The main points that you should pay attention to in order to choose the right kitten. How to choose a suitable kitten for yourself How to choose a kitten for yourself

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There are more than 250 breeds of cats in the world: hairless and fluffy, wayward and friendly, affectionate and freedom-loving. But there is one thing that unites them all: they are incredibly beautiful. Anyone who wants to make a meowing friend can adopt a kitten from a shelter, or buy one from an elite nursery.

We are in website We became interested in how much the rarest cat breeds cost, and, to be honest, we were surprised. We invite you to find out prices for the most exotic representatives of the cat world.

Norwegian forest cat

The ancestors of this cat were bred by the Vikings 2,000 years ago. Cute and fluffy, this cat can withstand severe cold and is an excellent hunter. The price of a kitten varies from $600 to $3,000.

Himalayan cat

This breed is very similar to the Persian, but differs in blue eyes and color point coloring (light body with a dark muzzle, paws, ears and tail). This breed was developed in 1950 in the USA. Himalayans are affectionate, obedient and friendly cats with a calm nature. A kitten of this breed will cost $500–$1,300.

Scottish Fold

The calling card of this breed is its cute ears, which do not stick out upward, like those of ordinary cats, but hang down. This unusual detail of their appearance is a consequence of a gene mutation. These are smart cats that get along with everyone in the family and are never averse to playing. Another distinctive feature of this breed is that they can stand on their hind legs and look at what interests them. A kitten costs from $200 to $1,500.


The Peterbald, or St. Petersburg Sphynx, was bred in Russia in 1994. These elegant cats have a slender body, a long head shape and large, set-back ears. The body may be bald or covered with down. Cats have an affectionate and sociable character and are easy to train. Such a kitten will cost $400–1,200.

Egyptian Mau

The appearance of these cats has changed little in 3,000 years - since the times of Ancient Egypt. The spotted color of this breed appears not only on the coat, but also on the skin. To become the owner of an ancient Egyptian cat, you need to spend $500–1,500.

Maine Coon

This is one of the largest cat breeds. Representatives of this breed can weigh from 5 to 15 kg, and the body length of an adult Maine Coon can reach 1.23 m. But despite their formidable appearance, they are affectionate, gentle and playful animals. The price of a giant kitten varies between $600–$1,500.


This is one of the most unusual breeds, which appeared in 1980 in the USA. In addition to curly hair, cats of this breed have another feature: they are hypoallergenic, so they are perfect for families with allergies. A kitten of this breed costs $200–2,000.

Russian blue


This breed was developed in 1994 in California. She belongs to large cats: the weight of an adult Serengeti is 8–12 kg. They have a strong build, large ears, spotted coloration and very long legs. You can buy such a cat for $600–$2,000.


This young cat breed was bred in the USA in 2006. Elves are very friendly, intelligent, mischievous, sociable, inquisitive and loyal creatures. Those wishing to purchase such a unique pet will have to pay a considerable sum - $2,000.


This large cat breed resembles a tiger in color, which is how it got its name. The creator of the breed claims that the Toyger was bred to inspire people to care about the conservation of tigers in the wild. You can get inspired to save tigers for $500–$3,000.

American Curl

This breed was developed in California in 1981. Newborn kittens are difficult to distinguish from ordinary cats, but by the 10th day of life their ears curl back like small horns. This feature touches hundreds of thousands of people around the world. You can join the curl enthusiasts for $1,000–$3,000.


This breed was developed by crossing an Asian leopard cat with a domestic cat. These cats love to swim, and despite their impressive size (4–8 kg), they often climb onto their owner’s shoulders. You can buy a mini leopard for $1,000–$4,000.


This rare breed was created by crossing an ordinary domestic cat and the South American wild cat Geoffroy. The first representatives of the breed were bred in the United States in the 1970s to study leukemia. The weight of an adult cat is on average 11 kg. You can become the owner of a pet predator for $4,000–$8,000.


So, what to do with newborn kittens if there are a lot of them? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, you are definitely not going to drown them. In fact, many people practice such blasphemy, but this does not justify them in any way. There is no point in giving life to a living creature, be it a kitten, a puppy or a person, if you do not have the opportunity to raise it or at least keep it alive. Moreover, now there are many methods with which you can save a cat from giving birth to kittens.

But let’s still talk about what to do with newborn animals? When a cat gives birth to many kittens, it is difficult for her to cope with them alone. This is why you will also have to deal with newborns. This must be done so that the animals do not die, as often happens when cats do not help. But what to do with kittens and how to care for them? In this article you can learn the rules for feeding and caring for kittens that have just been born.

So, in order to do everything right, you need to take it seriously. A kitten is almost a child, so you need to look after it like a human baby. Kittens are born blind and deaf, but already on the fourth day they themselves begin to stimulate the flow of milk into the glands of the mother cat. By the way, during this period, do not separate the kitten from the cat under any circumstances, because her mammary glands may suffer from this.

But, if there are really a lot of kittens, then you will have to care for some of them yourself. What do you need to do? First, of course, feed a newborn kitten correctly. As with any mammal, the best food for the animal in the first month is mother's milk. But, if it is not enough, it is necessary to find worthy substitutes for the baby. So, first, give the kitten milk, but don’t overdo it. In the first days of life, two spoons of medium-fat milk will be enough for him. In addition to the fresh product, you can also use powdered milk for feeding, which is dissolved with honey or sugar. By the way, at first it is better not to give the kitten milk that is too fatty. Every day you need to increase the baby’s portion by one spoon. Then you can start feeding the kittens with cereals, which are prepared in the same way as those that are fed to babies.

The kitten needs to be fed every two to three hours. This needs to be done for about ten days from birth. You can feed the kitten using a special bottle with a nipple. Make sure that milk does not sit in the refrigerator for more than a day. Also, do not forget to clean, wash and boil the bottle with pacifier. You must treat the kitten like a little person and remember that your negligence can lead to it getting sick or even dying. Never force a kitten to eat, because milk can enter the respiratory tract and cause pneumonia. When a kitten turns one month old, it can already safely eat meat. But, still, try to feed him fairly light varieties, for example, chicken. Also, after a month of life, the cat can already start feeding mashed potatoes, cottage cheese, rice porridge, and fish.

At birth, kittens weigh about one hundred and twenty grams. Then they gain one hundred grams every week. Seals increase in weight faster than kittens, but this becomes noticeable only from the third week of the animal's life. If your cat is not gaining weight well, it is best to take him to the vet.

Of course, caring for a kitten involves more than just feeding. Regardless of whether the mother cat is feeding him or you, you need to help her wash the kittens. Naturally, the cat tries to constantly lick them, but she won’t refuse your help either. The kitten's fur should be wiped with a damp cloth from time to time. This way you will protect your kids from such a nuisance as fleas.

In order for kittens to grow and develop well, so-called nests need to be created for them. These can be either real incubators or other temperature-controlled containers. Never heat boxes with lamps or place them on a radiator. In order to warm the kitten, it is best to use plastic bottles with hot water or heating pads wrapped in towels. Remember that in the first week of life, kittens should be very warm, so the air temperature near them should not be less than thirty degrees. In the second week it can drop to twenty-eight, and in the third - to twenty-four.

Every housewife wants her animals to be clean. Therefore, when you are caring for your kittens, you naturally want to teach them how to go to the litter box. It's not at all difficult to do. But, firstly, you need to place the toilet as close as possible to the place where the “nest” is located. Then the cat itself will push its babies to the toilet and teach them where to go. But, if your cat cannot handle all the kittens, you will have to toilet train them yourself. When the animal is very small, after each feeding it needs to be wiped with a cloth, the tummy and areas near the bladder should be massaged. This way you will cause the first urination, and the sooner it happens, the better for the kitten.

It is very important to have an idea of ​​the development of a kitten’s growing body and to know how to properly care for the baby at different stages of growth. This will help avoid many problems associated with the animal's health.

It is not uncommon for kittens to accidentally end up in a house, when the history of its birth, origin and existence is a sealed secret. Knowledge will help you not to get confused in the situation: what babies look like at different periods of life, what they eat and what processes occur in their bodies.

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    How do kittens develop week by week up to 3 months?

    From birth to 2.5 months is the most important time in a kitten's life. During this period, all systems in the body are formed and immunity is established. The feeding of the cubs by the mother cat plays a huge role in these processes.

    At the end of the 1st - beginning of the 2nd month, kittens learn basic skills, they explore the world, socialize, as a result of which their character and habits are formed. This determines how affectionate, well-mannered, smart and healthy the animal will be in the future. Therefore, it is not advisable to give kittens earlier than 2.5 - 3 months of age to a new home.


    Kittens are born blind and deaf, unable to control heat exchange. They are absolutely helpless, practically do not move and are completely dependent on their mother. The sense of smell and the ability to suck are the only things given to babies by nature at birth. They smell the cat and are drawn to it, trying to find a source of milk. Newborn babies weigh about 100 grams, depending on the breed and the number of fetuses the cat has.

    Staying close to their mother is extremely important during this period: the kittens drink valuable colostrum, with which they receive antibodies that help develop immunity. Only thanks to the ingestion of cat's milk into the kittens' bodies in the first hours of life, they do not die from infections.

    Newborn kittens of any breed look almost the same: they are smooth, with flattened ears, thin tails, toothless and differ only in color. Often babies under three days old have a dried out umbilical cord. Over time it disappears. Babies have very thin and fragile bones: it is worth remembering this when you want to touch a kitten or pick it up.

    If there are no health problems, newborn kittens sleep and suckle their mother during the day. They squeak loudly if they cannot locate a source of food or warmth. Another reason for crying is their inability to defecate on their own: they feel pain and call on their mother to take care of themselves. During the neonatal period, the cat massages their tummies to stimulate defecation and urination.

    All a person needs to do from the moment the kittens are born at this time is to provide maximum comfort to the cat and kittens. It is undesirable to have strangers or unfamiliar animals near the “nest”, to hold noisy parties and to show off the offspring to strangers. Cats with a delicate nervous system may stop caring for newborns, which will lead to the death of the babies and mastitis in the mother.

    It is not advisable to touch newborn babies, except for weighing: in addition to the physical trauma that people can cause, this causes stress in the cat, which negatively affects its well-being and attitude towards the kittens.

    If a cat has problems with lactation due to an unsuccessful birth, the owner will have to feed the babies artificially: for this it is necessary to purchase a cat's milk substitute. This special nutrition, adapted in composition and close to the mother's, will help newborns gain weight and stay healthy.


    By the seventh day, babies' ears straighten and hearing appears; at about the age of a week, their eyes begin to emerge. It looks comical: the eyes open one at a time, which gives the cubs a rather funny look. This period is called the milk period. Kittens are still dependent on their mother cat: they feed exclusively on her milk, do not know how to care for themselves, and sleep most of the day. By the end of the second week, the kittens' weight doubles.

    The cubs still have poor vision and are poorly on their feet, but they are already trying to explore the world around them. In the process of studying, they sometimes crawl to a considerable distance, scream loudly, calling for their mother, and she drags them into the “nest,” lifting them by the scruff of the neck with her teeth.

    The cat's owner still needs to provide her and her offspring with quiet living conditions and protect them from prying eyes. If the kittens are left without a mother or the baby appears in the house at a week old, it is necessary to establish the following lifestyle and nutrition:

    • Feeding is carried out using cat milk substitutes: kittens are fed from a pipette or bottle.
    • Before the sphincter functions independently, the owner will have to perform the cat's duties: the kittens are given a massage of the tummy and genital area so that they can go to the toilet.
    • It is necessary to provide warmth in the den: to do this, place a heating pad in the box.

    A kitten appeared in the house - what and how to feed it?


    This stage is characterized by the end of the “milk” period, although the caring mother still cares for the offspring and feeds them milk. The approximate weight of the babies is 330 grams.

    At this time, kittens begin to learn the basics of socialization, getting to know their brothers and sisters, and receiving their first lessons from their mother. Baby teeth begin to emerge. Breed characteristics are already clearly visible, as is temperament: the most curious and courageous cat children constantly crawl in different directions, exploring the world and receiving scoldings from their mother. By the end of the third week, the kittens are trying with all their might to stand on their still fragile legs and clumsily play with each other. At this age, babies are already trying to take care of themselves and each other.


    At this age, babies are very cute, especially furry breeds. The little lumps just make you want to pick them up and carry them with you. And this is a good intention: the period of complementary feeding is characterized for cat children by acquiring communication skills not only with the cat, but also with people, and tactile interaction with them will only benefit the kittens.

    Babies at this age are already quite independent, but it is still too early to give them away: the process of imitating their mother and learning how to behave in a pack is in full swing. Correctly reinforced behavioral skills will help the formation of a stable nervous system and good character. In addition, mother's milk is still necessary for children: it helps to properly establish digestion and provides all the necessary nutrients for development and growth. The weight of babies is usually 400 grams.

    At this time of life, organs and systems are rapidly developing, and the owner or breeder of a mother cat should pay attention to the following aspects of growing up:

    • The kittens' anogenital reflex ends and they begin to defecate on their own. This is a signal that it is time to toilet train them. The cat still takes on some of the worries, and the kittens themselves do their best to imitate her in everyday situations, but it would be right to equip the cub with an independent toilet - future owners will say “thank you.”
    • The dental system is almost formed: it’s time to feed babies more solid foods. Mother's milk is not enough to meet nutritional needs. The cat increasingly leaves the den, trying to take a break from the annoying offspring somewhere out of reach. As the first food, special pates for kittens and the first dry food are used: small granules will help strengthen the teeth. If you want to feed your babies natural food, liquid porridge and minced meat are introduced into the diet, and a little later, pieces of meat.
    • Water appears in the kitten's diet: it is vital for cats, especially when feeding dry diets.


    At this age, kittens finally become small copies of their mothers and fathers in appearance. The eyes cease to be cloudy and acquire their natural color. The coat is also formed: the undercoat grows and a characteristic pattern appears. The babies are growing rapidly, playing actively, but still sleeping a lot. The cat still feeds her offspring, but does it more and more reluctantly: the sharp teeth of the little gluttons cause her pain. The diet for kittens becomes more varied: new food is introduced every day until the menu becomes complete. Healthy kittens gain weight well; by the end of the fifth week it exceeds 500 grams.

    Although the cubs are still small, it is necessary to accustom them to the tray: physically and psychologically they are ready for this. Kittens are also given first worm prophylaxis.

    Sixth – tenth

    This period of life is called the socialization stage. It is characterized by the consolidation of behavioral characteristics and the formation of food habits of small cats.

    This is a time of active growth. Kittens require a lot of protein to replenish energy costs, and this is taken into account when creating a menu. At the age of two to three months, the kitten already washes itself, goes to the toilet and leads a fully adult life.

    The kids are active, there is still some clumsiness in their movements, but they stand firmly on their feet and can play tirelessly for a long time. Games take on a connotation of “superiority” - the period of socialization passes in attempts to dominate and the formation of a hierarchical regime in the pack. It is worth observing the kittens during play in order to choose a four-legged friend for yourself: at the age of two to three months, the character appears clearly, and the features are clearly visible.

    Towards the end of the socialization stage, kittens' natural immunity weakens, and it is time for them to get vaccinated.

    At the age of three months, kittens respond to a nickname, are perfectly oriented in space (they know the location of the toilet, kitchen and other objects), know how to use a scratching post and sleep soundly at night.

    By the time of adaptation to a new home, the kitten has usually developed feeding behavior. By three months, it’s time to finally decide what type of food the pet will be on. Kittens accustomed to one diet do not suffer from gastrointestinal disorders and are in better health.

    When changing the diet, the principle of gradual replacement is used, introducing small portions of a new product and increasing its volume every day. By three months, kittens weigh about a kilogram.

    3–8 months

    Active growth continues. At approximately four months of age, young cats begin to change their teeth. This sometimes affects the mood and state of the body: it is worth looking into the oral cavity more often - sometimes the change of teeth does not go well, and you may need the help of a specialist.

    At this time, the baby eats a lot, develops and grows right before our eyes. Externally, kittens begin to change their body shape: from this age and upon reaching maturity, it will seem that the pet is growing disproportionately. At the age of six months, young cats' teeth are completely replaced. Their number in adults is usually thirty.

    Closer to six months, cats are already noticeably larger than cats. This is the “adolescent” age with its characteristic habits. The character is fixed, as are the basic habits. Outwardly, six-month-old pets look almost like adults, with the exception of some awkwardness of the body, a childish expression on the mustachioed muzzle and a desire to frolic around the clock. Boundless curiosity sometimes leads to sad consequences, so you should take care of safety and protect your pet from open windows and wires.

    8–12 months

    By the age of one year, cats' growth slows down. All organs and systems of the body are formed according to age, as are eating habits. The pet looks like an adult animal, only with its habits sometimes reminding that it is just entering the phase of adulthood and, in fact, still remains a big child. Adult male and female cats weigh differently: from 2 to 2.5 kilograms. Weight factors include proper balanced nutrition, breed, gender, past illnesses and other reasons.

    A competent approach to education leads to the fact that at the age of about a year, the pet and the owner have a warm relationship, full of love and mutual respect. A cat is an intelligent animal and will definitely reciprocate human actions.


    The time of puberty varies between male and female cats and depends on many factors. On average - six to eight months. Externally accompanied by the following signs:

    • Changes in mood and behavior: Pets are emotional and agitated. They scream day and night, stop playing their usual games and show clear signs of sexual desire.
    • Loss of appetite: during this period, animals often eat poorly.
    • Cats mark their territory, which is sometimes unbearable for the owners; the cats begin their first heat.

    At this point, it is important to outline a further course of action. If the animal is not planned to be bred, then it is more correct to sterilize it. Only your veterinarian will determine the best time for the procedure for a particular pet. Early spaying or neutering is dangerous for the health of cats. Otherwise, cats are prescribed sedative therapy until mating is possible.

    This time of production of “adult” hormones is also associated with prioritization in the family: animals often begin to test their strength, feeling for weaknesses in the owner, trying to understand the boundaries of what is permitted. It is very important for the owner to remain firm at this moment, letting the pet know who is boss. The system of rewards and punishments is a very fragile thing that can either help or frustrate the system of relations between the cat and the owner.

How the price of a kitten is formed, and why kittens have different prices - that’s what this article will discuss. Why are the “same” kittens so much cheaper elsewhere? Why does the price of kittens from the same litter differ? Why are documents more expensive? Is a pedigree really worth that much? We hear similar questions from potential kitten buyers very often and now we will try to answer them. In short, the cost of a kitten is formed from four components: the costs of the breeder, the breed qualities of the kitten, the rarity of the color, and the right to breed. Next, we will look at some of the nuances in more detail, and for those who do not like to read long texts, we advise you to at least look at the photographs and captions to them - this alone will help you in understanding the issue.

An example of breed qualities: Scottish straight kittens of the same “whiskey” color. Top row – on the left is the “cheaper” option, on the right is a kitten from a professional breeder. Bottom row - approximately what will grow from them.

BREEDER COSTS– these are expenses directly and indirectly associated with the birth and raising of kittens. It would seem: the cat mated the cat, kittens were born that eat their mother’s milk, you know, feed the mother cat, that’s all the expenses. But it's not that simple. First of all, you need to purchase at least a couple of breeding animals. Real representatives of the Scottish breed of quality suitable for breeding cost from 40 to 120 thousand rubles. Then you must definitely spend money on the exhibition career of manufacturers. Without it, there will be no admission to breeding, since independent expert assessment at exhibitions serves as a guarantee of high breed quality and the absence of defects that could be passed on to offspring. Plus maintenance and veterinary costs. The sum of all investments in manufacturers ultimately reaches astronomical proportions! Of course, it is divided by the number of litters received from them, but! It is allowed to use cats in breeding work until the age of 6-8 years, then mandatory castration or sterilization and a well-deserved rest. This is the maximum, and for the progress of the cattery, producers need to be changed more often: cats once every 3-5 years, males once every 2-4 years. It is forbidden to receive more than two litters from a cat in a year, and in order for the cat to have time to recover between births, it is advisable to have no more than three litters in two years. Next come the costs of maintaining and veterinary care for each kitten: food, litter, toys, vaccinations and vitamins - all this is required by babies in greater quantities than by adult cats. As a result, the costs for each kitten range from approximately 10 to 15 thousand rubles, so a truly purebred Scottish kitten cannot cost less (for those who think that we are exaggerating, an approximate list of all costs is given at the end of the article).

Another example of breed qualities. In the top and middle rows are Scottish fold kittens, a “cheaper” option (on the left) and kittens from a professional breeder (on the right). In the bottom row - what will grow. Do you think there is a difference?

WHERE DO CHEAP KITTENS COME FROM? On any free classifieds site or bird market it will not be difficult to find a “Scotsman” for 2-5 thousand rubles, with or without dubious documents. If a breeder sells kittens so cheaply, it means he is saving on something. If you look at the quality of the producers, their exhibition career and documents, then buying such a kitten is the same as a mongrel. The beauty of buying a real purebred cat is that its appearance is specified in the standard and the kitten will grow up exactly the way the owner wants it to be. Sires who are not shown at exhibitions do not at all correspond to the breed standard and produce the same offspring. They were bought in exactly the same way: at the poultry market, for 2-5 thousand rubles. Sometimes a little more expensive, in a professional nursery, but not as producers, but as a pet class (more about classes below), unsuitable for breeding, in which case the animal may even have a pedigree. According to the terms of sale, such animals are subject to castration, and instead of castration they are bred with the same partner for 1 thousand rubles. or for a kitten. But cheap, low-quality breeders will not produce the gorgeous animal you see at an exhibition or on TV. If the breeder skimps on the maintenance and veterinary care of the sires and kittens, then the kitten will be unhealthy. Such kittens have weak immunity and constantly get sick, it’s good if they have curable diseases! Trips to the veterinary clinic will cost the buyer a pretty penny - the stingy one pays twice. In most cases, sellers of cheap kittens save on everything: both on producers and on the maintenance of animals. Since kittens from such “breeders” are cheap, they try to get rid of them as quickly as possible before they dirty the whole apartment and start actively eating. Cats and kittens receive the cheapest food not suitable for cats; you can completely forget about natural meat or high-quality dry food made from meat. You don't have to dream about vaccinations for kittens.

And another example of breed qualities: old-type, long-nosed (left) or modern, baby-face (right)

Many sellers of cheap 1-1.5 month old kittens blatantly lie, saying that the babies are already 100% potty trained, eat everything and are already vaccinated. At the age of up to 1 month, kittens have no urination reflex at all; this process is stimulated by the tongue of the mother cat, otherwise the kittens’ bladders will simply burst. And they tell you that in a month and a half, kittens are completely trained to the litter box! Yes, they just learned to walk on their own without the help of their mother! And vaccinations cannot be done earlier than 11-12 weeks!

BREED QUALITIES– the second factor on which the price of a kitten depends; Naturally, the higher the quality, the higher the price. The division of cats depending on the quality and purpose of their future use is accepted throughout the world, in all felinological systems, be it FIFe, CFA, WCF, or an independent association. But you will not find such a classification in any breed standard or in any other regulatory documents: this is a collective concept that has been formed over decades. There are three definitions of groups, or classes, of animals: SHOW (from the English show - spectacle), BRID (breed - breed) and PET (pet - pet). All three groups have different purposes and prices.

Kittens of the same color, but different classes. Pet-class kittens (left) are sold only as pets, for castration - they are inexpensive. Breeding class kittens (in the center) are only girls, they are sold both for castration and for breeding - they are more expensive, especially if they are sold for breeding. Show class kittens (right) are usually sold for breeding - they are expensive.

SHOW– the highest quality, animals of this group are intended for exhibition and breeding work. These are the most expensive and prestigious cats that meet the breed standard. They have a minimum of shortcomings and not a single defect, this is the standard of the breed, the pride and advertising of the nursery. Such kittens are a one-off product and are born infrequently even in the best nurseries. They are very expensive, but often they are not sold at all, but are kept for further breeding work. Only an experienced breeder can see a future star in a small kitten. But even he can make mistakes; the Scots are a complex and unpredictable breed. When purchasing a show-class kitten, you should take into account the possibility of a downgrade during adolescence, even if he “starred” at shows. With age, the ears may become raised or a problem with the tail may develop. No serious breeder will ever give a 100% guarantee that the kitten's phenotype will remain unchanged; the breeder determines the class of the kitten at the time of sale. And it is the buyer who determines whether he will take risks or not. The show class is conventionally divided into three types: POSSIBLE-SHOW, SHOW, TOP-SHOW.

Pet-class kittens of different colors: on the left – blue brindle, on the right – silver chinchilla. Of two kittens of the same breed quality, kittens of rarer colors are more expensive, in this case - silver chinchilla

POSSIBLE-SHOW – potential show class, awarded by the breeder. Whether a kitten belongs to a potential show class is determined only by its experience and decency. SHOW - a confirmed show class, can be awarded only on the basis of an assessment of the kitten by a licensed expert, if he has not identified any defects in the kitten that disqualify for a show career. Such a kitten must have at least one show certificate. Since kittens younger than 12 weeks are not allowed at exhibitions, when you hear about the show class of a one-month-old kitten, you can safely laugh in the seller’s face. In 99% of cases, the quality of the show stated in the advertisement for sale is, at best, potential show. TOP-SHOW – the best of the show class. For a top show, the mere absence of disqualifying defects, confirmed by an exhibition certificate, is no longer enough. In order to classify a kitten as TOP-SHOW, it must achieve a certain result in the competition at the show: for European format shows this is the Best Kitten in Show nomination, and for American format shows it is participation in the final rings. If the format is European, then the exhibition certificate of such a kitten will indicate “nom. BIS” - the BEST IN SHOW nomination.

Straight-eared (left) and lop-eared (right) Scots. Of two kittens of the same color and the same breed quality, the lop-eared ones are more expensive

BRID– “breeding” quality, cats of this category are intended mainly for breeding work, that is, for the reproduction of kittens. They have no disqualifying characteristics, but only slight deviations from the standard, which can be corrected through selection. With the right selection of a partner, cats of breed quality can give birth to beautiful purebred kittens of show and top show quality, while a show class cat may never give birth to their own kind. The difference between the show and the breed is insignificant; it will be difficult for a non-professional to notice it. Breed-class animals can also take part in exhibitions, but they do not have a chance to receive the highest marks. All breeders consider only the female half in the breeding group, because breed-class cats are classified in the next, third group - pet. The reason for sexual discrimination is very simple: a breeding cat should not give birth more than 2 times a year, and a cat can pass on genes to its offspring much more often - up to 24 times a year. That is, the influence of a cat on the formation and progress of the breed is significantly higher than the influence of a cat, therefore the requirements for breeding cats are significantly higher.

Of the three kittens of the same marbled color, the kitten with a brighter and more contrasting pattern (far right) will cost more.

PET– pets, this group includes cats and female cats that have more significant deviations from the breed standard than animals of breeding quality, or disqualifying characteristics. In general, those that are not of interest in breeding. If you are not going to engage in exhibition or breeding work and want to save a considerable amount of money, then this option will be the most preferable for you. The animal qualities of a pet are not some kind of defective freaks; deviations from the standard or a defect may be completely invisible to a non-specialist. Pet class can be assigned to a kitten due to insufficiently expressed breed characteristics, which means that it simply could not “surpass” its parents; such a kitten is healthy and has no defects. If a kitten is assessed as pet class due to the presence of some defects, the breeder is obliged to warn the buyer exactly what defect the kitten has and whether it interferes with the kitten’s normal life. Some of these defects do not cause any inconvenience to cats; some can even be exhibited in the castrati class. The pet class also includes cats of breed quality. Often, animal quality pets from professional nurseries look more beautiful and harmonious than fake “show class” ones from breeders. Animals of pet quality from a professional nursery are also sold with documents, but are significantly cheaper than all others.

Some of the most popular colors are silver spotted and marbled ("whiskas"), solid ("solid"), colorful ("Siamese"), silver shaded and veiled ("chinchillas") - kittens of such colors are always in demand and therefore always in price

TRIBAL USE RIGHT If a male or female cat is not suitable for breeding work, that is, their breed quality is assessed as PET, then they are always sold only “without the right of breeding use.” If a kitten has prospects for successful breeding work, and its breed quality is BREED or SHOW, it is usually sold “with the right of breeding use.” By agreement between the seller and the buyer, if the latter wants to have a very beautiful animal of high breed quality at home, but does not want to become a breeder, an animal of BREED or SHOW quality can also be sold “without the right of breeding use,” but cheaper than “with the right” . As a rule, the discount on the price in this case is 1.5-2 times, if we are talking about a kitten of BREED/POSSIBLE-SHOW quality. If we are talking about a kitten of POSSIBLE-SHOW/SHOW quality, the discount is not so significant, and in the case of SHOW/TOP-SHOW quality, the price may not depend at all on the right of breeding use. The breeder can unilaterally decide to sell a BREED or SHOW class kitten only “without breeding rights” (with an appropriate discount). There may be various reasons for such a decision. For example, one of the kitten’s parents was purchased under an agreement in which there are special conditions not to sell “with the right of breeding use”: more than one kitten from a litter, kittens of any gender, to any region or country, etc. . Also, kittens “with the right of breeding use” are usually not sold to the region where the breeder-seller is located, only on condition of participation in the breeding program of the nursery, that is, only on the basis of co-ownership. This is done to avoid saturation of the region with producers who have closely related ties, and subsequent negative consequences from matings between such producers.

Ticked colors are new to the Scottish breed and therefore one of the rarest. They came from Abyssinian cats, which is why they are sometimes called “Abyssinian”. The specificity of the colors is that there is practically no pattern (spots or stripes) on the cat’s body, but at the same time it is not a solid, monochromatic color, since each individual hair has a striped pattern (zone coloring)

All kittens not intended for breeding are sold subject to mandatory subsequent castration or sterilization. This is necessary, since keeping them “on a starvation diet” is like death; regular estrus and sexual desire without satisfaction with a guarantee lead to health problems, often fatal: purulent inflammation of the uterus, ovarian cysts, prostate tumors, etc. Plus, such cats’ character deteriorates, frankly speaking, to the point of extreme vileness. But some buyers, due to stupidity or prejudice, do not fulfill the obligation to castrate, so many breeders operate on animals sold “without breeding rights” before transferring them to the buyer. As a bonus, this helps get rid of crooks who want to buy an animal suitable for breeding at a cheaper price “without the right to breed,” and then falsify documents and use it for breeding. A conscientious buyer who does not plan to engage in breeding should not be afraid of purchasing an already neutered animal. On the contrary, this is an additional service that is included in the price of the kitten: payment for the operation itself and post-operative care, as well as the breeder accepting the risk of death of the animal in case of complications or a genetically determined inability to tolerate anesthesia. About the benefits of castration.

RARITY OF COLOR– we tried to briefly talk about the influence of this factor on the cost of a kitten in the captions to the illustrations of this article. You can read more about the colors of our pets. We did not mention one more factor at all - the cost of the breeder’s own efforts and time. But all these magnificent purebred animals are the result of many years and very painstaking work of professional breeders, and not sellers from the poultry market who churn out low-quality and cheap consumer goods! For some reason, many people want to buy a kitten they like for next to nothing, citing the fact that they need a kitten for a child or “for themselves, not for exhibitions.” You might think that someone is buying for a neighbor. A child will be happy with any kitten, even an ordinary, non-pedigreed one, because children love unselfishly, and not for something, like most adults. No breeder will sell their kittens below their cost.

Kittens of precious colors - silver and gold chinchillas, marbled and ticked with emerald eyes - the most expensive in the Scottish breed

At the end of the article, as promised, we provide an approximate list of all expenses. To begin with, if you do not have your own cat, you will have to pay for mating. Mating to a cat of decent breed quality will cost from 15,000 to 50,000 rubles. Further, a pregnant cat’s appetite awakens, food consumption increases on average during the pregnancy period (65 days) and the feeding period (84 days) by one and a half times. With a norm of 40 g of feed, we get an additional 20 g per day, multiply by the number of days, for a total of 3 kg. We eat holistic dry food (orijen cat and kitten), the price including all discounts for the nursery is 600 rubles/kg, a total of an additional 1800 rubles. Plus feeding during lactation with a nutritional cocktail: quail egg + cream + milk 20 rubles/day, total 1600 rubles. From the age of one month, to help mommy, we start feeding the kittens with Tema baby pates; in 2 weeks it costs about 200 rubles. for a kitten. At the same time, the kittens begin to help their mother themselves - they steal dry food from her bowl, and their appetite grows every day. The average consumption for 2.5 months will be 20-30 g per day per kitten, a total of 1.5-2.25 kg, or 900-1350 rubles. And also vitamins - 500-1000 rubles, diapers - 100 rubles, litter for the toilet - 1000 rubles, registration of metrics - 250 rubles, mandatory preventive treatment against helminths before vaccinations - 100 rubles, vaccinations themselves - 1500-2000 rubles . Let's add it all up: 6000-8000 rubles. for one kitten. And this is only if everything goes well and the cat gives birth safely. If you need veterinarian help, add another 5,000 rubles. – how much does it cost to deliver a cat? If kittens are sold already castrated (sterilized), add the cost of the operation, 1500 rubles. for male kittens and 2500 rub. for girls. Plus all the unaccounted for “small things”: veterinary passport forms, toys, etc. And this is all without taking into account the payment for mating and the costs of maintaining the nursery and our own producers! As mentioned above, real representatives of the Scottish breed in the breeding and show class cost from 40,000 to 120,000 rubles. They need to be raised and maintained, and this again means food, filler, vaccinations, as well as pots (500-1500 rubles), carrying containers (1000-2000 rubles), scratching posts (1500-3000 rubles) and climbing gymnastics complexes ( up to 20,000 rubles), an enclosure for equipment of the maternity ward and nurseries (4,000-8,000 rubles). In order not to catch any infection at the exhibition, you must have your own exhibition tents (3000-6000 rubles). Now add to this an exhibition career: at least obtain permission to breed, for a cat this is the title Champion, and for a cat Inter-Champion. Three expert assessments for each title means three exhibition days, a total of nine days for a pair of manufacturers - provided that on some day you are not left without an assessment by a competing cat. Each exhibition day costs 1,500 rubles. for one cat, 1500 rub. x 9 = 13,500 rub. For titles above Champion, ratings from shows in other regions or countries are required - then travel and hotel expenses must be added. Experienced breeders say that the title of World Champion, the highest WCF title, costs twice as much as the cost of the producer himself. Other expenses also affect the price: nursery registration fees, annual club membership fees, training in felinological courses, periodic visits to the veterinarian.

Domestic cats are the most popular furry pets for modern families and single people. These affectionate creatures decorate life, create a cozy and comfortable home environment, teach children kindness and compassion, instill responsibility and brighten up the evenings. Having decided to get a mustachioed companion, the future owner wants to know how to choose the right kitten. There are many factors to consider in this matter.

The first question that arises after deciding that there will be a new tenant in the house is where to get a pet. There are many options for purchasing furry happiness.

On the street

Realizing that the house is empty and uncomfortable without a purring creature, you can take a kitten from the street. Often, animals find their owners themselves: a new owner can find them near his door, leaving the entrance or taking a helpless baby from the paws of dogs. If you are not afraid of the difficulties of adapting a street vagabond to a new home, then such a noble and responsible act deserves respect.

Often foundlings grow up to be the most loyal and affectionate. When taking an animal into your home from the street, you must have free time, desire and opportunity to improve its health, make repeated visits to the doctor for vaccination, treatment of chronic diseases, and subsequent sterilization.

It will take some effort to teach a new resident how to use the toilet and the rules of good manners in apartment living conditions. For a person with a busy work schedule, this option of purchasing a pet is unacceptable.

From hand

In the event that the future owner does not care that his pet will not be of noble blood, but an ordinary yard cat, you can look for a new friend from acquaintances, friends and relatives. In this case, there is a chance to have a healthy animal.

Many domestic outbred cats have a good disposition and are not inferior in their friendliness to their purebred relatives.

If you are puzzled about how to choose a kitten for your home, you should take into account that its character and manners will depend on the place of its former promise. Every child needs to be dealt with. However, if he is already socialized and grew up in a family, then upbringing becomes a little easier.


In large cities you can visit shelters for homeless animals.

Often there you can meet a purebred cat that, for some reason, turned out to be unwanted by its previous owners or got lost on the street.

Our staff will help you choose an animal, knowing its character, disposition, and habits well. If the new owner decides to adopt a pet from a shelter, the first step is to visit a veterinarian for an examination and to determine the health status.

Bird markets

Bird markets are popular places to purchase pets in big cities. A huge variety of kittens and adult animals of all colors and breeds can be found in such places.

You should be careful when purchasing, since often the sellers are resellers for whom animals are a commodity. In this regard, there is a chance to purchase a kitten that is unhealthy or does not correspond to the declared breed. Immediately after purchase, it is also worth visiting a veterinarian to identify “hidden” pathologies and begin their treatment in a timely manner.

In the nursery

If the owner does not want to have a yard animal, he is interested in how to choose a purebred kitten in a nursery. The best option is to contact directly the breeders involved in breeding cats of a particular breed. You can talk to them about the breed you want, about the temperament of the pet you like.

There is more than one such establishment in a large city. Having studied the nursery's website, you can find out about the direction of breeding work, planned matings, and see photographs and data of the parents of the future pet. Purchasing a kitten from nurseries eliminates the risk of purchasing an outbred animal passed off as a valuable and rare breed.

When choosing a kitten for a child, such an aspect as safe communication between the baby and the animal is of great importance. In this regard, it makes sense to consider this ragdoll breed. A special feature of these cats is their extremely patient and correct attitude towards children; the animals do not extend their claws or use their teeth when communicating with children.

Many breeders recommend the Siamese cat as a furry friend for young children. Contrary to the erroneous opinion that this is a wayward animal, experienced breeders claim that animals of this breed are well socialized and gladly take part in children's games and amusements.

When deciding which kitten to choose for a child, the popularity of a particular breed will also matter. Such well-known breeds as the British Shorthair and the Sphynx are also suitable for families with small children. Serious at first glance, the British do not disdain a cheerful company of children, especially at a young age. Sphynxes get along well with little fidgets and other pets.

The future owner faces a serious choice if he spends most of his time at work. In this case, it is necessary to choose a self-sufficient animal that will remain alone for a long time without any problems, and also requires minimal care.

In such a situation, the following breeds should be considered:

  • Bombay,
  • exotic shorthair,
  • Scottish Fold,
  • Russian blue,
  • American Shorthair.

These breeds cope well with loneliness, do not become depressed and do not experience stress due to the long absence of their beloved owner.

Pensioners, single people with a lot of free time will find companion cats that can brighten up everyday life. From this point of view, you should pay attention to such breeds as Persian, Chartreuse, Russian Blue, Siberian. For lovers of communication, the Siamese, Burmese, and Norwegian Forest breeds are suitable.

People suffering from allergic manifestations should opt for Siberian. Animals of this breed produce the least allergenic protein, which provokes an allergic reaction. Breeds such as Devon Rex, Cornish Rex, Sphynx, and Javan cat are also suitable. They are characterized by a low level of allergen production.

You can find out which breed of kitten to choose by visiting specialized cat exhibitions. Nursery websites will also help you get more detailed information about the baby you like.

To learn how to choose a kitten, watch this video:

Optimal age for a new family member

After the choice of the breed of the future family member has been made, the potential owner should ask at what age it is optimal to take the kitten to a new home. If an animal is taken from the street, then it is better to give preference to the baby. It will be easier to accustom him to life in an apartment than a mature adult street cat.

It is easier to adapt and train a young animal to suit your individual living conditions and rhythm of life. Little kittens do not yet have formed habits, including those undesirable for the new owner.

However, you should not take a 6-8 week old baby into your home. Kittens must also be with their mother, who not only feeds them, but also teaches them all the intricacies of a cat’s life. The immune system at this age is not yet formed and is supported by antibodies from mother's milk.

Kittens 6 - 8 weeks of age, taken away from their mother and siblings and placed in a new environment, are more likely to get sick, become nervous and unbalanced.

Experienced breeders and veterinarians consider 14-16 weeks to be the most optimal age when a pet can be taken to a new home. By this period, babies are capable of independent life, they develop immunity after vaccination and the risk of developing infectious diseases is reduced. Kittens at this age differ from their smaller counterparts in their resistance to stress; they are socialized and prepared for life with humans.

However, not all future owners want to tinker with babies. Many potential owners are not against taking an adult animal into their home. The advantage in this situation is that the grown-up pet’s character has been formed. If the cat is sociable or, conversely, savage, this can be seen immediately.

When deciding to adopt an adult purebred animal, you should contact specialized nurseries. In them you can select individuals bred from the breeding process. In this case, there is a guarantee that the cat will be socialized, balanced, and educated. It is quite difficult to accustom an adult animal from the street to life in a family.

To find out at what age you should adopt a kitten, watch this video:

External signs of a healthy animal

To choose a healthy kitten, you should listen to the recommendations veterinary specialists and experienced breeders:

  • eyes and nose should be free of discharge and clean;
  • the ears are clean, without wax discharge and scratch marks;
  • the tummy should not be sunken, but not swollen, and painless when palpated;
  • the anus is clean and dry, without signs of dried feces;
  • the coat is shiny, soft, clean;
  • The baby should not shake his head or itch;
  • the future pet should not sneeze or cough;
  • activity, mobility, curiosity are signs of a healthy animal.

When choosing a kitten, you need to pay attention to the living conditions of the litter and the condition of the mother cat. You should especially carefully observe the baby’s behavior and his attitude towards people.

When purchasing a kitten from a nursery, the breeder will provide a veterinary passport, which will contain not only basic information about the animal, but also deworming and vaccination records. In this case, you should pay attention not only to the presence of stickers about the drugs used, but also to the signature of the veterinarian and the seal of the clinic.

Personal qualities of the baby

Whatever breed the future owner chooses, he first of all wants to see a well-mannered, friendly, affable pet in his home. Therefore, it is important to know how to choose an affectionate kitten and not bring an aggressor and an uncontrollable animal into your home.

When choosing a baby, you should pay attention to his attitude towards the person. The kitten should not be afraid of a stranger, hiss, or back away. The animal should show healthy curiosity towards humans and be happy to participate in the proposed game. You definitely need to take your future pet in your arms and see how he reacts. A friendly and affectionate cat will calmly treat a person without aggression.

You should observe the baby’s relationships with his brothers and sisters. They should be playful, but not aggressive or cowardly. You should not choose an obvious quiet one, but a cocky pet is also not an option.

To decide which kitten is best to choose, experts advise adhering to the following recommendations:

Among the dangerous diseases, the most common are: lichen, giardiasis, etc.

  • Low immunity, the reasons for which are the meager diet of the mother cat, unsatisfactory external conditions, and lack of vaccination against infectious diseases.
  • An animal from the street that has never seen a person will be unsocialized. Small street kittens, as a rule, hiss, bite, rush at people, and do not make contact. It will take a lot of time and effort to adapt a savage to the conditions of a city apartment and family life.

Having decided to decorate your life with a furry companion, the future owner should take seriously the choice of the breed and gender of the pet. It is necessary to listen to the recommendations of experts regarding the optimal age of a kitten. Having decided on a street kitten, you need to clearly understand the difficulties that you will have to face and really evaluate your strengths and capabilities.