Heating the cottage with electricity. Which electric heating option is best to choose for a summer house?

A dacha is a great place to spend time with family and friends. You can even live on it in the summer. However, some people prefer to relax at their summer cottage not only in the warm season, but also in the cold season. This is where many summer residents have a question about how to ensure heating of a summer house in winter without electricity, because it is not always possible to connect the heating system using electrical equipment.

How to heat a country house

Currently, there are many ways to heat a country house. When choosing one or another heating scheme, you should take into account some subtleties. Since country houses were built in different time periods, the building materials used for their construction may differ from each other. Some people spent a lot of money on the construction of their country house, raising a full-fledged structure to the fullest extent, while for others the dacha cost a pittance, but at the same time it was not suitable for permanent residence.

Heating a country house largely depends on the building materials that were used in the construction of the premises. If you use heat-resistant panels and slabs, heating will be much easier than when equipping a dilapidated building.

In addition, when selecting a heating system, it is necessary to take into account the availability of communications. As a rule, most holiday villages are located in remote places from centralized gas pipelines.

When choosing how to economically heat a dacha in winter, it is also important to take into account the fact of the presence of the nearest source of coolant. So, the house can be heated using coal, firewood, diesel fuel, etc.

The most popular type of fuel in Russia for heating country houses, country houses and even country houses has been and remains firewood. Firstly, their price is lower than any other alternative fuels, and secondly, such resources can always be at hand.

VIDEO: Electric heating. An inexpensive way to heat your home

Types of heating systems

Cottage heating options are classified depending on the coolant:

  • air;
  • steam;
  • electrical;
  • aquatic.

In addition, heating blocks are grouped based on the type of fuel:

  • liquid fuel - diesel fuel, diesel fuel, etc.;
  • gas heaters for summer cottages;
  • solid fuel - firewood, coal, pellets, etc.;
  • Heating a country house with electricity.

Each of these heating block piping methods has its pros and cons. If we talk about price, then the most expensive will be an oil heating system. Whereas the cheapest heating system for a country house will be a gas boiler. However, as mentioned above, not all villages are connected to a centralized gas pipeline.

In addition, the choice of heating system for a country house is also influenced by the seasonality of stay in it:

Summer option

Quite a large number of country houses were built from wooden saw cuts. The wall ceilings of such premises are not capable of retaining thermal energy inside the structure for a long time. Therefore, if the dacha is not heated, the temperature conditions in the room will be almost identical to those outside. Wooden buildings can be quickly heated using electric heaters or furnace equipment. In this case, you will need to carefully insulate the facade of the building, as well as use a powerful heating unit.

All-season option

Structures that are planned to be used regardless of the time of year are prepared for low temperature conditions even at the design stage. A person who lives in a country house throughout the year has certainly made sure that his home is equipped with all the necessary communications. At a minimum, such a room must have light and water. Summer models, as mentioned earlier, are mostly built from wood or panel panels, while when constructing permanent buildings, concrete slabs, bricks, cinder blocks and other building materials identical in functionality should be used. And if your country house has the above communications, then the most suitable way to install a heating system will be an electric boiler. In the absence of electricity, you can use gas heating or other alternative options.

Stove heating

If you don’t know how to heat a dacha in winter without gas or electricity, then you will probably be interested in an option such as a cast iron or steel stove. The first model is more preferable due to some of its features:

  • durability;
  • long-term temperature maintenance;
  • warm-up speed.

When considering stove heating, you need to take care of the chimney in advance. After all, without this structural element, the heating unit simply will not function.

Disadvantage of a stove heating installation: systematic storage of fuel resources. And if you do not add fuel in time, the fire will go out and you will have to re-ignite the stove. In addition, there is a need to regularly clean the furnace from fuel decay products.

For stove heating, the best material for the firebox is beech, oak or hornbeam. Whereas spruce and pine will not provide the temperature conditions necessary for full-fledged living.

An excellent option for a summer house would be a good old potbelly stove in a modern design. The stove is easy to use and does the job perfectly.

Currently, the technology of long-burning boilers has been developed. Their work is based on the principle of pyrolysis, when firewood or any other solid fuel burns at a low temperature with the simultaneous release of pyrolysis gases. They are taken to a separate chamber, where they additionally burn out, releasing heat. On the one hand, this significantly increases the efficiency of the boiler - almost up to 85 and even up to 90%, on the other hand, the burning time of one load of firewood reaches almost 8 hours.

Gas heating

Piping using a gas boiler is the most profitable and easy-to-use method of heating a home. However, this option can be used provided it is connected to a centralized gas pipeline. Gas heaters are considered the most effective because they can warm up the room temperature in a fairly short period.

If there is no connection to the gas pipeline, you can easily connect the heating unit to gas cylinders. Despite their simplicity, such devices are no less popular than stationary heaters that are identical in functionality. But at the same time, they can be easily transported from place to place. It is for this reason that gas-cylinder heating equipment is considered autonomous.

The gas heating circuit can be connected using natural or forced circulation of the coolant. So, if you have a one-story house, then a system with natural circulation will be quite enough to provide the necessary temperature conditions in the room. Whereas to heat a two-story house, a more powerful system will be required, for which you need to use a centrifugal pump.

Infrared heating device

The most primitive way of heating a country house. To do this, you only need to purchase a heater, place it in a room that needs heating, and connect it to a storage device. These heaters, as a rule, have compact overall dimensions. They can be placed not only on the floor, but also on the walls, and even on the ceiling.

Infrared heating systems are alternative heating sources that can operate for a long time from electrical storage devices. All that is required is to regularly check the performance of the battery and charge it from time to time, for example, from solar panels.

There are many alternative heating methods that allow you to heat your home efficiently and economically. Among these can be called geothermal heating, where the heating of the house is carried out using natural resources - water, light and earth. Electric convectors, solar collectors, air conditioners, etc. - all these are ways to create a comfortable temperature in the house.

Which one to choose depends only on your financial capabilities. We hope our advice will help you make the right choice and give your preference to the most profitable and efficient heating unit.

VIDEO: What is cheaper to heat a country house?

Every owner understands that electric heating for a summer house is a very important point, but very expensive.

It is unlikely that a private house or cottage can be connected to a centralized heating system, and in order to minimize the costs of heating equipment, its installation and fuel, many users choose electric heating systems.

This heat source is the most convenient, profitable and comfortable to use.

Advantages and disadvantages

In addition to the above-mentioned qualities, heating a house with electricity has the following advantages:

  • Minimum expenses for installation of a heating system;
  • Costs for electric heating of a dacha during the heating season will depend on individual factors, for example, is the room insulated or what are the temperature preferences of the residents;
  • Buy electric heating and install equipment possible in any season;
  • Absence of necessity in carrying out preventive maintenance and maintenance;
  • Practical, compact and environmentally friendly;
  • High speed of achieving the required temperature indoors and then maintaining it offline.

Heating a country house with electricity has the following disadvantages:

  • High loads on voltage cables and electrical wiring;
  • Cost of equipment quite high, especially if the choice fell on devices equipped with various automation elements;
  • For heating the room Quite a lot of kilowatts are wasted.

If centralized, solid fuel or gas heating is not available, you should agree to heat your private home with electricity, since its benefits are significant. The listed disadvantages should not frighten the owners, because such a heating system is the most efficient and easier to organize.

Equipment and principle of its operation

Heating a private house with electricity is possible, but there are a huge number of heat sources. Let's look at the operating principle of each of them and outline the main features.

Oil type radiators

Inside the oil radiator there is a mineral-type coolant in which heating elements are immersed, usually with a power of 2.5-3 kW. This potential is enough to quickly heat the device.

Mineral oil heats up to 2000 degrees. Such a device is suitable for heating a room, but few people use them for general heating of a house or cottage, since they are not economical.

The price of devices starts around 1500-2000 rubles.

Liquidless radiators

Their design is similar to previous equipment, but it does not contain coolant. The device was created to eliminate problems with oil or water leakage. According to experts, this heating element is the most economical.

The price of devices starts from 3000-4000 rubles.

Underfloor heating systems

Warm floor is a structure consisting of heating cables and heating film, which are laid under the floor covering. It is used as an additional heat source. In some areas, temperature sensors connected to a thermostat are installed.

Such electric heating in a private house, like a warm floor, will allow the owner to adjust the temperature conditions.

The minimum price depends on the size of the room.

Trench convectors

The operating principle of such devices is not at all different from an underfloor heating system. Experts recommend installing an in-floor convector along the windows. It will heat the room and additionally provide protection from the cold outside and drafts coming through the window.

Wall convectors

The body of this device contains a heating component that converts electricity into heat. In the lower part of the housing there are holes for the intake of cold air, which subsequently flows to the heating component.

The hot air from the heating component exits through the upper grille. Almost every modern convector is equipped with an automatic temperature sensor.

In terms of energy savings, the cost of heating with electricity using convectors will be much lower than when using oil-type radiators. Wall convectors are the most economical electric heating.

The starting price is 3000-4000 rubles.

Ceiling infrared heaters

A heating element is built inside the heater body, which is the source of infrared radiation. The incoming waves heat up objects located within the radius of their impact. Such a device is considered the most efficient, as it emits heat where it is needed without heating the surrounding air.

With the help of a ceiling infrared heater, the user receives the cheapest heating with electricity. A modern heater in this category boasts an efficiency that exceeds 90%. Reviews about electric heating are clear confirmation of this.

Prices for devices start from 4000-5000 rubles.

Induction boiler

It contains two circuits with sewer pipes: magnetic and heat exchange. The first circuit is equipped with a coil that creates a magnetic field, due to which the coolant is heated. The heat exchange circuit serves as a kind of temperature distributor.

After heating the coolant, heat begins to flow into the heating system of the house. An induction boiler is the safest appliance since it has no heating components.

Accordingly, electric heating in a wooden house will be most optimal when using an induction boiler.

Electrode devices

They are small containers with electrodes inside the housing. When the boiler is filled with water, a current is supplied to the electrodes, which entails heating of the liquid. For more efficient operation, a special coolant should be prepared.

Electric heating of a private house using an electrode boiler will be accompanied by high electricity consumption. Despite this, the device is considered more reliable than other types of boilers.

Heating element type boilers

The electric heating system of a private house is more efficient using heating element boilers. The system is equipped with an electric boiler and boiler.

The operating principle can be compared to electrode devices. The most vulnerable point in this system is the heating element, so it is worth choosing equipment that provides for their replacement. Many boilers are equipped with automatic controls that select a specific operating mode.

Automation significantly saves on electricity consumption, since the boiler heats water only when necessary. Electric heating of a country house using heating elements has another important advantage - the electrical components do not come into contact with the coolant.

In an emergency, the automation turns off the heating element.

The above-mentioned electric home heating systems allow you to constantly create comfortable conditions in the room. Heating the country house with electricity using an electric fireplace or fan heater is a temporary measure, but is sometimes used.

Before choosing a specific electric heating device, it is necessary to calculate electric heating in relation to the return on investment costs for its purchase.

Cost calculation

When calculating the cost of electric heating, consider:

  1. Seasonality of use. The choice of specific equipment depends on this factor. For constant heating of the entire house, it is better to choose a boiler, and for heating one room, an oil radiator is suitable. High-quality, reliable devices are expensive.
  2. Who will do the installation? If you don’t want to risk damaging expensive electrical equipment, then invite a competent specialist. Remember, the miser pays twice!
  3. Related products for heating installation (pipes, cables, etc.).
  4. Direct costs for using electricity.

Installation steps

  1. Before starting work, you should complete the necessary documents to legitimize this event, but only if the regulations require it.
  2. Preparing a heating project. If electrical appliances are used as additional heating sources, then there is no need to prepare a project. Installing electric heating is impossible without familiarizing yourself with the heating circuit of the house, taking into account the operating rules of the selected equipment.
  3. Direct installation of the system. Self-installation will reduce the cost of heating your home with electricity. The installation of an electric heating system is quite simple, but if a person does not understand electricity, it is better to seek help from specialists.
  4. Start heating.

In European countries today, about 70% of all country houses are heated with electricity. It is called the most environmentally friendly, convenient and safe way to generate heat. In our country, electric power and dachas have not yet become so widespread due to the high cost of operation. Experts say that there are some ways that will allow you to heat economically with electricity. What should you do for this? What equipment will be appropriate as a stand-alone equipment, and what equipment will be suitable only as an additional and backup?

No. 1. Pros and cons of electric heating

Electric heating has become widespread due to many benefits:

It may seem that electricity is the ideal heating method, but it also has its own serious disadvantages:

  • cost of electricity;
  • power outages, which has become the norm for a huge number of suburban areas.

If electricity is the only option to stay warm in winter, then you can deal with the shortcomings. Of course, electricity is an expensive resource, but if you choose the right equipment well, then costs can be reduced significantly. Of course, the climate of the region also has a significant influence, but the role of insulation is enormous: it takes about 50 W to heat 1 m 3 of uninsulated space, and if according to all the rules, then about 20 W of energy will be needed. Naturally, the smaller the house, the lower the heating costs will be. Electricity best suited for small, in other cases it is better to make it a backup heat source, solid or liquid fuel.

So that the system not affected by power outages, it is better to use ones running on gasoline or diesel; an alternative is to install solar panels or a wind generator.

Another important point is that the power of the line must correspond to the load that will be placed on it when the electric heating devices are turned on.

No. 2. Options for electric heating of a country house

Electrical heating systems can be two main types:

  • those that use an intermediate coolant;
  • those that immediately convert electrical energy into thermal energy and transmit it to the environment.

The first type includes boilers and oil radiators, and to the second convectors, infrared heaters, fan heaters and electric heated floors. Actually, this is a list of possible options for electric heating of a dacha. The type and number of devices are selected depending on the size of the room and the frequency of people being there.

No. 3. Heating a country house with an electric boiler

The main part of the electric boiler is heat exchanger, tank with heating elements. They heat the coolant (water, antifreeze, oil), which circulates through a system consisting of and - everything, as is the case with an oil-fuel boiler. In addition, the system often includes an expansion tank, a circulation pump and a safety valve. Induction and electrode boilers work somewhat differently.

Advantages of this heating method are obvious: no smoke and no need, quiet operation, safety, high efficiency (up to 99%), ease of operation and temperature control. Due to the high cost of electricity, such boilers are installed mainly when a country house is not used for permanent residence. In addition, do not forget about the need to have a good one.

The heating system can be used electric boilers of the following types:

In addition, all boilers are divided into single-phase(consume 220 V voltage) and three-phase(380 V): the first are suitable for small houses and summer cottages that are visited from time to time, the second - for large country houses. Boilers are also divided into wall and floor, on single-circuit and double-circuit(These also allow you to organize a hot summer cottage).

The power of such devices ranges from 0.25 to 3-4 kW. Infrared heaters fireproof and durable, can last up to 25 years.

Many people are accustomed to considering a dacha as a purely summer building. As a last resort, people relax there during more or less warm seasons. Not quite the right opinion. More and more people are leaving for the countryside for the weekend, even in bad weather conditions. The problem of warming up a country house, which is sure to arise, can be solved with the help of various electric heaters.

Why electricity?

Should I install gas or water heating in my dacha? If you use the structure irregularly in cold weather, it is not advisable to install such systems.

In addition, not all holiday villages are connected to the central gas supply line. And although not the most economical, it is ahead of many other methods in terms of environmental friendliness and efficiency.

Electric heaters

Modern heating devices not only successfully cope with heating a dacha, the degree of comfort in using such equipment is quite high. Setting the thermostat allows you to maintain the set temperature in the room even during your absence.

Some models are equipped with a timer that can be programmed to turn on the device before traveling out of town. Such “smart” devices can be controlled by sending SMS messages. In this way, you can both turn on and off the electrical appliance.


The most common devices designed for electric heating today are special convectors. Installation of such devices does not take much time. Most often they are installed on the wall, in rare cases on the floor. The operation of the device is based on the principle of air convection.

The convector provides uniform heating of the entire room. A heating element built into the bottom of the device heats the air passing through it. Warm air currents quickly heat the room. The heater's thermostat maintains a constant temperature in the home.

Oil radiators

Inside the body of such devices there is oil, which is heated by a heating element. The surface of the device heats up and transfers heat into the room. To speed up heat exchange, some models are equipped with fans.

Infrared heaters

Usually installed on the ceiling. The infrared waves emitted by such devices are absorbed by surrounding surfaces and transformed into thermal energy. When heated, the surfaces give off heat to the air in the room.

Using such devices, it is possible to organize heating of a specific area in cases where it is not necessary to heat the entire room. The capabilities of IR heaters can significantly reduce energy costs.

Warm floor

Heating with electricity can be organized using cable heating. A special heating cable is laid on the floor, connected to a power source, and a covering is laid on top. It is best to implement such heating at the stage of construction or major renovation.

Autonomous heating system

It is better to heat a large country house or cottage using a boiler. To do this, you will need to install pipes and install radiators. But as a result, you will get a reliable, efficient, environmentally friendly heating system.

Modern electric boilers are compact, easily controllable devices that create a comfortable temperature regime in the room. They have a high efficiency and do not require the purchase, transportation and storage of fuel.

Electric boilers are available in three varieties:

  1. induction;
  2. heating elements;
  3. electrode.

Heating a house will cost less than using a heating element, but the device itself is more expensive. An electrode heater is considered the most economical, but it cannot be used to heat floors.

Combination boilers

In rural areas, the most practical and cost-effective option is heating with electricity and wood. This method involves minimal costs for equipment and its maintenance.

The advantage of the combined device is that it can use both solid fuel and electricity. The design of the device allows you to maintain the set temperature for a long time, even during your absence from the dacha. Moreover, the device will operate at the lowest power.

Possible power outages are also not a big deal; you just need to stock up on firewood for the winter.