Hidradenitis in the groin treatment. Bitched udder (hidradenitis): photo, how to treat under the armpit, in the groin. Folk remedies for external use

Hidradenitis is a purulent inflammation of the apocrine glands. The main prerequisites for the occurrence of the disease is staphylococcus infection.

As stated above, hidradenitis is a disease of the sweat glands. As a rule, the disease forms in the armpits, since the skin there is rich in sweat glands, and occasionally near the navel, labia and male scrotum. The risk category naturally includes women.

Basically, the disease occurs in a unilateral form. First, single dense nodules of not very large volume appear in the skin. They cause itching and a slight painful sensation, which increases when you press on the nodule itself. These nodules tend to rapidly increase and transform into large (1.5 cm) pear-shaped nodes connected to the skin. The nodules emerge on the surface of the skin, resembling breast nipples in appearance.

The skin in the area where the nodes form takes on a red-blue color, a slight swelling forms and a strong pain reaction occurs. Single nodes are able to connect with each other, creating a large accumulation of dense consistency, which has a disc-shaped shape. Severe pain occurs not only while moving the patient, but also at rest. The presented situation indicates the period of node maturation. This is usually accompanied by the following symptoms: painful condition, fever, identified pain syndrome.

After a certain time, the main part of the nodes softens and they open with
emission of purulent masses. The texture of the purulent masses resembles thick cream and may contain blood. A characteristic difference between hidradenitis and a regular boil is the absence of a necrotic core. The opening of the node, as a rule, occurs 6-10 days after its appearance, which contributes to a significant improvement in the condition of the body and a reduction in pain.

A wound forms at the site of opened hidradenitis, which heals over time and leaves a scar. The complete period of formation of hidradenitis and its opening takes approximately 2 weeks.

The inflammatory process under the armpit develops due to clogging of the sweat glands or due to the follicle. If there are scratches or wounds on the skin, they can contribute to the development of acute inflammation in the human body. Direct invasion of infection occurs through blood vessels or the lymphatic system. There, microbes multiply intensively, which contributes to the development of a disease called hidradenitis. It can also develop at the time of hormonal restructuring of human systems.

Risk group:

  • diabetes;
  • decreased immune strength of the body;
  • weakened body after illness;
  • overweight and obesity;
  • improper functioning of the gonads;
  • poor or insufficient skin hygiene;
  • microtraumas during shaving;
  • frequent use;
  • contaminated working conditions.

Hidradenitis in the groin

Hidradenitis in the groin is an inflammatory process caused by infection in the apocrine glands located in the genitalia. This type of hidradenitis is known as “bitch udder.”

This disease develops in females, usually during adolescence or after adolescence. In certain cases, it is predicted by the occurrence of irritation and discomfort in the groin area. Painful formations appear on the skin, which can grow into a deep abscess.

The disease can also develop on the labia majora. After the wounds heal, healed scars appear on the site. However, this does not apply to the labia minora, since their surface does not have sweat glands.

Complications or a protracted course of the disease often result in large “families” of fistulas. After them, rough fibrous scars are noted on the pubic skin and external genitalia. Without proper treatment, the disease can persist for many years, and the stages of remission will certainly be replaced by a severe exacerbation.

Hidradenitis in the groin has many significant aggravations of the condition:

  1. fistulas that may appear on the urethra, bladder, rectum, peritoneum;
  2. ulcers;
  3. purulent arthritis;
  4. severe abscesses that may affect adjacent structures;
  5. phlegmon.

How to treat this disease

Women with hidradenitis in the groin are strongly recommended to wear loose underwear made of natural material, as compression of the skin contributes to increased inflammation and the spread of infection. If the disease has a mild course, then at the initial stage local therapy with antibacterial drugs will be quite effective. For example, the groin area can be treated with a solution chlorhexidine, smear ointments, which include erythromycin And retinoids.

The use of warm compresses can speed up the breakthrough of a purulent formation, but it is still better when the abscess is opened with surgical method. After the purulent contents are released, the ulcer wound must be drained. Surgery is needed for complete treatment and to achieve remission.

When prescribing treatment, it is necessary to remember that it will not be possible to do without proper therapy.
and you should not try to squeeze out the contents of the gland yourself. This is very risky due to the fact that pathogenic bacteria can enter the circulatory system and cause an infectious disease - fatal sepsis. The disease does not tolerate moisture. For this reason, you should not apply compresses or take a long bath. You are allowed to wash in the shower, but you must cover the area with a band-aid in advance.

Doctors treat this disease with sulfonamides and antibiotics. They can be taken orally or given as injections. For acute illness, an injection is used Triamcinolone With Lidocaine. If suppuration occurs, an opening is performed and a drainage system is inserted to drain the liquid contents.

Prolonged course is treated with antibiotics: Lincomycin, Erythromycin, Isotretinoin, Tetracycline, Oleandomycin, Minocycline, Ristomycin.

In serious cases, corticosteroid hormone is used - Prednisone(70 mg per day, reducing the dose over time). If it is discovered that the causative agent is staphylococcus, then the doctor will additionally prescribe immunotherapy and an injection against staphylococcus infection.

For the purpose of local therapy, ointments are used: Levomekol, Clindamycin, Neomycin, Levosin etc. As a rule, such treatment is sufficient for small nodes.

Limit sweet treats and hot spices and enrich the menu with the following products:

Vitamin decoctions - rose hips, various berries, sea buckthorn oil, infusions of Leuzea, Eleutherococcus - will be of great benefit.

To prevent the disease you should:

  1. Observe hygiene requirements thoroughly.
  2. Use high quality cosmetics.
  3. Antiperspirants should be washed off thoroughly before going to bed.
  4. If you get cuts while shaving, you need to treat them with alcohol and iodine.
  5. Do not wear thick clothes made of synthetic materials.
  6. Reduce excessive body weight.
  7. Fight sweating.
  8. Support immunity.

With the help of such simple methods, the occurrence of the disease can be avoided.

Hidradenitis is a purulent inflammation of the apocrine sweat glands, which is caused by the penetration of a staphylococcal infection along the hair follicle (see photo).

Hidradenitis can be observed in the armpits, around the anus, on the scrotum, near the labia and navel, i.e. wherever there is hair.

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Hidradenitis - what is it?

Hidradenitis is popularly called “bitch udder” because it resembles a dog’s chest. This disease is not observed in children and elderly people. This is due to the fact that apocrine glands begin to actively function only after puberty, and by the age of 50-55 their activity begins to decline.

Women suffer from hidradenitis more often than men. The risk especially increases during the peak of puberty and menopause due to frequent shaving of the armpits.

It is quite simple to identify hidradenitis suppurativa, because it has several characteristic features. The inflammation exceeds 1.5 cm in diameter and visually resembles a boil.

The peculiarity of hidradenitis is the absence of a necrotic core. The pathological focus protrudes noticeably above the surface of the skin, and the entire convex surface is painted bright red. There is swelling and pain around the inflamed area.

Hidradenitis under the armpit and in the groin area, photo

Purulent inflammation of the apocrine sweat glands in 98% of cases is caused by a bacterium such as Staphylococcus aureus. Minor damage is enough for the pathogen to get under the skin. The epidermis can be injured during shaving, depilation, and epilation.

  • The use of deodorants, which irritate and dry out the skin, thereby promoting the appearance of microcracks, has a detrimental effect.

Hidradenitis under the armpit

The risk of infection of the apocrine gland increases in people who suffer from excessive sweating. A wet substance that is constantly on the skin reduces its barrier functions. Pathogenic microflora easily enters the lymphatic ducts or the mouth of the hair follicle, and an inflammatory process develops.

Insufficient hygiene also provokes hidradenitis under the armpit. The reasons may lie in disruption of the endocrine glands: diabetes, obesity, hormonal imbalance.

The catalyst for the appearance of hidradenitis is a decrease in immunity and a violation of the acidity of sweat - alkalization.

Hidradenitis in the groin area

Hidradenitis in the groin occurs less frequently, but it still happens in women and men of reproductive age. This is due to non-compliance with hygiene rules during sexual intercourse.

Many people immediately fear that this is a sexually transmitted disease. But if shaving or hair removal was carried out immediately before close contact, most likely we are talking about hidradenitis.

The inflammatory process can spread to the armpits and genitals if there are already purulent foci in the body. In this case, hidradenitis will have a slightly different nature. For this reason, ulcers in any area cannot be allowed to become chronic.

Symptoms of hidradenitis - features

At the stage of infiltration (initial development), you can notice the appearance of small nodules that are dense to the touch. Hidradenitis under the armpit or in the groin area, which is out of sight, will manifest itself with unpleasant symptoms: itching, pain when pressed.

  • Immediately after the appearance, the nodule will rapidly increase in size and take on a pear-shaped shape. The size of the inflammatory lesion reaches 1.5 - 3 cm.

The hidradenitis ganglion is tightly adherent to the skin, which in the convex area becomes red-violet. As inflammation develops, the nodules merge with each other. Painful sensations appear not only when touched, but also at rest.

The maturation process of hidradenitis is necessarily accompanied by:

  1. General malaise;
  2. Fatigue;
  3. Painful itching sensations around the inflammation;
  4. Increased body temperature.

Hidradenitis in the groin, the symptoms of which are already unpleasant, will cause severe pain when walking. Such manifestations take a person out of his daily schedule for several days until the abscess finally matures.

After ripening, the central zone of the node becomes soft. After 1-2 days, hidradenitis may spontaneously open. Quite a lot of purulent masses with a small amount of blood substances will be released from the inflamed area.

Blood enters the node due to damage to blood vessels during its rapid growth. Bleeding with hidradenitis never occurs - it is always the release of blood in a small amount.

After the pus is released, the person feels relief: the temperature drops and strength returns. The node disappears, but an ulcer appears in its place. After a few days, it heals and a scar appears on the skin.

  • Often the scar will remain sunken inward for some time. Then, as new connective tissue forms, the scar area smoothes out.

Hidradenitis can recur and transform into a chronic disease. Spontaneous opening of the node may not occur at all. In this case, the patient’s condition will worsen and he will require urgent medical care in the form of emergency surgery.

Treatment of hidradenitis - drugs and antibiotics

The success of therapy largely depends on at what stage the patient discovers a node in the groin area or hidradenitis under the arm. Treatment of hidradenitis must begin from the moment of the first lumps under the skin. For ease of manipulation, the hair in the affected area is cut off (shaving is prohibited, as this can aggravate the course of the purulent process).

The node and the surrounding area are treated with an antiseptic, which will reduce pain (the possibility of an allergy to a particular substance must be taken into account):

  • Iodine 5%;
  • Salicylic acid 2%;
  • Brilliant green 3%;
  • Ethyl alcohol 96%.

The wider the affected area, the more the node will hurt. To relieve discomfort, an abscess larger than 2 cm is injected with 1% novocaine with the addition of an injectable vasoconstrictor. The latter reduces the diameter of the vessel and thereby prolongs the effect of the anesthetic.

In the treatment of hidradenitis, oil-based ointments and gels are prohibited - they can provoke the spread of suppuration. For the same reason, the use of compresses is prohibited, only dry heat is allowed. The best option is to apply alcohol-drying dressings.

Alcohol-free warming can be done:

  • Natural fabric heated with an iron (application method);
  • Using a blue lamp for 5-7 minutes (distance to the node is at least 20 cm);
  • Ultraviolet radiation (open sun) for no more than 30 minutes.

When is surgery indicated?

If hidradenitis does not clear up on its own, surgery is necessary. It will most likely not be possible to get by with local puncturing (piercing) and drainage, because there are multiple foci of suppuration.

  • Hidradenitis is opened using a full incision. First, the pus is removed, and then the inflamed subcutaneous fatty tissue is cut out.

The wound after surgery turns out to be quite voluminous. Covering it with bandages is strictly prohibited - constant treatment with antiseptic agents is required, as well as access to air (for better regeneration). After the inflammation goes away, granulation of the wound occurs.

After the granulation stage, a second operation is necessary if the tissue defect is very large. During this procedure, subcutaneous fatty tissue and the skin itself are removed. Next, the patient requires autodermoplasty - moving sections of the operated person’s tissue to hide cosmetic defects.

Otherwise, a rough scar will remain on the skin. Hidradenitis in the groin is especially unpleasant - treatment in women and men with a radical method should be carried out with extreme caution. Such localization can affect the health of the reproductive organs if there is a deep spread of the pathological process.

After surgery Physiotherapy may be prescribed:

  • Laser;
  • Magnetic therapy;
  • Localized UV therapy;
  • Infrared radiation;
  • Ultrasound therapy;
  • Electrophoresis with unithiol, dianine, codeine;
  • X-ray exposure – removes sweat glands, therefore it is used only in case of constant recurrence of inflammation.

Some of these procedures may be prescribed during the infiltration period. In some cases, they help avoid surgery.

The patient must follow a diet aimed at restoring the proper functioning of the body's glands. Moreover, the function of such a diet is to strengthen the immune barrier. Any sweets, alcohol, spicy foods and seasonings, and strong coffee are prohibited. At the same time, nuts (walnuts and almonds), citrus fruits, apples, carrots, red and black berries, dried fruits, honey should appear on the table.

Ginseng, aloe, rose hips, and plantain have healing properties that restore immunity. Decoctions from them should be drunk instead of tea or added to tea leaves.


Treatment of hidradenitis should be carried out not only outside, but also inside the body. Antibiotics (erythromycin, doxycycline) can significantly improve the patient's condition. These drugs can be used at all stages of treatment. Antiseptics are most effective during initial suppuration (before relapses).

If a relapse occurs, an immunogram is necessary (especially for multiple relapses). According to the study, immunostimulants are prescribed.

  • The goal of therapy is to completely destroy staphylococcal bacteria. They fight the pathogen by injection: gamma globulin, Staphylococcus aureus vaccine.

In parallel with the treatment of hidradenitis ganglion, inflammation in other apocrine sweat glands is prevented. A staphylococcal infection can spread to any part of the body, but the patient can protect the surrounding glands.

It is necessary to treat not only the node itself, but also the space around it with an antiseptic solution (diamond green, iodine, ethyl and boric alcohol). The area that needs treatment is limited to “intimate areas”: armpits, perineum, navel. In other locations, the appearance of hidradenitis is almost impossible.

Before taking a shower, bath or other water treatments, hidradenitis must be bandaged. The patch will prevent the infection from spreading throughout the body.

Complications of hidradenitis

Hidradenitis should never be confused with a classic pimple, abscess or boil. Untimely or incompetent treatment can seriously affect the patient's health.

Axillary hidradenitis transforms into a large abscess if surgery or drainage is not performed correctly. The culprit is inflamed subcutaneous fatty tissue. An abscess affects soft tissue and makes treatment very difficult.

Hidradenitis can become a putrefactive cellulitis if surgery is not performed in two stages. A second autopsy is necessary, because even in the stage of an ulcerative wound, the node recurs.

Another risk is the development of chronic lymphadenitis. This complication is possible if the staphylococcal bacteria entered the body through the lymphatic channel. Refusal to treat hidradenitis threatens the patient with sepsis and puts his life at risk.

Hidradenitis: which doctor should I contact?

Any skin disease brings a person to a dermatologist; it is this doctor who should conduct the initial examination. Next, the patient can be referred to doctors who treat the cause of the inflammation:

  • Immunologist;
  • Endocrinologist;
  • Infectious disease specialist.

In addition, during the treatment process you will need the help of a nutritionist or allergist.

  • Furunculosis - photos, causes and treatment, drugs and…

Inflammatory disease of the apocrine sweat glands of the scrotum, or hidradenitis in the groin, is a common condition among young men. Due to the large amount of melanin pigment in the skin and increased sweating, hidradenitis occurs more often in black men than in white men.

Hidradenitis is a disease of young men, since the functions of the apocrine sweat glands fade with old age. Also, inflammation of the apocrine glands is not observed in children. The age group that is most susceptible to hidradenitis of the scrotum is young guys going through puberty and men taking hormonal medications.

Hidradenitis is seasonal. It is more common in spring and summer when the ambient temperature is high. This is due to the emergence of favorable conditions for the proliferation of microorganisms in the sweat glands.

Hidradenitis of the scrotum occupies a leading place among all inflammations of the apocrine glands in men. Also, the incidence is higher in men who have had cases of this disease in their family. In patients who are overweight, the sweat glands of the scrotum become inflamed twice as often than in men with normal body weight.

Hidradenitis is an infectious disease. The causative agents are:

  1. Golden;
  2. Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
  3. Yeast-like fungi.

The pathogen enters the apocrine gland from the environment, clothing, personal hygiene products, and dust. Staphylococci also live on the skin of every healthy person. The most common pathogen is staphylococcus, as it mainly affects skin appendages (sweat glands,).

Normally, infectious causes of hidradenitis cannot enter the apocrine gland, since the skin and its derivatives have a special anti-infective barrier. The functioning of the skin is disrupted if traumatic factors are present:

  • Injuries, violation of skin integrity (especially when using reusable razors and careless depilation procedures);
  • Neglect of personal hygiene rules, rare changes of underwear;
  • Hypothermia of the whole body or overheating of the scrotum due to wearing tight synthetic underwear in hot weather;
  • Metabolic disorders, especially carbohydrates in diabetes mellitus;
  • Lack of vitamins into the body due to insufficient nutrition or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Common chronic diseases;
  • Hormonal imbalance.

Risk groups for hidradenitis include people working in agriculture, miners, athletes, men working in conditions that do not meet sanitary standards.

You can also become infected with hidradenitis pathogens during sexual intercourse through contact of injured skin with the skin of a partner on which the pathogen lives.

Frequent use of deodorants for the intimate area, especially before physical activity, can cause hidradenitis.


If the question arises when hidradenitis appears, which doctor to contact, the answer is dermatologist, since hidradenitis is a dermatological disease. Therefore, the main symptom is the appearance, and its main element is a papule (nodule). It can be single or multiple, reaching the size of a pea.

As the disease progresses, the nodules increase in size. When touched, the papule is painful and dense. The skin around the nodule is hyperemic.

The nodules contain pus inside. Over the course of several days, the pus melts the nodule, causing it to become soft. The last stage of development of the papule is its opening, during which pus comes out. Often a man may notice blood impurities. After all the contents are released, the wound heals and a small scar forms. After the nodule has been opened, the pain subsides.

With hidradenitis of the scrotum, a man notes a deterioration in his general condition:

  1. Body temperature rises, headache appears;
  2. General weakness, fatigue, drowsiness;
  3. Decreased ability to work.

Normalization of the general condition occurs after the opening of the nodule and the formation of a scar.

The number of purulent nodules can reach several dozen. If left untreated, new elements of the rash will appear, and the disease will become chronic with constant relapses, which leads to a number of severe complications, including blood poisoning and death. In a person who started treatment on time, the disease lasts no more than two weeks.

In all cases, the disease begins acutely and progresses rapidly. The severity of symptoms increases every day. During the period of illness, a man’s sexual function is impaired, since any touch to the scrotum and sexual intercourse bring painful sensations.


Diagnosis of hidradenitis begins with clarification of the patient's complaints. Next, a visual assessment of the scrotum is carried out, the number of rash elements and their sizes are determined. Visually, nodules with hidradenitis are similar to a tuberculous tubercle. The difference from a boil is the absence of a necrotic core.

A tuberculous tubercle does not cause a man significant pain, and there is also damage to the lymph nodes before the formation of tubercles.

Examination plan for a patient with hidradenitis:

  • . Leukocytosis is determined with a shift in the leukocyte formula to the left, and an increase in ESR.
  • . It is performed to exclude infections of the urinary system, which may occur due to the entry of the pathogen from the nodule into the urethra.
  • Biochemical blood test. Dysproteinemia and increased levels of C-reactive protein are detected.
  • . Prescribed to patients whose disease has become chronic.
  • Culture from a detachable nodule to identify the pathogen. At the same time, an analysis is carried out for the sensitivity of microflora to antibiotics.

If the diagnosis is confirmed - hidradenitis in an intimate area, treatment should be prescribed immediately.


Considering that the causative agent is staphylococcus, antibiotics are indicated for hidradenitis. Antibacterial drugs are recommended to be prescribed in the form of ointments, topically. The following ointments are used:

  1. Tetracycline;
  2. Terramycin;
  3. Erythromycin;
  4. Levomikol.

Before prescribing an antibiotic, it is necessary to determine the sensitivity of the microflora and, based on the results of the analysis, use the most active one. In chronic cases, it is possible to prescribe antibiotics in the form of injections (cephalosporins, penicillins, macrolides). Biological stimulants (methyluracil or pentoxyl) are prescribed along with antibiotics.

Considering that hidradenitis appears in men with weakened immune systems, the use of iron and phosphorus supplements is mandatory. Prescribe anabolic agents (nerobolil or retabolil). To increase the protective properties of the body, biological stimulants - methyluracil - are prescribed.

If a man is diagnosed with hidradenitis, treatment with Vishnevsky ointment is possible after opening the nodules. Compresses are applied to the scrotum. A small amount of ointment is applied to the cotton wool, applied to the nodule and sealed with a band-aid. This compress must be kept for 12 o'clock, after which a new one is applied.

Before changing the compress, the scrotum is wiped with an antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine). Therapy with Vishnevsky ointment is carried out until all the pus is released. Before opening the elements, compresses with ichthyol are used.

If inflammation of the apocrine glands on the scrotum is detected in a man, treatment must be carried out in a hospital. However, if the stage of hidradenitis is mild, treatment at home is also possible after the doctor has prescribed all the necessary medications.

During the course of therapy, it is contraindicated to open the elements of the rash on your own, as there is a risk of infection entering the bloodstream and the disease becoming chronic.

The autopsy is performed in a sterile hospital environment, under anesthesia and if there are indications:

  • Multiple nodules;
  • Abscess formation of hidradenitis;
  • Risk of complications.

Immunotherapy with staphylococcal toxoid or vaccine is also used to treat chronic hidradenitis. Staphylococcal gamma globulin is effective. Blood transfusions are used to reduce the likelihood of relapse.

Physiotherapy is used for hidradenitis of the scrotum. UHF and UV rays are used locally on the scrotum area. A modern method is radiotherapy for hidradenitis.

To prevent the development of complications and the transition of the disease to the chronic form of hidradenitis, treatment with folk remedies is completely contraindicated.

There are many apocrine sweat glands in the groin area, which is why hidradenitis inguinalis is a common diagnosis among patients who come to see a surgeon. It is provoked by infections of Streptococcus milleri, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli, even by anaerobic streptococcal bacteria. Doctors often register advanced cases, due to false modesty, the sick person hesitates to visit specialists. And this is the wrong decision!

Timely initiation of drug or surgical treatment is the key to a speedy recovery and the absence of unwanted complications. It is interesting that not only clinicians, but also veterinarians talk about hidradenitis inguinalis, because the disease also develops in dogs.

The mechanism of development and causes of the disease

Hidradenitis in the groin in women and men develops according to the same mechanism. Each sweat gland has a duct that connects it with the external environment or with the hair follicle. Producing sweat, it slowly removes it outside the body. But, if the duct channel ceases to be passable, then the secretion begins to accumulate, becoming an ideal environment for the growth of pathogenic flora. Dozens of factors can provoke the disease. These include:

  • hormonal imbalance. That is why hidradenitis in an intimate place is the lot of teenage girls;
  • excessive work of sweat glands;
  • tight underwear, especially made from artificial fabrics that impede skin breathing;
  • wearing thongs or models that can cause abrasions, including on the woman’s labia;
  • unsuccessful depilation of hair in the intimate area;
  • irregular hygiene measures.

The disease is somewhat more common in women than in men. The peak incidence occurs in the summer, because it is at this time that sweating is activated. The disease occurs with equal frequency throughout the country and is a fairly common pathology. As a rule, timely treatment gives a good chance of a quick recovery.

Symptomatic picture

A clogged sweat gland reveals itself in the form of a painless round ball, the consistency of which thickens over time. This is the leading symptom of hidradenitis inguinalis. But a similar sign is inherent in many pathologies (infected cyst, inguinal granuloma, lymphogranuloma venereum, cutaneous tuberculosis, actinomycosis, Crohn's disease), therefore correct verification of the diagnosis is a matter of paramount importance for the consultant physician.

Symptoms of hidradenitis inguinalis can develop at different rates. As the tubercle increases in size, pain occurs. The pathological inclusion begins to interfere with movement, raising the lower limb, and moving it to the side. The skin over the induration turns purple, and as the inflammatory process develops, it becomes bluish or purplish-bluish.

Added to the unpleasant symptoms is unbearable itching, which brings severe discomfort. Individual lumps can reach sizes exceeding 3 cm. As pus forms inside the formation, the temperature rises. It can reach up to 39 gr. Celsius, then the symptomatic picture will be replenished with headache, malaise, and poor general health.

Hidradenitis inguinalis often ruptures. Self-opening of the abscess brings temporary relief, but there is a high risk of relapse and infection of neighboring sweat glands. Repeated infection leads to the appearance of many identical lumps, which only worsens the prognosis for a quick recovery. After the internal contents have drained, the temperature subsides and health improves, as the level of intoxication in the body decreases. Both a rough scar and deep fistulas can remain on the skin.

Life is great! Hidradenitis - inflammation of the sweat gland.(05/10/2016)

Live Healthy! Hidradenitis

Forms and stages of hidradenitis. Recurrence of hidradenitis. Hidradenitis suppurativa

Results of treatment for Lyudmila Gusak (hidradenitis)

If hidradenitis occurs in an intimate place (see photo), then the pain appears much faster. The labia become very swollen, the thickening increases quite quickly, changing the color of the surrounding tissues. Such localization of the source of inflammation requires immediate medical attention, since there is a high risk of inflammation of the vagina, urethra, and genitourinary system as a whole. A woman should give preference to loose underwear so as not to provoke compression of the intimate area, which will only accelerate the spread of pathogenic flora.

Complications and prevention

Complications of hidradenitis localized in the groin area include phlegmon, ulcerations, arthritis (inflammation of the joint) of a purulent type, even deep fistulas that perforate the urethra, peritoneum, and ampullary part of the rectum. The photo shows purulent melting of tissue in the absence of proper treatment of the source of the disease.

Prevention of the disease consists of following the rules of hygiene and proper, professional hair removal. To prevent inflammation of the sweat glands, select underwear made from natural fabrics. They monitor their general health, avoid hypothermia, seasonal colds, and avoid factors that reduce the body’s defenses. At the first signs of the formation of hidradenitis of the groin area in men and women, you should immediately consult a dermatologist or surgeon.

Drug therapy

In the initial stages of development of the disease, it is possible to treat hidradenitis in the groin with medications. In case of multiple and extensive lesions, antibacterial therapy is started. Penicillin or cephalosporin antibiotics are usually sufficient. If the disease persists, treatment is supplemented with tetracycline line or an antibiotic sensitivity test is performed. Antimicrobial drugs are prescribed orally, in the form of tablets or by injection.

General treatment is enhanced by the use of antibiotic ointments and creams. Ichthyol ointment, Levomikol, Vishnevsky ointment are prescribed. Furacilin is used to treat the skin around a clogged sweat gland. If there is no effect from massive antibiotic therapy, then corticosteroids are added, most often Prednisolone. Treatment with hormonal drugs should only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, as unwanted side effects on the body are possible.

An unexpectedly good result is obtained by taking hormonal oral contraceptives, but estrogens should prevail in them over progestogens. To enhance the therapeutic effect, taking vitamin complexes, restorative drugs, and immunostimulants is indicated. A good drying effect, which is especially important for fistulas, is provided by the use of pharmaceutical sulfur.

Surgical intervention

To remove large nodes, with an increase in body temperature and symptoms of intoxication, if there is a suspicion of phlegmon or an abscess, scalpel surgery is indispensable. And you shouldn’t be afraid of this manipulation. The skin incision site is numbed with local anesthetics, often using lidocaine. Triamcinolone acetonide is injected directly into the lesion site at a dosage of 5 or 10 mg/ml.

By cutting the skin, the cavity is opened. In some cases, drainage is required as an element of ensuring the outflow of pus from the postoperative wound. If the drainage falls out at home and stops functioning, you should spread the edges of the incision as far as possible and securely fasten a sterile napkin between them. The next morning, go to the surgeon immediately. Dressings are done under aseptic conditions, maintaining sterility. Judging by the reviews, surgical treatment is a relatively cheap, painless, but very effective manipulation.

Other types of therapy

For persistent hidradenitis of the groin area, electrophoresis and other physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed. It is useful to quartz the affected area. If the disease is at the very first stage, then heating with a blue lamp is very effective (the general view of the reflector can be seen in the photo). The manipulation is carried out for 5.5 minutes four times a day. They actively use “grandmother’s” advice, but only after consultation with a traditional medicine doctor.

Folk tips for hidradenitis of the groin and intimate area are very useful, as they can relieve the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. But women should resort to them with great caution, because the risk of chronicity of the inflammatory process is very high. Reviews of many recipes are impressive with their enthusiastic positive opinions. Here are some detailed descriptions of the recipes.

Recipe No. 1

It is useful to begin treatment of unadvanced stages of the disease by applying baked onions to the groin area. Bake several onions in the oven, let cool and apply to the problem area overnight. But this method is effective for isolated pathological inclusions. Onions can be replaced with a scalded leaf of regular cabbage.

Recipe No. 2

Green walnut fruits are crushed with a knife and filled with medical alcohol (1 to 3, respectively). You can insist for only 2 days, vigorously shaking the resulting composition several times a day. Not strained, but diluted in half with water, the tincture is generously moistened with a sterile napkin and applied to the affected area as a compress for 2 hours.

Recipe No. 3

Orange is also suitable for treatment. The peel of 2 large citrus fruits is finely chopped, poured with a liter of boiling water and boiled over very low heat for 35 minutes. The resulting broth is filtered. The cake is applied as a compress, and the liquid is drunk in three doses throughout the day.

Groin area. Men also have hair on their face, chest, back, buttocks, and limbs. However, hair density in the groin and armpits is more common than in other places.

In addition to the thickness of the hair, these areas are characterized by a high density of sweat glands near the hair follicles. Inflammatory processes inside the bulbs and these sweat glands, called apocrine, have received the name of pathology in medicine - “hidradenitis”. We will talk about the autopsy and antibiotic treatment of hidradenitis in the groin (inguinal) in women and men, its symptoms and features in this article.

Features of hidradenitis in the groin

The prevalence of inguinal hidradenitis is the same as axillary hidradenitis. The popular name for inguinal and axillary hidradenitis is “bitch udder.” The age of the sick person has a direct connection with the disease.

People over 50 years of age and under 13 are not susceptible to the disease. The cause of the age curve of hidradenitis is explained by the functioning of the gonads and their release of hormones that increase the productive activity of the sweat glands.

There are no gender differences in the course of the disease. Men and women of childbearing age are equally susceptible to the pathological process in the apocrine sweat glands. The localization of the lesion is not limited to the groin area; the disease spreads to the labia majora in women, and to the scrotum in men.

The purulent type of hidradenitis is fraught with complications in the form of sepsis. Competent and timely treatment of hidradenitis guarantees the prevention of health and life-threatening complications, but cannot protect against relapse.

Since the main cause of hidradenitis inguinalis is associated with an infectious pathogen, treatment should be carried out with the prescription and competence of a dermatologist. Cases of using spells or offering to lick a bitch's affected area should go back to a bygone era, for which medicine was in its infancy.

This video will tell you what hidradenitis in the groin is:


According to the morphological symptoms, hidradenitis inguinalis differs into several types:

  1. Purulent type. Characterized by development as a result of closure of the sweat and sebaceous glands. Usually develops in people who are prone to infrequent grooming of the genital area. The patient feels a loss of strength, burning and other pain in the affected groin area. can reach 37.5 degrees or more. Untimely treatment can lead to dangerous consequences.
  2. Hidradenitis inguinalis. Often this type of disease occurs after not too careful shaving of the hair in the groin area. Staphylococcal bacteria can penetrate into penetrating small wounds, causing the development of hidradenitis from redness and painful touch to the formation of pustules. Movement of the limbs causes pain, and underwear is not always comfortable. This type of disease is also typical for underarm shaving.
  3. Relapsing type of disease named because of long-term inflammation, accompanied by the release of purulent masses. The scale of the affected area gradually increases, capturing new areas. A dangerous complication that can be expected as a result of lack of treatment is sepsis.


The pathological process of damage to the sweat glands of the groin occurs in stages over 10 days.

  1. The initial stage of the disease is characterized by the formation of small nodes that are dense to the touch. Touching the nodes is accompanied by mild pain. The nodes at this stage are mobile under the skin.
  2. The second stage is the development of nodes in size and soldering them to the skin. In this case, the skin changes color to red-blue, touching the skin becomes very painful. If large nodular formations are close to each other and their capsules grow together, a large abscess is formed, causing pain in absolute rest (without touching or moving).
  3. The third stage is determined by the opening of abscesses, the density of which becomes lower. A thickened whitish mass interspersed with blood bursts out. After treatment, scar connective tissue remains from the openings of the ulcers. Failure to see a doctor in a timely manner contributes to the growth of the lesion, turning the disease into a chronic form.

We will talk about the reasons for the appearance of hidradenitis in the groin below.


The causative agent of the disease, which penetrates the sweat and sebaceous glands and hair follicles, is a cluster-shaped colony of bacteria - Staphylococcus aureus. Penetration occurs due to careless shaving and insufficient personal hygiene. Less commonly, streptococcal and other representatives of prokaryotes are found in lesions.

Not every contact with a dangerous bacterium results in hidradenitis. To activate pathogenic bacteria, the action of one or more factors is required, which include:

  • age-related hormonal surge, hormonal changes associated with pregnancy, childbirth; hormonal diseases;
  • excessive sweating;
  • metabolic disorders in the body;
  • decrease in the body's immune forces;
  • synthetic tight clothing, including underwear;
  • constantly wearing clothes made of synthetic materials;
  • insufficient personal hygiene.


In accordance with the stages described above, the pain intensifies and the temperature rises. It is worth noting that, regardless of the number of ulcers with holes, each of them does not have necrotic cores. Often, patients with hidradenitis inguinalis complain of febrile attacks.

The disease can involve subcutaneous fatty tissue, in which case phlegmon is associated with hidradenitis. If lymphatic vessels are involved in the affected area, lymphadenitis develops.

In the chronic form of hidradenitis, affected lesions are noted that are at different stages of progress. Lack of medical care for chronic hidradenitis sometimes resulted in death.


The diagnostic range of methods is small, since clear symptoms show the specifics of the disease. Differentiation of the diagnosis of “hidradenitis inguinal” follows. This requires a medical examination and palpation of the lesions. The similarity of the diseases will lie in the hyperemic area, the release of purulent masses, but it is enough not to see or palpate the necrotic rods to declare that furunculosis is not in favor.

With colliquative tuberculosis, hidradenitis will differ in the duration of the disease (in colliquative tuberculosis, the period of development of pathology is slower) and the degree of pain in the nodes. With tuberculosis, red-blue nodes do not cause pain during touching and palpation.

Laboratory methods of blood testing reveal an increase in erythrocyte sedimentation rate and leukocytosis characteristic of the disease. If numerous relapses of the disease are observed, it is worth identifying the characteristics of the body’s resistance to various substances using an immunogram.

Below we will tell you which doctor to contact if you have hidradenitis in the groin.



Varieties of therapeutic techniques in the treatment of inguinal hidradenitis are carried out only under medical supervision:

  • autohemotherapy;
  • immunotherapy with the prescription of drugs for a general strengthening effect on the body;
  • ultrasonic and ultraviolet irradiation;
  • dry heat;
  • walks in nature.

We will tell you below how to treat hidradenitis suppurativa in the groin and groin area.


The medication direction should take into account the patient’s condition and stage of development. The usual treatment regimen includes antibacterial agents, nitrofurans, and sulfonamides.

At the stage of purulent discharge and before it, apply lozenges of ichthyol ointment to the affected areas twice a day.


Surgery is performed only if there is an abscess. To do this, it is opened and washed with antiseptic solutions. Further treatment will be aimed at preventing the rubbing of pus into the skin, so the wounds are not bandaged with a bandage using cotton wool, but a bactericidal patch is applied to the operation site and the entire affected area.

In the initial stage of the disease, independent treatment is possible, if after its completion the desired effect is observed. For this purpose, the dry heat technique is used: a hot terry towel ironed with an iron is applied to the groin area. The procedure is carried out for 15 minutes several times during laziness (at least 3).

To prevent the spread of the disease to neighboring areas, it is better to shave the entire groin area or at least the affected areas. During treatment of hidradenitis, you should not take hot baths due to the rapid spread of infection. It is advisable to take a lukewarm shower and apply a patch to the affected area of ​​the groin.

Traditional methods

As a counterbalance to therapy, folk treatment of the affected areas is carried out with alcohol tinctures of sophora, St. John's wort, eucalyptus and sea buckthorn oils, and Kalanchoe juice.

Disease prevention

The primary measure to prevent hidradenitis is maintaining personal hygiene. It is advisable for obese people to lose excess weight and normalize their diet.

The process of shaving the groin should be gentle and avoid irritation. It is better to part with tight synthetic clothing.


There are many options for complications after hidradenitis (sepsis, chronic form). The most dangerous of them is death if left untreated.


The prognosis of the disease at any stage is favorable, but treatment will return the patient to symptom relief more quickly with early treatment.

Even more useful information about hidradenitis in the groin is contained in this video: