I feel like eating before my period. Why do you crave sweets before your period? Are there possible consequences from overeating?

Eating before menstruation - how many days before menstruation does your appetite increase? What causes the desire to eat? Similar questions concern representatives of the fair sex, from young to old. Since the problem appears en masse on the eve of menstruation.

Today, the problem of increased appetite in women a few days before menstruation has been well studied. There are reliable answers as to why this happens and recommendations on how to avoid it.

The so-called zhor comes immediately after ovulation, but appetites grow gradually. A woman or girl notices an increased desire to eat something 7-10 days before the start of her period. The condition is associated with physiological processes, it is impossible to resist them, and it is dangerous for health. You need to learn how to manage your stomach.

Reasons for increased appetite before menstruation

After ovulation, the hormonal balance changes and significant changes occur.

If you really want something, it means that the body needs something that it has. The exception is the craving for coffee and alcoholic beverages. This is already called unhealthy addiction.

How to deal with gluttony?

Increased appetite and the desire to pamper yourself with cream cake, sweets, and buns do not go away without leaving a trace. Extra pounds appear, which are then difficult to cope with. Usually, appetite
returns to normal with the onset of menstruation, the previous appearance and weight are restored within a week. However, if the permissible norm in food is significantly exceeded, considerable efforts will be required to return to its previous form.

  1. It is wrong to completely refuse what the body asks for. You just need to slightly adjust his desire.
  2. Divide meals into 7 times instead of the usual 3-4. Eating small portions will reduce your appetite and satisfy your hunger.
  3. Instead of a box of chocolates, eat a couple of pieces. Replenish the rest of the sweet allowance with dried apricots, dates, raisins, and honey.
  4. Salted fish and cucumber definitely won’t hurt. But it’s better to put a taboo on chips and crackers. An excellent option are salted seeds. There is little salt in them, and there will be a constant clicking sound on the tongue. Moreover, the seeds bring menstruation closer. Useful when delayed.
  5. It is recommended to replenish the required components with fruits and vegetables. Bananas can be eaten in unlimited quantities if you are not allergic to them. They replenish sugar levels in the body and increase the level of the joy hormone.

It happens that on the eve of your period you really want kefir or yogurt. These products can be consumed without restrictions, without fear for your figure. You need to start following the rules after ovulation. From this moment, metabolic processes begin to slow down.

Zhor before menstruation or pregnancy

If you want not specific products, but a lot of everything, you need think about your situation. Perhaps there will be no menstruation. During pregnancy, progesterone levels increase, the body tries to stock up on everything it needs. In general, it is difficult to distinguish the presence of pregnancy based on taste preferences. But if you want something that previously caused disgust, you should pay attention to this fact.

During pregnancy, zhor usually begins after fertilization of the egg. But on the days when menstruation is due to begin, appetite decreases. Because nausea, aversion to food, and intolerance to smells appear.

How to fight with pills

  • Reduxin (Russia);
  • Slimia (India);
  • Meridia (Germany);
  • Goldline (India);
  • Lindaksa (Czech Republic).

The active component is subutramine. The substance enhances the feeling of fullness. Used in complex therapy for obesity and overweight. Must be taken in the morning. Daily dose 5-15 mg. You can take it without interruption for 3 months. During this time you can get rid of 10% of weight. Next you should do take a break, since the pills are addictive and the digestive system is disrupted. To get rid of obesity before menstruation, it is enough to drink the drug for 2 weeks. Repeat the next month if necessary.

You should not rush to take pills if the cause of noticeable weight gain has not been established. Contraindications are:

  1. Obesity due to nervous disorders,
  2. Bulimia, anorexia;
  3. Diseases of the heart, circulatory system;
  4. Kidney, liver failure;
  5. Thyroid diseases;
  6. Alcohol, drug addiction.

Weight gain may be associated with the development of serious diseases. Normally, weight increases before menstruation by 1-2 kg, and disappears after it. Naturally, you need to understand that overeating leads to weight gain, regardless of the day of the monthly cycle.

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I would like to exclaim: “Lucky are those girls who do not have PMS!” In the majority of the female population, premenstrual syndrome manifests itself in various symptoms. For some, their physical condition worsens (fatigue, weakness, drowsiness). Others experience a painful condition (dizziness, pain in the lower abdomen, headaches, vomiting). Still others experience psychological disorders (psychosis, irritability, hysteria, tearfulness). There is a fourth category of the weaker sex, who, like pregnant women, suffer from bulimia attacks. They are ready to eat everything that is in the refrigerator, sometimes indiscriminately, salty with sweet. Unfortunately, this does not always leave its mark on the waist and overall well-being.

So ? Is this a sign of any problems with your health? Such questions will appear in your head sooner or later. On the website “” you can find answers to the questions that tormented you during the next attack of premenstrual gluttony.

Each woman has her own biological “clock,” according to which changes in the female body are cyclical. In each cycle, there are 2 phases characterized by the release of various hormones by the ovaries. In phase 1 of the cycle, estrogenic hormones are released, the effect of which is manifested in a good mood, increased activity, a surge of positive emotions and optimism. The first phase is the major phase of the cycle.

In phase 2, progesterone is released, which changes the woman’s mood and well-being in the opposite direction and minor tones predominate in it - mood changes, increased appetite, poor health. The premenstrual cycle occurs precisely in the 2nd phase of the cycle in individuals with increased sensitivity to their hormones.

Reasons why you feel hungry before your period.

So, it remains to find out why you want to eat before your period, linking it with the hormonal background of your body:

1. So, estrogen hormones of joy are produced in sufficient quantities only in the 1st phase of the menstrual cycle; in the 2nd phase, the female body lacks these hormones, and therefore we try to compensate for it from the outside: we greedily eat chocolate and everything sweet;

2. Lack of hormones - estrogen can weaken the production of insulin (blood sugar regulator), which also causes the body to compensate for the loss of sugar with foods rich in carbohydrates. That is why before menstruation you want to eat large quantities of bread and baked goods - pies, buns, cakes, pastries;

3. Changes in the level of estrogen and progesterone cause, respectively, an acceleration or slowdown of the body’s metabolic reactions, including enhancing the digestion process. The production of gastric juice increases, food digestion accelerates, so the brain receives rapid impulses from a “hungry stomach”;

4. Another answer to the question “why do you want to eat before your period?” This is the body's preparation for future pregnancy. After ovulation, progesterone concentrations increase in anticipation of fertilization of the egg. As a result of the influence of progesterone, signals are sent to the centers of the brain to accelerate metabolism and accumulate a reserve of nutrients to support the embryo. Therefore, at this moment before your period you want to eat as much as possible. This coincides with the 2nd phase of the menstrual cycle. If pregnancy does not occur, the concentration of progesterone gradually decreases, and you stop experiencing increased appetite.

Is it possible to control the feeling of increased hunger before menstruation?

If you follow some rules, you can ease the course of PMS, in particular, reduce the feeling of hunger:

  1. Adhere to a gentle diet: limit the consumption of coffee, sugar, animal fat, and flour. Increase the amount of vegetables, fruits, slow carbohydrates (rolled oats, buckwheat, etc.), whole grain bread in your diet;
  2. Add positive emotions that will increase the production of endorphins (hormones of joy), which compensates for the lack of estrogen;


Many women have noticed that before menstruation they want to eat a lot. This is due to the influence of sex hormones. The level of prostaglandins in the body increases, and the amount of estrogens and progesterone gradually decreases. This causes a number of characteristic symptoms to appear, which include increased appetite.

How many days before menstruation does zhor begin?

Premenstrual symptoms vary from woman to woman. It depends on the level of hormones, concomitant diseases and characteristics of the body. Typically, a woman notices that it is precisely a week before her period that she feels like eating more than usual. During this period, an active increase in progesterone is observed. It is produced by the corpus luteum, which forms at the site of a ruptured follicle.

Progesterone is necessary to support a potential pregnancy. If conception does not occur, its quantity begins to decrease, which provokes endometrial rejection. As a result, menstruation begins. A specific feature of the hormone is to stimulate appetite.

Some women feel like eating a lot right before their period starts. During critical days, gluttony becomes more pronounced. After the end of menstruation, appetite completely stabilizes.

Important! Due to fluid retention on the eve of menstruation, a woman is able to gain 1-2 kg.

Why do you feel hungry before your period?

If you want to eat a lot before your period, the reason may be a decrease in insulin levels in the body. It is influenced by progesterone and estrogens, which increase and decrease during the cycle. Most often, an increase in insulin provokes strong cravings for sweet foods.

Another reason why you want to eat a lot before your period is increased metabolism. The process of converting calories into energy does not take as much time as before. As a result, the feeling of fullness after eating quickly disappears.

Eating before your period is considered one of the most common signs of pregnancy. The woman does not yet suspect that she has successfully conceived, but her body is already beginning to respond to hormonal changes. A little later, increased appetite is replaced by toxicosis, which is accompanied by decreased performance and nausea.

Eating during menstruation

Women should pay special attention to their food choices during their period. During this period, the body needs vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it is necessary to give preference to healthy foods. Some foods provoke flatulence, causing additional discomfort in the abdominal area. Their use during menstruation should be avoided.

Attention! A good alternative to unhealthy desserts is banana. It helps replenish the level of endorphins in the body.

What to eat during menstruation

Due to excessive blood loss during menstruation, the risk of developing iron deficiency anemia increases. To avoid this, it is recommended to eat liver, pomegranate, buckwheat, tomatoes and beet juice. Instead of flour products and sweets, it is advisable to eat vegetables and fruits. You can eat nuts as a snack. It is equally important to eat a lot of protein foods. It is considered a building element. If there is a lack of protein, a woman’s well-being worsens.

What not to eat during menstruation

When choosing foods for your menstrual cycle, you should avoid fatty, spicy, sweet and salty foods. Spicy foods stimulate blood flow, which increases menstrual flow and increases abdominal pain. Sweet and fatty foods will trigger weight gain, as the feeling of hunger before and during menstruation becomes more intense.

During menstruation, the uterus increases in volume. As a result, pressure is exerted on other organs. With flatulence, pain in the abdomen intensifies. Therefore, you should not eat a lot of gas-forming foods. These include:

  • legumes;
  • cabbage;
  • carrot;
  • turnip;
  • mushrooms;
  • dairy products;
  • flour products;
  • carbonated drinks.

Is it possible to drink a lot of water during menstruation?

Doctors do not prohibit drinking a lot of clean water during menstruation. When consumed within reasonable limits, it prevents the appearance of edema, to which a woman becomes prone during her menstrual periods. Warm water helps normalize blood flow, which reduces the intensity of abdominal pain.

How to deal with fat before menstruation

Gorging during menstruation brings both physiological and psychological discomfort. A woman begins to worry about gaining weight. Due to the strong desire to eat, she becomes irritable. This condition is often accompanied by overeating.

If you really want to eat before your period, you need to improve the functioning of your nervous system. An increased interest in food can be triggered by stressful situations and depression. To relieve nervous tension, taking sedatives is indicated. These include:

  • "Tenoten";
  • peony tincture;
  • "Glycine;
  • "Afobazole";
  • "Novo-passit";
  • "Persen."

Doing what you love will help you eat less. A woman needs to distract herself from the constant feeling of hunger by knitting, embroidering, reading or doing housework. It is also recommended to create a favorable environment in the home. Aromatherapy and relaxing music will help with this.

Since the cause of increased appetite before menstruation may be the effect of hormones, oral contraceptives will help cope with this. They balance hormonal levels and eliminate the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. An additional bonus of such drugs is their contraceptive effect. The most popular tablets are:

  • "Yarina";
  • "Regulon";
  • "Janine";
  • "Jess";
  • "Novinet."

Warning! Using diet pills in cases where you want to eat a lot is strictly prohibited.

Why do you want to eat after your period?

If a woman wants to eat a lot after her period, the reason may be a lack of nutrients. Their number decreases as a result of heavy blood loss. Along with hunger, apathy, pressure drops, headaches and insomnia appear. Increased hunger before menstruation is observed with a lack of the following substances:

  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • chromium;
  • phosphorus.

To return your appetite to its previous state, it is enough to adjust your diet and start taking vitamin complexes. The diet should be as balanced as possible. It must contain a lot of vegetables, meat, fish, herbs and fruits. Also, do not forget about drinking enough liquid.

Can you lose your appetite before your period?

Not all women constantly feel like eating before their period. Some of them face the opposite situation. Possible reasons for this phenomenon include:

  • pregnancy;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • infectious diseases;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • nervous disorders.

If you lose your appetite before your period, you should consult a gynecologist. He will prescribe a number of diagnostic procedures that will help determine the cause of the pathology. Isolated cases of loss of appetite do not require treatment. If this situation repeats itself repeatedly, a visit to a medical facility cannot be avoided.

Most often, before the onset of menstruation, a woman does not want to eat much due to poor health. It is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, dizziness and weakness in the body. The emotional state becomes depressed. Interest is lost not only in food, but also in other activities.

Decreased appetite can also be caused by taking medications. Before using them, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the list of side effects. In the luteal phase, the female body is most vulnerable, so the risk of adverse symptoms increases.

A decrease in appetite may also be caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. Intoxication with nicotine or alcohol-containing drinks leads to disruption of the digestive system. As a result, food cravings are reduced.


Doctors consider it absolutely normal that you want to eat a lot before your period. This is the body's natural reaction to hormonal surges. The alarm should be sounded if increased appetite is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms.

Many representatives of the fair sex ask the question: “Why do you feel hungry before your period?” For most, this question does not have anything strange, because not only women want to eat a lot, and not only before menstruation. But what is the reason for such demands from the body during this period and how to deal with it. We'll figure it out in this article.

Elevated is a fairly widespread phenomenon. It has been well studied by scientists, so we can immediately say that it’s all about the characteristics of the female body.

Don't panic that you will immediately gain weight. If you really want to eat all the time before your period, first find out why this is happening. And as a result - what to eat, in what portions, so as not to gain weight and feel good.

Let's look at the two most compelling reasons why you want to eat before menstruation:

  1. It would be more correct to say that you don’t want to eat a lot, but after the ovulation phase, after which further cyclic processes occur in the female body. Metabolism slows down after the ovulatory period. Therefore, food is digested much more slowly, and fats are stored in folds. In this regard, the amount of fluid in the entire body increases. It is precisely such processes and deposits in fatty tissues that make every woman worry during this period. If you answer the question whether weight increases during menstruation, then, of course, the answer is yes. In order for “these” days to pass calmly and without worry, you need to follow a diet.
  2. A sharp hormonal surge, and then low suppression of hormones. It is the lack of hormones that gives rise to a good appetite. Of course, you can’t say that you need to eat a chocolate bar, candy, or something else, the body just requires it, and you can replace sweets with something healthy. Sometimes you want to eat so much that you can’t overcome yourself, it depends on the woman herself.

Why do you want to eat sweets?

Female representatives note that before menstruation they often want to eat a lot of flour, chocolate, buns, etc. Why does this happen, are there any hidden reasons.

It is the indulgence in sweets that may indicate that you have a lack of estrogen in the blood. The largest amount of this hormone is released during the ovulation phase. This is noticeable; usually the girl is in a good mood and feels great. After the ovulatory period, the hormone level drops sharply and begins, irritability, drowsiness, fatigue and general malaise occur. That is why, due to such a sharp drop, you want to eat a lot.

There are others, for example, with changes in hormonal levels, the amount of insulin, which controls blood sugar levels, may also change.

What do doctors recommend? Of course, you need to try not to overindulge in flour and sweets; it’s better to try to trick your brain and switch to something else. Try to replace sweets with fruits and foods containing natural sugar - fructose. Natural yoghurts with sweet dried apricots, pear, banana or apple with bread are perfect.

If your hunger is very strong, then you definitely need to eat something so as not to aggravate this feeling of hunger. When a person is very hungry, he can absorb anything and in any quantity, and this will only make things worse.

Why do you want to eat bread before your period?

U Each girl in this period has different preferences and tastes, too, some want to eat sweets, some like bread, and some need more potatoes.

This can be explained by the fact that progesterone is low before menstruation. Therefore, during this period, the body needs foods that can soothe, foods containing starch - potatoes, sweets, bread.

You should try not to drink alcoholic drinks and coffee during this period, as they can increase the feeling of hunger and provoke a brutal appetite.

  • cereals;
  • root vegetables;
  • legumes

How to overcome this brutal appetite?

Of course, knowing that hormones are to blame and this is all a deception, you need to restrain yourself and not indulge in sweets, does not prevent your appetite from increasing more and more.

Some ladies will say: “I already eat a lot before menstruation, but during this period I just can’t deny myself sweets.”

In order to withstand this difficult period with dignity, you just need to adhere to some rules:

  • Plan ahead for entertainment during this period, especially if you have children. Since your mood changes and you want to eat it, it’s better to have fun and forget about the problem. Positive emotions increase endorphin levels and can distract you from eating.
  • If you can’t control yourself and refrain from eating anything, try to enrich your diet with healthy foods: cereals, pasta, fresh fruits, fish, cottage cheese, white meat, legumes.
  • Beware of smoked meats, pickles and spicy foods during this difficult period. Avoid drinking coffee, alcoholic beverages, hot dogs, sausage, sugar, carbonated cocktails and lard.

How not to gain kilograms, but, on the contrary, to lose weight?

The pressing question for today is how to not gain weight, but, on the contrary, how to lose extra pounds during a period when the weight loss is the strongest.

Not every woman has the willpower, but she doesn’t really want to get better. Try to stick to your diet. Eat often 5-6 times a day, in small portions, chewing food very well - thirty times, then satiety comes faster.

If split meals are not possible, then you need to pay attention to low-fat foods. This means that you need to eat boiled meat or steamed potatoes. Increase your range of dishes, the main thing is not to add salt or spices.

Also, do not forget that everyday lifestyle also affects the body during this period, so you need to:

  • do yourself fasting days - fast once a week (you can do two);
  • follow a proper and healthy diet during menstruation;
  • perform at least minimal physical exercise (squats, pressing the ball between the knees and running in place) 20 times, two sets of each exercise.

Increased appetite before menstruation is normal. You need to learn to control yourself and switch to something else, and also remember to eat often, in small portions and exercise.

Each representative of the fair sex experiences PMS in their own way: some feel apathy, others become nervous and irritable, and still others constantly cry over little things. But there is also a category of women who, on the eve of their period, are crazy about eating a lot, and their gastronomic preferences become far from the principles of PP. Dietary soups, vegetable salads and low-fat curds are gladly replaced by chocolate, baked goods, smoked sausages and other products harmful to the waist, and the young lady, without a twinge of conscience, enjoys the “belly festival”, attributing everything to rampant hormones, with which “there is nothing to be done” .

Is eating before your period really a harmless symptom of PMS? Or is it still a bell signaling disturbances in the functioning of one or another system of the body? What causes this condition, is it possible to minimize it? The correct answers to these questions will make life easier for women who carefully monitor their health and figure at the same time.

About the physiological characteristics of a woman

The menstrual cycle consists of several phases that smoothly replace each other. Each of them is characterized by the predominance of certain sex hormones:

  • When the egg is just laid, the amount of estrogen is at an extremely low level, but it increases along with the maturation of the ootid. In the middle of the cycle at the time of ovulation, the number of hormones discussed - estradiol, estriol and estrone - reaches its peak. During this period, the woman feels great: her performance is off the charts, her mood is high, her skin glows.
  • After the egg matures and is released into the uterus, the percentage of estrogen begins to decrease, giving way to another hormone - progesterone. The latter is responsible for preparing the body for possible fertilization and creating favorable conditions for the development of the embryo. As it increases, women's well-being worsens: drowsiness, apathy appear, the body swells, and acne appears on the skin. A change in phases is precisely what premenstrual syndrome is characterized by; it usually makes itself felt a week before the onset of the menstrual period.
  • If conception does not happen, the unfertilized egg comes out with mucous tissue, and menstrual bleeding begins. During this period, progesterone reaches a minimum threshold. One cycle ends and a new one begins.

Why, against the background of these physiological processes, is there obesity during menstruation? The production of female sex hormones occurs under the influence of the central nervous system. It is the pituitary gland with the hypothalamus, with the support of the adrenal glands and gonads, that coordinate the menstrual cycle. Hormonal surges inherent in this process affect the functioning of all systems of the female body, change the level of insulin, stimulate the production of adrenaline, as a result - a remarkable appetite during menstruation, an increase in body weight in the CD, fluid accumulation and swelling of the body.

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Gorging can also occur due to significant blood loss characteristic of heavy menstruation. With heavy periods, according to doctors, the body needs to be helped to recover by replenishing protein and iron reserves. However, if a woman has a tendency to be overweight and gain weight quickly, it is recommended to correct her insatiable appetite and improve her metabolism. It is best to start preparing 10 days before the start of your critical days, before gluttony manifests itself “in all its glory.”

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Are there possible consequences from overeating?

Often, experts do not consider fat burning during ovulation to be a pathology or a dangerous signal. Moreover, most of the weight “eaten” at this time is eliminated with the help of the excretory system already in the first days of menstruation. The question is about the attitude of the woman herself to such a phenomenon, because for some, gluttony during menstruation is an absolute norm, and for others it is a stressful situation and an unacceptable thing.

However, if you do not control your diet before and during menstruation, increasing visceral fat more and more, unpleasant consequences can occur, in particular, masculinization:

  • excess amount of hair in those areas of the body where it is not typical for a woman to have it;
  • acne, changes in skin elasticity;
  • baldness;
  • increase in muscle mass;
  • the appearance of roughness under the breasts, etc.

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Cravings for sweets and starchy foods

According to most ladies, when a glutton strikes before menstruation, first of all you want to eat something sweet: cake, candy, pastry, etc. Science explains such gastronomic cravings as a deficiency of endorphins and blood sugar:

  1. When a woman with PMS is irritated, angry, dissatisfied with everything, the body strives to correct this state of affairs. To do this, he requires reserves of the joy hormone. Chocolate is rightfully considered an ideal source of endorphin replenishment.
  2. After ovulation, due to a decrease in estrogen levels, the amount of insulin increases. It reduces the percentage of sugar in the blood and completely weakens the body, making it constantly hungry. Against this background, you may want to eat something floury - high in calories and filling at the same time.

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In addition, do not forget that during menstruation, the excretory organs actively work, sweating increases significantly, so the body urgently needs increased amounts of salt.

Important! Excess salt contributes to the appearance of swelling of the body, retaining water in the body. This point should be carefully monitored.

If every month, against the backdrop of critical days, there is a desire to eat “everything, and more,” it is recommended to balance your diet. First of all, products that negatively affect the functioning of the intestines, endocrine system, and liver are excluded from the menu. All pathologies the woman has are also taken into account, including ovarian dysfunction, polycystic disease, and mental disorders.

Restrictions are imposed on excessive use:

  • fast food;
  • semi-finished products;
  • alcohol;
  • lard, smoked meats;
  • coffee;
  • butter;
  • fried, spicy, pickled, heavy-for-the-stomach foods, etc.

What can you eat during your period?

Often during menstruation there is simply a brutal appetite: it seems as if you will instantly eat all the food in the refrigerator. When such a strong zhor attacks, it is very difficult to resist it, especially since there are so many temptations around. In order not to harm your figure and not suffer from remorse later, it is better to get the right snack. This will be facilitated by:

  • fresh vegetables and fruits (exclude grapes, watermelons);
  • roots;
  • durum pasta and whole grain cereals;
  • fatty fish, and vice versa, lean meat;
  • spices – cloves, turmeric, cinnamon;
  • sprouted legumes;
  • sauerkraut;
  • nuts;
  • broths;
  • low fat dairy products, etc.