ready to fight for the rights of people with disabilities. Society is concerned about providing access for people with disabilities to government services, services in clinics, and other services that are familiar to ordinary citizens, since they do not have problems associated with the difficulty of obtaining them. Initially, the organization of an accessible environment for people with disabilities was planned for a short period of time, but the positive attitude of citizens towards it proved the need for continuation.

Goals and objectives of the program

There is a huge proportion of talented people among citizens with varying degrees of disabilities in the country. Before the adoption of the law, there was no access in the Russian Federation to objects of social life, to the right to engage in creative work. This was due to the absolute lack of a basis for practicing. The adoption of new regulations has become an opportunity to do what you love and not feel left out in society.

Dmitry Medvedev, during a recent conversation with representatives of a narrow circle of organizations, noted: “Unusual situations can take anyone by surprise. Society and the state must be prepared to ensure that people who find themselves in an unusual situation are not left alone with the disease.”

Priority tasks:

  1. Creation of a legislative framework that will guarantee that people with disabilities have access to social infrastructure facilities and services on an equal basis with citizens who are absolutely physically healthy.
  2. Construction of new institutions in cities necessary for the recovery, further rehabilitation of citizens, and their education.
  3. Training of new personnel in the field of providing assistance to citizens, both with poor vision and with equally complex other diseases.
  4. Providing targeted support to people with hearing/vision disabilities in finding a job in various institutions to develop and demonstrate the accessibility of the social environment. The main direction of this project is collecting feedback from citizens. The data obtained should concern aspects of cooperation with the hearing impaired and citizens who for other reasons have limited capabilities. The program is becoming an excellent way to establish productive work between the physically healthy population and the disabled.

Based on the list of main goals, federal laws set two main tasks for all institutions operating in the country:

  • organizing new places to work for all categories of citizens in the country;
  • provision of absolutely free services for people with disabilities in all operating medical institutions.

Creating an accessible environment for people with disabilities

At the federal and regional levels, government authorities are required to carry out a whole list of important actions within the framework of the current federal program. It is important to increase the effective value of the established indicators. Services and facilities in all areas of activity must be accessible to all persons with disabilities. Clear time boundaries and a specific procedure for developing these measures are legislatively approved by regulations that entered into force relatively recently, in 2016. Since 2016, regions have also independently implemented the requirements of all Federal Laws and other laws within the framework of the project on their territories.

The governor of each region personally controls all actions taking place within the framework of this program. It is he who sets the right vector of development in this matter. Citizens in need of support can always count on receiving it in the shortest possible time.

Recently, the Deputy Chairman of the RF State Duma Committee on Labor and Social Policy noted: “Thanks to the implementation of the project, it was almost immediately possible to clearly define the nuances of an integrated approach. Each city has already written down an action plan for the near future until 2020.”

Infrastructure development

One of the capital’s laws regarding the accessibility of socialization facilities for people with disabilities states: everyone must be equipped with the following equipment:

  • information in visual, audio format,
  • signs located near buildings that are being renovated or under construction,
  • signaling at every active traffic light,
  • means of communication that are easy to use for all people with disabilities. All facilities must be equipped with them by 2020 to avoid penalties.
  • sanitary rooms,
  • ramps,
  • special signs for traffic in landscaped parks and other recreational areas.

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Among the 146 million population of the Russian Federation, 9% of citizens have a disability, many of whom have been diagnosed with it since childhood. This poses difficult challenges for the state and society to adapt these people to modern life. For this purpose, the “Accessible Environment” program for people with disabilities was developed in 2008. Its validity was subsequently extended until 2025.

Let's consider its main parameters, as well as interim results of implementation as of 2020.

Legislative framework

Program stages

Since the activities have been implemented for quite a long time, some stages are considered completed, others are either in effect now or are waiting their turn.

The program currently includes five stages:

  1. 2011-1012. During this period, a regulatory framework was created, which now provides opportunities for:
    • implementation of activities;
    • investing funds in specific objects.
  2. 2013-2015. Creation of a material base using federal funds. Namely:
    • construction and reconstruction of rehabilitation centers;
    • equipping them with the necessary technical means;
    • purchase of special equipment for institutions:
      • healthcare;
      • education.
  3. 2016-2018. Implementation of the main objectives of the program. Monitoring the implementation of stated goals and priorities. Interaction adjustments:
    • federal and regional departments;
    • implementing organizations and authorities.
      In 2016, an additional direction was included - the creation of rehabilitation infrastructure. In 2018, pilot projects were launched in the Sverdlovsk region and Perm region to create rehabilitation systems.
  4. 2020:
    • Monitoring the effectiveness of the work done.
    • Summing up.
    • Analysis of results.
    • Development of decisions regarding further activities in the field of creating conditions for the normal life of citizens with disabilities.
    • Financing of regions (in the amount of up to 400 million rubles) for equipping rehabilitation centers.
  5. 2021-2025:
    • development of pilot projects for assisted living, including educational (training), to train persons with disabilities in independent living skills; From 2021, rehabilitation will be a key focus. 18 subjects of the Russian Federation will be financed from the federal budget for:
      • purchasing equipment for rehabilitation centers,
      • training of specialists,
      • IS development.

The exact list of activities will be determined during budgeting in the relevant budget periods.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation is declared to be the responsible executor of the program. This department is entrusted with the task of coordinating the activities of numerous other event performers. For example:

  • Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation;
  • Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation:
  • Pension Fund;
  • Social Insurance Fund and others.

Goals and objectives of the Federal Target Program “Accessible Environment”

The activities were designed to ensure:

  • equal access of people with disabilities to facilities and services in priority areas of life for people with disabilities and other low-mobility groups;
  • equal access of people with disabilities to rehabilitation and habilitation services;
  • objectivity and transparency of the activities of medical and social examination institutions.

That is, the Federal Target Program has three directions of impact, which boil down to one thing: overcoming the division of the population according to the criteria of physical capabilities.

Stated Goals

The government sees the goal of the measures as creating legislative conditions to improve the level and quality of life of people with disabilities in the social sphere on the basis of independent economic activity.

Expected results:

  1. Increasing the number of infrastructure facilities for citizens with physical disabilities, including:
    • rehabilitation orientation;
    • transport facilities;
    • social orientation.
  2. Identification and analysis of citizens' opinions on the problems of people with disabilities; an increase in the number of people with disabilities who positively assess the attitude of the population towards the problems of people with disabilities is expected.
  3. Formation of a system of comprehensive rehabilitation and habilitation of disabled people in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
  4. Increasing the number of disabled people who received rehabilitation and habilitation measures.
  5. Work on preparing a personnel base of specialists working with people with disabilities:
    • education;
    • stimulation for professional activities;
    • advanced training.
  6. Employment of citizens from among persons with physical disabilities.
  7. Providing medical institutions with specialized equipment to serve patients with disabilities, increasing the number of medical and social examination bureaus.
Without public support, the effectiveness of the program will be low. It is necessary for the whole society to work on the implementation of the state program.

Issues of financing the Federal Target Program

In the area of ​​funding allocation, the program is based on the principles of co-financing. That is, money is allocated from the federal and regional budgets. Currently, the following rule for injecting funds from the center applies:

  1. Subjects with the share of subsidies from the federal budget in the last three years at the level of 40% or lower receive no more than 95% for the implementation of Federal Target Program activities;
    • these include: the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.
  2. Others - no more than 70%.
In 2019, an amount of 50,683,114.5 thousand rubles was planned to finance events. For comparison: previously 47,935,211.5 thousand rubles were allocated.

Subroutines of the "Accessible Environment"

Complex tasks must be divided into segments in order to specify and detail their implementation.

For this purpose, the following subprograms are allocated in the Federal Targeted Program:

  1. Ensuring conditions for the accessibility of priority facilities and services in priority areas of life for people with disabilities and other low-mobility groups. Including:
  • creating conditions for educating citizens about disability issues and eliminating barriers in relationships with other people;
  • ensuring the accessibility of disabled people to facilities and services in the most important areas of life for people with disabilities and low-mobility groups (social protection, healthcare, culture, education, transport, information and communications, physical culture and sports);
  • formation of a methodological basis to ensure accessibility to priority facilities and services for people with disabilities.
  1. Improving the comprehensive system of rehabilitation and habilitation for people with disabilities. Namely:
    • determining the needs of disabled people for rehabilitation and habilitation activities;
    • creating conditions for increasing the level of professional development and employment of people with disabilities;
    • formation and maintenance of the regulatory, legal and methodological framework for organizing a system of comprehensive rehabilitation and habilitation for people with disabilities. Particular attention is planned to be paid to disabled children;
    • creating conditions for the development of a comprehensive system of rehabilitation and habilitation for people with disabilities;
    • formation of a modern industry for the production of goods for people with disabilities.
  2. Improving the state system of medical and social examination:
    • development and implementation of objective methods of medical examination;
    • increasing the accessibility and quality of the provision of public services of medical and social examination.
By 2016, the share of facilities accessible to people with disabilities increased to 45% (compared to 12% in 2010). Over the five years of its existence, the program has made it possible to modernize over 18,000 socially significant facilities for them to suit the needs and physical capabilities of people with disabilities.

Interim results of the implementation of the Federal Target Program “Accessible Environment”

The implementation of such a complex task as bringing the quality of life of disabled people to the level of a healthy citizen is a labor-intensive process.

Sometimes it seems that it will not be possible to fully achieve the stated goal.

However, reality shows shifts in public consciousness in the right direction.

  1. Enterprises that employ disabled people function normally.
  2. The number of rehabilitation centers has increased in the country.
  3. People with disabilities are increasingly taking part in public events. They stop being ashamed of injuries.
  4. Traffic lights with sound signals, signs and signs for the visually impaired have appeared on the streets of cities and towns.
  5. There are TV channels with sign language interpretation.
  6. The platforms of the capital's metro are designed so that wheelchair users can safely enter the carriage.
  7. Sound warnings about stops are being introduced on public transport, etc.
Other federal programs also include elements of improving the lives of people with disabilities and preventing the birth of children with disabilities. That is, the government is taking an integrated approach to solving the stated problems. Important: in October 2017, the Russian Government took another step towards the implementation of these programs. In particular, control and supervision over ensuring accessibility of social infrastructure facilities (communications) for persons with disabilities has been transferred to Roskomnadzor.

What is being done for disabled children

In the Russian Federation, about 1.5 million children have disabilities. Some of them study in specialized educational institutions (90%). And this, in turn, creates barriers to their social adaptation.

Children are deprived of the opportunity to communicate with healthy peers, which makes it difficult for the younger generation to perceive their problems normally without deviations. However, attempts to organize joint training did not show positive results.

Other types of support for disabled children are being developed in the regions:

  1. A local program to create barrier-free education is being implemented in Tambov. It includes about 30 schools that provide inclusive education.
  2. In some regions, at the expense of local budgets:
    • Specialized equipment is constantly purchased and sent to schools;
    • Buildings are being reconstructed to make them easier to use by children with disabilities.
  3. Personnel training is centrally organized to work with such citizens in the following areas:
    • speech therapy;
    • oligophrenopedagogy;
    • deaf pedagogy and others.
Children suffer from awareness of their inferiority more than adults. One encouraging smile or word from a stranger means much more to such a child than all the active work of officials.

Intermediate successes of the regions

At the level of federal subjects, work is also underway to create decent conditions for people with disabilities.

For example:

  1. In some areas of the capital, buildings adapted for the lives of wheelchair users are being built. The houses are equipped with wide lifts and non-standard doorways. Toilets and bathrooms in the apartments are equipped with specialized devices that allow disabled people to use the facilities independently.
  2. In Ulan-Ude, an entire residential building has been designed for people with disabilities.

The building is adapted to meet the needs of people with disabilities.

Latest changes

Changes have been made to the subprogram on improving ITU quality criteria: it has been supplemented with the possibility of conducting an independent assessment of the quality of services provided by ITU federal institutions. The procedure for subsidizing regional budgets within the framework of this program and the formula for calculating allocated subsidies have also changed.

Work on social adaptation of disabled people continues. This is not to say that it is close to completion. There is still a lot to be done. And not only the government and departments. Much also depends on the citizens themselves, both healthy and disabled.

In February 2018, the Accessible Environment program was extended until 2025.

In June 2019, legal (administrative) liability was introduced for failure by officials to fulfill their duties to issue orders to eliminate offenses in the field of social protection of people with disabilities. In particular, Chapters 23 and 28 of the Code of Administrative Offenses have been amended RF

1. Priorities and goals of state policy in the field of social protection of people with disabilities in the Russian Federation, including general requirements for state policy of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

In the Russian Federation there are currently about 13 million people with disabilities, which is about 8.8 percent of the country's population, and more than 40 million people with limited mobility - 27.4 percent of the population.

In 2008, the Russian Federation signed and in 2012 ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities of December 13, 2006 (hereinafter referred to as the Convention), which is an indicator of the country’s readiness to create conditions aimed at complying with international standards of economic, social, legal and other rights of persons with disabilities .

The implementation of the Program activities in the North Caucasus Federal District will ensure:

carrying out a set of measures for retrofitting, adapting priority facilities and services of social, transport and engineering infrastructures in priority areas of life for people with disabilities and other low-mobility groups for unhindered access;

creating conditions for disabled children to receive education in the system of regular educational organizations;

strengthening the material and technical base of sports organizations in adaptive physical culture and sports in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

implementation of the right of disabled people to rehabilitation and to provision of technical means of rehabilitation;

providing social guarantees to disabled people (providing technical means of rehabilitation);

creation of a network of basic professional educational organizations in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

activities of medical and social examination institutions.

In accordance with the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation, responsible executors of state programs of the Russian Federation need to include in state programs measures to create a barrier-free environment for people with disabilities and other groups of the population with limited mobility.

At the same time, the Program’s activities aimed at creating conditions for the accessibility of priority facilities in priority areas of life for people with disabilities influence the achievement of the goals and objectives of other government programs, taking into account the principle of sectoral affiliation.

In accordance with the Federal Law "On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation", the planning and development of cities and other settlements, the formation of residential and recreational areas, the development of design solutions for new construction and reconstruction of buildings, structures and their complexes, as well as the development and production of transport means of public use, means of communication and information without adaptation of these objects for access to them by disabled people and their use by disabled people are not allowed.

This requirement fully applies to sports facilities during their capital construction and reconstruction, including when organizing work to host the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia. Accessibility of such facilities should be ensured for both disabled spectators and disabled athletes, taking into account the experience of the XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games in Sochi.

In accordance with the Federal Law “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities in Connection with the Ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities”, in order to ensure conditions for accessibility of social, engineering and transport infrastructure facilities for persons with disabilities and conditions for the unimpeded use of services, authorities The executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies approve and implement action plans ("road maps") in the established field of activity to increase the indicators of accessibility of objects and services for people with disabilities. When developing and implementing these action plans (“road maps”), the results, regulatory documents and methodological provisions developed during the implementation of the Program’s activities are taken into account and used.

Thus, the main requirement for the state policy of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is to ensure, on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the implementation of measures aimed at eliminating existing obstacles and barriers, ensuring accessibility of rehabilitation and habilitation for people with disabilities, including disabled children.

For the purposes of the Program, priority areas of life for people with disabilities and other low-mobility groups include: healthcare, culture, transport and pedestrian infrastructure, information and communications, education, social protection, employment, sports and physical education.