Hyperactive child - diagnosis or character. What should parents do? Consultation on the topic: Recommendations for parents “Hyperactive child

In medical practice, hyperactivity is a complex behavioral disorder that does not require any medical intervention and manifests itself in early preschool age.

The disorder can affect a child's success in school, affect interpersonal relationships, and be noticeable by excessive mental and motor activity.

Signs of the disorder may show up differently in different children. In most children, the disorder is associated with spontaneous reactions that the child cannot suppress. The reactions affect the child’s mobility, speech and attention. They are considered signs of an unbalanced nervous system; among adults they are called excessive emotionality.

With hyperactivity, the child experiences difficulty concentrating, cannot sit still, and cannot wait in line. He shouts out answers before other children, reaches out his hand to be the first to answer a question, and shows disorganization, absent-mindedness and forgetfulness.

Due to overactivity, the child does poorly at school, is unable to carry out assignments efficiently, he moves a lot, talks a lot, and interrupts the conversations of peers and adults.

Signs and symptoms of the disorder usually begin to appear before the age of seven. They can be confused with another disorder - attention deficit disorder, as well as normal child behavior. Therefore, if parents notice one or more signs of a disorder in a child, this does not mean that the child is hyperactive. On the contrary, if the signs are present in all situations - at home, at school, during extracurricular activities and on walks - it’s time to get to know a psychologist and doctor better.

Causes of hyperactivity in a child

The root causes of hyperactivity can be:

Various infections;

Birth injuries, difficult births, early or late births;

Poisoning with heavy metals and chemicals hazardous to health;

Poor nutrition, poor daily routine.

Research shows that hyperactivity is more common in boys. It may be accompanied by sleep disturbances, enuresis, various speech disorders, and heart disorders. The disorder often occurs within the framework of attention deficit disorder.

Main signs of hyperactivity

You can recognize hyperactivity in a child by the following signs:

1. The child almost always has restless movements of the limbs. He cannot sit in a chair, he gets up, spins, fidgets, spins, fiddles with his clothes when he should be sitting quietly.

2. The child exhibits high motor activity for no reason. He runs aimlessly, jumps, climbs on chairs, sofas, armchairs, even in situations where this should not be done.

3. The child cannot concentrate on the game, do anything quietly and calmly. He screams, squeaks, and makes sudden unconscious movements.

4. In a conversation, the child is very unrestrained, cannot fully listen to the question, answers questions inappropriately, without thinking.

5. The child cannot stand and wait in line in any situation, and begins to get nervous and capricious.

6. The child interferes with other children, pesters others, interferes with someone else’s play, and interferes with his behavior.

7. At night and during the day, the child sleeps very restlessly, turns over from one side to the other, knocks down the sheet, throws off the blanket and at the same time loves the curled up position.

8. The child is unable to recognize other people's needs and desires.

9. The child is prone to emotional turmoil and cannot control emotions - both good and bad. A child may feel angry at inopportune times or throw tantrums for absolutely no reason.

10. The child shows interest in many things, but almost always has problems understanding things. For example, he begins to be interested in drawing, but leaves the drawing unfinished and switches to playing ball, while completely losing interest in drawing.

11. The child is unable to concentrate, even when addressed looking him in the face. He hears speech, but cannot repeat the conversation or what was said to him.

12. The child often makes mistakes due to inattention.

Symptoms and abnormalities are identified by specialists by observing and assessing the child and his actions.

Attention deficit and hyperactivity in a child

If others say that a child is hyperactive, this may mean that he also has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). ADHD can only be determined by a doctor based on the opinions of several specialists - a psychologist, psychotherapist and pediatrician. During the examination, the doctor will also try to find out signs of other disorders and diseases that are similar to ADHD and require different types of treatment.

If the doctor determines that the child has ADHD, he or she offers the parents help with the problem. Many children are prescribed medications to help control behavior. Currently, there are a huge number of medications that can completely cure this condition. Medicine can help children: focus attention, calm the nervous system, balance behavior, improve memory and attention.

The child will take some medications only before school, others every day as part of the treatment course. Medicines are offered to children in the form of sweet liquids, tablets, capsules and chewable candies. Only a doctor can prescribe treatment, after consultation with parents.

Children with ADHD need not only medicine, but also lifestyle changes. In this case, the therapist and psychologist can offer parents an individually developed plan for lifestyle changes, give recommendations on what will be useful and what should be avoided.

Children also benefit greatly from relaxation and behavioral therapy. In relaxation therapy, the doctor will teach the child to relax, calm down, do deep breathing exercises, and relax various muscle groups. Behavioral therapy can teach children how to set goals and achieve them.

If a child is hyperactive (that is, this is precisely the diagnosis that has been made), not only relatives and the doctor must know about this, but also the teachers and the director of the school that the student attends. The child will then be able to receive additional help with their studies if needed. The school can offer parents an individual learning plan, a quiet place in the classroom, and additional time to complete assignments.

In most cases, children with ADHD have a normal, happy childhood, and with the right approach, the disease is completely eliminated.

Positive effects in children with hyperactivity

In addition to the problems, attention deficit disorder has its positive aspects. Numerous studies have found that children with ADHD tend to be:

1. Very creative and imaginative. A child who dreams and has dozens of different thoughts in his head can in the future become a great master, solving complex problems and throwing out a fountain of ideas. Children with ADHD can be easily distracted, but unlike others, they see things that others do not.

2. Very flexible and resourceful. The child can simultaneously consider several options for solving a problem and is open to different ideas.

3. Enthusiasts. Children with ADHD are rarely boring. They are interested in a huge number of things and bright personalities. They attract others and have a huge number of friends.

4. Very energetic and unpredictable. When children are motivated by an idea, they work and complete tasks much faster than normal children. It can be difficult to distract them from solving a task if they are interested in it and if it is associated with an active lifestyle.

It's worth noting that ADHD has nothing to do with intelligence or talent. Many hyperactive children are very intellectual and artistically gifted.

Psychologists around the world believe that if children show signs of hyperactivity due to a behavioral disorder, they should be eliminated, the sooner the better. This will avoid disappointments and difficulties that can arise from low self-esteem, as well as friction and stress accumulating in the family and others.

If a child has symptoms of hyperactivity that are similar to ADHD, do not neglect the help of a qualified doctor and psychologist. You can eliminate hyperactivity in time by applying simple publicly available measures.

Today there are a huge number of options for eliminating the disease. As therapeutic measures, a change in diet, a set of physical exercises, a change in the home environment, visiting children's clubs, and any other distractions that will reduce the problem to a minimum may be prescribed.

A hyperactive child requires a lot of strength and attention from adults. You must always listen to the child, help him finish the tasks he has begun, and teach him to be assiduous. Hyperactive children need effective parenting strategies that develop structure, systematicity and clear interaction with the outside world. They need rewards and encouragement, a lot of parental love, support and approval.

Psychologists advise:

1. Clearly organize the child’s daily routine and do not change it for a long time. In this situation, the child will be able to acquire the necessary reflexes, for example, going to bed after reading a fairy tale.

2. Create a calm, predictable environment for the child, without any irritants. This will minimize energy release events.

3. Organize an active physical regime for the child with attendance at sports sections and classes.

4. Do not limit the child in performing active actions when the situation allows it. This will allow you to use up excess energy.

5. A hyperactive child should not be punished, forced to sit still for a long time or do any tedious work.

Experience shows that eliminating hyperactivity problems in children is doable. The child should be allowed to expend excess energy outside the walls of educational institutions and awaken interest in learning and creativity.

One of the most common diseases in children is hyperactivity. According to statistics, 20% of children aged 3 to 5 years have this diagnosis. This is when the disease manifests itself to its maximum.

A hyperactive child experiences inconvenience during learning and does not socialize well. It is difficult for him to establish contact with peers and to concentrate on gaining knowledge. The pathology may be accompanied by other diseases of the nervous system.

In 1970, hyperactivity was included in the international classification of diseases. It was given the name ADHD, or attention deficit disorder. The disease is a disorder of the brain, which entails constant nervous tension. Children shock adults with behavior that does not correspond to established standards.

Teachers usually complain about students who are too active. They are restless and constantly undermine discipline. Mental and physical activity is increased. Memory and motor skills may remain unimpaired. The disease most often occurs in boys.

Reasons for the development of pathology

Most often, brain malfunctions begin in utero. Hyperactivity can lead to:

  • finding the uterus in good shape (threat of miscarriage);
  • hypoxia;
  • maternal smoking or poor diet during pregnancy;
  • constant stress experienced by a woman.

Sometimes pathology occurs due to disruption of the birth process:

  • swiftness;
  • a prolonged period of contractions or pushing;
  • use of drugs for stimulation;
  • birth before 38 weeks.

Hyperactivity syndrome occurs most rarely due to other reasons not related to the birth of the baby:

  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • family problems (conflicts, tense relationships between mom and dad);
  • overly strict parenting;
  • chemical poisoning;
  • violation of the diet.

The listed reasons are risk factors. It is not necessary that a baby with this syndrome is born during a rapid birth. If the pregnant mother was constantly nervous, often in confinement due to uterine hypertonicity or oligohydramnios, then the risk of ADHD increases.

Symptoms of pathology

It is quite difficult to separate excessive activity and simple mobility. Many parents mistakenly diagnose their children with ADHD when in reality this problem does not exist. Some symptoms may indicate neurasthenia, so you cannot prescribe treatment yourself. If you suspect hyperactivity, consult a specialist.

Before the age of 1 year, brain disorders manifest themselves with symptoms:

  • excessive excitability;
  • violent reaction to daily procedures (crying during bathing, massage, hygiene procedures);
  • increased sensitivity to stimuli: sound, light;
  • problems with sleep (babies periodically wake up at night, stay awake for a long time during the day, find it difficult to sleep);
  • delayed psychomotor development (they begin to crawl, walk, talk, sit later).

Children under 2-3 years of age may experience speech problems. She has been at the babbling stage for a long time; the baby has difficulty forming word combinations and complex sentences.

Up to a year, hyperactivity is not diagnosed, since the described symptoms may appear due to the whims of the baby, problems with the digestive system, or during teething.

Psychologists around the world have recognized that there is a crisis of 3 years. With hyperactivity it is acute. At the same time, older family members are thinking about socialization. They begin to take the baby to preschool institutions. This is where ADHD begins to manifest itself:

  • restlessness;
  • chaotic movements;
  • motor impairment (clumsiness, inability to hold cutlery or a pencil correctly);
  • speech problems;
  • inattention;
  • disobedience.

Parents may notice that getting their preschooler to sleep becomes difficult. A three-year-old child begins to feel very tired in the evening. The baby begins to cry for no reason and show aggression. This is how accumulated fatigue makes itself felt, but despite it the baby continues to move, actively play, and talk loudly.

ADHD is most often diagnosed in children between 4 and 5 years of age. If mom and dad paid little attention to the health of the preschooler, then the symptoms will appear in elementary school. They will be noticeable:

  • inability to concentrate;
  • restlessness: during the lesson the student jumps up from his seat;
  • problems with adult speech perception;
  • hot temper;
  • frequent nervous tics;
  • lack of independence, incorrect assessment of one’s strengths;
  • severe headaches;
  • imbalance;
  • enuresis;
  • numerous phobias, increased anxiety.

You may notice that a hyperactive student has excellent intelligence, but has problems with academic performance. As a rule, the syndrome is accompanied by conflicts with peers.

Other children avoid overly active kids, because it is difficult to find a common language with them. Children with ADHD often become conflict instigators. They are overly touchy, impulsive, aggressive, and mistakenly assess the consequences of their actions.

Features of the syndrome

For most adults, a diagnosis of ADHD sounds like a death sentence. They consider their children to be mentally retarded or defective. This is a big mistake on their part: due to prevailing myths, parents forget that a hyperactive child:

  1. Creative. He is full of ideas, and his imagination is better developed than that of ordinary children. If his elders help him, he can become an excellent specialist with a non-standard approach or a creative person with many ideas.
  2. The owner of a flexible mind. He finds a solution to a difficult problem, making his work easier.
  3. Enthusiast, bright personality. He is interested in many things, he tries to attract attention to himself, strives to communicate with as many people as possible.
  4. Unpredictable, energetic. This quality can be called both positive and negative. On the one hand, he has enough strength for many different things, but on the other hand, it is simply impossible to keep him in place.

It is believed that a child with hyperactivity constantly moves chaotically. This is a persistent myth. If a preschooler is completely absorbed in an activity, he will spend several hours doing it. It is important to encourage such hobbies.

Parents need to understand that hyperactivity in children does not in any way affect their intelligence and talent. These are often gifted children; in addition to treatment, they need education aimed at developing the skills given by nature. Usually they sing well, dance, design, recite poetry, and enjoy performing in public.

Types of disease

Hyperactivity syndrome in children may have different symptoms, since this disease has several forms:

  1. Attention deficit without excessive activity. Most often this variety occurs in girls. They dream a lot, have a wild imagination, and often lie.
  2. Increased excitability without attention deficit. This is the rarest pathology, accompanied by damage to the central nervous system.
  3. Classic ADHD. The most common form, its course scenario is individual for each case.

Regardless of how the disease progresses, it must be treated. To do this, you need to undergo several examinations, interact with doctors, psychologists, and teachers. In most cases, children are prescribed sedatives. A consultation with a psychoanalyst is mandatory for parents. They must learn to accept the illness and not put “labels” on the child.

Diagnostic features

At the first visit to specialists, it is impossible to make a diagnosis. A final verdict requires observation lasting about six months. It is carried out by specialists:

  • psychologist;
  • neurologist;
  • psychiatrist.

All family members are often afraid of going to a psychiatrist. Do not hesitate to come to him for a consultation. An experienced specialist will help you correctly assess the condition of a small patient and prescribe treatment. The examination should include:

  • conversation or interview;
  • behavior observation;
  • neuropsychological testing;
  • filling out questionnaires by parents.

Based on this data, doctors receive complete information about the behavior of a small patient, which allows them to distinguish an active baby from one who has disorders. Other pathologies may be hidden behind hyperactivity, so you should be prepared to undergo:

  • Brain MRI;
  • ECHO CG;
  • blood tests.

In order to promptly identify concomitant pathologies, it is necessary to consult with an endocrinologist, epileptologist, speech therapist, ophthalmologist, and otolaryngologist. It is important to wait for a final diagnosis.
If doctors refuse to refer you for examinations, contact the head of the clinic or work through psychologists from educational institutions.

Complex treatment

There is no universal ADHD pill yet. Children are always prescribed complex treatment. Some recommendations on how to help a hyperactive child:

  1. Correction of motor activity. Children should not play competitive sports. Demonstrations of achievements (without evaluations) and static loads are acceptable. Suitable sports: swimming, skiing, cycling. Aerobic exercise is allowed.
  2. Interaction with a psychologist. Techniques are used to reduce the level of anxiety of a small patient and to increase his communication skills. Success scenarios are modeled and activities are selected to help increase self-esteem. The specialist gives exercises to develop memory, speech, and attention. If the violations are serious, then a speech therapist is involved in corrective classes.
  3. A change of scenery and environment is useful. If the treatment is beneficial, the attitude towards the baby will be better in the new team.
  4. Parents react sharply to behavioral problems of their children. Mothers are often diagnosed with depression, irritability, impulsiveness, and intolerance. Visiting a psychotherapist with the whole family allows you to quickly cope with hyperactivity.
  5. Auto-training, classes in sensory relaxation rooms. They improve the activity of the nervous system and stimulate the cerebral cortex.
  6. Correcting the behavior of the whole family, changing habits and daily routines.
  7. Therapy using medications. In America, psychostimulants are often prescribed for ADHD. In Russia they are prohibited for use, since this group of medications has a lot of side effects. Doctors recommend nootropic drugs and sedatives that contain herbal ingredients.

Drug therapy is used only when other methods of treatment have failed. The use of nootropics for hyperactivity does not have an evidence base; they are usually prescribed to improve blood supply to the brain and normalize metabolic processes in it. Using these medications can improve memory and concentration.

Parents should be prepared for the course of treatment to last several months. Medicines give a positive effect after 4-6 months, but you will have to work with a psychologist for more than one year.

No one can be diagnosed with ADHD without testing. Only a specialist can see signs of hyperactivity in children. You should not make a diagnosis or prescribe medications on your own. Do not neglect the recommendations of specialists and conduct regular examinations. Many people are interested in the peculiarities of life in a family with a hyperactive child - what should parents do - the advice of a psychologist in this case is as follows:

  1. Organize your day. Include consistent rituals. For example, before bed, give your baby a bath, change him into pajamas, and read a story. Do not change your daily routine, this will save you from hysterics and excitement in the evening.
  2. A calm and friendly environment at home will help minimize energy emissions. Unexpected arrivals of guests and noisy parties are not a suitable atmosphere for children with hyperactivity.
  3. Choose a sports section and make sure you attend classes regularly.
  4. If the situation allows, do not limit the activity of the baby. He will throw out his energy and become calmer.
  5. Punishments such as sitting still for long periods of time or doing tedious work are not suitable for children with ADHD.

Many people are interested in how to calm a hyperactive child. To do this, psychotherapists provide individual consultations based on changes in the educational process. First of all, keep in mind that with ADHD children deny any inhibitions.

Using the words “no” and “can’t” is sure to provoke hysterics. Psychologists recommend making sentences without using direct negatives.

Tantrums need to be prevented. This can be done by correcting behavior.

Another problem with ADHD is lack of time control and frequent attention shifts. Gently guide your child back to the goal. Make sure that the task takes a certain amount of time to complete. Give directions or teach lessons sequentially. Don't ask multiple questions at once.

Spend a lot of time with overly active children and pay attention to them. Engage in joint activities with them: walk through the forest, pick berries and mushrooms, go on picnics or hikes.

At the same time, avoid noisy events that have a stimulating effect on the psyche. Change the background of your life. Instead of watching TV, turn on calm music and limit your time watching cartoons.

If a hyperactive baby is overexcited, do not yell at him and exclude physical violence. Speak to him in a calm and firm tone, hug him, take him to a quiet place (away from other children and people), find words of comfort, listen.

Features of the learning process

Treatment of hyperactivity in school-age children should be carried out together with teachers. They must know about the student’s problems and be able to engage him in class. Most often, programs with creative elements in classes and simplified presentation of material are used for this purpose.

Nowadays, inclusive education is being developed throughout the country, which, with the syndrome, allows children to gain knowledge not at home, but in a group. Problems and misunderstandings cannot be ruled out. The teacher must be able to resolve conflicts in the classroom.

During the lesson, hyperactive children need to be involved in active actions. The teacher should give such students small assignments. They can wash the blackboard, take out the trash, hand out notebooks, and go get chalk. A little warm-up during the lesson will allow you to splash out the accumulated energy.

Possible consequences

You shouldn’t let pathology take its course. The child is not able to cope with ADHD on his own. He will not outgrow this syndrome.

In advanced cases, hyperactivity leads to manifestations of physical aggression towards oneself and others:

  • bullying by peers;
  • fights;
  • attempts to beat parents;
  • suicidal tendencies.

Often a hyperactive student with a high IQ graduates from school with unsatisfactory grades. He cannot get an education at a university or college and has problems finding employment.

In an unfavorable social atmosphere, the schoolchild who grows up leads a marginal lifestyle, takes drugs or abuses alcohol.

In a supportive environment, ADHD can be beneficial. Mozart and Einstein are known to have had this syndrome. However, you should not rely only on natural data. Help your child realize his importance and direct his energy in the right direction.

A hyperactive child is not a disease. All children are different; they often differ in the pace of physiological development, inclinations, character and temperament. Some kids can quietly spend time on their own, with their toys, books and coloring books, while others cannot remain unattended for even five minutes. There are children who find it difficult to concentrate on something, who are unable to stay in one place for a long time - for example, sitting in a hairdresser's chair, during classes in kindergarten or at school, and it is problematic to keep track of them on the playground.

Such kids have a hard time learning - this is hyperactivity. The brain of a hyperactive child has difficulty concentrating and perceiving information. Hyperactive children quickly change their sphere of activity, they are impulsive and restless, specific in communicating with adults and peers, in demonstrating their talents. Let's try to understand in detail the essence of the problem and give ways to solve it.

Hyperactive children cannot concentrate on one task; it is difficult to interest them in quiet activities and calm them down

Causes of hyperactivity

Hyperactivity in children is not primarily a physiological deviation, but a behavioral developmental disorder. The medical name for hyperactivity is ADHD (). Modern medicine is of the opinion that the syndrome occurs due to unfavorable intrauterine development of children and difficult childbirth. So, if the expectant mother had severe and long-term toxicosis, and the fetus was diagnosed with intrauterine asphyxia, then the risk of having a hyperactive child increases three times. Any surgical intervention during childbirth or the presence of a newborn in intensive care also contribute to the development of ADHD syndrome.

Symptoms of hyperactivity

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What are the signs of a hyperactive child? How can you tell if your baby is active and energetic, as a healthy toddler should be, or if he is developing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder?

Characteristic symptoms begin to be identified by 2-3 years. You can make a diagnosis already in kindergarten, because it is there that tendencies manifest themselves most actively - in communication with the teacher, with other kids in the group.

How does hyperactivity manifest in children?

  • anxiety and anxiety even when there are no serious reasons for this;
  • emotional lability, tearfulness, excessive vulnerability and impressionability;
  • insomnia, too light sleep, crying and talking in your sleep;
  • speech problems;
  • difficulties in communication;
  • ignoring prohibitions, social norms and rules - simply put, the baby is very naughty;
  • attacks of aggression;
  • Rarely, Tourette's syndrome is uncontrolled shouting of inappropriate and offensive words.

All these manifestations and signs in your child should be a reason to contact a specialist. A neurologist and psychologist will write out recommendations and give advice on how to properly raise a child, how to calm him down and reduce the likelihood of negative perception by society.

Despite his activity and talkativeness, a hyperactive child often remains misunderstood by other children and experiences significant difficulties in communication.

Treatment for a hyperactive child - is it necessary?

A hyperactive child often gets very tired from uncontrollable emotions, changes his daily routine and plans due to his not always adequate behavior, and does not allow his parents to lead a normal lifestyle. It’s difficult for adults to endure this, because they don’t always have the time or the physical and moral strength to deal with hysterics.

Only very patient and not very busy parents or a nanny can monitor a hyperactive child so that he reacts adequately to the outside world and knows how to behave with other people, and does not mindlessly throw out energy, cry and laugh for no reason. It is often necessary to resort to correction of the child’s behavior - this can include both drug treatment and visits to a psychologist, speech therapist, soothing massage, playing sports and visiting various creative clubs. The doctor prescribes drug treatment after examination and examination of the child.

Children with ADHD syndrome must have an electroencephalogram of the brain to rule out organic causes of hyperactive behavior and measure intracranial pressure (we recommend reading:). If all indicators are normal, the doctor often prescribes homeopathic sedatives. A sedative will help your child sleep better and reduce the number of hysterics and panic attacks.

Some modern doctors believe that it is impossible to treat hyperactivity before the age of 4, because most children at this age do not yet know how to cope with their own feelings, they are full of energy and try to throw it out in any way.

How to deal with a hyperactive child?

How to raise a hyperactive child? Many parents become confused, especially when the child goes to kindergarten or at school faces many problems related to learning and society. A hyperactive child is always in special regard with the educator, teacher and child psychologist. First of all, parents must help him - raising such children requires patience, wisdom, willpower and spirit. Do not allow yourself to break down, raise your voice at your child or raise your hand against him (we recommend reading:). Only if he did something that harmed other people can you use such harsh methods.

If parents break down and resort to shouting, threats or physical showdown, this only makes the situation worse. The child withdraws into himself and becomes even more uncontrollable

How to raise a “fidget”?

Psychologist's advice:

  1. Prohibit correctly. Formulate prohibitions so that the words “no” and “impossible” are absent from the sentence. It is much more effective to say, “Get on the track,” than to say, “Don’t run on the wet grass.” Always motivate your prohibitions, justify them. For example, if your child doesn’t want to leave the playground in the evening, say: “I wanted to read you an interesting story about your favorite cartoon character before bed, but if you walk for a long time, I won’t have time to do it.”
  2. Set your goals clearly. Such children do not perceive information that is conveyed through long sentences well. Speak concisely.
  3. Be consistent in your actions and words. For example, it is unreasonable to say: “Go get a cup from grandma, then bring me a magazine, wash your hands and sit down to dinner.” Maintain the order.
  4. Control your time. A child with ADHD has poor time control; if he is passionate about something, he can do it for a long time and forget about other things.
  5. Follow the regime. A daily routine is a very important aspect of the life of a hyperactive baby; it will help calm the baby and teach him order (we recommend reading:).
  6. Raising a child means behaving loyally and maintaining a positive note when communicating with him, setting yourself, him and those around you to be positive. Smooth out conflict situations, praise for victories, emphasize when the baby behaved especially well by listening to you.
  7. Keep your child busy with useful activities. Children must have a positive outlet for expelling energy - this could be a creative or sports club, walking on a bicycle or scooter, modeling from polymer clay or plasticine at home.
  8. Create comfortable conditions at home. The child should not only watch less TV and play computer games, but also see how others do it. The workplace should be free of unnecessary items and posters.
  9. If necessary, give a hyperactive child a homeopathic sedative, but do not overuse medications.

When a child attends classes that are interesting to him - sports, creative, he can throw out the accumulated energy there and come home much calmer

How to help if hysterics begin?

How to calm a hyperactive child? At a time when children are hysterical and do not obey, you can act by choosing one of the options:

  1. Go to another room. Deprived of spectator attention, the baby may stop crying.
  2. Switch your attention. Offer candy, show a toy, play a cartoon or game on your tablet or phone. Loudly invite him not to cry, but to do something interesting - for example, go out into the yard and play there, run outside.
  3. Give water, sweet tea or an infusion of soothing herbs.

In children's daily lives, support their nervous system. A soothing herbal mixture helps well when added to a bath if the child is small, and to tea if we are talking about a schoolchild (we recommend reading:). Read books before bed, walk in the fresh air. Try to make your child see less aggression and negativity. Study nature, look more at the trees, sky and flowers.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a problem that requires timely diagnosis, as well as psychological and pedagogical correction.

Hyperactivity can be diagnosed starting at the age of 5-7 years. It is during this period that corrective work should begin. As a child ages, signs of increased physical activity may go away, but attention deficit and impulsivity can continue into adulthood.

It is very difficult for hyperactive children to sit in one place; they fuss a lot, move, spin, speak loudly, and disturb others. Such a child often does not complete a task because he cannot concentrate on one thing, is constantly distracted and switches to other tasks. He asks a lot of questions and is not even able to wait for answers to them. He often finds himself in dangerous situations because he does not think about the consequences.

Recommendations for parents on correcting the behavior of a hyperactive child:

1. Determine acceptable limits of behavior. The child must clearly understand what is possible and what is not. Consistency is also important. If a child can’t have chocolate at night today, that means he can’t have it tomorrow either, or in the following days.

2. It should be remembered that the actions of a hyperactive child are not always intentional.

3. Do not go to extremes: you should not allow excessive permissiveness, but you should not demand the completion of impossible tasks.

4. Strictly demand compliance with the rules that relate to the child’s health and safety. Just don’t overdo it; if there are too many rules, a hyperactive child will not be able to remember them.

5. When showing persistence in fulfilling demands, do it in a neutral tone, using the same words, restrained, calm, automatically. Try not to speak more than 10 words.

6. Reinforce verbal demands with a visual example of how to do it correctly.

7. You should not require your child to simultaneously perform neatness, attentiveness and perseverance.

8. Don't insist on a mandatory apology for wrongdoing.

9. React to your child’s misbehavior in an unexpected way: repeat the child’s actions, take a photo of him, make a joke, leave him alone (just not in a dark place).

10. Stick to a daily routine. Meals, walks, games and other activities should follow the same schedule. A hyperactive child cannot be excluded from fulfilling the usual demands of other children; he must be able to cope with them.

11. Don't let your child take on a new task until he has completed the first one.

12. Tell your child in advance the time frame for his play activities and set an alarm. When the timer, rather than the parent, reminds about the expiration of time, the child’s aggressiveness is lower.

13. Do not allow your child to spend a long time in front of the computer or TV, especially if he watches programs with aggressive and negative content.

14. Try to provide your child with long walks in the fresh air every day.

15. For hyperactive children, physical activities such as boxing and power wrestling are undesirable.

16. It is more effective to convince a child through physical rewards: praise the child by hugging him.

17. There should be fewer punishments than rewards.

18. Also reward your child for what he or she is already good at with a smile or touch.

19. Encouragement may consist of providing opportunities to do things that the child is interested in.

20. Remember that reprimands have a stronger effect on hyperactive children than on other children.

21. Do not resort to assault. If there is a need for punishment, then for a hyperactive child the punishment will be the cessation of his vigorous activity, forced isolation and house arrest.

22. As a punishment, there may be a ban on: watching TV, playing on the computer, or talking on the phone.

23. After punishment, have a conversation with your child. He must realize and remember why he was punished and what behavior is not encouraged.

24. The child should have his own household responsibilities, like the rest of the family. For example, tidy the bed, organize toys, put clothes in their places. Important! Parents should not perform these responsibilities for their child.

25. Make sure your child gets enough sleep. Lack of sleep leads to an even greater weakening of attention and self-control. By evening, the child may become completely uncontrollable.

26. The child should not be constantly in an excited state. You should alternate between active and quiet activities. If a child played with children on the street for two hours, he should not immediately watch cartoons about superheroes, and then in the evening invite his friends home to play hide and seek.

27. Try to avoid large crowds of people. Shopping centers and markets, where crowds of people walk, unnecessarily excite the child.

28. Instill in your child an interest in any activity. It is important for a hyperactive child to feel capable of something.

29. Hug your child more often. Experts say that for mental well-being, every person, especially a child, needs at least 4 hugs a day.

30. In the evening, for better relaxation and calm, it is good for the child to massage and read fairy tales.

31. A positive psychological climate in a family is important. Support, a calm and kind attitude towards the child and between family members is the basis for the child’s future achievements.

32. Don't quarrel in front of your child.

33. Spend time together as a family more often.

What to do if there is a hyperactive child growing up in your family? What should parents do if their child is so restless and impetuous that it is difficult to cope with him? What if he cannot calmly react to everything that happens and play with his peers? What if he is restless and it is not easy for him to transfer knowledge? How to choose the right strategy for raising a hyperactive child and what lies behind his restlessness? Read about the behavioral characteristics of a hyperactive child: recommendations for parents.

Hyperactivity and its signs

A hyperactive child faces many problems

In the middle of the last century, doctors considered hyperactivity as a pathological condition caused by minor disorders of brain function. Subsequently, excessive physical activity began to be perceived as an independent disease, which was called “attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity disorder” (ADHD).

“A hyperactive child faces problems with concentration, poor memory, and learning. It is difficult for his brain to process information. The child cannot maintain concentration for a long time and control all his actions. He is restless, inattentive and impulsive."

Symptoms of hyperactive behavior:

  • restlessness
  • bustle
  • anxiety
  • impulsiveness
  • emotional instability
  • tearfulness
  • non-compliance with rules and norms of behavior
  • sleep problems
  • delayed and impaired speech development
  • and others.

Symptoms of ADHD can already be noticed in a 2-3 year old child. Most often, parents are in no hurry to see a doctor, however, as soon as the child enters the first grade, he has difficulties with studying, which appear as a result of hyperactivity.

It is imperative to respond to each of the symptoms described and seek help from specialists who will give the right recommendations on how to help a child with ADHD, how to learn to calm him down, and how to adapt to society.

If signs of hyperactivity persist in a child for more than 6 months, then you need to consult a specialist - a psychologist, a neurologist.

Signs of hyperactivity include the following:

  1. Inattention, which manifests itself in:
  • frequent inability to pay attention to detail (this will cause the child to make mistakes when doing school homework and other activities)
  • difficulty maintaining attention
  • inability to listen
  • inability to adhere to requirements and instructions (for example, completing homework or other household duties in the workplace
  • Difficulty in independently organizing homework and other work
  • avoiding involvement in tasks that require prolonged mental stress
  • frequent loss of items (toys, school supplies, pencils, books, stationery)
  • easy distraction by extraneous stimuli
  • frequent forgetfulness in everyday situations.
  1. hyperactivity, which manifests itself in:
  • restless movements of the hands and feet
  • twisting and turning while sitting on a chair
  • frequently getting up from your seat in class during class or in other situations
  • frequent manifestation of aimless motor activity: running, twisting, trying to climb somewhere, and when this is unacceptable
  • inability to play or do anything calmly or quietly
  • constant movement
  • talkativeness, noisiness.
  1. Impulsivity, which manifests itself in:
  • answers to questions without listening to them fully and without especially thinking
  • difficulty waiting for your turn
  • frequent interference with others, pestering others (for example, he can calmly interfere in conversations or games).

If the described signs persist in a child for more than 6 months, then you should definitely consult a specialist - a psychologist, a neurologist.

Treatment at home and with a specialist

Only a doctor can select the appropriate course of treatment for your hyperactive child.

If you notice symptoms and signs of ADHD in your child, you should consult a neurologist. The doctor will conduct an examination and find out whether the child’s hyperactivity is caused by any serious illness.

Diagnosis of ADHD carried out in 3 stages:

  1. Collection of information. The doctor collects information about the child, finding out the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy and childbirth, the child’s medical history, and the characteristics of upbringing. The doctor asks the parents to characterize the child. Next, he gives a subjective assessment of the child’s behavior based on certain diagnostic criteria.
  2. Psychological examination. Using special techniques (tests), a specialist diagnoses the child’s attention.
  3. Hardware examination. ADHD is diagnosed using an electroencephalographic or magnetic resonance imaging test (which records electrical potentials in the brain and detects changes). The procedures are painless and safe.

The totality of the results obtained will determine the presence of ADHD and the need for special treatment.

Sometimes a child becomes so uncontrollable that parents are ready to do anything to stop the outrage and take a break from it. It is important to remember here that you cannot arbitrarily give your child sedatives: they can only be prescribed by a doctor after conducting an examination. The selection of medications that normalize sleep, relieve irritability, and reduce anxiety is selected by the doctor strictly individually for each child.

"Advice. Remember that only a doctor can choose the appropriate course of treatment for your hyperactive baby. When choosing home treatment methods, choose those that will not harm the child. As a home treatment, it is best to choose a strategy of a careful, calm, affectionate attitude towards the baby.”

How to organize the life of a hyperactive child

An attentive and caring attitude towards a hyperactive child will help to properly organize his life.

  1. Prohibit correctly. When communicating with a hyperactive child, do not use negations, the negative particle “not”, the words “no” and “cannot”. It is better to reformulate the prohibitions, for example: “Don’t walk on the lawn!” should be replaced with "Better play on the track." That is, when forbidding something to your child, immediately offer an alternative.
  2. Set your tasks clearly. Children with ADHD are characterized by poorly developed logical and abstract thinking. Therefore, tasks need to be stated clearly. When communicating with your child, use short, simple phrases, avoiding complex formulations.
  3. Maintain consistency. It is better not to give hyperactive, inattentive children several instructions at the same time, such as “change clothes and fold your clothes, wash your hands and quickly sit down to dinner.” It will be difficult for the child to immediately perceive all the information. Most likely, he will get distracted and forget to do everything he needs to do. It is better to give instructions one after another, maintaining a logical sequence.
  4. Keep track of the time. It is difficult for hyperactive children to sense time, so parents themselves must monitor how much time the child spends on a particular task.
  5. Get used to the daily routine. The daily routine is the basis of the normal life of a hyperactive child. The child must sleep enough time (at least 8-10 hours a day), eat, study (study), play, and walk at the same time. Don't forget to praise your child if he follows the rules.
  6. Be positive. Rejoice at your child’s successes, praise him, support him. The baby should feel that he is being cared for and helped to cope with difficulties. Smooth out conflicts.
  7. Be clear about the criteria for good behavior. Permissiveness is not the best parenting tactic. The child must understand what he can and cannot do; how to behave beautifully and how not.
  8. Create comfortable conditions for the child’s development. The baby should have his own place in the house where he can calmly play and study. Do not distract your child from classes. Make sure he doesn't get overtired.
  9. Create opportunities to waste excess energy. It is better for hyperactive children to have a hobby. It’s good if it’s a sport where the child can throw out excess energy. Take more walks in the fresh air.

Products containing dyes and preservatives should be excluded from the diet of a hyperactive child.

"Advice. Products containing dyes and preservatives should be excluded from the diet of a hyperactive child. It is not recommended to consume carbonated drinks, chocolate, spicy and salty foods.”

Traditional methods of behavior correction

Sometimes a doctor can prescribe not only drug treatment, but also enhance it with traditional methods, for example:

  1. Infusions of soothing herbal infusions. Infusion for tics: 2 tbsp. Brew spoons of dried blackberry leaves with a liter of boiling water and give the child half a glass to drink twice a day.
  2. Strengthening normalizing mixtures. For example: cranberries and aloe need to be ground in a meat grinder and seasoned with honey. Give a teaspoon three times a day for six months. This mixture enhances concentration and perseverance.
  3. Calming herbal baths. Some herbs (chamomile, valerian, motherwort) and essential oils (fir, neroli) have a relaxing effect. The herbs need to be brewed, and then the infusion should be poured into the bath, and a couple of drops of essential oil should be added.

“A wonderful old soothing method is a glass of warm milk with honey. It’s better to offer your child to drink it at night.”

Choose individual ways to calm a hyperactive child

While the diagnosis has not yet been carried out, parents will find useful tips on how to deal with a hyperactive child:

  1. If the child is overexcited, you need to change the situation: give him a drink of water and take him to another room.
  2. If the baby is upset, the best medicine is a hug from the parents, a gentle pat on the head: physical contact is very important for hyperactive children.
  3. An effective home treatment for hyperactive children is herbal baths before bedtime. The soothing collection for such a bath may include hop and conifer cones. Consult your doctor when choosing this home therapy method.
  4. A favorite fairy tale, a book with colorful illustrations, a massage, calm music - with the help of all this, the baby will be able to calm down and fall asleep faster.

It is not easy to recommend what exactly needs to be done with a child’s hyperactivity, because each case is individual and generated by different reasons. The main thing is to be loving and patient parents who will help the baby adapt to the world around him and cope with the difficulties he faces.