An effective anesthetic gel for teeth. Drugs for toothache - review of drug groups Dental ointment

If toothache catches you at work, at night or on a holiday, we will tell you how to relieve this symptom and wait comfortably for an appointment with the dentist, choosing the appropriate drug for severe or moderate dentalgia.

But do not forget that dentistry is an area of ​​medicine where pharmacological treatment is practically not used. And for toothache there is only one cure - surgical removal of the source of infection in the diseased tooth, followed by its restoration with artificial materials.

Painkillers: the opinion of dentists

Dentists are not particularly fond of painkillers: when carrying out a simple dental procedure, they suggest doing without them and, if possible, use dental treatment methods without a drill.

This is due to the pharmacodynamics of analgesics. By inhibiting the production of “pain enzymes”, prostaglandins at the site of inflammation, analgesics simultaneously affect other organs and systems of our body, which leads to side effects:

  • disruption of water-salt metabolism, due to which excess fluid accumulates in the body;
  • surges in blood pressure;
  • changes in the threshold of pain sensitivity;
  • dehydration of the mucous membranes of the eyes, blurred vision;
  • increased risk of blood clots and blood clotting disorders.

For this reason, we recommend starting the fight against toothache by rinsing with a solution of salt or soda (1 teaspoon per glass of warm water), and only then start taking tablets.

Tablets for mild and moderate dentalgia

Taking a loading dose of an analgesic reduces the pain sensitivity threshold: so, during the next attack, the painkiller may be ineffective, and the anesthetic injection may not have an effect.

In order not to harm yourself before the inevitable trip to the dentist, it is advisable to limit yourself to taking one of the medications for mild to moderate toothache. They will help relieve an attack of chronic pulpitis, inflammation of the gums and caries.


Inexpensive, safe and effective pain reliever, non-narcotic analgesic.

Paracetamol (acetaminophen) blocks pain receptors at the nervous system level and does not affect pain centers in the brain. This means that it does not have the side effects characteristic of mega-powerful painkillers - it does not depress breathing and does not affect the functioning of the heart.

A paracetamol tablet will relieve you of aching pain in a tooth with medium and deep caries.


Analogues: Nurofen, Imet

Tablets for dentalgia from the group of NSAIDs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition to pain relief, they also have an anti-inflammatory effect. Ibuprofen will help with tooth pain, accompanied by hyperthermia and inflammation of the periodontal tissues.

Aching pain will be relieved by one tablet containing 200 mg of the active ingredient, ibuprofen. If necessary, the dose is increased to 400 mg, but not more than 800 mg per day.


Analogues: Askofen, Excedrin

A “head pain” tablet, which is found in every first aid kit, will also help with toothache!

Citramon contains paracetamol and aspirin, which mutually enhance each other's analgesic effect, plus caffeine, which will tone the blood vessels and relieve drowsiness - a side effect of analgesics.

For dentalgia, it is recommended to take 2 Citramon tablets at once. But it is strictly forbidden to combine this drug with alcohol and alcohol-containing tinctures: even a few grams of alcohol with Citramon, Askofen or Excedrin can provoke gastric bleeding.


One of the most popular painkillers in everyday life: as research shows, about 80 billion aspirin tablets are consumed annually in the world!

Acetylsalicylic acid, unlike other NSAIDs, acts on the problem area in the tooth itself, focally - reduces the severity of inflammation and relieves pain. Her tablets will relieve unpleasant symptoms of pulpitis, inflammation of the neurovascular bundle of the tooth.

A combination of two analgesics at once - paracetamol and diclofenac, which enhances the analgesic effect. Fanigan, among other things, also has an anti-edematous effect: it unloads collagen and fibrin fibers, which swell during inflammation.

Fanigan's tablet can be taken for dentalgia, accompanied by swelling of the soft tissues of the face, as well as for enlarged lymph nodes and sore throat caused by the eruption of the 8th wisdom tooth.

Analgesic tablets are made on the basis of acids, and most of them have an irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, before taking a painkiller, it is advisable to eat something; if the tooth hurts badly, “put” at least yogurt on the bottom of the stomach.

Extra remedies for severe toothache

The heavy artillery of painkillers - tablets Ketanov, Nimesulide, Tempalgin and Flamidez - should be used only in extreme cases, when toothache is truly unbearable. For example, with acute pulpitis and periodontitis, inflammation of the trigeminal nerve - diseases that are characterized by attacks of pulsating, severe dentalgia at night.


Analogues: Ketorol, Dolak, Ketalgin, Toradol

One of the strongest painkillers, ketorolac (the active ingredient of Ketanov tablets) is used in the postoperative period, for injuries and severe toothache caused by periodontitis, pericoronitis or pulpitis.

Like other NSAIDs, ketorolac blocks the production of pain enzymes - prostaglandins, but slows down kidney function. Less blood is filtered and more harmful substances accumulate in the body, so people with kidney failure should not take Ketanov.

A single dose of the drug is 1 tablet of 10 mg, for severe pain, take every 4-6 hours, but not more than 90 mg, 9 tablets per day.


Analogues: Analgin, Baralgin

The active ingredient in “green tablets” is metamizole sodium, which has a strong analgesic and weak anti-inflammatory effect.

Tempalgin also contains a tranquilizer - the sedative tempidon, which will help you relax and fall asleep after an exhausting attack of toothache at night.

By the way, metamizole sodium does not irritate the gastric mucosa and does not affect water-salt metabolism in the body. Therefore, it is suitable for elderly people and patients prone to gastrointestinal disorders.


A combined drug from the NSAID group, it consists of the analgesics diclofenac and paracetamol, as well as the decongestant serratiopeptidase.

Flamidez has a powerful analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect, and helps relieve swelling. Dentists prescribe Flamidez tablets to relieve pain after tooth extraction, in the complex treatment of alveolar abscesses, purulent inflammation in the root periosteum.

Dosage – 1 tablet twice or thrice a day.

Analogs: Nise, Nimid

A synthetic drug from the NSAID group with strong analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties.

A Nimesulide tablet can be taken in case of acute pain, during a night attack of dentalgia, after tooth extraction and radiating pain due to inflammation of the trigeminal nerve.

The drug does not have a toxic effect with long-term use and is often prescribed to older people. The exception is patients with heart failure, bronchial asthma and liver disease - they cannot take Nimesulide.

All strong analgesics are prohibited for children under 14 years of age, pregnant and lactating women.

It is impossible to experiment and combine the use of several drugs per day - for example, Aspirin tablets, and after 4 hours Ketanov, according to the principle of “what is more effective”! This can cause hepatic coma and kidney dysfunction.


If the budget for “symptomatic therapy” is tight, take tablets from the “list of necessary and vital medicines of the Russian Federation”: Paracetamol (about 40 rubles), Ibuprofen (38 rubles), Acetylsalicylic acid (from 20 rubles) or Ketorolac (26 rubles).

Drugs from foreign manufacturers will cost more: Nise - from 200 rubles, Aspirin Cardio - from 80 rubles, Tempalgin - 130 rubles, Ketanov - about 60 rubles, Nurofen - 90 rubles.

All medications have contraindications. Before use, carefully read the instructions and consult your doctor.

An analgesic will relieve you of toothache for several hours, but will not eliminate its cause. Only a good dentist can do this. We recommend contacting him in order to avoid the recurrence of even more severe attacks of dentalgia.

An indispensable assistant in the work of a dentist is ointments (gels) for teeth and gums. It is various medicinal dental ointments that make it possible to treat and prevent many diseases, such as gingivitis, periodontitis, etc. Ointments relieve pain, ease teething sensations in children, relieve inflammation, relieve bleeding, and strengthen tissues.

Recently, dentists prefer to prescribe gels rather than ointments. This is due to the fact that the ointment has a rather greasy structure, which is why it does not adhere well to the surface of the gums. In addition, medicinal elements penetrate deep into the tissue much more slowly, which slows down treatment.

The gel is absorbed much faster into the tissues of the oral cavity, so the effect of treatment with gels occurs much faster.

Note that many external preparations are usually called one word - ointment. Therefore, when purchasing a product for the prevention and treatment of various oral diseases, you need to carefully look at the name of the drug and its properties. In this article we will use the words “gel” and “ointment” as identical concepts.

Benefits of ointments

There are quite a few advantages of medicinal gels, but we will highlight two main ones:

  1. The components of ointments act faster than tablets, as they penetrate directly into the site of inflammation. There are no side effects observed.
  2. Any gel is very easy to use, as it is applied with your finger to the surface of the soft tissues of the oral cavity.

Now let's take a closer look at the types of ointments.

Pain relieving ointments

No one is immune from toothache. Pain can strike at the most unexpected moment. Therefore, you need to know in advance the medications to relieve discomfort. You can, of course, use tablets, but they act very slowly.

The best option would be an anesthetic gel that penetrates the tooth tissue and acts within five minutes. Such quick help will be very useful, because it will help you hold on until you go to the dental clinic.

Among the ointments for toothache, which have a faster and more effective effect, the following can be distinguished:

  1. "Holisal"- an ointment that blocks pain with lidocaine hydrochloride. The composition also includes chamomile extract, which has an antiseptic effect. The ointment is easy to apply and does not cause discomfort. Side effects include an allergic reaction to individual components included in the drug. The ointment can be applied several times a day when pain occurs.
  2. "Solcoseryl"- an ointment that perfectly helps not only with pain in the teeth, but also with various mechanical injuries of the oral mucosa. The ointment is applied once a day for very severe pain. The product acts almost instantly, but relieves pain for no more than 40 minutes. If you have an acute toothache, you need to see a dentist as soon as possible.
  3. "Dentol" is a Canadian gel that is suitable for both adults and children. Apply to the gums and mucous membrane. The pain disappears after 10 minutes due to the freezing effect. Has a light fruity smell. That is why parents apply this gel to their child’s gums when teeth begin to cut.
  4. "Kamistad"- cooling gel for pain relief. Good for relieving wisdom teething pain. Many doctors recommend its use during the period of getting used to dentures and braces.
  5. "Metrogil Denta"- analgesic, antimicrobial and antibacterial gel. It is recommended for sharp and severe pain, as it contains strong painkillers: metronidazole and chlorhexidine. It is not recommended to use more than twice a day. Contraindicated for pregnant women.

Anti-inflammatory gels for gums

All of the above gels and ointments are applied to the soft tissues of the oral cavity. They have not only an analgesic effect, but also an anti-inflammatory effect. But it’s worth highlighting a few more dental ointments for gums that should be in your medicine cabinet.

  1. "Asepta"— gel based on propolis. It is good to use to prevent inflammation of the gums and soft tissues. You can find it in the pharmacy balm “Asepta”, which, when applied to the gums, acquires the consistency of a gel. The composition of this balm is almost identical to the composition of the Metrogil Denta gel, so we can say that Asepta has the same effect.
  2. "Periodonticide"- a gel that is applied to inflamed areas of the gums and oral mucosa. The composition includes essential oils that have an antibacterial effect.
  3. "Forest Balm". Dentists recommend using it as a prophylactic and to strengthen gums after the main treatment.

Ointments for dentures

Today on the dental market there are many different creams and gels for fixing dentures. In this article we will not list their names and talk about their advantages.

When installing dentures and at the stage of getting used to wearing them, patients complain of discomfort and pain, as well as inflammation of the gums. In order to get rid of discomfort when wearing dentures, you can use both painkillers and anti-inflammatory ointments. It is best to give preference to cooling and antiseptic gels.

Ointments for cutting teeth

Fever, salivation, aching pain and itching are a small part of the symptoms that are observed in a child when cutting his first milk teeth. During the period of teeth cutting, it is very important to properly care for the gums so that the baby experiences as little discomfort as possible.

Among the best remedies that will help with cutting teeth are the following:

  1. "Kalgel"- a fast-acting gel, but short-term. After application to inflamed tissues of the oral cavity, it begins to act within a minute, but the effect does not last long, about 20 minutes. The gel can be applied up to 6 times a day.
  2. "Kamistad Baby"— the gel has not only an analgesic effect, but also antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. The gel quickly penetrates deep into the gums and acts in just a couple of minutes.
  3. "Holisal"- one of the most effective gels. The components included in the composition not only have an anesthetic effect, but also remove inflammation and kill microbes. This drug is effective for up to three hours.
  4. "Dentinox"- practically no different from other drugs in this line. In addition to pain-relieving components, the gel also contains chamomile extract, which soothes itching in the child’s gums.

To choose the most effective gel, it is best to consult a specialist. Many dentists have found out in practice which gels and ointments have a positive effect during and after treatment.

With the development of various dental diseases, as well as during teething, pain often occurs in the gums, and their sensitivity also increases. Pain-relieving gels, which contain active ingredients that quickly eliminate pain, will help get rid of such symptoms. You can also use ointments.

When might gels be needed?

A numbing gel is often needed to relieve tooth and gum pain that is caused by various oral problems. The main ones include:

  • bleeding gums;
  • injury to the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and their swelling;
  • inflammation developing against the background of an extracted tooth;
  • pain when pressing on the gum tissue and their redness;
  • pain in the gums while eating;
  • itching sensations in the gum tissue and burning.

Teething in a child is a painful process.

Often such problems develop against the background of gingivitis, periodontitis and other diseases. Gels that can quickly eliminate pain are in high demand, as they act locally and become active within a few minutes after use.

The effect lasts about 3-5 hours, depending on the type of drug. The active component quickly penetrates the tissue and eliminates unpleasant symptoms.

Types of gels

Most of the gels that are used to numb gums and teeth contain lidocaine or another anesthetic. You need to apply such creams with a cotton swab or clean hands. All anesthetic gels are divided into three groups.

  • Having a cooling effect. These products contain lidocaine, which acts as an anesthetic. After applying such gels, the analgesic effect occurs within a few minutes and lasts about 8 hours. Such remedies reduce sensitivity in inflamed gums. During lactation, you need to take products with lidocaine half an hour before feeding the baby. The dosage of drugs with lidocaine should be no more than 0.5-1 cm of gel on the surface of the mucous membrane. The cooled problem area of ​​the mucous membrane immediately becomes less sensitive.
  • Anti-inflammatory without lidocaine. Such drugs are considered quite effective and have a minimal list of contraindications. They do not contain an anesthetic, but they can eliminate the inflammatory process and relieve pain in the gums.
  • Homeopathic. Such gels contain herbal components that provide rapid relief from inflammation and pain. It is important to ensure that there is no hypersensitivity to the components, as an allergy may develop.

Before using any of the gels to relieve gum pain, you should consult your doctor.

Teething in children can be made easier with gels


The drug Cholisal is one of the best gels aimed at combating inflammation and pain. Among its main effects are the following:

  • elimination of swelling of the mucous membranes;
  • elimination of pain in the gums;
  • cooling effect;
  • the neck of the teeth is whitened;
  • elimination of microbial activity.

The main active components of the product are cetalkonium chloride and choline salicylate. The analgesic effect occurs almost instantly after applying the gel and lasts for 5-8 hours. The product prevents the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the oral cavity, thereby eliminating inflammation. The drug is often used for unpleasant symptoms during tooth growth. It is important to follow the dosage to avoid negative consequences. Apply a thin layer to problem areas using a washed finger.

Cholisal is an effective drug

The drug is often prescribed to adults for the treatment of gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis, as well as fungal dental diseases. The product helps to quickly cope with pain in the gum tissue.

Dental and Dentol

Now the range of pain-relieving gels is quite extensive. They not only provide relief from pain in the gums, but also relieve inflammation. Dental is a fairly effective remedy. It copes well with pain caused by inflammation in the gum tissue. The active component of this drug is corn oil. As soon as they get on the mucous membranes, a protective lash is formed and they accelerate the regeneration process. Very often the drug is prescribed to patients who wear prosthetic structures. It should be used 3 times a day, applying a thin layer to problem areas.

Gel Dentol for gums

The second anesthetic gel Dentol is able to quickly anesthetize the mucous membranes due to the benzocaine it contains. It becomes active a few minutes after you apply it. You can use this product for no more than a week.

How Asepta can help

Asepta dental gum gel has a large list of positive effects. Its main properties include:

  • anesthetic effect;
  • elimination of inflammation;
  • providing a positive effect during tooth growth;
  • effective therapy of dental diseases;
  • destruction of pathogenic microflora;
  • reduction of bleeding symptoms;
  • decreased sensitivity threshold of teeth and gums;
  • ensuring proper oral hygiene;
  • strengthening gum tissue.

Asepta gel - quick pain relief and therapeutic effect

Special components in the composition act as an antiseptic and also fight germs. The drug is often prescribed to patients who constantly wear dentures. It is complex, so it is in high demand. The product is very easy to use. Brush your teeth thoroughly, rinse your mouth well and dry your gums to ensure good adhesion between the gums and the substance. Then apply a little gel to the problem area and do not eat or drink anything for an hour. You can use Asept up to 3 times a day. It has virtually no side effects or contraindications, quickly eliminating pain. The products also contain vitamins and coenzyme Q 10, which strengthen gum tissue well. Due to its sticky consistency, the gel adheres well to the gum surface, providing long-lasting action.

It is important to follow the dosage and course of treatment.


An anesthetic gel for gums such as Parodontotsid is often used in the treatment of periodontal disease. The gel is prescribed only in extreme cases, with severe inflammation and bleeding of the gums. The active component of the product is phenyl salicylate, which, after contact with the mucous membranes, is converted into salicylic acid.

Gel Parodontocid - inexpensive, but very effective

The drug provides not only pain relief, but also other effects, including:

  • elimination of inflammation;
  • acceleration of mucosal regeneration;
  • suppression of pathogenic microflora;
  • proteolytic action.

Apply the drug with a washed finger or a cotton swab in a small layer to problem areas of the gums.


Another quite effective remedy for getting rid of pain in the gums is Solcoseryl. Its main active component is calf blood dialysate. The use of the gel can provide the following effects:

  • increased number of fibroblasts;
  • restoration of injured mucous membranes;
  • improving oxygen access to cells;
  • providing complete cellular nutrition.

Gel Solcoseryl - combined action

When this gel is applied to the mucous membranes, a foam is formed that protects them from negative factors. Very often, the gel is prescribed for weeping wounds in the mouth. You will feel the analgesic effect literally a few minutes after application. It will last approximately 5 hours. The balm quickly heals wounds and promotes accelerated regeneration. It should be applied in a thin layer, moistening the gums with water.


The drug Kalgel has a cooling effect and quickly eliminates pain. The composition contains an anesthetic – lidocaine hydrochloride. The product is often used for teething, which is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. It acts quickly and retains its freezing effect for a long time. In addition to eliminating pain, the drug also has an antibacterial effect, inhibiting the activity of microbes.

Kalgel is used as an effective remedy for teething

You can use the gel starting from 5-6 months. Apply no more than 6 times a day. It should be used with extreme caution by people who have kidney, heart or liver failure.


The drug Komistad is a combination drug, therefore it has several therapeutic effects. It contains chamomile extract, which provides the following actions:

  • acceleration of tissue regeneration;
  • suppression of the activity of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • elimination of inflammation;
  • improved wound healing.

The second active component lidocaine is responsible for providing the analgesic effect and freezes the gum tissue. The duration of action of the active component is up to 8 hours.

The drug is often used for periodontal disease and even pulpitis, when the painful syndrome can be very pronounced. You need to use the gel up to 3 times a day.

Dentinox and Mundizal

Very often, pain in the gums occurs precisely at the moment of teething. To get rid of it, you can use some types of gels that have an analgesic effect.

  • Dentinox. The active components of the drug are: lidocaine, which acts as an anesthetic, chamomile extract, which has a large list of effects, and polidocanol. You can start using the gel from 4 months. It effectively copes with unpleasant symptoms during teething, as well as in the treatment of diseases that occur with pain in the gums. You need to apply the gel with your finger, after washing your hands well, or with a cotton swab, up to 3 times a day.
  • Mundizal. It is often included in the treatment of stomatitis, gingivitis, cheilitis, periodontitis, and also during tooth growth. To achieve an analgesic effect, the gel must be used up to 3 times a day, applying a thin layer to the affected area. The period of activity of the active ingredient reaches 8 hours. Elimination of pain occurs within a couple of minutes after using the products.

These remedies are quite effective for teething and quickly eliminate pain in the gums.

In addition to gels, you can use gum ointment with an analgesic effect. Before using any of the remedies, you need to consult a doctor, as there may be contraindications. You need to use the products especially carefully when eliminating unpleasant symptoms in children and pregnant women.

Pain-relieving ointments are a step forward in the fight against unpleasant symptoms.

In ancient times, acute toothache was relieved by chewing tarragon branches and applying pieces of raw beets to the inflamed tooth. Nowadays everything is much simpler, and you can always take a suitable painkiller for an exhausting toothache.

Below we will look at which medications will save you from toothache, and also find out which medications are allowed to be used by young children and pregnant women without the risk of complications.

If the toothache is tolerable, you can get by with light painkillers that will help relieve discomfort and hold out until your appointment with the dentist. The following drugs can be used by both adults and children over 6 years old, but in compliance with the dosage according to the instructions.


An anesthetic drug in tablet form, the active ingredients of which are caffeine, aspirin and paracetamol. Helps relieve mild pain and has a mild anti-inflammatory effect. Among the advantages are low price, minimal side effects.


Available in tablet form, the active ingredients are bromide, metamizole sodium and pitofenone hydrochloride. Can be used not only for adults, but also for children over six years of age. It has a good antispasmodic effect and also works as an analgesic. Helps with both mild and moderate pain syndrome.


It is similar in action to spasmalgon, since the active substance is metamizole sodium. An effective medicine for relieving toothache in adults and children over six years of age.


In this group, this is perhaps one of the most effective medicines that perfectly relieves toothache in adults and children. Nurofen can be used in the form of tablets, suspension or suppositories. The active substance is ibuprofen. Contraindicated in patients with kidney, liver and blood diseases.

What “home” remedies, according to dentists, are the most effective and safe for getting rid of toothache?


Prepare an elixir for rinsing by adding 1 teaspoon of salt and 5 drops of iodine to a glass of warm water. The solution will be similar in effectiveness to sea water - it will relieve puffiness, swelling and slightly soothe toothache.


Apply 2-3 drops of mint drops on a small piece of cotton wool (can be replaced with valerian or camphor) and apply to the painful tooth. The essential oils included in the drops will have an antiseptic effect.


Try holding a small amount of vodka or cognac in your mouth. In this case, alcohol will act as an anesthetic and will help relieve discomfort. This is much safer than applying raw lard and other food products to an inflamed tooth.


Wrap a couple of ice cubes in a soft cloth and apply to the cheek on the side of the inflamed tooth. The compress will help relieve inflammation and reduce pain. But doctors do not recommend warm bandages, since heat will only increase swelling and aggravate the inflammatory process.

Medicines to relieve acute toothache in adults

  • Ketanov. The active component of the drug is ketorolac, a substance with a powerful analgesic effect. One tablet is enough for the pain to go away within 20 minutes and not to be felt for 5 hours. Analogs are ketorol or ketolong, which have the same effectiveness, but may differ in price, which is determined by the manufacturing company.
  • Nimesulide. Available in the form of a suspension, tablets or powder, which must be dissolved in a small amount of water. This medicine will help relieve severe toothache, but it should not be used by people with kidney, liver, or heart failure.
  • Pentalgin. This is a combined drug with pronounced antispasmodic and analgesic effects. Active ingredients are metamizole sodium, paracetamol, caffeine, codeine and phenobarbital. The medicine is effective in that it not only eliminates pain, but also, due to the presence of phenobarbital, has a calming and relaxing effect. Contraindicated if you have severe hypertension, ulcers or asthma.
  • Can antibiotics be used to treat toothache?

    Antibiotics are effective in the complex treatment of toothache, especially if there is a strong inflammatory process inside the tooth. Most often, for acute toothache, lincomycin or tsifran are prescribed, which are available in the form of tablets, drops and solution.

    In order for antibiotics to fulfill their function and destroy pathogens at the site of inflammation, it is necessary to strictly observe the duration of administration and dosage. It is not recommended to self-medicate and take antibiotics without a doctor’s prescription!

    Top toothache remedies for children

    If a child under the age of 6 years has a toothache, it is not recommended to use drugs for adults - there are special anti-inflammatory drugs and pain-relieving gels for the little ones.

    Effective gels

    • Cholisal-gel. Thanks to its special texture, the product remains on the surface of the mucous membrane for a long time and acts for three hours, reducing inflammation and pain.
    • Kalgel. The product contains lidocaine and an antiseptic. Works almost instantly, reducing pain and relieving inflammation.
    • Dentinox gel. The product contains a concentrated infusion of chamomile, which stops the inflammatory process; can be used when the baby is teething.

    Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs

    • Paracetamol. Can be used both in the form of tablets and suppositories. For the little ones, pharmacies sell paracetamol-based syrup - Panadol.
    • Ibuprofen. A gentle and effective medicine. Presented in the form of suppositories, as well as syrups - Ibufen, Nurofen, Bofen.

    How to relieve toothache during pregnancy

    During pregnancy, a woman should be especially careful when taking medications, but what to do if the toothache is so severe that you cannot survive until the morning? How to relieve toothache without medications?

    Safe rinses

    • infusion of oregano (in proportions 1:10);
    • baking soda + salt (a teaspoon per glass of warm water);
    • mint drops diluted in a small amount of water;
    • 30% propolis tincture, diluted with water 1:1;
    • any anti-inflammatory herbs (sage, chamomile, St. John's wort).

    If the toothache is severe, you can take the following medications:

    • no-shpa tablets (no more than 2);
    • paracetamol in tablets or rectal suppositories;
    • analgin;
    • ibuprofen (prohibited in the third trimester!).


    Of course, the cost of drugs depends on the manufacturing company, as well as on the pharmacy, so drug prices are indicated for informational purposes only:

    • No-spa (6 tablets of 40 mg) – 67 rubles;
    • paracetamol (10 pieces, 100 mg each) – 7 rubles;
    • ketans (100 pieces, 10 mg each) – 244 rubles;
    • ibuprofen (20 pieces, 400 mg each) – 46 rubles;
    • paracetamol suspension for children (100 ml) – 73 rubles.

    Let us remind you that all medications for toothache relief mentioned in this article are only a temporary measure! Be sure to visit the dentist, even if you feel better, since the inflammatory process often occurs in a latent form, and the consequences of chronic caries or pulpitis can be disastrous.

Almost every person needs ointment for toothache, since dentalgia occurs periodically in many people.

The causes of pain can be different - an undertreated tooth, improper filling, etc.

This article tells you what causes toothache in adults and children, and also tells you which ointments are best to use against it.

Where does toothache come from?

Since teeth have so many nerve endings, they most often hurt. Children and adults experience some discomfort every now and then.

Many people think about how to get rid of unpleasant sensations - some drink painkillers, while others prepare solutions for rinsing.

Sometimes the pain is so severe that a person cannot even lead normal life activities.

The causes of discomfort in adults and children can be completely different. The most common problem is a carious cavity, the development of which can simply not be noticed.

In children it occurs most often and with greater probability, so the child complains of pain in the mouth.

As for adults, having a carious cavity is by no means a common occurrence - many do not properly monitor their dental hygiene.

Most often, toothache occurs when caries is in the middle stage. This is explained by the fact that the disease begins to destroy dentin and gradually reaches the pulp chamber.

The pain in this case is short-lived, with interruptions. If you do not pay attention to the discomfort, the disease will progress to a deep stage.

Then the pain will be felt when brushing, from pieces of food falling on a decayed tooth, or from a sudden change in the temperature of food and drink (for example, hot pizza and cold cola).

If deep caries is not treated in time, the disease will reach the nerves and pulp chamber.

Another disease that can cause pain is pulpitis. During this process, the dental pulp, which contains the nerves, becomes inflamed.

This process is very painful - the enamel reacts to any irritation. When the disease just begins, a person does not feel anything, but as soon as the inflammation progresses to the moderate or severe stage, pain begins.

When acute pulpitis is observed, the tooth reacts to a sudden change in air or food temperature. If the inflammation is not very serious, then the pulp chamber can recover on its own.

But if the pulpitis is very strong, then the pain can be anything - dull, throbbing, localized or general.

A particularly acute form of the disease is inflammation with pus. In this case, the person feels very severe pain, as if the tooth is being torn into pieces. Pain sensations radiate to the ear or eye.

Quite often, people cannot even understand where exactly it hurts, because the discomfort is very strong. With purulent inflammation, most often the pulp chamber dies.

With chronic pulpitis, the pain is also very severe, since this form of the disease is a consequence of an acute type of disease.

In this case, the person feels discomfort when biting, from the cold air. Sometimes bleeding from the pulp is observed.

Pain Remedies

Painful sensations can be softened or eliminated for a long time, this is especially useful for children, because their pain is very severe.

You can take painkillers, but they don't help for long. It is better to buy an ointment to relieve pain or prepare it at home.

The most popular recipe used to reduce pain is a remedy with henbane and datura leaves.

They also add a head of manna, hemp flowers and hop cones. All these components must be mixed in equal proportions and dried.

Then take a teaspoon of the resulting mixture and add 100 ml of water. Then all this must be boiled until the amount of the liquid component decreases by 10 times.

Then you should take a piece of cotton wool or a swab, moisten it with the resulting solution and apply it to the tooth. This procedure must be done several times. You need to hold the cotton wool inside and outside the gums.

Such pain relievers are very suitable for children - they act gently and do not irritate the oral cavity.

You can also buy Traumeel C ointment; it is prepared from natural ingredients. Most often it is bought for children who have toothache. This drug is applied to the gums 3 times a day.

It is best to consult your dentist about ointments. In medicine, a lot of products are used in the form of a gel. The main principle of their action is that the active substances penetrate the enamel and alleviate pain.

Pain-relieving ointments are indicated for use in children who are teething.

Adults need to use such remedies especially when there is inflammation of the mucous membrane. In some cases, ointments are needed when the oral cavity is damaged by dentures.

The most popular gels that can be bought in stores are Cholisal, Kalgel and Kamistad.

The principle of action of the first remedy is based on the anti-inflammatory effect of salicylic acid. In addition, the ointment contains various antiseptics.

The components of Kalgel are cetylpyridinium chloride and lidocaine, which disinfects the tooth.

Kamistad is also a good remedy. It contains lidocaine hydrochloride, which prevents pain impulses from traveling along the nerves. The ointment also contains chamomile extract, which also soothes the tooth.

However, these drugs have their contraindications. You should not take them if your enamel is highly sensitive or you are allergic to the ingredients of the products.

As for Kholisal, it is contraindicated for children under 12 years of age. Kalgel should not be taken in the presence of heart failure, bradycardia, renal or liver failure.

If blood pressure is low, then its use is also not recommended.

All these drugs should not be taken by pregnant women. The use of Cholisal is possible in some cases, but only following the recommendations of the dentist.

In addition, these gels have side effects that manifest themselves in the form of allergies. Kalgel can also cause difficulty in the swallowing reflex.

You must take the medications strictly according to the instructions to avoid complications. Apply the ointment with a clean finger to the problem area and gently rub into the fabric.

Cholisal should be used in 1 cm gel strips; for children, the dose should be half as much. Kamistad should be taken 5 mg after meals, three times a day.

Kalgel has the same dosage as Cholisal; it can be applied 6 times a day.

Causes of toothache

Toothache, especially in its severe stage, can have a significant impact on nutrition, sleep, and overall daily life. Making the correct diagnosis for toothache can sometimes be quite difficult.

The main causes of toothache include:

  • dentin hypersensitivity;
  • inflammation of the dental pulp;
  • alveolar osteitis;
  • dental injuries;
  • caries;
  • dental abscesses;
  • apical periodontitis;
  • temporomandibular disorder;
  • acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis.

In rare cases, toothache can be a life-threatening symptom. For example, we are talking about diseases such as deep neck infection (compression of the airways due to odontogenic infection), or a heart attack.

Treatment methods

Most types of dental pathology can be treated using conventional dental techniques.

The effectiveness of therapy depends on an accurate diagnosis, and may include root canal therapy, tooth extraction, fillings, drainage for purulent formations, or other medical methods.

Caries, if not cured on time, can provoke pulpitis, turning into necrosis and even an abscess.

The success rate of root canal therapy also depends on the duration of the disease. It has a higher cure rate in the initial stage without progressing to necrosis or abscess.

Ointments for toothache in adults

Often, before visiting a dentist and receiving first aid, a person needs to relieve unpleasant or difficult to bear pain symptoms associated with toothache.

One of the most effective solutions in this case is pain-relieving ointments and gels applied to the area of ​​the teeth affected by pain.

A medicinal ointment is usually a base that includes natural or artificial fats, petroleum products, and the main healing component.

A gel is a type of ointment based on water, gelatin, cellulose and the necessary therapeutic substance.

Ointments and gels usually have a viscous, soft form and have increased absorption properties of the therapeutic agents included in them.

The active ingredients in ointments and gels for toothache are:

  1. Benzocaine. Its international name is anesthesin. Benzocaine is a local anesthetic (anesthetic) with a wide range of action. Benzocaine works by decreasing the permeability of cell membranes and blocking nerve receptor signals from the pain-producing area of ​​the body to the brain.
  2. Lidocaine. Local anesthetic and antiarrhythmic drug to control cardiac arrhythmias. Lidocaine blocks voltage-gated sodium channels, preventing the generation and conduction of impulses along nerve fibers.
  3. Choline salicylate. Analgesic and antipyretic, derivative of salicylic acid. Inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins, inhibits the functions of macrophages and neutrophils. It also has antimicrobial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects.

There are a number of ointments and gels for external use on the market for the prevention of toothache.

The most famous of them, available in the form of ointments and gels, include:

  • Cholisal;
  • dologel ST;
  • dentol;
  • Kamistad.

Medicinal ointments and gels with benzocaine, lidocaine, and choline salicylate are over-the-counter remedies that relieve toothache for a short time.

Side effects of the drugs used

Ointments and gels for toothache are usually well tolerated. However, there are precautions that must be taken when using them.

The side effects of benzocaine can cause a condition called methemoglobinemia.

This condition is characterized by an increase in the content of oxidized hemoglobin (methemoglobin) in the blood and tissue hypoxia (low oxygen content in the tissues of the body).

Signs of methemoglobinemia include:

  • increased fatigue;
  • confusion;
  • shortness of breath;
  • headache;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • pale, bluish, or gray appearance of the skin, lips, or nails.

Additional side effects of benzocaine use:

  • edema, including allergic Quincke's edema;
  • contact dermatitis and urticaria;
  • local side effects such as burning and tingling.

You should consult your doctor if you experience the following side effects from taking benzocaine-based medications:

  • headache;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • high temperature;
  • increased toothache;
  • redness, swelling, or irritation around the mouth.

Side effects of lidocaine include:

  • edema;
  • headache;
  • dizziness, weakness, drowsiness;
  • motor restlessness;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • tremor, convulsions;
  • numbness of the tongue;
  • skin rash, urticaria;
  • respiratory muscle paralysis;
  • increase or decrease in blood pressure, tachycardia.

Side effects of choline salicylate include:

  • dizziness;
  • burning in the area of ​​external use;
  • allergic skin reactions, nosebleeds.

It is necessary to take into account the precautions indicated on the drug label, especially when using them for a long time.

The work of ointments and gels for toothache

According to research, when a toothache remedy is applied to the mucous membranes of the gums, the effect of the drug develops within a short time (1-5 minutes) and lasts on average from 20 minutes to 2 hours.

Symptoms of toothache may return after a short period of time when painkillers are used.

In this regard, in order to avoid an overdose of the drug, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible. He will diagnose the disease and eliminate the main causes of pain.

Anesthetic ointment for teeth - reviews of various drugs

Irina, 35 years old

“Kamistad gel works well for me, but it makes me a little drunk.”

The gel is useful for short-term pain relief, but be careful not to overdosage.

It’s best to use it in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening before bed, until you can go to the dentist.”

Toothache is common, but it does not always mean problems with your gums and teeth. Toothache can be a sign of quite serious health problems and should always be taken seriously. You cannot endure toothache for too long and, along with the use of painkillers, you must visit a dentist. Treating dental disease without a long delay has many benefits, including avoiding serious dental problems in the future.

Evgeniy, 52 years old

“Dentol gel was prescribed to me by my dentist. I used an excessive amount of gel and it started running down my throat. I felt sick and my throat was numb. There was profuse drooling, coughing, shortness of breath, and then hives appeared. I took a Benadryl tablet (an allergy medicine), drank a few cups of water, and eventually the unpleasant symptoms almost completely disappeared.”

Nikolay, 67 years old

“The dentist used benzocaine ointment to numb my gums. Within half an hour, my tongue, cheeks, gums and lips were completely swollen on one side of my face. Within a week the swelling began to gradually subside, but it ruined my 65th birthday. For several days after using the drug, I could hardly speak! I now test every medical spray or ointment before I use it.”

Anton, 46 years old

“I apply Cholisal ointment to the sore gum, my gum instantly becomes numb and I can continue with the day’s activities without worrying about pain issues.”

One of the most painful problems that an expectant mother may face is toothache. Unfortunately, during pregnancy, under the influence of high levels of progesterone in the mother’s body, intense leaching of calcium occurs. This is due to the fact that a growing baby needs this element to “build” the skeletal system. If the calcium reserves in the mother’s body are not replenished in time, then the mother’s nails, hair and teeth are the first to suffer. Therefore, the situation when a pregnant woman comes to see a dentist with acute toothache is quite common.

Toothache during pregnancy is not only torment for the mother. This is also an infectious threat to the unborn child - an infection nesting in a carious tooth can spread through the bloodstream, cause inflammation in other organs and even pass through the placental barrier to the fetus. Therefore, it is necessary not to anesthetize toothache, but to eliminate the cause - to treat the diseased tooth. Even at the stage of pregnancy planning, you need to go to your dentist and have all problem teeth treated. This will eliminate foci of infection and reduce the likelihood that acute toothache will occur during pregnancy.

What can you take to relieve toothache during pregnancy?

It is known that pregnancy is a contraindication to the use of almost all medications. But toothache is so painful that its influence poses a certain threat to the unborn child. Firstly, due to mother’s stress, vasospasm occurs, the amount of oxygen supplied to the fetus decreases. Secondly, the threat of uterine hypertonicity increases, and, accordingly, there is a threat of miscarriage or premature birth. Therefore, you must immediately contact your dentist.

But at the pre-medical stage, if the pain is unbearable, you can take a product containing paracetamol - Panadol, Efferalgan or any other drug with paracetamol. This is the safest pain reliever for a pregnant woman. As a last resort, you can take Nurofen, but it all depends on the stage of pregnancy. Therefore, before taking it, you should contact your doctor and ask him about the possibility of using this drug.

To avoid taking analgesics, you can try rinsing your mouth with a regular saline solution or chamomile decoction. Sage decoction is not recommended during pregnancy, as this remedy can provoke strong contractions of the uterus. As a folk remedy, you can recommend lubricating the gums of a sore tooth with your own toothpaste; it is better if it is a paste with a pronounced menthol taste.

Pregnancy and dental treatment

Modern methods of dental care make it possible to get rid of toothache without harming the unborn child. Local anesthetics used for pain relief during treatment do not penetrate the blood-placental barrier and cannot affect the development of the fetus. The only thing that can serve as a contraindication is the presence of individual intolerance or an allergic reaction to these anesthetics.

Sometimes, in the process of treating a diseased tooth, you may need to take antibiotics. In this case, it is better to discuss your dentist's prescription with your doctor and choose the safest antibiotic for you.

Pain-relieving ointments against toothache in pregnant women

There is an opinion that the use of local remedies does not have a significant effect on the entire body. Therefore, as an emergency pain relief, after consultation with a doctor, you can use dental gels designed to help with teething in infants - Kalgel, Dentinox, Kamistad.

Miracle ointments

A severe toothache can come out of nowhere and completely unexpectedly. For example, a tooth may begin to rot under a filling, and you will not even suspect the presence of caries there until one “fine” day you feel severe pain. In such a case, it is better to have a special ointment in the first aid kit or prepare it yourself.


An ointment based on valerian extract, with the addition of lipocaine, is sold at a very affordable price, so everyone can afford it. Cholisal is one of the most powerful remedies.


This remedy is usually used for babies when they are teething, but it also relieves tooth pain in adults. The gel is squeezed onto a clean finger and gently applied to the inflamed part of the gum no more than once every twenty minutes and no more than 6-7 times a day.

Homemade remedy

To prepare homemade ointment, you will need the following dried ingredients: henbane and datura leaves, hop cones, manna head and hemp flowers. Take all the ingredients in equal proportions (a total of one teaspoon of the mixture should come out) and pour half a glass of water.

Simmer the product over low heat until it reduces in volume by about ten times. Dip a piece of cotton wool into the resulting decoction and apply to the gum from the inside and outside.

Find out what proper daily oral care should be like.

Bad breath from a child should alert every mother. You can read how to fix it here.

Treatment without drugs

In those moments when you do not have ointments, medications, painkillers purchased at the pharmacy, you can treat toothache with folk remedies that contain medicinal plants and herbs. The most effective and popular folk recipes are presented below.

Garlic Methods

Garlic is perhaps one of the most common foods that help relieve toothache. Its medicinal properties have been known for a long time. There are several ways to use it.

Grind the garlic to a pulp, add a little salt and soda (literally on the tip of a knife), apply the resulting mass to a toothbrush, and brush the sore tooth. Then rinse your mouth with warm milk. Along with the burning sensation, the pain will also pass.

Chop the garlic with a knife and place in cheesecloth. Bandage the resulting bandage to your wrist so that the garlic is on the pulse, and if the tooth hurts on the right, tie it to your left hand; on the left, tie the garlic to your right hand. You can add more than just garlic, and add soaked rye bread to it. This method was invented in Siberia and, despite all its strangeness, it is effective.

Carefully chop the garlic and onion in equal proportions and apply to the sore tooth. Remove the mass after the pain subsides.

If a filling falls out, place a cotton ball soaked in garlic extract in its place.

Herbal Methods

Sage is an amazing plant; it saves you from many problems, including toothache. Brew sage and rinse your mouth with warm broth, holding it on the sore area for as long as possible.

Mix ready-made tinctures of valerian and calendula in equal proportions. Soak a cotton swab in them and apply to the sore spot.

Cut mint and raspberry leaves, add vinegar (apple or wine) to them, leave in a glass glass for two to three days. Rinse your mouth with the resulting product.

Pour comfrey root with alcohol or vodka (1:10), let it steep for 10 days. Soak the cotton wool in the product and apply it to the sore tooth.

Plantain root is also an effective, but very unusual remedy. Place it in your ear, on the side of the painful tooth. The pain will subside within half an hour.

Chew freshly picked oregano leaves. This method not only relieves pain, but also cleanses teeth of tartar. In the same way, you can chew recently dug chicory root or cloves.

The next remedy is a little more complex and time-consuming to prepare than the others, but perhaps the most effective. Take half a pack of calamus root (you can find it in any pharmacy) and fill it with half a liter of moonshine. In another container, pour half a liter of moonshine into 10 grams of propolis. Leave both mixtures to infuse for 12 days in a dark place, then strain and mix in proportions 2:1.

Place the liquid in a bottle and, if necessary, take 1 teaspoon of the medicine into your mouth and hold for 10 minutes. The explanation for the effectiveness of this method is very simple: calamus soothes the gums, and propolis seems to “seal” the teeth.

Find out how teeth change in children.

What kinds of oral irrigators there are, you can read here.

Types of dental diseases:

Methods using plant juices

Other folk methods suggest treating toothache and other dental problems using juices. For example, cucumber juice, rich in potassium and sodium, helps prevent pyorrhea and improves dental health in general. A mixture of dandelion juice (leaves + roots) and carrot juice prevents tooth decay. Turnip juice, due to its high calcium content, treats softening of teeth in children and adults.

When there is absolutely nothing at hand

In situations where you do not have not only professional painkillers, but even ordinary garlic, for example, if you are on a hike, far from populated areas, you can resort to a number of the following methods. They may seem very outlandish, but their effectiveness has been tested by time and generations:

  • press your finger firmly into the hollow between your lips and nose (this is a special acupuncture point, and another such point is the earlobe) and massage it for seven minutes;
  • bring the fingers of one hand together and apply it to the place where the pain is felt with the pads, relax and hold until the pain subsides;
  • bring your thumb, index and middle fingers together, press very firmly on your temples and hold for half a minute, repeat three times;
  • there is a biologically active point in the corner of the nail plate of the index finger, press on it and hold for 4 minutes (on the hand, on the side of the diseased tooth);
  • if you have the opportunity, steam your feet for at least fifteen minutes, after which you should put on socks and lie under the blanket;
  • Squats also help treat toothache: squat and stand up several times, but do it very abruptly;
  • when a person cries, the blood pressure in his gums decreases, and the pain in the tooth goes away, so you can safely feel sorry for yourself by crying a little.

If all else fails, try to distract yourself, no matter how difficult it may be. Do what you love, watch a good movie, but most importantly, get away from thinking about your problem.

Medication methods

If you still decide not to try traditional methods of treatment on yourself, not to experiment with herbs and not to waste time preparing ointments and tinctures, then you should take some medications for tooth pain. To avoid making a mistake in your choice, listen to the following tips.

Many of us are accustomed to taking such a common medicine for toothache as Analgin, but taking it is a big mistake. It cannot sufficiently anesthetize inflammation, and its effect is very short-lived. And putting Analgin on a tooth, as many do, is generally contraindicated!

You can effectively treat toothache using Nurofen. It will not only relieve pain, but also relieve you of swelling. Another, no less effective way is to take Dexalgin; it begins to have an effect half an hour after taking it, but lasts for a full five hours. If you need a faster solution to the problem, you can drink soluble Solpadeine.

Be careful when deciding to take medication; it is better to consult your doctor. Stop taking any pain medications 12 hours before visiting the dentist.

Ointment "Cholisal"

Cholisal is the most popular ointment in its segment. Painful impulses are blocked by lidocaine hydrochloride, and chamomile extracts have an antiseptic effect. The ointment is easily rubbed into the mucous membrane without causing any discomfort, and side effects include allergic reactions to individual components in the composition. This ointment is recommended for use for inflammation of the oral mucosa, such as stomatitis, cheilitis, etc.

Ointment "Solcoseryl"

Another ointment used for toothache that is worth mentioning is Solcoseryl. It is a fatty and colorless mass of dense consistency and odorless. It is a life-saving remedy for cuts, injuries to the oral mucosa, scratches and abrasions. Unlike the previous drug, the ointment is applied only once a day. Used for severe pain, today it is considered one of the most effective dental ointments. The analgesic effect is immediate, but lasts no more than half an hour, so Solcoseryl is used only in cases where it is necessary to relieve unbearable pain.

Traditional ointment recipes

There are also folk recipes for ointments that you can prepare at home. All of them are based on herbs, and the composition includes datura leaves, henbane, hop cones and hemp flowers. After all the ingredients are dried, they are poured with boiled water, then a moistened cotton pad is applied to the site of inflammation. However, this option is not reliable and medically justified, therefore, it is better to trust pharmacological agents in this matter.

Gel "Dentol"

As for toothache gels, for adults they are practically the most common and simplest way to quickly relieve pain. There are no significant differences between gels and ointments; There are nuances in the composition and method of influencing the site of inflammation. Gel for toothache has undoubted advantages: minimal contraindications and a freezing effect.

One of the most common drugs is the Canadian gel Dentol. Contained in a small convenient tube, it has a pleasant and light fruity smell, a pale pink gel with a uniform consistency. The analgesic and freezing effect of the gel appears 5-10 minutes after applying the drug. The undoubted advantage of Dentol is that it is suitable not only for adults with damage to the gums and mouth, but also for children. This is why many parents use it as a pain reliever for teething children. The gel is used several times a day, but no more than four times a day for 7 days. Pregnant women are allowed to use Dentol, but side effects such as itching and rashes are possible.

Gel "Kamistad"

Another popular drug is Kamistad cooling gel. In addition to the obvious cooling effect, it is practically the only remedy that helps reduce pain during the eruption of wisdom teeth. Indications for use are also pain associated with getting used to dentures, irritation from constant use of braces, development of stomatitis or gingivitis, etc. In addition, it is this product that enjoys the greatest authority among dentists. Unlike ointment, Kamistad gel, when applied, is securely fixed to the inflamed area of ​​the mucous membrane, providing an additional antimicrobial effect. Apply the gel with a dry cotton pad or swab, no more than five times a day. Unlike the previous drug Dentol, Kamistad gel is not recommended for use in children.

Gel "Metrogil Denta"

The drug Metrogyl Denta is very popular. This gel, used for toothache in adults, is widely known because it contains powerful pain-relieving ingredients such as chlorhexidine and metronidazole. In addition to the antimicrobial and antibacterial effect, this gel is most effective in treating various types of infections. The analgesic effect is achieved within the first minutes of use, however, applying the gel more than twice a day is not recommended, like any other potent drug; it is also contraindicated during pregnancy.

There is a common belief that while using dental gels, brushing your teeth is not necessary, but this is not true. An integrated approach to treatment and prevention will help to completely get rid of pain in the oral cavity. However, even after the pain has disappeared, it is necessary to make an appointment with a dentist, since inflammation can be serious and require a professional examination.

The best painkillers to treat toothache at home quickly