Gravity sand filter for stream pond. Types of filtration systems for artificial reservoirs. What filters are available to the client?

Wiring in a house or apartment can last about 25 years. After which it needs complete or partial replacement.

Replacing electrics in an apartment should begin with dismantling the old electrical network. At first glance, it seems that removing sockets, switches and the cable itself from the wall is quite simple, but even in such an undertaking, difficulties may arise. For example, not everyone knows how to find a wire running in a wall, but it is also advisable to remove it before laying a new line.

Step 1 – Prepare the tools

First you need to collect tools that may be useful during dismantling work. At a minimum, you should have on hand:

  1. Screwdriver set
  2. Pliers
  3. Insulating tape
  4. An indicator screwdriver, or even better, a multimeter
  5. Grinder and hammer drill
  6. Flashlight
  7. Rubberized gloves
  8. Hidden wiring detector

Regarding the latter, it would hardly be advisable to purchase a detector for a single case.

Step 2 – Dismantling work

When all the tools are collected, you can proceed to dismantling the old wiring yourself. First of all, turn off the power in your house or apartment. To do this, we turn off the input circuit breaker in the panel, as well as the group packages, if any (just in case).

Use the indicator to touch the two connectors and make sure that the light is not on. The multimeter should show no voltage in the network.

When the power is turned off, we proceed directly to dismantling. We begin removing the old wiring by disassembling the distribution board - disconnect the wires after the input circuit breaker and remove all group circuit breakers and RCDs (for sockets, lighting, individual electrical appliances). When the shield is disassembled, we move on to dismantling sockets and switches.

There is no need to explain for a long time how to remove old switches and sockets. Simply unscrew the screws, remove the housing and disconnect the wires from the clamps.

Don't forget about chandeliers and wall sconces; they should also be removed when dismantling the wiring.

The last thing to do is dismantle the electrical cable. It is good if the electrical wiring is carried out in an open way. In this case, the cable is simply removed from the box, and a new one is pulled in its place. You can simplify the process even further by attaching the end of the new cable to the old one. During pulling, the new wiring will replace the old one.

As for the electric meter, if you want to dismantle it (move it to another place or replace it altogether), then the first thing you need to do is obtain the appropriate permission from the management company, because To dismantle the electricity meter, you will have to remove the seals.

Things get more complicated when you need to dismantle hidden wiring in the wall. In this case, the first thing to do is find where the old power line runs. The easiest way is to visually inspect the walls. Where prominent plaster seams are visible, a cable line most likely runs through. If there are no visual differences, you will have to use a detector that will show where the old electrical wiring runs that needs to be dismantled.

We draw your attention to the fact that if you change the wiring diagram, it is not at all necessary to remove the electrics located in the wall, especially if they are located in the voids of a panel house. It will be enough to simply insulate the ends and wall up the line, and draw a new one in another place. This will simplify the dismantling process.

If you nevertheless decide to dismantle the old electrical wiring with your own hands, then after finding the route for laying the cable, use a grinder and a hammer drill to cut through the plaster and take out the laid cable line.

All the actions described in this article can be performed by yourself, but, as we have already said, it will be better if they are carried out by qualified electricians who know all the rules for carrying out installation work, as well as safety precautions

When replacing hidden electrical wiring in premises, in most cases, they do not dismantle the old one, preferring to simply “bury” it in the walls.

Indeed, if it is not planned to lay new wires in place of the old ones, there is no need for this. In addition, subsequent sealing of the grooves remaining from the old wires will increase the total volume of finishing work.

However, electrical wiring of premises is not limited to wires alone. It is better to remove old distribution and installation boxes of sockets and switches.

Even if new “electrical points” are located in the place of the old ones, it will not be possible to use them: old “socket boxes” are not suitable for fastening modern electrical installation products into them.

In addition, according to finishing masters, plaster in “smeared” old boxes that have not been removed from the walls does not hold up well, which subsequently risks simply falling out of the wall.

You can remove boxes from the walls using a hammer drill with a peak or chisel attachment, or using a chisel and hammer (boxes are most often “frozen” with a solution of alabaster or plaster).

Before you begin dismantling the old electrical wiring, the premises being repaired must be de-energized. This is a mandatory electrical safety measure when carrying out repair work, which, moreover, is not always limited to just replacing old electrical wiring; it significantly reduces the risk of electric shock to people.

Obviously, modern apartment renovation involves the use of a wide variety of power tools: from hammer drills to hand mixers for mixing plaster mortar. Therefore, before de-energizing the old wiring, it is necessary to provide an option for providing power to this power tool.

Most often, this can be solved quite simply: they “throw away” the outgoing power wires from the machine(s), completely de-energizing the entire house. And in their place, temporary extension cords are installed - carrying cords with sockets, necessary to continue work.

Such a temporary connection will be correct if the machines are included in the circuit after the meter. Otherwise, the latter will not take into account the consumed electricity, which is fraught with problems with Energosbyt in the event of an inspection.

To avoid unaccounted use of electricity when connecting a “temporary”, in the latter case (when the electric meter is connected after protection) you can connect it directly to the terminals of the electric meter (again, “throwing away” the old wires).

It is worth adding that this connection will require removing the terminal cover, which can be sealed. To avoid problems, be sure to notify employees of the energy supply organization in advance about removing this seal.

Wiring can last approximately 20-25 years before it needs to be replaced. Sometimes it is enough to carry out partial dismantling and replacement of the wiring, but it is better to do it completely and before the maximum service life has finally expired.

The modern load on electrical wiring is such that there is a possibility of failure of even relatively fresh wires and devices. So, due to malfunction of sockets or switches, and more often dimers, current leakage and fire occur.

The decision to dismantle the old wiring due to its unsuitability is understandable, but how and in what way should the work be carried out? There are two options: on your own or with the help of specialists.

If you dismantle it yourself, you should seriously prepare.

First you need to find out what type of wiring yours is:

  • open when all wires and devices are on top of the walls or ceiling;
  • closed when most of the wiring is hidden in the walls and ceiling.

Required equipment:

Stages of dismantling old electrical wiring

1. Power outage in an apartment or house. If electricity is needed to operate a power tool, use a temporary cord or extension cord from another power source or neighbor.

2. Checking distribution boxes with a multimeter. If the box cannot be completely removed, then the wires going to it are cut as close as possible. According to this principle, further dismantling of the wire occurs.

3. Remove switches, sockets and lighting fixtures.

4. Removing open-type wiring is simple: attach a new cable to the end of the old wiring and pull it through. This will immediately replace it with a new one. Dismantling hidden wires is more difficult; you will have to use a circuit diagram and a hidden wiring detector. Then use a hammer drill or grinder.

That's basically all about dismantling the wiring. Do you find the process difficult? We advise you to turn to professionals for help in dismantling and disposing of old wiring.

Call us and we’ll agree on work at a price that suits you!

Instructions for using the calculator

We have developed for you a convenient calculator for the cost of work and materials. With its help, you can independently estimate how much you will spend on the work you have chosen and the materials necessary for this.

  1. First you need to choose the material from which the walls of your apartment are made. Hover your mouse cursor over the appropriate window and click on it.
  2. Then decide on the total area of ​​the premises in which the work is expected to be carried out. In the “Room area” form, click on the + or – buttons to enter the total area of ​​the premises in which work is to be performed. You can also enter manually using the keyboard.
  3. Select in the appropriate fields the number of different sockets you want to install. Think about the kitchen. How many electrical appliances do you have in your household (refrigerator, microwave, dishwasher, etc.).
  4. In the same way, enter the number of lighting fixtures to be installed. Enter the number of switches that will turn them on.
  5. Check or uncheck the boxes “Bell”, “Sign in the entrance”, “Sign in the room” in accordance with your choice.
  6. When you hover your mouse over the question mark next to each form field, you will see a tooltip.
  7. When you have finished entering, click on the “Calculate cost” button. By clicking this button, you will receive a “List of Works”, “List of Materials” and their cost. The amount of the discount provided will also be reflected.

Work and materials cost calculator

For your convenience, we have developed the most accurate electrical installation calculator.

List of materials

  • LEGRAND sockets (France).
  • Decorative frames LEGRAND (France).
  • LEGRAND switches (France).
  • Socket boxes and distribution boxes from HOGEL.
  • Modern, high-quality, meeting all standards, copper non-flammable wire VVG NG Ls or NYM of the required cross-section depending on the load.
  • Corrugated PVC pipe complete with fasteners as needed.
  • Modern high-quality cable for satellite television from CAVEL (Italy) SAT 703.
  • TV sockets LEGRAND (France).
  • Modern cable channels in colors agreed with the customer, either a metal hose with additional internal HDPE insulation, or metal pipes.
  • Internet sockets LEGRAND (France).
  • Splitter (crab) for satellite television.
  • Modern high-quality shielded FTP 5e cable (twisted pair).
  • Modern automation with multi-level protection from ABB (Germany). Circuit breakers, RCD (residual current device), differential circuit breakers.
  • Modern, space-appropriate, compact electrical panel.
  • Consumables: diamond discs, metal discs, drills, terminal blocks, electrical tape, dowel-nails, tires, light bulbs and cartridges.
  • Alabaster and Rothband.

List of works

  • Chasing and cutting walls using modern technologies for wires, electrical outlets and distribution boxes.
  • Installation of cable channels in compliance with the aesthetic appearance, or installation of open RETRO wires using the external method of installing electrical wiring. Installation of wires in a modern high-quality metal hose with additional internal HDPE insulation, or installation in metal pipes using the internal method of installing electrical wiring.
    Lining of wall passages.
  • Chasing and cutting walls using modern technologies for wires, electrical outlets and distribution boxes.
  • Chasing and cutting walls using modern technologies for wires, electrical outlets and distribution boxes.
  • Laying wires in a groove and, if necessary, in a corrugated PVC pipe with fastening with clips.
  • Installation of socket boxes.
  • Installation of sockets.
  • Checking the system's functionality.
  • Installation of TV sockets.
  • Installation of Internet or telephone sockets.
  • Installation of switches.
  • Installation of light bulb sockets.
  • Installation of modern reliable multi-level automation (RCD, Differential circuit breakers, Protection circuit breakers).
  • Chasing and cutting a niche for an electrical panel. Installation of internal electrical panel.
  • Installation of a specialized grounding kit from leading modern manufacturers.