Cigarette tricks and their secrets. Cigarette tricks. Disappearing a cigarette using the “thumb” (tricks with cigarettes) The secret of the trick is putting out a cigarette on clothes

As a child, each of us watched the wonderful performances of tricks by famous illusionists. Years later, we realized that in fact, tricks are deception, but how beautifully they deceive us. Despite all the simplicity with which the magician shows us his achievements, it is not so simple. Focus is a mixture of geometric, physical, and virtual deceptions. The most common trick is the cigarette trick. There are quite a few tricks with cigarettes. We will consider only a few variations of this trick.

Learning to do a trick with a cigarette

To perform a trick with a cigarette disappearing you need to:

  1. Cigarette,
  2. fishing line,
  3. scotch.

Of the many tricks with a cigarette, we have chosen the most popular: levitation of a cigarette and disappearance of a cigarette. When performing a trick with the levitation effect, our cigarette is in free flight, despite the fact that our hands move in absolutely any plane. As a result, it seems that she really flies under the influence of the magic of her hands. The secret of this trick lies in a thin fishing line, which is secured with tape to the base of the cigarette. The line should be long enough to hang around your neck and keep the cigarette at chest level.

When performing manipulations, you stretch the line with your thumbs, this makes it take off. To achieve the opposite effect, just bring your palms together and the cigarette will pass between your palms.

The next trick is to take the cigarette from both sides with all your fingers, and then hide it in one hand. After the hand in which you hid the cigarette turns out to be empty, as well as the second hand, the viewer does not understand anything. After some time, the cigarette ends up in the other hand. The point of this trick is sleight of hand. When joining hands, the cigarette is hidden behind the thumb. When showing empty hands, you need to securely connect two thumbs - this allows you to hold the cigarette on your finger. After this, a cigarette appears in the opposite hand. Now you know with a cigarette and you can surprise your friends and acquaintances, just hone it well first before performing the trick with the disappearance of a cigarette. See below for a few more tricks.

How to connect to the Internet via MTS

Its essence is that a lit cigarette is placed on a stand so that the smoke is visible. A matchbox or a pack placed on its edge is used as a stand. The observer can see how the cigarette smokes from both ends at the same time, but the smoke from the burning end rises up, and from the mouthpiece - down.

Perelman explains this phenomenon by the properties of hot and cooled air, as well as by the fact that the smoke from the mouthpiece contains tar and soot. That’s why it’s interesting for smokers to know about this trick experiment - it’s very clearly visible that both the smoker and the people around him suffer from smoke.

Rolling cigarette

The cigarette lies on the table... a light pass over it - and it, swaying slightly, begins to roll across the table. Another pass and the cigarette rolls back. An interesting, effective trick that requires simple training.

A cigarette (of the magician himself or one of the spectators) is placed on the table parallel to the body of the seated illusionist. Passes are made in such a way that the hands, palms, lie in front of the cigarette.

At the moment of the pass, you need to blow on the cigarette with a practiced movement - so that the audience does not see or hear it. To make the blow unnoticed, training is required, and to prevent someone from hearing the sound of blown air, it is enough to perform a trick in a room where music is playing or a conversation is taking place.

The cigarette will roll back at the moment when, during the second series of passes, the illusionist places his palm in front of the rolled cigarette (the second hand is removed, it makes passes) - hitting this palm as an obstacle, the air will drive the cigarette back.

Cigarette - rocket

Wanting to smoke, the magician takes a cigarette out of the pack, takes it with his fingers and... the cigarette itself flies into his mouth. This is, rather, not a trick, but a sleight of hand without deception and fraud.

The cigarette is placed with the filter facing away between the index and middle fingers of the working hand. You need to place the cigarette along your fingers. With proper skill, after training, the cigarette will end up in the mouth after a light slap on the back of the hand holding the cigarette.

Disappearing Cigarette

There was just a cigarette, and now it’s gone. But as soon as the magician makes a few simple passes, she again finds herself in the illusionist’s palm.

A small but sufficiently sized piece of double-sided tape is glued to the thumbnail of the working hand (respectively, the right one for right-handers and the left one for left-handers).

A cigarette is glued to the tape so that it lies along the middle of the thumb and is not visible from behind it with an open palm.

Here are a couple more tricks with a cigarette and the answer to their execution.

When demonstrating this trick with a cigarette, you need to bend your thumb to your palm, while the index (or index and ring) finger covers the place where the cigarette is attached. It turns out that the cigarette seems to be sticking out of a half-open fist. Opening his palms, the magician shows that they are empty. After the “magic” passes, the cigarette again appears in the palm of your hand.

In order to perform all these spectacular tricks with smoke, you will need a hookah, an electronic cigarette or a vape. Some people believe that an ordinary cigarette with a broken filter will do for such tricks, but such smoking will be doubly harmful to your lungs.

Smoke rings

Such tricks with smoke are considered the most spectacular. You can achieve the effect in two ways:

  1. Get more steam into your mouth, then quickly form your lips into an “O” shape, keeping the tip of your tongue close to the lingual frenulum. With short exhalations, push out small doses of smoke.
  2. This method involves the same actions, only in this case you must pronounce the vowel “O” with your larynx. The sound itself will not be heard - only something like a click in your throat. Remember to keep your mouth open in a wide circle.

Practice is important in this matter. Don't be upset if the first rings fall apart quickly or don't work out at all.

Double ghost puff

This trick with cigarette smoke is done as follows:

  1. Take a puff, but don't inhale the smoke into your lungs - hold it in your mouth.
  2. Leaning your head back slightly, slowly exhale the smoke for 1-2 seconds. Keep your tongue pressed to the roof of your mouth. At the last stage, sharply lower it down.
  3. While the smoke cloud is at a distance of 5-10 cm from your face, with your lips slightly parted and your head tilted towards it, quickly inhale it back, trying to collect it completely.

"French breath", "waterfall"

These smoke tricks are done this way:

  1. Inhale the smoke for two to three seconds. It is important to keep it in your mouth - you can do this by slightly puffing out your cheeks, like a hamster.
  2. Now open your mouth slightly, protruding your lower lip thoroughly, and begin to slowly release smoke. He will rise up.
  3. Once the smoke reaches your nose, begin to slowly inhale the steam back into your nose.

Glass with smoke

Perhaps these are the simplest tricks with hookah smoke. Inhale as much smoke as possible, and slowly, focusing on the edge, begin to exhale it into the glass. You can use a straw for training.

Tornado on the table

Also a fairly easy trick. In a windless room, exhale a large amount of smoke onto the table surface. Then pry it up with your hand and twist it smartly into a kind of thin tube - such as the base of a tornado. To create a real whirlwind, you just need practice.

Smoky soap bubbles

These are very spectacular tricks with smoke. The bubbles burst, releasing clouds of steam. You can do the focus like this:

  1. Mix some dishwashing liquid with a little water in a bowl, find a cocktail straw, or use baby soap bubbles.
  2. The more smoke you inhale, the more smoke bubbles you will see.
  3. Slowly exhale the smoke into a straw thoroughly soaked in the soapy solution.

All tricks with smoke are easy to describe, but to learn how to do them automatically, you need thorough and serious practice. Only by repeating every day and honing your skills will you learn these actions, and will also be able to combine them and transform them into new ones. However, be sure to remember that smoking cigarettes, vaping, and hookah is harmful to your health.

Smoking is harmful, and you need to stay away from cigarettes as far as possible. Most of us were taught this from early childhood. However, if you are going to use cigarettes to perform your tricks, then there is nothing wrong with that.

By purchasing a simple pack of cigarettes, you can learn many tricks that will definitely please the audience. In this article we will look at simple and quick tricks with a cigarette, which often require great manual dexterity from the magician. You will learn how to do tricks with a cigarette easily and naturally, in any company and under any circumstances.

Magic cigarette

This trick requires some sacrifice from the magician: for the demonstration, you need to light a cigarette and take 1-2 light puffs to heat the tobacco. However, this can be done without additional puffs, simply by lighting the cigarette, but in this case the effect may not appear immediately.

To demonstrate this trick, take a regular sheet of paper and place it vertically on a stand in front of the audience. Take a cigarette, light it, shake off the ash on a newspaper, or lightly touch the lit end to it. After that, step aside and do something else, not paying attention to the audience or the piece of paper.

For some time, nothing will happen on stage: the paper remains on the stand, and the magician has completely stepped aside somewhere and is minding his own business. Unexpectedly for everyone, letters begin to appear on the paper, and they are clearly visible from afar. After a while, on a piece of paper you can read the inscription “Smoking is harmful to health.” The public is perplexed - the inscription wrote itself.

At first glance, the props for this cigarette trick include only a newspaper, a stand and the cigarette itself. Actually, there is something more. The main role here is given to chemical components, namely potassium nitrate (potassium nitrate). The proportion is as follows: for every tablespoon of plain water you will need 0.5 teaspoon of saltpeter.

The stronger you make the solution, the higher the speed at which the flame slides down the newspaper. Letters must be applied to a sheet of paper with a brush or pen. All letters must be connected to each other so that there are no interruptions. If you want to draw a cigarette on a piece of paper, then keep in mind that it must also be associated with at least one of the letters.

Important! Carefully consider the font of the inscription. You shouldn’t make it too artistic, so that an unpleasant situation does not arise when the light suddenly stops crawling down. Use regular letters with sealed joints for writing. Otherwise, the light simply will not jump from one letter to another.

Before taking the poster out to the public, mark in advance the points on it with a marker where the cigarette ashes should fall or where the burning end should be touched. The fact is that chemical ink is absolutely invisible when completely dry, and you need to give yourself some kind of hint in the form of dots.

flying cigarette

The next trick can most likely be classified as a cigarette trick. Viewers confuse it with the levitation of a cigarette, since the visual effect is actually that of the cigarette itself flying through the air.

The viewer sees how the magician takes one cigarette out of the pack and takes it with one hand. Unexpectedly, the cigarette itself rises into the air and suddenly throws itself straight into the magician’s mouth.

As already noted, this is not a flying cigarette at all, but a great sleight of hand of a magician. When acting as a magician, you must take the cigarette with the filter towards you with your working hand. And hold it between your index and middle fingers. The cigarette should be placed directly along the fingers. If you hit the back of your holding hand sharply, the cigarette itself will “fly” into your mouth. All that remains is to train this movement so that you can do it under any circumstances.

Tumbler cigarette

The next trick is very simple in its execution, but this does not make it any less interesting for the audience.

There is a very ordinary cigarette on the table. The magician can take it from his own pocket or borrow it from someone in the audience. Suddenly, the magician begins to make light passes over the cigarette, and it begins to swing from side to side. A few more moves. And now she is already rolling along the floor, and almost falls to the floor!

To perform this trick, you need to place the cigarette on the table parallel to your body. When making passes, your hands should go slightly beyond the cigarette area. It is necessary to clearly practice your hand movements so that they inspire maximum confidence in the audience.

And the secret of the trick itself is as follows. When moving your hands, you just need to blow on the cigarette, thereby causing it to either roll forward or roll back. The whole thing remains a matter of hard training, in which you need to practice hand movements and imperceptibly blowing on a cigarette.

Important! To prevent spectators from hearing your blowing, you can turn on music in the room. Also, your breathing will not be heard when demonstrating in front of a large crowd of people - they will talk to each other, creating unnecessary interference that plays into your hands.

To visually see how various tricks are done, you can watch tricks with a cigarette in video format, in which experienced illusionists share their experience with novice magicians.

Its essence is that a lit cigarette is placed on a stand so that the smoke is visible. A matchbox or a pack placed on its edge is used as a stand. The observer can see how the cigarette smokes from both ends at the same time, but the smoke from the burning end rises upward, and from the mouthpiece - downwards.

Perelman explains this phenomenon by the properties of hot and cooled air, as well as by the fact that the smoke from the mouthpiece contains tar and soot. That’s why it’s interesting to know about this experience—a trick for smokers—it’s very clear that both the smoker and the people around him suffer from smoke.

Rolling cigarette

The cigarette lies on the table... a light pass over it - and it, swaying slightly, begins to roll across the table. Another pass and the cigarette rolls back. An interesting, effective trick that requires simple training.

A cigarette (of the magician himself or one of the spectators) is placed on the table parallel to the body of the seated illusionist. Passes are made in such a way that the hands, palms, lie in front of the cigarette.

At the moment of the pass, you need to blow on the cigarette with a practiced movement - so that the audience does not see or hear it. To make the blow unnoticed, training is required, and to prevent someone from hearing the sound of blown air, it is enough to perform a trick in a room where music is playing or a conversation is taking place.

The cigarette will roll back at the moment when, during the second series of passes, the illusionist places his palm in front of the rolled cigarette (the second hand is removed, it makes passes) - hitting this palm as an obstacle, the air will drive the cigarette back.

Cigarette - rocket

Wanting to smoke, the magician takes a cigarette out of the pack, takes it with his fingers and... the cigarette itself flies into his mouth. This is, rather, not a trick, but a sleight of hand without deception and fraud.

The cigarette is placed with the filter facing away between the index and middle fingers of the working hand. You need to place the cigarette along your fingers. With proper skill, after training, the cigarette will end up in the mouth after a light slap on the back of the hand holding the cigarette.

Disappearing Cigarette

There was just a cigarette, and now it’s gone. But as soon as the magician makes a few simple passes, she again finds herself in the illusionist’s palm.

A small but sufficiently sized piece of double-sided tape is glued to the thumbnail of the working hand (respectively, the right one for right-handers and the left one for left-handers).

A cigarette is glued to the tape so that it lies along the middle of the thumb and is not visible from behind it with an open palm.

Here are a couple more tricks with a cigarette and the answer to their execution.

When demonstrating this trick with a cigarette, you need to bend your thumb to your palm, while the index (or index and ring) finger covers the place where the cigarette is attached. It turns out that the cigarette seems to be sticking out of a half-open fist. Opening his palms, the magician shows that they are empty. After the “magic” passes, the cigarette again appears in the palm of your hand.

The very first trick with a cigarette (more precisely, with a cigarette) was described in his book “Entertaining Physics” by Yakov Isidorovich Perelman. He, of course, paid more attention to the physical phenomenon that arouses interest in this experience, although from a medical point of view the focus is very interesting.

Its essence is that a lit cigarette is placed on a stand so that the smoke is visible. A matchbox or a pack placed on its edge is used as a stand. The observer can see how the cigarette smokes from both ends at the same time, but the smoke from the burning end rises up, and from the mouthpiece - down.

Perelman explains this phenomenon by the properties of hot and cooled air, as well as by the fact that the smoke from the mouthpiece contains tar and soot. That’s why it’s interesting for smokers to know about this trick experiment - it’s very clearly visible that both the smoker and the people around him suffer from smoke.

Rolling cigarette

The cigarette lies on the table... a light pass over it - and it, swaying slightly, begins to roll across the table. Another pass and the cigarette rolls back. An interesting, effective trick that requires simple training.

A cigarette (of the magician himself or one of the spectators) is placed on the table parallel to the body of the seated illusionist. Passes are made in such a way that the hands, palms, lie in front of the cigarette.

At the moment of the pass, you need to blow on the cigarette with a practiced movement - so that the audience does not see or hear it. To make the blow unnoticed, training is required, and in order not to hear the sound of blown air, it is enough to perform a trick in a room where music is playing or a conversation is taking place.

The cigarette will roll back at the moment when, during the second series of passes, the illusionist places his palm in front of the rolled cigarette (the second hand is removed, it makes passes) - hitting this palm as an obstacle, the air will drive the cigarette back.

Cigarette - rocket

Wanting to smoke, the magician takes a cigarette out of the pack, takes it with his fingers and... the cigarette itself flies into his mouth. This is, rather, not a trick, but a sleight of hand without deception and fraud.

The cigarette is placed with the filter facing away between the index and middle fingers of the working hand. You need to place the cigarette along your fingers. With proper skill, after training, the cigarette will end up in the mouth after a light slap on the back of the hand holding the cigarette.

Disappearing Cigarette

There was just a cigarette, and now it’s gone. But as soon as the magician makes a few simple passes, she again finds herself in the illusionist’s palm.

A small but sufficiently sized piece of double-sided tape is glued to the thumbnail of the working hand (respectively, the right one for right-handers and the left one for left-handers).

A cigarette is glued to the tape so that it lies along the middle of the thumb and is not visible from behind it with an open palm.

Here are a couple more tricks with a cigarette and the answer to their execution.

When demonstrating this trick with a cigarette, you need to bend your thumb to your palm, while the index (or index and ring) finger covers the place where the cigarette is attached. It turns out that the cigarette seems to be sticking out of a half-open fist. Opening his palms, the magician shows that they are empty. After the “magic” passes, the cigarette again appears in the palm of your hand.


Then come to us for a marathon on quitting cigarettes.
With its help it will be much easier to quit.

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This resource may contain 18+ materials.

Please note that the information presented on the site is for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended for self-diagnosis or self-medication. The selection and prescription of medications, treatment methods, as well as monitoring their use can only be carried out by the attending physician. Be sure to consult a specialist.

We have been teaching magic tricks since 2004!

Preparation: Place a special thumb dummy on the thumb of your right hand.

Performance: Show that your left hand is empty. Make a fist with your left hand and turn the back of it towards the audience, then insert your thumb into the fist of your left hand and leave the fingertip there, then show that your right hand is empty.
Take the cigarette between the thumb and index finger of your right hand. Then place the cigarette in the fist of your left hand, in the same fingertip. Then insert the thumb of your right hand into the fist of your left hand, in the fingertip, put it on and move your right hand. Open your left hand and show, that the cigarette has disappeared.

This is the classic method of disappearing a cigarette, but this method is not very simple. Your first problem is that you have a fingertip. How you do it and where you do it is very important for a successful demonstration. When you perform a trick, you can put on the fingertip while your hand is in your jacket pocket. If you are sitting at a table with your friends, you can put on a fingertip, when you, for example, put your hand in your pocket to get a handkerchief. In order to throw off the fingertip, you can take cards or a foam ball out of your pocket for the next trick. At this moment you leave the fingertip in your pocket and you are ready for the next trick. When this trick is well practiced it makes a big impression on the audience, this is a good disappearing trick.

Smoking is harmful, and you need to stay away from cigarettes as far as possible. Most of us were taught this from early childhood. However, if you are going to use cigarettes to perform your tricks, then there is nothing wrong with that.

By purchasing a simple pack of cigarettes, you can learn many tricks that will definitely please the audience. In this article we will look at simple and quick tricks with a cigarette, which often require great manual dexterity from the magician. You will learn how to do tricks with a cigarette easily and naturally, in any company and under any circumstances.

Magic cigarette

This trick requires some sacrifice from the magician: for the demonstration, you need to light a cigarette and take 1-2 light puffs to heat the tobacco. However, this can be done without additional puffs, simply by lighting the cigarette, but in this case the effect may not appear immediately.

To demonstrate this trick, take a regular sheet of paper and place it vertically on a stand in front of the audience. Take a cigarette, light it, shake off the ash on a newspaper, or lightly touch the lit end to it. After that, step aside and do something else, not paying attention to the audience or the piece of paper.

For some time, nothing will happen on stage: the paper remains on the stand, and the magician has completely stepped aside somewhere and is minding his own business. Unexpectedly for everyone, letters begin to appear on the paper, and they are clearly visible from afar. After a while, on a piece of paper you can read the inscription “Smoking is harmful to health.” The public is perplexed - the inscription wrote itself.

At first glance, the props for this cigarette trick include only a newspaper, a stand and the cigarette itself. Actually, there is something more. The main role here is given to chemical components, namely potassium nitrate (potassium nitrate). The proportion is as follows: for every tablespoon of plain water you will need 0.5 teaspoon of saltpeter.

The stronger you make the solution, the higher the speed at which the flame slides down the newspaper. Letters must be applied to a sheet of paper with a brush or pen. All letters must be connected to each other so that there are no interruptions. If you want to draw a cigarette on a piece of paper, then keep in mind that it must also be associated with at least one of the letters.

Important! Carefully consider the font of the inscription. You shouldn’t make it too artistic, so that an unpleasant situation does not arise when the light suddenly stops crawling down. Use regular letters with sealed joints for writing. Otherwise, the light simply will not jump from one letter to another.

Before taking the poster out to the public, mark in advance the points on it with a marker where the cigarette ashes should fall or where the burning end should be touched. The fact is that chemical ink is absolutely invisible when completely dry, and you need to give yourself some kind of hint in the form of dots.

flying cigarette

The next trick can most likely be classified as a cigarette trick. Viewers confuse it with the levitation of a cigarette, since the visual effect is actually that of the cigarette itself flying through the air.

The viewer sees how the magician takes one cigarette out of the pack and takes it with one hand. Unexpectedly, the cigarette itself rises into the air and suddenly throws itself straight into the magician’s mouth.

As already noted, this is not a flying cigarette at all, but a great sleight of hand of a magician. When acting as a magician, you must take the cigarette with the filter towards you with your working hand. And hold it between your index and middle fingers. The cigarette should be placed directly along the fingers. If you hit the back of your holding hand sharply, the cigarette itself will “fly” into your mouth. All that remains is to train this movement so that you can do it under any circumstances.

Tumbler cigarette

The next trick is very simple in its execution, but this does not make it any less interesting for the audience.

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There is a very ordinary cigarette on the table. The magician can take it from his own pocket or borrow it from someone in the audience. Suddenly, the magician begins to make light passes over the cigarette, and it begins to swing from side to side. A few more moves. And now she is already rolling along the floor, and almost falls to the floor!

To perform this trick, you need to place the cigarette on the table parallel to your body. When making passes, your hands should go slightly beyond the cigarette area. It is necessary to clearly practice your hand movements so that they inspire maximum confidence in the audience.

And the secret of the trick itself is as follows. When moving your hands, you just need to blow on the cigarette, thereby causing it to either roll forward or roll back. The whole thing remains a matter of hard training, in which you need to practice hand movements and imperceptibly blowing on a cigarette.

Important! To prevent spectators from hearing your blowing, you can turn on music in the room. Also, your breathing will not be heard when demonstrating in front of a large crowd of people - they will talk to each other, creating unnecessary interference that plays into your hands.

To visually see how various tricks are done, you can watch tricks with a cigarette in video format, in which experienced illusionists share their experience with novice magicians.

Order the props “Cigarette in card” -

Smoking is harmful, and you need to stay away from cigarettes as far as possible. Most of us were taught this from early childhood. However, if you are going to use cigarettes to perform your tricks, then there is nothing wrong with that.

By purchasing a simple pack of cigarettes, you can learn many tricks that will definitely please the audience. In this article we will look at simple and quick tricks with a cigarette, which often require great manual dexterity from the magician. You will learn how to do tricks with a cigarette easily and naturally, in any company and under any circumstances.

Magic cigarette

This trick requires some sacrifice from the magician: for the demonstration, you need to light a cigarette and take 1-2 light puffs to heat the tobacco. However, this can be done without additional puffs, simply by lighting the cigarette, but in this case the effect may not appear immediately.

To demonstrate this trick, take a regular sheet of paper and place it vertically on a stand in front of the audience. Take a cigarette, light it, shake off the ash on a newspaper, or lightly touch the lit end to it. After that, step aside and do something else, not paying attention to the audience or the piece of paper.

For some time, nothing will happen on stage: the paper remains on the stand, and the magician has completely stepped aside somewhere and is minding his own business. Unexpectedly for everyone, letters begin to appear on the paper, and they are clearly visible from afar. After a while, on a piece of paper you can read the inscription “Smoking is harmful to health.” The public is perplexed - the inscription wrote itself.

At first glance, the props for this cigarette trick include only a newspaper, a stand and the cigarette itself. Actually, there is something more. The main role here is given to chemical components, namely potassium nitrate (potassium nitrate). The proportion is as follows: for every tablespoon of plain water you will need 0.5 teaspoon of saltpeter.

The stronger you make the solution, the higher the speed at which the flame slides down the newspaper. Letters must be applied to a sheet of paper with a brush or pen. All letters must be connected to each other so that there are no interruptions. If you want to draw a cigarette on a piece of paper, then keep in mind that it must also be associated with at least one of the letters.

Important! Carefully consider the font of the inscription. You shouldn’t make it too artistic, so that an unpleasant situation does not arise when the light suddenly stops crawling down. Use regular letters with sealed joints for writing. Otherwise, the light simply will not jump from one letter to another.

Before taking the poster out to the public, mark in advance the points on it with a marker where the cigarette ashes should fall or where the burning end should be touched. The fact is that chemical ink is absolutely invisible when completely dry, and you need to give yourself some kind of hint in the form of dots.

flying cigarette

The next trick can most likely be classified as a cigarette trick. Viewers confuse it with the levitation of a cigarette, since the visual effect is actually that of the cigarette itself flying through the air.

The viewer sees how the magician takes one cigarette out of the pack and takes it with one hand. Unexpectedly, the cigarette itself rises into the air and suddenly throws itself straight into the magician’s mouth.

As already noted, this is not a flying cigarette at all, but a great sleight of hand of a magician. When acting as a magician, you must take the cigarette with the filter towards you with your working hand. And hold it between your index and middle fingers. The cigarette should be placed directly along the fingers. If you hit the back of your holding hand sharply, the cigarette itself will “fly” into your mouth. All that remains is to train this movement so that you can do it under any circumstances.

Tumbler cigarette

The next trick is very simple in its execution, but this does not make it any less interesting for the audience.

There is a very ordinary cigarette on the table. The magician can take it from his own pocket or borrow it from someone in the audience. Suddenly, the magician begins to make light passes over the cigarette, and it begins to swing from side to side. A few more moves. And now she is already rolling along the floor, and almost falls to the floor!

To perform this trick, you need to place the cigarette on the table parallel to your body. When making passes, your hands should go slightly beyond the cigarette area. It is necessary to clearly practice your hand movements so that they inspire maximum confidence in the audience.

And the secret of the trick itself is as follows. When moving your hands, you just need to blow on the cigarette, thereby causing it to either roll forward or roll back. The whole thing remains a matter of hard training, in which you need to practice hand movements and imperceptibly blowing on a cigarette.

Important! To prevent spectators from hearing your blowing, you can turn on music in the room. Also, your breathing will not be heard when demonstrating in front of a large crowd of people - they will talk to each other, creating unnecessary interference that plays into your hands.

To visually see how various tricks are done, you can watch tricks with a cigarette in video format, in which experienced illusionists share their experience with novice magicians.

Order the props “Cigarette in card” -

A trick with a cigarette is a great option that will allow you to surprise your friends and acquaintances during a party or celebration. This trick, the secret of which is described in this tutorial, will allow you to use cigarettes not only for their intended purpose, but also to entertain friends and show off your unusual abilities. Follow the instructions described in the video to master this trick.

Video lesson “Trick with a cigarette - a secret”

flying cigarette

It would seem that a trick using a cigarette cannot be something special, but a flying cigarette will certainly be able to evoke exclamations of surprise and admiration from the audience. If this trick seems too difficult, you should practice on simpler tricks, because this will help:

  • develop finger dexterity;
  • form and consolidate a movement pattern;
  • gain additional self-confidence (novice magicians often fail because they worry too much).

How to make a cigarette fly?

For a cigarette that flies to amaze the audience, you need to:

  • carefully review the material and study the recommendations from the video;
  • find time to practice using a cigarette;
  • practice until automaticity and consistency of movements are achieved.

This trick can really amaze the spectators who will be present nearby while it is performed. Be attentive and concentrated when showing those present the magical manipulation of a cigarette, and try not to give yourself away with awkward movements or nervousness. Practice the trick and use it when you need to impress guests or entertain friends at a party.