Icon of the Virgin Mary of Perekop. The miraculous Korsun icon of the Mother of God “Hodegetria” in Toropets. The meaning of the Perekop icon of the Mother of God in the Orthodox encyclopedia tree

On St. Nicholas Day 1828, Metropolitan Philaret finally decided to retire.

He sat down at his desk, took a large sheet of thick blue paper, examined the quill pen, crossed himself and began to write:

“Most merciful Sovereign!

The sacred duty to serve Your Imperial Majesty with faith and truth makes gratitude for the mercies and benefits of Your Imperial Majesty, indescribably great for me, especially desirable ... "

Here he stopped and thought:

Yes, we write hard... It’s hard - Pushkin teaches us how to write, but we don’t listen... Yes... Pushkin... Alexander Sergeevich... We are stubborn and stiff-necked people!

The Metropolitan again creaked his goose feather:

“But, with the awareness of my inner shortcomings, bodily weakness, barely overcome by forced efforts for a considerable time, finally takes away from me the hope of meeting the responsibilities of the ministry entrusted to me...”

I'm tired! I'm tired of everything! - he said out loud, without looking up from the letter. - There’s no time to talk to your soul!

“Therefore, I accept the boldness of Your Imperial Majesty to most submissively ask for my dismissal from the administration of the diocese entrusted to me and to allow me to choose to live in one of the monasteries...”

Yes, heavy language, heavy! - the Metropolitan thought again, sealing the petition with his signature:

“Your Imperial Majesty’s loyal subject, Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna Philaret.”

I'll send it to your destination tomorrow. I will wait for the highest resolution!

The next day I.V. Kireyevsky sent the Metropolitan a new poem by Pushkin to read:

A vain gift, a random gift,

Life, why were you given to me?

Or why fate is a secret

Are you sentenced to death?..

The soul of the great poet appeared before the spiritual eyes of the Metropolitan. I felt sorry for him to the point of shuddering, having lost the most precious thing in life - faith in life and in his calling on earth. A shepherd called to save people suddenly spoke in the metropolitan. Everything that weighed and tormented him during this time gave way to a clear and deep consciousness of his tasks and his high dedication...

You can’t do that, Alexander Sergeevich! - he thought warmly and tenderly. Such strength has been given to you and suddenly you cry out in anguish: “A vain gift, an accidental gift...” It’s hard for all of us, Alexander Sergeevich...

During the evening prayers before bedtime, the Metropolitan again remembered Pushkin’s poem.

He bowed to the ground.

Grant peace and tranquility to the soul of Your servant Alexander, for our people need him... Those who walk in darkness!

And when he said these words, something bright flashed in his soul. He couldn't pray anymore. Without finishing the “evening rule,” he rose from his knees, lit a candle, took a pen and quickly began to write:

Not in vain, not by chance

Life was given to me by fate;

Not without the truth, secretly

Condemned to melancholy.

I myself am capricious in power

Evil called out from the secret abysses,

He filled his soul with passion,

The mind was agitated with doubt.

Remember me, forgotten by me,

Shine through the darkness of thoughts,

And they will be created by You

The heart is pure, the mind is bright.

Come what may! - he said. - But I will send these lines to Pushkin as an answer to his bitter words.

Then he looked at the envelope addressed to the Sovereign Emperor.

No, I can’t leave the pulpit for the sake of a silent monastery,” he decided, “I have to work hard!” Let us work for the sake of those great and small who are tormented by melancholy and doubts in our dim life! The feat must be embraced! Who will console? Who will save?

Philaret was tormented for a long time by the thought: did his night voice reach the poet’s heart?

And then one day he receives lines written by the hand of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin himself:

...And now from a spiritual height

You stretch out your hand to me,

And the strength of meek and loving

You tame your wild dreams.

Your soul is burning with your fire

Rejected the darkness of earthly vanities,

And listens to Seraphim's harp

The poet is in holy horror.

Glory to Thee, True Christ the Light,” the Metropolitan crossed himself, “for awakening the soul of the great poet with my small, inexperienced word!”

And kissed Pushkin's lines.

Holy Saturday

On this day, from early on, it seemed to me that the old barn opposite our window seemed to be renewed. I began to look at the houses, fences, front garden, storage of birch firewood under the shed, at the broom with gray twigs in the sunny hands of the janitor Davydka, and they seemed renewed. Even the stones on the pavement were different. But the roosters and hens looked especially happy. They had Easter stuff in them.

The room smelled strongly of the approaching Easter. While helping my mother cook, I knocked over a pot of boiled rice on the floor, and they waved me out of the house:

Better go to mass! - my mother sent me away. - This will be a rare service... I’m telling you for the second time; When you grow up, you will remember such service...

I went to Grishka to invite him to church, but he refused:

I won't go with you today! When you took out the shroud, you called me a striped zebra! Is it my fault that I got smeared with egg paints then?

On this day, the church seemed to be brightened, although the shroud was still standing and the clergy served in black funeral vestments, but from the sun lying on the church floor, Easter was already coming. The “hours” were read at the shroud, and many confessors stood on the pulpit.

Before mass, I went out into the fence. The pilgrims sat on a long bench and listened to a long-sleeved old man in leather galoshes:

God is marvelous in His saints,” he rounded out the thorny words. - Let’s take for example the Monk Macarius of Alexandria, we celebrate his memory on January 19... One day a bear and a bear cub come to him in the desert silence. She laid it at the feet of the saint and seemed to cry...

What kind of parable? - the reverend thinks. He bends down towards the small animal and sees: he is blind! Little bear! The monk realized that a bear had come to him! He was touched in his heart, crossed the little blind man, stroked him, and a miracle happened: the little bear regained his sight!

Please tell me! - someone said from the heart.

That’s not all,” the old man shook his head, “the next day the bear brings a sheep’s skin.” She laid it at the feet of the Monk Macarius and said to him with her eyes: “Take it from me as a gift, for your kindness”...

The liturgy of Holy Saturday was truly rare. It began as an all-night vigil with the singing of evening songs. When they sang “Quiet Light,” a reader in a black surplice came out to the shroud and placed a large wax-covered book on the lectern.

He began to read sixteen proverbs at the Holy Sepulcher. For more than an hour he read about the passage of the Jews through the Red Sea, about the sacrifice of Isaac, about the prophets who foresaw through the centuries the coming of the Savior, His suffering on the cross, the burial of the Resurrection... The reader ended the long reading of the prophecies with high and drawn-out singing: - Sing to the Lord, and exalt ye to all ages ... This served as a kind of alarm bell. The choir started up, the notes rustled and burst out in a wave splash: “Sing to the Lord, and exalt to all ages...” The choir repeated this song several times, and the reader exclaimed through the singing such words from which I remembered the expression I heard: “god-woven verbs.”

Bless the sun and moon

Bless the rain and dew

Bless the nights and days

Bless the lightning and clouds

Bless the seas and rivers

Bless the birds of the air

Bless the beasts and all livestock.

A bear with a blind bear cub, who came to Saint Macarius, stood before my eyes:

Bless the animals!..

“Let us drink to the Lord! It’s great to be famous!” Easter! It is she who thunders in richly woven verbs: Sing to the Lord and exalt to all ages!

Brothers and sisters, with the beginning of the Nativity fast! Unfortunately, this day is overshadowed by the tragedy in the Tver region, which claimed many lives in the crash of the Nevsky Express. Our site offers its condolences to the families of those killed in a terrible railway accident. In the old days, in one of the Tver churches, the miraculous Korsun icon of the Mother of God “Hodegetria” (“Guide Lady”) in Toropets was revered as the intercessor of all travelers and the patroness of both the city and the surrounding villages. In the Russian Orthodox Church, this image is honored among the icons of the Mother of God venerated in October, images of which are shown on the menaion icon from the Andrei Rublev Museum. Cm. : .

Prayer before the image of the Most Holy Theotokos “Hodegetria” (“Ephesian”) :

ABOUT Most Holy Virgin, Lady Theotokos, the Only Begotten God the Word, all visible and invisible creatures, Creator and Master, one of the Trinity, Lord, God and Man, who gave birth more than nature and words, the Divine receptacle, the recipient of all shrines and graces, in Neizha the fulfillment of the Divine abides, by the blessing of God and the Father and the action of the Holy Spirit, chosen from all creation, glory and unspeakable joy of the Angels, the royal crown of the apostles and prophets, the wonderful and all-praiseworthy courage of the martyrs and the wedding of sufferers, everlasting and incorruptible rewards to the immutable intercessor, honor and glory to the venerables, unlostable path to the teacher, a source of light, an inexhaustible river of mercy, an inexhaustible sea of ​​all miracles and spiritual gifts! We pray to You and ask You, merciful Mother of the Lover of Mankind, to have mercy on us, Your humble and unworthy servant: look mercifully on our captivity and heal the contrition of our souls and bodies, destroy the visible and invisible armies, and every pillar of the fortress, weapons in battle, commander and invincible champion, make us unworthy on behalf of our enemies. Show us Your ancient mercies and wonders. For there is only one King and Master, Thy Son and God, and Thou art truly the Mother of God, blessed of all generations, who gave birth to the true God according to the flesh, and for His sake Thou art all able and mighty to act, even if thou wilt in heaven and on earth. Fulfill every request for the benefit of everyone, Lady: grant healing to those who are sick, silence and control to those floating in the sea, travel and observe with those who travel, comfort the mourners, alleviate poverty and all bodily bitterness, consume mental illness and bodily passions first of all through Your invisible intercession and through intercession, so that we may end this temporary path of life kindly and without stumbling, and receive eternal good for Your sake in the Kingdom of Heaven. Much more than this, entrusted to You, this city and every city and country from famine, destruction, cowardice, flood, fire and sword, from the presence of foreigners and internecine warfare and from vain death, and from righteous death, turn away all anger righteously moved towards us, by the good will and grace of the Only Begotten Son Yours, to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, with His Originless Father and the Ever-Existing and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Toropetsk Icon of the Mother of God and St. Nikolay.
XIII-XIV centuries
82.5 x 60.5 x 3.0.
Timing belt Inv. No. DRZh-2093.
State of preservation: the image on the reverse side is lost to the base, the handle is lost, at the junction of the boards of the front side there is a through crack with gesso crumbs and movable overhanging fragments (under the professional adhesives there are fifteen preventive adhesives over the entire surface of the icon) and welts of weeds below, the connection of the soil with the paint layer and weakened by the pavilion, loss of gesso to the pavilion at the left edge and on the right on the field and husk, numerous nail holes with old drying oil, some are covered with mastic, there are late inserts of soil, the largest on the right husk and in the lower part of the icon, along the edgesinserts(especially in the lower left corner and on the right husk below), in the upper left corner there is a hard swelling of the gesso near the inscription, on the right hand of Christ the painting was lost before the preparatory drawing, on the leg of the Infant God, as well as the hands and face of the Mother of God - test clearings, in the upper right corner on the field there is a recording area, numerous losses and abrasions of the paint layer, especially at the level of the legs of Christ, chips of the paint layer on the right hand of the Mother of God and at eye level on the right side of the maforia, the losses are tinted, there is a scratch on the lower key under the left hand of the Mother of God, in the lower right corner - inventory number with red paint, on the reverse side there are fragments of the pavolok with primer and a partial paint layer (mainly on the right margin), on the lower and left margins there is a gap between the pavolok, soil and paint layer from the base, seven preventive seals over the entire surface, on the lower field inventory number with blue paint (Artist-restorer E.V. Azarnina, artist-restorer M.M. Bushuev, artist-restorer I.V. Khalbaeva).

The miraculous Korsun - Toropetsk Icon of the Mother of God ("Ephesus - Polotsk") , according to legend, was brought to Rus' from Byzantium thanks to the labors of the Polotsk princess Euphrosyne (Predslava Svyatoslavichna, † 23.05. 1173 or 1167?), glorified among the saints, who was the daughter of Prince. Svyatoslav (George) Vseslavich, granddaughter of the Polotsk prince. Vseslav Bryachislavich. Princess Euphrosyne of Polotsk, according to the testimony of her Life (the oldest list of a short Life is in the Prologue of the last quarter of the 15th century. BAN. 33.19.8), especially prayed for the acquisition of the Hodegetria icon for her built church: “Have mercy on me, Lord, and I have finished my request, so that I may see the Most Holy Theotokos Hodegetria in this holy church.” In response to the earnest request and “valuable gifts” of Princess Euphrosyne, by decree of Emperor Manuel Komnenos c. In 1159, a copy of the revered Ephesian image of the Mother of God was made, which 700 armed horsemen sent by the basileus delivered to Constantinople, and after consecration in the Cathedral of St. Sophia, Patriarch Luke (Chrysoverg) blessed to send the icon to Polotsk, where “(the princess) decorated it with gold and stone valuable, and set out to carry it to the holy churches every Tuesday” (The Tale of Euphrosyne of Polotsk // Old Russian Princely Lives. M., 2001. P. 153; Life of Euphrosyne of Polotsk / Prepared text: E. Dorokhova // Lives and miracles of saints in Old Russian writing: Texts. Materials. M., 2000. pp. 153-173). About the “Tuesday” lithiums in Constantinople with the miraculous icon “Hodegetria”, which served as a model for the liturgical innovations of the book. Euphrosyne of Polotsk, a lot of historical evidence has been preserved, which was collected in the work: Janin R. La géographie ecclésiastique de l "empire byzantin. I. Le siège de Constantinople et le patriarchat oecumenique. III. Les églises et les monasteres. Paris, 1953. R . 212-214 (See the latest review: Angelidi S., Papamastorakis T. The Veneration of the Virgin Hodegetria and the Hodegon Monastery // Mother of God. Representations of the Virgin in Byzantine Art / Ed. M. Vassilaki. Athens, 2000 . R. 373-387). Similar Byzantine processions are also discussed in our message:.

Most likely, the icon ended up in Polotsk ca. 1160, since in 1161 the local master Lazar Bogsha performed for the prince. Euphrosyne of Polotsk cross, into which were placed shrines sent by that time from Byzantium: a particle of the Tree of the Holy Cross, particles of stones from the Holy Sepulcher and from the Sepulcher of the Mother of God, the blood of the Great Martyr. Demetrius of Thessaloniki, particles of the relics of the First Hour. Stefan and martyr. Panteleimon and others (Shalina I.A. Our Lady of Ephesus - Polotsk - Korsun - Toropetskaya: Historical names and archetype of the miraculous icon // Miraculous icon in Byzantium and Other Rus'. M., 1996. P. 200-236). The handwritten story about the history of the acquisition of the Hodegetria (Ephesian) icon from the funds of the Nizhny Novgorod Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve provides additional information: “This icon was painted in Byzantium in 1134 under Archimandrite Joseph of Constantinople and King Emanuel of Greece from the ancient original form of writing the Apostle Luke himself." Another copy of the Korsun icon “Eleusa” (“Tenderness”) was known, which was enclosed in the Nizhny Novgorod Annunciation Monastery of St. Alexey. On the robe of this icon there was a three-line inscription in two languages ​​- Slavic and Greek: “This image was painted in the summer of 6501 (993) by Simeon the hieromonk,” which served as the basis for the opinion that the icon was painted in Kyiv during the time of St. Equal to the Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir as a copy of the revered image brought by the Baptist of Rus' from Korsun. Unfortunately, this list mysteriously disappeared from the Annunciation Monastery, although it had previously survived three devastating fires unharmed.

IN 1239 The peace of the small Tver town of Toropets was disturbed by a significant event: Prince Alexander Yaroslavich, the son of the Toropets princess Feodosia, got married in one of the local churches (literally a year later he would be called Nevsky after the famous battle). The prince's chosen one was the Polotsk princess Alexandra (Paraskeva Bryachislavna) - the grandniece of the prince. Euphrosyne of Polotsk. According to the “Tale of the Miracles of the Icon of the Mother of God of Korsun” at the turn of the 17th-18th centuries, this event is associated with the appearance in Toropets of a list of the revered Polotsk icon “Hodegetria” (“Ephesian”), the celebration of the transfer of which takes place on October 9 (October 22 according to the present day). .). On the back of the icon there was an image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. In favor of such an attribution and dating of the Toropets image is evidenced by some features of personal painting, in particular, the presence of an admixture of varnish in the red-brown lining on the ground, which is typical for a number of icons of the Mother of God from the upcoming 13th century . Back in the middle of the 17th century. acquired through the labors of St. The icon of Euphrosyne of Polotsk was in Polotsk, where it was glorified as a “decoration of the city” brought from Constantinople by Simeon of Polotsk in verses dedicated to the solemn meeting with the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Hodegetria” (“Ephesian”) when Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich entered the city. Under him, by royal decree, the brick Korsun Cathedral was built in Toropets in honor of the local copy of the Polotsk icon “Hodegetria” (“Ephesian”) in 1676-1685, but during one of the severe fires the cathedral burned down so that worship in it became impossible lead. At the city meeting, the residents of Torop decided that the city mayor “through someone who knows architecture, make a plan and façade decent for a cathedral church and present it to the public for consideration.”

The current stone three-altar cathedral was built in its place in 1795-1804. designed by Smolensk architect Osip Spirkin. A two-altar refectory is attached to the large five-domed quadrangle of the cathedral, complicated by apsidal projections on the east and west. For the only time in the entire history of the city, Torop residents turn to the sovereign with a request for a donation. Emperor Paul I allocated 4 thousand rubles, for which a magnificent hand-made iconostasis was “built”, and on the right side a miraculous icon was kept in a gilded icon case. In October 1804, the cathedral was solemnly consecrated by Archpriest Nechaev with “the city clergy in front of a huge crowd of people.” In 1879, the cathedral was surrounded on three sides by a stone fence with two iron lattice gates and five turrets, in one of which a chapel was built in honor of St. Alexander Nevsky. Opposite the cathedral, on the other side of the road, stood a brick bell tower from the 1780s. in 4 tiers, on which hung the heaviest bell of the city weighing 400 pounds with the following inscription: “In honor of the Most Holy Theotokos, this bell was recast in 1841, on December 5, through the care of this cathedral of Archpriest John Kholmsky with the brethren and church warden Fyodor Abakanov and through the zeal of the willing donors of the city of Toropets.” There are legends that the miraculous image saved the city several times from Lithuanian raids and epidemics. In 1812, when the French approached, the Torop residents took the icon to the outskirts of the city. Soon news came that Napoleon's troops unexpectedly changed their route and bypassed the city.

In the 1920s the temple was closed, the bell tower and the heads of the church were destroyed, and the miraculous Korsun - Toropetsk Icon of the Mother of God ("Ephesus - Polotsk") was taken to the Toropets Local History Museum, which was newly formed in 1924, which since 1962 occupied the neighboring building b. Church of the Epiphany (XVIII century). In 1936, the shrine was transferred from the Toropets local history museum to the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg, in whose funds it remains to this day. In 1937, in the restoration workshop of the State Russian Museum, the icon was freed from late recordings and protective layers of drying oil. About the miraculous Toropetsk Icon of the Mother of God, see: “We worship Your Most Pure Image...”: The Image of the Mother of God in works from the collection of the Russian Museum. St. Petersburg, 1995. Cat. No. 105. P. 180-181 (article by I.A. Shalina); Rybakova S.N. Miracles and the fate of icons of the Mother of God in the twentieth century" M., 2008.

The Korsun-Bogoroditsky Cathedral, where the shrine was kept for centuries until 1921, was partially restored in the late 1970s, but only in 2005 was returned to the Church. In September 2009, a copy of the Toropetsk Icon of the Mother of God returned from St. Petersburg to the Korsun-Bogoroditsky Cathedral, although not the miraculous image from the collections of the St. Petersburg Russian Museum, but a copy of the 18th century, acquired and restored with money from a benefactor. According to the dean of the Toropets district, Archpriest Georgy Frolov, an unknown philanthropist wished for the icon to be in the Transfiguration Church (opposite the house-museum of Patriarch Tikhon), but in the near future the list will be in the Korsun Cathedral. On October 22, 2009, on the day of the celebration of the transfer of the Korsun Icon of the Mother of God to Toropets, Archbishop of Tver and Kashinsky Victor celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the Korsun Cathedral, after which, as of old, a religious procession was held with a list of the miraculous icon ( see photo).

Not long ago, in an interview with the newspaper “My Land,” Irina Solovyova, head of the ancient Russian painting department of the State Russian Museum, said: “Our specialists began to restore this icon immediately after it arrived to us. Unfortunately, the artists got a little carried away - while cleaning, as they thought, soot from the palm of the Mother of God and the baby’s foot, they removed the original layer of paint and scraped down to the original foundation. Okay, we stopped in time. In fact, the dark skin color of the saints depicted indicates the antiquity of the work: this is how the first Byzantine icons were painted.” It’s hard to believe, but this admission by an employee of the Russian Museum about the shortcomings of the restoration work is fully consistent with the reporting documentation, incl. about technical and technological research. The keeper led Toropets journalists to the fund, where directly on the wall of the basement hangs the miraculous Korsun image of the Mother of God, and, according to I.V. Solovyova, “all our icons are stored this way, we are a museum, not a church.” As the head of the department of ancient Russian painting of the State Russian Museum noted, “People from Toropets also came to us more than once, but what belongs to the Russian Museum is a national treasure and cannot be alienated. Let them make a list" ().

Archpriest Georgy Frolov, dean of the city of Toropets, could not hide his pain for the shrine from the press: “a couple of years ago I came to St. Petersburg on business, and, of course, went to the Russian Museum to see the Korsun Icon of the Mother of God and pray to it. I was amazed that the image, so revered by the residents of Haste, just hanging on the wall by the stairs! E then a praying image that can take its rightful place in the Korsun-Bogoroditsky Cathedral.” In the meantime, the rector of the Korsun-Bogoroditsky Cathedral, a member of the Diocesan Council, priest Vladimir Grevtsev, ordered a copy of the miraculous icon ( see video).

The rublev_museum community recently posted information about what took place Decision of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation on the temporary transfer to the Church of the Toropetsk Icon of the Mother of God from the Russian Museum, as follows from the order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation No. 2251-05-23 signed by the director of the Department of Cultural Heritage and Fine Arts R.Kh. Koloev, which was received by the Directorate of the State Russian Museum on November 25 this year: http://community.livejournal.com/rublev_museum/12158.html

Unfortunately, around this long-awaited event, the notorious provocateur L.V. Nersesyan from the State Tretyakov Gallery is again fanning hysteria in order to prevent the return of the shrine of the Church and the triumph of historical justice. Some employees of the Russian Museum are gradually being drawn into this deliberately provoked conflict, who already told Interfax on November 27 that the “Toropetsk Icon of Our Lady Hodegetria” is in an untransportable state and is not ready for quick transportation to the Moscow region. The Restoration Council must determine whether it can be transported or not.” However, on the same day, ahead of the decision of the restoration council, a group of employees of the State Russian Museum sent a letter to the President of Russia D.A. Medvedev, where they stated that “ any violation of the existing storage regime can lead to the death of the icon, which will become a real national tragedy"(?!). Among those who signed the appeal is the head of the Department of Ancient Russian Art of the State Russian Museum I.D. Solovyova, about whom the museum’s press service previously reported that she left on November 27 for the Moscow region along with security officers of the Russian Museum and restorers: “They will see on the spot what they are offering us, so to speak.”

The letter addressed to the President of the Russian Federation mentions that “The Russian Museum is ready to organize the copying of the ancient icon of the Mother of God Hodegetria for the Church of Alexander Nevsky in the Princely Lake, as was done in 1992 at the request of the Polotsk diocese: “an exact copy of the icon of the Mother of God Hodegetria" was handed over to His Eminence Philaret, Metropolitan of Minsk and Grodno. Currently, this beautifully executed copy is located in the Church of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Spaso-Euphrosinievsky Monastery in Polotsk.” However, in an interview with the newspaper “My Land”, the head of the department of ancient Russian painting of the State Russian Museum, Irina Solovyova, previously reported otherwise: “Ten years ago, representatives of the Church from Polotsk came to the Russian Museum and claimed their rights to the shrine. But we offered to make them a copy of the icon, and that’s what they did. True, their bishop, resigning, took the list with him, andthe icon has disappeared » ( http://moi-krai.info/kraevedenie/575/). In an address to D.A. Medvedev is also struck by other, to put it mildly, inconsistencies. On the one hand, the President is informed that “ any movement of the icon is impossible", on the other - “museum readymove the icon "Our Lady Hodegetria" in the house churches of the Mikhailovsky Palace and the Engineering Castle." A reasonable question immediately arises: what prevented the administration of the State Russian Museum from transferring the shrine for worship by believers in churches belonging to the museum earlier, before the official order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation on the return of the miraculous Toropetsk Icon of the Mother of God to the Church?! In fact, specialists in ancient Russian art have many more questions about this whole ugly situation. Thus, both in the catalog description of its state of preservation and in the letter to the President it is emphasized that “the soil of the icon is fragile, weakly connected to the base and subject to chronic swelling,” and “ lag of pavolok, soil and paint layer from the base are observed,” as the restorers of the Russian Museum point out, “ along the edges of the inserts ». For non-specialists, let us explain that we are talking about the elementary flaws of restoration intervention, which the Chairman of the All-Russian Association of Restorers Savva Yamshchikov bluntly told at one time (some spiteful critics still cannot forgive him for this eloquent testimony!): “One of the reasons that prompted me to leave the beloved Marfo-Mariinsky monastery, was that in the team of restorers of the highest class, unfortunately, vain and ambitious people set the tone. These are Pushkin’s lines about them: “The barbarian artist, with a sleepy brush, blackens the picture of a genius.” I was completely dissatisfied with the methods they followed when uncovering and restoring precious iconographic relics and handling original paintings. The rampant “sleepy brush” was especially evident during the widespread addition of ancient icons. New gesso primer applied to old boards without any measure or care. It is said in the Gospel: “No one puts patches of unbleached fabric on old clothes: otherwise the newly sewn one will be torn away from the old one - the hole will be even worse.” This was the case with icons being reconstructed and added to. Quite a bit of time has passed, and new soil was torn away from the old one ; varnish coatings that looked good on ancient fragments sagged and decomposed on the completed surfaces” (http://community.livejournal.com/rublev_museum/6841.html).

That is, the deterioration in the preservation of the Toropetsk Icon of the Mother of God occurred, apparently, during restoration in the conditions of museum storage, and the same catastrophe befell the miraculous icon “The Life-Giving Trinity” written by St. Andrei Rublev in the Tretyakov Gallery in 1931, and for all six centuries, while the shrine was lovingly preserved by the Church within the native walls of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, it was in excellent preservation.

The mistakes of the restoration intervention in 1937 and 1957 (clearing by N.V. Pertsev) are recognized by the employees of the Russian Museum themselves - I.V. Solovyov and I.A. Shalin, according to whom, the museum restoration pursued more research goals than preserving the monument, so when in the restoration workshop of the State Russian Museum the icon was freed from late recordings and protective layers of drying oil, “the artists got a little carried away” - cleaning off, as they thought, the soot from the palm of the Mother of God and the foot of the baby, they removed the original layer of paint and scraped down to the fundamentals » ( http://moi-krai.info/kraevedenie/575/). One thing is not clear: HOW, in such a “post-restoration” state of preservation, the miraculous Toropetsk Icon of the Mother of God is “kept” directly on the stone wall of the basement, absorbing all the moisture, and not on a special mesh, as is customary in all modern museum storage facilities in the world?! But these questions, alas, somehow do not bother all those “fighters against the return of Church icons” who are raising to the “top” yet another provocative post by the completely lying Levon Nersesyan, who relies on the support of Gennady Popov. He loves to pontificate about the “demarches of miraculous icons,” preferring to receive tidy sums for a “national treasure.”

>Pop icon of the Mother of God

In the Christian religion, a large role is assigned to miraculous icons, which throughout time grant people healing from illnesses and show their protection in business. One of the great and revered shrines is the Icon of the Holy Mother of God, the original iconography of which is located in the Hilindar monastery, located on Mount Athos. The icon depicts the Blessed Virgin Mary holding the Baby Jesus in her arms. The Virgin Mary is dressed in the attire of a married woman, made in brown and sand-burgundy shades. The Baby Jesus points forward with his right hand, which is folded in such a way that it resembles the sign of the leader of the choir of singers on the choir. In those days, the art of music was the prerogative of priests, who organized schools of regents and choral performers at churches. That is why the Icon of Our Lady of Popes received its name, as a sign of patronage for creative people and because of the finger shape of the Infant Jesus.
The Icon of the Most Holy Mary of Pops demonstrated its miraculous power in ancient times. An unbelieving priest, who had evil thoughts and cunning intentions, came to permanent residence at the Hilindar monastery, and the righteous brethren of Mount Athos warmly received him. He intended to dissuade them from their faith and split the Orthodox community with his speeches, which refuted the truth of the Orthodox religion. But the Providence of the Lord saw the wicked intentions of the priest, who by cunning entered the monastery to the novices, and did not allow him to realize his insidious and wicked intentions. During the next procession of the cross, led by the Holy Icon of the Mother of God, carried by the priests to perform the rite of holy water blessing, the cunning attacker stumbled and fell from a cliff. He drowned in the depths of the sea, and everyone saw the conduct of the Mother of Jesus Christ, who destroyed her unfaithful servant and prevented the implementation of insidious plans. Since then, all religious processions and the blessing of water have been held in the Hilindar monastery of Athos with the participation of the Priest Icon of the Virgin Mary, which showed them her intercession and patronage.
The Blessed Virgin Mary always hears the prayers of her believers and leaves no one in sadness and sorrow. In many Orthodox parishes you can find the Icon of the Pope, which is located on the left side of the altar iconostasis, where the church choir is located. Mothers pray to her for their children, asking for health and protection from the Mother of Jesus Christ.

It is believed that the Icon of Our Lady of Popes helps people master the study of musical notation, which is necessary for singing and playing musical instruments. She helps children in their studies and protects them from unfortunate death and various injuries. Orthodox regents ask, in front of the image of the Mother of Jesus, to send them a worthy groom from the ranks of the Orthodox ministers of the church. Many Orthodox believers place the Icon of the Virgin Mary over the front door of an apartment or house, and are confident that it will not allow cunning and evil people who came to visit with wicked intentions to cross the threshold, and will not allow them to denigrate and weaken faith in Jesus Christ.

The meaning of the PEREKOP ICON OF THE MOTHER OF GOD in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree


Open Orthodox encyclopedia "THREE".

Perekop Icon of the Mother of God

In the 19th century, this miraculous icon was located in the city of Varva, Lokhvitsky district, Poltava province, in the church dedicated to the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Through the prayers of the residents of Varva in front of this miraculous icon, the Queen of Heaven did not allow the Swedes to rob their church; this happened in 1709, during the campaign of the Swedish king Charles XII against Russia. The story of this event is written on the entrance doors of the Varvin church. Many other miracles took place at the Perekop miraculous icon.

Materials used

E. Villager. Tales of the miraculous icons of the Mother of God.


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See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what the PEREKOP ICON OF THE MOTHER OF GOD is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • ICON in the Dictionary of Thieves' Slang:
    - 1) photograph, 2) internal regulations of the educational institution, placed in a visible place, in ...
  • ICON in the Dictionary of Fine Arts Terms:
    - (from the Greek eikon - image, image) - in the Christian religion (Orthodoxy and Catholicism) in a broad sense - an image of Jesus ...
  • PEREKOPSKAYA in the Directory of Settlements and Postal Codes of Russia:
    403573, Volgogradskaya, ...
  • ICON in the Concise Religious Dictionary:
    In Catholicism and Orthodoxy, images of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God and saints to whom the sacred is attributed...
  • ICON in the Dictionary of Church Terms:
    (Greek image, image) - image of Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, k.l. holy, evangelical or church-historical event. The veneration of icons was dogmatically established...
  • ICON
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "THREE". Icon (Greek εικων - image, image) - an image of Christ, the Virgin Mary, saints or events from ...
  • ICON in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (from the Greek eikon - image image), in Orthodoxy and Catholicism an image of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God and saints, to which sacred meaning is attributed; ...
  • ICON in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (from the Greek eikon - image, image), in the Christian religion (Orthodoxy and Catholicism) in a broad sense - the image of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God ...
  • ICON in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    - the name, in the Christian church, of picturesque images of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God and saints, which have a sacred character and serve as objects of religious honor...
  • ICON in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    y, w. A pictorial image of God, a saint or saints, which is an object of worship among believers. Iconography is a type of religious painting: the writing of icons. ...
  • ICON in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -y, w. For Orthodox and Catholics: the object of worship is a pictorial image of God, a saint or saints, an image2. II adj. iconic,...
  • ICON in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    JONA ​​(from the Greek eik?n - image, image), in Orthodoxy and Catholicism the image of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God and the saints, to whom the sacred is attributed...
  • ICON in Collier's Dictionary:
    a painting that is part of the iconostasis (altar partition in Orthodox churches), as well as an object of home veneration among Christians in Orthodox countries. By …
  • ICON in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    iko"na, iko"ny, iko"ny, iko"n, iko"no, iko"us, iko"well, iko"ny, iko"noy, iko"noyu, iko"us, iko"no, ...
  • ICON in the Anagram Dictionary.
  • ICON in the Popular Explanatory Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    -y, w. An image of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God and saints, which is an object of religious worship. In the Sukhorukovs’ room the atmosphere was purely bourgeois. IN …
  • ICON
    Holy Church...
  • ICON in the Dictionary for solving and composing scanwords:
    In front of her...
  • ICON in the Dictionary for solving and composing scanwords:
  • ICON in the Dictionary for solving and composing scanwords.
  • ICON in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    image, face, gods, God's mercy. Wed. . See image,...
  • ICON in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    goalkeeper, deesis, image, icon, reliquary, image, folding, middle, tablet, tanka, ...
  • ICON in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
  • ICON in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    icon, ...
  • ICON in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
  • ICON in the Spelling Dictionary:
    icon, ...
  • ICON in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    For Orthodox and Catholics: the object of worship is a pictorial image of God, a saint or saints, an image...
  • ICON in Dahl's Dictionary:
    wives image, image of the face of the Savior, Heavenly Powers or saints. Pick up the icon, take it and move it somewhere. Pray to the icon and be in...
  • ICON in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    (from the Greek eikon - image, image), in Orthodoxy and Catholicism the image of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God and the saints, to which sacred meaning is attributed; ...
    mother. Cm. …
  • ICON in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    icons, w. (Greek eikon, lit. image, likeness). A picturesque image of God or saints, which is an object of veneration among Christians; ...
  • ICON in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    icon A picturesque image of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, scenes from the Holy Scriptures, etc., which is an object of worship among believers; ...
  • ICON in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    and. A picturesque image of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, scenes from the Holy Scriptures, etc., which is an object of worship among believers; ...
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