Pulse therapy of the central nervous system. Low frequency therapy indications and contraindications Antiarrhythmic drugs and how they are used in EIT

Treatment of osteochondrosis with Bernard currents is prescribed to relieve pain, relieve inflammation and improve general condition. In combination with medications, exercise therapy can lead to stable remission.

Osteochondrosis occurs in people who lead an inactive lifestyle, are overweight, are often in a sedentary position and practically do not engage in sports. The disease can be eliminated using complex therapy.

Today, treatment of osteochondrosis with low-frequency electrical impulses is very popular. The method allows you to reduce pain and relieve inflammation in the area. Bernard currents have the following effects:

  • copy the pain;
  • improve tissue condition;
  • help quickly restore affected areas;
  • reduce movement disorders;
  • strengthen the muscle corset and increase its tone;
  • normalize metabolic processes;
  • improve immunity;
  • stimulate microcirculation in the diseased area.

Such physiotherapy can serve as an independent treatment for osteochondrosis or be used in combination. This method is based on the effect of a small current charge on the affected area.

As a result, heat is generated in the tissues, which significantly increases blood circulation. Bernard's impulses affect nerve endings and receptors, reducing pain.

This type of therapy for osteochondrosis has its own characteristics. The procedure should be carried out in specialized centers under the supervision of a doctor or nurse. Modern devices for the treatment of spinal pathologies make it possible to generate pulses of different frequencies for effective impact on damaged areas.

What are Bernard currents and what are their advantages?

For the first time, the treatment of osteochondrosis with electrical impulses was applied and modeled by the French scientist Pierre Bernard. Thanks to low-frequency currents, the tone of the muscle corset increases. When the waves pass, a dynamic contraction of smooth and skeletal muscles occurs, causing stimulation of the vascular networks, muscles of the internal organs, and the muscular corset.

With the help of Bernard currents for osteochondrosis, blood circulation is improved, and an analgesic effect is observed due to irritation of the nerve receptors. A frequency of 100 Hz is enough to dilate arterioles, improve tissue nutrition and activate collateral capillaries.

Low frequency currents help eliminate inflammatory and edematous processes in osteochondrosis. The modern method is widely used in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Is it possible to be cured this way?

Bernard's method is not inferior in its effectiveness to the drug type of treatment. Physiotherapy is used for the affected areas and segments of the spinal column. Most patients experience a significant reduction in pain after the first session of therapy for osteochondrosis using current.

Doctors recommend using Bernard's electrical impulse treatment in combination with medications for effective results. You can use current as an independent therapy in the initial stages of osteochondrosis.

What are the contraindications in treating the spine with currents?

Physiotherapy is used in the treatment of osteochondrosis. Electrical exposure has a number of contraindications. Bernard's electrical impulse therapy is prohibited:

  • during exacerbations of the disease;
  • under drug and alcohol intoxication;
  • for skin diseases;
  • with kidney inflammation in the active phase and tuberculosis;
  • in the presence of malignant tumors;
  • for disorders of the sensitivity of the skin;
  • for diseases of the circulatory system and heart;
  • in case of individual intolerance to the method;
  • during breastfeeding and pregnancy;
  • for mental disorders, especially during exacerbation;

The attending physician should prescribe Bernard currents for osteochondrosis, taking into account all possible consequences and problems of the patient.

Before starting a session, it is necessary to undergo diagnostics to identify contraindications in order to avoid negative consequences from treatment.

The procedure using electrical impulses for osteochondrosis is not performed on patients who have metal implants in the cardiac system or throughout the body. The Bernard method is not suitable for patients with a non-immobilized bone fracture. Before the procedure, the doctor must carefully examine the skin in the area where the current is applied. If there is damage, they must be covered with oilcloth or the electrodes must be moved.

Treatment of osteochondrosis using pulses is prohibited for people who have purulent diseases of the subcutaneous fat layer. The procedure can be carried out only after creating an outflow of pus (drainage).

Osteochondrosis requires complex intervention, especially in advanced stages. To achieve results, the doctor prescribes the necessary course of Bernard currents, medications, massage and physical therapy.

Today, there are many unique methods for treating various diseases, in which the human body is directly exposed to magnetic fields, current pulses, lasers, etc.

One of the most popular techniques is magnetic therapy, which is effective and indicated for many diseases and pathologies.

To treat various pathological diseases, doctors use pulsed currents in physiotherapy. The effect of currents occurs in a certain rhythm, which is set on a special medical device, corresponding to the rhythms of the work of any internal system or organ of the human body, and the frequency of the supplied pulses also changes.

Low-frequency current pulses may be used for medicinal purposes for a number of the following diseases and manifestations:

  • electrical stimulation of muscle tissue;
  • pain relief;
  • antispastic effect;
  • action that has a vasodilating effect;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • damage to the neuromuscular system;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • other diseases of the endocrine system;
  • cosmetic skin problems;
  • disturbances of intestinal motility;
  • diseases of the pelvic organs (genitourinary system).

During the procedure, the effect on the muscles of pulsed currents is replaced by so-called rest phases. With each subsequent action, the amplitude of the pulse current and its rhythm smoothly increase and, thus reaching the highest point, and then also smoothly decrease their value to zero.

Electrodes through which an electrical current pulse is applied are placed on certain points on the patient’s body, through which a specific muscle group is affected. The current strength is calculated by the doctor in such a way as to visually see muscle contractions, but at the same time not cause the patient a feeling of discomfort during the procedure. Typically the current can be between 10 and 15 mA. As a rule, the course of treatment consists of 15 to 20 procedures, each of which lasts 15 or 30 minutes.

Pulsed currents are used in different types of physiotherapy:

  • Electroson. With this type of physiotherapy, low-intensity portions of current pulses are exposed, thus normalizing the functionality of the central nervous system. This effect occurs through the head receptors. Classic electrosleep uses pulses at frequencies from 1 to 150 Hz, with a duration of 0.2 to 0.3 ms. With this procedure, bifurcated electrodes are applied to both eyes of the patient, as well as to the mastoid area. As a result of such manipulation, normalization of brain activity, improvement of blood circulation, and the functioning of all internal organs and systems are noted.
  • Diadynamic therapy. It is carried out using low-frequency polysine wave pulses, with a frequency from 50 to 100 Hz. Pulses are applied separately or in a process with continuous alternation of short and long periods. The epidermis resists the effects of such a current, causing hyperemia, dilation of the walls of blood vessels and increased blood circulation. At the same time, muscle tissue and the nervous system are stimulated, resulting in a general therapeutic effect. Thus, the circulatory system, in particular the peripheral one, is activated, all metabolic processes in the body are improved, and pain is reduced. This method of pulse therapy is used to treat the peripheral nervous system and musculoskeletal system.
  • Interference. Low-frequency pulse currents are used (from 1 to 150 Hz), with a constant or variable frequency. This technique helps improve the functioning of motor muscles, increases blood circulation, reduces pain, and activates metabolic processes. Treatment is more effective in the treatment of subacute stages of diseases of the peripheral nervous system.
  • Amplipulsetherapy. Electrotherapy is carried out using sinusoidal simulated currents with low frequency (from 10 to 150 Hz), as well as mid-frequency (from 2000 to 5000 Hz). Such a sinusoidal current perfectly penetrates the skin without causing irritation, while it has a stimulating effect on muscle fibers, nerve fibers, improves blood circulation and metabolic processes. Treatment is prescribed for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, traumatic injuries, problems of the nervous system and many other pathological conditions.
  • Electrical stimulation used to stimulate or significantly enhance the functionality of certain internal organs and systems. Today, the most common types of electrical stimulation are stimulation of the heart, nervous system and motor muscles. Therapy is also indicated to maintain the vital activity of muscle tissue and its nutrition, to prevent such phenomena as muscle atrophy during periods of forced inactivity, and to strengthen muscles during the period of recovery and rehabilitation.
  • Fluctuarization. Currents of partially or fully rectified alternating current, low frequency (from 10 to 2000 Hz) are used. When exposed to such currents, tissue irritation and excitation occurs, lymph and blood circulation increases, the movement of leukocytes is activated, and the work of muscle tissue is stimulated.

Contraindications to the use of pulsed current therapy may include:

  • individual intolerance;
  • tumors;
  • second trimester of pregnancy, during which pulse therapy is used very carefully;
  • bleeding;
  • fresh hemarthrosis.

The effect of current pulses on the body causes irritating, exciting and stimulating effects that can help in the treatment of various diseases, pathologies and complications.

When current passes through the tissues of the body, it causes tension in the tissues and enhances the functioning of cell membranes.

Thus, it activates their functionality, stimulates cells and improves their vital functions, nourishes muscles, restores the functioning of nerve fibers, blood vessels, and joints. A disease such as prostatitis can also be effectively treated with pulsed currents.

When using therapy, the patient receives the following results:

  • Blood flow improves, and accordingly, the substances of medications used to treat prostatitis penetrate the prostate tissue faster.
  • Congestion processes in the pelvis are reduced.
  • Metabolism improves, which strengthens the entire body.
  • The synthesis of prostate secretion improves.
  • The permeability of cell membranes increases.

For effective treatment of prostatitis, electrotherapy with different types of pulse currents can be used. Galvanization allows you to influence the prostate gland with low-frequency currents with continuous action, this relieves inflammation and relieves pain. Medicinal electrophoresis helps enhance the effect of medications, as it increases tissue permeability at the cellular level.

With electrical stimulation, the function of the pelvic muscle tissue increases, which helps in the treatment of pathologies of the genitourinary system. Thanks to this technique, many patients with prostate problems receive high-quality and effective treatment. Reviews from both doctors and patients indicate that complex therapy with current pulses is one of the most effective methods of treating and preventing prostatitis and many other diseases.

It is simply amazing how diverse the methods and methods of treating a particular disease are now. I constantly discover something new for myself. Here's an example:

Pulse therapy of the central nervous system (TES), or, as the creator himself called it, the Method of transcranial electrical stimulation of the brain's protective mechanisms, was developed in the 90s of the 20th century.

This method appeared at the Institute of Physiology named after. I.P. Pavlova of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPB). This is the latest development in the field of physiotherapeutic treatment and was carried out by a group of scientists, led by a very talented specialist - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and the Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences Valery Pavlovich Lebedev.

During clinical trials, the technique was proven to be highly effective in treating a wide range of diseases, including alcohol and drug addiction. It is important that the principles of evidence-based medicine were used in the preparation of the methodology, which ensured recognition in domestic and foreign medical circles.

Today, TES therapy is one of the most popular methods of physiotherapeutic treatment and is used both at the stage of inpatient treatment of alcoholism and in a later period of rehabilitation.

There are a large number of devices that work using this method, but Doctor TES-03 is the only home medical device that reliably activates the production of endorphins. Undoubtedly, Doctor-TES is a highly effective and safe therapy in your home.

What does the method itself consist of? Pulse therapy of the central nervous system is usually carried out in courses. The doctor prescribes their number individually, depending on the task and the patient’s health condition.

The session takes place in a lying or sitting position. Electrodes connected to a machine that produces weak electrical impulses are applied to certain points on the head (in the area of ​​the forehead and temporal bones, called the mastoid processes). The patient may only feel a slight tingling sensation at the site of contact of the electrode with the skin.

At the end of the session, the electrodes are removed, and since the technique is non-invasive, there is no damage to the skin.

Currently, the method of pulse therapy of the central nervous system has earned recognition in wide medical circles. Despite the relative youth of the technique, it is already used in many medical institutions, including drug treatment institutions.

After a course of TES therapy, patients note a significant decrease in craving for alcohol, headaches, insomnia, and depression, which often accompany patients during treatment for alcoholism, disappear. In addition, pulse therapy of the central nervous system allows you to quickly relieve withdrawal symptoms and eliminate the affects of the post-withdrawal period.

Electrical pulse therapy (EPT) is a method used to restore cardiac arrhythmias. Cardioversion is used in the treatment of atrial fibrillation and paroxysmal tachycardia. Represents the effect on the myocardium of high-power direct current.

The discharge is delivered at a certain phase of the heart rhythm. It differs in safety, because in the first case there is a risk of delivering an electric shock to the patient in the most vulnerable phase of the cardiac cycle. It is used in cases of ventricular fibrillation. These two methods are electrical pulse therapy, which is indispensable for cardiology.

Indications for electropulse therapy

  • Patients with ventricular dysfunction (flutter and fibrillation).
  • With persistent gastric tachycardia. If hemodynamics are compromised, cardioversion is performed immediately. To further stabilize the patient's condition, drug therapy is used.
  • People with supraventricular tachycardias. In this case, electropulse therapy is indicated for patients whose condition is rapidly deteriorating or traditional treatment is ineffective.
  • When atrial fibrillation or flutter is diagnosed, cardioversion is prescribed based on the patient's condition.
  • EIT is used to treat tachyarrhythmias. However, for patients with this type of disease, reentry is more effective than for people with a disease caused by increased automaticity.
  • Electrical pulse therapy is indicated for patients with shock resulting from tachyarrhythmia and pulmonary edema.
  • This type of therapy is indicated for patients with pronounced tachycardia, when more than 150 beats per minute are diagnosed. People with acute myocardial infarction and those who suffer from unstable hemodynamics. EIT is indispensable if therapy with antiarrhythmic drugs is contraindicated.

Cardioversion-defibrillation is an important and irreplaceable method with which serious conditions are stabilized.

Carrying out EIT

To use EIT, the doctor must know about all the patient’s diseases that may complicate the condition, and about the individual characteristics of the body.

Electropulse therapy: contraindications

There are cases when this type of therapy is contraindicated. If a patient is diagnosed with atrioventricular block, this type of treatment is not used. This applies to people with sick sinus syndrome and heart defects, if they are treated surgically. If there is no threat to the patient's life, cardioversion is not used, as there is a risk of ventricular fibrillation.

It is strictly forbidden to carry out EIT in case of an overdose of digitalis preparations. When the body is saturated with glycosides and potassium levels are low due to diuretics, this therapy is not recommended. Low effectiveness of the method is observed in the treatment of patients with severe heart failure and cardiomegaly.

How patients are prepared for the procedure

There is no general scheme that doctors follow when dealing with EIT. If the procedure is prescribed to the patient as planned, it is recommended not to eat for 6–8 hours.

If the patient does not require extreme assistance, certain drugs are administered about an hour before the procedure to create a background concentration. It is strictly contraindicated to administer beta blockers for this purpose, which can lead to serious consequences.

When cardioversion or defibrillation is performed for emergency reasons, and a person’s life is in danger, doctors do without preparation, since there is no time for this. If possible, do oxygen therapy with 100% humidified oxygen. Correct electrolyte balance and CBS.

If the patient has not lost consciousness, painkillers and sedatives should be given before the procedure.

If respiratory depression is observed, the patient is injected with analgesics that do not contain narcotics, for example: analgin. Next, the person is put into medicated sleep by administering diazepam intravenously, this is done slowly, in a stream, first 5 mg, and then 2 mg are added until the patient falls asleep. To avoid respiratory depression, drugs with a minimal dose of narcotic drugs are used. Quite often, breathing problems occur in a patient during the period of falling asleep, so doctors need to be especially careful.

Technique of the procedure

First, the discharge energy is determined, it all depends on the diagnosis and condition of the patient.

  • 50 J is enough for supraventricular tachycardia, when the heartbeat increases sharply and paroxysmally, the heart rate exceeds 100 beats. The same discharge is used for atrial flutter.
  • A 100 J pulse is used for atrial fibrillation - this is one of the types of supraventricular tachycardia, chaotic electronic activity of the atria is observed, heart rate fluctuates between 350 - 700 per minute. And with ventricular tachycardia, the frequency of ventricular contractions exceeds 100 beats per minute. Characterized by a sudden cessation of disturbances and the same sudden resumption, occurs regularly. A fairly severe and life-threatening heart rhythm disorder.
  • 200 J is used if the patient has polymorphic tachycardia, a serious disturbance in heart rhythm can cause arrhythmic death. Or ventricular fibrillation - a violation of the coordinated functioning of the heart muscles, in which the main function of the organ is disrupted.

The diagnosis and condition of the patient determines the discharge energy

The strength of the first category is indicated; if it is ineffective, doctors increase it. The pulse can reach a maximum of 360 J.

If the necessary equipment is available, and if the patient’s condition allows, synchronization of the electronic discharge is used at a certain phase of the heart rhythm. More precisely, when an R wave appears on the ECG, a shock is immediately given. This is cardioversion.

To minimize the electronic resistance before EIT, electrodes are placed on the patient’s defatted skin; alcohol or other methods are used for this. After the electrodes are pressed firmly against the patient's chest, the first shock is applied. This should be done when the person has taken a deep breath.

When defibrillation is completed, the heart rhythm is checked; if it has recovered, it is necessary to register an ECG in 12 leads; for this, the potential difference between two electrodes located on the patient’s body is recorded.

Antiarrhythmic drugs and how they are used in EIT

In the case when, after three shocks, the heart rhythm has not recovered, and the doctors constantly increased the strength of the impulse, then the fourth maximum is 360 J. It is applied after the administration of an antiarrhythmic drug intravenously, which is prescribed for rhythm disturbances. In this way, the effect achieved by electropulse therapy is consolidated.

What determines the effectiveness of EIT?

Cardioversion-defibrillation is effective and safe if doctors have done the following:

  1. Correct diagnosis.
  2. Preparation of equipment and necessary equipment, all necessary solutions and preparations.
  3. Appropriate patient preparation.
  4. Administering the correct pain medications and sedatives.
  5. Compliance with a technique in which the procedure is carried out taking into account all the rules and regulations for the dosage of drugs, with degreasing of the skin.
  6. Prescription of antiarrhythmic drugs.
  7. Accounting for and compliance with safety regulations.
  8. The technical capabilities of the defibrillator used in work have been tested.

If cardioversion-defibrillation is ineffective, we can talk about incorrect implementation of the technique, incorrect determination of indications for electropulse therapy, the patient’s serious condition, when the electronic balance or CBS is significantly impaired, in which case correction is required.


In what cases is cardioversion prescribed for the treatment of atrial fibrillation in patients?

Thanks to this, oxygen and nutrients quickly saturate the vessels and regeneration occurs quickly, and pain and inflammation gradually go away.

Diseases treated by IVT

This therapy is used to treat a variety of diseases:

  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Arthritis;
  • Spinal hernia;
  • Injuries;
  • Heel spur;
  • Vascular system;
  • Diseases of the prostate gland.

I must say that IVT has helped many women cope with cellulite. It decreases after several procedures.


The use of IVT in the treatment of arthrosis began quite recently. Conducted studies and numerous patient reviews show that this method in the treatment of affected joints can become an excellent assistant in rehabilitation therapy.

Pulse wave therapy also treats:

  • Spinal diseases;
  • Arthrosis of the hip joint;
  • Deforming arthrosis of the knee joint;
  • Heart diseases.

The IVT device, thanks to sound vibrations, makes the structure of osteophytes much “softer”. A patient with arthrosis, whose disease is expressed by spiny processes, after completing a course of IVT feels great relief. After some time, the thorns completely dissolve and complete recovery occurs.

Skeletal system and its treatment

Pulse wave therapy has become the most modern method of treating the musculoskeletal system.

It first appeared in Switzerland. Here doctors began to treat damaged tissues with acoustic waves operating at infrasound frequencies.

When exposed to IVT, calcium salts, which are a source of pain, are destroyed, blood circulation and elasticity of ligaments improve, swelling and inflammation go away, and metabolism is restored.

Pulse waves greatly increase the movement of microblood flow in all small vessels.

Due to the specific action of acoustic waves, certain processes begin to occur:

  • Metabolism improves;
  • Cells are renewed;
  • Vascular blood flow increases.

As a result of the use of IVT, accelerated healing occurs and joint mobility is restored. This procedure has an excellent analgesic effect.

Treatment effectiveness

Pulse therapy today is considered the most promising area of ​​modern medicine. Now, instead of surgical intervention, doctors have begun to use the IVT method. The effectiveness of this method has been proven by thousands of recovered patients.

Patients who have completed a course of IVT report the following positive symptoms:

  • The affected tissues began to recover at an accelerated pace;
  • Metabolism has improved significantly;
  • The swelling has completely subsided;
  • There was an opportunity to start working again;
  • Pain sensations have decreased significantly. After several sessions, the pain completely disappeared.

Note that pulse therapy shows excellent results in the treatment of various pathologies.


  • After several procedures, blood circulation in the body improves and microcirculation returns to normal.
  • The patient no longer experiences severe pain, and the inflammatory process gradually disappears.
  • Pathological growths become smaller;
  • The functioning of the nervous system improves.


High frequency vibration minimizes complications.

The blood clot is destroyed and reabsorbed within a few days.


  • Damaged tissues begin to quickly recover.
  • The patient stops feeling severe back pain.

The number of diseases that can be treated very effectively with the help of IVT is growing every day. Today, this method is used in a variety of departments of medicine:

Erectile dysfunction

With age, sexual function in men gradually decreases. But when the blood vessels through which blood flows to the penis are disrupted in the body, impotence or erectile dysfunction occurs. Pulsed wave therapy is also applicable for the treatment of impotence.

Today, hundreds of methods have been developed to treat erectile dysfunction. However, not all of them give a positive result; professional doctors have justified complaints about some.

Physiotherapy deals with the problem of male erectile dysfunction. The most promising method of treatment is considered to be pulsed wave therapy.

This procedure is completely painless, lasts 25 minutes and is performed on an outpatient basis. No contraindications have been identified. Pulse therapy restores the functioning of blood vessels by affecting them with short-term discharges.

The best result of treatment is considered to be the complete restoration of blood vessel function and the complete return of erectile function.

The effectiveness of pulse wave therapy has been fully proven by scientists and helps get rid of many diseases.

Pulse wave therapy of joints: indications

In the structure of morbidity, one of the main places is occupied by joint diseases. Pharmaceutical companies now offer many different medications and supplements to treat them. Along with them, no less effective physiotherapeutic treatment can be used. The main place among physiotherapeutic methods is occupied by pulse-wave therapy of joints. The principle of impact on the joint cavity, indications and contraindications for this treatment will be discussed below.

Shock wave therapy for joints

Pulse wave therapy is also called shock wave therapy. This method is one of the modern methods of treating joint diseases. Shock wave therapy for joints (SWT) is based on low-frequency sound, less than 16 Hz, which the human ear cannot hear.

Operating principle of UVT

What is the basis for curing articular pathology with a shock wave? The mechanism of action is as follows:

  1. In the process of exposure to a wave on the cell wall, it stretches, its permeability to various substances entering and exiting the cell increases, that is, metabolism accelerates. By improving microcirculation, accelerated restoration of damaged structures occurs and calcium deposits dissolve.
  2. Due to the pressure of the wave, cavities are formed. If the pressure continues, the cavities burst, allowing intra-articular calcium deposits to be destroyed.
  3. After the cavities burst, smaller waves are formed, which contribute to the further destruction of pathological formations.
  4. An important point is the reduction in pain intensity due to a decrease in the passage of pain nerve impulses. In addition, the production of the hormone endorphin increases, which also helps reduce pain. SWT also destroys areas of fibrosis.

What joint diseases does UVT treat?

Shock waves are used for the following pathological conditions:

  1. Arthrosis. This pathology is found in almost 80% of the population and ranks third in prevalence after heart and cancer diseases. Shock wave therapy is mainly used for arthrosis of the knee joint, as well as for the treatment of arthrosis of the ankle.
  2. Contracture. The consequence of improved microcirculation is the return of elasticity of the ligaments. After therapy, the range of motion increases.
  3. Degenerative changes in the articular cavity.
  4. Injuries and fractures in the articular area. By improving blood circulation, joint tissues and structures are restored quite quickly.

UVT is designed to quickly relieve pain and restore joint mobility.

Shockwave therapy is also used to develop the joint during the rehabilitation of patients after surgery. In addition, this method is used if conventional medications no longer help and there is a question about surgical intervention. Pulse wave treatment will help avoid surgery.

Contraindications to the procedure

In what cases should shock wave therapy not be used for arthrosis? Contraindications to this treatment are:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Low blood clotting. This is due to the likelihood of bleeding due to damage to blood vessels by waves.
  3. Age up to 18 years. This is due to the fact that the growth zone on the bones is not yet closed, and when exposed to waves, tissue growth can stop and lead to bone deformation.
  4. The presence of tumors in the body, especially near the site of application of the UVT device.
  5. Presence of a pacemaker. Wave action can disrupt its operation or damage it.
  6. The presence of an inflammatory infectious process in the knee, ankle or other joints. Due to increased intra-articular circulation, infectious agents can be distributed to all organs and tissues.
  7. When exposed to waves on nerves or nerve plexuses, paresis or sensitivity may develop.
  8. You cannot use the UVT device at the border with organs that contain gas inside them: lungs, intestines.
  • joint swelling;
  • redness of the skin over it;
  • the occurrence of intra-articular hematoma.

The listed side effects are not an indication to interrupt the course. As a rule, they disappear within 10 days.

How is the procedure done?

Treatment of joints with shock wave therapy is carried out as follows:

  1. The doctor palpates the affected area.
  2. A special gel is applied to the pathological focus to facilitate the transmission of impulses from the device to the site of application.
  3. The doctor determines the required frequency and time of exposure to the pathological focus. Next, the applicator is pressed to the site of treatment and the procedure begins, which lasts 15-30 minutes.

The course requires about 6 procedures. Each procedure is carried out at intervals of 7-10 days. During this period of time, the body removes the remaining calcifications from the site of exposure. The procedure is completely painless.

SWT of the knee joint gives good results: remission lasts 2-3 years.

Shock wave therapy for arthrosis: reviews

Here's what doctors and patients think about percussion therapy.

Alexey Mikhailovich, orthopedist, Moscow:

“I have been treating joints with shock waves for about three years. The effectiveness is high, especially in relation to arthrosis. The condition of patients with pathologies of muscles and tendons also improves. The method can be used as monotherapy, and the effectiveness is higher than that of other treatment methods. UVT allows you to restore damaged structures and relieve inflammation and pain.”

“I am worried about pain due to arthrosis of the ankle joint. I take a course of injections prescribed by the doctor - the pain subsides, but not completely. I read about shock wave treatment on the Internet. I consulted with the doctor, he recommended taking a course. The procedure is inexpensive. After the first time, the pain decreased significantly, but did not disappear. I completed the course completely, the pain went away and never came back. I recommend UVT treatment for ankle arthrosis to everyone.”

Evgeniy R., 52 years old:

“I have been suffering from knee arthrosis for a long time. Constant pain that subsides only temporarily after taking or injecting painkillers. I heard about such treatment as shock wave therapy of the knee joint. I decided to try it. After the first procedures, the pain became noticeably weaker, and after the course of treatment the pain disappeared. I recommend everyone to treat the knee joint with shock wave therapy.”

Gonarthrosis or deforming arthrosis is an inflammatory disease of the knee joint. With this disease, degenerative dystrophy or osteoarthritis of cartilage occurs. Not only the cartilage inside the joint is deformed, but also the entire joint (ligaments, capsule, subchondral bone, periarticular muscles, synovial membrane).

Gonarthrosis usually occurs after exposure to unobvious hidden causes, but most likely it is a consequence of idopathic or primary osteoarthritis. Gonarthrosis begins to gradually affect various parts of the joint, for example, the internal part, the anterior or external part.

There are a number of reasons why you need to see a doctor immediately. You may have gonarthrosis if:

  • You have joint immobility or partial limitation of movement;
  • You have severe joint pain that occurs after physical activity;
  • You feel a feeling of instability in the joint;
  • you have swelling or swelling in the joint area;
  • Your joint has changed or become deformed.

Gonarthrosis develops in stages; depending on its severity or duration, there are several stages of this disease:

  • Stage 1 - pain appears periodically, but most often it occurs after strong physical activity. Slightly noticeable swelling or slight deformation of the joint.
  • Stage 2 - symptoms of stage 1 gonarthrosis increase significantly. The pain increases in degree and duration. There is often a feeling of stiffness or crunching in the affected joint. The joint becomes severely deformed or changes in size.
  • Stage 3 - severe pain appears both with strong movement and at rest. Severe pain is noticed when the weather changes, there is a sudden change in movement and severe deformation of the joint.

Shock wave therapy has a positive effect on the affected tissue. Charged impulses break down the formed calcium salts or areas of fibrosis that have arisen, which usually form during gonarthrosis after chronic injuries, where there are micro-tears of muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Shockwave therapy changes the chemical environment inside the inflamed joint. After this exposure, the pain becomes almost unnoticeable or goes away completely.

The effect of shock wave therapy is noticeable after the first procedure.

Charged pulses affect blood flow inside damaged tissue, this stimulates tissue regeneration. The formed calcium salts leave the human body through the bloodstream. Then a sharp recovery of the affected area is noticed: swelling and inflammation go away, the tissue acquires elasticity. A person can safely and painlessly endure physical activity. After the positive effect of shock wave therapy, new microcapillaries are formed - this has a positive effect on the patient’s rapid recovery.

Treatment of gonarthrosis is completely painless. The duration of one session varies from 10 to 40 minutes. For complete recovery, about 4-10 sessions are usually sufficient. Between procedures it is necessary to maintain an interval of 5-10 days. During the session, the patient lies down, the skin is treated with a special gel and shock wave therapy treatment begins.

Step 1: F-SW (combination therapy)

The pain after the first session is significantly reduced or disappears completely, but after 2-3 hours after the procedure the pain may occur again. There is no need to be alarmed, this is a normal healing process. After all treatment sessions, the pain will leave your body forever. There have not yet been any relapses or complications after treatment.

Before the treatment procedure itself, your consulting doctor will determine the duration of your course of procedures and draw up a rehabilitation program after treatment. Most likely, this will be a set of physical exercises or additional procedures. For each patient, the treatment, the duration of the periods between sessions and the duration of the sessions themselves are selected only individually. This depends on the degree of gonarthrosis, the presence of concomitant diseases and the personal characteristics of the patient.

Shock wave therapy completely relieves swelling, accelerates healing, relieves pain and inflammation, gives elasticity and tone to muscles, completely removes formed calcium, increases collagen production, increases microcirculation of the affected area and increases metabolism. Charged impulses act only on affected tissues, without affecting healthy ones at all. This guarantees treatment of gonarthrosis without damaging soft tissues and skin. New blood vessels form in the healthy area. This helps keep the newly affected area healthy.

Doctor Dunaev Vladimir Igorevich

Treatment of arthrosis with shock

joint therapy

Shock wave therapy restores capillaries and fills the painful area with oxygen. It also completely restores the former mobility of the joint, removes scars or scars on the skin. Shock wave therapy is a modern treatment method that allows you to completely cure not only gonarthrosis, but also many other diseases.

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Shock wave therapy doctors in our clinic

Dunaev Vladimir Igorevich

Urologist, chiropractor, acupuncturist, UVT specialist

Doctor of the highest category. She has extensive experience in the non-surgical treatment of herniated intervertebral discs, treatment of pain, degenerative, vascular syndromes associated with pathology of the musculoskeletal system. Professional with a constant desire to improve.

Work experience in the specialty - more than 25 years.

Cost of treating knee joint diseases with shock wave therapy

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Good afternoon. Please formulate the question more precisely and indicate which area of ​​training you plan to perform?

Good afternoon Andrey! Are you interested in the possibility of performing shockwave therapy in general, in the presence of an endoprosthesis, or specifically on the operated joint? In general, it’s possible. In particular, on an operated joint - extremely rarely, and in conjunction with examination data, the nature of complaints, assessment of risks and the expected effect of treatment. I would like to inform you that, in addition to shockwave therapy, there are many modern methods of influencing the knee joint, used depending on the patient’s main complaints. This is HILT (high-intensity laser therapy), joint taping, the use of specialized orthoses, manual therapy, kinesiology, exercise therapy, massage, griseo-hirudotherapy, etc., etc., etc. But the main thing is the patient, his condition and his complaints. If you decide to contact our clinic, your treatment and examination will be based on this postulate. Best regards, V.I. Dunaev, deputy general director of the clinic. Specialist in UVT.

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Pulse wave therapy - contraindications and benefits

Medicine now simply surprises every person with its new developments; one of these areas is IVT - pulsed wave therapy. This is a modern method that allows you to cope with many ailments in the body of every person. Thanks to this process, soft tissue is restored, as well as the growth of blood vessels in the area of ​​​​damage. As a result, this process removes inflammation and the pain goes away.

How does this recovery process work?

Many people are interested in how it all works, and for what problems does the treatment process occur? This method helps to cope with many diseases:

  • Arthritis.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Presence of vertebral hernias.
  • Any other injuries.
  • Disturbance in the vascular system.
  • Problems of sexual significance, etc.

In addition, this method helps every woman cope with a problem that worries many - cellulite. When carrying out this procedure, after a couple of receptions everything decreases significantly. As a result, it turns out that pulsed wave therapy brings benefits. But many people, when various new methods of treatment appear, are always interested in whether there are contraindications that can negatively affect human health. Of course, this is always present, for this reason any method of treatment should be prescribed with the approval of a competent specialist so that no side effects arise.

In what situation is the use of pulsed wave therapy contraindicated:

  • If blood clotting is reduced, then there is no need to use this method.
  • If diagnosed with cancer.
  • If the heart is not working properly, or there are various deviations from the norm.

Now this method of treatment is recognized as the most effective and efficient method in the treatment of various problems with the musculoskeletal system. The effect of this is always noticeable; the first mentions of this can be found in Switzerland. As a result, experts understood how it works and what brings great effect. Now many surgeons do not use intervention in the human body, but simply choose the IVT method. And after the first procedures, every patient experiences improvement, which is why this is recognized as the best way.

Every person feels better because the pain goes away, and this is the main thing for many patients. The recovery process begins and the fight against many pathologies becomes effective.

Shock wave therapy - cost and reviews. Indications for shock wave treatment and contraindications

Special sound waves began to be used to treat pathologies of the musculoskeletal system quite recently. Nevertheless, the results obtained over the entire period of their use indicate the high effectiveness of this technology. Find out in more detail what this method is and why it is needed.

What is shock wave therapy

This technique was developed from lithotripsy, widely used in urology. Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) is based on the principle of cavitation, as well as the acoustic impedance of the cartilage and bone structures of the human body. Clinical trials have shown that the method has a positive effect on other tissues of the body.

The shock wave in medicine has become so widespread due to its special healing effect. The latter lies in the fact that low-frequency radiation is capable of breaking up solid calcified formations encountered in its path without harm to healthy tissue. At the end of the procedure, these pathological accumulations, as a rule, completely resolve. It is important to note that the technique is ineffective against malignant neoplasms.

Shock wave therapy - indications

Low-frequency sound vibrations are used in the treatment of a wide variety of musculoskeletal pathologies. The wave shock method also helps fight many urological problems. Thus, ESWT is indicated for erectile dysfunction. In addition, this non-invasive procedure is used in the complex treatment of ailments that previously required exclusively surgical treatment: herniated discs and advanced popliteal tendinitis. In general, the use of shock wave therapy has the following indications:

  • intervertebral hernia;
  • avascular necrosis;
  • arthrosis;
  • Achilles tendinitis;
  • pain after endoprosthetics;
  • pain when rotating the shoulder;
  • valgus deformity of the toe;
  • knee chronic tendinitis;
  • inflammatory processes of non-infectious nature;
  • a bone on the foot;
  • false joints;
  • plantar fasciitis;
  • spinal osteochondrosis;
  • healing of bones after fractures;
  • tendinosis;
  • revascularization of damaged areas of the vascular network;
  • rehabilitation after muscle and ligament injuries;
  • epicondylitis;
  • foot ulcers.

Shock wave therapy treatment

For many diseases, low-frequency sound waves are used as a good alternative to surgery. During treatment with shock wave therapy, the penetrating ability of cell membranes increases, which helps to activate regeneration processes in the affected area. In addition, under the influence of UHT, cavitation bubbles form, which, when bursting, create a counterforce directed against calcific formations.

Shock wave therapy device

A significant advantage of such devices is the possibility of outpatient shock therapy. Modern shock wave therapy devices are effective and have a high level of safety. One of the most budget-friendly options is considered to be a pneumatic device for ESWT. This device, like its other analogues, generates waves in the ultrasonic spectrum. Such characteristics help the device influence the course of cavitation processes in the cell. Depending on the source generating the shock wave, devices are distinguished:

  • electromagnetic;
  • electrohydraulic;
  • piezoelectric;
  • pneumatic.

Shock wave therapy procedure

Conducting a UVT session does not require any special preparation from the patient. The shock wave therapy procedure is performed in an outpatient setting. The patient lies on the couch. Before the session, the specialist sets up the UVT device in the mode required for a specific diagnosis. A special gel is first applied to the problem area, after which the sensor is pressed tightly against the body. The duration of the procedure is 7-25 minutes. The course of treatment includes about 10 sessions, which are carried out at 4-6 day intervals.

Shock wave therapy - contraindications

The UVT procedure has some limitations. Contraindications to shock wave therapy mostly relate to oncology and diabetes. It is important to say that pregnancy is also considered an obstacle to prescribing ESWT. Questions often arise among patients about the permissibility of treating bone necrosis using shock wave therapy. Experts say that this diagnosis is not a contraindication for the procedure. Meanwhile, doctors strongly do not recommend doing shock wave therapy for the following conditions:

  • blood clotting disorders;
  • implanted pacemaker;
  • acute infectious process;
  • angina pectoris.

Where is shock wave therapy performed?

You can undergo the UVT procedure in specialized private physiotherapy clinics. Before visiting one of these medical institutions, read patient reviews about the quality and cost of the services provided there. Recently, shock wave therapy has been carried out in many rehabilitation centers and sanatoriums. UVT sessions can be easily carried out at home. To bring this idea to life, you will need to purchase the appropriate technical equipment.

Devices for UVT are sold in specialized medical equipment stores. It should be said that prices for such products are often unreasonably inflated. It is important for the consumer to know that a reliable device for shock wave therapy can be purchased inexpensively in an online store by pre-ordering it from the photo catalog presented on the website.

Price for shock wave therapy

The cost of the SWT procedure depends on the nature of the disease and the number of sessions required for cure. The duration of the course, as a rule, is determined purely individually for each patient. In addition, the cost of shock wave therapy in different clinics is determined taking into account the class and level of technical equipment of the latter. Thus, prices for shock therapy for some diseases are presented in the table below.