Ilya Evgenievich meaning of name and patronymic. The meaning of the name Ilya, origin, character and fate of the name Ilya. Famous personalities with the name Ilya

According to several interpretations, the meaning of the name Elijah in Hebrew can be translated as “Yahweh is my Lord,” as well as “believer” or “God’s power.” The characteristics of this male name are not far from translation. In life, Ilya is a master, a manager, he will never be a follower.

When choosing the meaning of the name Ilya for a boy, parents should prepare for the fact that the baby will every now and then express thoughts that could not even occur to them; mom and dad will have something to learn from their beloved son. Despite his leadership habits, the boy also has qualities that are not at all masculine - gentleness and shyness.

But you should not put only unmasculine characteristics into the meaning of the name Ilya for a child. This kid has more than enough masculine qualities - he is courageous, courageous, and can protect the weak. Also, the child is no stranger to aggression, although it does not manifest itself permanently, and he, having flared up once, moves away very easily, and literally after a couple of moments he pleases those around him with his smile.

During his school years, Ilyushka attaches special importance to orderliness and controllability of the situation, therefore, he is often a good prefect. The teenager is attracted to acting - he is naturally endowed with magnificent artistry, knows how to show himself advantageously and emotionally.

The interpretation of the name also implies good communication skills of the teenager, Ilya always has many friends, and the boy’s merit is the formation of a friendly company in which he is the main link. A small minus of the guy is compliance, but it also plays a role in winning and keeping friends near him.


A man who has matured and is looking for his “one” is characterized by frantic sensuality. Gentle, affectionate, courteous, which means that in love for this man there is no place for negativity and aggression. So any girl who manages to make this sweet young man fall in love with her will be the most adored wife. The young man attaches great importance to trusting, sensual relationships, and therefore does not accept any secrets, even the smallest ones.

He sees in his chosen one a woman worthy of affection and love. Sexual relationships with Ilya will be built on mutual understanding and trust. You can’t expect violent passion from him, but the sex will be, although not bright, still memorable.


This man is lucky in love. He was simply born to start a family once and for all. For him, his wife means an object of adoration; he will never raise his hand to her. You won’t find a more understanding husband; he can handle cooking, washing and general cleaning himself - just a treasure for a woman.

For him, children are the center of the universe; with their appearance, his whole life begins to revolve around them. Tenderness and kindness are the feelings that he shows towards his children, which is why they often become spoiled, but this doesn’t bother the father much; in any case, they are the subject of unconditional adoration.

A man is able to perfectly provide for his family; he marries only if his financial capabilities allow him to provide his wife and planned children with everything they need. Rarely leaves the family nest, because it is most comfortable there.

Business and career

For this man, it is very important to be independent in his work, but leadership or organizational positions are not suitable for him - he does not have that vein that helps him lead. He prefers to work alone, which means he attaches great importance to his personal space for reflection.

Weak activity is favorable for such professions as doctor, pharmacist, writer or translator. Thanks to his pedantry and responsibility, he is often in good standing with his superiors, so career growth, to which a man attaches paramount importance, is not a problem for him, the main thing is that he himself wants it.

Origin of the name Ilya

The origin of the name Elijah takes its roots from the Hebrew word Eliyahu, the meaning of which is “Yahweh is my god.” The area where this word originated is not known for certain, but the etymology is clearly consistent with the Hebrew language, from which we can conclude that the homeland of the name is the same as that of Jesus.

Since the Old Testament, the story of the great prophet Elijah has been preserved, whose name is still remembered by the broad masses. After his death, by the will of God, he was ascended to heaven in a fiery chariot, and today icons depicting the face of the saint protect drivers and pilots from unforeseen situations. The secret of the name Ilya is that a prophet with almost the same name, Ilyas, is revered in Islam.

Characteristics of the name Ilya

Sociability, the ability to cheer up a group of friends, the ability to make concessions that do not contradict principles are the main characteristics of the name Ilya. The soul of the party, and it is not a problem for him to make contact, to lure even the most gloomy and uncommunicative person into conversation. This man should not be underestimated; he attaches great importance to the respect of others.

Like everyone else, Ilya’s character has both pros and cons. The main negative feature is the actual impossibility of saying “no”, of refusing a significant, attractive person. This could cause him problems. Of course, a man cannot be called a simpleton, but he is so trusting that sometimes this leads to disastrous consequences.

He has an excellent memory, an analytical mind, the ability to objectively assess a conflict situation, mentally putting himself in the shoes of each of his opponents. This man was given from above the ability to level out conflict situations; peaceful coexistence with everyone is of great importance for the life of this person.

Ilya has a highly developed intuition, and thanks to this quality, he can, and does, make the right decisions if he “turns off” his brain for a while. He is slightly unsure of himself, but the lack of self-confidence quickly passes with the proper support from loved ones.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone - Diamond.
  • Name days - January 1, 21, 25, 27, February 3, 13, March 1, April 5, 10, June 23, August 2, 25, 30, September 16, 26, 30, October 11, November 16, 17, 22 , 5, 9, 18, 29, 31 December.
  • The horoscope or zodiac sign of the name is Taurus.

Famous people

  • Ilya Glinnikov is a Russian actor, the hero of the sitcom “Interns”.
  • Ilya Ilyin is a weightlifter from Kazakhstan, the first Olympic champion, a native of this country.

In different languages

Translating the name Ilya into different languages ​​will sound somewhat unusual to Russian ears. For example, the way the name is translated into European and other languages ​​is fundamentally different from the Russian pronunciation: Elias, Elijah, Elias, Eli, Eliash, Elies, Illesh, Eelis, Elez,

But in Chinese, when translated, the sound is practically no different from Russian - Ilya, and is written in hieroglyphs - 伊利亚. In Japanese, due to the absence of the “l” sound, the name will be pronounced as Iriya, and written using the katakana alphabet - イリヤ, or in Japanese characters - 西蛇

Name forms

  • Full name: Ilya.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Ilyukha, Ilyushka, Ilyusha, Ilyunya, Ilyusya, Ilya, Ilyakha.
  • Declension of the name - Ilya, Ilya.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Elijah.

Many people do not know that a person’s name can determine his destiny, character and life path. Ilya is a name whose origin few people know. This will be discussed in the article.

The influence of a name on a person’s life

Each name has its own energy, which gives countless possibilities dormant in a person. Parents should choose a name for their baby very carefully.

After all, if it is difficult to pronounce, sounds pretentious and pretentious, then the person’s fate will be very difficult.

Very often, a completely untalented person achieves success in life, since the energy of the name allows him to lead or be cunning. It has been proven since ancient times that the name a person bears determines not only his character, but also his destiny. It contains sounds that in mysticism are called waves. They are transmitted to a person’s subconscious and affect the body when others call them by name.

Pay attention to married couples. Those people who live happily are those whose names match as many letters as possible. If there is not a single identical letter, it means that the couple does not have common interests and it is difficult for them to overcome family difficulties. It turns out that not everything is so simple. The name greatly influences the life and destiny of every person. Ilya is a name whose origin will be discussed in this article.

Origin and meaning of the name Ilya

It first appeared in the Old Testament. He was revered by Jews and Christians. There was mention of Elijah the Prophet. This was one of the versions of the origin of the name Ilya. The translation of the name can be interpreted as “the power of God.”

The second version of its origin is simpler and more understandable to humans. It comes from the Hebrew name Eliyahu. To make it easier to speak, now it is pronounced and the fate of its owner depends on many factors, which we will consider below in the article.

According to statistics, back in 1970, Ilya was a very rare name. Parents did not like to call boys by this name back then. Therefore, it occurred one in a thousand. Although there is an assertion that the parents were wrong, because this name was considered one of the best in terms of its meaning.


We have found out what origin Ilya (name) has, now we will look at what the person so named is like. Ilya has been very economical since childhood. If he is raised correctly, he becomes an indispensable assistant for his mother both in the kitchen and in cleaning. The boy will be happy to help his father. Everything related to household chores can be safely entrusted to Ilya. Among other things, he will be happy to repair the car with his father, help his parents in the garden, etc.

Mom and dad should definitely monitor their son's circle of friends. After all, Ilya doesn’t understand people at all and can get into an unpleasant situation. For the sake of friendship he is capable of much.

Ilya will never marry early. He has his own principles. First of all, he will get back on his feet, and only then will he offer his hand and heart to the girl. This is why many men with this name get married late.

Ilya loves children very much, and as a rule, there are many children in the family. Dad feels proud that he can provide for them all and give them a wonderful start in life. Children, in turn, are grateful to their father and repay him with their immeasurable love.

Such men, although economical, are restless. They love to travel and explore the world. Therefore, not only Ilya, but also his wife and children, at the first opportunity, go somewhere far away on vacation.

A man named Ilya is very kind, but also quick-tempered. When he leaves the quarrel, he takes all the blame on himself and apologizes in an original way. For example, he invites his wife, friend or employee to a restaurant, cafe or to the cinema. After all, he really wants to be forgiven.

In general, such a man is a very kind, sympathetic and decent person. It seems to radiate the rays of a bright, hot sun. It’s not for nothing that only good words are written about him in the calendar. They often say that Ilya is a wonderful person. His name and character are closely interrelated.


Sooner or later, Ilya gets married and has a life partner. Not every girl is suitable for him, but only those who have the same letters in their names as their husband. These are “i”, “l”, “b” and “i”. These sounds mean common interests, views on life and similar destinies.

Ilya, evaluate based on the letters. If a woman and a man have the same sounds in their names, then they suit each other well. Girls with the following names are most suitable for Ilya: Alexandra, Albina, Elena, Elizaveta, Efrosinya, Zinaida, Louise, Lisa, Maria, Matilda, Nelya, Ninel, Polina, Pasha, Raisa, Svetlana, Tatyana, Ulyana, Elvira, Yulia. These are just examples, but in fact there are many more names that suit this man. You have already learned a lot about the name Ilya, the meaning of the name and the fate of its bearer also depend on the letters. This is described later in the article.


This aspect is very important for Ilya. He is a woman's conqueror. He is temperamental in sex, always achieves his goal and knows exactly what his chosen one wants. However, as soon as he got his way, he can quickly cool down, unless, of course, he really fell in love.

Ilya loves romance and will create the necessary atmosphere before moving on to intimate relationships. This could be a cozy cafe or a meeting in some amazing place. Only after this does he move on to the intimate side and attract his partner.

Work and career

Here Ilya has no equal. This person is very hardworking, punctual and conscientious. Therefore, he may well become a careerist who will easily achieve his goal and follow all the instructions of his superiors.

Ilya is respected at work by his employees and subordinates, as he is a fair and intelligent person. He will always advise, help or recommend something really practical and useful.

Be that as it may, for Ilya, career never comes first, since he has a beloved wife and children. Therefore, if he has to choose, he will give preference to his family, and will quit his job without regret.

The meaning of the letters in the name

The first letter is basic. The character of a person depends on it. The first letter “i” stands for sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness, friendliness, practicality and romance.

The third letter “b” is a person’s ability to classify and put everything into categories. Ilya has everything according to plan and shouldn’t have it any other way. This is the only way to achieve great success.

And the last, fourth, letter “I” speaks of self-esteem. A person easily achieves the respect and love of others. These could be colleagues, business partners, relatives, friends or superiors. Now we know who Ilya is. What name to choose for your son is up to the parents to decide, so this information will be useful to them.


In the article we looked at who Ilya is. A name with an interesting origin story can give a child a unique personality. It is safe to say that proper upbringing will instill in a boy only those things that will help him become a good person in life.

Ilya is a sympathetic and kind man. The name, the origin of which we now know, is not the only parameter that influences the character of a child, because there are also zodiac signs that can tell a lot about a person.

It has been proven that a person’s fate is influenced not only by his actions, but also by his name. Let's look at the meaning of the name Ilya, what awaits a person with that name in life.

The meaning of the name Ilya

The name Elijah comes from its Hebrew counterpart, Elijah, which means divine power. The name Ilya was given special meaning during the times of the ancient Slavs. This is indicated by manuscripts in which one could often find heroes and heroes with that name. There are also saints, the most famous of whom is Elijah the prophet.

The character and fate of Ilya, according to Mendeleev

According to Mendeleev, the name Ilya has too much femininity. This is also indicated by European analogues of female names, for example Eli. These qualities are also manifested in character. Ilya is very gentle towards other people. Often this condescension does not benefit him. As you know, people love to take advantage of the gullibility of others. Therefore, all the positive qualities of Ilya may go unnoticed.

Ilya has no problems with work. He will always find a suitable activity for himself. It often happens that the task itself finds him and then Ilya completes it “perfectly.” But difficulties may arise with teamwork. A person with this name is soft and condescending, so he will not be able to work in a team, leading its members. Therefore, Ilya often works alone. However, this does not prevent him from achieving heights in his industry. However, it often happens that work does not go well because of some little thing. But even in this case, Ilya does not give up and finishes it to the end.

If we talk about global work and projects, then Ilya’s analytical skills help here. Good memory, high intelligence - all this helps to create the perfect plan. Difficulties may arise with its implementation. Especially if this requires changing your place of residence in a short time. Ilya, of course, loves to travel, but only during vacation. To do such work well, he needs a person with opposite qualities. Together they will cope with any problems.

Women often pay attention to Ilya and choose him as their friend. But problems may arise with marriage. Well, the female sex doesn’t want to have a long-term relationship with Ilya. Maybe his masterful qualities scare off a potential owner, maybe his excessive gentleness haunts him. Whatever one may say, to find a wife, you will need to try. However, if you still find such a woman, then it will be for life. Ilya will never yell at her, much less raise his hand. He will love children, take care of them, and can teach them the subtleties of a household.

Family life for Ilya is a very important part. He will not allow anyone to interfere with his love experiences and give advice. In general, Ilya rarely tells anyone about his experiences. Such a person is used to dealing with problems on his own.

Love meaning of the name Ilya

Ilya will never allow the woman nearby to experience discomfort. He will always take care of her. However, if she does not reciprocate and tries to change him, something good is unlikely to come of this. He will protect his chosen one not only in private, but even in situations when she is not around. If in a company someone speaks badly about his beloved, this person will be in trouble. Women always pay attention to Ilya, and it often comes to sexual intercourse. However, he is interested in the woman for whom he feels something more than sexual attraction. Ilya prioritizes feelings rather than satisfying animal needs. It's not easy in a relationship with him. He is used to subjugating a woman in bed, but if she agrees to this, such a girl will soon cease to be of interest to Ilya. He needs passion, emotions, the so-called spark in a relationship. And as soon as this disappears, Ilya gives up and more. Ilya is not used to planning his sexual adventures and, given the opportunity, will try to satisfy his needs. Everything will change as soon as he starts a family. Then all sexual attraction to little-known women will stop and Ilya will live the quiet life of a married man.

Character and fate of the name Ilya

Ilya is an ideal child from the point of view of his parents. Unlike other children, who suffer from hyperactivity at an early age and often disobey, a person with this name already shows managerial qualities from childhood. He will be happy to help his parents and participate in all household chores. This will not require much time for training. It’s worth showing him several times how to do some work and he’ll immediately get down to business. But, like all children, problems can arise because of friends. People, especially those named Ilya, do not know how to choose their social circle correctly and often end up in unpleasant situations because of this. Ilya's main problem is that he is overly sociable and trusting. Older children may force him to act in his own interests, since he does not have the experience to resist their bad influence.

Things are different when choosing a wife. Ilya is not one of those who wants to quickly get married and have children. When choosing a companion, he uses the saying about “cut seven times...”. Ilya will never start a family if he is not sure that he can put his children on their feet and provide them with everything they need. He will also choose his wife carefully. Unlike the choice of friends, he will immediately understand if they just want to get rich at his expense and will not go down the aisle without love. Everything will go smoothly in family life. He will want to end any quarrel as quickly as possible, and, if necessary, take all the blame on himself. Ilya does not like to offend anyone.

Ilya's specialty is caring for children. He, like his mother, will protect and educate them. So he won’t forget the child in kindergarten and won’t confuse him with another.

Despite his qualities as a business man, Ilya is in many ways like a child. He also will not be able to sit still for long, and will always strive to travel.

In work, Ilya is more predisposed to activities that require physical strength. Perfect for the role of a car mechanic or builder. However, this does not mean that you need to stop there. Ilya is not stupid, and in some areas he is even smart. But we should not forget that even if there is talent, it must be developed.

Ilya's main enemy is alcohol. The fact is that people with this name have a quick temper. And, as you know, it’s very difficult to control yourself when you’re high. So if you want to drink, you need to restrain yourself and not get drunk to the point of unconsciousness.

Ilya is very independent and prefers to organize various events himself. This quality also manifests itself in work. If Ilya is busy with something, you shouldn’t get in the way and offer your help until he asks. However, this does not mean he is irresponsible. If Ilya takes up a task, he always brings it to the end and does the job efficiently. Speaking of teamwork. One of Ilya’s qualities is directness. If he doesn’t like something, he will definitely say so and will not hide his dissatisfaction. Not every person likes to hear criticism addressed to them, so working in a team with Ilya will be difficult for many.

The name Ilya was given special meaning during the times of the ancient Slavs. This is indicated by manuscripts in which one could often find heroes and heroes with that name. There are also saints, the most famous of whom is Elijah the prophet.

Ilya is endowed with balance in everyday life, but sometimes nervous breakdowns can occur. But a person with this name is easy-going, he quickly forgets all insults. Also, Ilya can often redirect his negative energy in the right direction. Then he chooses a task for himself and begins to perform it with better quality, with greater perseverance. Sometimes, because he is too focused on achieving his goals, Ilya does not notice the benefits that surround him. This may cause him to feel angry about his life or become depressed. It is very important to learn to control this feeling and notice the beauty that surrounds you; otherwise, in old age, you can turn into a grumpy old man who is dissatisfied with everything and who is unlikely to have relatives who will help in difficult times.

Despite his calmness, if there is excessive attention, a person with this name will try to separate himself from society and will behave more warily than usual. He does not talk about his feelings to others, but because of this he cannot be called asocial, he simply communicates with everyone the same way - both with strangers and with friends.

By the way, together with thriftiness, perseverance and perseverance help Ilya achieve his goals. He is not afraid to correct his mistakes and take certain actions several times.

When communicating with Ilya, you must avoid the desire to think out his words or remake them in a way that is convenient for you. Sometimes a person with this name is unemotional, so if he doesn’t even show joy when communicating, you shouldn’t think that he doesn’t care or doesn’t like the person he’s communicating with. Ilya may not show his feelings, but if he really doesn’t like you, he won’t hint at it, but will say it straight out. It is also worth noting that excessive praise in a conversation with a person with that name will not endear him to you, but, on the contrary, will push him away.

In general, Ilya’s fate does not foretell difficulties that he could not overcome.

Famous Ilya - Ilya Repin

According to many, Ilya Repin was always on the side of the people and tried to show their true colors. How hard life is for ordinary people, how terrible and painful their life can be at times. However, this is not entirely true. Yes, the author was not indifferent to the fate of the people, but he did not focus on this aspect when choosing an object for paintings. He was always looking for interesting emotions that could be shown in his works, and his painting “Barge Haulers on the Volga” was just one of this series of works.

According to contemporaries, in everyday life the artist was friendly and sociable.

Meaning and origin: the fortress of the Lord (Heb.).

Energy and Karma:

Respect for the name Elijah in Rus' has deep roots, here are Russian epics and the Orthodox image of Elijah the Prophet, who at one time replaced the pagan thunderer Perun.

Sometimes even Ilya experiences excessive attention to himself and therefore can act somewhat wary and reserved in society. Nevertheless, his character cannot be called closed; rather, he is simply even in his communication with both loved ones and strangers.

Secrets of communication:

Sometimes when communicating with Ilya it can be difficult to understand how he treats you, however, know that even if he looks a little cold, it is most likely not because of a negative attitude, but due to his special manner of behavior. Rest assured, if he doesn't like you, he will find a way to let you know, or even tell you straight out. If you want to gain Ilya’s favor, then note that he does not like compliments, respecting restraint in praise.

  • Zodiac sign: Capricorn.
  • Planet: Saturn.
  • Name colors: brown, light green, sometimes dark crimson.
  • Talisman stone: carnelian, fire opal.

Meaning of the name Ilya option 2

Russian form of the Hebrew name Elijah, meaning: the power of God. Ilya is an extremely economic person. This trait manifests itself in him even in childhood.

With proper upbringing, he becomes a good assistant to his mother in her household chores and to his father in his household chores. He will be very willing to participate in the construction of a summer house, growing a vegetable garden, or repairing a car. There won’t be much trouble with this child at all if you carefully monitor his circle of friends - Ilya is not very picky in choosing his friends, he easily succumbs to their influence, and since he is sociable and active, he has no shortage of acquaintances.

As a rule, he creates his family in detail - and this is where his economic streak comes into play. He is unlikely to get married without getting firmly on his feet and without having enough income to support his family on his own. Loves children devotedly. With all his commitment to family and home, Ilya, meanwhile, is a restless person and willingly travels. He has a sharp mind. He is kind, but quick-tempered. He quickly moves away and is ready to take the blame on himself in any quarrel. Ilya’s character has many maternal traits, but overall he is a person who seems to reflect the rays of a bright, warm sun. It is not for nothing that the calendar says about him: “Elijah, my God Yahweh.”

Meaning of the name Ilya option 3

Indecisive. They are closed in appearance, but internally they are very gentle. Able to cry and empathize. Sentimental. Introverts by nature.

Meaning of the name Ilya option 4

Ilya - from other Hebrew. the fortress of the Lord; old Elijah.

Derivatives: Ilyukha, Ilyusha, Ilya, Ilyakha, Ilyukha, Ilyusha, Ilyusya, Lyusya, Ilyunya, Lyunya, Lyulya.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

  • Before Ilya, it rains in the bin, after Ilya, it comes out of the bin.
  • Ilya is glad that the pig farrowed.
  • Peter with a spikelet, Ilya with a bun.
  • Before Ilya, the man bathes, and from Ilya he says goodbye to the river.
  • August 2 - Elijah's Day. Ilya's summer is ending.
  • Elijah the prophet was dragged away for two hours.
  • On Elijah’s day even the stone will vegetate.


Since childhood, he has been a real master. He has a highly developed sense of personal responsibility. Whatever he participates in, Ilya believes that the result primarily depends on him. And not some vague one, but specific and tangible. When he is organizing something, he is, as a rule, kind and patient with the people around him, although he can be unpredictable: he gets angry, flares up, but this quickly passes. The same unpredictability exists in the family - unexpected company and unexpected “turns” in personal destiny. But this won't last long. Ilya knows how to repent and bring joy and love to people again.

Meaning of the name Ilya option 5

ILYA - my God (Hebrew).

Name day: January 7 - Venerable Ilya of Murom, miracle worker of Pechersk, monk of the Kiev Pechersk Monastery (XII century). August 2 - Holy glorious prophet Elijah the Tishbite.

  • Zodiac sign - Mars.
  • Planet - Sun.
  • Color - bright red.
  • Auspicious tree - elm.
  • The treasured plant is cornflower.
  • The patron of the name is the nightingale.
  • The talisman stone is diamond.


Ilya is a real owner, he has a highly developed sense of ownership. A good organizer and responsible person; kind, gentle, direct, frank. Not prone to daydreaming - prefers quick and concrete results. Very devoted to family; may fall under the influence of friends and go astray, but not for long. This is a nature passionately thirsty for love, care, and attention. Ilya is quick-tempered, but easy-going, and at the same time knows how to keep his heart in check.

Men named Ilya are characterized by gentleness, good nature and the ability to objectively approach the resolution of various situations. These qualities are considered basic for all so-called representatives of the stronger sex.

However, the character of each person is formed not only under the influence of the meaning of the name itself, but also under the influence of the environment. Therefore, we invite you to find out what the name Ilya means, how it is translated, and also what the life and fate of this person could be like.

How long ago did it appear

Elijah is a masculine name, one of many other names of Hebrew origin. If you believe scientists, then they have a reliable answer to the question of where it came from. They claim that its origin is associated with the veneration and glorification of the name of God. This means that the origin of the name Elijah takes us back to biblical times, when in ancient Jerusalem boys were called Eliyahu.

It turns out that the familiar Elijah is a derivative form of the word “אֵלִיָּהוּ” (Eliyahu), which came to us from the Hebrew language. This variant was used to mean “My Lord is Yahweh” (i.e. “my God is my Lord”).

Wikipedia, when mentioning him, provides information about the prophet Elijah. It is known that the famous herald of God’s will from the Old Testament was named by this name, and the synodal translation of the version “Elijah” means “the power of the Lord.”

However, the history of the name has another version where it could come from. The fact is that it was found in Ancient Greece. But in those distant times, other versions of the name were used - Ilias and Ilyas, which translated from Greek mean “warlike,” “divine” or “guarded by the Lord.”

Currently, Catholics consider this prophet the guardian angel of all motorists and motorcyclists. At the same time, the Orthodox Church reveres him as the patron saint of those who served and are serving in the ranks of the airborne troops. And this makes a certain sense, because, according to biblical stories, the prophet ascended to heaven on a chariot of fire.

Continuing our acquaintance with the name Ilya, it is worth noting that all its owners celebrate name days several times a year. And if Catholics have only three dates for celebrating the day of the angel Elijah (February 16, April 17 and July 20), then the Orthodox church calendar invites the veneration of saints with the same name in almost every month:

  • January – 1, 21, 25, 27.
  • February – 3, 13.
  • March – 1.
  • April – 5, 10.
  • June – 23.
  • August – 2, 25, 30.
  • September – 16, 26, 30.
  • October – 11.
  • November – 16, 17, 22.
  • December – 5, 18, 29, 31.

Talking about the name, which is an interpretation of the biblical Eliyahu, it is worth noting the independence of its owners. Ilya is a full name with Hebrew roots, which has shortened forms used in colloquial speech (Ilya, Ile, Lias, Eli, Liash), as well as diminutives that are used when addressing boys:

  • Ilyusha.
  • Ilyunya.
  • Ilyusya.
  • Ileyka.
  • Ilyushechka.

In addition, it has spread so much throughout the world that it has many analogues. Its most popular synonyms in different countries:

  • Elias in Germany.
  • Elias, Elijah and Elijah in England.
  • Elie and Eliere in France.
  • Elias in Portugal.

As a rule, such men are distinguished by sociability, optimism and hard work. Read on to see what other common qualities the name characteristics can tell you about.

Characteristic qualities

About the owner of the biblical name in the modern interpretation, Ilya, we can say that he is a positive person with many positive qualities. Considering the description for the male “Ilya”, as well as the meaning of the name, the character and fate of this person, it is worth noting his rationality and amazing sociability.

The secret of the name Ilya is that nature has endowed such men with an open heart, resourcefulness, the ability to reach a compromise and responsiveness.

The meaning of the name Ilya for a child demonstrates to us the boy’s complaisance and good memory. He will grow up to be an obedient boy who listens to almost every word his parents say. Children named this way at birth show thriftiness from an early age.

At the same time, the meaning of the name Ilya for a boy reveals to us his other qualities. Boys especially show their talent in childhood. The scope for realizing their talents is almost limitless.

In his youth, Ilya’s character will be complemented by such qualities as rationality and determination. In addition to these traits, the meaning of the name Ilya also demonstrates the prudence of such guys. It is thanks to this set of qualities that they will be able to achieve professional heights.

This will also be facilitated by Ilya’s ability to devote himself completely to his work. Moreover, if his hobby becomes his job, such a man can very quickly become a specialist of the highest level.

Considering that the character of the man named Ilya is quite soft, trusting and open, he should be more careful in communicating with unfamiliar people. The fact is that excessive gullibility can play a cruel joke on him. Of course, the easy-going Ilya quickly forgives his offenders, but he no longer enters into close relationships with them. Ilya is guided by the same principle in friendship.

Considering the interpretation of the name Ilya, one cannot help but note his sharp mind and innate intuition. Combined with our hero’s prudence and objective approach to situations, these qualities will make him an undeniable leader who will be respected in any society.

Family matters

As for personal life and family relationships, the man named Ilya will become a reliable partner, an excellent husband and a caring father. The meaning of the name in this case will demonstrate not only Ilya’s thriftiness, but also his ability to show love and care towards all members of his family.

It is worth noting that he will marry only for love, and only after he is able to acquire his own home and becomes financially independent. Love, peace and happiness always reign in his family. His wife sees him as a reliable protector and provider, and his children dote on him.

If we analyze the compatibility of names, then Ilya has every chance of building an ideal family with girls: Anna, Tatyana, Olga, Valeria. The compatibility of the names Ilya and Yulia, Ilya and Olga, Ilya and Anastasia is considered the best. In such couples, the dominant feelings will be not only love and mutual understanding, but also the ability to compromise for the sake of a common goal.

Couples Ekaterina, Daria, Evgenia, Irina and Ilya do not have perfect compatibility, but they also have a chance for a successful marriage. In such unions, both partners will need a little more time to determine common family values. At the same time, Ilya has very little chance of building a successful marriage with women: Elena, Alena, due to the temperament of his partners.

As you can see, the description of the name Ilya allows us to form a very favorable opinion about its owner. He is an open, sympathetic and charming person.