Follow the girl up the stairs. A girl walks up the stairs a girl walks up the stairs

Climbing the stairs in a dream foretells success in achieving the intended goal; going down the stairs - you will lose patience at the last moment and thereby ruin the whole thing.

To feel dizzy and weak after climbing the fire escape of a house to the height of the top floor - such a dream foretells that you will take the trust and honor shown to you quite calmly and for granted.

A rope ladder thrown from a window predicts a wonderful outcome to a haphazard undertaking.

Climbing on it - you will satisfy your vanity in work and pride in love. Running along it from someone else's bedroom is a shame.

A ladder leaning against the roof of a one-story house is a warning to beware of thieves and schemers; if it falls on you - therefore, in real life You will be repaid with black ingratitude for your help or good advice.

Falling down the stairs in a dream means that a passionate feeling will turn your head and make you careless to the point of recklessness.

A ladder breaking under you in a dream foreshadows collapse in all matters and a decadent mood.

Repairing a ladder means falling into even greater despair from the betrayal of a friend at a difficult moment for you.

Raising the ladder means prosperity and good luck in gambling.

Carrying a ladder - your energy and efficiency will be noticed, appreciated and will help you quite soon make significant progress in the area of ​​your professional interests and even take one of the leading positions in it.

A staircase leading to heaven suggests that everything planned will come true.

A staircase leading to a bottomless abyss, perhaps even to the underworld itself, means that you can achieve success only at the cost of great risk, putting life itself on the line.

Going down the stairs from an airplane or ship means disappointment in entrepreneurship and wandering around in search of another business; going up the stairs means settling in a good, quiet, but profitable place.

A spiral staircase in a dream suggests that you will reach your goal in a roundabout way.

A stepladder foreshadows a choice between a true lie and an unrighteous truth.

An escalator staircase is a good change if you're going up, and a bad change if you're going down.

Broken escalator - your loved ones will deceive you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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In the evening I went out into the entrance to smoke, and a neighbor, clearly a loser, was coming up the stairs.
I tell him:
- Hello...
He turns to the cat sitting on the step and begins to stroke it with the words:
- Well, hello! How are you?..
He didn't seem to notice me at all...

aaa>My personal record is a 1600kg safe at Sberbank, 30 meters of corridor, climbing the stairs to the third floor, then another 10 meters. In one mug, using only hand tools
bbb>It would be interesting to film this and then show it to Egyptologists. Otherwise, poor people, they still don’t understand how the pyramids were built.

A drunk Georgian climbs the stairs to his apartment and sees his neighbor in an elevator stuck between floors.
"Gogi, dear, what are you doing there?"
“Listen, Valiko, I’ve been sitting here for a whole hour, yelling, screaming... but not one damn thing is coming.”
Valiko, unzipping his fly and showing his penis, asks:
"Gogi, look, dear, maybe mine will do...?"

Persian: I once studied at a military academy. He was young. Bold. Came to the academy under New Year wearing a Santa Claus hat. I’m standing smoking with my comrades on the staircase (which is strictly prohibited) and then an angry colonel bursts in and starts yelling at us:
- You are all bastards, etc. (further 5 minutes of selective swearing) Then he fixes his furious gaze on me and says gloatingly:
- And the stairs will be cleaned... (pause)
- And the stairs will be cleaned... uh... (Trying to remember the name of the American Santa Claus)
- uh....
- And the Ku Klux Klan will clean up the stairs!

I, my friend and his girlfriend, completely sober, leave the apartment and head to the elevator. The elevator opens and there is a drunken man with a fume standing 2 meters in front of him. the girl immediately says, “I’ll go up the stairs.” The two of us enter, the elevator closes, and we go. then the man says, “why is she on the stairs?”, I say to him loudly with intonation and in his eyes: “because you need to drink less!!!” to which he replied: “so let him not drink...”

A story from a theater choreographer. Olga (an intellectual and sophisticated esthete) climbs the stairs to her apartment. On the site, as usual, a naked neighbor, a hard worker, smokes from the waist up. Again, you’re smoking topless, Vasily Ivanovich, she says reproachfully. The neighbor, blinking in bewilderment, answers - no, I smoke Bond.

I'm on the train, in the vestibule, standing and smoking. But my shorts are a little too big and my panties are visible: D
a man comes up to me and says:
-Girl, are you treating impotence?
-What, do you need help?
He somehow immediately fell silent and got off at the next station))))

Linya (16:05:07 11/06/2010)
I’m standing outside the office smoking, there are about 5 other people nearby.
A girl comes out with a guy, the guy tries to light a cigarette for her, but the lighter “doesn’t work.” after 20 seconds of torment, the girl takes her lighter, lights a cigarette and drops everyone with the phrase “That’s how it is in bed - all by herself, all by herself.”

I’m standing on the landing, opening the door. A young man comes down the stairs talking to someone on the phone.
- Happy holiday to you, girl!
- (automatically) Thank you, and you too!
Silent scene
- (from the phone) and I have long advised you to change your image...


Girl: Give me a corby.
Seller: Do you want pink?

D: Yes, pink.

I need to change my color from blonde to some other color...
- Why?
-Yes, Marish, it’s a shame when you go to Svyaznoy, say to the consultant, “Do you have a Corby?”, and he asks, “Do you want a pink one?”!!!
- Hmm, stereotypes... Which one did you buy?
- Pink...

I think the blondie has been detected)))

Today I am standing at the payment point in connection. Nearby, a girl, all such a glamorous blonde, comes up to the counter.
Girl: Give me a corby.
Seller: Do you want pink?
D: Damn, what is this??! Is it because I'm blonde right??
P: ... (silence in confusion)
D: Yes, pink.

Ghost of communism
By the way, today I was coming out of the shower and there was an advertisement on the stairs:
“The girl who moaned loudly in the area of ​​207-212 rooms, from 2 to 3 am, come to me tonight in 308. I can fuck better and longer)”

One girl (such a glamorous girl, yeah) has a status in contact:

"If I fall, don't laugh, idiot...better make a wish - A STAR FALLED!))"

the inscription on the wall: "don't get up!!! don't get up, bitch!!"

I mentally shake this guy's hand =)

Now I’m going up the stairs, and 3 guys from our office are walking up to the floor above and one of them has a PDA fall and I’m just catching it. I raise my hands up and say Thank you Lord for this gift, you heard my prayers:-D:-D on the third floor they laughed as much as me:-D:-D

I'm standing in the corridor, smoking. I see there is a book - “Occupational Safety and Health”. I took it, I stood there, leafing through it. The director walks past me, stops, reads the titles and says: “You can lose your job for such literature.”

Conversation in a computer store:
the girl (d) all so glamorous is toiling in front of the window and the guy (a typical programmer)
"(e) angrily says to the guy, “This is for THIS! Will you go with me to the store to choose shoes!!!...NO!! To TWO stores!!
(p) quickly quickly moves away from the display case - No way!!! Went! It's stuffy here...."
Blackmail o_O?

I’m standing at the station, smoking and watching the scene. A girl (d), a guy (p), both about seventeen years old, and a boy (m), apparently someone’s brother, are sitting on a bench. They send the boy out for hot dogs and the following dialogue occurs:
p-no onions for me.
d- no cheese for me.
m- you'll fuck without sausages, I'll buy them.

Bregor: I’m walking up the stairs now
Bregor: I look - the dude is standing there, fucking the door
Bregor: I think spring has come...
Bregor: it turned out that he has a magnet hanging on his belly, and he is trying to reach the reader with it

According to an eyewitness.
A young girl climbs the stairs with a kinder about one and a half years old
hands. The elevator doesn't work. Somewhere around the eighth floor of a girl
the cell phone rang. She picks up the phone and continues to rise. Overheard
- Affairs? Things are fine. A? No, no. Fine. What?! that I so often

I'm standing on the stairs at work, smoking. A common phrase among those passing by:
“Drinking and smoking are harmful to health” Excuses like: “Living in general is harmful, from
they’re dying,” “Fuck you...” don’t fit.
Walking by:
- Drinking and smoking is harmful to your health.
- Thank you, I'm not interested.
- Didn't understand?
- So you’re suggesting: “Drinking, smoking, harming your health.” I don't need it.
Silence. Then he:
- Well, sometimes you can smoke.
- There is no comrade for the taste and color.
After that, “they didn’t suggest that I should drink or smoke or harm my health.”
suggested :)

A good friend told me. Now a doctor of sciences, works in Sklif, and in
in his youth, after college, he was an ambulance doctor on duty.
Deep night. An ambulance crew consisting of a doctor, let's call him Doctor and
the orderly Gosha, who is also the driver, who is everything else, goes to
heart attack. Khrushchev five-story building. 3rd floor. On sites like
usually there is no light. The client feels bad and needs to be taken away. Gosha went for a stretcher,
The doctor went out onto the platform, sat in the corner, sits, smokes, and watches. Past him
with a stretcher on his head, i.e. not seeing anything around, he climbs
Gosh's stairs. Passed the third floor, rises to the 4th. The doorbell rings
above the client's apartment. There is silence outside the door. He calls again. From behind the door
sleepy female voice:
-Who's there?
- It's me, Gosha.
Natural question:
- Which Gosha?
Natural answer:
- Fool, I brought a stretcher.

A staircase in a dream is a symbol of the road, success in business, advancement to the top, honors and achieving goals. The condition of the ladder (if it is strong) and its steps (if not broken or missing), as well as their number in a dream, means how difficult or dangerous it will be for you to climb it. Any flaws in the stairs in a dream promise you difficulties and obstacles in business.

Being frightened while climbing stairs in a dream means that you will have a hard time in life and perhaps you will never get what you want. A steep staircase in a dream is a sign of danger from too hasty and risky actions.

The smooth rise of the stairs predicts that your affairs will move forward smoothly, like clockwork. A spiral staircase means that you will have to put in a lot of effort to achieve what others find easy or come naturally to them. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you need to take on the matter from the other end.

A rope ladder in a dream indicates that you will cope well with a risky business. Climbing stairs in a dream means that you will move forward towards your goal. Going down it is a sign of unpleasant changes in business, loss of spirit, losses and damages, a bad end to a good deed. Falling off it in a dream is an indication that you should not take any steps or give in to temptation if this could damage your relationships with loved ones or business partners.

Running up the steps to escape pursuit means a successful way out of a dangerous situation. Carrying a ladder in a dream is a sign that you will not leave a friend in trouble. Seeing a staircase near your house or a window in a dream means that you should be wary of thieves. Disassembling a ladder so that others cannot climb it in a dream is an indication that your resourceful mind will help you achieve what you want and at the same time deftly eliminate your rivals.

A staircase rising high or going into the sky is a sign that a cherished desire will soon come true, especially if you dream several times in a row that you are still climbing and climbing up it. Such a dream predicts that everything in your life is going as you want. See interpretation: steps, bandit, up, down.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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