Filipino doctors. Review of a trip to healers in the Philippines, deception. Side effects and exacerbations

Sensational news about the mysterious “surgeons without a scalpel”, or healers(from the English word heal - to heal), living on Philippines, have been exciting people for decades.

The first healer to become known outside the Philippines was the healer Eleuterio Terte(Eleuterio Terte). He began treating people in 1926, at the age of 25. Moreover, at first he used a knife for operations, for which he soon paid the price - he was accused of “illegal medical practice.”

Having difficulty extricating himself from the investigation, during which he swore an oath not to take up a scalpel again, Eleuterio Terte began to think about how to live further. And unexpectedly he discovered that he didn’t need a knife: he could act with his bare hands.

The trained hands of a well-prepared person are actually a terrible weapon. A skilled special agent can kill an enemy with one finger. For example, in China, for a long time, healers practiced who could easily pull out a diseased tooth by grabbing it with two fingers.

History is silent about how and on whom Eleuterio Terte trained, learning to open a patient’s body with his bare hand without leaving any scars on it.

He became famous after he helped a certain American officer, and director Ormond recorded his manipulations on film and released the film in wide release.

Then Dr. Steller, a professor of physics at the University of Dortmund, got involved. He was not too lazy to write a whole work about Eleuterio Terte, in which he admitted that, observing “operations without a scalpel,” he did not find any “sleight of hand.”

The professor assured that Filipino healers can perform surgical operations with their bare hands without hypnosis, without anesthesia, without pain and infection.

He was echoed by the Japanese physician Isamu Kimura, who examined the blood after a number of Terte’s operations and determined that it belonged to the operated patients. True, sometimes the analysis showed that the clots were of inorganic origin, that is, they did not belong to either a person or an animal, but looked like dyes. But Terte explained this by saying that these clots are nothing more than the materialization of the disease itself, “bad energy” in the hands of the healer.

Healers are grouped mainly in the Baguio region, claiming that there is some kind of special cosmic environment, thanks to which local healers acquire superhuman strength.

In fact, Baguio is the only cool place in the Philippines with wonderful, peaceful landscapes. Tourists from all over the world willingly come to Baguio. It is precisely because of the abundance of tourist clients that healers have chosen these places.

Not long ago, Baku journalist Sharif Azadov visited the Philippines. This is how he describes his meeting with one of the most famous healers.

“Alex Orbito is a short, thin 43-year-old man with pleasant features. He first discovered his abilities as a healer when he was sixteen years old. He studied with his father, also a healer. But Alex’s son, unfortunately, does not have the ability to concentrate energy, and therefore went to a regular medical college."

Orbito works every other day for 45-50 minutes a day, but it can’t do any more. Must rest, replenish lost energy. He does not operate on children, he is afraid of damaging mental centers, and treats them only with manipulations.

Orbito says goodbye to journalists, saying that he needs to concentrate before operations. And when they start, they will come for us. There is a glass partition in the large room, behind which there is an operating room. Before the operation begins, all those present sing psalms.

When Orbito entered the partition, everyone fell silent. Taking the Bible in his hands, the healer leaned over - the silence became complete. He sat like that for about fifteen to twenty minutes.

The operating room is an ordinary room with a narrow table. Two nurses in ordinary sweaters and skirts, the healer himself in the same T-shirt that he was wearing during our conversation. Several jars of oily liquids catch your eye. The only medical stuff here is cotton swabs.

There was no long hand washing either; the healer simply rinsed his hands in a jar of white liquid. And so after each operation, he dipped his hands into the jar and wiped them with the same towel.

The first patient was a woman. The healer, with quick, short movements, clicked out small bumps from her breasts, while pinkish blood barely flowed.

The woman's face was calm and did not reflect any pain or discomfort.

Then a woman with an umbilical hernia lay on the table. “I stood close to the operating table and timed all operations,” writes Sharif Azadov. “Before my eyes, the healer’s index finger, after a little massaging, suddenly entered my stomach like dough.

There was blood, but only a little, and Orbito pulled out a piece of meat from there. Then he began to vigorously stroke this place, as if tightening it, lubricated it with oil, and the woman calmly stood up from the table. There was not a shadow of suffering on her face. The operation lasted forty-three seconds.

He also removed the appendix, although in just over a minute. Once upon a time, I also had my appendix removed, and, if I’m not mistaken, it lasted more than an hour. Again, before my eyes, the healer’s fingers easily, without tearing the tissue or pressing, entered the human body. The patient's face is calm, slightly wary, but no more. You can see how the healer is doing something there, inside. Then he removed and showed the appendix to the patient and threw it into a white basin.

I asked Orbito how he connects the ends of the vessels, and he explained that he does not sew them together, but sort of seals them with energy. It’s interesting that he works with one hand, and with the palm of the other he seems to create a biofield. Bending over, I carefully looked at the place where my appendix had just been removed before my eyes. Not a seam, not a trace of a wound..."

This is how Sharif Azadov ended his story. But here is a description of the same events, belonging to another eyewitness, more prepared, and therefore looking at things more soberly.

“It’s not at all easy to figure out whether an operation is really being performed or whether it’s just an appearance,” said Mikhail Lazarevich Gershanovich, professor, doctor of medical sciences, oncologist, “At first, the healer’s actions make a stunning impression. Even to people who are skeptical. And I was not just skeptical - I was obsessed with the idea of ​​experiencing the work of healers on myself, examining it from the inside.

Gershanovich traveled to the Philippines with Anatoly Karpov as his doctor when he conducted the world championship match with Viktor Korchnoi in Baguio.

In a conversation with journalists - Oleg Moroz and Antonina Galaeva - Gershanovich said that, being a convinced materialist, and, moreover, a doctor, he did not take into account all the evidence of ecstatic eyewitnesses - you never know what will seem to a person in a state of suggestion.

“Therefore, the question of whether there is a “Philippine miracle” did not interest me,” said Gershanovich. “I was firmly convinced that he was gone.” The laws of nature are unshakable.

It is impossible to cut or spread the skin and subcutaneous tissues with your fingers. No films, no evidence will convince me otherwise. At least until I try the Filipino “knife” on my own skin. Moreover, if they open me up, I won’t believe it, I’ll find out how they did it.

So, with this mood I went to the healers. However, besides curiosity, I also had another incentive: at that time, Anatoly Karpov’s father was seriously ill. And I wanted to look in traditional medicine, including the methods of healers, for something that could help him. Alas, I did not find anything like that, and this further strengthened my skepticism.

Moreover, Gershanovich personally suffered from the intervention of the healer. He asked to have a tumor removed from his left eye. It was the so-called basal cell carcinoma, which is still being debated among doctors whether it is a malignant tumor or not (it does not metastasize).

While waiting his turn, Gershanovich had the opportunity to observe the work of healers and their patients. It seemed surprising to him that almost all healers have some kind of main profession that feeds them - a mechanic, a mason... And in between, when there is an influx of tourists, they practice chiropractic. In addition, it struck Gershanovich that patients from time to time were people whom he had already seen with other healers in the same role...

In general, the more Gershanovich looked closely at the healer’s work, the more his conviction became stronger: there is no surgery here, there are skillful tricks and nothing more...

“But now it’s my turn,” the professor continued his story. — I asked to remove a tumor under my left eye and a varicose vein on my leg (by the way, very convenient for demonstration - it would be immediately obvious whether it was removed or not). Hiller readily agreed, warning, however, that he must pray over me.

Finally the healer said that the spirit had appeared and he was ready to begin. For a long time, he painfully squeezed the tumor with iron fingers, tenacious like pincers, but nothing happened.

After that, the tumor began to grow quickly, and I had to hurry to remove it. Not in the Philippines, of course, but at home, with an excellent surgeon. So, only a small scar remains as a memory of that adventure. But he wouldn’t have existed, Gershanovich is sure, if he had turned to the same surgeon right away, even before his trip to the Philippines.

As for the varicose veins, the healer also crushed it quite a bit. As a result, thrombophlebitis developed, which then also had to be treated for a long time using conventional methods...

In general, as statistics show, 90 percent of healer patients, upon returning to their homes, are forced to seek medical help again - this time from ordinary doctors.

The remaining ten percent is divided approximately equally. Five percent were people who did not need any surgery at all; their malaise was only a consequence of excessive suspiciousness. And finally, the remaining five percent comes from people whom healers actually helped.

For example, in one patient, the healer removed an atheroma (benign tumor) on the chest. But this atheroma was special, like a large blackhead - it was associated with a blockage of the sebaceous gland, had an outward course and, therefore, could easily be removed by simple squeezing.

That, in fact, is the whole story about the secrets of Filipino healers. As they say, draw your own conclusions. All I have to do is add to what has been said the mention of one more piece of evidence that I discovered on the Internet. Former doctor Stanislav Suldin, having arrived in the Philippines, decided to get rid of gallstones along with his vacation. The healer performed the operation and said that everything was fine now.

However, upon returning to Moscow, Stanislav still had to undergo a cholecystectomy - an operation to remove stones from the gall bladder.

“There was no healer nearby, the anesthesia was normal, and our surgeons, guys from my stream at the institute, operated,” writes Stanislav. “For which I thank them very much.” And he adds: “The guys found no traces of the healer’s intervention, they simply did their job. They are practical and don’t believe in miracles.”

Recently, when official medicine has practically lost its “human face,” patients increasingly prefer alternative healing methods. Of the many non-traditional methods of treatment that exist today, perhaps the most amazing is the art of Filipino healers (

Some consider these people to be truly omnipotent healers, while others consider them virtuoso charlatans. Witnesses from many countries claim that the magical hands of healers actually penetrate human bodies and save those whom traditional medicine has abandoned. After these operations, no traces remain on the patients’ bodies!..

So who are these people - brilliant healers or scammers?

Healers are traditional Filipino healers who perform surgical operations without using any special instruments or even gloves. However, they do not use anesthetics and this also differs from other healers and especially modern surgeons. The work of healers is somewhat akin to psychosurgery, since they influence patients both physically and mentally.

The word “healer” comes from the English “heal,” which means “to heal.” However, this name is “local”; In the West, such healers are better known as “psychic surgeons” and “surgeons of the fourth dimension.” It is clear that such names intrigue the simple-minded ordinary people even more...

The first written mentions of healers date back to the 16th century and belong to members of the crew of a sea ship who ended up on a Philippine island and there witnessed magical healing. One of the sailors was lucky enough to experience this miracle for himself, after which his condition improved dramatically. However, this information remained in the old diaries.

Only in the forties of the last century were Europeans able to record how a Filipino healer worked with a patient. After that, the whole world learned about healers. Today you can find many photographs and videos of miraculous healings on the Internet.

There are now no more than 50 real healers, despite the fact that in almost every settlement in the Philippines there are 8-10 people who call themselves this big word. The most famous is June Labo, to whom patients come from all over the world. Perlito Alcazar, Maria Bilosana, Nida Talon are also very popular.

Like other traditional healers, Filipino healers use herbal medicine, massage, various spells and other unconventional methods of treatment. However, the main difference in their actions is surgical practice.

Fantastic surgery by Filipino healers

These people carry out their unique operations literally with their bare hands. Without a scalpel, clamps and all other instruments, they penetrate the human body and remove foreign objects, stones, waste, etc. from there.

These amazing operations, like conventional surgeries, begin with patient preparation. Preparation includes communication between the healer and the patient and general meditation. Then the healer tells the patient in detail what exactly he will do and how he will do it. Next, pain relief is performed - but without the usual injections. By pressing on certain points, the healer performs partial anesthesia - and the patient becomes insensitive to pain.

During the operation, the patient remains fully or partially conscious. However, he does not experience pain or any discomfort. Those who have experienced the skill of healers say that during the operation you can feel light slaps or a soft tingling sensation.

From the outside, such an action seems like something supernatural. The healer scans the patient's naked body, running his hands over it. Then, at a certain place, the hands stop - and the healer’s fingers enter the patient’s flesh, after which simply unimaginable manipulations begin. Despite the appearance of blood, the patient remains calm, and the healer removes blood clots, tumors or some other formations from his body. These “treasures” are shown to the patient, telling the patient that the cause of the disease has been eliminated and the person is completely healthy.

Are Filipino healers scammers?

What are the arguments of those who consider surgeons-healers to be skillful scammers? They refer to the fact that during a preoperative conversation with a healer, the patient is offered a glass of alcoholic tincture of some herbs. Skeptics believe that it is with the help of this drink, and not acupressure and meditation, that pain relief is achieved for the patient.

Further, how does the healer know where to look for what requires removal, and what generally hurts the patient? So, in order to find out, they give him a difficult glass to “spank”, after which they simply find out from the “stirred” patient what is bothering him. That's it, no more no less!

And of course, the absence of any traces of the operation is completely baffling. The inexorable logic of skeptics says: if there was blood, if something was taken out of a person, where is the trace - a wound or a scar? Since they are not there, there was no operation, but... a simple suggestion that was applied to impressionable and often desperate people. Well, of course! And this explains everything!

Meanwhile, there are fully confirmed facts of healing by healers of patients whom official medicine recognized as hopeless. After returning from the Philippines, such patients are in no hurry to see doctors; it’s just that after some time, it is completely by chance that they do not have a certain disease, for example, a cancerous tumor.

It is true that they say that Filipino healers do not undertake to help people with diseases of the brain, blood and bone cancer, as well as very advanced cancer. As for all other patients, healers unmistakably “figure out” those who do not believe in their powerful power, and also refuse treatment. As they say, according to your faith may it be...

Video: The Mystery of the Philippine Heelers

In the age of high technology, scientific discoveries and advances in medicine, there are still many unsolved and inexplicable mysteries in the world. Unusual events often occur in the world that modern science is not yet able to explain, but, nevertheless, these phenomena exist. People are inexplicably cured of serious illnesses, predicting the future or seeing pictures from the past - this and much more is happening around us and is of great public interest. One of these still inexplicable phenomena is the Philippine heeler.

Scientists still cannot explain the unique operations performed by Filipino healers, but, nevertheless, millions of people go to healers for help and leave healed from many diseases.

The first mentions of Philippine healers appeared in our country about thirty years ago. Since then, many eyewitness accounts, articles and press notes about this phenomenon have accumulated. Many of our compatriots have visited this mysterious country and experienced the power of healers.

The word “healer” comes from the English “heal” - to heal. Healers call themselves healers of faith. Healers treat diseases without cutting into the human body, but, as it were, by inserting themselves into it. There are about 50 real healers in the Philippines - they undertake and successfully carry out operations against which official medicine is powerless. Long queues line up for these people and they must accept everyone. It is believed that a real healer should not refuse to help either an enemy or a poor person, with the only exception being murderers. Healers themselves set a fee for their services - they can ask some for food, some for money, and for others they can help for free. There is also a belief that for the ability to heal, God takes away part of the healer’s health for the gift that he gave him.

Healers allow video and photography during “operations,” so a large number of recordings of the people present there and the patients themselves have accumulated. Before starting treatment, the healer himself makes a diagnosis. The treatment proceeds as follows: having found a sore spot, the healer begins to massage it, gradually his hands penetrate inside the body, and blood appears. Then the healer finds the diseased organ with his hands, removes the affected tissues that interfere with the body’s normal functioning, and then, using the same massaging movements, removes his hands from the body. After the operation, there is not even a scar left on the person’s body, and he can calmly get up and go home. During the operation, assistants are always present to help the healer and pray with him. It is noteworthy that the person is conscious and does not feel pain, and during the operation he can calmly communicate with people.

There are several hypotheses regarding the mechanism of action of the healer during this type of operation. The most common assumption is that healers, by concentrating enormous energy on their fingertips, do not cut, but separate tissues from each other without damaging large vessels, which is why there is little blood during such operations. The healers themselves say that the ability to heal was given to them from above and all operations are accompanied by prayers addressed to God.

Filipino healers treat many diseases - ulcers, sinusitis, cancer, get rid of kidney stones, and all this without anesthesia.

The amazing art mastered by Filipino healers is known all over the world. People come to them from the farthest corners of the earth to regain health and harmony with the world around them. Unfortunately, at the moment there is a lot of negative information about healers. They are accused of charlatanism, fraud and deception. Indeed, there are many cases where ordinary people pose as real healers and deceive their patients without providing them with any real help. Therefore, you need to approach the choice of a healer carefully and before visiting, collect information from people who have already been treated by a healer.

The art of real healers is surrounded by many mysteries and secrets; many scientists have been trying to solve this riddle for a long time, while healers, meanwhile, continue to help people. Now many people have the opportunity to go to the Philippines and see for themselves that healers are not a hoax, and they can really treat many serious diseases. And, of course, we must not forget that the healer’s main assistant is the person himself and his sincere belief in recovery.

Filipino healers video

  • Hernia treatment
  • Other diseases (fibroids, pancreatitis, mastopathy, infertility)
  • Virgilio will help you in solving a number of other problems:

    • removes negative effects (damage and evil eye)
    • cleanses and harmonizes the biofield
    • works with chakras
    • puts up a defense
    • helps in business and relationships
    • provides psychological assistance

    Healers are not doctors in the literal sense of the word - they do not heal themselves. Healing energy passes through them, through their hands. Healers, being guides, are able to heal almost any disease. The healer only needs to tune in well to this channel and ensure the maximum flow of healing power so that it enters the body and energy shell of the person seeking help without resistance. The more a person is tuned in to the effectiveness of the assistance, the better the result, since there are no energy blocks on his part that prevent the penetration of the healing power.

    Each case is private, and whether the healer will undertake to help or not will become clear only when he first looks at the person’s photograph. It is usually possible to identify common cases when the healer does not refuse to help: arthritis, infertility, adenomas and all types of diseases of the genitourinary system, sinusitis, chronic bronchitis, and other diseases of the ear, nose and throat, intervertebral hernias, diseases of the nervous system, including migraines, dysfunction thyroid gland, diabetes and all pathologies of the endocrine system, gastrointestinal diseases, diseases of the cardiovascular system, including varicose veins and hypertension, cancer up to stage 4, various neoplasms, such as cysts, polyps, stones of various etiologies.

    Sometimes the result is immediate, but sometimes it is gradual, when the treatment is extended over time, i.e. Between healing and taking a healer, a period of several months or weeks passes. Sometimes the result is incomplete, say, they helped heal the thyroid gland, but a few roots or small nodules remained, the same with polycystic disease. But you can always contact a healer again. While helping, healers do not touch the tissue of the organ itself and remove only the growth and its root, while surgical operations often remove the tumor along with the organ or part of it. In many cases, after healing, during which the “new growth” is deprived of its roots and vitality, it “resolves” on its own. Hernias also dry out. Unlike most Filipino healers, who are reluctant to take on diseases of the organs of vision, master Virgilio Gutierrez heals cataracts, glaucoma and restores vision.

    Healers will not help in all cases

    Organs that cannot be restored. Do not splice or remove bones and skin growths. Multiple sclerosis and cerebral palsy can only be alleviated. They are very reluctant to take on cancer in the last stage (if they take it at all), especially after many chemotherapy treatments. They explain that they cannot start the self-healing mechanism, since it is destroyed by chemotherapy and hormone therapy and previous operations.

    Contraindications and side effects


    • abstain from all types of meat (except fish and seafood) during treatment
    • refrain from salt and pickles (you can eat foods that already contain salt, for example, bread, cheese, cottage cheese, etc.)
    • refrain from black tea and coffee (green and herbal tea are ok), decaffeinated coffee or coffee with milk are also excluded
    • exclude alcohol completely during treatment, and also exclude non-alcoholic beer completely

    These requirements are common to everyone. On the day of diagnosis or during individual sessions, additional contraindications may be added.

    During your visit to Virgilio It is advisable not to visit other bioenergetics (at the same time).

    In case of vertebral hernias, refrain from the gym during treatment.

    In case of infertility treatment Also, during treatment, we refrain from wearing heels, physical activity (you can do yoga and swimming), and lifting weights (no more than 5 kg).

    Side effects and exacerbations

    There are no side effects, and your health does not become worse than before. After the sessions, there is a feeling of drowsiness, weakness, and a feeling of fullness (you don’t want to eat).

    Places (organs) that have been healed can make themselves felt through a warm, pulling, aching sensation; if you touch the place, you may feel as if there is a bruise.

    Exacerbation is extremely rare and incredibly short-lived (from 1 to 3 days) in the following cases:

    • hypertension (pressure may fluctuate),
    • stage 2 diabetes (sugar may rise briefly in very rare cases),
    • vertebral hernias,
    • lumbar hernias,
    • herniated vertebrae (short-term discomfort may occur),
    • gynecology (fibroids, polycystic ovaries, cysts, polyps, uterine prolapse) - mild nagging pain (similar to discomfort, like before the menstrual cycle) and discharge (which lasts no more than two days).

    Working with the thyroid gland(knots, etc.) after the procedure, a feeling of a lump in the throat lasts until the next morning.

    In case of negative impacts(evil eye, damage, etc.), when Virgilio removes it, symptoms similar to the onset of the flu may occur (chills, fever, drowsiness), usually in a mild form, passing the next day.

    Because work, cleaning and harmonization occur at all levels, many people may undergo a cleansing (but it is more spiritual than physical). This is expressed in the desire to cry, withdraw, or release internal aggression (duration from 1 day to 5 days).

    For skin diseases(dermatitis, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, allergies of various kinds) possible:

    • exacerbation (itching, redness),
    • deterioration of the condition (in individual cases), as a rule, it goes away from 1 to 14 days (some herbs or spices recommended to everyone individually can also provoke an exacerbation, due to cleansing of the body, but as soon as the days of taking the prescribed herbs or spices end, the exacerbation caused by them, the body is cleansed).