Lip fillers. Lip fillers - review of the best drugs and administration technology, indications and possible complications What volume of lip filler

Since ancient times, women have sought to highlight their lips using various tricks and cosmetic tricks. Ancient Egyptians painted their lips with poisonous mixtures, risking their lives to achieve a purple color. The ancient Romans and Greeks did not lag behind them, inventing lipsticks that gave the lips brightness and swelling due to an allergic reaction. We can say that this was the first attempt to change and embellish natural data. A procedure that in the 20th century will be called nothing more than “”. Attitudes towards lipstick have changed over the centuries. She was either recognized as a symbol of fallen women in the Middle Ages, then she returned to the boudoir of rich ladies in the Renaissance, then again she was persecuted in the Victorian era. The end of the 19th century and the times of silent films finally rehabilitated the fashion for beautiful lips, and the cosmetic industry began its parade.

Modern standards for beautiful lips use the ideal proportions of the “golden ratio” of Leonardo da Vinci. Not only the lines of the face themselves, but also the shape of the lips, their size and the relationship between them are decisive for the harmony of facial features.Lip correction with fillers performed by a highly qualified cosmetologist, transforms plain lips into seductive honey lips.

It turns out that the structure of the lips has its own subtleties. A professional cosmetologist uses various terms that are known only to those initiated into the secret called “lip contouring.” So, let's reveal the secrets of perfect lips. The upper lip has a longitudinal groove called the philtrum. The edges of the filtrum in the form of two vertical grooves are called columns of the filtrum. The ancient Greeks called the smooth curve of the upper lip Cupid's bow.Lip correction with fillers performed by a professional cosmetologist requires strict adherence to the anatomy of the lips, taking into account naturalness and harmony.

What are the advantages of lip correction with fillers?

Lip correction by a cosmetologist solves several problems in one procedure. The introduction of filler not only corrects natural imperfections in the shape and size of the lips, but also erases signs of age as if by magic. Lips become more expressive, wrinkles disappear, and a Mona Lisa smile lurks in the corners of the lips.

The main fillers, or, professionally speaking, fillers, are hyaluronic acid preparations. These are injectable drugs that are fully compatible with the human body.Lip correction with hyaluronic acid does not cause an allergic reaction, and the effect of its use is immediate. The slight swelling around the lips disappears within two to three days. Hyaluronic acid fillers are produced under various brands. The main differences between them are in density, duration and percentage of hyaluronic acid content. These indicators affect the price of the drug and, accordingly, the cost of the procedure.

Choice of drug forcorrection of the shape and volume of the lips is carried out by the doctor together with the patient. The cosmetologist gives his opinion in the form of a diagram of the procedure and the predicted result, informs about possible complications, consequences and contraindications. Lip contouring is a procedure that is performed under local anesthesia and takes from five minutes to an hour, depending on the complexity of the task. The cosmetologist injects the filler with a very thin needle according to a pre-planned pattern, immediately after the injection, massaging the tissue in a certain way to evenly distribute the drug under the skin. Sometimes a second injection is required within the same procedure.

Immediately after the procedure, there may be tingling or discomfort in the lip area. There may be slight swelling and blueness around the lips.Lip correction with fillers sometimes causes disturbances in facial expressions. The cosmetologist should warn the patient that the discomfort completely disappears two weeks after the procedure. If a second injection is required, lip correction with fillers is carried out six weeks after the first procedure. In general, lip contouring retains its effect for up to six months, sometimes longer, depending on the specific drug and the individual characteristics of the patient.

Basically, patients of cosmetologists whose specialization islip correction, are satisfied with the results and repeat the procedure after a certain time. However, despite the declared safety, lip contouring can have complications. They are extremely rare, but with an unqualified doctor’s approach and the use of an uncertified drug, they still happen. There are cosmetic clinics that specialize in correcting complications after unsuccessful lip correction with fillers. Doctors at these clinics talk about the wrong approach to injections and its consequences.

Possible complications after lip contouring

When injecting an excessive amount of the drug, there is a risk of getting “pumped” lips that look repulsive. This is an absolute mistake by the doctor or excessive persistence of the patient with a lack of sense of proportion.

Ducky lips are also a consequence of protocol violation, use of filler for other purposes and low qualifications of the doctor. Both consequences can be corrected by introducing a special enzyme that breaks down hyaluronic acid.

Violation of the proportions of the lips, for example, if the upper lip is excessively large relative to the lower one, is a common mistake by a doctor. Ideally, the upper lip should be one third of the volume of the lower lip, thenlip shape correction with fillers looks harmonious.

Violation of the shape of the lips, a smoothed Cupid's arch, uneven edges of the lips, overly rounded lips - this is a list of possible complications with an unqualified approach from a doctor. Such lips look ugly and vulgar.

Eversion of the mucous border is not only an unaesthetic sight, but also a health hazard - the mucous membrane dries out, cracks, and inflammation forms, which threatens to spread to the oral cavity in the form of stomatitis.

Lip correction if performed unprofessionally leads to another complication - lip asymmetry, noticeable to the naked eye. The patient is forced to contact the cosmetologist again, spending additional money, time and nerves.

Much has been said about how to avoid such complications that disfigure the patient’s appearance. We repeat: you need to contact only a proven, reliable doctor who has a manufacturer’s certificate to perform the procedures. It is also important to make sure that the drug is opened in front of the patient, showing the expiration date and name of the filler.

Lip contouring up to a certain age can serve as a worthy alternative to surgical intervention, prolonging youth and correcting natural flaws in appearance. With a qualified doctor’s approach tolip correction with fillers gives a beautiful result and makes the face harmonious and proportional, drawing attention to such a seductive part of it - the lips.

Ask a question to the doctor

Full, soft lips with a beautifully curved contour always attract attention to their owners. However, nature rarely endows women with ideal features. Modern plastic cosmetology can come to the rescue. The safest and most effective way is to use hyaluronic acid fillers. Let's consider this method in more detail.

In cosmetology, a filler is a special preparation that acts as an injectable filler. Their composition is different, most often gel-like. Their use ideally replaces the surgical correction method. The effect lasts from 2 months to several years. The cosmetic procedure helps to increase volume, change shape and contour, eliminate fine and deep wrinkles, and even out skin turgor.

All drugs used in correction are divided into 3 groups:

1. The most affordable, but not entirely safe synthetic fillers. They are created on the basis of purified silicone, polylactic acid or polyacrylamide gels. They often cause allergic reactions due to their high toxicity. One of the consequences is that they are able to move from the injection site to the side. Correcting the situation is only possible with the help of surgery. The effect lasts up to 2-3 years.

2. The biocompatible injection composition is distinguished by natural and natural ingredients. The most common use of hyaluronic acid. After its administration, the skin begins to intensively produce its own collagen. It is well tolerated by the body and has virtually no negative consequences or contraindications. However, it dissolves quickly, which requires more frequent repetition of the procedure. Biocompatible drugs also include autofillers. They are based on human tissue (fibroblasts, fatty layers, collagen). They are usually used in plastic surgical correction.

3. Combined ones include both synthetic and biological fillers. They are less toxic but more effective. After administration, the synthetic part adds volume and fills wrinkles, and the biological components provoke the production of your own collagen. The effect can be observed almost immediately after correction.

Existing contraindications and indications

A disproportionate shape or size, the formation of wrinkles, a dystrophic appearance of the skin, the presence of scars or scars, a blurred arch - all this can be the reason for contacting a cosmetologist for lip augmentation with fillers. The risk and consequences depend on the drug, but despite choosing the most expensive option, there are a number of contraindications:

  • Age. Before reaching adulthood, augmentation with hyaluronic acid is possible only with the written consent of parents or legal guardians.
  • Diseases of the immune system.
  • Individual specific reaction to a particular component.
  • Metabolic diseases, in particular diabetes.
  • Frequent occurrence of colds.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period.
  • During the period of infectious diseases with rising temperature.
  • Presence of wounds or cracks.

Any cosmetologist, before starting the procedure, must collect an anamnesis. Find out possible contraindications and allergic reactions. The best option would be to conduct a preliminary test on the selected composition.

Patient reviews

“I consider my lips to be thin, although such proportions are considered ideal. To begin with, to dispel doubts, I recommend starting with a minimum dose of hyaluronic acid of 1 ml. I chose Uviderm. Afterwards there was a little swelling, I slept quickly. The first few days are very drying, you need to use a moisturizing balm. But after a week everything returned to normal. The pain relief is good, the effect lasts for a couple of months for sure, I will do it again.”

Ksenia, Rostov-on-Don.

“My upper part is slightly larger than my lower part. I decided to remove this asymmetry. I found a good cosmetologist, this is important. I chose Juvederm 3 filler with a volume of 1 ml. It can be done without prior anesthesia, but I didn’t dare. I was satisfied with the correction effect. Only the next day after lip augmentation did bruises from the injections appear; they went away for a week. I went for the 2nd procedure six months later.”

Alevtina, Moscow.

“I succumbed to fashion trends and the desire for spring updates, since the very shape of my lips is voluminous. I love trying something new. The cosmetologist recommended Juvederm Ultra Smile 0.55 with anesthesia. At first I didn’t feel any pain, but then I almost lost consciousness. I even had to use ammonia. The result turned out to be much more than I planned. And massage after injections with hyaluronic acid is simply torture. For almost 2 weeks I walked around with terrible swelling and bruises, hiding my mouth in a scarf. I don’t plan to repeat such an experiment.”

Oksana, Krasnodar.

“I approach cosmetic procedures very carefully. I chose a cosmetologist for a long time, reading reviews. I have naturally very thin lips. And so I decided to enlarge them with fillers. They injected me with Princess Volume 1 ml and Emla for pain relief. I have very sensitive skin and swelling appeared almost immediately; I was advised to use Troxevasin ointment. After 4 months I came again because I liked the result.”

Angelika, St. Petersburg.

“My mother is a cosmetologist, so I have a good understanding of various drugs and I chose Surgiderm 30xp because its price is affordable. The injections themselves were felt, and there was even short-term bleeding. But this largely depends on the experience of the specialist himself. After 2 days, the slight swelling and bruising went away, but the lips were painful. I was able to enjoy the result only after a week. I liked it, but I haven’t decided yet whether I’ll go again.”

Svetlana, Moscow region.

Lip augmentation is very popular today.

And this can be associated not only with fashion, but also with a woman’s desire to maintain a beautiful and youthful appearance.

This procedure will relieve you of age-related changes such as: smoothing of contours, loss of volume, tightness and thinning.

You can easily adjust the upper and lower lips, or choose one of them. Experienced cosmetologists-specialists have an individual approach to the appearance of each patient.

Lip augmentation is performed when there is incorrect symmetry of the lower and upper lips, after injuries and operations for a more beautiful appearance, when adjusting the contour associated with age-related changes, and for a more spectacular and aesthetic appearance.

Advantages of modern methods of lip augmentation with fillers

Synthetic gel fillers

These fillers, when injected into the lip area, will not dissolve, meaning they will remain for life.

Outdated modifications of these drugs are displaced under the skin, thereby significantly worsening the aesthetic appearance of the lips.

Patient's own fat

In modern cosmetology, they also use the technique of lip augmentation using the patient’s fat cells, lipofilling.

Since a person’s own cells are used, the rejection reaction is automatically eliminated. Although, this method has a significant disadvantage - about half of the injected material is absorbed in the first week after the procedure.

Therefore, these injections will have to be repeated several times.

Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid fillers is a more suitable cosmetic material for lip augmentation! They provide the expected effect, which lasts for a long time.

When the procedure can and cannot be performed


Lip augmentation, correction and contouring are usually carried out in the following situations:


As with any cosmetic procedure, there are certain contraindications for which lip augmentation is not performed:

  • viral infections, herpes;
  • autoimmune disorders;
  • damage and inflammation in the lip area;
  • dermatitis of various origins;
  • the presence of other synthetic fillers at injection sites;
  • pregnancy, lactation, menstruation.

Lip augmentation procedure with filler

Gel fillers are used for lip augmentation procedures. They contain hyaluronic acid, which fills the skin of the lips with the necessary moisture.

This substance is a natural component and is present in our skin, therefore it is considered safe and most effective.

Injection site

Filler injections are performed in the area of ​​the lower and upper lips using a special technology. The results of the procedure will be noticeable within two days.

The natural metabolism period of hyaluronic acid is eight months. It biodegrades and is eliminated naturally from the human body.

The whole procedure will take you no more than 15 minutes. In modern clinics, local anesthesia is performed at the patient’s request. After injections, redness is possible, which soon disappears, as well as minor hematomas in the injection sites. Minor soreness may persist for a week.

Stages of the procedure

The procedure takes place in two main stages with a break of 2 weeks. Injections are given using the finest needles. At the patient's request, the injection site can be numbed. After the procedure, swelling and slight redness persist for about two days. Depending on the type of drug and the affected area, the effect can last up to six months.

Drugs used

It is necessary to choose a filler based on two main parameters: safety and effectiveness (obtaining the expected result). Among the stabilized hyaluronic acid preparations, the following are widely used:

  • Surgiderm;
  • Juvederm;
  • Restylane.

Also, on the recommendation of a cosmetologist, you can use a combination of several drugs.

For example, to give softness and mobility to the lips, and maintain clear lines, they inject Perlane. In addition, Restylane is administered to enhance lips.

Gel fillers are used to correct and enlarge lips.

In clinics, an individual drug is selected for each patient, taking into account all the tests performed, which is a guarantee of safety and quality.

You can buy filler for lip augmentation in a special salon. Among the various preparations of stabilized hyaluronic acid are Restylane, Juvederm and Surgiderm.

Restylane is a transparent gel based on hyaluronic acid.

This filler is widely used to remove signs of aging lips, as well as to enlarge them.

The drug is also used for young patients to correct some deficiencies.

is a hyaluronic filler for lip contour plastic surgery. It is based on non-animal acid.

This drug is used to enlarge lips and correct irreversible age-related changes.

It contains lidocaine, which guarantees painless administration.

is a hyaluronic filler for volume correction of lip contour.

This filler does not require testing and will not cause allergies, since all substances contained in it are of non-animal origin.

Advantages of these drugs for lip augmentation:

  • the rejuvenation effect can be noticed immediately after the procedure;
  • safety of cosmetics;
  • minimal risk of complications;
  • all injected substances disintegrate and are naturally excreted from the body;
  • speed of the procedure and recovery period.

Techniques used

Lip augmentation using modern techniques is carried out to achieve the expected effect of volume, expressiveness and eliminate various defects.

In modern clinics there is a painless and low-traumatic technique for introducing filler through two punctures using a flexible microcannula.

In this case, you will not need pain relief, and there will be no swelling or bruising. In just an hour, your smile will become sexy and charming!

For cosmetic defects, lipofilling.

Cosmetic procedures performed in the salon can eliminate asymmetry and age-related scarring. Effective new techniques remove scars and restore the previous volume.

Lip augmentation using contouring is the most popular beauty procedure. Clinics and medical centers vied with each other to offer “the smile of Mona Lisa,” “ french lips» and "sexy lips".

Indeed, the procedure takes literally 40 minutes, makes the face sensual, rejuvenates and beautifies. Injecting filler into the lips allows you to restore the youthful fullness and clear contour of the lips that were lost with age, make thin lips more expressive, and remove wrinkles around the lips.

At first glance, the scheme is very simple: a small amount of a substance is injected into the lips, which, when it gets under the skin, begins to hold water molecules around itself, as a result of which the lips puff up, become juicy and seductive. Beauty! You inject the drug and expect a wonderful result.

But only on one condition. The procedure must be performed by a professional of the highest class. Contour plastic surgery of the face and lips only seems to be a simple matter. Practice shows that otherwise the result will please only your worst enemies.

For many years now, at the Platinental Medical Center, we have been engaged not only in beautiful lip contouring. People turn to us every day to correct other people's mistakes. Today we are sharing this “black list” in the hope that it will save you from disappointment and tears due to a thoughtless choice of doctor and drug.

Lip contouring with filler. Performed by a dermatocosmetologist.

Lip contouring. Performed by a dermatocosmetologist .

Lip contouring. Completed .

Hit parade of horror stories for adult girls

So, here are the most common problems that result from unsuccessfully performed labiaplasty.

1. Lips turn out to be larger than you wanted

Did you dream of Angelina Jolie's plump lips, but got Pamela Anderson's lips? Alas, you have been given an excessive amount of gel.

Amanda Lepore, freak. “Pumped” lips look approximately the same on all types of faces - too unnatural to take their owner seriously.

If this is a modern drug based on hyaluronic acid, then you shouldn’t be too upset. Within a year, the hyaluronic acid will dissolve on its own, and the lips will return to their natural shape. However, if the image of a “Malibu lifeguard” is not to your taste, come. Using special Spanish enzymes, we will delicately eliminate excess drug, maintaining the volume in the right places.

2. The harmonious proportions of the face are disrupted

A very common mistake. To see this, watch the opening of any film festival or other event where the elite gather. Most older actresses undergo lip contouring – this is a fact.

For one actress, “pumped” lips are perceived separately from the face as something completely foreign. And for some, the correction is completely invisible - for example, Dame Moore. She always had string lips. And now they do not stand out on the face with their fullness. But look how perfectly they harmonize with the rest of the facial features.

Dame Moore is one of the few who does not “pump” her naturally thin lips. Despite the use of contouring, her lips look natural and youthful. Perhaps this is the best example of the good taste of a cosmetologist and his patient.

If, unlike Damie, you made a mistake, it makes sense to correct it and return your lips to a proportional appearance.

If the harmony of features is disturbed, the face is not perceived as beautiful. In order to avoid the effect of other people's lips, a contour plastic specialist needs to know in detail the structure of the face and its proportions, the laws of harmony, and also take into account several dozen features of the structure of the lips themselves, their age, balance in the upper and lower lips, their symmetry with the left and right sides

For example, at Platinental we use 13 criteria to create an irresistible smile. All of them are carefully taken into account each time before the procedure - individually for each patient.

Adequacy test: do you still think extreme lip size is beautiful?

3. Violation of the correct lip volumes

Lips seem beautiful to us not when they are simply equally large, but when they meet certain criteria. It is very important that the lower lip in profile is fuller than the upper lip.

If this is not so, then there is no need to talk about beauty. And here it doesn’t matter: they are the same or the upper lip is fuller than the lower. The ideal ratio of the size of the upper and lower lip is 1/3 to 2/3. This is the golden ratio, which Leonardo Da Vinci described in his works and which every self-respecting contouring specialist strives for in his works.

4. Destruction of the delicate anatomy of the lips

When a child draws a beautiful princess, he most often carefully draws out her lips with a heart: the top one is in the shape of a bow, the bottom one is plump. A child will never draw two identical sausages instead of lips for a princess. And he's absolutely right.

The upper lip in humans has a complex structure. It must have a vertical groove (filtrum). At the junction with the red border, the philtrum forms a labial tubercle. The two smoothly curved ridges of skin along the edges of the groove are called columns of the philtrum.

The border between the skin and the red border of the lips is usually curved like a bow. The romantically inclined ancient Greeks, famous connoisseurs of beauty, compared the shape of a beauty’s lips with Cupid’s bow, and this name has survived to this day. There is also a Cupid's arch - the central part of the upper lip.

In order for lips to be beautiful, all this delicate anatomy must be carefully preserved. If, during contouring, an excess of the drug is injected, then the natural contours of the lips disappear - and we see just two plump pancakes, which can delight only a hungry person.

Beautiful lips are:

      • A clearly defined Cupid's bow.
      • Clear columns of the filtrum.
      • Clearly defined red border of the lips, emphasizing the curves.
      • Smooth skin between the nose and upper lip.
      • The distance from the base of the nose to the upper lip is less than 2 cm.
      • The Mona Lisa fold (a smile hidden in the corners of the lips) even at rest.
      • The lower lip is 1.5 times fuller than the upper lip.
      • The most protruding point in the profile of the upper lip projects forward relative to a similar point on the lower lip.
      • The angle between the upper and lower lips at rest is clearly visible.
      • Ricketts' line (Riccetts E-line) is a straight line that runs from the tip of the nose to the protruding point of the chin, passing at a distance of 4 mm from the upper lip and 2 mm from the lower lip.
      • At rest, the upper lip slightly opens the tips of the teeth.

As you can see, beauty has many parameters and subtle nuances. And if you evaluate the beauty of lips by only one of them - size - this clearly betrays provincialism. Wearing “dumplings” on your face is as bad manners as appearing in public with extended and painted nails.

5. Lip eversion

If excess filler was injected from the lip mucosa, there is a risk of lip eversion. In this case, the inner mucous surface of the lips becomes visible, which should only come into contact with the teeth.

Jackie Stallone is the famous mother of her son, Sylvester Stallone. Eversion of the lips as a result of the injection of an excessive amount of artificial gel.

Try doing this procedure in front of a mirror - turn your lip out a little. Do you see? The shade of the mucous membrane is light, it differs from the bright color of the lips. Therefore, any inversion is very noticeable. In this case, it is hardly possible to talk about the beauty of lips. But the beauty here is not even the worst thing.

The everted mucosa is not intended for contact with air. As it dries, it becomes covered with cracks that become inflamed. If nothing is done, stomatitis (inflammation of the entire oral cavity) and cheilitis (inflammation and severe peeling of the lips) develop.

6. Asymmetry

If an unequal amount of the drug is injected into the lips, asymmetry occurs: for example, the right side of the upper lip becomes larger than the left. This is one of the common mistakes when unprofessional plastic surgery is performed.

Pamela's bewitching charm and open smile make this defect not obvious. However, there is a clear asymmetry of Pam's lips, which appeared after their enlargement.

7. Duck Mouth

Famous " duck mouth“This is also the result of a medical error. It appears when at a young age an excessive amount of the drug is injected into the skin of the upper lip.

As a result, the gel partially migrates, the upper lip swells, becomes longer, and truly begins to resemble a duck's beak.

“Before” and 2 weeks “after” removal of the biopolymer from the lips. Surgeon: Iskornev A.A.

Before and after photos of duck lips correction surgery.

Lip reduction, removal of silicone from lips. Surgeon: Andrey Iskornev.

8. Drooping corners of the lips

"One wrong move and you're a father." The same phrase very accurately conveys the features of contour plastic surgery. Two wrong movements with a syringe in the corners of your lips - and you literally become 10 years older in 30 seconds.

Have you ever wondered why celebrities smile all the time? Perhaps only Victoria Beckham allows herself to walk along the Red carpet without smiling.

In addition to demonstrating friendliness, a smile helps very well to hide the corners of the lips and low cheekbones that have drooped with age.

This is not an exaggeration. One of the clearest signs of a “woman over 40” is drooping corners of the mouth. This facial expression has nothing to do with a bad mood. Drooping lips are as obvious a sign of age as nasolabial folds and bags under the eyes.

But unlike a bad contouring specialist, a good specialist will make every effort to lift the corners of your lips. Like this:

A good doctor will definitely make your face more attractive by turning the corners of your lips upward.

With superficial and uneven introduction of the gel at the border of the red border and mucous membrane, it leads to the appearance of a wavy edge of the lips.

10. Inflammation

Inflammation on the lips can occur if sterility rules are not followed during and after the procedure.

However, the doctor is not always to blame for this problem. Very often, patients ignore care recommendations and do not follow the regimen prescribed by the doctor. Lips after contouring are easily negatively affected by sun rays, too hot air in baths and saunas, and failure to comply with hygiene rules.

11. Lip deformation

If earlier we talked exclusively about the doctor’s unprofessionalism, now is the time to remind us that “not all yoghurts are equally healthy,” and filler is different from filler.

There are a number of problems associated with administering the wrong drug. Permanent fillers (PAGE and silicone-based gels) do not dissolve. It would seem that one can only dream about this. What's better than beautiful lips for life? But in reality everything turns out to be far from being the case.

Once under the skin, permanent fillers over time:

  • migrate, which leads to lip deformation,
  • cause inflammation and swelling,
  • lead to the formation scars,
  • come into conflict both with each other and with the tissues of the body, which is fraught with very dire consequences.

We wholeheartedly advise you not to experiment with your own health with dubious cosmetologists. Low prices for drugs should not please you, but alert you: no one will work at a loss, so what are we saving on? Most often, unfortunately, it is on the qualifications of doctors and medications. And then the question, how much does lip contouring cost, turns into the question: how can I live with what was done to me, and how much does it cost to fix everything?

We correct the consequences of unsuccessful contouring every day:

We do it every day ,

We excise granulomas and oleomas,

Modeling the shape of the lips

We carry out lip plastic surgery,

Excising scar tissue

Using special Spanish enzymes we remove excess filler,

Lips are the most beautiful and attention-grabbing part of a woman’s face. It is not surprising that since ancient times almost all female representatives have tried to emphasize the sensuality, freshness, and shape of their lips in all available ways.

It’s a pity, but nature has not endowed everyone with curvaceous lips and perfect lip contour, and even perfect lips lose their former beauty with age. But, thanks to modern methods of aesthetic medicine and cosmetology, every woman can get and maintain the ideal shape and full volume of lips.

Plastic surgery and the “silicone era” have been replaced by a procedure called lip contouring.

What is contour plastic surgery?

Contour plastic surgery is a non-surgical (injection) technique for rejuvenation or correction of any imperfections of the face or other anatomical areas of the body. Using this technique, you can easily get rid of wrinkles, even deep ones, correct facial asymmetry, add missing volume to, for example, lips, correct the oval of the face, etc.

The effect of contouring and lip augmentation is achieved through injections of intradermal fillers or fillers, volumizers. These drugs are injected into the skin at different depths, which depends on the purpose of the injections. All of them have a gel consistency.

After distributing the gel inside the dermis, the fillers instantly show their effect - they “push out” wrinkles and add additional volume to the lips.

Modern lip fillers

The modern pharmaceutical industry offers a wide selection and range of fillers for contouring. All of them differ in the company and country of production, the consistency of the gel, the active ingredient, additional components (for example, the presence of an anesthetic in the composition of the drug), purpose, time of retention of the effect, lines and uniformity of the onset of biodegradation (the process of resorption of the filler).

Based on the above, it becomes clear that each drug has its own advantages and disadvantages. A competent cosmetologist will help you choose a filler for a procedure such as lip shape correction, based on your goals, experience and knowledge.

Almost all preparations for lip augmentation and correction are based on hyaluronic acid. In some cases, lip contouring is performed by injections of polymer synthetic gels and collagen-based preparations.

Why hyaluronic acid?

Why is lip correction with hyaluronic acid most often performed? The answer to this question is simple.

Hyaluronic acid is a substance that is “native” to the body. It is part of the intercellular matrix of all tissues, especially a lot of hyaluronic acid in the skin. The functions of this glycosaminoglycan include: binds water molecules, thereby helping to maintain optimal tissue water balance and skin hydration; when its quantity decreases (which is an integral part of age-related changes), the skin loses its elasticity, firmness, wrinkles and folds appear, and its former volume is lost lips and other parts of the body. Hyaluronic acid also activates the renewal processes of epithelial skin cells, which promotes natural rejuvenation.

A procedure such as lip contouring with hyaluronic acid has several advantages:

The most popular drugs for lip augmentation

If you want to enlarge your lips, then in addition to an experienced cosmetologist, you will need to decide on a preparation for contouring. Of course, a specialist will help you with this choice, but to be completely sure that the procedure will be successful and without complications, you need to know which fillers are most suitable in your case.

The most popular volumizers:

  • RESTYLANE LIPP is a filler produced by the Swedish company Q-MED, specially designed for working with lips, it allows you to create a clear contour, change the shape and increase the volume of the lips, the gel structure allows you to withstand a wide variety of facial loads for a long time;
  • Juvederm fillers (Juvederm 24, Juvederm 30, Juvederm 30 HV, Juvederm Ultra 3, Juvederm Ultra 4, Juvederm Ultra Smile, Juvederm Volbella), they were developed by the famous American company Allergan and are presented in a wide range, which allows you to choose the filler most suitable for a particular women;
  • Surgiderm - these volumizers are produced by a French manufacturer, created specifically for mature skin and are primarily used to correct age-related changes in the lips and area around the mouth;
  • Teosyal - produced in Switzerland.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

When is lip correction with hyaluronic acid necessary? There are several indications for such manipulation:

  • the client’s desire to have lush and juicy lips;
  • asymmetry, congenital or acquired;
  • lip contour correction;
  • giving lips additional volume;
  • fight against age-related changes;
  • drooping corners of the mouth;
  • giving a new form;
  • moisturizing lips.

Who should not undergo manipulation?

Contouring and lip correction with fillers is contraindicated in the following situations:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • a disease or pathological condition that is accompanied by a blood clotting disorder;
  • malignant tumor of any location;
  • mental disorders and epilepsy;
  • infectious and inflammatory processes and other dermatological diseases in the lip area;
  • herpetic infection in the active phase;
  • hypersensitivity (allergy) to any component of the intradermal filler and anesthetic;
  • any disease in the acute phase;
  • diabetes mellitus in the stage of decompensation;
  • tendency to form keloid scars;
  • age up to 18 years (only with written parental consent);
  • fever.

Possible complications

Most often, after contouring, the following minor and short-term complications occur:

  • redness;
  • edema;
  • bruises;
  • hematomas;
  • allergic manifestations.

As a rule, they do not pose any danger and go away on their own after 8-10 days.

More serious complications include:

  • development of fibrous compactions and granulomas in the skin;
  • filler migration with the development of asymmetry;
  • hyperpigmented spots;
  • infection of injection sites with the development of purulent-inflammatory lesions;
  • activation of herpes infection;
  • if the gel is introduced too deeply, blockage of blood vessels may occur, followed by necrosis of the skin area and the formation of scar tissue after the defect heals.

Such side effects most often occur when the doctor fails to follow the technique of the procedure, the rules of asepsis and antisepsis, or neglects the cosmetologist’s recommendations for lip skin care and rehabilitation after injections.

How is the lip augmentation procedure performed?

Before contouring, the cosmetologist will definitely perform an allergy test and determine whether you can be injected with this filler. The injection sites are pre-numbed, so you will not feel any pain during the procedure. After this, the doctor will perform the injections themselves and carefully distribute the gel with his fingers using light massage movements. The entire procedure takes approximately 1 hour.

  • limit facial expressions during the first 24 hours after injections, do not smile widely so that the gel does not migrate;
  • do not use medications and cosmetics other than those prescribed by the cosmetologist;
  • during the first week, sleep on your back, avoid the possibility of your lips touching the pillow;
  • do not visit saunas, swimming pools, baths, gyms for 7-10 days;
  • Do not drink alcohol for a week after the injections.

If you entrust your lips to a competent and experienced specialist, select the ideal filler for yourself and follow all the doctor’s recommendations, you will certainly become the happy owner of luxurious and seductive lips.