Breath test. Functional tests of the respiratory system: what they are and why they are performed. Principles of modern pulse oximetry

The physiological basis for the practical use of these tests are systemic (reflex) and local vascular reactions that occur in response to changes in the chemical (mainly gas) composition of the blood due to forced breathing or changes in the content of oxygen and/or carbon dioxide in the inhaled air. Changes in blood chemistry cause chemoreceptor irritation
ditch of the aortic arch and sinocarotid zone with subsequent reflex changes in the frequency and depth of breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, peripheral resistance and cardiac output. Subsequently, in response to changes in the gas composition of the blood, local vascular reactions develop.
One of the most important factors in the regulation of vascular tone is the level of oxygen. Thus, an increase in oxygen tension in the blood causes contraction of arterioles and precapillary sphincters and restriction of blood flow, sometimes even to its complete cessation, which prevents tissue hyperoxia.
Lack of oxygen causes a decrease in vascular tone and an increase in blood flow, which is aimed at eliminating tissue hypoxia. This effect varies significantly in different organs: it is most pronounced in the heart and brain. It is assumed that adenosine (especially in the coronary bed), as well as carbon dioxide or hydrogen ions, can serve as a metabolic mediator of the hypoxic stimulus. The direct effect of oxygen deficiency on smooth muscle cells can be carried out in three ways: changing the properties of excited membranes, interfering directly with the reactions of the contractile apparatus and influencing the content of energy substrates in the cell.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) has a pronounced vasomotor effect, an increase in which in most organs and tissues causes arterial vasodilation, and a decrease - vasoconstriction. In some organs, this effect is due to a direct effect on the vascular wall, in others (the brain) it is mediated by a change in the concentration of hydrogen ions. The vasomotor effect of CO2 varies significantly in different organs. It is less pronounced in the myocardium, but CO2 has a dramatic effect on brain vessels: cerebral blood flow changes by 6% with a change in CO2 tension in the blood for every mmHg. from normal level.
With severe voluntary hyperventilation, a decrease in the level of CO2 in the blood leads to such pronounced cerebral vasoconstriction that cerebral blood flow can be halved, resulting in loss of consciousness.
The hyperventilation test is based on hypocapnia, hypersympathicotonia, respiratory alkalosis with a change in the concentration of potassium, sodium, magnesium ions, a decrease in hydrogen content and an increase in calcium content in the smooth muscle cells of the coronary arteries, which causes an increase in their tone and can provoke coronary spasm.
The indication for the test is suspicion of spontaneous angina.
Methodology. The test is performed early without medication
in the morning, on an empty stomach, with the patient lying down. The subject performs intense and deep breathing movements at a frequency of 30 breaths per minute for 5 minutes until a feeling of dizziness appears. Before the test, during the study and for 15 minutes after it (possibility of delayed reactions), an ECG is recorded in 12 leads and blood pressure is recorded every 2 minutes.
The test is considered positive when an ST segment shift of the “ischemic” type appears on the ECG.
In healthy people, hemodynamic changes during hyperventilation consist of an increase in heart rate, IOC, a decrease in OPSS and multidirectional changes in blood pressure. It is believed that alkalosis and hypocapnia play a role in increasing heart rate and IOC. The decrease in OPSS during forced breathing depends on the vasodilatory effect of hypocapnia and on the ratio of constrictor and dilating adrenergic effects realized through α- and β2-adrenergic receptors, respectively. Moreover, the severity of these hemodynamic reactions was more pronounced in young men.
In patients with coronary artery disease, hyperventilation contributes to a decrease in coronary blood flow due to vasoconstriction and an increase in the affinity of oxygen for hemoglobin. In this regard, the test can cause an attack of spontaneous angina in patients with severe atherosclerotic stenosis of the coronary arteries. In identifying coronary artery disease, the sensitivity of the test with hyperventilation is 55-95%, and according to this indicator it can be considered an alternative method to the test with ergometrine when examining patients with cardiovascular pain syndrome resembling spontaneous angina.
Hypoxemic (hypoxic) tests simulate situations in which the demand for myocardial blood flow increases without increasing the work of the heart, and myocardial ischemia occurs when there is a sufficient volume of coronary blood flow. This phenomenon occurs in cases where the extraction of oxygen from the blood reaches a limit, for example, when the oxygen content in arterial blood decreases. It is possible to simulate changes in the gas composition of a person’s blood in laboratory conditions using so-called hypoxemic tests. These tests are based on an artificial reduction in the partial fraction of oxygen in the inhaled air. Oxygen deficiency in the presence of coronary pathology contributes to the development of myocardial ischemia and is accompanied by hemodynamic and local vascular reactions, and an increase in heart rate occurs parallel to a decrease in oxygenation.
Indications. These tests can be used to assess the functional capacity of the coronary vessels, the state of coronary blood flow and to identify hidden coronary insufficiency. However, here
we must admit the validity of D.M. Aronov’s opinion that at present, due to the advent of more informative methods, hypoxemic tests have lost their importance in identifying ischemic heart disease.
Contraindications. Hypoxemic tests are unsafe and contraindicated in patients who have recently suffered a myocardial infarction, with congenital and acquired heart defects, pregnant women, those suffering from severe pulmonary emphysema or severe anemia.
Methodology. There are many ways to artificially create a hypoxic (hypoxemic) state, but their fundamental difference lies only in the CO2 content, so the samples can be divided into two options: 1) a test with dosed normocapnic hypoxia; 2) tests with dosed hypercapnic hypoxia. When performing these tests, it is necessary to have an oximeter or oxygenograph to record the degree of decrease in arterial blood oxygen saturation. In addition, ECG (12-lead) and blood pressure monitoring is carried out.

  1. Breathing a mixture with a reduced oxygen content. According to the method developed by R. Levy, the patient is given a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen to breathe (10% oxygen and 90% nitrogen), while CO2 is removed from the exhaled air with a special absorber. Blood pressure and ECG values ​​are recorded at 2-minute intervals for 20 minutes. At the end of the test, the patient is inhaled pure oxygen. If pain in the heart area occurs during the study, the test is stopped.
  2. To conduct a hypoxic test, a serial hypoxicator GP10-04 from Hypoxia Medical (Russia-Switzerland) can be used, which allows one to obtain respiratory gas mixtures with a given oxygen content. The device is equipped with a monitoring system for assessing hemoglobin oxygen saturation. When carrying out this test in our studies, the oxygen content in the inhaled air was reduced by 1% every 5 minutes, reaching a 10% concentration, which was maintained for 3 minutes, after which the test was stopped.
  3. Achieving hypoxemia can be achieved by reducing the partial pressure of oxygen in the pressure chamber with a gradual decrease in atmospheric pressure, corresponding to a decrease in oxygen in the inspired air. A controlled decrease in oxygen tension in arterial blood can reach a level of 65%.
It should be noted that in patients with ischemic heart disease, ECG changes after a hypoxemic test were noted only in 21% of cases.
Tests with dosed hypercapnic and hypoxic effects are based on a gradual increase in CO2 concentration and a decrease in oxygen content in the inhaled air. In our study, three methods for modeling hypercapnic hypertrophy were used.
  1. Rebreathing method. To conduct this study, we developed a 75 L closed circuit in which the patient, reservoir and gas analyzer are connected in series using a system of hoses and valves. To calculate the volume of the tank, we used the formula:
V = a x t: (k - Ts),
where V is the volume of the tank (l); a - average oxygen consumption by the body (l/min); t - time (min); k - oxygen content in atmospheric air (%); k1 is the desired level of oxygen reduction in the inhaled air (%).
The closed tidal volume calculated in this way made it possible to achieve a decrease in the oxygen level to 14-15% in 20-30 minutes with an increase in CO2 to 3-4%, thus creating the conditions for testing the functional state of the subject’s oxygen transport system. It should be noted that such levels of hypoxia and hypercapnia were achieved gradually, and almost all patients adapted well to changes in the gas composition in the inspired air.
Table 4.6
Changes in oxygen tension (pOg) and carbon dioxide tension (pCOg) in arterialized capillary blood during respiratory tests (M + m).

Breath tests



Hyperventilation test (n=12)

- initial state



- sample peak



Normocapnic hypoxia using a hypoxicator (n=40) - initial state



- sample peak



Hypercapnic hypoxia: rebreathing method (n=25)

- initial state



- sample peak



Hypercapnic hypoxia: 7% CO2 inhalation method (n=12)

- initial state



- sample peak



Hypercapnic hypoxia: method of breathing through additional dead space (n=12) - initial state



- sample peak



Note: asterisks indicate the reliability of differences in indicators compared to their initial value: * - рlt;0.05; ** - plt;0.01.

During the test, the partial pressure of oxygen in the alveolar air, indicators of pulmonary ventilation, central hemodynamics and ECG were monitored in monitor mode. In the initial state and at the peak of the sample, samples of arterialized capillary blood were taken, in which the oxygen tension (pO2) and carbon dioxide (pCO2) of arterialized capillary blood were determined using the Astrup micromethod (BMS-3 analyzer, Denmark).
The test was stopped when the oxygen content in the inhaled air decreased to 14%, the minute breathing volume reached 40-45% of its proper maximum value and, in isolated cases, when the subject refused to perform the test. It should be noted that when using this test in 65 patients with coronary artery disease and 25 healthy individuals, in no case was an attack of angina or ECG changes of the “ischemic” type recorded.

  1. Breathing through additional dead space. It is known that in humans the normal volume of dead space (nasopharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and bronchioles) is 130-160 ml. An artificial increase in the volume of dead space complicates the aeration of the alveoli, while in the inhaled and alveolar air the partial pressure of CO2 increases, and the partial pressure of oxygen decreases. In our study, to conduct a hypercapnic-hypoxic test, additional dead space was created by breathing using a mouthpiece through an elastic horizontal tube (hose from a gas spiro analyzer) with a diameter of 30 mm and a length of 145 cm (volume about 1000 ml). The test duration was 3 minutes, instrumental control methods and test termination criteria were the same as for the rebreathing test.
  2. CO2 inhalation can be used as a stress test to assess vascular reactivity. In our study, a gas mixture with 7% CO2 content was dosed according to the float level in the rotameter of the domestic RO-6R anesthesia apparatus. The test was carried out in a horizontal position of the subject. Inhalation of atmospheric air (containing 20% ​​oxygen) with the addition of 7% CO2 was carried out continuously using a mask. The duration of the test was 3 minutes, the control methods and evaluation criteria were similar to the tests described above. It should be noted that there was quite pronounced reflex hyperventilation, which developed 1-2 minutes from the start of the test. Before the study and after 3 minutes, samples of arterialized capillary blood were taken from the finger.
In table 4.6 shows the results of a comparative analysis of the blood gas composition during respiratory tests.
It can be seen that hyperventilation is the antipode in comparison with hy-
poxic normocapnic, hypoxic hypercapnic and hypercapnic normoxic tests. When using a hypoxicator, the decrease in oxygen content in the blood was not accompanied by hypercapnia due to the removal of CO2 from the exhaled air by a special absorber. CO2 inhalation, causing natural hypercapnia, was not accompanied by hypoxia; on the contrary, the oxygen content in the blood increased due to forced respiration. The methods of recurrent breathing and breathing with additional dead space caused unidirectional shifts in the blood gas composition, differing in the duration of the procedure and the subjective tolerance of the subjects.
Thus, to assess vascular reactivity, a test with hyperventilation, simulating hyperoxia and hypoxia, and a test with breathing through additional dead space, in which hypercapnia and hypoxia are disturbing factors, can be used.

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Functional tests assessing the state of the nervous system

Romberg test

They suggest standing with your feet closed, your head raised, your arms extended forward and your eyes closed.

The test can be made more difficult by placing your legs one after the other in one line, or you can test this position by standing on one leg.

Finger-nose test

From an outstretched arm position, the examinee places his finger on the tip of the nose with his eyes closed.

Heel-knee test

Place your heel on the knee of the opposite leg and move it along the shin in a lying position with your eyes closed.

Wojacek's test

The subject sits in a chair with his head tilted 90 0 and his eyes closed. Performs 5 rotations in 10 seconds.

After a five-second pause, the subject is asked to raise his head. Before and after rotation, the pulse is counted and blood pressure is measured.

Assessment: three degrees of severity of reaction to rotation:

1 - weak (torso thrust in the direction of rotation);

2 - medium (obvious tilt of the body);

3 - strong (tendency to fall).

At the same time, vegetative symptoms are assessed: paleness of the face, cold sweat, nausea, vomiting, increased heart rate, changes in blood pressure.

VNIIFK sample

After measuring blood pressure and pulse, the subject is asked to perform a task on accuracy and coordination, then he tilts his torso 90 0 anteriorly, closes his eyes and rotates around its axis with the help of a doctor.

Rotation speed is 1 revolution per 2 s. After 5 rotations, the athlete maintains the tilted position for 5 seconds, then straightens up and opens his eyes. After counting the pulse, measuring blood pressure and studying nystagmus, they are again asked to perform the same set of movements as before the rotation. The less the accuracy of the given movements is disrupted and the pulse and blood pressure values ​​change, the higher the training of the vestibular apparatus.

Yarotsky's test

The subject takes the position of the main stance, rotates his head in one direction at a speed of 2 rotations per 1 second. The time during which the subject maintains balance is recorded.

The norm for untrained people is at least 27 seconds, for athletes it is higher.

Orthostatic test

It is used to study the functional state of the autonomic nervous system and its sympathetic division. After a 5-minute stay in a horizontal position, the subject's pulse is determined at 10-second intervals, and blood pressure is measured. Then the subject stands up, and in a standing position, count the pulse for 10 seconds and measure blood pressure. With normal excitability of the sympathetic department, the heart rate increases by 20-25% of the initial one. Higher numbers indicate increased (unfavorable) excitability of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. Blood pressure is normal when standing up, compared with the data in a horizontal position, changes little. Systolic pressure fluctuates within ±10 mmHg. Art., diastolic - ±5 mm Hg. Art.

Clinostatic test

Used to study the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. After 5 minutes of adaptation in a standing position, blood pressure and pulse are measured, then the subject lies down. Pulse and blood pressure are recorded again. Normally, the decrease in heart rate when moving to a horizontal position is no more than 6-12 beats. per minute, while a slower pulse indicates a predominance of parasympathetic influences. Blood pressure ±10 mm Hg. Art. - systolic, ±5 mm Hg. Art. - diastolic.

Aschner's test

With the subject lying down, we press on the eyeballs for 15-20 s. The pulse normally decreases by 6-12 beats. 1 min from the initial one, which indicates normal excitability of the autonomic nervous system.

Tests to assess the functional state of the respiratory system

Stange test

The person being examined in a sitting position, after a short rest (3-5 minutes), takes a deep breath and exhales, and then inhales again (but not maximally) and holds his breath. We use a stopwatch to record the time we hold our breath. For men it is at least 50c, for women it is at least 40c. For athletes, this time ranges from 60 seconds to several minutes. For children 6 years old: boys - 20c, girls - 15c, 10 years old: boys -35c, girls - 20c.

Genchi test

In a sitting position after rest, the subject takes several deep breaths and holds his breath as he exhales (not maximally). In healthy, untrained individuals, the breath holding time is 25-30 seconds, in athletes - 30-90 seconds.

Stange's and Genchi's tests allow one to assess the body's ability to tolerate hypoxia and are used for medical monitoring in CT scans, recreational physical training, and mass sports. In case of diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, or anemia, the time of holding your breath is reduced.

Rosenthal test

Five-fold measurement of vital capacity using a spirometer at 15-second intervals.


  • Vital capacity increases - good;
  • Vital vital capacity does not change from measurement to measurement - satisfactory;
  • Vital capacity decreases - unsatisfactory.

Combined Serkin test

Consists of 3 phases.

  • 1st phase - holding your breath while inhaling (sitting),
  • 2nd phase - holding your breath while inhaling immediately after 20 squats in 30 seconds,
  • 3rd phase - holding your breath while inhaling after 1 minute of rest.
The results are assessed according to the table.

Breath holding time indicators are normal (Serkin test)

Pirogova L.A., Ulashchik V.S.

Stange's test. After a normal inhalation, the subject holds his breath, holding his nose with his fingers. The duration of the breath hold depends on age and varies in healthy children aged 6 to 18 years within 16-55 seconds.

Genchi test. The subject holds his breath as he exhales, holding his nose with his fingers. For healthy schoolchildren, the delay time is 12-13 s. Then dosed walking (44 m for 30 s) is proposed and again a delay at the exit. For healthy schoolchildren, the breath-hold time is reduced by no more than a few hours by 50%.

In addition to the indicated functional tests, others that are not differentiated in terms of age are also widespread.

V.N. Kardashenko, L.P. Kondakova-Varlamova, M.V. Prokhorova, E.P. Stromskaya, Z.F. Stepanova(96b)

29. Study of nutrition for organized groups.
The study of the nutrition of organized groups can be carried out using the balance method, analyzing monthly and annual reports on food consumption. Based on these reports, food consumption per person per day is determined. Next, based on consumption data, the chemical composition and nutritional value of the diet is calculated.
Nutrition studies based on menu layouts are carried out in groups of children and teenagers, provided with round-the-clock meals.

“Guide to laboratory exercises on hygiene of children and adolescents”

V.N. Kardashenko, L.P. Kondakova-Varlamova, M.V. Prokhorova, E.P. Stromskaya, Z.F. Stepanova(105b)

31. Laboratory methods for studying the diets of children and adolescents in organized groups. An in-depth study of nutrition is carried out using a laboratory method, in which, at certain times, for example, within 10 days in each season, the food of the daily diet is examined daily to determine the main indicators of nutritional and biological value. This method of studying nutrition is quite accurate, most reliably reflecting the true quality of nutrition of the children's group being studied. The following method of daily sampling is recommended: - portioned dishes are selected in full, salads, first and third courses, side dishes of at least 100 g; - the sample is taken from the boiler (from the distribution line) with sterile (or boiled) spoons into labeled sterile (or boiled) glass containers with tightly closing glass or metal lids. Samples are stored for at least 48 hours (not counting weekends and holidays) in a special refrigerator or in a specially designated place in the refrigerator at a temperature of +2....+6C. Laboratory control over the fortification of ready-made meals and food products for mass consumption deserves special attention.

Remote stage of the regional forum “Youth and Science”

Full title of the work topic

Study and evaluation of functional tests of the respiratory system in adolescents.

Forum section name

Medicine and health

Type of work

Research work

Alexandrova Svetlana Andreevna

Yarushina Daria Igorevna

Place of study:

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"North Yenisei Secondary School No. 2"


Place of work

MBOU "North Yenisei Secondary School No. 2"


Noskova Elena Mikhailovna biology teacher

Scientific supervisor

Responsible for proofreading the text of the work

email (required)
Contact phone number



Alexandrova Svetlana Andreevna Yarushina Daria Igorevna

MBOU "North Yenisei Secondary School No. 2", 8a grade

Study and evaluation of functional tests of the respiratory system in adolescents

Head: Elena Mikhailovna Noskova, Secondary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 2, biology teacher

The purpose of the scientific work: to learn to objectively assess the state of the adolescent’s respiratory system and the body as a whole and to identify the dependence of its condition on sports activities.

Research methods:

Main results of the scientific research:A person is able to assess the state of his health and optimize his activities. To achieve this, teenagers can acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to enable them to lead a healthy lifestyle.


Our neighbor Yulia had a premature daughter. And from the conversations of adults, all that was heard was that many premature babies die because they do not begin to breathe independently. That a person's life begins with the first cry. We studied the structure of the respiratory system and the concept of vital capacity of the lungs in biology lessons. We also learned that in intrauterine developmentthe lungs do not participate in the act of breathing and are in a collapsed state. Their straightening begins with the child’s first breath, but it does not completely occur immediately, and certain groups of alveoli may remain unstraightened. These children need special care.We were interested in the question. What should this girl do as she gets older so that her lung volume and vital capacity increase?

Relevance of the work.The physical development of children and adolescents is one of the important indicators of health and well-being. But children often suffer from colds, do not play sports, and smoke.

Purpose of the work: learn to objectively assess the state of the adolescent’s respiratory system and the body as a whole and identify the dependence of its condition on sports activities.

To achieve the goal, the following are set: tasks:

- study the literature on the structure and age-related characteristics of the respiratory system in adolescents, on the effect of air pollution on the functioning of the respiratory system;

To assess the state of the respiratory system of two groups of adolescents: actively involved in sports and not involved in sports.

Object of study: school students

Subject of researchstudy of the state of the respiratory system of two groups of adolescents: actively involved in sports and not involved in sports.

Research methods:questionnaire, experiment, comparison, observation, conversation, analysis of activity products.

Practical significance. The results obtained can be used to promote a healthy lifestyle and active participation in such sports: athletics, skiing, swimming

Research hypothesis:

We believe that if during the study we manage to identify a certain positive impact

playing sports on the state of the respiratory system, then it will be possible to promote them

As one of the means of promoting health.

Theoretical part

1. The structure and significance of the human respiratory system.

Breathing is the basis of life of any organism. During respiratory processes, oxygen reaches all cells of the body and is used for energy metabolism - the breakdown of nutrients and the synthesis of ATP. The respiration process itself consists of three stages: 1 - external respiration (inhalation and exhalation), 2 - gas exchange between the alveoli of the lungs and red blood cells, transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood, 3 - cellular respiration - ATP synthesis with the participation of oxygen in mitochondria. The respiratory tract (nasal cavity, larynx, trachea, bronchi and bronchioles) serves to conduct air, and gas exchange occurs between lung cells and capillaries and between capillaries and body tissues. Inhalation and exhalation occur due to contractions of the respiratory muscles - the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm. If the work of the intercostal muscles predominates during breathing, then such breathing is called thoracic (in women), and if the diaphragm is called abdominal (in men).The respiratory center, which is located in the medulla oblongata, regulates respiratory movements. Its neurons respond to impulses coming from the muscles and lungs, as well as to an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood.

The vital capacity of the lungs is the maximum volume of air that can be exhaled after maximum entry.The vital capacity of the lungs is an age-related and functional indicator of the respiratory system.The value of vital capacity normally depends on the sex and age of a person, his physique, physical development, and in various diseases it can decrease significantly, which reduces the patient’s adaptability to performing physical activity. With regular exercise, the vital capacity of the lungs increases, the power of the respiratory muscles, the mobility of the chest, and the elasticity of the lungs increase.The vital capacity of the lungs and its component volumes were determined using a spirometer. A spirometer is available in the medical office of each school.

Practical part

1. Determination of the maximum time for holding the breath during deep inhalation and exhalation (Genchi-Stange test) Stange test:the subject in a standing position inhales, then exhales deeply and inhales again, amounting to 80 - 90 percent of the maximum. The time you hold your breath in seconds is indicated. When examining children, the test is performed after three deep breaths. Genchi test: After a normal exhalation, the person under study holds his breath. The delay time is specified in seconds.

To conduct an experimental study, we selected two groups of eighth-grade volunteers of 10 people each, differing in that in one group there were students actively involved in sports (Table 1), and in the other, indifferent to physical education and sports (Table 2).

Table 1. Group of tested children involved in sports


Subject's name



Height (m.)

Quetelet index

(weight kg/height m2)

N = 20-23





17.14 less than normal



14 years old 2 meats


20.25 norm



14 years 7 months


17.92 less than normal



14 years 3 months


22.59 normal



14 years 5 months


22.49 norm



14 years 2 months


19.39 less than normal



14 years 8 months


20.95 norm



14 years 2 months


21.19 norm



14 years 1 month


21.78 norm



15 years 2 months


21.03 norm


BMI = m| h 2 , where m is body weight in kg, h is height in m. Ideal weight formula: height minus 110 (for teenagers)

Table 2. Group of tested children who do not go in for sports


Subject's name

Age (complete years and months)



Height (m.)

Quetelet index

(weight kg/height m2)

N = 20-25




14 years 7 months


21.35 norm



14 years 1 month


18.13 less than normal



14 years 3 months


19.38 less than normal



14 years 8 months


19.53 less than normal



14 years 9 months

19.19 less than normal



14 years 3 months


16.64 less than normal



14 years 8 months


17.79 less than normal



14 years 8 months


24.80 norm



14 years 3 months


17.68 less than normal



14 years 10 months


15.23 less than normal


Analyzing the table data, we noticed that absolutely all the guys from the group who do not go in for sports have a Quetelet index (weight-height indicator) below the norm, and in terms of physical development the guys have an average level. The guys from the first group, on the contrary, all have a level of physical development above average and 50% of the subjects correspond to the norm according to the mass-height index, the remaining half do not significantly exceed the norm. In appearance, the guys from the first group are more athletic.

U For healthy 14-year-old schoolchildren, the breath-holding time is 25 seconds for boys and 24 seconds for girls.. During the Stange test, the subject holds his breath while inhaling, pressing his nose with his fingers.In healthy 14 year oldsfor schoolchildren, the breath holding time is 64 seconds for boys, 54 seconds for girls. All tests were repeated three times.

Based on the results obtained, the arithmetic mean was found and the data were entered into table No. 3.

Table 3. Results of the Genchi-Stange functional test


Subject's name

Stange test (sec.)

Result evaluation

Genchi test


Result evaluation

Group doing sports


Above normal

Above normal


Above normal

Above normal


Above normal

Above normal


Above normal

Above normal


Above normal

Above normal


Above normal

Above normal


Above normal

Above normal


Above normal

Above normal


Above normal

Above normal


Above normal

Above normal


Below normal

Below normal


Below normal

Below normal


Below normal

Below normal


Below normal

Below normal


Below normal

Below normal


Below normal



Below normal

Above normal


Below normal

Above normal







Everyone in the first group coped with the Genchi test successfully: 100% of the guys showed a result above the norm, and in the second group only 20% showed a result above the norm, 30% corresponded to the norm, and 50%, on the contrary, below the norm.

With the Stange test in the first group, 100% of the children gave results above the norm, and in the second group, 20% managed to hold their breath while inhaling within the normal range, and the remaining group showed results below the norm. 80%

2. Determination of the time of maximum breath holding after dosed exercise (Serkin test)

For a more objective assessment of the state of the respiratory system of the subjects, we conducted another functional test with them - the Serkin test.

After the tests, the results are assessed according to Table 4:

Table 4. These results for the evaluation of the Serkin test

Breath holding at rest, t sec A

Breath holding after 20 squats, t sec.

B – after work

B/A 100%

Breath holding after rest for 1 min, t sec C- after rest

V/A 100%

Healthy, trained

50 – 70

More than 50% of phase 1

More than 100% of phase 1

Healthy, not trained

45 – 50

30 – 50% of phase 1

70 – 100% of phase 1

Hidden circulatory failure

30 – 45

Less than 30% of phase 1

Less than 70% of phase 1

The results obtained from all participants in the experiment are listed in Table 5:

Table 5. Serkin test results


Subject's name

Phase 1 – breath holding at rest, t sec

Holding your breath after 20 squats

Hold your breath after resting for 1 minute

Evaluation of results

T 25 0, sec

% of phase 1

t, sec

% of phase 1

Group doing sports


Healthy, not trained


Healthy and trained


Not well trained


Healthy and trained


Healthy, not trained


Healthy trained


Healthy and trained


Healthy and trained


Healthy, not trained


Healthy, not trained

Non-sports group


Healthy, not trained


Healthy, not trained


Healthy, not trained


Healthy, not trained


Healthy, not trained


Healthy, not trained


Healthy, not trained


Healthy, not trained


Healthy, not trained


Healthy, not trained

Having analyzed the results of both groups, we can say the following:

Firstly, neither the first nor the second group identified children with hidden circulatory failure;

Secondly, all the guys in the second group belong to the “healthy, untrained” category, which in principle was to be expected.

Thirdly, in the group of guys actively involved in sports, only 50% belong to the “healthy, trained” category, and this cannot yet be said about the rest. Although there is a reasonable explanation for this. Alexey participated in the experiment after suffering from an acute respiratory infection.

fourthly, the deviation from normal results when holding the breath after a dosed load can be explained by the general physical inactivity of group 2, which affects the development of the respiratory system


Summing up the results of our research, we would like to note the following:

Experimentally, we were able to prove that playing sports contributes to the development of the respiratory system, since according to the results of the Serkin test, we can say that in 60% of children from group 1, the breath holding time increased, which means that their respiratory system is more prepared for stress;

Genchi-Stange functional tests also showed that the guys from group 1 were in a more advantageous position. Their indicators are above the norm for both samples, 100% and 100%, respectively.

The young mother's newborn girl survived. She was even on artificial ventilation. After all, breathing is the most important function of the body, affecting physical and mental development. Premature babies are at risk for pneumonia.

A well-developed respiratory apparatus is a reliable guarantee of the full functioning of cells. After all, it is known that the death of body cells is ultimately associated with a lack of oxygen in them. On the contrary, numerous studies have established that the greater the body’s ability to absorb oxygen, the higher a person’s physical performance. A trained external respiration apparatus (lungs, bronchi, respiratory muscles) is the first stage on the path to improved health. Therefore, in the future we will advise her to go in for sports.

To strengthen and develop the respiratory system, it is necessary to exercise regularly.


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4. Fedorova M.Z. V.S. Kuchmenko T.P. Lukina. Human ecology Culture of health Moscow 2003 pp. 66-67

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Breath is a single process carried out by an integral organism and consisting of three inextricable links: a) external respiration, i.e. gas exchange between the external environment and the blood of the pulmonary capillaries; b) transfer of gases carried out by circulatory systems; c) internal (tissue) respiration, i.e. gas exchange between blood and cells, during which cells consume oxygen and release carbon dioxide. The basis of tissue respiration is complex redox reactions, accompanied by the release of energy that is necessary for the life of the body. The functional unity of all parts of the respiratory system, ensuring the delivery of oxygen to tissues, is achieved through fine neurohumoral and reflex regulation.
Dynamic spirometry– determination of changes in vital capacity under the influence of physical activity ( Shafransky's test). Having determined the initial value of vital capacity at rest, the subject is asked to perform dosed physical activity - a 2-minute run in place at a pace of 180 steps/min while lifting the hip at an angle of 70-80°, after which vital capacity is determined again. Depending on the functional state of the external respiratory and circulatory systems and their adaptation to the load, vital capacity may decrease (unsatisfactory assessment), remain unchanged (satisfactory assessment) or increase (assessment, i.e. adaptation to the load, good). We can talk about reliable changes in vital capacity only if it exceeds 200 ml.
Rosenthal test- five-fold measurement of vital capacity, carried out at 15-second intervals. The results of this test make it possible to assess the presence and degree of fatigue of the respiratory muscles, which, in turn, may indicate the presence of fatigue of other skeletal muscles.
The results of the Rosenthal test are assessed as follows:
- increase in vital capacity from the 1st to the 5th measurement - excellent rating;
- vital capacity does not change - good assessment;
- vital capacity decreases by up to 300 ml - satisfactory assessment;
- vital capacity decreases by more than 300 ml - unsatisfactory assessment.
Shafransky sample consists of determining vital capacity before and after standard physical activity. The latter involves climbing a step (22.5 cm in height) for 6 minutes at a pace of 16 steps/min. Normally, vital capacity remains virtually unchanged. With a decrease in the functionality of the external respiration system, vital capacity values ​​decrease by more than 300 ml.
Hypoxic tests make it possible to assess human adaptation to hypoxia and hypoxemia.
Genchi test- registration of breath holding time after maximum exhalation. The subject is asked to take a deep breath, then exhale as much as possible. The subject holds his breath with his nose and mouth pinched. The time you hold your breath between inhalation and exhalation is recorded.
Normally, the value of the Genchi test in healthy men and women is 20-40 s and for athletes – 40-60 s.
Stange test- the time of holding the breath during a deep breath is recorded. The subject is asked to inhale, exhale, and then inhale at a level of 85-95% of the maximum. Close your mouth, pinch your nose. After exhalation, the delay time is recorded.
The average values ​​of the Stange test for women are 35-45 s, for men – 50-60 s, for athletes – 45-55 s and more, for athletes – 65-75 s and more.