Groups for disabled people with cerebral palsy. Rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy: description of methods. Means of technical rehabilitation

I have been diagnosed with cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy) since birth. More precisely, from the age of one (about then the doctors finally determined the name of what was happening to me). I graduated from a special school for children with cerebral palsy, and 11 years later I came to work there. 20 years have passed since then... According to the most conservative estimates, I know, more or less closely, more than half a thousand people with cerebral palsy. I think this is enough to dispel the myths that those who are faced with this diagnosis for the first time tend to believe.

Myth one: Cerebral palsy is a serious illness

It is no secret that many parents, upon hearing this diagnosis from a doctor, experience shock. Especially in recent years, when the media are increasingly talking about people with severe cerebral palsy - wheelchair users with damage to their arms and legs, slurred speech and constant violent movements (hyperkinesis). They don’t even know that many people with cerebral palsy speak normally and walk confidently, and with mild forms they do not stand out among healthy people at all. Where does this myth come from?

Like many other diseases, cerebral palsy ranges from mild to severe. In fact, it is not even a disease, but a common cause of a number of disorders. Its essence is that during pregnancy or childbirth, certain areas of the cerebral cortex are affected in the baby, mainly those responsible for motor functions and coordination of movements. This causes cerebral palsy - disruption of the correct functioning of individual muscles, up to the complete inability to control them. Doctors count more than 1000 factors that can trigger this process. Obviously, different factors cause different consequences.

Traditionally, there are 5 main forms of cerebral palsy, plus mixed forms:

Spastic tetraplegia– the most severe form, when the patient, due to excessive muscle tension, is unable to control either his arms or legs and often experiences severe pain. Only 2% of people with cerebral palsy suffer from it (hereinafter statistics are taken from the Internet), but they are the ones most often talked about in the media.

Spastic diplegia– a form in which either the upper or lower extremities are severely affected. The legs are more often affected - a person walks with bent knees. Little's disease, on the contrary, is characterized by severe damage to the hands and speech with relatively healthy legs. Consequences of spastic diplegia occur in 40% of cerebral palsy patients.

At hemiplegic form motor functions of the arms and legs on one side of the body are affected. 32% have signs of it.

In 10% of people with cerebral palsy, the main form is dyskinetic or hyperkinetic. It is characterized by strong involuntary movements - hyperkinesis - in all extremities, as well as in the muscles of the face and neck. Hyperkinesis often occurs in other forms of cerebral palsy.

For ataxic form characterized by decreased muscle tone, sluggish slow movements, severe imbalance. It is observed in 15% of patients.

So, the baby was born with one of the forms of cerebral palsy. And then other factors are included - factors of life, which, as you know, is different for everyone. Therefore, what happens to him after a year is more correctly called the consequences of cerebral palsy. They can be completely different even within the same form. I know a man with spastic diplegia of the legs and quite strong hyperkinesis, who graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University, teaches at the institute and goes on hikes with healthy people.

According to various sources, 3-8 babies out of 1000 are born with cerebral palsy. The majority (up to 85%) have mild to moderate severity of the disease. This means that many people simply do not associate the peculiarities of their gait or speech with the “terrible” diagnosis and believe that there are no cerebral palsy in their environment. Therefore, the only source of information for them is publications in the media, which do not at all strive for objectivity...

Myth two: Cerebral palsy is curable

For most parents of children with cerebral palsy, this myth is extremely attractive. Without thinking about the fact that disorders in the functioning of the brain today cannot be corrected by any means, they ignore the “ineffective” advice of ordinary doctors, spending all their savings and collecting huge sums with the help of charitable foundations in order to pay for an expensive course in the next popular center. Meanwhile, the secret to alleviating the consequences of cerebral palsy is not so much in fashionable procedures, but in constant work with the baby, starting from the first weeks of life. Baths, regular massages, games with straightening the legs and arms, turning the head and developing precision of movements, communication - this is the basis that in most cases helps the child’s body partially compensate for the disturbances. After all, the main task of early treatment of the consequences of cerebral palsy is not the correction of the defect itself, but the prevention of improper development of muscles and joints. And this can only be achieved through daily work.

Myth three: Cerebral palsy does not progress

This is how those who are faced with mild consequences of the disease console themselves. Formally, this is true - the state of the brain does not really change. However, even a mild form of hemiplegia, practically invisible to others, by the age of 18 inevitably causes curvature of the spine, which, if not addressed, is a direct path to early osteochondrosis or intervertebral hernia. And this means severe pain and limited mobility, up to the inability to walk. Each form of cerebral palsy has similar typical consequences. The only trouble is that in Russia this data is practically not generalized, and therefore no one warns growing children with cerebral palsy and their relatives about the dangers that await them in the future.

Parents know much better that the affected areas of the brain become sensitive to the general condition of the body. A temporary increase in spasticity or hyperkinesis can be caused even by a common flu or a surge in blood pressure. In rare cases, a nervous shock or serious illness causes a sharp long-term increase in all the consequences of cerebral palsy and even the appearance of new ones.

Of course, this does not mean that people with cerebral palsy should be kept in greenhouse conditions. On the contrary: the stronger the human body, the more easily it adapts to unfavorable factors. However, if a procedure or physical exercise regularly causes, for example, increased spasticity, it should be abandoned. Under no circumstances should you do anything through “I can’t”!

Parents should pay special attention to the condition of the child from 12 to 18 years of age. At this time, even healthy children experience serious overload due to the peculiarities of the body's restructuring. (One of the problems of this age is the growth of the skeleton, which outstrips the development of muscle tissue.) I know several cases when walking children, due to problems with the knee and hip joints at this age, sat in a stroller, and forever. This is why Western doctors do not recommend putting cerebral palsy children aged 12-18 years on their feet if they have not walked before.

Myth four: everything comes from cerebral palsy

The consequences of cerebral palsy are very different, and yet their list is limited. However, relatives of people with this diagnosis sometimes consider cerebral palsy to be the cause not only of impaired motor functions, as well as vision and hearing, but also of such phenomena as autism or hyperactivity syndrome. And most importantly, they believe that if cerebral palsy is cured, all other problems will be solved on their own. Meanwhile, even if the cause of the disease is indeed cerebral palsy, it is necessary to treat not only it, but also the specific disease.

During the birth process, Sylvester Stallone's facial nerve endings were partially damaged - part of the actor's cheeks, lips and tongue remained paralyzed, however, slurred speech, a grin and large sad eyes later became his calling card.

The phrase “You have cerebral palsy, what do you want!” is especially funny! sounds in the mouths of doctors. I heard it more than once or twice from doctors of different specialties. In this case, I have to patiently and persistently explain that I want the same thing as any other person - relief from my own condition. As a rule, the doctor gives in and prescribes the procedures that I need. As a last resort, going to the manager helps. But in any case, when faced with a particular disease, a person with cerebral palsy has to be especially attentive to himself and sometimes suggest to doctors the necessary treatment in order to minimize the negative impact of the procedures.

Myth five: people with cerebral palsy don’t get hired anywhere

It is extremely difficult to say anything based on statistics here, because there is simply no reliable data. However, judging by the graduates of the mass classes of special boarding school No. 17 in Moscow, where I work, only a few remain at home after school. About half go to specialized colleges or departments of universities, a third go to regular universities and colleges, and some go straight to work. At least half of the graduates are subsequently employed. Sometimes girls quickly get married after finishing school and begin to “work” as a mother. The situation is more complicated with graduates of classes for children with mental retardation, however, even there, about half of the graduates continue their studies in specialized colleges.

This myth is spread mainly by those who are unable to soberly assess their abilities and want to study or work where they are unlikely to meet the requirements. Having received a refusal, such people and their parents often turn to the media, trying to force their way. If a person knows how to balance desires with possibilities, he finds his way without showdowns and scandals.

A good example is our graduate Ekaterina K., a girl with a severe form of Little’s disease. Katya walks, but can work on a computer with just one finger of her left hand, and her speech is understood only by very close people. The first attempt to enroll in a university as a psychologist failed - after looking at the unusual applicant, several teachers declared that they refused to teach her. A year later, the girl entered the Academy of Printing in the editorial department, where there was a distance learning form. Her studies went so well that Katya began earning extra money by taking tests for her classmates. After graduating from university, she was unable to find a permanent job (one of the reasons was the lack of a work recommendation from ITU). However, from time to time she works as a moderator of educational websites in a number of universities in the capital (the employment contract is drawn up in the name of another person). And in his free time he writes poetry and prose, posting his works on his own website.

Dry residue

What can I advise parents who find out that their baby has cerebral palsy?

First of all, calm down and try to pay him as much attention as possible, surrounding him (especially at an early age!) with only positive emotions. At the same time, try to live as if an ordinary child is growing up in your family - walk with him in the yard, dig in the sandbox, helping your baby establish contact with peers. There is no need to remind him about the disease once again - the child himself must come to an understanding of his characteristics.

Secondly, do not rely on the fact that sooner or later your child will be healthy. Accept him for who he is. One should not think that in the first years of life all efforts should be devoted to treatment, leaving the development of intelligence “for later.” The development of mind, soul and body are interconnected. Much in overcoming the consequences of cerebral palsy depends on the child’s desire to overcome them, and without the development of intelligence it simply will not arise. If the baby does not understand why he needs to endure the discomfort and difficulties associated with treatment, there will be little benefit from such procedures.

Third, be lenient with those who ask tactless questions and give “stupid” advice. Remember: recently you yourself knew no more about cerebral palsy than they did. Try to calmly conduct such conversations, because their attitude towards your child depends on how you communicate with others.

And most importantly, believe: your child will be fine if he grows up to be an open and friendly person.

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    I read the article. My topic :)
    32 years old, right-sided hemiparesis (mild form of cerebral palsy). An ordinary kindergarten, an ordinary school, a university, an independent search for a job (in fact, that’s where I am now), travel, friends, ordinary life….
    And I went through the “lame-footed” one, and through the “club-footed” one, and through God knows what. And there will be much more, I'm sure!
    BUT! The main thing is a positive attitude and strength of character, optimism!!


    Should we really expect things to get worse with age? I have mild spasticity in my legs


    But people’s attitude and unfavorable living conditions broke me. At 36 years old, I have no education, no job, no family, although it is a mild form (right-sided hemiparesis).


    After vaccinations, a lot of “cerebral palsy” appeared. Although the children do not have cerebral palsy at all. There is nothing congenital or intrauterine there. But they attribute it to cerebral palsy and, accordingly, incorrectly “heal” it. As a result, they actually get a type of paralysis.
    Often the cause of “congenital” cerebral palsy is not trauma at all, but an intrauterine infection.


    A wonderful article that raises a huge problem - how to live “with it”. It has been well shown that it is equally bad not to take into account the presence of limitations associated with the disease and to attach excessive importance to them. You shouldn't focus on what you can't do, but rather focus on what you can.
    And it is indeed very important to pay attention to intellectual development. We even injected Cerebrocurin, it gave us a huge boost in development, after all, embryonic neuropeptides really help to use the existing capabilities of the brain. My opinion is that you shouldn’t wait for a miracle, but you shouldn’t give up either. The author is right: “this can only be achieved through the daily work” of the parents themselves, and the sooner they do this, the more productive it will be. It’s too late to start “preventing improper development of muscles and joints” after one and a half years of age - “the locomotive has left.” I know from personal experience and from the experience of other parents.
    Ekaterina, all the best to you.

    * Kinesthesia (ancient Greek κινέω - “move, touch” + αἴσθησις - “feeling, sensation”) - the so-called “muscular feeling”, a sense of position and movement of both individual members and the entire human body. (Wikipedia)


    I completely disagree with the author. firstly, why didn’t they say anything about double hemiplegia when considering the forms of cerebral palsy? it differs from ordinary hemiplegia and from spastic tetraparesis. secondly, cerebral palsy is truly curable. if we mean the development of compensatory capabilities of the brain and improvement of the patient’s condition. thirdly, the author has seen heavy children in the eyes??? those that are out of the question to bear playing in the sandbox. when you look at a child almost in the wrong way and he shakes with convulsions. and the screaming doesn't stop. and he arches in such a way that there are bruises on mom’s arms when she tries to hold him. when the child cannot only sit or lie down. fourthly. the form of cerebral palsy is nothing at all. the main thing is the severity of the disease. I saw spastic diplegia in two children - one is almost no different from his peers, the other is all crooked and with convulsions, of course, he cannot even sit upright in a stroller. but there is only one diagnosis.


    I don’t quite agree with the article as a mother of a child with cerebral palsy - spastic diplegia, moderate severity. As a mother, it’s easier for me to live and fight thinking that if this is incurable, then it’s fixable—it’s possible to bring the child as close as possible to “norms.” social life. For 5 years we have heard enough that it is better to send our son to a boarding school and give birth to a healthy one ourselves... and this is from two different orthopedic doctors! It was said in front of a child whose intelligence was preserved and he heard everything... of course he closed himself off, began to avoid strangers... but we have a huge jump - our son walks on his own, although he has poor balance and his knees are bent... but we are fighting. We started quite late - from 10 months , before that they treated other consequences of premature birth and doctors’ indifference...

1. In 2003, I was 40 years old and was given disability (regional) group 3 (problem with one arm, birth injury, does not rise above 35 degrees). But they did not give me an IPRA (individual rehabilitation program for the disabled). (I recently learned that I have the right to IPR). But I was warned that in the place where I have a commission - MSEC in Ufa, which is supposed to give me an IPRA, it could deprive me of the group completely, despite the obvious defect... since the commission is not objective, with obvious disabilities (including cerebral palsy ), those who are not capable of full-time work, are deprived of the group completely, after passing the commission, instead of simply providing an individual program.. Question, since I have the right to IPR, I would like to protect myself from injustice, so that the group is not removed from me completely ... and who should I contact first for advice?

Lawyer Ishchenko N.N., 176 answers, 111 reviews, on the site from 06/06/2019
1.1. Hello! I advise you to make hidden and open video and audio recordings. Cases like this happen everywhere and even in the courts, so only proactive actions can be taken in advance. Write inquiries to the Administration and the prosecutor's office, for example, about how lawful such actions could be in such and such a place... as well as complaints. Obviously, this is illegal, however, once the inspections begin, employees of institutions will commit illegal actions much less often.

2. A neurologist suggested that my child (2.5 years old) undergo a disability commission. We have hallux valgus, a risk group for cerebral palsy. The probability of getting a disability is about 80%, according to the doctor. But the baby has every chance of becoming a healthy, happy toddler in a couple of years. The question is this: I heard that a mark on childhood disability serves as a reason for 100% refusal when applying for service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc. Security forces, cadet corps, gives a complete deferment from the army... For my family this is a very important point. Is this true? Is it possible to avoid problems in the future after the disability is lifted?

Lawyer E. B. Nacharkina, 22 replies, 8 reviews, online since 10/11/2019
2.1. If you have cerebral palsy, you will not be allowed into law enforcement agencies, because... This diagnosis is written on the card. It is up to you to decide whether to register a disability or not.

3. The child was denied disability 2 times, the first time at the local medical center, the 2nd time at the main bureau, citing that they received little treatment, the child has several diagnoses and at 3 years old he has no self-care skills, we have a different form of cerebral palsy due to cerebral gliosis. We need rehabilitation, which is provided free of charge for disability, otherwise it’s all paid and expensive, I was fired from my job because I have to sit with the child and go with him to the compensation kindergarten. My husband’s salary is only enough for food and accommodation, since we are a low-income family. What remains is to write a complaint to the federal bureau in Moscow? And how to write a complaint to the Ministry of Social Protection?

Lawyer Grudkin B.V., 9819 answers, 4132 reviews, on the site from 05/12/2010
3.1. Yes, in your case you should file a complaint with the Federal Bureau of ITU. The complaint should emphasize that, due to his actual condition due to the disease, the child has serious limitations in his life activities and objectively needs various types of rehabilitation.
They treated little - they treated a lot, and who exactly is to blame for this - these are not issues that the ITU should take into account when establishing disability.

4. This situation has developed. The child is disabled with cerebral palsy and cannot walk. Registered in the Tyumen region. where are the parents. He receives a disability pension there. But he lives in the Krasnodar region. G. Yeisk with his grandmother and aunt. Studying at a boarding school (home-schooled), the policy is linked to temporary registration. The IPR took place in Yeisk. Until today, the FSS in Yeysk received referrals to technical services for rehabilitation. Now they are talking. Either you receive everything there or register here. What should we do? So that the child lives in Yeisk for now, but can also receive those aids.

Lawyer Kalashnikov V.V., 188682 answers, 61692 reviews, on the site from 09/20/2013
4.1. They say it right. The place of registration must correspond to the place of residence. Because According to this principle, assistance is provided in the prescribed manner.
Federal Law of November 24, 1995 N 181-FZ (as amended on July 18, 2019) “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation”, Art. 17

Lawyer Shishkin V.M., 62653 answers, 25534 reviews, on the site from 02/11/2013
4.2. That's right. You need to register your child in Yeysk. Then there will be no problems

Assistance is provided at the place of registration.
Federal Law of November 24, 1995 N 181-FZ (as amended on July 18, 2019) “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation”, Art. 17.

Lawyer Lugacheva E.N., 511 answers, 329 reviews, on the site from 09/25/2019
4.3. Good afternoon.
According to Art. 11.1. Federal Law of November 24, 1995 N 181-FZ (as amended on July 18, 2019) “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation”
Technical means of rehabilitation are provided to disabled people at their place of residence by authorized bodies in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as other interested organizations.

Lawyer Karavaitseva E.A., 57885 answers, 27457 reviews, on the site from 03/01/2012
4.4. The child has the right to those. rehabilitation means at the place of temporary registration (at the place of stay). You need to confirm the fact that you do not receive the required benefits at your permanent place of residence. To do this, you need to provide the relevant social security authority at the place of temporary registration with a certificate from the locality where permanent registration was registered. Social security authorities themselves can make a request to their own department in another city if you know the name and exact address of the relevant service, so it is not necessary to go on your own to get a certificate.

Article 19 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation prohibits restriction of the rights of citizens, including on the basis of place of residence.

Lawyer Ikaeva M.N., 14665 answers, 6712 reviews, on the site since 03/17/2011
4.5. Hello Valentina

You do not have the right to refuse to further receive those funds for rehabilitation, the requirement for re-registration is illegal, this is indicated in the order of social protection of the Russian Federation dated January 28, 2019 N 43 n. 4, you have the right to receive everything necessary for a disabled child according to your choice

In case of violations, contact the Prosecutor's Office with a complaint.

Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated January 28, 2019 N 43 n "On amendments to some orders of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation on the appointment and payment of pensions"

1. In the Rules for applying for an insurance pension, a fixed payment to an insurance pension, taking into account the increase in the fixed payment to an insurance pension, funded pension, including employers, and a pension for state pension provision, their assignment, establishment, recalculation, adjustment of their size, in including persons who do not have a permanent place of residence on the territory of the Russian Federation, conducting checks of documents necessary to establish them, transferring from one type of pension to another in accordance with the federal laws “On insurance pensions”, “On funded pensions” and “On state pension provision in the Russian Federation", approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2014 N 884 n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 31, 2014, registration N 35498), as amended by orders of the Ministry of Labor and social protection of the Russian Federation dated June 14, 2016 N 290 n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on July 4, 2016, registration N 42730) and dated February 13, 2018 N 94 n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 14, 2018 , registration N 51077):

A) in paragraph 4:

In paragraph one, replace the words “at your place of residence” with the words “at your own choice”;

In paragraph three, replace the words “points 5-7, 9, 11, 12, 15” with the words “points 9 and 12”;

Add the following paragraph:

"Citizens living in the Far North and equivalent areas, in order to establish an increase in the fixed payment to the old-age insurance pension, a fixed payment to the disability insurance pension, a fixed payment to the survivor's insurance pension, as well as an additional increase in increases in the fixed payments to the specified insurance pensions provided for by parts 9 and 10 of Article 17 of the Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions", citizens living in rural areas, in order to establish an increase in the fixed payment to the old-age insurance pension, an increase in the fixed payment to the disability insurance pension provided for Part 14 of Article 17 of the Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions", citizens living in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, in areas with severe climatic conditions that require additional material and physiological costs for citizens living there, in order to increase the size of the state pension pension provision in connection with residence in the specified areas (localities) in the cases provided for in paragraph 5 of Article 15, paragraph 3 of Article 16, paragraph 4 of Article 17, paragraph 7 of Article 17.1, paragraph 5 of Article 17.2, paragraph 2 of Article 18 of the Federal Law "On State Pension Security" in the Russian Federation", an application for a pension is submitted to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence (stay, actual residence) in the specified areas (localities).";

Lawyer Ligostaeva A.V., 237177 answers, 74620 reviews, on the site since November 26, 2008
4.6. --- Hello dear site visitor! This option will not work. According to the law of the Krasnodar Territory, a disabled person must be registered in the Krasnodar Territory, and not otherwise! Disabled people have the right to rehabilitation - to receive medical care aimed at full or partial restoration of health or social and everyday skills (Chapter 3 of the Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation” No. 181). Also, disabled people can receive the necessary technical equipment: crutches, wheelchairs, hearing aids, etc. (government order No. 2347-r).
--- And this is where the discrepancy between the laws begins, namely, you need to contact the SME at the place where the disability group was established, at the place of permanent residence of the disabled person, to receive a wheelchair!
Required documents
Birth certificate (passport)
Documents proving the identity and powers of the parent or legal representative (adoptive parent, guardian, trustee)
ITU Conclusion
SNILS of the child and parent or legal representative
The Pension Fund may request other documents if those provided are not sufficient to confirm the status. You are given 3 months to provide the missing documents.

Documents are submitted by parents or other legal representatives.
Good luck to you and all the best, with respect, lawyer Ligostaeva A.V.

The following circumstances may be taken into account: for example, the defendant moved to a lower paid job; got married and has a dependent spouse from his second marriage; took out a mortgage, etc.

29. Married, 2 children - 14 and 7 years old, the youngest is disabled - cerebral palsy. My husband has had another woman for 5 years now, he won’t go to her, her husband is sick. I don't agree to divorce. I want to apply at least for alimony, but I think that he will not provide me with a salary certificate. He works as a security guard, his salary is in an envelope. What can I do, what do I have the right to do in this situation?

Lawyer Kolkovsky Yu.V., 100,710 answers, 46,996 reviews, on the site from 07/05/2015
29.1. You have the right to a fixed amount of money in the amount of the subsistence minimum for each child.

30. My son has been disabled since childhood; he has cerebral palsy. Is it possible for us to undergo re-examination of disability into the adult category in absentia? We are just undergoing treatment in France.

Lawyer Sukhanov M.A., 3261 answers, 2057 reviews, on the site since 03/20/2017
30.1. Firstly, the examination can take place according to documents in the absence of the person being examined. But you may have problems due to the inability to control the progress of the examination, and in the case of a negative result (refusal to establish disability), it is more difficult to challenge, because They themselves refused to attend and, as a result, the experts might not have found out something important.
Secondly, if there is evidence (not just words) of a good reason for the inability to undergo re-examination on time, you have the right to present this evidence to the ITU bureau, ask to undergo re-examination, in which experts can recognize the reasons for missing the deadline as valid and establish disability for the past with more an early date (when it was necessary to undergo the examination, and not when it was actually completed).
But we must take into account that experts have no obligation to recognize the reason for missing a deadline as valid. They may find her disrespectful.

We are glad to welcome regular and new visitors to our portal. In the current material we will discuss the question of whether disability is given for cerebral palsy and whether it is always possible to get at least the third group. We will tell you what gives a child a special status, what benefits a person with disabilities and his parents receive with him.

Cerebral palsy manifests itself from childhood; the sick child needs outside help and support from an adult. Assigned disability implies some concessions. It is important for the applicant and his representatives to know their rights in order to protect them if necessary. To do this, you should study the reasons and the order itself.

General concepts

Which group is determined for cerebral palsy?

Which disability group will be assigned to a child with a disability when he reaches 18 years of age will depend on the degree of his disability. With minimal deviations, a person can successfully attend a group, get a job in simple jobs, and take care of himself in everyday life. At ITU, certain criteria and factors are assessed.

First group

It is prescribed to persons who are unable to care for themselves independently. We are talking about eating, changing clothes, going to the toilet, walking and other household needs. The patient's ability to communicate with people around him and to navigate in space is impaired. Requires outside care and control.

Probably, few people have not heard about such an increasingly common congenital disease as cerebral palsy or cerebral palsy. Usually, such a diagnosis is made during pregnancy to an unborn baby, but this does not mean for him and his parents that they have signed a death sentence. It is known that people suffering from cerebral palsy often become successful programmers, lawyers, psychologists, and so on; cerebral palsy is only a physical deviation from the norm that can be dealt with. Of course, it can be very difficult to overcome cerebral palsy on your own, which is why the most important place in the process of caring for such a child and his treatment is occupied by state assistance.

The diagnosis of cerebral palsy belongs to the list of diseases that require registration of disability. Many parents are afraid of this status and do not want to legitimize it, which becomes a rather serious mistake on their part. It is known that constant and competent care, complex therapy, massages, medications, special exercise equipment - all this can help a child achieve greater mobility of the limbs, and the sooner the child begins to receive such help, the greater the chance that he will walk almost like any other person .

The necessary medications and complexes of various therapies are quite expensive, and registration of disability eliminates some of the problems. A disabled child with cerebral palsy has the right to receive from the state not only a special pension, but he is also entitled to a certain list of other guarantees.

Benefits and pensions for a child with cerebral palsy

The average amount of benefits that a family raising a disabled child receives every month is about 20 thousand rubles. This amount includes not only the pension directly due to a disabled person (about nine thousand rubles), but also some social payments, such as a monthly payment, which can be replaced by a free sanatorium or medicine, travel expenses, etc., as well as social payments to parents who do not work in order to provide care for a sick child with cerebral palsy and other types of social benefits.

For a family with a special child, such a monthly amount cannot be excessive, because the child needs medicine, special shoes, clothing, and special exercise equipment for home exercises. Therefore, parents should not refuse to register their child’s disability in his own interests, especially since, in addition to cash payments, the state offers families of children with cerebral palsy other types of assistance.

Guarantees for disabled children with cerebral palsy

Of course, like any other child with a disability, such special children have the right to free education, higher education on preferential terms, free books, travel, and so on. But up to a certain point, the most important remains the medical care that the state will provide to such a baby.

First of all, a child with cerebral palsy has the right to participate in a rehabilitation program. It includes not only free medicines, but also much more. For example, a child with cerebral palsy has the right to undergo annual treatment in a sanatorium, undergo free courses of physiotherapy, massage, and also take a course of physical therapy on specially designed exercise equipment every few months.

Also, as part of the program to help children with cerebral palsy, the families of such children can receive free from the state special shoes, mobility aids if the child cannot walk independently, home exercise equipment and other orthopedic aids necessary for the child.

All these types of government assistance, subject to the recommendations of doctors and the boundless love of parents for their child, can help the baby quickly adapt to life, learn to walk and live a full, albeit not so active, life.

Disability for cerebral palsy is given not on the basis of an existing diagnosis, but if the disease is accompanied by limitations in life activity. In this case, it means limited ability to move, speak, self-care, and learn. has varying degrees of severity, but in many cases it leads to disability. This disease is not considered genetic, but is congenital. This is what makes it special.

For what reasons does a child develop cerebral palsy?

The main cause of this serious disease is considered to be damage to the parts of the brain responsible for the functioning of the entire body. Damage to a child’s brain can begin in the womb, from the first days of life, or during childbirth.

The following factors can increase the likelihood of developing cerebral palsy:

  • intrauterine infections;
  • low hemoglobin in pregnant women;
  • infection of the nervous system in an infant;
  • difficult childbirth;
  • asphyxia during childbirth.

In addition, alcohol abuse by a woman during pregnancy significantly increases the likelihood of developing cerebral palsy. It is quite difficult to determine whether a child has this disease at an early age. The fact is that the baby’s physical activity is limited, and he sleeps for a long part of the day. Only the most severe forms of the disease can be detected at this early stage. As the baby develops, some abnormalities may occur, usually 2 months after birth.

To identify cerebral palsy in a child, a neurologist prescribes a list of medical examinations that can be used to make a correct diagnosis. In infants, neurosonography is used for this (examination of parts of the brain through the fontanel). For older children, the procedure of electroencephalography and electroneuromyography is used to determine muscle performance. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the child with cerebral palsy will be classified as disabled.

How can you visually identify this disease?

Initially, you should observe how the child’s arms and legs function correctly. Cerebral palsy can cause spasms of motor activity in both the upper and lower extremities. In addition to this, the muscle fibers are under great tension, so that they are difficult to bend or straighten. Symptoms of lethargy are also likely, in which there are difficulties in moving the arms and legs.

The other is hyperkinesis. With it, involuntary movements are observed in the muscle structures. If the described symptoms are detected, the child must be seen immediately by a doctor. These signs can lead to severe disability.

During the life of the child, other manifestations or complications may be noticeable. These include impaired speech abilities due to spasm of the speech apparatus. This leads to the child starting to stutter or speaking slowly. In addition, cerebral palsy can be accompanied by a mental disorder from the simplest to the most severe forms. The final stage of this disorder is oligophrenia.

Today, modern equipment is used to detect cerebral palsy in a timely manner. At the same time, the rehabilitation period is most successful for children. In order to make a diagnosis, various examinations are prescribed depending on age.

Only the state medical and social examination service can recognize a child as disabled. At this point, the health status and degree of activity limitation of the disabled person is assessed.

What benefits does disability give to a child?

The main reason for calling for disability registration for a child with cerebral palsy is pension payments provided by the state. These are funds intended for the purchase of necessary medications and various care products for a disabled child.

In addition to pension accruals, a disabled child has the right to the following benefits:

  • free travel on city public transport (except taxis);
  • benefits for travel by rail, air and river transport;
  • free treatment in a sanatorium;
  • providing disabled people with necessary medical equipment;
  • free receipt of medicines at a pharmacy according to a prescription prescribed by a doctor.

These rights are granted not only to disabled children, but also to their mothers. This is a benefit when calculating tax payments on income received, the right to a reduced work schedule, additional leave, as well as immediate retirement. Receipt of benefits will depend on what disability group the child is given.

Group 1 is considered the most dangerous and is assigned to a child who does not have the ability to carry out independent care without anyone’s help (move, eat, dress, etc.). At the same time, a disabled person does not have the opportunity to fully communicate with people around him, and therefore needs regular supervision.

Disability group 2 implies some restrictions in the above manipulations.

Also, a child who received group 2 does not have the ability to learn.

However, it is possible to obtain knowledge in institutions designated for these purposes for disabled children with disabilities.

Group 3 is assigned to a disabled person who is able to individually carry out movements, communicate, and learn. But at the same time, children have a delayed reaction, and therefore require additional monitoring due to their health status.

Disability in cerebral palsy

As mentioned above, children receive disability when diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Mandatory assistance in documenting disability must be provided by a doctor at the site. In addition, he must give a referral for a medical examination. At the next stage, a medical and sanitary examination (MSE) is carried out, with the help of which the diagnosis is confirmed. When preparing to undergo it, you should clarify the severity of motor disorders, the degree of damage to the hand, the degree of impairment of support, speech, mental disorder and other factors.

Parents must prepare the required documents in order to register a disability group for a child with cerebral palsy. The kit includes: a referral received at the clinic, with the results of the studies performed, a birth certificate, a passport of one of the parents, an application, a certificate of registration from the housing office, photocopies of all necessary documents. In addition to this, you may need other documents that confirm your general state of health (examination results or hospital notes).

Within about a month, parents should be issued a certificate on the basis of which a certain disability group will be assigned. This document should be submitted to the Pension Fund to process pension payments.

Thus, childhood illnesses can be quite serious, as in the case of cerebral palsy. If a child has this pathology, he must be assigned a disability group by a higher authority. Disabled children have the right to free medical care and life-sustaining medications.

In addition to medical care, children with cerebral palsy also need pedagogical assistance. To do this, parents, together with teachers, must draw up a comprehensive plan for influencing a disabled child. It should include classes on teaching correct movements, therapeutic exercises, massage, and work on exercise machines. The main role is given to early speech therapy activities.

The result of physiotherapeutic and speech therapy is enhanced by drug treatment.

However, it is completely impossible. But with timely measures and correct behavior of parents and teachers, a disabled child can achieve enormous success in independent care and acquiring skills.