Lip fillers - review of the best drugs and administration technology, indications and possible complications. Technique for introducing fillers for rejuvenation and correction of problem areas Filler in the lips

To make the image even more attractive, lip fillers have been very often used lately. After all, a seductive smile makes the face brighter, softer, sexier.

Not all women are happy with their appearance. And to be precise, almost no one. Ladies of different ages constantly find some flaws that they really want to eliminate. Lips are no exception. Few people are satisfied with their volume, shape, smoothness.

In this case, contour plastic surgery with fillers will come to the rescue. These miracle drugs will help give your lips the desired swelling, get rid of wrinkles, or eliminate more serious cosmetic defects.

Modern cosmetology offers a fairly impressive number of fillers. Which one should you choose to achieve the desired result? Let's figure it out together.

Indications for use

First of all, let's remember what filler is. This cosmetic product is in the form of a plastic gel, which is injected under the skin and fills the subcutaneous space. With its help, problem areas are corrected for quite a long time.

Attention young beauties! You can only enlarge your lips after 18 years of age, unless there are special indications for the injection of filler in the form of pronounced visual defects.

Lip augmentation with filler is indicated (if I can say so in relation to some positions):

  • Correction of cosmetic defects resulting from trauma;
  • Elimination of scars, cicatrices and pronounced wrinkles;
  • Increase in volume;
  • Changing or correcting the shape of the lips.

Some of the above indications cause heated debate among doctors. If such an operation (this is an operation, albeit a minimally invasive one!) can really correct serious defects in appearance, then the intervention is justified. If it’s just a whim, a tribute to fashion, a desire to “outdo your friends” (this also happens) - this is just stupidity. After all, nature.

It should also be noted that modern drugs are considered absolutely safe for the body. But there are times when our body may react inadequately to even the most harmless and natural drug, which in this particular case is foreign to it.

Therefore, you need to very carefully choose a cosmetologist or plastic surgeon who will perform the manipulation. Listen to his opinion on even the most insignificant trifles. Choose a filler only together with a specialist and follow all post-treatment rules. Otherwise, you can get a result that is completely opposite to what you expected.

Lip filler is designed to perform a specific function. If you decide to carry out such a manipulation, the effect will be as follows:

  • Purse-string wrinkles will be smoothed out;
  • The contour will become clear, pronounced, beautifully outlined;
  • The corners of the lips rise;
  • The so-called “wrinkles of grief” (furrows on the lips that become deeper with age) will disappear;
  • If the upper lip is thin, it can be turned out;
  • The shape of the mouth is corrected;
  • Asymmetry (if any) is eliminated.

By changing the shape of your mouth in this way, you can achieve a perfect look. Lips will become even, smooth, beautifully defined. The skin will become moisturized, soft, shiny.

But remember! The desire for perfection is not the desire to give already beautiful lips a fashionable look. Indeed, there are cases when such a procedure will help get rid of external defects and improve what is given by nature. However, resorting to lip augmentation only according to the dictates of fashion - is this reasonable?!

Now is the time to pay attention to which lip filler is best to choose. After all, modern cosmetology offers a lot of them, and every young lady will be able to choose the appropriate option for herself.

Types of fillers

Lip augmentation with fillers is a procedure that gives a long-term, but not permanent effect. The time factor largely depends on the type of filler. They are all divided into two main ones:

  • Permanent;
  • Biodegradable.

The latter, in turn, also have several subspecies.


The permanent lip augmentation product consists of polymer materials. The most common is silicone. It is not excreted from the body and does not dissolve in surrounding tissues. Such materials are distinguished by their special density. With their help, the shape of the mouth is qualitatively modeled and the desired volume is given.

But such fillers have recently been used quite rarely. It's all about the long-term side effects. Namely:

  • Gel migration, causing deformation of the initially given shape;
  • Inflammatory processes in the tissues around the implant;
  • Formation of granulomas and other problems.

The permanent filler can only be removed surgically.


Injections of biodegradable drugs are less dangerous, since with the correct choice of filler and proper manipulation they practically do not cause side effects or complications.

Biodegradable means that they are completely eliminated from the body over a certain period of time. How long the effect lasts depends on the density of the filler. The result can last from six months to 3 years.

  1. Fat injections help create shape and volume for the shortest possible time - from 3 to 6 months. The patient is injected with a filler made from his own fat cells, which have previously been subjected to special treatment. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia, since local anesthesia prevents the body from absorbing the material. Side effects are possible in the form of filler migration and inflammatory processes if the injection technique was violated. This filler is used only if other options are not suitable for any other reason.
  2. Collagen fillers are made from human or animal collagen. The effect lasts for about six months. This drug is created on the basis of biomaterial. Despite the careful processing of raw materials, there is a possible risk of infection of the patient, since information about the infection can be stored on the DNA of the source.
  3. Fillers based on calcium hydroxyapatite. The substance is found in human bone tissue, so the viscous gel is rarely rejected by the body. The active substance stimulates the production of your own collagen. After about four months, a durable implant is formed, which dissolves over time. The density of the filler is high, so experienced cosmetologists advise using it in extreme cases and very carefully to correct the shape of the lips.
  4. Injections with polylactic acid are practically not used for lip surgery. Although this substance is part of the human body, it can cause various side effects when injected into the lips. In essence, such fillers are designed to stimulate the production of your own collagen in the subcutaneous tissues.
  5. Fillers based on hyaluronic acid are recognized as the best today. This acid is part of connective tissue. It attracts and retains moisture in the epidermis, stimulates internal processes, and improves the condition of the skin. Lips acquire the desired volume, become moisturized, soft, and get rid of wrinkles and grooves. The duration of the effect depends on the concentration and consistency of the drug and the manufacturer.

Pay attention! We talked about all types of fillers used in cosmetology. Not all of them are suitable for lip augmentation. So carefully study the composition of the products. Better yet, look for an experienced and conscientious doctor who will take into account all individual characteristics and wishes. And only after that he will select the most optimal option.

Top best drugs

And so, we have already found out that the best fillers for lip augmentation are based on hyaluronic acid. The list of such drugs is quite large, since many manufacturers of cosmetics produce lines of similar products. We present the top best lip fillers according to experts and consumers. Our rating is based on monitoring many customer reviews and expert opinions.

Remember - the best lip filler is the one that suits all parameters and takes into account individual characteristics and needs.

A product from an Austrian company based on hyaluronic acid. Used for correction of lips, periorbital area, nasolabial folds, neck, hands. The effect lasts on average from six months to a year. Then, to maintain the desired shape, the procedure is repeated. Available in a sterile 1 ml syringe. Price – from 3000 rubles.

Another Austrian drug for volumetric lip contouring. The effect lasts from a year to two (depending on the individual parameters of the client’s body). Available in 1 ml capsules, cost from 3,600 rubles.

According to experts, this is the best filler for lip augmentation from French manufacturers. Has high plasticity. The line of products includes several drugs:

  • Juvederm Ultra 2 with lidocaine. Designed to correct moderate wrinkles. The cost of packaging (2 syringes of 0.55 ml each, with special needles) – from 7,000 rubles;
  • Ultra 3, Ultra 4 – for working with aging skin. Packaging price (2 syringes, 1 ml each) – 10,000-12,000 rubles;
  • Juviderm Ultra Smile is a special development for creating a contour, as it has a positive effect on the delicate perioral area. The cost of packaging (2 syringes of 0.55 ml.) – from 75,000 rubles.

A French drug that effectively fights purse-string and age-related wrinkles, eliminating asymmetry. To achieve maximum effect, it is often used in combination with other fillers from the same manufacturer. Cost – from 8000 rubles.

Swedish filler with hyaluronic acid in the composition. Moisturizes very well, adds volume, smooths out wrinkles. Effective for up to a year or more. Ideally corrects areas with increased facial activity. Price – from 6000 rubles.

Also a representative of the Swedish cosmetics industry. Smoothes wrinkles well, adds volume, creates contours, eliminates symmetry. Effective for up to a year. Cost – from 11,000 rubles.

The Korean drug for lip augmentation is characterized by a quick effect. It starts rejuvenation processes almost immediately after getting under the skin. The set includes 1 syringe with the drug (1 ml.) and two sterile thin-walled needles, making it possible to carry out the procedure without anesthesia. Cost – from 4500 rubles.

Korean fillers, available in two versions:

  • Dermaren FINE - for correcting shallow wrinkles and creating lip contour;
  • Dermaren DEEP - adds volume, shapes contour.

A special technique for producing gels makes it possible to achieve a lasting and pronounced lifting effect. Package cost – from 4500 rubles (1 syringe with a volume of 1.1 ml.)


Lip augmentation with fillers requires certain preparation. Necessary:

  • Three days before the procedure, stop taking medications that thin the blood;
  • Avoid hot drinks and alcohol during the day;
  • Those who are prone to herpetic rashes are recommended to take a course of Acyclovir or other antiviral drugs.

The technique for introducing filler into the lips is selected individually:

  • For those who have a high pain sensitivity threshold, a conductive method is used - blocking the nerves with anesthetic drugs with lidocaine or ultracaine. As a result, the entire lip is anesthetized, but its shape is slightly distorted, which is not very good for modeling the shape during manipulation;
  • Local technology is used more often. To do this, apply a special cream to the lips and wait about half an hour. After which the drug can be administered.

Injections into the lips are a painful procedure, as there are many nerve endings in this place. After pain relief, the puncture does not cause any significant negative reactions, only slight discomfort.

How does the procedure work?

First of all, you need to choose the best drug that will satisfy all the client’s needs. This is done together with the doctor and taking into account all the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

  • Cleansing the surface of the lips from cosmetics, dust and dirt;
  • Anesthetic treatment;
  • Antiseptic treatment;
  • Administration of the drug. First, the upper lip is corrected, then the lower lip;
  • Repeated treatment with antiseptic.

What techniques are used

In each specific case, the doctor chooses the drug administration regimen. They are divided into two types:

  • Superficial - insertion several millimeters deep. Used to add a little volume, eliminate wrinkles, and enlarge the lower lip;
  • Internal - the drug is injected to a depth of up to 1 cm. With this technique, you can give your lips significant volume, get rid of pronounced unevenness, wrinkles, scars, and correct the shape of your mouth.

The doctor decides which way to enlarge lips with the greatest effect and safely.

Mixing gels

Mixing gels is acceptable if several problems need to be solved during one session. But you can only mix drugs from the same line from the same manufacturer.

Otherwise, it is unknown how products from different companies will react and what effect they will have on the patient’s body.

Here are the results of lip augmentation medications from different manufacturers.

Rehabilitation period

Preparations for lip augmentation must take root in the body before the effect is visible “in all its glory.” Swelling on the lips may last from 1 to 3 days - this is normal. Here is a list of prohibitions for the first time:

  • Do not subject your lips to mechanical stress - do not kiss, do not massage, and generally do not touch unless absolutely necessary;
  • Do not consume food and drinks with a temperature above 60ºС;
  • Do not use decorative cosmetics;
  • Do not drink alcohol or smoke;
  • Avoid active facial expressions;
  • Do not sleep with your face in the pillow and do not tilt your head for more than ten minutes;
  • Treat the surface of the lips with antiseptic agents and moisturizing creams on the advice of a cosmetologist;
  • If necessary, take paracetamol to relieve pain, ibuprofen or aspirin to thin the blood;
  • Avoid visiting places with high humidity and air temperature for two weeks;
  • Do not actively engage in sports for the same amount of time;
  • Do not do massage or other cosmetic procedures on the face.

Compliance with all precautions will prevent the risk of side effects and complications.


An absolute ban on the procedure will be:

  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Age up to 18 years;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Poor blood clotting;
  • Allergy to any of the components of the drug;
  • Diseases of any etiology, accompanied by febrile conditions or elevated temperature;
  • Violations of the integrity of the skin on the lips.

It is worth postponing the procedure if it is scheduled during menstruation. At this time, the threshold for pain sensitivity increases, and anesthesia may act less adequately. In addition, there may be a risk of prolongation of the rehabilitation period, bruising and bruising.

After the procedure, everyone hopes for a perfect result. But due to incorrect administration of the drug, non-compliance with post-treatment rules, or an unpredictable reaction of the body, the following unpleasant consequences may be observed:

  • Gel displacement;
  • Lumps;
  • Granulomas;
  • Fibrous capsules;
  • Allergy;
  • Embolism;
  • Necrosis.

If any incomprehensible or frightening symptom is detected, you must immediately contact the specialist who performed the procedure.

Comparison with other procedures

In addition to the injection of fillers, other methods are used for lip care and correction. Among them:

  • Biorevitalization. Does not affect the volume of the lips, but is a good prevention of tissue aging, moisturizes and maintains skin tone;
  • Mesotherapy involves the introduction of nutritional and therapeutic multi-component cocktails. Heals and rejuvenates the skin of the lips. For some time after the procedures, the effect of a slight increase in volume will be noticeable, which passes very quickly;
  • Cheiloplasty is a surgical technique for inserting implants. Stitches inevitably remain;
  • Electroporation is the introduction of hyaluronic acid through microcurrents. The result is less noticeable than after the injection of fillers. Course application required.

Reasons for the rapid resorption of fillers

After the injection lip augmentation procedure, we hope for a lasting result. But it happens that the effect disappears very quickly. There are several reasons for this:

  • The presence in the body of hidden inflammatory processes or disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • The influence of high temperatures during the recovery period or an overly active lifestyle;
  • Accelerated metabolic processes as an individual feature of the patient’s body. In such cases, you need to choose a denser filler so that it stays longer in the lips.

According to experts, lip fillers are a necessary measure that should not be resorted to in the “pursuit of fashion.” If we talk about biodegradable drugs, they do not cause sharply negative reviews.

But you should also know that a good specialist will immediately tell you what results can be achieved. After all, the anatomical structure leaves a certain “imprint” on your appearance. The doctor will immediately tell you whether you will look the way you planned for yourself.

Tell me which drug is better for lip augmentation. No specialist can definitely do this. After all, each has its own pros and cons, indications and contraindications. And everything again depends on the initial problems that you want to solve.

Useful videos

Lip fillers are an ideal solution for girls and women who are unhappy with the appearance and condition of this part of their face. After plump lips came into fashion, thousands of beauties went under the plastic surgeon’s knife to get closer to the ideal. However, today cosmetologists have the means to avoid such radical and often dangerous intervention. What are fillers for lip augmentation, and why do modern beauties prefer them?

Fillers allow you to enlarge your lips without the intervention of a plastic surgeon

Fillers got their name from the English verb to fill, which translates as “to fill.” Accordingly, the essence of the action of these drugs is that when they get under the skin or into its inner layers, they fill a certain volume. As a result, the processed part becomes larger or changes its shape. The fight against wrinkles follows exactly the same principle. They are literally pushed out from the inside, resulting in the skin becoming smooth, like a baby's.

The technique of lip augmentation with fillers involves injecting the selected drug directly into the desired point using a special syringe. Experts say that the procedure is virtually painless. But judging by the reviews of their clients, this is not entirely true. Lips are a very sensitive area, but the problem is easily solved. No anesthesia - only local anesthesia, using gentle drugs in the form of gels or creams.

Very thin needles not only relieve pain, but also reduce the degree of injury. In most cases, the puncture sites remain invisible. Many specialists prefer to use cannulas. These are needles with a blunt end that allow you to avoid cutting tissue, which is doubly convenient.

It is noteworthy that after enlarging her lips with fillers, a woman sees changes almost immediately. The final result will be formed in about a week or two, depending on the individual characteristics and the chosen drug. The same factors determine how long the achieved effect will last. It could be just six months, or it could be three years.

Almost entirely the result of the administration of drugs depends on the specialist, but the patient’s task is to entrust his beauty to the best doctor. Here it is important to spend some time studying customer reviews of various clinics and salons. A conversation with a specialist also plays an important role, during which you can determine how high the level of his qualifications is and his desire to make your face perfect. Lack of experience can play a bad joke, and blindly following the client’s requirements without taking into account her individual characteristics can lead to a completely different result that will please you for a long time.

Fillers are special injections in gel form.

To avoid problems, you should prepare as best as possible for your conversation with your doctor. To do this, you need to study at least a minimum of information about the upcoming procedure and get an idea of ​​what you want to achieve by undergoing it.

Read also:

Correction of the nasolacrimal trough with fillers: Before and after photos, technique, complications

Types of drugs

First, let's figure out what fillers exist. The names of most of them will not mean anything to those who have not previously touched on this topic, so we will study which groups of substances are usually injected into the lips and more.

Fillers are:

  • biodegradable. This means that after a fairly short time they will be removed from the body by themselves in a completely natural way without any additional intervention;
  • non-biodegradable. These fillers are synthetic (silicone). Naturally, synthetics themselves do not dissolve in the body, however, there is no need to endlessly adjust the result of the work. Everything would be ideal if such drugs did not have a lot of side effects and were not able to “travel” throughout the body absolutely independently;
  • autological. In this case, the patient's own fat is used as filler. It does not give negative consequences, which is very good, but most often it dissolves even faster than drugs of the first group.

It should be noted that there are also biosynthetic drugs. This is a kind of combination of silicone with natural preparations. The essence of the idea was to make fillers long-lasting, but at the same time to minimize side effects. Natural components were designed to stimulate collagen synthesis in the body. In many ways, the result was achieved, but the presence of silicone still did not allow us to avoid unpleasant consequences such as tissue damage or migration of the drug.

Based on the foregoing, natural preparations are the preferred option for those who want to maintain beauty and youth or change something in their appearance. Yes, the procedure will have to be repeated regularly, but there will be no side effects, and self-rejuvenation will be a pleasant bonus.

At the moment, fillers are gel-like preparations based on hyaluronic acid, calcium, collagen, lactic acid, etc. The choice is usually up to the doctor, who, after examining the patient, determines what density and composition of the drug will be preferable.

Only the doctor should determine the type of filler that is suitable for the patient.

Modern requirements

Despite the fact that at the moment there are different fillers, research does not stand still. New drugs are constantly being developed. Based on quite a long experience, it can be determined that it is best if they meet the following requirements:

  • Lip fillers must be biocompatible. This guarantees the absence of side effects and serious complications;
  • taking into account the previous point, it is necessary to ensure that the drug is eliminated from the body as slowly as possible, accordingly, the achieved effect will last longer, and correction will be required less frequently;
  • however, the filler should still be removed naturally;
  • the drug should not move in the tissues.

Read also:

Filler in cosmetology: what is it? Photos, descriptions, tips and tricks

As you can see, the beauty industry has a lot to work on. But now we can choose from very high-quality and fairly safe drugs.

The most popular drugs

Preparations based on hyaluronic acid are popular

At the moment, doctors prefer to offer their clients lip augmentation with fillers based on:

  • collagen. Despite the fact that these drugs are eliminated from the body very quickly, they are very popular. The thing is that the introduction of collagen into the tissue stimulates the independent production of the substance, and accordingly, the skin improves on its own. Typically, the effect of the filler lasts for at least five months. There are preparations based on collagen of animal and human origin. It must be borne in mind that the first is a fairly strong allergen;
  • hyaluronic acid. Now this substance enjoys well-deserved popularity. It perfectly retains moisture and also stimulates the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid. It is noteworthy that based on the substance you can get both a dense filler and a soft one, and the viscosity of the substance is also regulated. The duration of action of these drugs is also different. They can be as little as six months or two years, which is a lot;
  • poly-L-lactic acid. We are talking about the popular product “Sculptra”, which perfectly stimulates collagen synthesis and is characterized by a high degree of biocompatibility with the human body;
  • polycarprolactone. The drug "Elans" gives a long-term effect - up to four years. However, it is best left for difficult cases.

It is difficult to say which drug is the most effective, since it all depends on the individual case. The doctor developing the plan for the procedure must decide which product is suitable for simply increasing volume, correcting the shape of the cube or eliminating wrinkles around them.


When choosing a filler, the doctor’s opinion is very important

Lip augmentation is considered a simple operation, but it requires serious qualifications. In an hour, and sometimes less, the doctor manages to make the necessary injections and make sure that the drug is distributed correctly. Sometimes it is necessary to perform a small massage or additionally inject the drug if there is obvious asymmetry.

When preparing for the procedure, you should ensure that there are no contraindications. This is very important, because any of them can have a significant negative impact not only on the result, but also on health.

To make sure there are no negative factors, it is best not to be lazy and visit a therapist, take all the prescribed tests and wait for a doctor’s conclusion.

There is more than one. Their popularity continues to grow, as today many women pay special attention to their lips and want to add a little plumpness and sensuality to them.

Using fillers, you can correct the shape or improve the condition of the skin in this part of the face. Moreover, you can also find balms and creams with filler effects, such as Librederm,.

What are lip fillers?

Fillers are drugs that are used for injection. With their help you can change the shape, volume of your lips, etc. The composition of such products may include bovine collagen, various additives of synthetic origin, and much more.

Fillers are used for different purposes. This may include:

  • raising the corners of the lips;
  • shape correction;
  • increase in volume.

To inject the drug into the skin, a special syringe with a thin needle is used. The procedure itself lasts about 15-30 minutes.

Many fillers contain an anesthetic. This helps reduce pain after the injection.

If filler is used to reduce wrinkles, then the drug is injected into the base. If a woman wants to increase the volume, then the specialist injects the product directly deep into the tissue, distributing it over the entire area.

The effect of such injections can be seen immediately. But it disappears after a while. Depending on the individual characteristics of the filler used, the effect will last from six months to a year.

The fact is that the products contain substances that have the properties of dissolving after a certain period of time.

Pros and cons of using fillers

2-3 decades ago, lips were enlarged using polymer gels of synthetic origin. In this way it was possible to achieve a positive change in volume, to really make the lips bigger.

But the problem is that such gels are not excreted by the body and remain there forever.

Quite often, patients encountered complications, as a result of which they had to resort to surgical methods to remove the injected composition.

In addition, there were cases when migration of the gel under the skin was observed, so the woman was constantly faced with a new inflammatory process.

Fortunately, lip fillers have been created. If the procedure for their introduction is performed by a good doctor, then the risk of encountering complications is reduced to zero.

But, unfortunately, such fillers require periodic injections, since after a certain time they dissolve. As a result, the lips become the same as they were.

The disadvantages of the product include its fairly high cost. The price for 1 ml of filler is about 10-35 thousand rubles.

What fillers are used today?

The most popular fillers are those based on hyaluronic acid, polylactic acid, and bovine collagen.

It is worth noting that products based on the latter component are used less frequently, as they have a high risk of allergies.

Some fillers have gained great popularity and are included in the ranking of the best products. Below is a list of them.

Juvederm VolumeThis filler has gained great popularity and is often used by cosmetologists. It contains hyaluronic acid and an anesthetic.
Surgiderm 24 XP and Surgiderm 30 XPThe base is hyaluronic acid. They differ in density and speed of action. To get a more pronounced result, the first filler option is used.
PrincessPrincess is a fairly popular lip filler, which is confirmed by numerous reviews. Hyaluronic acid is used for its production.
Belotero intenseThe filler is a gel based on sodium hyaluronate. These are salts of hyaluronic acid.
SculptraPolylactic acid is used to produce this filler.
Glytone 4This is a drug for the production of which native and synthetic hyaluronic acid is used.
DermalaxDermalax is produced in France and is a popular lip filler, as evidenced by reviews. It is based on hyaluronic acid, which has undergone the highest purification. Using this filler, you can correct the skin texture, eliminate wrinkles, and also well moisturize the epidermis.
EllanseThere is a whole line of fillers with this name. All of them have a prolonged action. Polycaprolactone is used for the production of drugs.
Zyplast, Resoplast, ArtefillTo create such products, bovine collagen is used. They are rarely used by cosmetologists, as they often provoke side effects. But they can be an excellent alternative drug for those people who have an allergic reaction to hyaluronic acid.

But which filler is best for lips? It is impossible to accurately answer this question, because the drug is selected individually for each person.

Quite often, Surgiderm and Princess are used to enlarge lips. After the injection, you can immediately notice the effect, but there is a slight swelling that disappears after a while.

Important rules when choosing a filler (and the procedure itself)

It is impossible to determine exactly which lip fillers are best to use. The fact is that they all have their pros and cons.

The choice of a suitable product should be entrusted to a professional. Often, to enlarge lips, cosmetologists use preparations that contain hyaluronic acid.

These are safe drugs, as they rarely cause side effects. In addition, the biodergradation of hyaluronic preparations has the best speed, since the resorption of fillers occurs from six months to a year.

Before deciding on the choice of remedy, the doctor takes into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s body and his age. It is also important for him to know whether the person is allergic to any substances.

In some cases, one filler injection session is not enough. Therefore, the doctor repeats the procedure after a few weeks.

In order not to run into trouble, the doctor must conduct a test that will help determine the presence of an allergy to the drug. To do this, the specialist injects the product into the forearm area. If itching, burning, and swelling do not appear, then you can proceed to the main procedure.

The fact is that active facial expressions can provoke displacement of the drug. It is better to give up cosmetics for a couple of days, alcohol, sauna, and it is recommended to sleep on your back.

Filler injection scheme

The procedure for introducing any filler is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Often, the doctor initially numbs the lip area using a special gel.
  2. Next, the doctor gradually injects the selected filler using a thin needle.
  3. At the end, the lips are treated with a cream or other product that soothes the skin.

These are all the manipulations that the doctor performs. The work will take less than an hour.

Basically, the doctor uses up to 1 ml of the product to enlarge lips. But there are cases when more gel is used (2 ml is the maximum permissible volume).

5 important rules after the procedure

In order to avoid complications and get a beautiful result, you should follow these simple rules for several weeks:

  1. You should see a doctor 2 weeks after the filler injection. It may be necessary to repeat the adjustment procedure.
  2. It’s worth trying not to move your mouth too much. Vivid facial expressions can worsen the result.
  3. It is forbidden to go to the sauna or engage in strenuous sports. Alcoholic drinks and spicy foods are prohibited. You even need to eat nuts carefully so as not to hurt your skin.
  4. It is worth giving up kissing during the rehabilitation period. Cool compresses will help to reduce swelling.
  5. If there are any irregularities, it is forbidden to try to correct the defect yourself.


Most cosmetic procedures have certain... Filler injections are no exception.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is recommended to abandon this procedure in some cases.


  1. if cancer or blood disease is detected;
  2. when an inflammatory process appears in the lip area, for example, herpes, pimple;
  3. if a person systematically experiences epilepsy;
  4. if the patient has recently had an infectious pathology;
  5. when a woman is pregnant or breastfeeding a child.

It is important to tell your doctor about all the medications you are taking, as well as any specific medical conditions you have. If you ignore contraindications, you may encounter unwanted complications.

Possible complications after fillers

There are some minor complications after the injection of fillers, which disappear after some time. They are considered temporary and therefore do not cause harm.

These could be hematomas, swelling, allergies. Such effects disappear after a week. Patients especially often experience swelling, which goes away within a couple of days. This is a normal reaction.

But if inflammation appears and fibrosis develops, then you should seek medical help. The doctor will prescribe the necessary medication.

You may experience more serious consequences after the injection. In some cases, the following problems appeared:

  • compactions appeared;
  • the drug has migrated;
  • pigmentation appeared;
  • an infection developed.

In rare cases, doctors encounter vascular ischemia. This happens if the gel was injected too deeply.

If a patient encounters such a complication, he needs immediate medical attention. Otherwise, more serious consequences can be expected.

Question - answer

Fillers cannot be cheap. This needs to be understood. The price of the lip augmentation procedure is influenced by the amount of gel required, doctor’s consultation, and anesthesia.

Many estheticians usually recommend Restylane for lips if you want a more natural look. Restylane Silk has proven itself especially well. However, if you want fuller lips and don't like the effect of Juvederm or Restylane, then we recommend trying Perlane or Juvederm Ultra Plus.

We strongly recommend that you return to your injection specialist so that he can correct the situation. Often cosmetologists correct the result 2 weeks after the procedure. To correct such defects, for example, hyaluronidase is often used.

Filler creams

You can find filler creams on sale. What is this? These are products designed to care for lips and facial skin.

They are relevant for those women who do not have advanced skin conditions, since they are not able to penetrate deep into the epidermis. Such products provide excellent hydration, visually enlarging the lips.

Quite recently, a serum called L'Oreal Revitalift filler appeared on sale. The manufacturer has done a great job of attracting people's attention to its products.

The packaging resembles a syringe in appearance; in this way, this product is compared to the effectiveness of an injection. But, unfortunately, these are different things.

With the help of cream it is impossible to achieve the same results as after the introduction of filler. But you can improve the condition of your lips. The cream moisturizes the skin well, but it is not able to remove wrinkles. This should be taken into account when purchasing a product.

You can also find Faberlic lip filler balm on sale, about which there are many different reviews on the Internet.

A large number of people note that the product helps add a little volume to the lips and provides them with moisture.

The balm contains a complex of brown algae. They provide the tissues with the necessary nutrition, which results in better collagen production. The product also contains an extract obtained from cayenne pepper.

It improves blood circulation, as it has a warming effect and increases skin tone. The balm also contains vitamins E and F.

The first component accelerates wound healing, and the second adds firmness and elasticity.

After using the product, volume and shine are added to the lips. The balm does not spread and provides long-lasting hydration.

Features of Librederm balm with 3D effect

Today, many women want to make their lips plumper. But not everyone decides to undergo injections. Do not despair, as there are other more gentle methods.

The hyaluronic lip filler Libriderm deserves special attention, as it is in demand among people and has many reviews of a different nature. What kind of remedy is this?

The manufacturer promises that with the help of such a balm you can increase the volume of your lips and add an attractive shine to them. Lip filler Librederm fills the skin with moisture, improves the contour of the lips, adding sensuality to them, which is confirmed by reviews from women.

The balm contains hyaluronic acid, which provides thorough hydration to every cell. The product also contains the Pal-KMO2K peptide, which gives youth by improving the contour and smoothing out wrinkles.

Irina Dorofeeva

practicing cosmetologist

Any doctor will not be able to answer the question of which filler is best for lips. There is no universal remedy available. Each gel is suitable for a specific situation and solves a specific problem. For example, I would advise young people to pay attention to fillers such as “Princess Volume” or, for example, “Juvederm Ultra Smile”. They will add sensuality to your lips. For older patients, Restylane Lip Volume is suitable, but many other gels have also worked well.

Michelle Green


Fillers differ in their composition and duration of resorption. In addition, some gels are injected superficially, while others are injected deeply. The doctor will help you choose the appropriate remedy, taking into account the individual characteristics of the person and his wishes. Personally, I think Juvederm fillers are great for lip enhancement. To correct the contour, I advise you to pay attention to Restylane Silk.

According to all the canons of writing female faces, lips on icons are the least expressive part of the image. And for modern style icons, attractive lips are one of the most important components of a bright, sexy appearance. If nature has not endowed you with such a gift, this deficiency can be corrected thanks to the achievements of the beauty industry, primarily with the help of fillers.

Fillers for lip augmentation - what they are and what they are used with

Fillers is a gel-like drug that is administered for tissue correction. It is very plastic and viscous. Most often it is used to correct the face (lips, chin, area under the eyes), as well as the chest. The figure shows where filler can be injected on the face.

The name of these drugs comes from the English “fill” - to fill. With their help, you can improve the relief, contour and volume of the lips, correct age-related changes, lift the corners of the mouth, and even out the most common imbalance - thickening the thin upper lip in proportion to the fuller lower lip.

Fillers come in synthetic and animal origin. The most common basis for their production is botulinum toxin, hyaluronic acid, adipose tissue, natural collagen, as well as vitamins, antioxidants and anesthetics.

The well-known Botox and hyaluronic acid have different consistencies and produce different effects. Botox – a liquid substance, a protein neurotoxin produced by special bacteria. It blocks neuromuscular connections, thereby weakening muscle tone and smoothing out wrinkles. Botox injections preserve natural facial expressions, but cannot maintain shape and create new volume.

Hyaluronic acid – a viscous, plastic, gel-like material, synthesized biotechnologically, identical to the natural physiological substance found in the body of every person. With age, its deficiency leads to tissue dehydration, loss of volume in some areas of the skin and the formation of wrinkles. Hyaluronic lip fillers, containing high molecular weight, purified hyaluronic acid, are injected subcutaneously to restore volume and retain moisture in specific areas. There are monophasic and biphasic fillers based on hyaluronic acid.

  • Monophasic ones are considered the safest and least painful. They are suitable even for people with a low pain threshold. In addition, when introducing a monophasic filler, the likelihood of getting an infection is very low.
  • Biphasic fillers also have their place, since the effect of this procedure is longer and lasts up to 1.5 years. But it is worth noting that they are more difficult to correct. In addition, consequences in the form of uneven distribution under the skin are more common with biphasic fillers.

Lipofillers are produced from the patient's fat cells taken from individual areas of the skin - buttocks, abdomen or thighs. After special laboratory processing, a composition of the required consistency is produced, the advantage of which is ideal compatibility with lip tissue.

Fillers based on human and animal, mainly bovine, collagen are also used. To produce this material, natural components are taken - areas of the skin from which collagen is synthesized. The advantage of these drugs is the absence of rejection and allergic reactions.

For those who are wondering when lip fillers can be used and what can be corrected with their help, we answer you:

  • with the help of fillers, deep age-related wrinkles on the face, as well as the oval of the face, are well corrected;
  • Some ethnic groups are characterized by thin or, on the contrary, too plump lips, and perhaps this is just heredity. Well, fillers will help here too;
  • someone has a complex about not having symmetrical lips; this may be a consequence of various reasons: genetics, trauma after an accident, etc.

Many people ask the question: “how then are fillers different from Botox?” Here's what. A plastic surgeon will tell you about this.

Advantages and Disadvantages

All of the above drugs are fillers of the latest generations, which are characterized by complete or partial biodegradation (solubility) in tissues. This necessitates the need to repeat the procedure again - depending on the drug and the way the body perceives it, the results of “beauty injections” last from several months to several years.

Do not think that after removing the gel from the body, your lips will lose their shape. This is wrong. The lips will return to their original shape and become the way they always were.

20-30 years ago, synthetic polymer gels were widely used in injection cosmetology - silicone, paraffin, polyacrylamide - which did not dissolve and remained in the body forever. In the presence of complications, undissolved polymers had to be surgically removed at best. At worst, the gel migrated under the skin, constantly creating new foci of inflammation.

Beauty requires sacrifices, including financial ones. Therefore, the disadvantages include the high cost of this procedure. Depending on the quality of the gel, the manufacturer, as well as the publicity of the clinic and the level of training of the specialist, the price varies from 10,000 - 35,000 thousand rubles per 1 ml of gel.

Another advantage is that the procedure is absolutely not painful, comparable to a mosquito bite. You can verify this by watching our video at the end of the article, where the girl talks about her feelings after this procedure.


The start of the procedure is preceded by a mandatory consultation with a doctor, who, like a priest, must be told without concealment about contraindications, if any. Otherwise, responsibility for possible complications will fall solely on you.

Contraindications to the injection of fillers into the lips are:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • The presence of neoplasms, regardless of location;
  • Infectious, inflammatory processes;
  • Dermatological problems and herpes;
  • Allergic reactions;
  • Poor blood clotting;
  • Immune system diseases;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Arthritis;
  • The presence of scars or injuries from previous invasive procedures in the injection area;
  • Taking estrogen.

Legal aspects of this procedure

The doctor has the right to refuse to perform the procedure if the patient’s requests are too high, as well as in the absence of consent from the parents of minor patients.

After the decision to take a “beauty injection” has been made in principle, it remains to clarify one “minor” detail - in whose hands can you trust your precious appearance? If you make the wrong choice, you will face not only the fate of an outcast who is afraid to appear in public, but also endless legal proceedings with those responsible for your troubles. “Butchers” in white coats are usually excellent at defending their rights, but their unfortunate patients are not always so. Therefore, the basic rules when choosing specialists:

It is worth noting that the most favorable period for carrying out this procedure in women is the first weeks after the start of the menstrual cycle.

The procedure itself takes less than an hour and does not require the patient to stay in the hospital. Most often, the drug is administered in no more than 0.8-1 ml - this is extremely enough to correct any area. The maximum permissible amount of gel is 2 ml - this amount is applicable purely in individual cases.

High-quality certified drugs have sterile packaging, which already includes disposable injection equipment.

As reviews of lip fillers testify, the procedure is comparable in pain to a mosquito bite or a small puncture and is much less painful than any visit to the dentist.

The procedure has been completed, what next?

A few weeks after lip augmentation with filler is performed, a visit to the doctor is required for consultation and, if necessary, re-correction. Repeated administration of the drug is possible after at least 2 weeks.

If you are a laugher and a chatterbox in life, you will have to part with these lovely feminine habits for a while and just remain silent, thereby making your husband’s secret dream come true.

Also, for some time you will have to forget about the bathhouse, sauna, gym, beach and ... kisses, give up air travel, alcohol and spicy food. Even seeds or nuts can injure the skin of your lips. If you are confused by the first results after the injection, you do not need to perform any manipulations yourself, trying to correct the situation - massage the injection site, apply medicinal or cosmetic products.

To relieve swelling, you can use herbal, cool compresses. At the same time, be extremely careful not to move the fillers out of place. In addition, rinsing your mouth with saline solution will perfectly relieve inflammation.

It is important to understand that the body needs time to heal after invasive surgery. And your task during this period is to injure the injection area as little as possible by any possible means and avoid involuntary removal of filler from the tissue.

However, if the condition of the skin after the injection causes serious concern, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Results of the procedure before and after.

Complications after the procedure

Despite the apparent simplicity of the procedure, the consequences of incorrectly introducing the filler into the lips or
the use of low-quality fillers can be very serious - from allergies and purulent inflammations to embolism (clogging) of blood vessels, tissue necrosis, gel migration and benign tumors.

Lip plastic surgery with filler provokes swelling, swelling, redness, hematomas, and some asymmetry of the lips, which is quite normal. Allergic, inflammatory reactions, fibrosis are also possible - this is not normal. These consequences can be corrected - they can be removed with medication. In any case, you should consult your doctor; sometimes severe swelling can be removed with ultrasound.

Dry lips after gel injection is a normal temporary reaction.
This is due to the fact that your skin lacks moisture, and at this time the drug also begins to interact with the body. You need to endure this period, and of course, don’t forget to moisturize your lips.

Much more serious complications can arise later - low-quality filler can migrate under the skin, causing the appearance of lumps, nodes, keloid scars, and herpes. In particularly difficult cases, if the problem cannot be treated, the gel must be removed surgically.

In addition, nodules may form at the injection site of the gel, or there may be situations where you do not like the resulting effect (let me remind you that the effect after the injection of fillers is visible immediately). In this case, you can resort to a procedure for dissolving the gel using injections of hyaluronidase or the drug Longidase (again, if you have no contraindications to the use of these drugs).

If you are not ready for all these inconveniences or are afraid for the reaction of your body, then it is better to refrain from this procedure. In addition, there are interesting alternatives to this method.

Other methods of lip augmentation: an alternative to fillers

In addition to contouring, modern cosmetology successfully uses various methods of lip augmentation.

When deciding on lip contouring, you should remember: there are plenty of unscrupulous performers, and sometimes even outright scammers, in the cosmetic services market. If you are going to save money on a clinic, specialist or drug, your desire to be irresistible can provoke irreversible changes in your appearance. At the same time, a huge number of women have become convinced from their own experience of the amazing possibilities of modern cosmetology and have really changed their appearance for the better. Whether to use these achievements or not is up to you.

Useful videos. Reviews from people who have tried the procedure on themselves.

As you can see, this procedure is used not only by women, but also by men. Besides, situations in life are different. Some people don’t know what else to please themselves with, while others are in a hopeless situation.

Thank you for reading the article to the end. We are always waiting for your comments and advice from personal experience that will help other girls remain attractive and maintain youth for a long time.

Since ancient times, women have sought to highlight their lips using various tricks and cosmetic tricks. Ancient Egyptians painted their lips with poisonous mixtures, risking their lives to achieve a purple color. The ancient Romans and Greeks did not lag behind them, inventing lipsticks that gave the lips brightness and swelling due to an allergic reaction. We can say that this was the first attempt to change and embellish natural data. A procedure that in the 20th century will be called nothing more than “”. Attitudes towards lipstick have changed over the centuries. She was either recognized as a symbol of fallen women in the Middle Ages, then she returned to the boudoir of rich ladies in the Renaissance, then again she was persecuted in the Victorian era. The end of the 19th century and the times of silent films finally rehabilitated the fashion for beautiful lips, and the cosmetic industry began its parade.

Modern standards for beautiful lips use the ideal proportions of the “golden ratio” of Leonardo da Vinci. Not only the lines of the face themselves, but also the shape of the lips, their size and the relationship between them are crucial for the harmony of facial features.Lip correction with fillers performed by a highly qualified cosmetologist, transforms plain lips into seductive honey lips.

It turns out that the structure of the lips has its own subtleties. A professional cosmetologist uses various terms that are known only to those initiated into the secret called “lip contouring.” So, let's reveal the secrets of perfect lips. The upper lip has a longitudinal groove called the philtrum. The edges of the filtrum in the form of two vertical grooves are called columns of the filtrum. The ancient Greeks called the smooth curve of the upper lip Cupid's bow.Lip correction with fillers performed by a professional cosmetologist requires strict adherence to the anatomy of the lips, taking into account naturalness and harmony.

What are the advantages of lip correction with fillers?

Lip correction by a cosmetologist solves several problems in one procedure. The introduction of filler not only corrects natural imperfections in the shape and size of the lips, but also erases signs of age as if by magic. Lips become more expressive, wrinkles disappear, and a Mona Lisa smile lurks in the corners of the lips.

The main fillers, or, professionally speaking, fillers, are hyaluronic acid preparations. These are injectable drugs that are fully compatible with the human body.Lip correction with hyaluronic acid does not cause an allergic reaction, and the effect of its use is immediate. The slight swelling around the lips disappears within two to three days. Hyaluronic acid fillers are produced under various brands. The main differences between them are in density, duration and percentage of hyaluronic acid content. These indicators affect the price of the drug and, accordingly, the cost of the procedure.

Choice of drug forcorrection of the shape and volume of the lips is carried out by the doctor together with the patient. The cosmetologist gives his opinion in the form of a diagram of the procedure and the predicted result, informs about possible complications, consequences and contraindications. Lip contouring is a procedure that is performed under local anesthesia and takes from five minutes to an hour, depending on the complexity of the task. The cosmetologist injects the filler with a very thin needle according to a pre-planned pattern, immediately after the injection, massaging the tissue in a certain way to evenly distribute the drug under the skin. Sometimes a second injection is required within the same procedure.

Immediately after the procedure, there may be tingling or discomfort in the lip area. There may be slight swelling and blueness around the lips.Lip correction with fillers sometimes causes disturbances in facial expressions. The cosmetologist should warn the patient that the discomfort completely disappears two weeks after the procedure. If a second injection is required, lip correction with fillers is carried out six weeks after the first procedure. In general, lip contouring retains its effect for up to six months, sometimes longer, depending on the specific drug and the individual characteristics of the patient.

Basically, patients of cosmetologists whose specialization islip correction, are satisfied with the results and repeat the procedure after a certain time. However, despite the declared safety, lip contouring can have complications. They are extremely rare, but with an unqualified doctor’s approach and the use of an uncertified drug, they still happen. There are cosmetic clinics that specialize in correcting complications after unsuccessful lip correction with fillers. Doctors at these clinics talk about the wrong approach to injections and its consequences.

Possible complications after lip contouring

When injecting an excessive amount of the drug, there is a risk of getting “pumped” lips that look repulsive. This is an absolute mistake by the doctor or excessive persistence of the patient with a lack of sense of proportion.

Ducky lips are also a consequence of protocol violation, use of filler for other purposes and low qualifications of the doctor. Both consequences can be corrected by introducing a special enzyme that breaks down hyaluronic acid.

Violation of the proportions of the lips, for example, if the upper lip is excessively large relative to the lower one, is a common mistake by a doctor. Ideally, the upper lip should be one third of the volume of the lower lip, thenlip shape correction with fillers looks harmonious.

Violation of the shape of the lips, a smoothed Cupid's arch, uneven edges of the lips, overly rounded lips - this is a list of possible complications with an unqualified approach from a doctor. Such lips look ugly and vulgar.

Eversion of the mucous border is not only an unaesthetic sight, but also a health hazard - the mucous membrane dries out, cracks, and inflammation forms, which threatens to spread to the oral cavity in the form of stomatitis.

Lip correction if performed unprofessionally leads to another complication - lip asymmetry, noticeable to the naked eye. The patient is forced to contact the cosmetologist again, spending additional money, time and nerves.

Much has been said about how to avoid such complications that disfigure the patient’s appearance. We repeat: you need to contact only a proven, reliable doctor who has a manufacturer’s certificate to perform the procedures. It is also important to make sure that the drug is opened in front of the patient, showing the expiration date and name of the filler.

Lip contouring up to a certain age can serve as a worthy alternative to surgical intervention, prolonging youth and correcting natural flaws in appearance. With a qualified doctor’s approach tolip correction with fillers gives a beautiful result and makes the face harmonious and proportional, drawing attention to such a seductive part of it - the lips.

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