And what a surprise I was. An elderly man wanted to sell his old watch. But imagine his surprise when he found out their real price! Why you can't learn Aikido from videos

adv. 1. Usage as a question word about the quality of an action or state. How was your vacation today? / in function tale How are you feeling today? What's it like on the street? 2. (in a rhetorical question and exclamation). Usage to express admiration, surprise, indignation... Encyclopedic Dictionary

1. pronoun. and allied (colloquial). Indicates a question about a qualitative condition. K. is he alive? K. I need to hear this! (hard, hard to hear that). 2. Expression of surprise and ironic assessment). He managed to outrun everyone. TO.! Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I.... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Surprisingly, there's a Dictionary of Russian synonyms. what is the adverb, number of synonyms: 2 won (10) amazing ... Dictionary of synonyms

I predic. It is used as a rather rhetorical question about the quality of an action or a state. Part II Used to express admiration, indignation, etc. anything in rhetorical questions and exclamations (usually with a touch of irony). Intelligent... ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

- (Source: “Complete accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words

adv. 1. interrogative. Indicates a question about the quality of an action or state. So, how are you doing, buddy? I. Krylov, Two Men. So she comes out to tea, hugs her husband: How did you rest, dear? Chernyshevsky, What to do? | in bezl... ... Small academic dictionary

what does it feel like- adv. 1) a) used. as a question word about the quality of an action or state. How was your vacation today? b) extended, in function. tale How are you feeling today? What's it like on the street? 2) in rhetoric. question and exclamation. used to express admiration, surprise,... ... Dictionary of many expressions

Aya, oh, place. outdated and official business 1. Same as which. Are there heroes there (on the Polyany collective farm) who would be pleased to have a photograph? There must be! Poltoratsky, In my native land. 2. The same as which (in 6 digits). Berestov responded with the same... Small academic dictionary

what does it feel like- adv... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

Whatever you hear, that’s how it will respond. See GUILT OF MERIT Whatever you hear, that’s how it will respond. See KARA MERCY Whatever comes out, that's what it will respond. See THE TRUTH OF FALSE... V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people


  • Russian theater or Complete collection of all Russian theatrical works. Part 14: This is what it's like to have a basket and laundry. - Historical presentation from the life of Rurik. - Oleg's initial management. , . The book is a reprint of 1786. Despite the fact that serious work has been done to restore the original quality of the publication, some pages may...
  • Worldview (Why do we live and what is our place in the world), David Gooding, John Lennox. When a person graduates from school and continues to study further, he faces many problems. One of them is especially acute, because it is connected with the fact that the world of adult independent life, in...

A letter from one of the readers:

“I do the exercises “Magic and the power of the center.” something started to dawn on me))) I talked with the sensei about this issue... he really said that he had not heard of such an approach. But as far as I understand, he knew about the “collection” of the body, but it seemed to him that there was nothing to explain - this should come with training. And imagine his surprise when a 107 kg boy “flyed” from the techniques I performed... although of course I still do everything clumsily), but I understood why...

Or you can start from the beginning - stance, tsugi-ashi, ayumi-ashi, tenkan, irimi-tenkan, tenkai... it all seems simple, but the more I look, the more I understand that few beginners understand the essence of the movements. Everyone is in a hurry to move on... having not learned to walk, they try to run... and I’m old and I have nowhere to rush - I would like to know the movements and your opinion on their execution yet.”

Masters always return to the basics and polish the basics.

The foundation is something you always want to jump over. It’s boring and uninteresting, and in Aikido, on top of everything else, it’s incomprehensible. Everything is shrouded in darkness, and in addition, sometimes the master shows almost non-contact combat and talks about energy "KI" and breathing.

It seems like it's not easy to learn how to juggle three balls?!

However, if you understand the essence and know the exact method of how to achieve this simple result, then success is guaranteed very quickly! You don't need to reinvent the wheel.

I'm just curious, can you, in 2-4 weeks, by practicing just 5 minutes a day, acquire one very important Aikido skill?! For those who don’t mind, here’s a ready-made and proven method (I test everything on myself and others before releasing it to the public).

You can, of course, grab 3 balls at once or try to make a spectacular throw.

Or you can go another way :)

Why can't you learn aikido from videos?

Ask yourself questions:

1) How many times have you seen aikido masters throwing everyone left and right?

2) How many explanations and clarifications did aikido masters give?

3) How many times have you tried to do everything exactly?!

4) For some reason the technique sometimes works, sometimes it doesn’t work?! One partner is steadily falling, and the other is standing like a mountain?!

5) Why do the arm muscles tense and a struggle ensues if the partner offers even the slightest resistance?!


The trick is that the master ALWAYS performs the same technique differently...

ALTHOUGH outwardly it seems that the movement is the same!

We all have different body types, height, weight, arm length, ability to enter a hypnotic state etc.

As a bonus, we react completely differently in different situations.

And the master does this an imperceptible adjustment that determines the level of mastery and understanding of aikido (and naturally, you will never see this particular highlight in the video)

If everything is done correctly, then the partner falls due to his own strength and inertia. If not, then either a fight or a giveaway begins...

The masters have developed the PRINCIPLES of Aikido through long and hard training, including with weapons!

According to one very interesting master, aikido teachers are simply not completely aware of what they are doing.

I will give two examples on this important point.

Can you imagine...

that you have been tasked with developing a two-wheeler training program.

What's so complicated about that?

You try, you fall, you try, you keep your balance and someday you will succeed! Isn't it?! :)

Everything here is tied to sensations that need to be captured.

Here There are about 10 such puzzles in Aikido, where you just need to catch the right sensations, and then suddenly everything will work out right away.

And you will walk and be surprised at how simple it is?!

After all, the teacher said the truth that aikido is the ability to relax and fill the enemy with your “ki” at the right moment.

What are these puzzles and how to easily unravel them, I discuss in the free newsletter “The Hidden Facets of Aikido.”

What do you think about when you buy a new thing? Probably about price, quality and appearance. But few people think about whether this item will be valuable after many decades. However, some people are still lucky, and, having once bought an item for next to nothing, decades later they become owners of rarities that are valued at hundreds of thousands of dollars! The same story happened with this elderly man.

55 years ago this American bought a wristwatch in Germany, where he served in the military. The watch cost $120, and the young military man could live on that money for a whole month, so he doubted it for a long time. But the sergeant strongly advised the guy to buy a watch from this particular company, saying whatever you want, but don’t leave Germany without a Rolex. Although the guy had never heard of such a company before, he believed the senior in rank and, reluctantly, paid what seemed to him an incredibly large sum for the wrist combs. And soon he returned to the USA.

The watch really turned out to be reliable and of high quality. The man only wore them on holidays and kept the original packaging, receipt, certificate and warranty card. After 55 years, he decided to sell the now famous Rolex watch, which he believed could increase in price somewhat. But what was the pensioner’s surprise when, instead of the expected $500–600, the specialist named the amount $35,000–45,000!

But even that's not all! Having learned that the man had kept the original watch bracelet and all the parts, he told the stunned old man that he could sell the entire set for $65,000–$75,000!

As it turned out, at one time he acquired a unique watch: it belonged to the first Rolex model released, the GMT-MASTER, developed in 1955. Over time, they became the official watches of many airlines, including the famous American Pan American World Airways, better known as Pan Am. Their visual feature is the two-tone bezel, which makes it possible to distinguish day from night.

Having learned the real price of the watch, the old man simply turned pale and was speechless. Having come to his senses, he declared that he considered himself truly lucky!

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I have long dreamed of going to work in another country. Different people, different culture, different language. So when I was offered to become a chef at a French restaurant in Moscow, I couldn’t believe it was true. Of course, I agreed without hesitation.

I was already familiar with Russia through stories: my girlfriend is Russian, one of my cousins ​​is from Kazakhstan, and I have several Russian friends in France. But live everything turned out to be much more interesting. I knew that Russia in summer and Russia in winter are two different countries. So after moving, I waited for my first winter with interest. To be honest, I was not prepared for the frosts of -30 that fell on Moscow this year. But, as I understand it, this came as a big surprise to everyone, not just me. And the fact that winter lasts for almost six months was also a revelation for me. Sounds like Game of Thrones.

In general, you need to get used to this climate - either winter or summer, either -30 or +30. It’s clear why the Russian people are so hardened.

And the story of bathing at Epiphany is perhaps the most amazing thing I saw here. I was not aware that this phenomenon was so widespread; I thought that this required years of training and hardening. Imagine my surprise when I found out that most of my friends and colleagues went swimming for Epiphany and invited me with them. I'm not even ready to watch yet. I wonder what I will say in a year.

The most difficult moment of adaptation was, of course, at work. At first, I was wondering how I could structure my work if I didn’t speak Russian. Since the team had already been formed and was waiting for innovations, I had to work hard to make people want to listen and understand me. At first they thought that I would throw frying pans - as it turned out, many people think that all French chefs do this. This is not true - this is done not only in France, Italians also sin with this. But this is not my approach, I am for diplomacy, everything can be explained in words.

It was more difficult with the guests, because the tastes of the French and Russians are very different. French cuisine is not very widely represented in Moscow, so it was and remains my duty to bring it to the guests. As a result, it seems to me that I began to understand the tastes of Russian people and reached a compromise. However, due to the lack of many products, I simply have to develop innovative approaches.

I really like some Russian products. Russia has excellent Kamchatka crabs with a very soft, slightly sweet taste and delicate texture. The quality of meat obtained from hunting is very good. I also like working with Russian fish, it is different and has a very interesting taste, especially wild fish.

But imagine my surprise when I began to hear that Russian cheeses are tastier than French ones! This is where I categorically disagree.

To be honest, I didn’t like Russian cheese at all. I'm still used to a brighter taste. I understand that cheese making in Russia is very young, it will be interesting to see what will happen in the coming years.

I almost don’t feel the language barrier at work anymore - I adopt Russian expressions from my colleagues, it amuses them, because in Russian I still only know the names of products and kitchen utensils. But in general, it’s difficult without a language. I will remember a recent trip to the store and an attempt to buy beer for a long time: they asked me for documents, I showed them, but for a long time the saleswoman could not understand what I was showing her, whether it was a license or a medical insurance policy. They eventually gathered a whole council to decide whether to sell me beer or not.

I feel uncomfortable when everyone speaks Russian, jokes, laughs, and I don’t understand what is happening, even when this joke is translated for me. I also once couldn’t find the bar where my friends were waiting for me for an hour, because the taxi driver dropped me off there in the wrong place, and I had difficulty explaining to people what exactly I needed and where I was at the moment.

Horror, then we laughed, of course, but you feel like a child. I also remember well my first trip to McDonald's. I literally explained what I needed for about five minutes, waited ten minutes for the order, and what I received was 100% wrong. But I couldn’t be angry, it was very funny.

I mostly communicate with colleagues and guests, because I spend most of my time at work. I try to find time to visit the restaurants of my colleagues, and be sure to go to new places. Fortunately, I have many French- and English-speaking friends in Moscow, who are always ready to keep me company. By the way, I am also making significant steps forward - I started learning Russian. It turned out to be incredibly difficult! But I firmly decided for myself that by the end of the year I would speak, at least in general phrases.

Of course, I miss my family and close friends, but we regularly call each other and keep in touch.

Last summer, my parents and a couple of friends visited me, who, unlike me, were very surprised by what they saw in Russia. They had a completely different vision of the country, I would say negative, and in the end they did not want to leave.

In general, I don’t understand how Russians have the strength to work so much, and then go somewhere after work, and not for an hour and a half, but to fully hang out during the week. I experimented on myself a couple of times and realized that this requires years of training.

There were a lot of funny moments during the adaptation. I can’t remember everything. But I can definitely say that I will never forget my first and last trip to the bathhouse. Everyone thought that I could not stand the temperature, some were even afraid that I would faint. But I persevered and even agreed to a massage with a broom. True, I still don’t understand, in Russia everywhere there is still a tradition of going into the bathhouse completely naked?

“At first we wanted to throw it back onto the street, but after taking a closer look, we decided to leave the incomprehensible creature,” this is how the heroine of our today’s article began her story.

This woman's child brought home some strange creature that looked more like a worm. At first they even wanted to take him back to the street. It's good that they didn't do this!

Over time, this “incomprehensible creature” turned into a beautiful animal.

The baby was very tiny, dirty, hungry. It was urgent to save him, because he couldn’t have lived alone without his mother.

Just look at the size of this baby!

It’s scary to touch such a baby, lest you damage anything, but constantly caring for him is an incredible thing.

But the family quickly pulled themselves together, because they understood that if they didn’t save the animal, it would simply die.

They started feeding her with formula milk from a syringe. Fortunately, the baby liked this food.

Time passed, and the pet’s owners still did not understand who they were raising.

At first, this creature looked like a tiny kitten, but then it began to acquire gray fur, and its ears remained small, which is completely atypical for felines.

And finally, the cub is all grown up! Now the family realized that all this time they had a real sugar flying squirrel in the house!

This was a very pleasant and definitely unexpected surprise for family members!

It still remains a mystery how such an exotic creature ended up in the courtyard of a high-rise building. But the baby is still here!

By the way, flying squirrels can be kept as pets if you provide them with good care.

Just imagine the surprise of the family when this little one flew for the first time!

So, a child found an indistinct body on the street, more like a worm, and as a result, an amazing and beautiful creature grew up before their eyes!

It is important for all of us to be a little more attentive to the world around us.

What if someone needs help right under our feet?

Amazing story! Has something similar happened to you?