Church of the Life-Giving Trinity on Borisovskiye. Church of the Life-Giving Trinity on Borisov Ponds. Russia. History of the foundation of the temple

I came to ask about a blessing for a future marriage, so to speak, because of my stupidity I had previously gotten married in their church, my marriage with my husband was annulled, and I still have the wedding certificate in my hands as a souvenir. I ask the woman behind the candle box what I should do and what to do. As a result, I almost receive a reprimand that if the marriage broke up, then I and only I am to blame for this; in her opinion, I should have come to the temple and asked the priest for advice on how to save my family. I ask, excuse me, but what if I don’t love him? (well that's...

I admire Father Mikhail Avramenko! One day I came to the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity in Borisovo for confession. And on that very day I was lucky enough to confess to HIM! Someone writes here that He is looking for a “victim”, that He is rude, etc. I want to refute all this! Yes, and on that very day I fell under his “distribution” for 10 minutes. I was late and you know it was my business, now I started arriving 40 minutes before. before the start of the service. To say that I am very grateful to him means to say NOTHING! I'm very...

Priest Mikhail Avramenko. IN THE TEMPLE OF THE LIFE-GIVING TRINITY IN BORISOV they decided to baptize their son, which they greatly regretted. I did not like and was upset by the attitude of Priest Mikhail Avramenko. They came with small children, but instead of the ritual, they listened to reprimands and moralizing in a rather unpleasant and rude tone for about 30 minutes. It felt like we were on the receiving end of a rude boss. They heard that making money was a waste, although this did not stop the priest from charging two thousand for the ceremony. The ceremony was carried out in a hurry...

I am writing this review, I think, on behalf of all the parishioners of Father Michael, and even random people who received help and faith in salvation from him. My opinion is that there would be a hundred times more positive reviews here if every old woman, access to the Internet, or young man had free time for this. Father Mikhail does not need lawyers, his deeds speak for him. The temple, built by the hands of its parishioners, is a shelter for each of us. Warmer, if I can say so about the arrival, I didn’t have a cozy atmosphere... What is what in the church

The idea arose back in 1988, but at that time many buildings were returned to the Church, so the construction of a new temple was delayed.

The Church of the Life-Giving Trinity was erected on a hill - as was customary before. They built a single-domed cruciform building in the Byzantine style. The height with the cross is 70 meters.

On the left in front of the entrance hangs a marble plaque with the inscription: This temple, marking the first millennium of the baptism of Rus', was erected by the grace of God with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus' through the labors and funds of the Baltic Construction Company. 2004 from the Nativity of Christ. On the right is a marble plaque with a list of the temple's board of trustees. Inside the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity there is a porcelain iconostasis in the traditions of the famous Kuznetsov workshops.

The Patriarchal Metochion on Borisov Ponds also includes a clergy house, a Sunday school, a belfry and a chapel in the name of Prince Alexander Nevsky.

On Friday evenings after work (since you can sleep peacefully on Saturday), it’s almost a tradition that I go into the city to photograph something. This time I decided to go to the Moscow district of Orekhovo-Borisovo and photograph the temple complex of the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity.
Although this is a remake, it is made very beautifully, in the Byzantine style, which is quite unusual for Moscow architecture.

From Wikipedia:

The Church of the Life-Giving Trinity on Borisov Ponds, in Orekhov-Borisov is an Orthodox church in the south of Moscow. Geographically located in the Orekhovo-Borisovo Northern region. Built in the early 2000s in memory of the thousand-year anniversary of the baptism of Rus'.

It has the status of the Patriarchal Metochion.

The decision to build a church in Moscow in honor of the Holy Trinity, dedicated to the anniversary of the Baptism of Rus', was made in 1988, but was originally planned in a different place, somewhat to the west of the present (near the Tsaritsyno museum-reserve on June 13, 1988, Patriarch Pimen consecrated the foundation stone, which was a consequence of the executive committee of the Moscow Council satisfying the request of the Moscow Patriarchate expressed during the meeting of the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee M. S. Gorbachev with the Patriarch and members of the Synod on April 29 of the same year, but construction was not started for a number of reasons, in particular, due to the fact that it began in 1995; year of reconstruction of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior on Volkhonka).

On September 1, 2001, Patriarch Alexy II performed a prayer service for the beginning of the construction of the memorial church of the Life-Giving Trinity in Orekhov-Borisov.

By the spring of 2004, the construction of the temple building was completed, a team of icon painters under the leadership of People's Artist of the Russian Federation, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts Vasily Nesterenko began painting the temple, the project of which was approved by His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II and Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov May 12, 2004. The grandiose ceramic iconostasis was made by St. Petersburg workshops under the direction of the artist Yuri Volkotrub. All the icons for it were painted by Anna Kalinina, a famous Moscow icon painter, whose original work on creating 48 icons of this iconostasis was recognized by the Russian Academy of Arts as one of the best in Moscow. From the Russian Orthodox Church, Anna Kalinina received the gold medal of the Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh (2004) and the Silver medal of the Russian Academy of Arts (2012). The icons in the icon cases were made by icon painters under the direction of Elena Knyazeva. For this work she was awarded the Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh of the Russian Orthodox Church, III degree.


I immediately liked the place where the temple complex was built. On the shore of a large reservoir, surrounded by a park and apple orchards. It’s August now and the branches of the apple trees and the ground beneath them are literally strewn with apples. I took a walk through the park while looking for angles for photos - it smells like apples everywhere!




Walking around the temple waiting for sunset, I saw an open door to the entrance of a nearby high-rise building. Luck! Usually all entrances are locked with a combination lock.
The house is about 20 floors (I didn’t count), I went up to the 14th floor, went through the fire escape onto the technical balcony - and there it was, beauty! There was a magnificent view from the height - the people who live in this house are lucky!
I didn’t climb to the very top, because... I wanted to take the sky into the frame too.

I set up a tripod and waited for sunset and evening light. The sunset was amazing this time!


But there was no luck with the evening lighting - it never turned on, although the spotlights were installed. But there was still light - the temple was illuminated by the weak light of street lamps. And maybe even this was for the better - the light was softer, without overexposure, but yellow.


I'll probably have to try to catch the backlight in the future. There appear to be halogen lights that produce white light. I think that with the bright white temple, the previous photo (#6) should look good.

After waiting about another hour, suddenly the automation would work and the backlight would still turn on, I got ready to go home.
Finally, I took the same view as at the very beginning.


It was from this house (in the center of the frame) that I filmed. A row of balconies is just visible, on one of which my tripod stood.


Moscow Church in honor of the Life-Giving Trinity in Orekhov-Borisov, patriarchal courtyard in honor of the 1000th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus' within the Moscow diocese

The Trinity Church and other buildings of the patriarchal courtyard were erected on the banks of the Borisov Ponds, in a complex but picturesque landscape. The buildings are visible from Kashirskoye Highway, from which a white-stone arched pedestrian bridge leads to the gate bell tower.

The idea of ​​building an administrative center of the Russian Orthodox Church was put forward in the year, in connection with the celebration of the 1000th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus'. Official permission to build a new church in Moscow became a sensation at that time. The temple was founded on June 13, 1988 in the Tsaritsyn Ponds area, near the Kashirskoye Highway. The laying of a stone at the foundation of the temple was accompanied by a divine service with the participation of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Pimen. At that time, the high priest expressed the meaning of the temple in the following words:

"So, the first stone has been laid in the foundation of the future temple, dedicated to the 1000th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus', a temple in memory of all our compatriots who laid down their lives in defense of the sacred borders of our Motherland in the Patriotic Wars" .

A competition was held, in which the design of the architect Anatoly Polyansky won. The RSO was organized to build a temple in honor of the Millennium of the Baptism of Rus' (in the years Archpriest Sergius Suzdaltsev was the director), but the start of work was kept postponed. In the year Polyansky died, and then the main temple-building project of the capital was the restoration of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. As a result, construction of the temple began only thirteen years later, and the original project was radically revised. The area allocated for the new patriarchal courtyard in honor of the 1000th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus' was reduced by more than five times, and it amounted to 1,100 square meters.


Trinity Church is the center of the patriarchal courtyard in honor of the 1000th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus', which also includes a chapel, a bell tower, a Sunday school building, a two-story clergy house with administrative premises (connected to the temple by an underground passage). The domes of the courtyard buildings are painted bright blue - a symbol of the Mother of God and angelic powers, and the walls are a warm pinkish color, reminiscent of the color of the walls of the first Russian churches in Kyiv and Novgorod.

Trinity Church

The massive temple was built in the neo-Byzantine style. Capacity - up to three thousand people, height with a cross - 70 meters. This is a single-domed cubic building, to which semi-circular exedra are attached on all four sides, which made the plan of the temple cruciform. In the eastern exedra (apse) there is the main altar, in the side chapels there are chapels, and the western one is the vestibule. The temple is covered with a powerful sail vault resting on the walls, as in ancient Byzantine buildings. The building is completed with a majestic hemispherical ribbed dome, in the drum of which there are twelve windows according to the number of apostles. The semi-domes of the exedra repeat the shape of the dome and are almost equal in diameter, which is why the temple seems multi-domed.

Alexander Nevsky Chapel

The chapel in the name of the blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky became the first structure erected on the courtyard. Located southwest of the temple. The building is topped with a hemispherical

Orthodox Church

at Borisov Ponds

Country Russia
City Moscow
Architectural style neo-Byzantine
Author of the project Kolosnitsyn V.V. etc.
Construction - years
State Valid
Website Official website

Church of the Life-Giving Trinity on Borisov Ponds- Orthodox church on Kashirskoye Shosse street in Moscow.


The decision to build in Moscow, at 61 Kashirskoe Highway, a temple complex dedicated to the Millennium of the Baptism of Rus', was made in 1988. On September 1, 2001, His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II performed a prayer service for the beginning of the construction of the memorial church of the Life-Giving Trinity in Orekhovo-Borisov . By the spring of the year, the construction of the temple building was completed, a team of icon painters under the leadership of the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts V. I. Nesterenko began painting the temple, the project of which was approved by His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II and the mayor Moscow by Yu. M. Luzhkov May 12, 2004

Consecration of the temple

On May 19 of this year, in the south of Moscow, in the Borisov Ponds area on the Day of Easter, in the presence of a delegation of the Russian Church Abroad headed by the First Hierarch of the ROCOR, Metropolitan Laurus, the Plenipotentiary Representative of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal District G. S. Poltavchenko, the head of the Baltic Construction Company I. A. Naivalta His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II consecrated the temple-monument of the Life-Giving Trinity on Borisov Ponds, dedicated to the 1000th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus'.

Temple architecture

The complex of buildings on Borisov Ponds was designed in the Byzantine style: the temple itself is a single-domed cruciform building with four chapels. Its height (with a cross) is 70 m; capacity - up to 4 thousand people. In the basement of the temple there is a baptistery for adult baptism through complete immersion. The complex of the Patriarchal Metochion on Borisov Ponds also includes a clergy house, a Sunday school, a belfry and a chapel in the name of