Lip fillers. What kind of device is this and why is it needed? Technology for lip augmentation and correction with filler, which one is better to choose Lip filler before and after

Cosmetology offers new types of procedures to achieve beauty perfection. Lip fillers are one of the most popular procedures. For this purpose, special fillers are used to add volume to the lips and lift their corners.

To use this technique, a special substance is injected into them. It also helps reduce the depth of wrinkles and correct the shape. Lip asymmetry is corrected by selecting the density of the drug injected into the lips. This method also makes it possible to give the lips relief and highlight their contour.

Advantages of the method

This is a fairly simple method and is carried out on an outpatient basis. The advantages of the method are as follows:

  • the result is visible almost instantly;
  • hospitalization of the patient is not required;
  • it is possible to test for sensitivity to the drug and, if necessary, replace it;
  • there is no need for surgical intervention, only the injection method is used;
  • If the result is unsatisfactory, you can correct it.

In addition, this method is considered the safest for the body.

Types of lip plastic surgery

Previously, lip surgery was performed using injections of artificial drugs, which could have adverse effects on their wearer. They were injected into the lip tissue for almost permanent use. Over time, the structure of such products changed, and the substrate spread through the cavities, disfiguring the face. To date, such a drug is not used for lip augmentation.

The best modern drug is made on the basis of two acids - lactic and hyaluronic. Such remedies have a temporary effect. Their main feature is that they do not pose a danger to the body, but despite this, the drugs also have disadvantages.

The best filler for lip augmentation is the patient's adipose tissue.

In this case, the body does not reject the injected filler, which is better for lip augmentation. Such implants last for 2-3 years.

Lip augmentation with filler can have possible unpredictable consequences during the healing process. In order to secure such tissue and begin the process of its life activity, the inserted implant must be fixed in one place and penetrated by blood vessels. In some cases, the dense filler does not have time to take hold and parts of it become necrosis. With such a pathology, their urgent removal is required.

There is also a possibility of weight loss from the injected fillers due to the patient’s overall weight loss. This can happen after a body pressotherapy or myostimulation procedure.

But your own adipose tissue as a biomaterial for injection into the lips is the optimal alternative if it is impossible to use stabilized acid for this purpose.

The monitoring revealed that the most commonly used method of lip augmentation with fillers is carried out using hyaluronic acid. This method has become so widespread due to the fact that hyaluronic acid is also produced by cells of the human body.

The main effect of hyaluronic acid is the ability to retain and attract liquid. This property helps, after introducing it into the required area, to change not only the configuration of the lips, but also to give the necessary expression to the face, raising the corners to give it friendliness.

The result obtained from the procedure for introducing a filler based on hyaluronic acid can be seen immediately, but the final effect of such contouring will appear only a few days after visiting the cosmetology center. During this time, the filler will absorb liquid from nearby tissues, increasing in size.

Which filler is better

In cosmetology, they often use Swiss Korean or French filler for lip augmentation of the following brands: Restylane, Juvederm, Surgiderm.

Restylane is a good drug developed in Switzerland. It retains liquid perfectly for six months. Sometimes he does not lose this ability for a year. A special line of 7 such products has been developed, created taking into account the characteristics of the different structures of the skin.

Surgiderm is a drug created in France. It allows you to correct contour lines.

Juvederm is the densest French drug that has proven itself to be injected not only into the mouth area, but also into other areas of the face. Has a lasting and safe effect.

Necessary safety during the procedure

When cosmetology laboratories create new filler options for lip augmentation, safety for the client is not always taken into account. Before using such a drug, it is better to make sure of its quality.

Carefully choose a clinic where lip correction with fillers will be performed. It is better if your friend recommends it to you, who has already undergone a similar procedure in this center. The institution where you plan to perform lip augmentation must have a valid license for its activities.

It is also necessary to undergo a preliminary consultation with a doctor. You should be informed about the procedure for carrying out the correction, how long the result lasts, as well as the possible consequences, and the need to comply with the requirements before and after the correction procedure. Don’t hesitate to ask any questions you have at your doctor’s appointment.

Filler correction technique

The procedure should begin with the selection of a suitable drug. The choice is made on an individual basis. To do this, the specialist makes an appropriate sample. A small dose of the drug being tested is injected in a place not visible to others. After such manipulation, 48 hours should pass. If no adverse reaction appears on the skin, then a decision is made to enlarge the client’s lips with this drug.

Then a site for administering the drug is selected. If necessary, local anesthesia of selected areas of the lips is performed using anesthesia drugs. This is done because the injected acid can irritate the tissues, and anesthetic agents can remove the burning sensation.

The decision to use anesthesia is made by the patient himself. Pain relief is usually carried out using special ointments, the action of which will help cope with unpleasant sensations during manipulation.

At the end of the procedure, it is necessary to remain under the supervision of the medical professional who performed the correction for some time.

Complications after manipulation and contraindications

To avoid undesirable consequences, this procedure is not recommended for women during pregnancy and lactation, as well as for clients with diseases of the autoimmune system. In addition, it is not given to the following persons:

  • those diagnosed with diabetes;
  • persons during acute periods of illness with fever;
  • in case of intolerance to administered drugs;
  • if there are skin lesions at the sites of future injections;
  • various rashes on the lower part of the face.

Something to keep in mind! Even when using a seemingly absolutely safe product, you can expect unpredictable results from the lip correction procedure.

  • inflammatory process at the sites of drug administration;
  • hematomas;
  • soft tissue swelling;
  • rashes in the form of herpes.

Also, in some cases, the gel changes its location, which negatively affects the appearance and negates the result of the manipulation.

Procedure for care after adjustment

For several days after correction, it is contraindicated to stay in open sunlight. You should also give up kissing. It is better to generally limit all physical influence, even reduce the duration of conversations during the first week.

To relieve swelling, ice is applied to the lower part of the face, and for preventive measures, medications prescribed by the doctor are taken. It is also necessary to attend routine examinations at a medical institution, even in the absence of any complaints.

Fillers are drugs designed to fill voids in the epidermis in order to increase the volume of the lips and cheekbones. Contour plastic surgery has become widespread among women with various birth defects (asymmetry, thinness, eversion). This technique allows you to correct the shape and size of your lips in the first session.

Types of fillers

All fillers are divided into absorbable and non-absorbable.

Most often, doctors recommend the use of biodegradable drugs. They are safer to use, are rarely rejected by the body and have virtually no contraindications. They, in turn, are divided into collagen and hyaluronic. Collagen includes:

Hyaluronic acids include:

List of insoluble fillers:

  • Arthrocol. This filler tops the ranking of the most affordable lip enhancement products. Some girls even buy it from pharmacies for sessions at home. The drug contains propylene glycol, sodium beads, saline solution and excipients.
  • Paraffin. Surprisingly, it was previously used to fill voids. Now doctors are trying to abandon this technique, although there is a “specialist” in every city. The technique is dangerous - there is a high probability of the material being rejected by the body.
  • This is a 5th generation Korean filler. The filler is a combination filler. It contains active plant components, acids and silicones.

Which filler is best for lip augmentation?

When choosing which filler is best for lip augmentation, you need to pay attention to the advantages and disadvantages of the types described above. Biological materials (Aespira, Filorga, Biomialvel) take root well, are rarely rejected and cause allergies only in case of individual intolerance. But they are considered short-lived. You will have to regularly sign up for corrections and ensure proper lip care.

Synthetic and combined materials are more practical in this regard. They last a very long time and do not come out on their own. Correction will only be needed if the desired lip shape has changed or the filler has “moved” to the side. But they have other disadvantages. High percentage of rejections - up to 25%, a large number of side effects, difficulty in care.

Conventionally, in aesthetic cosmetology there are two techniques for introducing fillers into the lips:

The master himself decides in which cases to resort to internal or surface techniques. We advise you to trust a specialist. A good cosmetologist will be able to select an organic shape and volume by eye, so that the lips are like Jolie’s, but do not turn into dumplings.

Let's look at how lip volume is increased with Overage filler:

  • To begin with, the skin is cleansed, any cosmetics are removed from the surface of the epidermis: lipstick, cream, foundation. The treatment area is degreased.
  • A thick layer of numbing cream is applied to the lips. It is important to understand that this is not painful - just very uncomfortable. But during the procedure, one awkward movement can nullify all the efforts of the specialist. Therefore, it is important to immobilize the piercing area. After using analgesic creams, the sensation of introducing hyaluronic acid is comparable to mosquito bites.
  • After this, the master waits 20 minutes and begins the procedure. To do this, he pulls back the lips being treated and works on the contour. Only then does it fill the voids in the base. Such actions are repeated until all the shortcomings are corrected.
  • At the end of the procedure, a protective cream is applied to the skin.

After the end of the session, a slight swelling will be noticeable on the lips, it will go away within 2 days.

Remember, this is a dangerous procedure, fraught with negative consequences. Lip augmentation with fillers cannot be done at home, especially on your own.

How to care?

First of all, at home you need to wash off the cream applied in the beauty salon. It acts as a protective layer and is needed to prevent pathogenic bacteria from entering damaged skin. To do this:

Apply a regenerating composition to cleansed skin. This may be Bepanten or another suitable ointment. On the first day, simple ice will also help reduce swelling. But you can’t keep it on the skin for a very long time - blood circulation will be disrupted. Apply compresses for several minutes.

If you have a predisposition to the appearance of herpes, then it would not be amiss to treat your skin with antiviral ointment for the first 3 days after the procedure. This may be Acyclovir, Gerpevir or other suitable drugs.

What not to do after the procedure

Proper lip care after lip augmentation with fillers implies their complete protection from the negative environment. It is forbidden:

  • Sleep on your stomach, place your head face down, spend more than 1 minute with your head down.
  • Kissing is strictly prohibited. You will have to abstain from affection for 2 whole weeks.
  • Visit solariums, saunas and other places where temperatures are higher than a comfortable temperature of 25 degrees. Stop using the infrared sauna for a while and reduce daytime sunbathing.
  • If you decide to have your lips enlarged, be prepared to not swim for 2 weeks. It’s better to even eliminate the washing procedure. Instead, wipe your lips with Chlorhexidine.

Doctors also insist that you will have to change your lifestyle for a while. In the first week after training, any physical activity is not recommended. Until your lips completely tighten, you need to limit yourself to alcohol and try to avoid smoking.

Contraindications and complications

This procedure has its contraindications. Be sure to consult your family doctor. Perhaps you have an individual intolerance to drugs. When you should not enlarge your lips:

  • With exacerbation of chronic diseases. These are herpes, sinusitis, any diseases of the excretory or circulatory system.
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding. The main danger here lies in the introduction of infections into the body during the care process.
  • When diagnosing any inflammatory processes of connective tissues.
  • During elevated temperature (over 38 degrees), while intoxicated, during menstruation.
  • In case of fungal skin diseases, such procedures should also be avoided.

If you care for it correctly, negative consequences occur very rarely. Neither manifest themselves in prolonged swelling (more than 4 days), elevated body temperature, activation of herpes disease, the appearance of scars and bruises. In some cases (for example, when a scar occurs), the reason for the negative consequences lies in the low professionalism of the master. In all other listed options, the fault lies only with the patient who did not follow the care instructions.

Photos before and after

You can not enlarge your lips with injections, but continue to treat them with a suction cup, use contour makeup and rub with red pepper. But the result in the photo speaks for itself. It’s better to go through a session once and enjoy the beautiful shape and volume than to correct it every day with improvised means.

Over the past few centuries, the beauty industry has been trying to answer the question of how to preserve female beauty without harming health. The safest and most effective methods for preserving facial contours, getting rid of wrinkles and giving elasticity to the skin are constantly emerging. One of the latest achievements of scientists in this direction are fillers involved in lip augmentation.

What is this?

Fillers are preparations of plant or animal origin, injected into the lips to increase their volume and give the desired shape. Such a remedy can be: Botox, hyaluronic acid, synthetic additives, fats, etc.

Lip augmentation with fillers is carried out in different situations:

  • to lift the corners of the lips;
  • to give a beautiful shape to the nasolabial fold;
  • to increase volume after injury.

Types of product

Filler– a gel-like preparation used for filling cosmetic injections. The word itself comes from the English “to fill”, meaning “to fill”. The use of these drugs is considered a unique replacement for facial contouring surgery, since they can eliminate wrinkles of any size, even out facial skin, and change the shape of lips. You can verify this from the photos before and after the procedure.

Depending on their duration of action, drugs are divided into three categories:

Synthetic– made on the basis of silicone, which has undergone a deep degree of purification. After injections, they remain at the injection site for several years. Among their advantages, one can note their affordable cost, but the disadvantages are possible allergic reactions, pigmentation and inflammation. If the drug is displaced from the injection site, it can only be removed surgically.

Biocompatible drugs are also divided into three subtypes:

Combined drugs - consist of biological and synthetic components. They stay on the lips and the rest of the body much longer. Examples before and after the enlargement procedure can be seen in the photo.

Popular modern drugs - fillers

Modern lip fillers are most often used from the category based on hyaluronic acid. The most common of them are:

Contraindications to drugs and possible complications

Specialists are not advise to influence the body, including lips, if a woman suffers from cancer, blood diseases and a systemic disease of connective matter. Contraindications also include epilepsy, a recent infectious disease, pregnancy and breastfeeding. If there is redness or rashes in the lip area, the procedure should be postponed.

Most common complication problems that occur with the presence of fillers in the lips during the first week are an allergic reaction, hematomas and hyperemia. An example of such complications are photos on the Internet that reflect the condition before and after the lip augmentation procedure. Swelling after changing the contour of the lips occurs very often, but goes away within a few days.

More long-term complications include the formation of compactions, age spots, gel migration, and the development of infection. Very rarely, vascular ischemia and blockage of blood vessels occurs. If you do not pay attention to the problem, necrosis with scarring of tissue can develop.

Advantages and disadvantages of using fillers

Like any cosmetic procedure, the introduction of this drug has its pros and cons.

Among the undoubted advantages I would like to highlight:

Disadvantages of using fillers:

  1. Short-term effect. The safest lip products based on hyaluronic acid last up to six months, and then the session must be repeated.
  2. Silicone preparations for lip augmentation have multiple side effects, in particular, frequent migration and retention under the skin forever. You can see possible changes in the photo before and after the procedure.
  3. Use is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, the presence of acute chronic diseases, inflammation of the lips and other places where the drug is administered.

What is the difference between Botox, mesotherapy or filling?

Each of these procedures is a “beauty injection” aimed at eliminating imperfections of the skin and lips, however, the preparation mechanism before the procedure and the actions after it differ.

Fillers for contouring

Botox is a means of breaking the connections between nerve and muscle, and therefore facial wrinkles gradually begin to smooth out. The injection procedure is one-time, and the result can be seen immediately. This technique only helps smooth the skin without changing its condition.

Mesotherapy used to improve the condition of the epidermis and increasing its tone. The process is a subcutaneous injection of a “cocktail” of various active elements. They help strengthen and narrow blood vessels, including those on the lips, and improve microcirculation. This technique affects the skin in ten sessions with a break of a week, but the effect lasts for a very long time.

Filling– is considered to be some kind of intermediate solution. Fillers do not affect the functioning of muscles, but have a beneficial effect on the condition of the epidermis and smooth out wrinkles, including those above the lips. The result will become noticeable after a week, when the swelling subsides. One of the main conditions for high-quality drug administration is the choice of a good clinic and doctor. The clinic must have certificates authorizing work in this area, and cosmetologists must have professional medical education.

Injection techniques are widely used in modern aesthetic medicine, and are absolutely rightly considered one of the most effective cosmetic procedures. With the help of injections of special filler preparations, a specialist can fill the missing volumes on the patient’s face, thus correcting the contours of his face. But the quality and severity of the final result is influenced by several factors, including the choice of the correct technique for administering the drug. Today on the site, read about the main techniques for administering injectable fillers and their features.

Basic techniques for administering drugs for contouring

The choice of injection technique largely determines the effectiveness of the contouring procedure. Specialists working with injectable fillers must remember that each of the drugs existing today involves certain administration features.

Injecting almost all fillers using the same technique is the wrong decision!

The doctor must understand the nature of the substance he is administering to the patient and determine the required depth of its administration. Only this approach will allow you to get a good result from the procedure, which will satisfy both the doctor and his patient.

Introduction techniques:

  • basic approaches to the introduction of injectable fillers;
  • techniques for administering injectable fillers: a short guide.

Basic approaches to the introduction of injectable fillers

There are two main approaches when introducing microimplants into soft tissues: these are superficial (intradermal) and deep (supraperiosteal, subcutaneous) approaches. The last of them is designed specifically for restoring or creating reliefs of soft tissues: correcting facial contours, adding volume to the chin and cheekbones. The correct choice of approach to injection facial correction plays a very important role for the successful completion of the procedure, since the specific placement of the filler in the tissues determines the severity of the correction effect. Before carrying out the procedure, the specialist must also decide on the technique for introducing the filler.

Injectable filler injection techniques: a quick guide

The choice of filler injection technique takes into account the type of drug, as well as the area of ​​correction. The following main techniques for administering injectable fillers are distinguished:

  • linear insertion technique:

This is a basic technique that is used to correct folds and wrinkles. The needle is inserted parallel to the fold or wrinkle at an angle of 30-40° to the skin over its entire length; the direction of its cut is not of fundamental importance. If a filler based on low viscosity hyaluronic acid is used, the drug is injected into the upper or middle layers of the dermis, high viscosity - into the middle or lower layers, at the border with the hypodermis. The insertion of the implant must be completed before the needle is removed from the skin. The joining lines form one continuous line, which raises the fold or wrinkle to the required level;

  • fan insertion technique:

This technique is used to correct the base of the nasolabial fold, in the cheekbones, corners of the mouth, and also for lip augmentation. Injections are performed according to the same rules as the linear technique, but after completing the administration of the drug, the needle is not removed, but is turned into the skin at an acute angle, and the administration of the drug continues. This manipulation is repeated several times;

  • “mesh” insertion technique:

This technique is used to increase soft tissue volume in areas where there is lipoatrophy or severe depression, such as the cheeks, drooping corners of the mouth, cheekbones and crow's feet. Linear injections are performed into the middle or lower layers of the dermis, at a distance of 5-10 mm from each other. Initially, the injections are performed in parallel, and then perpendicular to each other, while the drug is allowed to be administered to different depths, but within the recommended depth. The material should create the effect of soft filling of tissues;

  • micropapular injection technique (multipuncture, point injections):

The technique involves performing numerous injections along the line of the fold or wrinkle. The drug, administered in separate portions, is merged into a continuous line. There should be no gaps between individual portions of the injected material;

  • short-line technique:

This technique is used to create long-lasting hydration of the skin or to potentiate the action of hyaluronic fillers. The needle is inserted into the skin at an angle of 30-45° for 1/2-1/3 of the length, injections of the drug are performed in small doses into the middle layer of the dermis. The drug should be administered in small droplet doses on the reverse stroke of the needle, and the distance between the injection sites is approximately 5-10 mm;

  • sandwich insertion technique:

this technique is intended for the correction of deep wrinkles and skin folds, and involves first injecting into the middle layers of the skin with a needle angle of 30°, and then into the upper layers of the skin, with the needle at an angle of 15°;

  • tunnel injection technique (deep injections):

With this technique, the drug is administered from a transoral approach, that is, through the oral cavity. Small skin incisions (1-2 mm) are made with a scalpel or a sharp injection needle, the drug is injected in small equal portions, filling the targeted area. The technique involves manipulating the cannula in different directions, with separate portions of the drug being retrogradely injected into each “tunnel.”

The correct choice of drug administration technique is, to a large extent, the key to the successful implementation of the injection contouring procedure.

That is why every aesthetic medicine specialist must have information about existing techniques and understand in what cases their use is recommended. In the “Cosmetology” section of the website, read more interesting materials about contouring.

According to all the canons of writing female faces, lips on icons are the least expressive part of the image. And for modern style icons, attractive lips are one of the most important components of a bright, sexy appearance. If nature has not endowed you with such a gift, this deficiency can be corrected thanks to the achievements of the beauty industry, primarily with the help of fillers.

Fillers for lip augmentation - what they are and what they are used with

Fillers is a gel-like drug that is administered for tissue correction. It is very plastic and viscous. Most often it is used to correct the face (lips, chin, area under the eyes), as well as the chest. The figure shows where filler can be injected on the face.

The name of these drugs comes from the English “fill” - to fill. With their help, you can improve the relief, contour and volume of the lips, correct age-related changes, lift the corners of the mouth, and even out the most common imbalance - thickening the thin upper lip in proportion to the fuller lower lip.

Fillers come in synthetic and animal origin. The most common basis for their production is botulinum toxin, hyaluronic acid, adipose tissue, natural collagen, as well as vitamins, antioxidants and anesthetics.

The well-known Botox and hyaluronic acid have different consistencies and produce different effects. Botox – a liquid substance, a protein neurotoxin produced by special bacteria. It blocks neuromuscular connections, thereby weakening muscle tone and smoothing out wrinkles. Botox injections preserve natural facial expressions, but cannot maintain shape or create new volume.

Hyaluronic acid – a viscous, plastic, gel-like material, synthesized biotechnologically, identical to the natural physiological substance found in the body of every person. With age, its deficiency leads to tissue dehydration, loss of volume in some areas of the skin and the formation of wrinkles. Hyaluronic lip fillers, containing high molecular weight, purified hyaluronic acid, are injected subcutaneously to restore volume and retain moisture in specific areas. There are monophasic and biphasic fillers based on hyaluronic acid.

  • Monophasic ones are considered the safest and least painful. They are suitable even for people with a low pain threshold. In addition, it is with the introduction of a monophasic filler that the likelihood of infection is very low.
  • Biphasic fillers also have their place, since the effect of this procedure is longer and lasts up to 1.5 years. But it is worth noting that they are more difficult to correct. In addition, consequences in the form of uneven distribution under the skin are more common with biphasic fillers.

Lipofillers are produced from the patient's fat cells taken from individual areas of the skin - buttocks, abdomen or thighs. After special laboratory processing, a composition of the required consistency is produced, the advantage of which is ideal compatibility with lip tissue.

Fillers based on human and animal, mainly bovine, collagen are also used. To produce this material, natural components are taken - areas of the skin from which collagen is synthesized. The advantage of these drugs is the absence of rejection and allergic reactions.

For those who are wondering when lip fillers can be used and what can be corrected with their help, we answer you:

  • with the help of fillers, deep age-related wrinkles on the face, as well as the oval of the face, are well corrected;
  • Some ethnic groups are characterized by thin or, on the contrary, too plump lips, and perhaps this is just heredity. Well, fillers will help here too;
  • someone has a complex about not having symmetrical lips; this may be a consequence of various reasons: genetics, trauma after an accident, etc.

Many people ask the question: “how then are fillers different from Botox?” Here's what. A plastic surgeon will tell you about this.

Advantages and Disadvantages

All of the above drugs are fillers of the latest generations, which are characterized by complete or partial biodegradation (solubility) in tissues. This necessitates the need to repeat the procedure again - depending on the drug and the characteristics of the body’s perception, the results of “beauty injections” last from several months to several years.

Do not think that after removing the gel from the body, your lips will lose their shape. This is wrong. The lips will return to their original shape and become the way they always were.

20-30 years ago, synthetic polymer gels were widely used in injection cosmetology - silicone, paraffin, polyacrylamide - which did not dissolve and remained in the body forever. In the presence of complications, undissolved polymers had to be surgically removed at best. At worst, the gel migrated under the skin, constantly creating new foci of inflammation.

Beauty requires sacrifices, including financial ones. Therefore, the disadvantages include the high cost of this procedure. Depending on the quality of the gel, the manufacturer, as well as the publicity of the clinic and the level of training of the specialist, the price varies from 10,000 - 35,000 thousand rubles per 1 ml of gel.

Another advantage is that the procedure is absolutely not painful, comparable to a mosquito bite. You can verify this by watching our video at the end of the article, where the girl talks about her feelings after this procedure.


The start of the procedure is preceded by a mandatory consultation with a doctor, who, like a priest, must be told without concealment about contraindications, if any. Otherwise, responsibility for possible complications will fall solely on you.

Contraindications to the injection of fillers into the lips are:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • The presence of neoplasms, regardless of location;
  • Infectious, inflammatory processes;
  • Dermatological problems and herpes;
  • Allergic reactions;
  • Poor blood clotting;
  • Immune system diseases;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Arthritis;
  • The presence of scars or injuries from previous invasive procedures in the injection area;
  • Taking estrogen.

Legal aspects of this procedure

The doctor has the right to refuse to perform the procedure if the patient’s requests are too high, as well as in the absence of consent from the parents of minor patients.

After the decision to take a “beauty injection” has been made in principle, it remains to clarify one “minor” detail - in whose hands can you trust your precious appearance? If you make the wrong choice, you will face not only the fate of an outcast who is afraid to appear in public, but also endless legal proceedings with those responsible for your troubles. “Butchers” in white coats are usually excellent at defending their rights, but their unfortunate patients are not always so. Therefore, the basic rules when choosing specialists:

It is worth noting that the most favorable period for carrying out this procedure in women is the first weeks after the start of the menstrual cycle.

The procedure itself takes less than an hour and does not require the patient to stay in the hospital. Most often, the drug is administered in no more than 0.8-1 ml - this is extremely enough to correct any area. The maximum permissible amount of gel is 2 ml - this amount is applicable purely in individual cases.

High-quality certified drugs have sterile packaging, which already includes disposable injection equipment.

As reviews of lip fillers testify, the procedure is comparable in pain to a mosquito bite or a small puncture and is much less painful than any visit to the dentist.

The procedure has been completed, what next?

A few weeks after lip augmentation with filler is performed, a visit to the doctor is required for consultation and, if necessary, re-correction. Repeated administration of the drug is possible after at least 2 weeks.

If you are a laugher and a chatterbox in life, you will have to part with these lovely feminine habits for a while and just remain silent, thereby making your husband’s secret dream come true.

Also, for some time you will have to forget about the bathhouse, sauna, gym, beach and ... kisses, give up air travel, alcohol and spicy food. Even seeds or nuts can injure the skin of your lips. If you are confused by the first results after the injection, you do not need to perform any manipulations yourself, trying to correct the situation - massage the injection site, apply medicinal or cosmetic products.

To relieve swelling, you can use herbal, cool compresses. At the same time, be extremely careful not to move the fillers out of place. In addition, rinsing your mouth with saline solution will perfectly relieve inflammation.

It is important to understand that the body needs time to heal after invasive surgery. And your task during this period is to injure the injection area as little as possible by any possible means and avoid involuntary removal of filler from the tissue.

However, if the condition of the skin after the injection causes serious concern, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The results of the procedure before and after.

Complications after the procedure

Despite the apparent simplicity of the procedure, the consequences of incorrectly introducing the filler into the lips or
the use of low-quality fillers can be very serious - from allergies and purulent inflammations to embolism (clogging) of blood vessels, tissue necrosis, gel migration and benign tumors.

Lip plastic surgery with filler provokes swelling, swelling, redness, hematomas, and some asymmetry of the lips, which is quite normal. Allergic, inflammatory reactions, fibrosis are also possible - this is not normal. These consequences can be corrected - they can be removed with medication. In any case, you should consult your doctor; sometimes severe swelling can be removed with ultrasound.

Dry lips after gel injection is a normal temporary reaction.
This is due to the fact that your skin lacks moisture, and at this time the drug also begins to interact with the body. You need to endure this period, and of course, don’t forget to moisturize your lips.

Much more serious complications can arise later - low-quality filler can migrate under the skin, causing the appearance of lumps, nodes, keloid scars, and herpes. In particularly difficult cases, if the problem cannot be treated, the gel must be removed surgically.

In addition, nodules may form at the injection site of the gel, or there may be situations where you do not like the resulting effect (let me remind you that the effect after the injection of fillers is visible immediately). In this case, you can resort to a procedure for dissolving the gel using injections of hyaluronidase or the drug Longidase (again, if you have no contraindications to the use of these drugs).

If you are not ready for all these inconveniences or are afraid for the reaction of your body, then it is better to refrain from this procedure. In addition, there are interesting alternatives to this method.

Other methods of lip augmentation: an alternative to fillers

In addition to contouring, modern cosmetology successfully uses various methods of lip augmentation.

When deciding on lip contouring, you should remember: there are plenty of unscrupulous performers, and sometimes outright scammers, in the cosmetic services market. If you are going to save money on a clinic, specialist or drug, your desire to be irresistible can provoke irreversible changes in your appearance. At the same time, a huge number of women have become convinced from their own experience of the amazing possibilities of modern cosmetology and have really changed their appearance for the better. Whether to use these achievements or not is up to you.

Useful videos. Reviews from people who have tried the procedure on themselves.

As you can see, this procedure is used not only by women, but also by men. Besides, situations in life are different. Some people don’t know what else to please themselves with, while others are in a hopeless situation.

Thank you for reading the article to the end. We are always waiting for your comments and advice from personal experience that will help other girls remain attractive and maintain youth for a long time.