Head towards the window or door. The correct position of a person in a dream in relation to the doors. Russian folk traditions and beliefs VS Feng Shui

Most people don't wonder if it's okay to sleep with your head facing the door. Those who have a predominant realistic outlook on life believe that there is no difference in the position of the body in relation to furniture or cardinal directions. But folk signs and the art of Feng Shui say the opposite. There are different points of view on this issue. Moreover, different nations have their own beliefs and explanations on the topic of whether you can sleep with your feet towards the door or your head.

How to orient our body in space so that a sleeping person is filled with energy and does not attract the attention of evil spirits? Should you sleep with your head or feet towards the door?

There are several guidelines on how to lie down correctly:

This is not all that should be taken into account when organizing a bedroom. Almost all nations consider sleep to be the moment when the soul leaves our body. If she can't come back, then you simply won't wake up and die in your sleep. Poor posture can also lower your overall energy level, which will show up in the morning when you feel groggy and sleep-deprived.

It is not recommended to sleep with your head towards window and door openings, as well as with your feet. The explanations for these beliefs are different among many nations, but everyone has the same point of view - you cannot sleep with your feet towards the door, this has a bad effect on the internal state of those who sleep.

Why you can’t sleep in one position or another is interpreted differently depending on the formed opinion in a particular culture.

According to most beliefs, the ideal position of the bed is one in which the person's head and feet do not face either the window or the door. You can simply close the doors and place the headboard against the wall. This arrangement of furniture will help maintain healthy energy and prevent evil spirits from entering your life.

You cannot sleep with your head facing any of the open spaces. This is the opinion of most peoples who have noticed such things for centuries. How to sleep correctly in a particular case depends on your space and preferences. But it is also better to remove mirrors from the room.

Is it possible to fall asleep with your head towards the door or is it better with your feet towards the door? It's really a matter of your well-being. If you wake up regularly and have nightmares, but you are a healthy person, and you lack energy in the morning, ask yourself, am I sleeping correctly?

Even in ancient times, our ancestors observed the world around us and explained what was happening. This is how the omens appeared.

One of the signs about why you shouldn’t sleep with your feet facing the door is still relevant today. Why it is undesirable to indulge in sleep in this position, and what this is connected with, interests many.

Popular beliefs

The question of why you can’t put the bed with your feet towards the door arose among many peoples. Everyone was thinking about how to position it more conveniently in order to gain strength and avoid negative consequences.

The Slavs perceived doors as a kind of entrance, opening the way to other worlds. The ancestors believed that the souls of people sleeping with their feet towards the door could be taken to Hell by evil spirits. A person who falls asleep in this way might never wake up again.

In ancient times, many people passed away in a dream. This explained the superstition. At the same time, the tradition of carrying the body of the deceased forward feet first arose. After all, the soul no longer needs to remain in this world. This is how the deceased was escorted to the afterlife.

The Scandinavians got their explanation from an ancient legend. She tells that there are three worlds. One of them is where people live, Midgard. The second is called Asgard.

It is otherworldly, where gods live, as well as divine creatures who intercede for the Scandinavians.

The third world is called Utgard. This is a terrible place where there is eternal darkness. It is inhabited by the dead, monsters, evil spirits and monsters. The peoples of the North also considered the door a portal to the other world. They called night sleep akin to a small death, when the soul travels, leaving the physical shell.

Positioning your feet towards the door meant that the soul could leave the body and end up in Utgard, and it would be very difficult to return back. If she failed to return, death occurred.

If you lie down with your feet towards the exit:

  • Nightmares begin to occur.
  • After sleep, a person does not feel rested.
  • His health is deteriorating.

Feng Shui Explanation

The teaching explains that the belief of sleeping with your feet towards the door is not connected with the deceased or the afterlife. According to Feng Shui, energy flows through the body. It needs to be saved and saved, then the person will be cheerful.

According to Feng Shui, there are signs associated with relaxation, in front of a mirror or near an open door. The mirror doubles the negative energy from sharp corners in the room. In addition, through it people are watched from the world of the dead. If someone sleeps and appears in the mirror, he will have problems in his family life. When spouses sleep, their relationship may go wrong and betrayals may begin. Mirrors absorb information, so it is bad if strife or death are imprinted on them.

Psychologists' opinion

Experts answer the question regarding whether it is possible to sleep with your feet towards the exit in different ways. Here, a lot depends on how the owner of the home feels about the location of the sleeping area and where he places the bed.

If people don't believe in omens, there shouldn't be a problem., but some are trying to find out why you can’t sleep with your feet facing the exit. If there is discomfort associated with this belief, it is better when the bed is perpendicular to the entrance or with the head of the bed facing the exit. Thus, when asked whether it is possible to sleep with your head towards the door, psychologists answer that it is possible, but it is better to close them. This way a person rests peacefully, his sleep is of high quality. Other experts believe that you can sleep with your feet to the door. This is due to the fact that a person sees who enters and leaves the room, especially if he does not live alone.

There are people who find it difficult to sleep with their head towards the window or door, because the pressure from the outside world comes from there. This was especially true for large families, where it is always noisy.

Should you believe in omens?

Today there are people who do not believe in omens. For them, folk signs do not play a role.

Sometimes a person is not superstitious, but at a certain moment he encounters something incomprehensible and begins to believe in God, love spells, conspiracies. Superstitions are a matter of individual faith. Despite the fact that there is no evidence of scientific validity, the experience of generations of people acquired over centuries makes us believe the opposite.

Doctors recommend that people suffering from nightmares or insomnia, and wondering whether they can sleep with their feet towards the window, treat their nervous system. After treatment, they will get enough sleep, regardless of the location of the bed relative to the door, and feel great.

How to place furniture correctly

It is accepted that you need to sleep with your head facing north, reproducing the distribution of the planet’s electromagnetic fields. If in this position the sleeper turns his feet towards the door, you can change the direction to the east.

According to Feng Shui, you can make it different, choose it yourself, focusing on the Gua number, derived by date of birth. It is important to take into account other points regarding the position of the body in sleep in relation to the door and other objects.

No need to lie down:

  • Near the wall with the door.
  • Head towards the window.
  • Near the mirror.
  • Back to the door.

It is undesirable to sleep with your feet towards the door, and it is better to remove the mirror from the bedroom or place it so that the sleeping person and the bed are not displayed. It is not easy to place a bed correctly if the room is small. But if a person does not want to worry that something might happen to him during sleep or his health will deteriorate, it is better to lie with his head in the right direction.

When asked why you can’t sleep with your head towards the window, the explanation is as follows. This is due to the fact that at night an evil spirit roams the earth, which can look into the home through the windows. A person may develop health problems. Besides, there may be drafts in the window area, and this is fraught with colds.

Many people prefer to place their bed opposite the doorway, but do not think about whether they can sleep with their feet facing the door There are many different superstitions and signs in the world. Some of them are hard to believe, but some you can agree with. One of the most common questions on people's minds is: is it possible to fall asleep with your feet or head towards the door? And if not, then why? The answer to this question lies in ancient beliefs, as well as some modern teachings.

Versions of different nations: is it possible to sleep with your feet towards the door?

The question of whether it is possible to sleep with your feet facing the exit has long been of interest to many peoples. The Slavs, Scandinavians and even the Chinese tried to figure out how to position themselves correctly during sleep in order to have a good rest and at the same time avoid anyone's negative influence.

For most peoples, sleeping on a bed that is located opposite the door is associated with negative emotions and energy

There are several versions of different nations explaining why this cannot be done:

  1. The Scandinavians have an interesting legend, according to which there are three worlds in the Universe. Ordinary people live in one of them, gods live in the other, and monsters, evil ghosts and other evil spirits live in the third. It was believed that when a person fell asleep, his soul separated from the body and went on a journey, and the door was a kind of portal accompanying the soul. So, if you fell asleep with your feet towards the exit, you could end up in a “dark” world inhabited by ghosts and never return from it.
  2. The Slavs perceived the door in almost the same way and believed that evil forces could easily drag a person to hell by the legs. For these reasons, people tried not to sleep with their feet towards the door, so as not to give any evil spirits the opportunity to take their souls.
  3. A question of security - in this situation a person is quite vulnerable, it is easy to attack him and commit some illegal actions. Therefore, ancient people tried to sleep in the back of the house and in such a direction towards the door as to prevent enemies from attacking.

Followers of the Feng Shui movement also encourage you to sleep however you like, but not with your feet forward towards the door or windows, since this position of the body is considered to give away its vital energy. The person will wake up tired and feel bad.

To some extent, there is some truth in this, because many people sleeping with their feet towards the exit note that:

  • They have nightmares;
  • Often suffers from insomnia;
  • There is no feeling of complete rest after sleep;
  • Sleep is mostly intermittent and restless.

There is a version that such things happen on a subconscious level, since a person feels unprotected during sleep, and the instincts of ancient ancestors do not allow him to relax in the “foot to the door” position.

Opinions on whether it is possible to sleep with your head towards the door

An equally interesting question that torments many people: is it possible to sleep with your head towards the door? Let's figure it out.

There are the following options to explain the opinion on this matter:

  • If you believe the Scandinavians, then you can’t sleep with your head towards the exit either - the other world opens through the door and evil demons can penetrate the sleeper’s head and even hypnotize him or steal his soul;
  • The teachings of Feng Shui are also unambiguous on this issue: you cannot sleep like this, because the head must have a reliable rear behind it, protecting not only from drafts, but also preserving the peace of the sleeper;
  • The issue of security is also extremely relevant - in the “head to the door” position, it is completely impossible to see who is entering it, which gives a feeling of insecurity and discomfort.

It turns out that sleeping with neither your feet nor your head towards the door is extremely undesirable. Ideally, the bed should be placed somewhere on the side of the exit from the room. If you have to sleep with your head towards the door, you need to have at least a backrest on the bed that blocks the person from leaving.

How the bed is positioned determines how restful and quality the sleep of the person lying on it will be. When moving into a new monastery or making renovations, you should pay special attention to this issue.

It is best to place the bed in the bedroom according to Feng Shui

So, how to place a bed correctly, according to the teachings of Feng Shui:

  1. The bed must be protected, which means its headboard is adjacent to the wall or have a strong, comfortable backrest;
  2. You should not hang shelves above your sleeping area and place any heavy things on them: who knows at what second they will decide to fall;
  3. Lying on the bed, you need to clearly see the exit from the room, otherwise the feeling of anxiety will not allow you to rest properly;
  4. A mirror reflecting the sleeper and directed towards the window is also not the best option - the rays of the sun falling on the mirror surface can interfere with a restful sleep;
  5. It is advisable to place the spouses' bed so that it is approached from each side;
  6. An excellent place for a baby's cradle would be in the corner, and the crib should be in contact with both walls.

If you choose between the position of the bed in relation to the exit with your feet or head, then the first option is preferable.

It is also advisable to think about ensuring that there are no pipes behind the bed. Any, even the quietest sounds can be very clearly audible at night and can be irritating to a person. What kind of calm and refreshing sleep can we talk about then?

It is not possible or still possible to place the bed opposite the door

What to do if the bed is opposite the door? Is this correct or should something be changed? Psychologists note that a lot depends on the person himself, and how comfortable he is with this arrangement. If there is some kind of sign, this does not mean that everyone must believe in it.

However, if a person feels uneasy while resting on a bed that is opposite a regular or balcony door, he should not torture himself and position the sleeping place differently, for example, perpendicular to the entrance.

When decorating a bedroom, special attention should be paid not only to the location of the bed, but also to the interior of the room

How not to place a bed:

  1. In contact with the wall on which the door is located, blocking the view - in this case you will not see people entering, which will cause concern;
  2. Head to the window, especially if it is close: extraneous noises and sounds will interfere with rest and create anxiety;
  3. Under a very low or sloping ceiling - there may be some psychological discomfort, which will be expressed in constant anxiety and a feeling of atmospheric pressure from above;
  4. On the same line with the window and door - in this case there may be problems with sleep due to the intense movement of air flows;
  5. Foot to the wall - in this case it turns out that there is no view of the room, and at the same time all the person’s energy seems to go into the wall.

Expert opinion: why you can’t sleep with your feet facing the door (video)

When people sleep, they want to be as protected and calm as possible. Only in this case can you hope for healthy and deep sleep. There is no single opinion regarding the position of the body or bed in relation to the exit. Every person should listen to their feelings and desires. If he feels comfortable sleeping with his feet towards the door, then let him sleep that way. This position is considered more favorable than sleeping with your head facing the exit of the room. You can test yourself by spending the night in many positions, and thus determine in which place you had the best sleep.

A person needs sleep to restore the energy spent during the working day, and also so that the brain organizes the information received, the body rests and prepares for the new day. A person spends about a third of his life in the arms of Morpheus, so properly organizing a night’s rest is a paramount task. The ancient belief that you can sleep with your feet towards the door indicates what this is fraught with and why this sleeping position causes so much gossip among the people.

Why did our ancestors believe that you should not sleep with your feet facing the door?

The first traditions of home improvement came from the birth of civilization, when people were just beginning to understand the world around them and draw conclusions and assumptions about its structure. At the beginning of time, the location of a human bed was explained only by safety considerations.

None of the ancient people would have considered it wise to locate a rookery near the exit. For the simple reason of a possible surprise attack by enemy peoples and tribes. The person had to have a maximum reserve of time to react to a possible intrusion into the premises.

It was considered unacceptable to sleep with both head and feet towards the door. Over time, when people began to set up night watches, live in fortified cities, etc., the tradition of not sleeping with their feet towards the exit not only did not disappear, but also became stronger. They received a “scientific”, at that time, justification, entering world mythology and religion.

The ancient Slavs preferred to stay awake with their feet towards the exit

Ancient Slavic mythology considered the door to be a division between worlds: the otherworldly and the ordinary, earthly. The ancestors called the dream itself nothing more than “little death.” They believed that the soul of a sleeping person leaves his body and travels through space. The doorway symbolized the transition to the otherworldly world, where mythical creatures and spirits lived.

If a sleeping person places his feet towards the door, then this made it possible for the spirits to lure the soul into their world when it left the body during the next night's rest.

If a person went to bed with his feet towards the door, then he seemed to show otherworldly forces the predisposition of the soul to move into their world. When the astral body passed into the parallel world of spirits, it became impossible to return. In this case, the body of the sleeping person, without waiting for the soul living in it, also could not remain alive and died. All cases when a person did not wake up in the morning were explained this way.

Explanation from the point of view of the ancient Scandinavians

The Scandinavian peoples also believed that it was impossible to place the bed with your feet towards the door. Their mythology in this matter was similar to the ancient Slavic. The Scandinavians believed that the whole world was divided into three parts:

  1. Asgard is the highest central circle in which the gods lived.
  2. Midgard is the earthly world with the people inhabiting it.
  3. Utgard is the habitat of all kinds of monsters, monstrosities and evil spirits.

The ancestors of modern Swedes and Norwegians also thought that the human soul leaves the body during sleep and walks around the world. Positioning your feet towards the exit made the following fatal scenarios possible:

  • The human soul, which exited precisely through the legs, could mistakenly cross the threshold between Midgard and Utgard and end up in the other world. The evil spirit living there confused the newly arrived soul, it could not return to the body, the person died.
  • Roughly the same scenario, only the monsters and monsters of Utgard took the initiative. They waited for the soul on the edge of the worlds, when it was nearby, they carried it along with them. There was no return from the other world.

The similar views of the Scandinavians and Slavs are quite understandable. Many traditions and customs of neighboring peoples were intertwined, borrowed and supplemented.

What do Orthodox Christians think about this situation in a dream?

Orthodoxy has no explanation for the soul’s transition to the other world and its possible eternal stay there due to sleep with its feet towards the door. There are also no direct statements about the position of the bed in the bedroom. But the Orthodox opinion is unanimous: you should under no circumstances sleep with your feet facing the exit.

It comes out of clear associations with the deceased. The coffin with the body was always placed in the direction of the entrance opening, and the dead man was carried out in the same order: feet first. For this reason, one of the persistent folk signs was born.

Sleeping feet first from an Islamic perspective

Devout Muslims do not have direct recommendations in the Koran whether it is possible to go to bed in this position. Their religion only suggests that the head of a sleeping person should be directed towards the holy city of Mecca. Based on this rule, it can be assumed that, regarding the exit from the sleeping area, a Muslim can lie as he pleases.

What does the teaching of Feng Shui say?

The ancient Chinese took a strict position - you can’t sleep with your head or feet towards the door. They deeply believe that Qi energy circulates inside the house. She enters the home through the front door and leaves through the windows. You cannot place a sleeping place in its path.

The worst position would be when the head and legs are lined up along the door-window line. In this case, the Qi energy will actively interact with the vital energy of the sleeper and partially take it with it. The person will sleep poorly and wake up tired. Then the body will weaken, and diseases will creep up.

According to ancient Taoist teachings, in order for the sleeping position to be ideal, several recommendations must be followed:

  • The bed should have a high headboard and stand close to the wall.
  • In relation to the door to the room and the window to the street, it should be located somewhat diagonally, to the side.
  • There should be no sharp corners in the bedroom.
  • The color scheme should contain natural pastel tones.
  • You don't need to sleep in front of a mirror.

Modern supporters of the use of ancient Chinese practices in modern life believe that you should also not place your feet towards the balcony door.

A doorway is a separator between different zones in the house that have different energies. If the sleeper lies with his feet towards the door, he risks losing too much of his own vitality, and accordingly, a restorative night's rest will not be possible.

Choosing a sleeping place with the help of a cat

Since ancient times, there has been a strong tradition when a feline representative should be the first to enter the house. In the beliefs of different peoples, a cat is considered a creature that is connected with the other world and is capable of conducting a dialogue with its representatives. Therefore, having launched a furry friend into a new home, people hoped that the four-legged lawyer would establish a friendly dialogue with the brownie and other representatives of the astral world.

We also observed where the animal would sit down to rest. It was believed that he would find the most favorable area for organizing his sleeping place or installing a crib.

Scientists' opinion on the admissibility of sleeping with feet towards the exit

There is a well-known skepticism of physicists and mathematicians, who are unequivocally confident that all these traditions and signs are just idle speculation of idle people; psychologists are not so categorical. In their opinion, healthy sleep can be ensured when not only physiologically acceptable conditions for sleep are created, but also when there is a healthy, calm atmosphere during the night's rest.

Every person has a number of prejudices and fears on a subconscious level. Only people with a stable psyche, who are not inclined to trust signs and superstitions, sleep equally soundly in any position. Often those sleeping with their heads towards the door complain of anxiety, a constant need to control the invisible space of the doorway. The same applies to those sleeping with their feet towards the exit. They often note weakness and depression, increased morning irritability after spending the night with their feet to the door.

Therefore, each person must take an individual approach to the arrangement of the bedroom and the position of the bed in it, based on their own beliefs, beliefs and habits. The main thing is that your sleep is restful, healthy and restorative.

Standard houses, standard apartments, standard layout... So try here to create an interior that fully complies with the rules of the teachings of Feng Shui (translated from Chinese as “wind - water”). What to do if the bed can only be placed with its feet facing the door - there are simply no other options; a small typical room does not allow a different arrangement of the bed.

A well-designed bedroom interior has a beneficial effect on the human condition

Mysterious Chinese science, together with our centuries-old traditions, unanimously asserts that only the dead are placed with their feet towards the door, especially the entrance door, that is, this position cannot be deliberately chosen. But at the same time, it is believed that a person lying on the bed should see the door to the room. It’s more psychologically comfortable. Therefore, it is possible and necessary to place the bed with its feet towards the exit, but only if it is located along the wall and is not on the “window-door” axis.

It was easier for the ancients. They could generally begin construction by installing a bed and only then build walls around it and decide on a place for a door. Homer's Odysseus did just that. True, things didn’t go very well for him later in life.

Why is it still believed that the bed should not have its feet towards the door? According to ancient superstitions, sleep is a little death, and after death a person’s soul goes to another world. Behind the door of the home begins the dangerous and terrible world of spirits. And if the bed faces the front door, the soul can head straight to this afterlife. Who knows if she will be able and willing to return to her orphaned body again?

The prohibition of placing a bed opposite the front door has existed since ancient times.

From ancient superstitions to modern interpretations

For some reason, many people believe that a person’s happy family life and health can depend on how they place the bed in the bedroom. If we take the issue seriously, then placing the bed with your feet towards the door does not correlate well with the concept of restful sleep. Especially if the bed is between the front door and the window. Eastern sages claim that in this case, streams of negative energy flow over the place to sleep, affecting the emotional state of people. After some time, quarrels and mutual reproaches may begin in the family, children begin to behave badly or get sick.

Negative energy in the house negatively affects the condition and relationships of residents

From a logical point of view, this can be explained by the fact that a person does not feel protected during sleep. On a subconscious level, we try to protect our backs and keep an eye on possible attack routes. Therefore, sound sleep and proper rest are impossible if the bed is positioned with its feet towards the exit and the head towards the window. Hence the accumulating fatigue and irritability, and then scandals are not far away. Some advice from ancient teachings will tell you what to do in such cases.

Chinese puzzle

The teaching of Feng Shui, based on the religious doctrine of Taoism about the merging of a person with the positive energy of qi, was created at a time when the existence of a standard layout could not even be imagined. For some reason, the ancient Chinese managed to become happy from simply rearranging the furniture in their home. In our reality, it is not always possible to follow the ancient teachings and place the sleeping place with your feet in the right direction.

Some tips on how to place a bed according to Feng Shui:

  • The bed should be positioned so that the headboard is adjacent to the wall. It would be good if the back was large and strong. If you place the bed in this way, then on a subconscious level it will be perceived as additional protection.
  • You cannot turn the bed with its head towards the window or into a corner, or place it in the middle of the room. Even if thick curtains on the window create the illusion of reliable protection.

  • Shelves, massive lamps or paintings in heavy frames should not be placed above the bed. On this issue, safety precautions completely agree with the ancient teachings - who knows at what moment it could fall on the heads of those sleeping. And if you place the bed under a low, overhanging or sloping ceiling, then it will put pressure on the psyche.
  • It is preferable to place the matrimonial bed so that the approach is from both sides. It is better to place a bed for a small child in a corner so that it is adjacent to two walls at the same time. This way he will feel as protected as possible.
  • In a hopeless situation, when a place to sleep can only be located between a window and a door, it is worth hanging thick curtains that do not let in light. And they must be closed at night. And a closed door will protect you from the inevitable draft.
  • To maintain peace of mind, it is necessary for the person lying down to see the door to the room. If the bed is positioned so that the entrance remains behind the head, then the sleep cannot be called good. That is, lying with your feet towards the door is not the worst option.
  • The mirror should hang so that the bed is not reflected in it. And here's why: even the smallest ray of light reflected in the mirror can prevent impressionable people and children from having a good rest.

  • No pipes should pass behind the head of the bed - extraneous sounds can be clearly heard in the silence of the night. That is, you need to make sure that the bed does not adjoin the wall of the toilet, bathroom, air duct or fireplace pipe.

In short: placing the bed along the wall with your feet towards the door, but not in line with the window - the door meets almost all the requirements for proper bedroom equipment. If in this way you can make a person joyful and self-confident, then why not.

The key to sound sleep

What to do if the layout is such that it is impossible to change the position of the bed? First of all, it is worth remembering that any superstitions mainly affect impressionable people with unstable psyches. Why should trouble come from furniture arrangement? If you believe in the dependence of personal failures on the location of the bed, then problems will not keep you waiting.

The location of the bed in the bedroom should be convenient for you

Comfortable conditions for rest and sound sleep are important for any person. A comfortable place to sleep with a strong backrest, thick curtains, a calm interior without sharp color spots and an abundance of mirrors are the components of good rest and, as a result, good relationships in the family. And it cannot be said that these requirements are so impossible to fulfill. Strong nerves, worldly wisdom, trust and respect for your family guarantee excellent sleep better than all scientific treatises combined.

Whether we believe the Eastern sages or not, whether we should place the bed with our feet facing the exit or whether we can choose another option, everyone decides for themselves. If it is possible to fulfill the conditions of Feng Shui, great. If not, it’s okay, many people lived and live happily, knowing nothing about this teaching. Take care of safety, create an interior in which you (and not invited specialists) will be truly calm - and have good dreams!