Far cry primal skills. Walkthrough of the game Far Cry Primal. So what is the “Great Hunt?”

You will be able to improve the skills of the main character by earning experience points: in murders, in completing missions and in other activities. Once you reach a level, Takkar will be able to spend 1 point on one of the abilities in the skill tree. There are 77 such skills, to unlock them you must: find certain members of your tribe, carry out their orders and build huts for them. Pay attention! Some skills can be unlocked after completing story missions. In this guide you will learn everything about skills in Far Cry Primal.

What skills should you unlock first?

Urus is a dangerous land and the skills you choose at the beginning of the game will determine the difficulty of your further passage. Here are the skills we recommend you build on early in the game.

Extra Health I + II

At the beginning of the game, Takkar is not such a formidable warrior, but there are plenty of numerous traps and other dangerous things in Far Cry Primal: either a spear will fly in, or the animal will be killed. Learning these two skills will allow Takkar to take a lot more damage before he dies, greatly increasing his chances of survival.

Primal Healing I

This ability not only opens up additional options in the food menu, but also allows Takkar to manually heal himself in the most stressful situations when he does not have the necessary items on hand to craft medicinal herbs.

Beast Master Skills

After recruiting Tinsei, Thakkar will learn how to tame wild animals. Investing skill points in the first row will allow him to tame wolves, tigers, lions and bears. In addition to their fighting abilities, the animals will be able to protect Takkar from packs of red wolves and other small aggressive animals.

Enemy Mark

One of the main mechanics of previous Far Cry games that you will now have to learn is the skill required to destroy enemy outposts. You should purchase it immediately after recruiting Jayma, and after mastering this skill, Takkar will easily be able to track the location of opponents for quick and silent kills.

Combat Skills

Combat skills will be unlocked for you after recruiting Karush; the Warrior’s abilities will give you an advantage in both open and covert combat. We rely on the skills of the first row: Murder with a throwing knife, Powerful quick kill and Killstreak.

Making arrows

Immediately after accessing the Hunter skills, we strongly recommend unlocking the ability to craft arrows (2-8 arrows from one piece of wood). Then, faced with dangerous enemies, Takkar will be able to easily fight them off.

Different types of skills

Far Cry Primal has seven skill types, each representing a different category, that you'll unlock throughout the game.


Central Europe, 10,000 BC

You have to play as one of the primitive people of the Vinja tribe, whose name is Takkar..

Target. Moving crouched, follow Dalso.

The goal is pretty clear: duck down and follow your buddy across a field where mammoths are grazing. You are hunting for a small mammoth that needs to be separated from the herd. When Dalso moves, you move too. When Dalso stands, you stand too. As soon as Dalso says that the baby mammoth has been found, take aim and throw a spear at him.

Target. Chase your prey.

Run after the small mammoth and throw spears at him. By default you only have two spears, but you can find others. Just look around - usually there are several copies at once, not just one. Run after the mammoth while holding the Shift key (on PC). Aim with the right mouse button and throw the spear with the left mouse button. Finish off the mammoth and the task will be completed. Watch the video. Checkpoint.

From the very beginning, the game throws you into the thick of things: you are hunting a young mammoth.


Target. Gather resources to craft a bow.

You need to collect a certain amount of resources that will allow you to create a bow for hunting and protection from enemies. Here is the list:

Alder 5 pcs.

Reed 2 pcs.

Slate 2 pcs.

Just move around the location and collect the necessary items. Alder looks like a dry, thin shrub trunk. The reed is easily identified by the large clump at the top of the thin stem. As for slate, it is a stone. After collecting all the items, you will see a new task.

Target. Make a bow.

Go to your inventory, go to the “Making” tab and create a bow by clicking on the corresponding button.

More about hunting

When you see prey, it is best to crouch down and only then approach it. Also, don't forget about the hunter's vision, which can be activated by pressing the appropriate key. This way you can see animals nearby and identify bloody tracks on the ground from wounded animals. It is not recommended to get too close to your prey, as the animals can smell you and run away.

Target. Hunt animals to get skins and food.

You will need to kill three goats now. In the truest sense of the word. There are 8 arrows in total. There is one peculiarity. If you shoot a goat in the head, you will kill it immediately. If you hit the body, then after the shot the animal will disappear. However, you can activate the hunter's vision and follow him along the bloody trail. The goat will run some distance and fall down. Approach the dead bodies of goats and cut off the skin and meat. Then use them on yourself to eat and heal. The arrows that you will shoot at the goats can be taken out of the animals and reused in the future.

Target. Find shelter and build a fire.

Remember that your backpack (bag) cannot carry an unlimited number of items. Therefore, you should not collect one alder or one reed in a bag.

A yellow area appears on the mini-map. Head there. You will enter a cave. There will be a pile of brushwood on the ground, allowing you to build a fire. Approach it and make a fire, wasting durable wood.

Target. Make a club.

So now you need to make a baton. Open the "Making" section and select a baton. To create it you will need five parts of alder. If you have them, then create a baton. Otherwise, the alder will need to be found.

Target. Light your club on fire to make a torch.

Return to the fire if you moved away from it, and hold down the indicated key to use the club on the fire. You will get a torch.

Target. Follow the tracks of the Vinge.

Go to the vines and burn them with a torch. To do this, you just need to get close to them. Move away and wait for the vines to burn. Checkpoint.

Now follow the trail of your tribe using your hunter's vision. Follow the red dots on the ground. Soon you will see the corpse of a wolf. Skin him. Follow the living wolves, waving a torch to scare them away. Climb onto the ledge to enter the cave. Along the way in the cave you will see traces of a fire. You can examine them so that Takkar can conclude that Vinja is close.

Dive into the water and swim forward. So, after jumping into the water, your torch will go out. But now you can set fire to any weapon - a club or even an arrow, using animal fat. As soon as you get out of the water, look at the fireplace on the left. In addition to the bones, you will find the fat of the beast. Now open the weapon selection menu and you will see a key with the word “Set Fire”. Light a club or arrow, depending on your chosen weapon.


Target. Hold down the key to search and collect green leaves for Seila.

You need to find four portions of green leaves. Move towards the river where the yellow marker points. Go to the other side and see the spirit of the first opponents (people). These are representatives of the Udam tribe. Kill them. It is advisable that you attack first (shoot a bow). Search the bodies to collect the arrows. Nearby, “green leaves” grow in the water. Collect them. Green leaves, if you activate hunter vision, are marked in red. All other items and objects are yellow.

Note that on the side of the river from where you came, you can find a burning fire and a cairn. This point is marked with a question mark on the mini-map. If you come here, you will find a new location called “Stones of the Wakwas River”.

Target. Bring green leaves to Seila.

On the way back you will probably meet three more Udams. One of them will be an archer. By the way, be sure to open the skills menu and spend your points to improve the main character, Takkar. If you improve your health, then in the lower left corner the scale will already consist of three divisions. Go back and watch the cutscene.


So, after you talk with Seyla, you will learn about the existence of a certain village. Looking ahead, we can assume that Takkar will become its leader. The main indicator of a village is its population. The current population is two - Thakkar and Seila. Seila is considered a new resident.

From now on, you have to find representatives of the Vinja tribe and convince them to settle in your village. The task “Deep Wounds” is now complete.


Open the card and you will see two new symbols. First, hover your cursor over the “red fire” symbol - this place is called “Nakuti Fireplace”. For completing this task you will receive some experience and population growth.

Please note that the map has a green icon with two black triangles. The icon looks like a button to change the next song on a tape recorder, etc. This symbol allows you to use fast travel to a specified location. For example, after the quest “Nakuti Fireplace” you will be able to travel to this place in a quick way.

Mark this place on the map and move there. At the site you will see a huge pyramid of wooden sticks. Light the arrow and shoot this pyramid to light the fire pit. This place is a “signal fire”. Thus, you will capture the first signal fire out of sixteen possible. Reward: 400 experience points and an increase in Vinja numbers. As you can see, you didn't have to convince anyone here to increase the population. The population of the village has increased to 5 people! Location discovered: Nakuti Fireplace.

By capturing signal fires and enemy outposts (both places are marked with red symbols: the first shows a “fire”, the second a “tent”), you will unlock new points for fast travel, which are indicated by a green “rewind” symbol. Now you can quickly travel around the game world, which is more than huge. By default, you only have fast travel active to your village. In the village you can improve huts and build new buildings.

Surely you will be given one skill point - improve something in the appropriate section.

Vinja Help: Escort

A brown icon with a palm and a question mark will appear on the map. Select it. The difficulty of the task is low, and for it you can increase the population and earn 1 skill point..


If you open the map, a yellow symbol and a gray icon should appear above this icon. Get to the indicated location and enter the cave. Deep in the cave you will meet a Vinja shaman named Tinsey. Watch the cutscene.

After that you will move somewhere.

Target. Find a guide.

Walk past the animals until you find an owl sitting on the ground.

Target. Follow the guide.

Fly across the sky, following the owl. Dive into the water and swim (or fly?) underwater. Get out of the water and approach the owl again. Follow the owl as it flies from place to place. Checkpoint. And again fly after the bird through the forest, gorge and waterfall. Continue flying while the storm begins.

Follow the guide. Predatory animals will not even pay attention to you. Soon you will be able to call the owl to you. The task is completed.

Vinja Event: Rescue

A new event may appear on the map. You just need to proceed to the indicated location (the white diamond on the map) and kill either the Udam tribe or the wild beasts of prey to save your allies.

By the way, this place is located at the exit from the cave, so be sure to complete the task. Now you can control the owl. Switch to it to inspect the area and count the number of opponents. Kill two enemies from the Udam tribe and untie the prisoner, who will go to your village.


Target. Find the wolves' den and tame the white wolf. The wolf will help you in battle.

The difficulty of the task this time is “medium”. The reward will be experience, a new villager, bait and taming skills. The icon on the map is yellow with the icon of the shaman Tinsei.

Having arrived at the indicated place, confirm taking the task by approaching the peaks with wolf heads.

Target. Find the udam with the help of an owl.

Call the owl by pressing the appropriate key. Fly to the indicated point - yellow marker. In the lower left corner, to the right of the mini-map, the owl's controls are shown. So you can figure it out without any problems. While flying, you can use the same hunter vision as when controlling Takkir.

Target. Kill the Udam hunting wolves.

Move now to this place by Takkir. Try to take your enemies by surprise by killing one or two with your bow. You can even destroy everyone with a bow. In general, if you compare a bow and a club, the safest weapon for you is still a firearm, since you can attack from a distance with it. Don't forget to collect arrows from enemy corpses.

Target. Use the meat to craft bait.

You will need two portions of meat to make bait. In fact, you should have much more of this meat. One way or another, meat can be found right next to the fire where the enemies were sitting. Enter the weapon selection menu and create a bait.

Target. Follow the bloody trail to find the wolf's lair.

Activate Hunter Vision and follow the red trail on the ground. Literally a hundred meters away you will find a new location - Valkva Cave. This is the lair of wolves. A prompt will appear.

Lure and Taming Animals

So, you already know how to make bait. You can select it in the weapon selection menu. Throwing bait is the same as shooting a bow. While the animal is slowly eating the meat bait, you can sneak up to it and press the appropriate key to initiate the taming procedure. By the way, you can open a special menu where the number of tamed animals will be indicated.

Target. Press the key to throw bait and tame the white wolf.

After throwing the bait as close to the animal as possible, carefully sneak up on it. You can even do it from the front, not from the back. Hold down the key, thanks to which you will automatically tame the white wolf. Just something to do! The white wolf has been tamed and added to the beast menu.

Commands for animals

Any tamed animal can be given a command. He can attack the target. You can also command the beast to go to a particular place. You need to aim in the same way as with a bow, and give the command as if you were shooting from it.

If the animal is wounded, then you need to approach it and hold down the same key as in the case of taming. This way you can feed him meat and restore his strength. Even if an animal suddenly dies, you can resurrect it in the animals menu. If you don’t want to resurrect, you can find the same beast and tame it again.

Target. Order the white wolf to kill Udam.

The next marker will appear nearby. You need to, with the help of a white wolf, deal with representatives of the Udam tribe. Follow this location and use the clues to send the wolf to kill two enemies from the Udam tribe. One will be directly under the hill, and the second will be near the cobblestones, in an open area.

Menu "Beasts"

So, open the Beasts menu to see a list of all the beasts you can tame. If there is no “lock” symbol on the animals, then this animal has already been tamed. Through this menu you choose which animal will follow you. You can choose a specific animal, or release it (for a while). You cannot tame new animals right away. Some animals require a specific set of skills. By the way, it is worth remembering that animals and birds have their own useful and even harmful skills. Some animals will not attack enemies until you give them a command, while others, as soon as they notice the enemy, will immediately attack him. Keep this in mind in the future!

When entering your village, any selected animal will automatically disappear. You will need to call him only after you leave the village.


It must be night now. It will be dark and very dangerous at night. You see less clearly, and more predators appear on the map. In order to find unique animals, you need to make night forays. You can also find unique plants or collectibles. Remember that you can set fire to any weapon. The "Beast Master" quest is completed. Experience is gained, and the number of village residents is increased. To heal a wolf, call it to you and give it meat. The wolf's health bar is shown around its icon and is white. By the way, the shaman Tinsei has now settled in your village.

Now you have two available tasks, which can be given by Seila and Tinsei, respectively. Since Seila is closest to the village, talk to her.

Village construction

So, the village that you organized together with Seila will be the only safe haven in the game for all representatives of the Vinja tribe. As you upgrade the huts in your village, you can unlock certain skills, new weapons, and more. Scattered throughout the territory of Urus are various materials that can be used to build and modernize the village.


To know exactly what materials you need, go to the menu and click on the “Village Menu” section. For example, next to Seila there are two stones and some branches. You won't believe it, but this is her hut. Click on the hut and you will see what items are needed to increase the level of the building. In this case, you need 4 alders, 3 slates, 2 reeds and 2 deer skins. If you have all this, you can improve Seila's hut. As a reward you can get 1500 experience points and a lot of interesting things.

Seila is the first person with whom Thakkar began building the village.

If you don't have enough items, then go to the cave where your village is located and look into the cache. The villagers put whatever resources they find into this cache every day. This happens, as you understand, randomly. Upgrade Seila's hut. Return to the hut and upgrade it. The task is completed.


Go into the cave and you will see that there is another icon here. Improve the cave if you have enough resources. Otherwise, go looking for them.


To continue the passage of the game Far Cry Primal on the site, go to Tinsei, which is marked on the map with the corresponding icon. Talk to him and then upgrade the hut (rocks near Tinsei). Instead of deer skin, you will need wolf skin. If you don't have it, then go hunting. The Cave of Wolves is located on the right side of the map (east) of your village. You will need to climb to the top where the waterfall flows from. Go back and rebuild Tinsei's hut.


Target. Protect your village.

Go to the cave and talk to Seyla. He will give you a club. The next day, the village will be attacked by savages from the Udam tribe. Just attack all enemies who attack your village. Use a bow, club or spears. Set a wolf on your enemies. Avoid the green poison cloud. Some Udam will throw special bottles of poisonous gas at you. After all enemies are destroyed, the target will be updated.

Target. Find Seyla.

And you don’t have to look for it - it is marked with a yellow marker. Talk to the girl.

Target. Get to the Udam camp.

Follow the marker, killing enemies along the way. The path is relatively long. It will be necessary to destroy three bone trees.

Target. Destroy all Udam bone trees and kill all enemies.

In general, you can mark all targets using the owl and the hunter's vision. Next, try to act secretly, killing those opponents that no one is looking at. Get closer to the bone trees and hit them with your club. Two or three hits and the bones will fly apart. Once all three trees are destroyed, finish off the remaining cannibals. When all enemies are killed, the task will automatically complete.


Follow the question mark that points to Tinsei's hut. To the right of the entrance to the hut there is a stand on which there is a bowl. You already drank from this cup when you first met Tinsei. Interact with the bowl and watch the cutscene. Soon you will be in control of a mammoth.

Target. Find the mammoth killer.

Follow the mammoth forward. In the lower left corner of the screen there are keys with which you can control the beast. Soon you will meet a rhino spirit.

Target. Catch up with the rhino spirit.

Attack the animal first. Soon the rhino spirit will try to hide from you. There will be a brown marker on it. Pursue the goal. Pay attention to the ice. Do not step on it, otherwise you will fall into the cold water and probably drown. But you can lure other opponents there.

Target. Kill all the rhinos in the area.

Basically, attack your opponents until they are all dead.

Target. Follow the spirit of the rhinoceros.

Keep chasing the rhino spirit. Next you will need to kill the enemies again. Note that you are standing at the top of a slope. You can push down large stones on the sides of the path. In general, finish off the animals. And again follow the spirit. The last battle will be here, at the location with the geysers. Eventually you will fight a rhino spirit. The health bar is shown at the top of the screen. Mission accomplished!


Now you need to find the three missing people of the Vinja tribe. Follow the location indicated on the map and you will find yourself near the Hasari Cave. A cutscene will start.

Target. Track the bear.

So, after talking with Jayma, you will have a new task. Activate the hunter's vision to see red bear paw marks. Examine the area ahead and listen to Thakkar's words. By the way, there are honeycombs here. Move further and you will come across other honeycombs. Continue following the red tracks, including the hunter's vision. The path will not be short. Go through the swamp and soon you will find a bear. To kill him, first throw spears, and then shoot with a bow (if you can’t craft new spears). Examine the bear's corpse.

Target. Find the hunters.

Now follow the map marker to talk to Jayma. After the cutscene, the mission will end and the huntress will join your settlement.


Follow the point indicated on the map, climb the vines and enter a small cave where Master Vuga will be. Watch the cutscene.

Target. Escape from the cave.

Jump down through the hole, straight into the water. Look around. You may have to kill the jaguar. In addition to him, in the cave there will be a dead jaguar, in whose body there is a hook. Take this hook. From now on, you will be able to climb different heights, as well as descend from them. Find a hill that you can climb onto with a grappling hook. There should be a "hook" icon on this hill. Follow forward and use the hook to jump over the abyss with spikes. You will need to swing and release the rope in time.

Hook the hook to the next place and climb down the rope. At the very bottom you can see three jaguars. It is not advisable to go down to them! Look around and find a place where you can jump if you swing well. From here, use the hook to climb higher. Next there will be two more hook points that will allow you to finally leave the cave.

Go back to the cave where you saw Master Wug. Talk to him. After the cutscene, a new task is activated.


Target. Find the Blood of Urus stones.

This task is given to you by Master Vuga at the end of the previous mission. Move to the indicated place where you will need to kill the enemy. In the clearing, the target should refresh.

Target. Explore the old standing stones of Vinj.

There are “houses” made of stones around the clearing. You have to look through these houses to see the lights. These will be the Blood of Urus stones. The target will be updated.

Target. Inspect the area where the shine is visible.

When you arrive at the specified point, a new task will appear.

Target. Find and collect 4 Urus Blood Stones.

Climb to a hill where you can see a huge depression. This is where the Udam live. Kill the opponents, then carefully use the hook to go down. Look for huge black growths. These are the stones of the Blood of Urus. Collect four pieces to complete the challenge. Two stones will be at an average height, one stone will be at the bottom of the reservoir, the other stone will be at the very bottom, under the wooden structure. In hunter's vision they are marked in red.

Once all four stones are collected, Master Vuga will settle in your village.


Drive to the location indicated on the map as usual. Approach the person sitting on his lap. A message will appear informing you that you can take the task. Confirm the task.

Target. Help the Vinja warrior.

After talking with the person, get ready for battle. Follow the marker on the map, which is literally a hundred meters from your position. This is where the same Karush will be. Help him in the battle against the savages from the Udam tribe.

Target. Transfer Udam's bodies to the fire.

After the cutscene, simply transfer all the bodies from the battlefield straight to the fire. The corpses can even be searched beforehand. Three bodies need to be thrown into the fire. Two corpses will be lying around you, and the third will need to be “made” (soon a savage will run, who needs to be killed).

Target. Kill the Udam warriors.

After this you will need to fight the savages. The fight will be long. Please note that at the top of the screen there is a Karush health bar. Don't let him die! And again there will be a cut scene.


Talk about everything with Seyla in your village. She will give you a new task. Head to the indicated location. You can use fast travel to get as close to the point as possible. Don't forget to light signal fires and destroy enemy camps to add new points for fast travel.

Get to the right place. There will be a dead moose here. Examine the body to update the task.

Target. Find Hunter Vinge.

You will need to use the hunter's vision, which will allow you to see red tracks and find your fellow tribesman. As a result, you will find yourself in Dantana's cave. Immediately after entering, go upstairs, to the left. Where, at the left border of the yellow area, between the rocks, you can find the hunter himself. He will ask you to cure him. Don't forget to tame the cave lion. Or you can simply kill the beast.

Target. Give the plants to the hunter/

Give him what he asks for. Surely you will have a healing plant in your inventory. Otherwise, go in search of him. Return to the hunter and talk about everything.

Target. Kill all the animals in the lair.

Well, here you will have to destroy all the opponents, which will be lions. Try to find high ground very quickly so that the lions don't get you. After that, throw spears at the tigers, shoot with a bow until everyone is dead. The most dangerous animal is the saber-toothed tiger. He should be killed first. Next, deal with the cave lions.

Target. Return to the hunter.

Talk to the hunter again and tell him that all the animals have been dealt with. Mission accomplished!


Return to your village and build the hut for the huntress Jayma that you found earlier. First you need to talk to Jayma herself. When the hut is rebuilt, you will be able to go inside. Do so. In a conversation with Jayma, you will learn about a new task.

Hunter Jayma, who will allow Takkar to hunt large, dangerous and rare animals.


Head to the location marked on the map (Jayma's icon). Here you will need to confirm the start of the task. Events will unfold after sunset.

Target. Follow the fireflies.

At the location you will see fireflies. Just move from one to the other. The yellow zone is huge. Therefore, you should not shy away from the firefly route. You should soon reach a waterfall. Be careful! Here the task should be updated.

Target. Wait for the big moose.

So, as soon as you see this inscription in the upper left corner of the screen, then hide. After a few seconds, the beast will appear from the side of the waterfall.

Target. Kill and skin the elk before the Udam do.

As it turns out, you are not alone here. Udam also hunt elk and you need to be quick. Immediately try to kill all the Udam so that they do not interfere with you in the future. At the same time as attacking the savages, send your beast of prey in pursuit of the elk. When you are free, follow the beast in the same way. Kill an animal by throwing spears and shooting with a bow. Be sure to use your beast of prey to make the task easier!

Target. Freshen up the big moose.

Approach the dead animal and skin it. This will complete the “Big Moose” quest.


Return to the village and talk to Woogie, found in one of the previous quests. Build a hut for him. In the cutscene after building the hut (you need to start a conversation with Woogie), you will learn about a new task.


Move to the indicated location until “Urus Peak” appears on the screen. You will find yourself near a high mountain. As you may have guessed, you will need to climb to the very top.

Target. Climb the cliff to find rare eagle feathers for Woogie.

Rare eagle feather – 0/4.

First move up the slope, climb higher along the vines, use the grappling hook in those places where this can be done. In general, you will climb higher and higher, finding new nests. There can only be one feather in one nest. If you don’t know what to do, then look up: in any case, there must be a catch point somewhere.

After the second nest, you will need to grab onto the indicated point, swing and jump forward, while simultaneously clinging to another place. Do the same with the third hook point. Go upstairs and pick up the third feather. Climb even higher and take the fourth feather from the last nest, located on the edge of the fallen tree. Jump down from this tree, straight into the water..


Talk to Karush in the village, then build a first-level hut for him. Chat with Karush after construction and learn about the new task.


Head to the indicated place that the warrior Karush told you about. Approach the bones and activate the task.

Target. Find the mammoth.

Go to the marker on the map that points to the mammoth. You will hear loud screams - it's a mammoth. Use the owl to mark all targets. As soon as you approach a sufficient distance, the task will be updated.

Target. Climb onto the mammoth.

It must be said that the enemies must first be killed. Otherwise, it will be difficult to get to the mammoth. Use the same owl: if you have a leveled up skill, then attack one of the opponents with an owl. Try to kill the enemy who has moved away from his group. Having finished off everyone, go to the animal and climb on it.

Target. Destroy the Udam bone trees.

While controlling the mammoth, move through the yellow zones and look for structures made of bones. All these structures must be destroyed. There will be a yellow scale on the screen. As Udam bone trees are destroyed, this gauge will fill. As soon as it is complete, the task will be updated. At the same time, you will be attacked by savages from the Udam tribe. You can kill them, but it's not necessary.

Target. Return on the mammoth to his herd.

Follow the indicated location where the current task should end.


Open the map and look for the cannibal icon. As usual, it will be yellow. Follow to your destination. When you arrive there, you will see a message about finding a new location. There will be an area fenced with a gate. On the way to this point, you can go through the location with mammoths and take one of them. This will make it easier to fight in the upcoming battle.

As soon as you find yourself on the territory of the fort, be prepared to meet enemies. They will soon notice you, but before that, try to kill as many enemies as possible covertly. On a mammoth, by the way, it will be quite easy to destroy savages. On the screen, at the top there will be a white scale with the inscription “Yes”. It is this cannibal that you must kill.

Daa himself is a common enemy. Killing him with the same mammoth is as easy as killing any other enemy. You must kill all enemies, after which the task will be completed.


Target. Find the woman statue.

After the cutscene with the capture of Daa, you will automatically find yourself with the shaman Tinsei. Go forward, past the Udam, and try to touch the woman statue. Continue forward and kill enemies with your baton. All enemies will scatter like pieces of ice. You can throw the baton (a new one will automatically appear in your hands). When you approach the same statue, but in a significant size, the task will change.

Shaman Tinsei, who trains the main character, Takkar, throughout the game.

Target. Follow the woman statue.

Just move forward through the ice cave. Eventually you will catch up to this statue. Along the way you will still need to kill the savages from the Udam tribe

Target. Stop the Udam attack.

At the last line there will be much more enemies. It’s true that your character will have enough health to withstand everyone.

Target. Destroy the woman statue.

As soon as all opponents are defeated, and at the same time a new task appears, then throw clubs at the woman’s statue.


Next up is the task of the huntress Jayma. Watch the cut-scene and learn about the start of the hunt for big animals. After opening the map, in the lower left part of it, find an orange icon with a saber-toothed tiger. Tag her. When you are near your destination, a message should appear in the upper left corner: “The target of the big hunt is nearby.” Follow the winding path up the mountain, and then climb higher, using the grappling hook to place the hold.

Target. Explore the cave.

Go inside the cave where Bloodfang is located. Go forward, stay right and jump over the pits. Jump into the water, climb up the vine and see the beast. A cutscene will start. Leave the cave and light a fire.

So what is the “Great Hunt?”

When passing Far Cry Primal to the site, you will be able to hunt the rare and most dangerous animals, such as the Bloody Fang. You wounded this saber-toothed tiger at the very beginning of the game, if, of course, you remember this. You must explore places with traces of these animals. The tracks will be large, which indicates dangerous animals. It is noteworthy that you can tame some of the Big Beasts!!! But first you will need to defeat them.

Finally, there is no need to worry about the difficulty of the battle, since the damage you inflicted before Takkar’s death will be preserved when you replay the episode. When fighting dangerous animals, there is always a red scale at the top of the screen.

Target. Use the clues to track down Bloodfang.

Follow the bloody trail, which is visible even without the hunter's vision. You'll soon come across a corpse (as soon as you jump off the ledge). Examine the dead man's body. In general, on the mini-map you can see a regular path. This is exactly what you need to follow. At the last bend you need to go along the mountain on the right. Jump on the ledges and you will soon see an orange area on the mini-map. This is where you need to look for the beast. Immediately activate the hunter's vision and see bloody trails. Follow them. New location discovered: Wall Ring Outpost.

Go down and see a lot of blood. Examine the broken mask lying on the ground. Follow the bloody path down the hill and then examine Udam's corpse. Move to the next place where you will need to find a clue. Take a running jump over the cliff or just go down and use the vine. Light a fire. Examine the pile of unknown substance.

Now go into the forest, look for bloody footprints in the indicated area and examine the destroyed tree bark. New location discovered: "Kashatigri House". Go to the orange marker, deep into the forest. Examine the part of the spear stuck in the lying log. Climb the hill where you will notice strange interface symbols. These markers indicate places where you can set traps for large animals. In particular, you can now set traps for Bloodfang.

Target. Talk to Hunter Vinja.

While exploring the location, you will come across hunter Vinge.

Target. Find a place to sleep and rest until the next twilight.

You have to wait until dark for Bloodfang to appear. There is a fire nearby - spend the night here (if I may say so).

Target. Prepare traps for Bloodfang.

On the mini-map, traps are marked with a “web” symbol. If the symbol is white, then the trap has not yet been set. Move towards these symbols and set all the traps. If the traps are orange, they are set.

Target. Hunt Bloodfang.

After all this, you will need to kill Bloodfang. This is not so easy to do. Lure him into traps where he will be temporarily discouraged. At this point you will be able to attack him with everything you have. Don't forget about bee bombs.

Bloodfang will flee when his wounds are too severe. Remember this. As soon as this happens, the task will be updated.

Target. Run after Bloodfang to his lair.

Follow the animal - orange marker. Make your predator hunt him. Enter the cave behind the waterfall. You will discover a new location: Bloodfang's Lair.

Target. Attack Bloodfang in his lair.

You can no longer use your pet inside the cave. You will have to fight on your own. You can also set traps in the lair. Don't neglect this moment! When the tiger's health is almost gone, a new target will appear.

Target. Tame the Saber-Toothed Tiger before it heals.

Approach the animal and hold down the indicated key (button). Mission accomplished! You can even ride a saber-tooth tiger!


You will learn about the next task in a cut-scene that shows the events inside Tinsei's hut. You need to move to the specified location. You can teleport as close as possible using fast travel points. Approach and activate the task.

Target. Find the captured Vinja.

Turn on the hunter's vision and follow the red trail. In the river you will find the burnt body of a Vinge. Continue following the trail, which will lead you to more burnt bodies. Enter the cave. Crouch down to get under the tree. You will find a new location - the rocks of Mash Baia.

Soon you will see two representatives of the Izil tribe. Watch the cutscene.

Target. Find the entrance to the Izila prison camp.

Swim to the end of the river, dive under the water and you will see a tunnel. Follow through it, about in the middle find a place where you can float to the surface. Climb the rock in the cave, use the grappling hook to climb even higher. You are there.

Target. Find the captured Vinja (continued).

Kill the enemies on the two towers. Launch the owl if you want to explore the location. The prisoners are in a hole in the center of the gorge.

Target. Burn down the Izila prisoner camp.

Light arrows and shoot at all wooden structures. There is a scale in the center of the screen. As you fire successfully, the gauge will fill up. As soon as it is filled all the way, the task is completed.

Target. Kill the remaining Izil.

Finish off all the enemies remaining in the camp. After you complete everything, move to the exit from the camp, where the dot points.

Target. Get out of the fire.

After watching the video, quickly dive underwater and swim to the indicated location. You must leave the Izila camp. You don't have to kill the enemies, but quickly run to the bridge where you first saw Izil. Jump into the water and swim away from there. Once you leave the yellow area, the mission will end.

Follow the marker that shows Daa. It is best to take advantage of the fast travel option. Walk a little and you will find yourself in the right place.

Target. Vinja wants to kill Daa. Save him.

Enter the cave and jump down to Daa. Talk to him.

Target. Stop the rising water.

Repair leaks – 0/4.

The required places are marked on the map. Swim towards them and hold down the indicated key. By the way, a white scale is shown at the top of the screen. You must be in time before the scale is completely filled, because in this case Daa will die. When all four leaks are fixed, return to Daa. Talk to him again. Watch the video that completes the task.


Go to Daa's cage to start a new task. And the task is very simple: build a hut for Daa. Now enter the hut and watch the cutscene.


Go to the marked place, which is required of you in the Far Cry Primal walkthrough on the website. You still need to follow the icon with the image of Daa. The journey will be long, so it is best to take a saber-toothed tiger and ride it. As soon as you approach the yellow area, the task will update.

Target. Note the healer Udam, who makes bone dust that can help Daa.

A new location has been discovered - the camp of the Mother of Stone. Call the owl and fly down into the gorge. Mark all the goals you see. As soon as the owl detects a healer, he will be marked with a yellow marker.

Target. Find and collect bone dust.

Go down, but first be sure to warm up, for which you need to set fire to the baton. Use the grappling hook to follow down. Search several yellow areas marked on the map. Enter the tent and find what you need in one of the skulls - bone dust.

Target. Leave the Udam camp.

It is clear that you can act both secretly and by killing all representatives of Udam. If you have killed all the enemies before, you can safely get out of the camp. Once you leave the yellow area, you can fast travel to return to Takkara Village.


On the map in the lower right part, find the brown bear icon. Mark it and move to the indicated point. Please note that the difficulty of this task is “very high”.

Target. Explore the cave.

When you are nearby, go into the cave and explore it. You will need to swim underwater. Examine the indicated wall, where a drawing of a bear is depicted.

Target. Follow in the footsteps of the Big Scar.

When you leave the cave, you can use the hunter's vision to follow the bloody trail of the Big Scar. First, the tracks will lead you to an extinguished fire. Move on. Avoid collisions with Izil hunters. Or just kill them. Next you will need to inspect the bear trap. Follow the trail and examine the log with blood.

Now climb up the hill along the slope or use the vines to do this. You will meet Izil hunters again. Kill them so they don't bother you. Move to the small camp and examine the quiver of arrows. Find the hive in the next place to which the hunters lured the bear. Go up the hill until you see some trap spots. The bear is already nearby. Examine the body of the dead hunter.

Target. Set traps or track Big Scar.

Climb up using the hook. You will need to use multiple hooking spots.

Target. Hunt Big Scar.

Advice: when you go upstairs, do not rush to attack anyone. Let the bear and the Izil hunters distract each other. And you will set traps in those places where it is possible. Order the saber-tooth tiger to attack the bear. While he does this, you attack him, but from behind. This is the safest method. When the bear kills the tiger, and he will, then lure Scar into a trap. While you have time, run to the dead tiger and revive it. Heal and order to attack the bear.

Target. Look for Big Scar in the cave.

When you have sufficiently beaten the bear, he will hide from you in the cave. Follow him. A new location has been discovered - Plaschgi Cave. Before entering the cave, you can kill the Izil hunters.

Heal the tiger and go inside the cave. Set traps in the cave. Please note that traps will stop the bear. When this happens, look at the ceiling above the bear's head. Shoot an arrow at a piece of rock - a stalactite. He will fall and cause serious damage to Big Scar. Do this until the task is updated.

Target. Catch up with Big Scar.

When your health is low, the bear will start running away from you. Use a saber tooth tiger to ride on. Follow the monster and you will find yourself in a new place - in the den of the Big Scar. Finish off the beast. After all this, you will need to tame the Big Scar. Mission accomplished!


Two new character icons have appeared on the map. About two or three assignments ago. They are located below, in an unexplored area. The closest icon is a character named Urki. Go to him and activate the task.

Target. Kill animals and get skins for Urka. You need to kill four different animals:

gnawing fish.

The yellow area marks the place where you should hunt. This is where you will find all the animals you need. First, go to the river and look into the water from a hill. Use your hunter's vision to see fish. Fish sometimes float to the surface. It is at these moments that you must shoot them with a bow. Remove the skin from the fish. Birds can land at any point in this place. You need to look for turtles when leaving the water, near the shore. As for ravens, they often fly over a body of water. It will be quite difficult to get into them. Therefore, it is better to walk around the pond and inspect the stones on which crows can land. After collecting all four skins, return to Urki and give them to him.

Target. Go see Urca's jump.

Go down and stand in the indicated place. The task is completed.


Head along the map towards the marker pointing to Fort Firescream. Launch the owl when you are near him. A scale should soon appear at the top of the screen. You must empty this scale. This can be done if you kill all enemies on the territory of the huge fort. An owl can throw poison bombs, a tiger can attack nearby targets. At the same time, you can free the prisoners. A leader named Rushani will appear. His health reserve is shown on that same white scale. The fort has been cleared. Watch the cut scene - another prisoner in the village of Vinja.

Talk to Rushani, who was put in a cage, outside the village


Go to the right place that Ranushi told you about. The task is activated automatically.

Target. Reach the Trial Lands.

You will need to walk a little - literally a hundred meters.

Target. Steal the seed bags before the Izila find them.

When you find yourself in the yellow area, the task will update. In total you need to find three bags. They are scattered across the map. The required areas are marked in yellow. It is not necessary to kill enemies - the main thing is to find the bags and take them with you. If you activate the hunter's vision, the bags of seeds will be marked in red. If you delay this task, a countdown will appear. If this time expires and you still do not have time to collect the bags of seeds, the Izila will find them.

Once you've collected all three bags, all you have to do is leave this area. Just go outside the yellow zone.


Return to the village, to the shaman Tinsei, to begin a new task. Go forward and try to touch Krati - some strange totem that is guarded by Batari. Move towards the standing stones, killing all enemies. When you approach the stones, you will need to fire fire arrows at all four of them.

Batari, priestess and leader of the Izil tribe, who worship the Sun.

. Kill Izil until you charge the bow. As soon as a new target appears in the upper left corner, take a triple shot at the Moon.

It will be necessary to repeat the procedure several more times. Do everything the same: kill Izil, and as soon as the inscription “split the Moon” appears at the top, then shoot at her (triple shot). About five kills will allow you to charge your bow for one triple shot. About five or six triple shots at the Moon will destroy it.


The task is taken from Master Wuga in the village of Takkara. Follow to the indicated place that Master Vuga spoke about. The mission will start automatically as soon as you enter the yellow zone.

Master Vuga, a crazy and armless old man who both respects Takkar and calls him Wet.

Target. Mark the totem thieves to find out who they are.

Launch the owl and fly through the yellow zone. Check off all your goals.

Target. Kill and search the totem thieves.

Deal with all enemies. The bodies of the three required victims are marked with yellow markers. These are the ones you should definitely search. After searching all three bodies, you will find the necessary totem parts for Vug. The task will be completed here!


The mission can be activated by talking to the hunter Jayma, who is in your village. Head to the right place. Approach the log with arrows and activate the quest.

Target. Reach the Vinj hunting grounds.

Head to the point marked on the map. The desired location is three hundred meters from here. After this, talk to the main hunter of the group.

Target. Get to the mammoth.

Next, go down the slope and you will see a mammoth. Shoot him with a bow until he turns in your direction. YOU angered the beast. Jump on the saber-toothed tiger (it's better to do this in advance). Ride the tiger back to the camp where you talked with the hunters. Here you will need to kill a mammoth. Climb to the high ground in the center of the area. From here you need to throw spears at the mammoth's body. Create new spears when old ones run out.

After the animal is destroyed, the task will be completed.

An eye for an eye

The task can be taken in conversation with the warrior Karush in the village of Takkara. Head to the indicated point (an icon with Karush will be shown on the map).

Target. Find Karush in Moga's Cave.

Soon you will find yourself in a new place - at the Cave of Frozen Knives. The tasks are activated immediately. Kill the enemies near the entrance. Go inside the cave and talk about everything with Karush.

Target. Give the green leaves to Karush.

If you have green leaves in your inventory, then simply talk to the warrior again. Otherwise, you will need to go in search of them. They grow mainly near bodies of water. At the very beginning of the game you found them for Seyla, so you must remember what they look like.

Target. Leave the cave and escape the camp with Karush.

Karush's health bar will appear at the top of the screen. Now he cannot defend himself, so you must guard him. Kill the Udam that are running towards you. There will be a huge number of enemies when leaving the cave. Be careful! Destroy everyone as quickly as possible before they kill Karush. Leave the camp and watch the video. This will complete the mission.


Bloody Tusk is a huge and cruel mammoth. On the map its location is marked with a brown icon depicting a mammoth's head. Move there and you will see a hunter. Talk to him to learn about Tusk's last location.

Target. Follow the footsteps of Bloody Tusk.

Activate the hunter's vision and follow the red tracks that Tusk left. Use the hook to go down the gorge. Then you can slide down from the cliff. Here you will find a new location - Cold Camp. Follow the tracks of the mammoth's large paws. Examine the skin on the spikes and continue moving forward.

Go down even lower and examine the body of the dead Vinge. Three points will appear on the map where you can try to find the mammoth. Head west (left) first. When you see a mammoth, place traps around the map. This place is called "Hot Springs".

When a third of the mammoth's health is gone, you will need to move to other hunting lands. Following Tusk. In the new place, still set traps and attack the mammoth. As a result, he should have a third of his health left. You can attack the mammoth from above, where it cannot reach you.

Finally, you will need to escape to the third hunting grounds. Do the same thing and kill the mammoth. Approach Tusk and finish him off.


The next task will be given to you by Seila. Go and talk to her in the hut. She will ask you to kill Ull. But first she will tell you that you need to find a rare yellow flower. Go to the marker on the map. The icon depicts Seyla. As soon as you are nearby, the task will automatically activate.

One of Takkar's two most important enemies, the leader of the Udam tribe named Ull.

Target. Find a rare yellow northern leaf for Seyla.

The specified area is marked in yellow. The area is actually small. Those same flowers are hidden between the stones at the edge of the yellow zone. Collect them. Watch the cutscene.

Target. Escape from the cave.

Turn around and move in the opposite direction. Climb onto the ledge and pick up the hook lying near the dead body. Look up and see a spot for a hook. Throw a hook there. Swing and jump over the wall that was blocking your path.

Target. Find your gear.

Go to the cave exit and take out the lone enemy using a quick kill. There will also be a cache with all your equipment inside.

Target. Explore the caves to find a way out.

Next you will need to move through the snowstorm. There will be fires at certain points - be sure to use them, since here the cold scale is emptied much faster than usual. After the first fire, continue along the cliff. Soon there will be a niche on the right. There are three white marks on the rock. Throw a club at them to open a hidden passage and reveal a bag. Go deep into the cave itself. You can either kill the Udam or calmly move past them. You are not tasked with killing all opponents.

In general, you will need to move from one cave to another. Keep warm at all times!

Target. Kill the cave guard.

Eventually you will come across the cave guard. In addition to him, there will be many ordinary opponents. Once you kill the guard, you can leave the rest of the Udam alone. Just run away from them towards the marker. Along the way you will have to kill a dozen more Udam. When you leave the cave, the task will be completed. Bring the yellow leaves to Seila, who is waiting for you in her hut in the village of Takkara.


Open the map and find the Urca icon on it. Follow to this place and talk to the savage. And again he invents something!

Target. Find special stones for Urca.

Run to the indicated place where you will need to collect resources. There is a village with an enemy tribe here. In addition to him, there is even a crocodile at the location. Destroy all opponents or try to collect the necessary stones, acting secretly. Please note that there is a big guy in the village. Stones are scattered throughout the village. Activate the hunter's vision and see them. They are marked in red.

In total you need to find three stones. Return to Urki and give him all three stones.

Target. Throw your spear at Urca's chest.

The brainless but very resourceful Urki will ask you to throw a spear at his chest. Do so.


Go to Tinsei's hut again and watch the cutscene. He will tell you about the Krati mask.

Find the desired location on the map. It is marked with an icon of Tinsei. Follow there. As soon as you enter the yellow zone, the task will automatically become active.

Target. Enter Krati's Tomb and steal the Krati Mask.

Find the dark entrance to the cave, among the rocks. Get down below, swim through the water and you will find yourself in a wonderful place.

Target. Steal the Krati mask.

You will need to follow towards the marker, carefully killing enemies. It is advisable to act secretly. It is best to drive the tiger away. You don’t even have to kill all the enemies, but quickly run up to the mask and press the indicated interaction key. Watch the cutscene.

Target. Leave Krati's Tomb.

There are a huge number of enemies here, so it’s best to run away headlong. It is advisable to follow the same route. You can climb up using the grappling hook and move left. Don't even try to kill your enemies. Just follow the marker. Deal only with those enemies who can delay you. Return to the village and watch the cutscene with Tinsei.


On the map, find a marker with an image of an ice wolf. Move to the indicated location and kill the enemies.

Target. Follow the tracks to find the three ice wolf leaders, then kill them one by one.

Activate the hunter's vision and follow the red trail. Kill the normal enemies and explore the indicated location. Head to the reservoir, following the marker on the map. Go down and kill two wolves. Examine the bloody footprints along the shore. A new location has been discovered - the waters of Pishchi.

In general, follow the orange marker and inspect certain positions that can be found using the hunter's vision. Approach the cage and break it. This will free the captive Vinge. You can place traps in this location. Be sure to do this.

Climb to higher ground. Soon the leader of the ice wolves will appear. In addition to him, attack ordinary opponents. Once the ice wolf is killed (white wolf), then remove its skin and follow the tracks of the other two animals. You will need to do everything the same as before. Attack opponents, search positions. By the way, you will also meet savages from the Izil tribe.

After killing the last wolf, or rather seriously wounding it, tame the beast. This is exactly what the assignment requires.


Go towards the icon with the image of Rushani, a captive representative of Izil. Talk to him and then build a hut for him. By the way, you can upgrade Izil's skills.


Enter the hut and talk to Rushani to learn about a new task. On the map, find the icon with the image of Rushani. You will find yourself at the site of the sacrificial ritual. The new location is called "Brajiman's Stones".

Target. Kill the priestess before she sacrifices Vinge.

When you attack enemies, a new target will appear, described above. Soon the savages from Izil will run up here. One of the savages will be marked in yellow. This color indicates the priestess. The priestess will immediately run to the captive Vinj to kill him. You must deal with the priestess first, and then achieve all the remaining savages. After all this, free the prisoner.


Open the map and find the icon with the image of Ull on the right side of it. You are going to the homeland of Udam.

Target. Cross the Udam Canyons.

Go to the indicated place. There will be a cave with putrefactive poison. Open the item crafting menu and make an antidote from the yellow flowers that you were looking for for Seyla in one of the previous quests.

Go through the cave, follow further. Use your grappling hook to grapple and climb. Along the way you will need to kill opponents. There will be a huge number of enemies - the path ahead will not be easy. Use everything you have. All your skills and abilities.

Target. Kill all enemies and light a signal fire to establish control over the territory.

Eventually, a signal fire will be marked on the map. The yellow marker leads exactly to it. Just kill all the enemies, and then light the fire itself.

Target. Get to Ulla's Cave.

Finally, you will be asked to go to the cave of the leader of the Udam tribe, Ulla. Go inside the cave and start looking for Ull. Along the way you need to kill opponents. Use the icicles hanging from the ceiling of the cave to kill enemies from a safe distance.

Target. Kill Ull.

Please note that you can find ready-made spears at the location.

To wound and stun Ull, shoot at the hanging icicles, as mentioned above. The boss's health bar is shown at the top of the screen. He will be helped by ordinary opponents. Don't forget to kill them. The recommendations will be as follows: pick up fire bombs and run away from Ull. Throw bombs at him so that they hit him at the moment when Ull is under the hanging icicle. Ull will stop for a while, and you can shoot the icicle. When Ull is stunned by the icicle falling, run up behind him and attack. After his death the task will be completed. Watch the video.


Target. Free Vinge to support the attack on the Batari Temple.

Move towards the marker in the form of an icon, which depicts Batari. Upon arrival, you will automatically start a new task. You will need to move towards the yellow marks on the map to free Vinja, who will help you attack the Batari Temple. In general, nothing complicated is required from you. Destroy cells, kill enemies and light a signal fire (where needed). After completing this task, you will need to go to the Batari Temple, where Vinja is waiting for you.

Talk to them and then cut the ropes to open the gate. Kill enemies while your fellow tribesmen are doing something else. Now move to the Batari temple itself. Takkar, by the way, will wear that same mask. Eventually you will meet Batari.

Target. Kill Batari.

Attack Batari first, who is standing on a hill. After this, opponents from the Izil tribe will come running. Kill them and keep shooting at Batari...

We are on SIMHOST mostly realists. Therefore, we understand perfectly well that many of you have only now begun to undergo Far Cry Primal, after the appearance of “pills” from CPY and 3DM. Therefore, we decided that it would not be amiss to tell a little about Far Cry Primal in our “Guides” section. And first of all, we want to tell you which skills in Far Cry Primal will be most useful to you, and how best to distribute your experience.


And let's start, in fact, with the skills that are present in the game. By completing certain missions and actions in the game, you gain experience, which then, upon reaching a new level, turns into 1 skill point.

Takkar has the most important skills - health and regeneration. Actually, how long you can survive in the game will depend on them. Even if you prefer stealth for the most part, it is better to invest a few points in health. One way or another, you will have to engage in open skirmishes with the enemy.

U Tensay everything has to do with animals. One of the useful things here is taming large animals. Pump as needed. Upgrading owls depends on your personal need and desire to use them.

For skills Jayma It's worth paying attention only if you actively use a bow. And even then, the most useful skill here can be called making more arrows. For those who need more arrows!

Karoosh gives you the opportunity to ride animals and adds a variety of finishing moves. The skills are far from critical, but they pleasantly diversify the game. If you suddenly start to get bored Far Cry Primal.

Wogah doesn't provide anything particularly useful. Especially at the beginning of the game. Towards the end, you can spend money on reducing damage from Dah and fire protection.

Try to invest in the most necessary and useful skills in Far Cry Primal first. Then to the rest.

Gaining experience

Now we want to talk about how you can gain experience in Far Cry Primal, since the game actually has a hidden level limit. That is, at some point you will simply hit the ceiling and will not gain experience and, accordingly, new skills.

But it is possible to somewhat bypass this limitation. To do this, you need to complete bonus (orange) tasks. The reward for them will not be experience, but a skill point. Even after reaching the ceiling.

The rest of the time, gaining maximum experience is welcome. To do this, it is recommended to do:

  • Wenja missions are random tasks that appear on your way. Actually, that’s why it’s worth doing them, because... it will no longer be possible to return to them;
  • Increase the population of the tribe in all available ways. True, unfortunately, the most accessible and natural way to increase the population is not provided. Therefore, complete the already mentioned Wenja missions, light fires and cut out outposts. For every 10 people they give a 2% bonus;
  • Cut out outposts quietly. Or at least without activating the alarm. They will give you more experience for this;
  • In general, try to quietly cut out everything that moves. For this (and for headshots) they give extra. experience;
  • Find all 12 Spiritual Totems. This will not only provide additional experience, but will also provide a bonus to gain.

Where to start in Far Cry Primal

Get into health immediately (Extra Health I and II). Then take Animal Taming first. The sooner you get access to Tigers and Bears, the easier (and more fun) it will be to play.

Gathering (Skinning) will also be useful. You can collect more resources and find them easier.

Once Jayma appears in the camp, purchase Craft Arrow I. Even if you don't actively use a bow, extra arrows can come in handy.

After Karoosh joins, take Mammoth Rider and Beast Rider. In a duet with tamed animals, Takkar will become a real death machine.

Various companies like to use a kind of combat testing to test products. Let's say a new element is inserted into a certain product. Developers carefully monitor the reaction of consumers, and if everything went well, they rush to develop this element with renewed vigor. This approach can be found almost everywhere, but it is especially noticeable in games.

Something similar happened to . In the third part about the American War of Independence, a new element was introduced: naval battles. This did not matter for the central plot and did not affect the overall gameplay in any way, but it turned out to be a pleasant addition and was warmly received by the players. Then Black Flag came out, where the action was entirely devoted to piracy and naval battles. The result is one of the best games in the series. And Primal has a chance to repeat its success.

Far Cry 4 had side missions in Shangri-La where we played as a legendary warrior against demons. Again, this had almost no effect on the overall plot, but again offered variety in the gameplay. In this case, the new element was a player-controlled white tiger. He could be sent to kill enemies, or he himself would happily join the battle. Ubisoft took this idea further and made Primal.

10,000 years ago. Civilization is just beginning, and humanity, for the most part, is concerned only with survival. There are raw meat, giant trees and large predators all around. The main character, named Takkar, must unite the scattered tribe of Vinja hunter-gatherers, and also withstand the bloodthirsty northern tribe of Udam and the arrogant fire lords of the Izila tribe. And all this is somewhere in central Europe.

As in the case of Black Flag, the developers of Primal took all the developments of the previous part and demolished them almost completely. Only the core remains. That is, the general elements of the gameplay of Ubisoft's Far Cry are instantly recognizable. Hidden murders, taking over camps, hiding in the bushes, collecting herbs and skins. If you have played the third or fourth Far Cry, then you have a very clear idea of ​​what we are talking about. The developers managed to build something interesting on this core.

We have a full-fledged game in front of us. This is not an addition like Blood Dragon (which, by the way, was amazing), but a new part, albeit devoid of a number. That is, Ubisoft didn’t just update the skins and take away machine guns and pistols from players. They did a great job. We had to come up with a proto-language almost from scratch (of course, no one speaks English), develop the gaits and habits of the characters (we now move differently and gesture differently). If you think about it, it’s hard not to be filled with respect for the developers, if you look at how much they came up with everything.

But if it’s not interesting to play, then all the developments are a waste. Good thing this is not the case with Primal. In it, for example, the crooked balance of the “role-playing” system of the previous part was corrected. In Far Cry 4 (as in , by the way), one problem constantly arose: due to the abundance of side quests, the player very quickly gained all the skills and weapons. By the middle of the game, as a rule, we were already fully armed and exploring the world became pointless.

This time the skill tree is tied to tribal specialists. Initially, everything is available. I found a new tribemate, built him a house, and a tree opened for new improvements and items. And so on. And this tree is spreading, with a lot of branches. Thanks to this, you constantly return to the main tasks, not forgetting to explore the surroundings and save representatives of your native tribe.

The same thing happened with resources. Previously, you needed to collect several specific skins to upgrade your equipment, and you hardly pay attention to the animals anymore. By the fourth part, plants had become practically useless. I still haven't figured out why the green leaves are needed. But the new-old world, full of dangers and devoid of the usual firearms, requires the player to constantly collect resources.

Resources, the list of which has increased significantly, are needed to make yourself arrows or spears in battle, expand your village, or make yourself winter clothes for traveling north. As a result, the player, running through the forests (there are no cars now either), constantly collects stones, skins and sticks, so as not to die as a result of another fight with a saber-toothed tiger or Udam warriors. The worst thing is when, in the midst of a battle, a spear breaks, and there are no stones to make a new one.

But the most important addition was the tame animals. Like the same tiger in Far Cry 4. Takkar is the master of animals, he can tame almost all wild animals (except deer and pigs*). Wolves, bears, tigers and one owl are always ready to help a player who is not used to getting into close combat. Felines are better at hiding and killing stealthily. Bears are like tanks, thicker and stronger, but slower. Wolves and dogs smell enemies nearby. There are common, rare and very rare animals. Huge scope for action. You can always find your favorite animal and pet it. Maybe next time we will be given the opportunity to develop the selected animals.

Another innovation of the fourth part, which the developers put a lot of pressure on, was the cooperative mode. We were advertised how fun it would be to capture a fortress with another player. But in the end, their servers were constantly glitching, throwing the player into the main menu, and in general the idea turned out to be interesting to few people. Fortunately, Primal decided to abandon this, and the vestigial organ fell off unnoticed.

It’s still difficult to say how the game will perform over the long haul. The general plot only managed to show the head, and it is not clear how quickly you can level up to the limit. Or how many glitches and bugs there will be in the game, from which, in fact, 99% of modern gaming blockbusters are not immune. And it’s unclear how the local villains even reach Pagan Min, not to mention Vaas.

But we can say with confidence: Primal is not just another Far Cry. This is a new Far Cry, with a well-developed and fascinating world where we have almost never played before. These are new mechanics with familiar elements that at the same time attract, but do not repel.

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Now the fighting is a quick, bloody massacre, with clubs and arrows. Now you need to remember how many arrows you have and whether you need to replenish your supply of meat for emergency treatment. Along the way, do not forget about the pet, ready to tear the enemy apart for the sake of the owner. Drive away annoying smaller predators while the player quietly approaches the enemy camp. And all this in the middle of dense thickets of primeval nature.

Primal is ready to attract new players to the series. New mechanics, new setting, internal balance. If earlier everything was decided by a precise shot from a sniper rifle, now you have to rely more on ingenuity and reflexes. And all in order to climb onto the peak with the lion and, stroking it, watch the sun rise. And then the eagle attacks and everything starts again.

* It’s a pity, but you can’t get yourself a fighting boar, only a badger

Console owners have already begun exploring the primitive world of Far Cry: Primal and they probably have many questions: after all, the tactical characteristics of a digging stick are noticeably different from the rifles we are used to. Polygon journalists tried to answer the most common questions that Stone Age newcomers have.



Console owners have already begun exploring the primitive world of Far Cry: Primal and they probably have many questions: after all, the tactical characteristics of a digging stick are noticeably different from the rifles we are used to.

Polygon journalists tried to answer the most common questions that Stone Age newcomers have.

Use your head

The game, as you already noticed, has a bow, arrows, clubs and spears - no rifles or grenades (unless you count a pot of bees as a grenade). Almost always - and especially in combat - it is better to think first and act later.

If you have the opportunity to simply sneak up on an enemy and hit him in the head, use it. In the worst case, you will be noticed, but you will still have time to break the distance. Once you have an owl, you will be able to mark enemies for attack - stealth will become even easier.

Try to get the Rider skill as quickly as possible. Having a mammoth or bear to ride into battle gives you an incredible advantage.

Take cover and aim for the head

If you see a group of opponents, hide in the bushes, take a bow and carefully shoot one of them in the head. It will take some time for the enemies to find you, so try to change your position sometimes. Shooting from a bow at full height is not the best solution - you will be peppered with spears pretty quickly.

Be prepared to change tactics quickly

Climbed into the bushes to hunt your opponents? There you may have an unexpected meeting with representatives of the saber-toothed fauna. Wild animals sense you through the thickets and almost always attack. If an animal runs towards you (and it’s not a mammoth), try to shoot its head with a bow; if it jumps, hit it with a club or spear. If you have angered someone large (and this is a mammoth), then forget about the bow and take up the spear. Don't forget to dodge and try to hit the head with a spear several times - this will be enough for any enemy.

Collect everything

Crafting is important. Almost any item you can pick up will be useful to you later, so it's better to pick it up now. Hunter vision highlights all interesting objects, you just need to pay more attention to them.

Seize the land

Far Cry: Primal wouldn't be Far Cry without towers (aka bonfires) and settlements. Try to capture them first - it is very convenient to have an operational base nearby where you can unload the collected materials or escape from persecution. Fast travel will also come in handy. When capturing a settlement, try to take a higher position and simply shower your opponents with arrows - they will probably run towards you.

Develop the right skills

Almost any action gives you experience (story missions, killing enemies and taming animals give you the most), sooner or later increasing your level. In the early stages of the game, it is extremely important to take the right skills in the right order. Start with skills that allow you to tame animals (mammoth is a serious argument in the debate), then move on to crafting and increasing the amount of health.

Some skills can only be useful in the later stages of the game, and traps are almost always useless. As for weapons, it all depends on what you like best, but still try to master the bow. Bow handling skills and fast reloading are great for beginners.

Tame the animals

After meeting a colorful shaman, you will receive your first skill that allows you to tame canines. Try to find and tame your wolf (or another member of the family) as quickly as possible - it’s more fun together. As you progress, you will be able to learn skills that will allow you to tame other types of animals.

There are four levels of taming in total:

  • Canines (wolves) are entry-level companions with a good combination of attack and speed
  • Wild cats (leopards, jaguars and cave lions) - faster and quieter than canines, suitable for stealth and quick attacks
  • Top predators (saber-toothed tigers and bears) - can help in battle with a large group of opponents, but a crowd with spears will kill them quite quickly; besides, you can ride them
  • Cunning animals (cave bear and badger) - a mixture of the cunning of wild cats and the strength of top predators, the most dangerous creatures of the Stone Age (yes, the badger)