Hydrocortisone eye ointment for inflammation of the eyelids. Hydrocortisone ointment. Instructions for use of eye ointment. Analogs of Hydrocortisone ointment

Hydrocortisone eye ointment 0.5% is used for the treatment of eye diseases caused by inflammation or allergic reactions. The product has a pronounced antipruritic, anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect. Before using hydrocortisone eye ointment, the instructions should be carefully studied.

Hydrocortisone (in the form of hydrocortisone acetate 5 mg) in the ointment is a glucocorticosteroid. The main direction of action is to eliminate swelling, itching, redness and other manifestations of allergies in the eyes.

Slows down the flow of leukocytes and lymphocytes into the area of ​​inflammation, the formation of scar tissue, reduces capillary permeability, and has a pronounced anti-edematous effect.

Hydrocortisone, which is the main active component of the ointment, penetrates the outer layer of the skin and mucous membranes, slightly into the systemic bloodstream, but does not pass through the cornea into the eye. Due to the fact that the likelihood of the active substance entering the systemic bloodstream in a child is higher than in an adult, caution is required in the use of hydrocortisone ointment in this age category of patients.


Indications for use:

  • elimination of symptoms of eye diseases of an allergic nature (allergic conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis, iridocyclitis in both acute and chronic stages);
  • treatment of thermal and chemical burns of the eye;
  • treatment of complications after surgery.

Dosage and method of administration

Eye ointment is applied behind the lower eyelid in a thin strip 1 to 3 times a day, depending on the severity of the disease. In some cases, a hydrocortisone suspension may be used as prescribed by a doctor. The dosage of the drug in this form is 2 drops in each eye up to 4 times a day.

The duration of therapy with eye ointment should not exceed 14 days. Using the product for a longer period requires mandatory medical supervision.

If the patient wears contact lenses, they should be discarded during the period of treatment with the ointment.

Side effects

The occurrence of side effects, which are contained in the instructions for use, requires immediate discontinuation of the drug and seeking medical advice.

In rare cases, the use of the drug can cause contact dermatitis, eyelid eczema and dermatoconjunctivitis. Long-term use of the drug (continuously for more than 2 weeks) can lead to secondary glaucoma, and therefore systematic monitoring of intraocular pressure is necessary. For the same reason, the prescription of hydrocortisone ointment requires caution in patients suffering from glaucoma.

Long-term treatment with the drug helps:

  • development of glaucoma and cataracts;
  • thinning of the cornea up to perforation;
  • slowing down tissue regeneration;
  • development of secondary bacterial and fungal eye infections.


The drug is prohibited for use when:

  • inflammatory eye diseases of bacterial or fungal origin;
  • eye tuberculosis;
  • glaucoma;
  • violation of the integrity of the cornea;
  • vaccinations.

Hydrocortisone ointment is not approved for use in children under 18 years of age. An absolute contraindication is intolerance to the components of the product.

Pregnancy and lactation

Studies regarding the use of hydrocortisone during pregnancy and lactation have not been conducted at a sufficient level. Therefore, treatment with the drug during such periods is possible only under the supervision of a doctor, provided that the benefits of therapy are higher than the potential risk to which the mother and child are exposed.


When using an eye ointment containing hydrocortisone in accordance with the instructions, there are no signs of overdose. If the dosage is exceeded, local adverse reactions are possible, which disappear after discontinuation of the drug.

Interaction with other drugs

When some drugs interact with hydrocortisone, there is a possibility of unwanted effects, so it is better to inform your doctor about the need to take the following drugs in parallel:

Group of drugsSide effects when interacting with hydrocortisone
Cardiac glycosidesConcomitant use with hydrocortisone increases the likelihood of arrhythmia.
Aspirin and analoguesHydrocortisone reduces the concentration of acetylsalicylic acid in the blood. Immediately after discontinuation of hydrocortisone, the amount of salicylates in the plasma increases, therefore, the risk of side effects increases.
ParacetamolThe likelihood of toxic liver damage increases.
KetoconazoleIncreases the side effects of hydrocortisone.
Vitamin DHydrocortisone used simultaneously impairs the absorption of vitamin D.
SomatropinThe effect of the drug slows down.
Muscle relaxantsManifestations of muscle blockade intensify.
AlcoholIncreased risk of developing gastrointestinal diseases (peptic ulcers, bleeding).
ImmunosuppressantsThe risk of developing infectious diseases and lymphoma increases.
EstrogensThe side effects of hydrocortisone increase.
Androgens, anabolics, oral contraceptivesIn combination with hydrocortisone, they promote the occurrence of hirsutism and acne.
AntidepressantsManifestations of depression intensify.
NeurolepticsRisk of developing cataracts.
Live vaccinesThe likelihood of activation of viruses and bacteria increases.

Special instructions

Immediately after placing the ointment behind the lower eyelid, clarity of vision may be lost for a short time. Therefore, for some period after the procedure, it is recommended to refrain from driving a car or working with machinery and equipment.

If the course of therapy includes the simultaneous use of hydrocortisone ointment and other eye medications, then the interval between their use should not be less than 15 minutes.

The ointment is available in metal tubes.

Shelf life is 2 years from the date of release of the drug. Storage temperature 5-15 °C.

Dispensed without a doctor's prescription.

Analogues and price

If it is impossible to use hydrocortisone in the treatment of eye diseases, the doctor can replace it with the following drugs that have a good therapeutic effect in eliminating the symptoms of inflammatory and allergic processes:

  • Maxidex eye ointment and drops;
  • Dexamethasone drops;
  • Tetracycline ointment. Tetracycline, which is part of the ointment, has a pronounced antibacterial effect. Therefore, this drug for complex treatment can be prescribed by a doctor in combination with steroid drugs;
  • Tobrex drops;
  • Erythromycin eye ointment.

The cost of the drug ranges from 60 to 100 rubles per unit.

But the remedy is not a panacea, and the hormonal component of the drug carries a potential threat. Therefore, it is so important to use Hydrocortisone for the eyes correctly, strictly following the instructions.

Composition and effects

Ophthalmic hydrocortisone acetate, which is part of the ointment, is artificially synthesized, but has all the properties of natural glucocorticosteroids that are produced by the adrenal glands. It is he who has the main effect, relieving inflammation and allergies. The required components of the drug include such minor fat-containing substances as lanolin and medical petroleum jelly, as well as a number of other chemicals that provide a therapeutic effect.

In addition to ointments, some pharmacological companies offer gels and creams, where the same corticosteroid is the main active ingredient. Medicines are packaged in special tubes of 3 or 5 g.

The main active ingredient of the ointment has the following biochemical effects:

  • reduces allergic manifestations, reducing the activity of immunoglobulins and their combination with antigens;
  • reduces the intensity of inflammatory reactions;
  • reduces swelling due to the cessation of accumulation of leukocytes in the area of ​​inflammation, compaction of the walls of small vessels;
  • slows down the metabolism in the treated area, which stops the formation of scars after injuries, surgeries or burns.

The point of application of the medicinal effect of the ointment is the skin of the eyelids and the conjunctiva of the eyeball. That is, the product has an effect at the site of application. But in small quantities the hormone penetrates through the cornea into the internal structures of the eye, and then into the blood. In this case, its absorption occurs in the liver, and excretion is carried out by the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.

Results of using the ointment:

  • relieving swelling of periorbital tissues;
  • reduction of redness of the eyelids and mucous membrane of the eyeball;
  • reduction of itching, discomfort and pain of various etiologies in the eye area;
  • stop peeling of the eyelids.

The advantages of the drug include the absence of an effect on concentration and mental activity.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for use of Hydrocortisone eye ointment:

  • acute and chronic eye diseases of allergic origin - keratitis, blepharitis, keratoconjunctivitis, iridocyclitis;
  • inflammation of the structures of the anterior part of the eyeball - uveitis, iritis, - without penetrating damage to the cornea;
  • eye burns due to temperature or chemical exposure after healing of the corneal surface;
  • prevention and treatment of traumatic and postoperative complications;
  • sympathetic ophthalmia - non-purulent inflammation of the vessels and tissues of the intact eyeball with a penetrating injury to the other eye;
  • restoration of the cornea after inflammation of various origins.

Hydrocortisone ointment for stye on the eye is also widely prescribed by ophthalmologists, but only in combination with antibacterial ointments. .

It should be used with caution in case of inflammatory and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes mellitus, pathology of the heart and kidneys.

Hydrocortisone ointment can cause an allergic reaction, although it is itself intended to combat allergies. If swelling, redness, peeling and discomfort in the eyes increase after application, the use of the drug is absolutely contraindicated.

A relative contraindication to the use of ointment is wearing contact lenses. The optimal solution is to replace them with glasses that are adequate for visual acuity.

If problems arise during pregnancy, especially in the first three months, the expectant mother should definitely consult an ophthalmologist. A breastfeeding woman should stop breastfeeding while using the ointment.

Instructions and dosage

Each user should carefully study the instructions for use of Hydrocortisone ointment, since it contains a hormonal component.

How to use:

  1. Wash your hands with soap.
  2. Gently pull back the lower eyelid.
  3. Squeeze a strip of ointment onto the mucous membrane of the sore eye.

For adults

The frequency of use of hydrocortisone ointment depends on the severity and nature of the pathology. Typically, the product is applied one to three times a day, having agreed upon the technique with the treating ophthalmologist. After any eye drops, the ointment is applied 20 minutes later.

Maximum duration of treatment course: no more than two weeks. As the eye condition improves, the frequency of use and dosage of the ointment decreases. If the dynamics are positive, it can only be used at night.

What else must be observed? The shelf life and conditions of storage in accordance with the instructions are no more than two years from the date of manufacture and preferably in the refrigerator. If the tube of ointment has already been opened, you can only store it for a month.

If it is necessary to use a hormone-containing drug for a pregnant or lactating woman, the minimum doses and treatment time are prescribed. It is important to consider the likely risk to the child.

For children

For children, hydrocortisone ointment should be used with caution, especially under 12 years of age. The child has an imperfect immune system, the eye membranes are more vulnerable, the hormonal component can affect not only the structures of the eye, but also the entire body.

Therefore, for children, Hydrocortisone eye ointment is used only according to strict indications, therapy is carried out under the supervision of the attending physician. Hydrocortisone eye ointment for children is used for no more than 3-5 days. Continuation of the course is possible only after the approval of the pediatric ophthalmologist.

Side effects

Adverse reactions more often occur with improper or prolonged use of hydrocortisone ointment.

The most common adverse reactions:

  • blepharitis;
  • eczema of the periorbital region;
  • recurrent conjunctivitis;
  • unstable increase in intraocular pressure with visual field impairment;
  • progression ;
  • damage to the cornea with the formation of ulcers;
  • secondary infection of eye tissue due to decreased local immunity;
  • poor healing after ophthalmic surgery;
  • short-term burning and redness in the eye area.

If you follow the instructions, there will be no such effects.

Interaction with other drugs

When using ointment with hydrocortisone, penetration of the hormone into the blood cannot be ruled out. This can lead to an undesirable reaction with medications that the patient is forced to take regularly. This is why it is so important to tell doctors about your health and the medications you are taking.

The interaction of the hormone with the following groups of drugs is dangerous:

  • cardiac glycosides (Digogsin);
  • blood thinning drugs (Thrombo-ass);
  • immunosuppressants (Cyclosporine);
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac);
  • antifungals (Ketoconazole);
  • oral contraceptives.

The use of ointment reduces the absorption of vitamin D, the effect of antidepressants (Coaxil, Zoloft) and antihistamines (Tavegil), the effectiveness of insulin and antihypertensive drugs.

When using antipsychotics (Haloperidol) simultaneously with eye ointment treatment, according to some data, cataracts develop faster. It is undesirable to combine the medicine with the use of diuretics.


The cost of hydrocortisone ointment depends on the concentration of the hormone, the amount of the drug in the tube, the manufacturer, the region of Russia and the rating of the pharmacy chain offering the product . On average there are such prices:

  • 0.5% ointment in a volume of 5 g costs from 30 to 50 rubles;
  • ointment containing 1% hormone, usually packaged in tubes of 2.5 g - cost about 60-70 rubles;
  • the price of a drug with a 2.5% hormonal component is 100 rubles or more per tube.


If it is impossible to use hydrocortisone in the treatment of eye diseases, the doctor prescribes other drugs that have a good therapeutic effect. To do this, use the following ointments with hormones:

  • Cortimycin.
  • Maxidex.
  • Dexamethasone.

Hydrocortisone Pos eye ointment has a similar composition and indications and is produced in Germany (1 and 2.5%).

To reduce inflammation, ophthalmologists often prescribe ointments with antibiotics - Tetracycline, Erythromycin, Tobrex.

Hydrocortisone ointment effectively relieves a number of symptoms of various ophthalmological diseases. But the drug has many contraindications and does not affect the cause of the disease.

Useful video on how to use eye ointment

Hydrocortisone ointment, or, as some people mistakenly call it, hydrocartised ointment, is a hormonal drug that has anti-inflammatory, decongestant and antipruritic properties. It is used in the treatment of various ophthalmological diseases, but due to the presence of contraindications, hydrocortized eye ointment should be used in the treatment of children only after consultation with the attending physician. Correct use of the drug in combination with strict adherence to the instructions will achieve the desired therapeutic effect.

General description

The drug is used to treat eye diseases only if the patient's corneal epithelium is not damaged. The active component of hydrocortisone ointment is hydrocortisone is a substance that is a drug of natural origin. In addition to ophthalmological diseases, this remedy is also used in oncology.

Hydrocortisone ointment, which is available in small tubes of 3 g or 5 g, also contains methylparaben and nipagin. It is recommended to store the ointment in a cool place at a temperature no higher than 15 degrees. Shelf life – 24 months. The drug is intended exclusively for topical use.

In what cases is the drug prescribed?

The prescription of a hormonal drug, as a rule, occurs when the following pathologies develop:

  • allergic eye diseases. This includes many different ailments, starting with banal barley and ending with;

  • eyelid skin dermatitis;
  • thermal or chemical burns;
  • mechanical damage to the organs of vision, accompanied by bruising or swelling.

Note! Depending on the type of disease, its neglect, as well as the patient’s health condition, the duration of the therapeutic course may vary. But to speed it up, doctors often prescribe the use of ultrasound therapy as part of complex treatment.


Like all medications, hydrocortisone ointment has contraindications for use, which must be taken into account when treating a particular disease:

  • corneal damage;
  • development of glaucoma (this is a pathology accompanied by an increase);
  • purulent infection;
  • eye tuberculosis;
  • ophthalmological diseases caused by various fungi or viruses.

But the main contraindications, of course, include individual intolerance to individual components of the drug. If a patient has been diagnosed with glaucoma, then throughout the entire therapeutic course he needs to regularly check intraocular pressure. Also, the check must be performed when using the ointment for a long time (more than 14 days).

It is strictly not recommended to use hydrocortisone ointment on your own or increase the course of therapy, as this can lead to serious consequences. Only a doctor can prescribe medication or make adjustments to the treatment course..

Instructions for use

As noted earlier, hydrocortisone ointment is a drug intended for topical use only. The product is applied under the lower eyelid in a small strip. To achieve maximum effect, the procedure should be repeated 2-3 times a day. Depending on the severity of the disease, the course of therapy may last 1-2 weeks or more.

Note! When treating with ointment, you must stop wearing contact lenses (of course, if you use them). Well, if your doctor prescribed you other medications in the form of eye drops, then at least 10 minutes should pass between using the ointment and drops.

If the use of the drug provokes a temporary decrease in visual acuity, then you should not drive a vehicle during the treatment period. This is dangerous not only for the health and life of the driver, but also for other road users.

Video: Hydrocortisone ointment - indications, description, reviews

Possible complications

Improper use of hydrocortisone ointment can cause the following side effects:

  • disease of the sclera of the eye;
  • allergic reaction;
  • development of exophthalmos (displacement of the patient’s eyeball);
  • a decrease in the immune system, which often leads to the development of secondary infections.

In case of mechanical damage to the epithelium of the cornea of ​​the eye there is a possibility of corneal perforation. Long-term use of the ointment can lead to the development of serious ophthalmological diseases such as cataracts or glaucoma. If we talk about drug overdose, this happens extremely rarely. But if this does happen, the patient may experience a slight increase in some side effects (usually local). As soon as treatment with hydrocortisone ointment is stopped, the negative consequences of the overdose disappear on their own.

Analogues of the drug

There are many types of drugs that cannot be used together with hydrocortisone ointment, as this can cause an increase in eye pressure. Typically, these drugs include nitrates or antidepressants. It is recommended to store the medicine in places inaccessible to children, at the optimal temperature, that is, not higher than 15°C. After the drug’s shelf life has expired (3 years from the date of production), it must be disposed of.

In the instructions for use of hydrocortisone eye ointment, you can also familiarize yourself with the composition of the drug

Of course hydrocortisone ointment is far from the only medical product with similar properties. There are other analogue drugs that are used in the treatment of the same diseases. Below are the most common ones.

Table. Review of analogues of hydrocortisone ointment.

Name of the drug, photoDescription

An effective medication for external use. It has anti-inflammatory properties, due to which this drug is used in the treatment of eyelid inflammation caused by prolonged work at a computer monitor or wearing contact lenses. The active components of the drug are hyaluronic acid and hemodez.

Combined drug used in ophthalmic practice. Has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. The active components of this drug are dexamethasone and dexamethasone. As a rule, the drug is prescribed for the treatment of inflammatory eye diseases, as well as for preventive purposes.

Another combination drug with moisturizing properties. The drug does not have anti-inflammatory and decongestant effects on the patient’s body, so it is often used to prevent drying of the cornea, swelling of the eyes, or when unpleasant and painful sensations occur in this area.

As a rule, the drug is prescribed for the treatment of corneal ulcers, keratitis, infectious forms of conjunctivitis and other ophthalmological pathologies. Also used as a means for recovery after surgery.

An effective drug of combined action, used in ophthalmic practice. The product is intended for external use only. It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiallergic properties. The duration of the treatment course and dosage of the drug is determined by the attending physician.

The cost of the above drugs, as well as hydrocortisone ointment, is usually low (around 100-300 rubles), which makes them accessible to a wide range of consumers. But in order not to encounter a low-quality fake, before purchasing this or that product, you must carefully examine the original packaging in the photo above. The drug is potent, so be sure to consult a doctor before using it. During the examination, the doctor will carry out all the necessary diagnostic procedures, after which he will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

100 g ointment contains

active substance – hydrocortisone acetate – 0.5 g,

excipients: methyl parahydroxybenzoate, petroleum jelly


Ointment white, white with a yellowish tint or yellow

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Drugs for the treatment of eye diseases. Glucocorticosteroids. Hydrocortisone.

ATX code S01BA02

Pharmacological properties


Hydrocortisone penetrates poorly through the cornea into the intraocular fluid.

Hydrocortisone penetrates the epidermis and epithelium of the mucous membrane, can be slightly absorbed into the systemic circulation and have a systemic effect. Hydrocortisone is metabolized directly in the epidermis and epithelium of the mucous membrane, and subsequently in small amounts after

absorption enters the general bloodstream and is biotransformed in the liver. In the blood, 80% is bound to transcortin and 10% to albumin. Hydrocortisone metabolites are excreted through the kidneys and intestines.


Hydrocortisone is a natural glucocorticosteroid. Has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic effect. Reduces inflammatory cell infiltrates, reduces the migration of leukocytes and lymphocytes to the area of ​​inflammation. Stabilizes cellular and subcellular, including immunoglobulins with receptors on the surface of cells and inhibits the synthesis or release of cytokines (interleukins and interferon) from lymphocytes and macrophages. Reduces the release of arachidonic acid from phospholipids and the synthesis of its metabolites (prostaglandins, leukotrienes, thromboxane). Reduces the exudative reaction, helps reduce capillary permeability. Reduces the severity of the early immunological response. It has a catabolic effect and inhibits the development of connective tissue and scarring.

Indications for use

Allergic eye diseases (eyelid dermatitis, blepharitis, conjunctivitis and keratoconjunctivitis)

Inflammatory eye diseases of the anterior part of the eye in the absence of a violation of the integrity of the corneal epithelium (blepharitis, conjunctivitis and keratoconjunctivitis)

Thermal and chemical burn (after complete epithelization of corneal defects)

Directions for use and doses

1 cm of eye ointment is injected into the conjunctival sac 2-3 times a day.

To do this, you need to open the tube, slightly tilt your head back and place a strip of ointment behind the lower eyelid. Close your eyes carefully. After use, close the tube tightly.

When applying the ophthalmic ointment, avoid contact of the tube with the surface of the skin or conjunctiva.

Side effects

Allergic reactions, burning sensation

Scleral injection

Brief blurred vision

With prolonged use for more than 10 days, the following may occur:

Increased intraocular pressure with the possible subsequent development of steroid glaucoma with damage to the optic nerve and impairment of visual fields (therefore, when using drugs containing glucocorticosteroids for more than 10 days, intraocular pressure should be measured regularly)

Formation of posterior subcapsular cataract

Slowing down the wound healing process (in diseases that cause thinning of the cornea, its perforation is possible)

Secondary bacterial infection can occur as a result of suppression of the patient’s protective reaction. In acute purulent diseases of the eye, glucocorticosteroids can mask or intensify the existing infectious process.

Fungal infections of the cornea tend to occur especially frequently with long-term use of glucocorticosteroids. The appearance of non-healing ulcers on the cornea after long-term treatment with glucocorticosteroids may indicate the development of fungal invasion.


Hypersensitivity to the drug and its components

Purulent, viral, tuberculosis, fungal eye diseases



Vaccination period

Violation of the integrity of the membranes of the eye

Children and adolescents up to 18 years of age

Drug interactions

With long-term use of the drug, with possible resorption of the drug into the general bloodstream, hydrocortisone reduces the effectiveness of insulin, oral hypoglycemic drugs, antihypertensive drugs, anticoagulants, reduces the concentration of salicylates in the blood, and reduces the concentration of praziquantel in the blood serum. Increase the risk of developing side effects of hydrocortisone: androgens, estrogens, oral contraceptives, anabolic steroids (hirsutism, acne); antipsychotics, carbutamide, azathioprine (cataracts); anticholinergics, antihistamines, tricyclic antidepressants, nitrates (glaucoma); diuretics (hypokalemia).

When used with cardiac glycosides, digitalis intoxication may develop. Simultaneous use of lead and silver with preparations leads to mutual inactivation.

Special instructions

With caution: arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus.

When used for more than 10 days and with a history of open- or closed-angle glaucoma, monitoring of intraocular pressure is necessary.

After applying the ointment, you must refrain from activities that require increased attention for 30 minutes.

Shelf life after opening the tube is 1 month.

Pregnancy and lactation

Studies of the safety and effectiveness of hydrocortisone in pregnant and lactating women have not been conducted. There is no precise data on the penetration of glucocorticosteroids into breast milk when applied topically. However, the risk cannot be completely eliminated. The use of hydrocortisone in pregnant and lactating women is allowed only as prescribed by the attending physician, when the expected therapeutic effect for the mother exceeds the potential risk for the fetus and child.

The duration of use should not exceed 7-10 days.

Hydrocortisone is a topical ointment that is used for the eyes. The ointment is white, sometimes yellow, green or gray shades may be present. The drug is in a tube and packaged in a box, inside of which there are instructions for use. The shelf life of the ointment is 2 years.

The main substance in the drug is a substance called “hydrocortisone”, which is a naturally occurring glucocorticosteroid.

Hydrocortisone ointment. Instructions for use for the eyes with step-by-step details can be found below.

It prevents the active movement of lymphocytes and leukocytes into the painful area. Hydrocortisone also helps stabilize cellular and subcellular membranes.

Mast cells, which are involved in inflammatory and allergic processes, are also stabilized. Capillary permeability decreases. Excipients are anhydrous lanolin, nipagin and petroleum jelly. The main types of effects that the ointment has are presented in the table.

Substances present in hydrocortisone eye ointment, according to the instructions for use



relieves swelling

neutralizes inflammatory processes

fights allergic reactions

eliminates itching and redness


has antibacterial and antifungal effect

lanolin and petroleum jelly

soften the skin on the eyelids, promote rapid healing of wounds

The ointment affects the mucous membrane of the eye, penetrating only onto its surface. With prolonged use, the drug may enter the bloodstream. At the same time, a small part of it settles and is then metabolized in the liver cells. The drug is excreted through the urinary system and intestines.

Interesting to know! Glucocorticoid is a steroid hormone produced by the adrenal cortex. Its level in the blood increases with injury, stress, blood loss and shock. It helps the body adapt to these conditions and reduce their effects.

In medicine, artificial analogues of this human hormone are used to influence the immune system during inflammatory processes, allergic reactions and severe shock conditions.

Indications for use of hydrocortisone eye ointment

In order not to cause harm, you need to know exactly in which cases it is necessary to use Hydrocortisone ointment.

Instructions for use for the eyes contain the following indications:

  • Chorioditis (including sympathetic);
  • uevitis;
  • manifestations after insect bites;
  • allergic reactions in the eyes: conjunctivitis, blepharitis and conjunctivitis with keratitis;
  • inflammatory processes in the anterior ocular region;
  • burns of a chemical and thermal nature;
  • postoperative period;
  • various eye injuries;
  • after suffering keratitis in order to restore the transparency of the cornea.

Important to know! The main condition contained in the instructions for using hydrocortisone ointment for the eyes is to use it only when the integrity of the corneal epithelium is completely preserved.

Step-by-step instructions for using eye ointment

Possible side effects of hydrocortisone ointment

As a side effect, the following may occur: burning in the eye area, scleral injection, allergic reactions, blurred vision. Allergies can manifest as eyelid eczema, dermatitis and dermatoconjunctivitis. When using the drug for more than 10 days, the pressure inside the eye may increase.

Therefore, during a long course of treatment, it is worth measuring it periodically. In some cases, steroid glaucoma develops. In this case, damage to the optic nerve occurs, as a result of which the clarity of vision deteriorates.

Another undesirable effect that may occur after using the drug is posterior subcapsular cataract. Also Perforation of the ocular cornea may occur. This usually happens in diseases characterized by thinning of the cornea.

After a course of treatment longer than 10 days, the patient may notice slow wound healing. A repeated bacterial, viral or fungal infection in the eye area may occur. This is due to suppression of the immune system.

Important to know! Increased eye pressure can lead to serious visual impairment and even blindness. At the slightest suspicion of this disease, you should consult an ophthalmologist to measure the pressure inside the eye. A person suffering from ophthalmic hypertension may feel heaviness in the eyes, headache, and a sharp deterioration in vision.

At the beginning of the disease, there may be no symptoms. People over 40 years of age must undergo a preventive examination by an ophthalmologist!

Contraindications for use

If certain diseases exist in patients, it is strictly forbidden to use hydrocortisone ointment.

Instructions for use for the eyes contain the following contraindications:

  • childhood and adolescence;
  • high sensitivity to the substances included in the drug;
  • violation of the integrity of the eye shell;
  • ocular tuberculosis;
  • the presence of a fungal, purulent or viral infection in the eyes;
  • all types of glaucoma;
  • during any vaccination.

People who have a tendency to high blood pressure should use the ointment with caution. Patients with diabetes also need to be careful.

Good to know! Most eye diseases can be avoided by following simple hygiene rules. After returning from the street, your eyes should be washed with warm boiled water, while cleaning them from dust and dirt. Do not touch or rub your eyes with dirty hands.

Use only your own personal cosmetics. From time to time you can make eye lotions using freshly brewed tea. This procedure will help relieve fatigue and inflammation from the eyes. It can also be carried out after contact with a large amount of dust.

Special instructions in the instructions

It is not recommended to apply hydrocortisone eye ointment immediately before driving a car or using other machinery. This is due to the formation of a film on the cornea after using the drug. This may cause temporary vision loss. To avoid this unwanted effect, it is better to apply the ointment before going to bed.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the use of ointment should be accompanied by mandatory consultation with a doctor. The drug is prescribed when the benefit to the mother's health is significantly greater than the potential danger to the child. No research has been conducted in this area. The course of treatment for an expectant mother or a nursing woman should not last longer than 10 days.

The occurrence of an overdose when using hydrocortisone is very unlikely. In this case, symptoms that are characteristic of adverse reactions to the drug may occur.

If such symptoms appear, you should stop using the ointment.

During the course of treatment, you should stop using contact lenses. If the patient takes eye drops along with the ointment, then they should be instilled no earlier than 15 minutes after applying the ointment.

It is important to observe the storage conditions for hydrocortisone ointment. It should be stored at a temperature of 5 to 15 degrees. Open ointment can be used for no more than 1 month. The drug should be kept out of reach of children.

How does the ointment interact with other drugs?

If a person has concomitant diseases, it is important to know how hydrocortisone ointment interacts with other drugs. The instructions for use for the eyes describe this in detail. When using the ointment for a long period of time, the effect of antihypertensive drugs, insulin, oral hypoglycemic agents and anticoagulants may be reduced.

You should take with caution: oral contraceptives, hormonal drugs with a high content of androgens, steroids and estrogens, antihistamines, some types of antidepressants (tricyclic), anticholinergics, diurites and cardiac glycosides. All of these drugs increase the risk of developing side effects from the ointment.

You should not use the ointment simultaneously with medications that contain lead or silver, as they will help reduce each other’s activity, which will not produce the full effect of the medication.

The drug Hydrocortisone is available in pharmacies without a prescription. In case of doubt or misunderstanding of complex medical terms used in the instructions for use, it is better to seek advice from a specialist.

Hydrocortisone ointment as a remedy for wrinkles in this video:

Instructions for using eye ointment, how to apply correctly in this video: