Fortune telling is possible. Home fortune telling: three simple ways to find out your future. Fortune telling on cards

Hand shape. Certain character traits can be recognized by the shape of the hand. Palm length is measured from the wrist to the bottom of the fingers. Main interpretations:

  • Earth- wide, square palms and fingers, thick or rough skin, ruddy color, the length of the palm is equal to the length of the fingers.
    • Strong values ​​and energy, sometimes stubbornness.
    • Practicality and responsibility, sometimes materialism.
    • Loves to work with his hands.
  • Air- square or rectangular palms with long fingers, sometimes protruding knuckles, low-set thumbs, dry skin; The length of the palm is less than the length of the fingers.
    • Sociable, talkative and witty.
    • Can be petty, spiteful and cold.
    • Loves to work both mentally and with his hands.
    • Has a versatile and radical approach to work.
  • Water- long, possibly oval-shaped palms, with long, flexible, conical fingers; The length of the palm is equal to the length of the fingers, but less than the width at the widest part of the palm.
    • Creative, insightful and responsive.
    • Can be moody, emotional and withdrawn.
    • Introvert.
    • Works quietly and intuitively.
  • Fire- square or rectangular palm with ruddy or pink skin, short fingers, palm length longer than fingers.
    • Spontaneous, enthusiastic and optimistic.
    • Sometimes selfish, impulsive and insensitive.
    • Extrovert.
    • Works boldly and instinctively.
  • Lumps and hills. These are the same “fleshy” places under the fingers that are located opposite the knuckles. To make them more visible, cup your palm into a fistful. Which of the tubercles turned out to be larger?

    • The high mount of Venus (under the thumb) is a tendency towards hedonism, promiscuous sexual relations and immediate gain. The absence of the Mount of Venus means disinterest in family affairs.
    • The Mount of Jupiter is located under the index finger. A developed mount of Jupiter indicates dominance, selfishness and aggressiveness of character, and its absence indicates a lack of self-confidence.
    • The Mount of Saturn is located under the middle finger. A developed hill indicates stubbornness, cynicism and a tendency to depression. If the Mount of Saturn is poorly developed, then this indicates superficiality and disorganization.
    • The Mount of the Sun is located under the ring finger. A developed hill indicates extravagance, pride, and irascibility. If the hill is low, it indicates problems with imagination.
    • Under the little finger is the Mount of Mercury. If he is clearly visible, then the person is talkative; if not, then he is modest.
      • Of course, there is no scientific evidence for this. Moreover, palms change over time! Don't take palmistry too seriously.
  • Girls are often interested in how to tell fortunes for themselves? Not everyone is able to entrust their fate to an outside magician, so people try to master the art of fortune telling on their own. Finding out the future is quite simple - it is important to perform certain manipulations correctly.

    In the article:

    How to tell fortunes for yourself for the future?

    To find out what upcoming events have in store, you can use different methods. Fortune telling on Christmastide is quite common. Each option is unique and allows you to look into the future and lift the veil of secrecy.

    Before you begin any such ritual, you need to properly prepare the magical attribute and tune in yourself. It is advisable to clean the artifact using salt, water or fire.

    It is enough to put the item in pre-prepared Thursday salt, hold it several times over a candle flame or hold it under running water. The negative energy that was on the magical attribute will go away. Before starting fortune telling, you need to relax and get rid of unnecessary thoughts. You can meditate, use .

    Rituals with attributes are not all common ways that will help you find out what fate has prepared for a person. No less popular is decoding, which will help you find out when to expect the most important events, what can be prevented and what you should be wary of. Fortune telling by hand - palmistry - also remains popular.

    How to tell fortunes on your hand?

    Palmistry is a complex science that cannot be learned quickly. It takes experience and constant practice to continually improve your skills. You can learn some basics that will help you know the future. For example, by looking at your hand, you can determine the size of your palm and fingers, which will help you recognize the protective element.

    If the palm and fingers are equally short, the patron is Earth, if the length of the palm is longer than the length of the fingers, the assistant is Fire, if vice versa - Air. If the fingers and palm are the same length, the patron is Water.

    Brief general characteristics:

    1. People whose patron is Earth, usually have clear boundaries, are stubborn, do not deviate from priorities and are full of energy. Practical, responsible, love to work with their hands.
    2. For Air Characterized by sociability, wit, and talkativeness. Often people are angry, cold and even petty. Representatives of air are able to cope equally well with mental and physical work. Often a person uses radical methods.
    3. Representatives Water introverted, creative, sympathetic, empathetic and insightful. Quite emotional, but can be withdrawn and capricious. To find out what is going on in their soul, you need to gain trust for a long time. They rely only on intuition.
    4. Representatives Fire spontaneous, optimistic, extroverts. They take on work boldly and listen to their instincts. Often a person can be an egoist, but his conscience also gnaws at him. They are often accused of being impulsive and insensitive, but at heart they are quite vulnerable.

    Afterwards, you need to determine which hand to use to guess. A woman’s right hand means the skills and events that were laid down at birth, and the left hand tells what was acquired during life. For men it's the opposite. You should pay attention to the dominant hand, which will tell you about the past and present, and the second hand about the future.

    After defining the hand, you need to find the main lines. Not every person has deep and clear contours; sometimes they are short and intermittent. There are at least three main lines on any palm:

    • hearts;
    • heads;
    • life.

    The line of fate is not visible to everyone.

    Heart line

    Usually located from the little finger and going to the index finger, it is responsible for stress resistance, love relationships, depression, heart disease. A beginner needs to know that if the line starts below the index finger, a lot of romantic relationships await the person.

    Other meanings of the heart line:

    1. If it starts on the middle finger, the person is probably selfish in love, an owner, and often a despot in the family.
    2. If it starts in the middle of the palm, the person is amorous and flighty.
    3. Direct and short - lack of romance.
    4. In contact with the life line - it is easy for the owner to get hurt.
    5. If it is long and crooked, it is difficult for a person to restrain emotions and feelings, perhaps this will interfere with achieving goals.
    6. Straight and placed parallel to the line of the head - the personality is able to control emotions, manage the situation and influence other people.
    7. Wavy - a large number of romantic relationships that will not result in marriage.
    8. The presence of circles means emotional breakdowns and depression. The closer the circles are to the index finger, the more likely it is that this will happen in adulthood.
    9. Line breaks indicate emotional trauma.
    10. Perpendicular small lines will indicate emotional upheaval.

    Head line

    Responsible for intelligence, thirst for knowledge, the ability to learn, and communicate with other people.

    Head line meanings:

    1. Short line - a person believes that physical achievements are more important than mental ones.
    2. Curved - achievements in the creative field are possible.
    3. Standing far from the line of life - a thirst for adventure, optimism.
    4. Merges with the life line - a strong connection with relatives.
    5. Wavy - inability to concentrate attention and control behavior.
    6. A deep, long line speaks of a clear and sharp mind, the ability to concentrate, and achieve goals.
    7. Direct - realist.
    8. The presence of circles and crosses means emotional crises.
    9. A large number of perpendicular lines means making spontaneous decisions.

    Life line

    It is located near the thumb and creates an arc that usually ends near the wrist. Responsible for physical health and changes in life. People often believe that the longer the line, the more years a person will live.

    In some interpretations, you can find information regarding another line, which is located next to the line of life, closer to the thumb. They believe that this line appears on the palms of lucky people, the favorites of fortune, and is characterized as another life line that helps to overcome any troubles.

    If the life line is located too close to the thumb, this indicates possible health problems, psychological disorders, and fatigue.

    Other interpretations of the life line:

    1. Winding - great energy potential.
    2. Deep - vitality.
    3. Short and barely visible - a person is easy to control.
    4. Located in a semicircle - the personality is very strong, full of enthusiasm.
    5. Straight and as if crossing the palm - a person is careful in relationships.
    6. The presence of circles indicates serious illnesses and injuries.
    7. A broken line means a change in lifestyle, a shock.

    Line of fate

    The best fortune telling in the world

    Collection of free fortune telling

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    Many people love to guess, using completely different methods. If you also want to know your future, then this article will be useful and exciting for you. In the modern world, almost all objects can help; they are used for fortune telling. Televisions, elevators, cell phones, microwaves... It would seem that these are ordinary everyday things that every person uses now. But no, with the help of the same elevator or microwave you can find out your future, not only cook food (go up to your floor).

    Fortune telling, which came to us from ancient times, can accurately predict future events, but this does not mean that modern methods of “looking” into the future will not help. Current methods of fortune telling do not require any specific preparation or special items. Everything here is simple and clear.

    How can you find out your future using an ordinary book?

    Many people love to read, so the method of fortune telling from a book is very well known and familiar to almost everyone. A person who is going to tell fortunes using this printed publication needs to guess the page number and paragraph (top or bottom). Then you make a wish, open the desired page, find the paragraph and read what awaits you. A very simple but effective way. Of course, fantasy books are not entirely suitable for such fortune-telling. It’s better to take something “more serious” - the Bible, the Gospel. There the description will be more detailed, and there will be no unnecessary information.

    Modern methods of fortune telling have gone a little further. They began to use not only books, but also television and radio. You make a wish, set a time frame to find out whether it will come true or not. At this time, you need to turn on the radio wave (make a wish for it first) or a TV channel. Thus, everything said at a given time, through a given channel, will be your future. After a few days (weeks) you will understand how true that fortune telling was. This way you can find out what awaits you every day.

    How to tell fortunes using a cell phone

    You should use this type of fortune telling only during that period of your life when you want to find out whether the deal will be successful, whether it is worth taking that step, and so on. That is, it is important to take that period of your life when you are in a state of choice, at a crossroads. So, how to tell fortunes using a mobile device?

    Sit back and focus on what you need to learn. Next, with your eyes closed, you open the first contact you come across in your address book. The number must be written down on paper, and then all the numbers must be added together. For example, the number was: 910 - 565 - 11 - 11. You add 9+1+0+5+6+5+1+1+1+1. The result is the number 30. The number 3 and 0 must also be added: 3+0. It turns out 3 - this will be the answer to your question.

    Now let’s take a closer look at how to decipher the resulting number from a phone number. Here it is important to turn to the great science of numerology.

    The number 1 there means future luck, success in all planned affairs and endeavors.

    Two - you will have to look for a compromise in order to achieve your goal. Think about how best to do this, with the least losses.

    Three - the situation must be analyzed and studied from all sides. Don't make a decision in a hurry, weigh everything carefully.

    Four in numerology indicates that circumstances may be stronger than you. Don't fall victim to them, think sensibly.

    Five - your faith and active life position will help you achieve success, everything will be fine.

    Six - think about the positive, set yourself up only for a successful outcome.

    Seven - it is important to listen to your intuition. This time she won't let you down.

    Eight - be careful, prudent. This is the position that will help you achieve what you want.

    Nine - prove yourself, then triumph awaits you.

    How to tell fortunes using an elevator

    To do this, you need to take the elevator to the middle floor of your entrance. Get out of the elevator and you have to wait until someone calls it. At the same time, you think about what you made (a wish). If the elevator goes up, it will come true; if down, no.

    How to tell fortunes on a computer

    To do this, you need to go online, to some chat. The first person you meet there will be needed for fortune telling. You need to find out his real name (not nickname). This is exactly the name of the man or woman that your husband/wife will be called (depending on who is telling fortunes).

    You can also guess using the keyboard. To do this, you need to remove all the keys (use the old, no longer needed, keyboard). From many letters, they must be turned upside down (so that you do not see the letters), choose one letter. It is with this letter that the name of your future husband or wife will begin. Don’t forget to remove b, b s, j ahead of time - they are not needed. If you forget to do this, then your husband (wife) may be called a strange, awkward name. Why do you need this?!

    It is important to treat fortune telling, no matter how simple it may be, responsibly and seriously. There is no need to test your curiosity or “test the strength of rituals.” Just a serious attitude.

    How to tell fortunes using public transport

    This fortune telling will be very informative in its content. For example, when you guess the license plates of cars. If you calculate that the sum of the first two digits of the number gives the third digit, then wealth awaits you. If you made a wish, looked out the window at the next car, and there was a man or woman sitting there with a very gloomy look, then your future husband or wife will be like this. And if a blonde is sitting behind the wheel of the car in front of you, then it’s better to change lanes. An accident may happen.

    Fortune telling in itself is very interesting and educational. We can use almost all objects that surround us to find out our future. The main thing is to make a wish as correctly and clearly as possible, to formulate the question that interests you. Then you will receive a specific answer to it. Try to choose simple desires, or ask simple, monosyllabic questions. The more correctly you can formulate your thought, the better the outcome of the fortune telling. If you cannot decide what you want to know, then either there is no point in guessing at all, or the fortune telling will not be truthful. There is no third option here. You don’t have to wonder later why it didn’t work out, or the result of the fortune-telling doesn’t suit you - you did something wrong.

    For example, fortune telling for the dollar/euro. You need to ask, wondering whether the exchange rate will rise in the near future, and not: how much one dollar or one euro will cost. Still, fortune telling is not a game, not a quiz. Therefore, be careful what you ask, what thoughts are running through your head.

    If you regularly (correctly!) guess, no matter in what way, your life will become more interesting and even easier. After all, knowing your future, at least in general terms, you will be able to change something in yourself (first of all), in your attitude towards life, people around you, and influence certain events. Fortune telling people are more confident in themselves. They are active in life and are practically not afraid of anything. And this is very important in the modern world.

    If the existing methods and methods of fortune telling do not suit you, then you can come up with your own. Imagine, take a closer look at the surrounding objects, start guessing at them. Perhaps it is the fictitious ritual of fortune-telling that will become your talisman.

    New Year and Christmas are approaching, and fortune telling for love at home is arousing new interest. Such simple but exciting fortune-telling sessions with a young man are always popular among young girls. There are many options using available materials (paper, cotton wool, playing cards), and each of them is interesting in its own way.

    The best times for the ceremony are:

    • New Year;
    • birthday or name day;
    • Christmastide (January 6–19);
    • Christmas Eve (January 6–7, night).

    Option 1

    Fortune telling on paper at home is characterized by simplicity, and material for it can be found in any apartment. To find out what awaits you, use: a piece of paper, a pen, a compass, a ruler. Start guessing:

    • draw a circle on paper and divide it into sectors like the petals of a flower;
    • the number of fragments corresponds to the letters in the name of your loved one;
    • write them one on each petal;
    • then enter your name;
    • if there are more letters in it than sectors in the circle, then do not write it in its entirety;
    • look how many petals contain both a vowel and a consonant;
    • if this combination is missing, then you have no future;
    • if there are two such sectors, then the relationship will begin, but will not last;
    • the number three portends agreement and mutual understanding in a couple;
    • more than three - you love each other and will stay together.

    Simple fortune telling on paper at home

    Option 2

    For the session you will need: a sheet of paper, a pen. To get the answer, do the following. Write the young man’s first and last name on paper, and your own below them; cross out the letters that match in the data; Add the remaining number until it fits between 1 and 9 (if 15, then you get 6 and so on).

    • One means a cloudless union in the future;
    • number two - the relationship will not work out;
    • three – short relationship;
    • four - the feeling is not sincere on your part;
    • five - you are together for financial reasons;
    • six - a harmonious couple;
    • seven - there is only friendship between you;
    • nine - fortune telling predicts a future together if you devote time and attention to each other.

    Fortune telling on a mirror at home is classified as simple, but effective and interesting:

    • place two identical mirrors opposite each other;
    • light a candle in front of them;
    • Hold one of the mirrors in your hands opposite the other so that you get a labyrinth of reflections;
    • say:

      “Betrothed-mummer, come to me for dinner”;

    • the narrowed one will appear in the reflection.

    Pour cold milk into a saucer and place it in front of the threshold at the entrance to the house. Melt the wax with the words:

    “Brownie, my master, come to the threshold to drink milk and eat wax.”

    Pour into milk, interpret the result depending on the resulting form:

    • “flower” - a new acquaintance that will end in marriage;
    • “man” - a great feeling is coming;
    • “asterisk” means luck in relationships and other areas.

    Fortune telling by book

    Take your favorite book, formulate a question to yourself about your loved one, open it at random and, without looking, point your finger at the line, this is the answer, interpret it depending on the question and situation.

    Fortune telling on a thread

    Take: a piece of fabric, a red thread, a needle. To get an answer:

    • thread the thread into the eye of the needle;
    • pull the needle through the fabric several times;
    • pull the thread sharply;
    • if the thread came out easily, then nothing threatens the relationship with your loved one;
    • the thread becomes tense - he will have others;
    • breaks - an alliance with this person will not bring happiness.

    Fortune telling by ring

    Attributes: silver ring, red wool thread, candle, coin. To make fortune telling work:

    Light a candle; tie a thread to a ring, place a coin in front of the candle, hold the thread with the ring motionless over the coin, formulate a question to yourself about your lover or future love.

    • The ring does not move - it is too early to ask about this;
    • sways in different directions - the answer is yes;
    • approaches and moves away from you - means “no”;
    • moves in a circle - ask the question differently.

    Fortune telling by ring

    Fortune telling on cards

    This is the most interesting, but difficult option. For fortune telling, ordinary playing cards are used, which everyone has. But you will only get the answer if you know their interpretation. The layout method is also important. To make a prediction, remember that the suit of playing cards corresponds to the gender and age of the person for whom we are telling fortunes. Lady:

    • tambourine – a young free girl;
    • crosses - a married or elderly woman;
    • worms - girlfriend, older than you;
    • peak is an ill-wisher.
    • worms - a married man;
    • tambourine – unmarried;
    • peak - brunette or authoritative man;
    • Krestov is an older man.

    Meanings for love

    In playing cards for love fortune-telling, some of them are of particular importance. Hearts suit:

    • ace - the lover will send a message;
    • king - a temperamental admirer will appear;
    • lady - they will propose to you;
    • ten - wait for a declaration of love;
    • Nine – pursuit of a persistent lover.

    Regular playing cards are used for fortune telling.

    Diamond suit:

    • king - the appearance of a groom or lover;
    • nine – love obstacle;
    • seven – treason.

    Hearts suit:

    • the king is a married friend;
    • lady - family woman;
    • eight - futile expectations;
    • six - a joint unsuccessful journey.

    Spades suit:

    • nine – loss of a loved one or friend;
    • eight - betrayal;
    • seven – conflict.

    Love combinations:

    • the lady next to the king is a married girl, secret betrothal;
    • the king below the queen is a devoted man;
    • tens on the sides of the lady are a declaration of love, and eights are unpleasant rumors; ace of spades and ten of diamonds - conflict;
    • sequentially queen, ten, king of the same suits - mutual love for a man;
    • in reverse order - a reciprocal feeling for a woman;
    • four tens - marriage, marriage.

    Simple layout

    Playing cards will show your inner world and future:

    • shuffle and remove with left hand;
    • start laying out three at a time until you reach the queen of diamonds;
    • analyze her environment;
    • the cards on the sides correspond to her mood and feelings;
    • on top – the future of the relationship;
    • below are people from the past.

    The cards will give the answer only if you know their interpretation

    Fortune telling on needles

    For the prediction session you will need: 13 needles (preferably different in length and shape); blank paper. Start guessing:

    • select “your” needle (so that you can easily identify it);
    • also indicate your acquaintances, loved ones or those with whom you are interested in relationships;
    • put a sheet of paper on the table and throw needles on it, trying to get into the center;
    • if the needles to which you gave names lie with their blunt ends towards yours, then these people will bring joy and comfort, and the relationship with the guy will work out;
    • if they are positioned at the tip, then this marks a deterioration in contact, even to the point of hostility, and the young man will grow cold;
    • provided that such needles are on the right - after quarrels and misunderstandings, harmony with the betrothed will come;
    • if other needles fall yours, then this means strengthening the connection with these individuals.

    Fortune telling by wood

    Charming a husband or a loved one (betrothed) was a popular pastime in the village. Despite the prohibitions of the church, simple ways to find out the future were regularly used by girls of marriageable age. Firewood was pulled out at random from a woodpile near the house; the result was interpreted by the surface and shape of the log:

    • if it is smooth and large, the girl will receive a handsome, kind betrothed;
    • uneven foreshadowed a homely groom;
    • fat meant stocky, with a good figure;
    • knotty - the groom has a lot of relatives;
    • the curved symbolized physical abnormalities;
    • a log in places or completely without bark predicted a betrothed without money.

    Fortune telling with cotton wool

    The cotton wool was randomly divided into lumps, placed in a hat or pot, and pulled out without looking. Depending on the thickness and shape of the elongated fragment, the figure of the narrowed one was predicted.

    Hair fortune telling

    Place a clean comb under the pillow

    A clean comb or comb was placed under the pillow with the words:

    “Betrothed-mummer, comb my head.”

    He appeared in a dream; if in the morning strands were found on the comb, then they meant the color of the betrothed’s hair.

    Playing cards were rarely used in the village to find out the future. It was an attribute of a merchant or bourgeois urban environment. Later they were joined by Tarot cards (in noble esoteric circles).

    All of the above types of fortune telling can be easily performed in home interiors. No special devices are required for this. The necessary attributes (needles, mirrors, candles, paper, etc.) can be found in every home. You can guess alone or with friends. Even if you don’t see your betrothed, you will have fun and join the folk tradition.