The name of the cat or dog. Cool nicknames for dogs, cats and more. How can you name a kitten so that the name is beautiful and easy

How to name a pet? This question worries many dog ​​and cat owners. In order to simplify the task of choosing, we have compiled a directory of nicknames for dogs and cats. If you want to choose the most beautiful, unforgettable name for your animal, first of all, choose a type (male or female). After that, you will see a list of popular celebrity pet names. The names are sorted in alphabetical order, for each nickname the name is written in Latin letters. Using a special filter, you can select names that begin with a specific letter.

Don’t forget, choosing a name for an animal (German shepherd, husky, husky, etc.) is a responsible step. The nickname should best match the animal and characterize its behavioral traits. Therefore, study cool, funny, original nicknames for dogs, cats, parrots, horses and other animals, their characteristics at Here you will find nicknames for dogs and cats that bring good luck!

Choosing a name for your beloved pet is not the easiest task. It’s good if the name of the cat and dog matches their character, appearance, and reflects your affection for him. But how to name a dog so that the name is original and convenient?

Remember that you will use the name you choose for the animal every day, so it should be pronounced simply and without hesitation. In many ways, the choice of nickname for a cat, dog or other animal depends on the animal itself, its character and other characteristics. Thus, nicknames for purebred cats and dogs with a pedigree, which were purchased in a specialized club, are usually chosen to be solid and respectable. In addition, it happens that clubs require that the animal's name begin with a certain letter.

The choice of pet name may also depend on the place of residence and the breed of the animal. For example, it would be advisable to call a village cat a simple nickname - Vaska, Petka, and so on. Nicknames can also reflect the appearance or character of the animal - Gray, Red, Black, Robber, Sonya, Shustrik.

As they say, a dog is man's best friend. And the best friend deserves a truly fantastic name. However, coming up with cool dog names may actually be more difficult than you think. If you are wondering how to choose names for cats and dogs, use a few simple rules.

Rules for choosing a name for a cat or dog

  • Stick to shorter names for dogs and cats. Animals more easily recognize names that have one or two syllables. If you want to give your puppy a longer, more formal name, know that you'll eventually have to shorten it to suit your needs.
  • Choose names with sibilant consonants. Dogs are good at hearing high-frequency sounds, so names starting with w, w, h, as well as s and k are good options. As for cats, it is also better to use hissing and whistling sounds in cat names.
  • Don't choose names that match the commands you give. For example, dogs are not particularly good at recognizing the actual word, but instead understand the frequency of its sound, so they can be confused by words that sound too similar.
  • For a dog, the uniqueness of the name is especially important. A dog's name that is too common may cause your pet to respond to commands from strangers.
  • Try testing out your puppy or kitten's name for a few days before making it permanent. See how your pet reacts to it and whether it is comfortable for you.

If you can't decide what name to give your dog, explore the names that can be found on the Internet, and an animal name generator will also come to your aid.

How to name a cat and dog using an animal name generator

The operating principle of the nickname generator is to randomly select names from an extensive database of nicknames. To use the nickname generator, set several initial parameters:

  • - determine the type and sex of the animal;
  • - select the letter with which the nickname should begin;
  • - now click on the “Show result” button – and the pet’s name is ready.

If you want to rely on fate, press the button and name your pet as the generator suggests. Even if you don’t like the nickname, you will have many new ideas. The owner can generate a nickname as many times as necessary until he likes it and seems suitable for a particular pet.

Undoubtedly, among more than 3,000 beautiful animal names presented on our website, you will be able to choose a name for your pet!

On this page of the site you can find names (nicknames) for your cats, cats and kittens boys and girls for all letters of the alphabet from “A” to “Z”.

Names for kittens are presented in Russian, but they can easily be translated into English.


So, what can you name a kitten?

The best names for kittens– these are the ones that you, those around you, and, of course, your kitten like. Kittens' nicknames should be consonant, not too long, so that it is convenient to call your pet. Here you can select names for male kittens (they are on the left and sorted alphabetically); names for girls kittens are on the right. Unusual, original, funny, popular, interesting, funny and beautiful names/nicknames for kittens for boys and girls are presented below.

Click on the desired letter in Russian/English and select a name for the kitten!

We will be happy to help you choose a name for the kitten!



Abbey, Aben, Abo, Abo Ans, Aborigine, Abraham, Absolute, Avalon, August, Augustine, Augustus, Agate, Agathon, Agir, Ago, Aggressor, Adagio, Adam, Adams, Adis, Admiral, Adolf, , Adonis, Adrian , Azhur, Azadello, Azart, Aziris, Azor, Azure, Aivar, Aivengo, Aygun, Aidan, Ayzik, Aik, Aykar, Aiko, Aylan, Island, Ayli, Airat, Ice, Aysan, Iceberg, Ice Be ri, Ice Berry, Ice Krim, Aytash, Aquamarine, Aquino, Akes, Acord, Acrylic, Axel, Aktavian, Aktash, Aladdin, Alain, Alan, Aland, Aldan, Alex, Alexius, Alyosha, Alzar, Ali, Ali Baba, Alias, Alish, llan, Almaz , Alonzo, Aloha, Altyn, Al Capone, Albar, Albert, Alvin, Aldik, Aldo, Alkor, Almar, Alpen Gold, Alton, Alf, Alfons, Alfred, Amadeus, Amadeo, Amadeus, Amaly, n, Amaretto, Ambassador, Ambrose , Amen Ra, Amethyst, Ammi, Amor, Amulet, Cupid, Anvar, Angel, Charlie's Angel, Angor, Angus, Angelo, Andre, Andrea, Andrian, Andriano, Ans, Antey, Anton, Antony, Antonio, Antos, oshka, Anubis , Anush, Anchar, Anyar, Apogee, Apollo, Apollo, Apollo, April, Apri, Arake, Aramis, Arwen, Argo, Argonaut, Argone, Argos, Argus, Arzhan, Aris, Aristocrat, l, Arcon, Arman, Armani, Arno , Arnold, Arras, Arro, Artemis, Artemius, Arthur, Artush, Archel, Archie, Archibald, Asik, Asiris, Asker, Aslan, Assar, Asterix, Aston, Ataman, Atilla, Atlant, Atlas, Aton, Athos, Atticus , Afonya, Achilles, Achilles, Akhtai, Achi, Ashley, Ashton, Ashug, Ajax, AyansAbbi, Abel, Abigal, Abigel, Ava, Augusta, Augustina, Avda, Aurora, Agata, Agafya, Agasha, Agi, Agnes, Aguti, Ada, Addi, Adelina, Adel, Adeya, Aji, Adis, Azari, Aziza, Asia, Azura, Aida, Quince, Ivory, Aigul, Aidana, Aiza, Ayla, Aimara, Aimi, Aina, Airin, Iris, Aisidora, Watercolor, Alabama, Alana, Alanis, Alberi, Alegra, Alexa, ndriya, Alexis, Alexia, Scarlet Flower , Alibi, Alika, Alina, Alice, Alisa, Alicia, Aloha, Alberta, Alga, Alda, Aldona, Alza, Alma, Alpine Flower, Alta, Alpha, Alaska, Amadea, Amazon, Amalia, Amanda, Amberly, sconce, Ambrosia, Ambrose, Amelia, Amiga, Anabella, Annabel, Anais, Anastasia, Anatol, Anga, Angel, Angelina, Angela, Angelica, Andromeda, Anella, Anel, Angelika, Anika, Anikol, Anita, na, Annushka, Antelia, Antonina, Antoinette, Anfisa, Angel, Anyuta, Arabella, Arabeska, Arabian Night, Aralia, Arda, Ardella, Aremo, Areta, Arzo, Arizona, Arika, Arilda, Arima, Arisa, Arisha, Ariel, Arlanda, Arleta, Arna, Arnica, Arta , Harp, Assol, Assorted, Asta, Aster, Asya, Atava, Atika, Aura, Athena, Africa, Aphrodite, Akhta, Achcha, Ashika, Aelita, Aya
Babet, Babster, Bagger, Baget, Basalt, Basil, Ba-zu, Bayard, Baikal, Byron, Byte, Buck, Bucks, Baxter, Balamut, Bali, Bali Hai, Balkan, Ballu, Baloven, o, Balkhash, Balm, Balthazar , Balu, Balto, Bambino, Bandit, Banzai, Banzul, Banshee, Bard, Bark, Barki, Barley, Barmaley, Barney, Baron, Baroyan, Barrat, Barry, Bars, Barsik, Bart, Barten, tolomeo, Barkhan, Velvet, Basker , Baskerville, Basmach, Bast, Baster, Batur, Batyr, Bowser, Bacchus, Bayun, Behemoth, Beck, Buckingham, Bexter, Beldrick, Bel, Bel Ali, Bemol, Ben, Benjamin, Benzo, Benefis, o, Beno, Bento, Berg, Bergen, Bergen, Beri, Bernie, Bero, Berry, Berserk, Burt, Burton, Best, Betris, Beethoven, Bzik, Big Ben, Big Mac, Bigor, Beedie, Bison, Bilan, Billy, Billy Jean, Billyboy, Beamer , Bimol, Bing, Bingo, Bingston, Binkley, Binks, Beatle, Beetle Juice, Blanco, Black, Blizart, Blik, Blyth, Blossom, Blue Jean, Bludwin, Blake, Black, Black Berry, Black Jack, Blanfil, Bobi, Bobo , Bogard, Bogach, Bogey, Bodan, Fighting, Boycott, Boxing, Big Ben, Big Mac, Bombino, Beaumonde, Bon Jour, Bon Bon, Bondi, Bonzo, Boniface, Bonnie, Bonoparte, h, Borey, Fighter, Boris, Borsey B ronte, Brooklyn, Bruno, Brutus, Bradley, Brack, Brandy, Bruce, Buggy, Buddha, Buka, Boomerang, Buran, Bourbon, Burse, Butuz, Butch, Buffalo, Buffalo, Bill, Bushui, Buyan, Bianco, Basic, Buckingham, Bamboy, BestBabetta, Butterfly, Bagira, Bagryanka, Basilika, Bazooka, Baida, Bayra, Bakara, Baltika, Banzi, Bani, Ban-Shi, Barbara, Barbarella, Barbie, Barki, Barletta, Baroness, Barcelona, ​​Barynya, Young Lady, Bassi, Basta, Basya, Bounty, Buffy, Beatrice, Beatrice, Beatrice, Beverly, Beverly Hills, Beigi, Becky, Belind, Belka, Bella, Belle, Snow White, Bena, Benta, Bentley, Berna, Berta, labor, Bessie, Beta, Betty , Bianki, Biggie, Billy, Bimbo, Bimki, Bimsy, Bina, Binky, Burma, Turquoise, Bissy, Bishka, Biya, Biyanka, Blanca, Blanche, Bless, Blestka, Shiny Silver, Blinda, Blinky, Blondie, Blaze, Blackie, Bobo, Bohemia, Bohemia, Bozhesana, Bomona, Bona, Bonita, Bonya, Botti, Bravada, Braga, Brada, Brama, Brenda, Brenda Star, Bretta, Brig, Brigantina, Brigen, Brigitte, t, Brigida, Bridget, Diamond Lady, Britannia, Britney, Brittany, Brocky, Bronti, Brocia, Buka, Bukki, Bunka, Bumba, Storm, Busi, Businka, Bussa, Beauty, Bianca, Byache, Baby, Bassey, Beta, Batrice, Betty
Wagner, Vadash, Weiss, Valentin, Valentino, Valet, Valli, Valui, Walden, Waldo, Walker, Valmon, Valsart, Walter, Vampire, Van, Gogh, Vandal, Vansay, Vantay, Vanka, arvar, Varley, Varyag, Vasko, Vaska, Vasya, Watson, Washington, Vegas, Vesuvius, Veket, Veles, Giant, Magnificent, Vel, Velvet, Beelzebub, Venez, Wenzel, Fan, Veron, Versailles, Vert, ely, West, Zipper, Vivaldi, Vivian, Wizard, Wisdom, Vizier, Viy, Vicar, Weekend, Viking, Viscount, Victoriano, Willy, William, Wilfred, Villefort, Viljan, Windsor, Windy, Winnie the Pooh, Vincent, Winston, Vintik, Winchester, Virage, Virgin, Virfold, Whiskey, Vitas , Knight, Vlad, Vladimor, Vladmir, Lord, Voevoda, Leader, Volday, Volny, Volt, Wolf, East, Vulcan, Wulf, Wade, VekilVaga, Vaida, Vaxa, Valencia, Valenta, Valentina, Valeria, Valesta, Valda, Wanda, Vanessa, Vanil, Vantre, Varvara, Varna, Warsaw, Varya, Vasilisa, Vatrushka, Vega, edunya, Witch, Veera, Veyvira, Veysi, Velari, Velji, Velichava Pava, Velona, ​​Wendy, Venedika, Venus, Venessa, Venice, Vensi, Venta, Verdena, Virginia, Verona, Veronica, Spring, Vesta, Vestal Virgin, aliya, Eternity, Veya, Viagra, Vial, Vivi, Viviana , Vivien, Viella, Vizi, Vika, Vicky, Vixie, Victory, Victoria, Vilona, ​​Vinky, Vigneta, Viola, Violet, Violetta, Viol, Virgo, Virgie, Virginia, Vista, Vita, Vitolda, Cherry, Vlada, Vladilena, on , Vlasta, Volga, Volna, Volya, Vorozheya, Woody, Vadzheri, Vallar, Vallori, Vessi
Gaboy, Gabriel, Gabsi, Gavre, Gabriel, Hyde, Gaisan, Hamlet, Ganges, Ganymede, Hans, Garm, Garnerri, Harold, Harry, Harrison, Garfi, Garfield, Hasan, Gwendolyn, Guidon, Hekt, or, Helios, Henry, George, Hercules, Herald, Herbert, Gerd, Gerey, Hermes, Hero, Heron, Hephaestus, Geshka, Gizmo, Hymen, Gimli, Glen, Silly, Gnome, Goboy, Howard, Govor, Goliath, , Gonzik, Gonzo, Horace, Gordon, Proud, Goritsvet, Gospar, Gosha, Goshka, Grail, Grail, Grand, Graun, Count, Gregor, Gregory, Gregoire, Gray, Greek, Grian, Gregorian, Grid, Grim, Grimlin, Gringo, , Grozny, Thunder, Gross, Heavy, Gray, Guar, Goodwill, Goodwin, Huron, Hussar, Guslyar, Guchi, Guar, Gandolf, Gustaf, GiaurGabby, Gabriella, Gabriel, Hawaii, Gazelle, Gaida, Gaidi, Gaide, Galaxy, Galaxy, Galatea, Gamma, Gandhi, Garbo, Garley, Harmony, Geisha, Hekla, Gella, Genevra, Enrietta, Hera, Gerda, Hermione, Duchess, Hethera, Gaia, Giselle, Guinevere, Gypsy, Gita, Gita, Glafira, Gledi, Glaze, Gloria, Gladys, Goldie, Dove, Gordelia, Pride, Grana, Countess, Gratsia, Dreams, Grace, Greata, Gressi, eta, Griselda, Grizzy, Groza, Grow, Gabby, Gamiel, Gyulli, Gyulchatai, Gulsher
Davlat, Dagir, Daji, Dair, Dayton, Daxter, Dali, Lama, Dallas, Dammit, Danila, Daniel, Danke, Danko, Dante, Dantes, Dar, Darius, Darling, Darsik, Darchi, De Niro, Dake, Daylin , Deimos, Decker, Dexter, Delmonte, Demario, Denver, Dandy, Deneli, Denis, Denis, Derby, Dernis, Dessert, Deffer, Jabo, Jag, Jazz, Jazz Man, Giacommo, Jaxson, , Jack, Jacket, Jackie, Jackson, Jelisson, Gently, Gerald, Jerry, Jibo, Dzhigit, Gil, Jill, Jean, Jinko, Gipsy, Joe, Jock, Joker, Joman, John, Joni, Joshua, Juice, DJ, Diamond, Dian, Divar, Diego , Dic, dicar, dicks, dixes, dixon, dictator, dilet, dill, dimal, dimar, dionis, disk, disintei, ditte, fobi, fuel, foam, folly, doll, dime Donald, Donatello, Donahue, Doris, Dorsforf, Dorhan, Dragon, Dragon, Drizzle, Dream, Dragon, Doubloon, Douglas, Dux, Danube, Duncan, Deacon, Deacon, Davidson, Dexter, Denis, Dari, , DuferDahomeya, Diana, Daira, Dakki, Dakota, Damka, Dana, Danaya, Daniel, Danko, Darga, Darkley, Darklin, Darley, Darlene, Darcy, Duffy, Dasha, Daya, Dayana, Debbie, Deborah D, egira, Dez, Desdemona, Desi, Desira, Daisy, Delila, Delta, Demetra, Demmi, Denise, Derika, Desmi, Dessert, Dessie, Destiny, Deya, Jaconda, Jamilya, Jasmin, Jeggy, Jay, Jane, Jace, Jackie, Jelana Dzhelik, a, Jella, Gemini, Jeneva, Jenestra, Jeni, Jennifer, Jerry, Jessica, Jesinger, Jess, Jessie, Gian, Ji-bi, Ji-Ji, Giselle, Jizzy, Jixie, Jillian, Gina, Ginger, Gypsy, Jitta, Josephine, Gioconda, Jolly, Jonia, Georgia, Josie, Judith, Julia, Julieta, Juna, Jazzy, Jas, Di, Diadem, Diana, Diaspora, Dibby, Diva, Digby, Digit, Di-di, Dizzy, Dicky, Dixie, Dilly, Dimal, Dina, Dynasty, Dinky, Diona, Ditsy, Dolari, Dolly, Dona, Dora, Doris, Dorothy, Dotty, Dragon Lady, Dubrava, Dudka, Dulcinea, Dunya, Dunyasha, Dusya, Dymka, Debbie, Dazzy, Daisy, Dale, Delina , Denise, Daya, Thumbelina, Dune
Euro, Evsey, Evstigney, Egypt, Eddie, Elisha, Eliphan, Elzar, Engar, Eney, Enisey, Epiphan, Erang, Ermak, Erofey, Erosh, Eroshka, Esaul, Estigney, Ephrat, EshkaEva, Evelina, Europe, Egera, Egyptian Queen, Egoza, Egina, Ezhenka, Ekaterina, Elena the Beautiful, Elensis, Elika, Elina, Elka, Ellou, Elma, Ena, Enka, Erika, Erofeya, Esenia, Esta, Eshka
Jacques, Jean, Jean Jacques, Jeanmar, Jeannot, Jeannot-Mart, Genre, Jardin, Tourniquet, Zhek, Gerard, Germain, Germont, Jerome, Gerro, Zhivago, Zhigan, Gigol, Joseph, Zhora, Georges, ofrey, Joshua, Beetle , Julien, Jourdain, JustienJacqueline, Zhaleika, Zhalli, Zhanette, Zhanin, Zhanna, Zhannet, Jasmine, Zhelana, Zhella, Zhemchuzhina, Zhemyu, Geneva, Genevieve, Zhenni, Zheri, Zherika, Zhesi, Zhesika, Zheya, Zhivanshi, l, Josephine, Joqueline, Jolie, Priestess, Zhuzha, Zhuzhu, Zhulya, Juliette
Zag, Zagar, Zagray, Zador, Zair, Zak, Zando, Zarri, Zatevay, Zakhar, Zvezdny, Zvezdomir, Zvezdochet, Beast, Zeus, Zembi, Zembo, Zenit, Zerbino, Zero, Zeron, Zest, fir, zig, zig zag , Ziggy, Ziger, Sigmund, Sigrid, Sigurd, Siegfried, Zikar, Zingaro, Zlato, Zlatozar, Zloyan, Zodiac, Zolotko, Zonker, Zorkiy, Zorro, Zulan, Zurim, ZuydFun, Zabela, Badass, Bunny, Zamarashka, Zana, Zanga, Zandra, Zanet, Zapevka, Zarella, Zarina, Zaria, Zarri, Zateyka, Zateya, Zaura, Star, Star of Algeria, riding Dust, Zeggy, Zeiny, Zelda, Xena, Zenitsa, Zerona, Zetta, Zeya, Ziggy, Winter, Zimushka, Zina, Zinga, Zippy, Zita, Zlata, Goldilocks, Zolmo, Goldfish, Zolotinka, Zolda, Zoranta, Zorka, Zoti, Zoya, Zuza, uleika, Zulma, Zurna , Zuta
Ivan, Ivashechka, Ivashka, Ignat, Izmir, Israel, Emerald, Raisin, Raisin, Icarus, Illary, Illarion, Illius, Ilot, Ildar, Ilya, Ilya Muromets, Ilyusha, Imar, Image, Imir, Impressario, In, ar, Invar , Ingul, Indie, Indiana Jones, Indigo, Indio, Hindu, Inor, Infant, Irbis, Irwin, Irzhik, Iris, Irish, Irk, Irsen, Irtysh, Iskander, Islav, Eastwood, Isfahan, Ishak, Ital, IshmaelIbika, Iva, Ivega, Iventa, Ivetta, Ivona, Ivora, Ivushka, Idzhi, Idia, Isabella, Isabel, Izzy, Isis, Isolda, Izinka, Izya, Ikki, Illada, Illiad, Illusion, Ilona, ​​, Ilva, Ilda, Ima, Imbry, Empire, Inga, Indara, Indiana, Inessa, Incas, Inora, Intrigue, Infinity, Yolanda, Irvi, Irgina, Irida, Toffee, Irma, Irna, Irena, Isidora, Iskra, Spain, Truth, Ithaca
Kagor, Cadet, Gaddafi, Casanova, Kazbek, Kazmir, Cairo, Kazemir, Kai, Kaiser, Kayt, Kaitan, Kayf, Kaleidoscope, Caligula, Calico, Caliph, Kalmar, Cameron Camillus, o, Kamil, Candy Man, Capelan, Captain, Captain Hook, Capone, Cappuccino, Caprice, Caprio, Karabay, Karabas, Karai, Karambol, Karat, Cardinal, Karen, Carlo, Carlos, Karpel, Kartuz, Kartel, Karuss, Cascarr, er, Katran, Kaffi, Cashmere, Cashmir, Chestnut, Kwaka, Quartz, Quentin, Quest, Quick, Queen, Quinto, Kay, Kei-ko, Kane, Keywizzle, Cupcake, Keller, Kelmi, Celt, Candy, Kent, Centaur, Cox, King, King Artun, King Lion, Corsair, Cosmos, Kerber, Kesha, King, King Kong, Kinto, Cyprus, Kirill, Kitezh, Clyde, Clarence, Clarion, Claudius, Klaus, Cleo, Klim, Klister, Clif, Clifford, Prince, Prince Guidon, Cowboy, Cox, Sorcerer, Conan, Conan the Barbarian, Congo, Condor, Conquiscador, Concord, Conrad, Consul, Kontiki, Copernicus, Corvinus, Koresh, Korzhik, Corneille, Cornet, Costello, Korolevich, Koshma, Rick, Krayd, Krayt, Kramer, Kraft, Krafty, Kreal , Credo, Creighton, Krek, Chris, Crystal, Christopher, Crete, Croyd, Kron, Kronos, Cred, Xavier, Xandu, Xaro, Xilan, Kubik, Kuzya, Idol, Cooper, Cupid, Kurt, Kutas, Couturier, Kuchum, CandyCossack, Kayli, Kalina, Kalinka, Kalinka-Malinka, California, Kalmi, Kalva, Kalma, Kama, Kamala, Kamelia, Kamea, Kami, Kamila, Kandy, Canora, Country, Capella, , Drop, Capriol, Capriccie, Caramel, Caramelka, Karin, Karina, Karla, Karma, Carmen, Carolina, Carro, Kartel, Kasandra, Cassi, Cassiopeia, Kastoria, Kasia, Catalina, Catalonia, Katarina, Kati, Katrina, Kashtanka, Quimby, Queenie, Quincy, Quinta, Kate, Keli, Kenny, Kerry-Ker, Curti, Kessy, Ket, Ketris, Ketty, Kiana, Kiki, Ki-ki, Kimberly, Kinel, Kira, Kiska, Kis-kis, Kitiket, Kitri, Kitty, Kitya, Klava, Claudia, Klavka, Clara, Claribel, Clarissa, Classica, Claudia, Claudia, Claudia, Claudis, Kledi, Clementine, Cleopatra, Klepa, Claudie, Classie, Button, Princess, Cobra, Bette, Coco, Coco Chanel, Colette, Comet, Constance , Constance, Confetti, Cora, Cordelia, Cornelia, Queen of Tango, Corona, Korra, Courtney, Kotena, Krasa, Beauty, Kreola, Kreolka, Kreia, Krista, Christy, Kristya, Kr, Oina, Baby, Angel Wings, Crazy, Ksenya , Ksyusha, Ktezia, Kuba, Cousin, Doll, Kupava, Kuffi, Kshisya, Callie, Cary, Carolyn, Caroline, Carrie, Cassie, Kat, Kathleen, Katherine, Katsy, Katie
La Carte, Laid, Lucky Star, Lamar, Lambert, Lily of the Valley, Lancelot, Largo, Larry, Larsen, Larson, Lasso, Lev, Lefty, Leid, Ley-Leid, Lex, Leo, Leon, Leopold, Leroy, Larry, Leshy, Li San, Leader, Lizun, Liman, Linders, Likhodey, Lovelace, Logi, Loy, Loyd, Locky, Londor, Laurent, Lord, Lauren, Lorik, Lorry, Lorsen, Losk, Lotus, Lotto, Louis, Lukas, orie , Lunar Wind, Lourd, Lewis, Ledger, Label, Lubert, Beloved, Ludwig, Louis, Luke, Lu-lu, Fierce, Lucius, La MurLavender, Lavra, Lada, Ladushka, Laida, Lisa, Laima, Laichi, Lucky, Lally, Lami, Lamia, Lana, Landa, Lani, Lapa, Sweetheart, Larni, Larsi, Laska, Swallow, Laura, Le Chaton, Lebedushka , Leventina, Legend, Legra, Lady, Lady Blake, Leila, Leona, Lassie, Letitia, Bat, Liberty, Livia, Lydia, Lisa, Lizaveta, Lizbeth, Lizi, Lizka, Lika, Liki, Lixi, Lily, Li-Li , Lilian, Linda, Linzy, Lynsey, Lipsey, Chanterelle, Li-Shu, Loida, Loini, Lo-Yo, Locky, Lola, Lola Brigida, Lolita, Lolka, Longa, Londa, Laura, Lorena, Lawrence, Loretta, Lorna, Louise, Lukerya, Lucretia, Lulu, Moon Shadow, Moonlight, Luciana, Lady, Lady Jain, Lary, Lyubava, Love, Ludwigia, Lucy, Lucinda, Lucia, Luciana, Lyalka, Lyana, La Rachel
Moor, Magus, Magelan, Magnat, Magomet, Mike, Michael, Major, Mac, Max, Maximilian, Maximoto, Malek, Baby, Mamay, Mamsik, Mongoose, Manu, Mao, Marek, Mark, Markus, , Marmalade, Mars, Marcel, Martin, Martyn, Marcello, Marshall, Master, Masyavik, Matvey, Mauser, Mauri, Maharaji, Makhno, Macho, Maestro, Mezgir, Meik, Melvis, Memoris, Menor, Merlin M, ephisto, Midas, Misanthrope, Miki, Mixer, Milano, Milord, Milosh, Darling, Mi-mi, Minor, Mior, Mirage, Miracle, Mirold, Myron, Mister, Mysterio, Mitka, Michel, Milky Way, Moses, Mocha, Monaco, Monarch, Monomakh, Monserat, Monte Cristo , Monya, Morel, Maurice, Morpheus, Mozart, Mummy Troll, Murat, Murzik, Muscat, Monsoon, Mustang, Mutant, Musket, Madison, Mate, Maine, MattMabel, Magdalena, Magdalena, Magico, Magic, Magnolia, Magri, Madame, Madea, Madeleine, Mazurka, Mayka, Mayoko, Mayra, May-Tai, Maya, Maclen, Maxi, Little Princess a, Malibu, Malyshka, Malvina, Malta, Mamsik , Manka, Margaret, Margarita, Margo, Marie, Marquise, Marcela, Marcy, Martha, Martina, Martinka, Marusya, Marfa, Maryska, Marysya, Maryana, Massandra, Masyanya, Matilda, trona, Maura, Mauri, Maffy, Mayai, Mega , Meggie, Medea, Melagris, Melagros, Melanie, Melody, Melody, Mercedes, Messi, Metelitsa, Snowstorm, Dream, Mia, Michaella, Miki, Mila, Milady, Milena, Milli, Milochka, Mimi, Minerva, , Minky, Minnie , Mira, Miranda, Miranza, Mirka, Miroslavna, Mirta, Missy, Mystery, Mystery, Misty, Mystic, Michelle, Mlada, Fashionista, Molly, Molniya, Monetka, Monica, Monroe, Montana, Monya, Mopsy, Morgana Mosk, Ovia, Moshka , Muse, Mura, Murka, Murysya, Musik, Musya, Mukha, Mushka, Megen, Magee, Magic, Mandy, Marilyn, Maris, Merry
Nabat, Nabi, Nabil, Nagir, Nadir, Nigel, Nike, Nice, Knight, Raid, Thimble, Napoleon, Nardek, Naris, Narcis, Nathan, Nauris, Nael, Neuron, Nelson, Neman, Nemo, Neptune, Nero, Nestor, Nidas, Nikita, Nicholas, Nix, Nils, Ninja, Nitus, Nold, Norvis, Nord, Norion, Noris, Norman, Norton, Noir, Nux, Newton, Ney, NarsNabby, Navara, Nadine, Nadira, Naira, Nairi, Found, Naomi, Nani, Naomi, Napoli, Nara, Narina, Nathaniel, Nati, Nebraska, Nevada, Nevelichka, Bride, Nevi, Negri, Neji, eima, Nelly, Nemesis, Nancy, Nerika, Nerli, Nesmeyana, Nessi, Nefertiti, Neya, Niagara, Niva, Niveta, Nigeria, Nika, Nikki, Nicoletta, Nicole Smith, Nikri, Nymph, Novella, Nola, Nolli, Noldi, Nonnet, Nochka, , Nadis , Nancy, Nyura, Nyurka, Nyukha, Nyusha
Oasis, Obelix, Guardian, Ogonek, Ogracio, Oji, Odysseus, Okay, Okkervil, Olaf, Ole-Lukoye, Oleks, Opium, Optimist, Olive, Oliver, Olympus, Olifer, Alsi, Olberto, Olris, Olf, Onyx, al, Orange, Orbit, Ordi, Orest, Orient, Oryx, Orion, Orlando, Orso, Orpheus, Orpheus, Oswald, Osiris, Osirius, Oscar, Osman, Ostap, Austin, Osphald, Osford, Othello, Otto, HunterOdaliska, Oddie, Odette, Oji, Ozzie, Oira, Oita, Oya, Oklahoma, Octavia, Olery, Olivia, Olympiada, Olympia, Olinda, Olla, Ollie, Olsi, Omalia, Omega, Onika, Only Yu, Opivia, Oranda, rank , Oregon, Orly, Ornella, Ornetta, Orchid, Osaka, Special, Osta, Awning, Osya, Ottawa, Ophelia, Ocher, Charm, Enchanting, Black Eyes, Clear Eyes, Oya
Pablo, Paco, Paladin, Palermo, Pamir, Paolo, Paris, Pascal, Pasco, Patrick, Paul, Paulino, Pacific, Pasha, Pasha Khan, Pashka, Pepper, Pepers, Pepsi, Perseus, Percival Pers, ik, Pygmalion, Picasso, Pikachu , Pickerton, Picker, Pickley, Picont, Pinkerton, Pinocchio, Pinochet, Pirate, Pierce, Peter, Peter Pan, Pythagoras, Plakun, Placido, Plinko, Plut, Plush, Plushik, Poik, Paul, Pompon, Donut, s, Poseidon, Potap, Potapych, Kiss, Pride, Prize, Presto, Surf, Primario, Prince, Prince William, Prometheus, Prophet, Prosperi, Prokhor, Proshka, Prum, Twig, Punch, Pusik, Pouf, Puff, Pierre, ero, FridayPeacock, Paddy, Paloma, Palmira, Dummy, Panda, Pandora, Pani, Panna, Panther, Panya, Parcella, Passia, Patricia, Patricia, Patti, Paula, Peggy, Penelope, Penny, , Pepper, Pepsi, First Lady, Persia . Madonna, Pringley, Princess , Pristrella, Priscilla, Psyche, Puma, Purga, Pusy, Pusya, Pushinka, Perry, Patsy, Pyatnakha
Radar, Raj, Raja, Radomir, Robber, Raid, Rainer, Rayhon, Rally, Ralph, Ramar, Ramzai, Ramses, Ramos, Raskat, Rasputin, Russell, Rastegai, Ratimir, Rafael, Rafferti, Rebus, Reggie, Resident, Rey, Rembrandt, Remington, Remmy, Remo, Remus, Remflex, Rene, Reneval, Renaissance, Reno, Reflect, Real, Rigby, Rigi, Regin, Rick, Ricky, Ricky Mouse, Rinaldo, Ringo, Riesling, Richard, Ricci Ree, necklace , Robin, Roger, Roy, Rocky, Rocco, Rococo, Romka, Romulus, Ronnie, Rubin, Rumbik, Rufus, Ryzhik, Raymond, Rem, Rambo, Ramy, Randy, RurikRabi, Rada, Radana, Raddi, Joy, Rainbow, Separation, Rais, Raida, Rocket, Rally, Ramira, Rummy, Rendezvous, Grow, Rafaela, Rachel, Rebecca, Regina, Reggie, Radish, Rachel R, emi, Riana, Rigona, Ricky, Rimsi, Rippi, Rhythm, Robbi, Roberta, Rosa, Roszi, Rosita, Rosal Son, Royna, Roxan, Rolly, Rone, Rosinka, Rouz, Rochel, Ruby, Ruzan, Runa, Rouffi, Riffy, Rede, Ras, p Aisi , Rema, Ressi, Rachel
Saigon, Simon, Sakar, Sakko, Sakrat, Saxon, Salerno, Saltan, Salvador, Salto, Samiel, Samson, Samurai, Samuel, Sangro, Sanders, Sandro, Santa, Sapphire, l, Satayo, Saturn, Safron, Sugar, Sashka, Cricket, Sebastian, Selavri, Semur, Senate, Senator, Serge, Serpentine, Sydney, Sylvester, Silky, Silvano, Silver, Silvio, Simba, Simeon, Simon, Sinbad the Sailor, Sinbad, Signor, Sirius, , Scout, Skeych, Skif , Buffoon, Violinist, Skorokhod, Slide, Elephant, Servant, Smitty, Smokey, Snike, Snap, Snap-shot, Snow Leopard, Snowball, Snow, Snow Man, Sable, Treasure, Sony, Sorel, er, Spice, Spark, Spartak , Spirit, Spock, Spotty, Stavr, Stayer, Stalker, Stark, Stem, Stanley, Stepa, Sterling, Stefan, Steve, Steven, Stinger, Strike, Streak, Strong, Stack, Souvenir, Sultan, Sphinx, Sailor, Sam, Sandy , SandioSaba, Sabina, Sabrina, Savannah, Saji, Saida, Sacramento, Sakura, Salina, Sally, Salomea, Salvadora, Salvina, Sambrina, Sanda, Sandra, Saneira, Sangel, Sunny, na, Santina, Sarah, Sarbona, Sarel, Sarzhi, Sarma, Saffy, Sayany, Svega, Light of My Eyes, Svir, Sweetie, Seyla, Herring, Selena, Celeste, Selina, Sandy, Serenade, Cecile, Sister Alyonushka, Setty, Sierra, Silby, Silvia, , Sima, Simona, Symphony , Cindy, Sindirella, Signora, Siren, Lilac, Sisi, Fairy Tale, Scully, Scampi, Scarlett, Skippy, Skitty, Slavyanka, Sloyka, Smarty, Snezhana, Snow, Snow Baby, Snoopy, Sozvezdie naya Dream, Salt, Sun, Solomeya , Soldo, Soneta, Sonny, Sonya, Sofia, Sparky, Starlet, Stasi, Stella, Stefanie, Stefania, Stesha, Stoney, Strela, Stringa, Stubby, Destiny, Susana, Sushi, Susie, Sammy, Sandy, Sessil, Susana
Tabasco, Tagir, Tadeus, Tayvar, Tiger, Tygris, Tyler, Times, Taimyr, Tyson, Typhoon, Tolstyk, Thick, Tom, Tomahawk, Thomas, Tomir, Topaz, Topgan, Tori, o, Torriy, Toscani, Clubs, Tris, Triumph, Trishka, Troy, Troll, Trophy, Trumpeter, Fog, Tutankhamun, Jerboa, Tabby, Ted, Teddy, Terro, Tulip, Teicher, Talento, Tamerlan, Tangai, Tango, Tangelo, Tanzai, ancho, Tarzan, Tartuffe, Tasmir, Tower, Tayur, Stronghold, Twist, Teddy, Theodor, Terry, Tibet, Tibol, Tiger, Tillo, Til-Til, Timka, Timmy, Timothy, Timokha, Timur, Thyme, Tyrant, Titan, Tikhon, Toby, Tobias, Tokyo, TollyTabu, Tavi, Tavra, Taira, Tais, Tais Athenskaya, Taiga, Taina, Taitis, Taman, Tanais, Tango, Tanita, Tanya, Taori, Slipper, Tara, Tatu, Taffy, Tasha, Twinkie, Tezi, Teyla, h, Tequila , Thelma, Thames, Dark Star, Shadow, Teresa, Terry, Tertsia, Tess, Tessa, Tibby, Tibsy, Tiwi, Tigra, Tiksi, Tilda, Tilya, Timona, Tina, Tinka, Tipsy, Tiffany, Tiffy, Tisha, Tia, Toira, Toldi, Tonya, Tessa, Teffi, Topsy, Tuscany, Trace, Tracy, Trixie, Trilly, Trinity, Tricia, Trisha, Tropikanka, Troy, Toulouse, Turandot, Tuchka, Tazzy, Taylor, Terry
Ubar, Mouse Killer, Threat, Gloomy, Gloomy, William, Winston, Dill, Ular, Ulysses, Ulrich, Ulf, Uman, Unicum, Walker, Hurricane, Ural, Urli, Urmas, Ursik, Urus, Usmekh, Success, Ufo, black , EarsUganda, Uganda, Luck, Ula, Ulana, Ulinka, Ulli, Ulbara, Ulma, Ulrika, Ultra, Ulfi, Ulyana, Umka, Umnitsa, Umora, Una, Unika, Unikol, Upsy, Urania, Urma, Ursula, Ussie, Utari, Utopia, Welsey
Fabian, Favorite, Phaser, Fire, Fighter, Fakir, Falik, Falko, Fanny, Fant, Fantik, Phantom, Fan-Fan, Pharaon, Farim, Farli, Faust, Fafik, Fayax, Phebus, Fegro, Federico, dor, Felix, Felini, Feller, Fenwick, Fendi, Phoenix, Fenka, Fenya, Ferdinald, Ferdinand, Queen, Fernando, Fernando Po, Ferrari, Ferri, Ferrero, Fester, Festival, Figaro, Fidel, Fiji, Fiedler, Dus, Philemon, Philip, Filvert , Filya, Filka, Finist, Finnegan, Feint, Finch, Fior, Pistachio, Flavio, Flegon, Fleur, Flick, Flicker, Flinkvild, Flinston, Flint, Fliper, Flirt, Floyd, Phlox, Florizel, Flash, Flash Black, Fluke, Fox, Focus, Focus Pocus, Flashlight, Forward, Forint, Force, Foster, Frak, Frakkas, Frank, Frankenstein, Frankie, Franklin, Franko, Frant, Frantik, Franz, Francis, Fred, Fredy, Freud, Francey, Fridolf , Freak, Freem, Frisco, Frolik, Frolli, Frost, Fred, Franklin, Fouquet, Fuchs, Pound, Funtik, Furor, FairyFabby, Fabula, Fawna, Phase, Faina, Fayti, Fally, Fundy, Fani, Fanta, Fantasia, Fanya, Farina, Fatima, Fedora, Feyrike, Feirin, Feya, Felica, Felis, Felicity, Felicia, Felita, Felicita F, Ellis, Felona, ​​Feloni, Fendi, Feni, Fenya, Feodosia, Feofaniya, Feride, Ferike, Fecilia, Fairy, Figi, Fiesta, Fisby, Fizzy, Fikke, Fikri, Philadelphia, Finita, Finki, Fiona, Fitzy, Fifi, Fluffy, Flute, Fleur, Fleury, Fletcher, Fleya, Flo, Flozi, Flora, Florence, Flori, Florida, Floria, Foggy, Foxy, Fonda, Fonzi, Formosa, Forry, Fortuna, Franta, Francesca, Frau, Frederica, Frezi, Freesia, Maid of Honor, Freya, Francey, Mural, Freya, Frida, Frisbee, Frisia, Frizley, Frixie, Fronda, Frosty, Frosya, Fuji, Fujia, Fuzzy, Furia, Fay, Fancy, Fantasy
Khabar, Hadar, Haiko, Haiku, Hairon, Hayt, Haksel, Haldar, Khalif, Khan, Hans, Hansen, Chaos, Hardy, Harik, Khariton, Harley, Harley, Harri, Harrigan, Hassan, Heder, , Henk, Henry, Hild, Hingiz, Hippie, Chiron, Hirsch, Chloterry, Hobby, Hobbit, Hogan, Holigan, Holmes, Chill, Jose, Braveheart, Brave, Hoopper, Hugues, Hugo, Hugo Boss, HemingwayHavanna, Hayna, Haya, Halta, Haneta, Hani, Hanko, Hannah, Hanni, Hara, Harletta, Harry, Haffi, Hayley, Helary, Helen, Helena, Helda, Helma, Hemilia, Hemmi, Hershey, Hillary, Hilda, Hiroshima, Chloe, Hobby, Holly, Holda, Honda, Horney, Chrysanthemum, Juana, Hooligan, Persimmon, Hayley, Hella, Happy, Hassie
Tsabu, Tsargo, Tsarevich, Tsarevich Elisha, Tsares, Tsar, Caesar, Cesri, Tseik, Tseis, Tsendo, Centaurus, Centik, Centurion, Cerberus, Ceron, Cerri, Certero, Cephat, Tsetser, , Cyclone, Cynic, Cinnamon, Tsirano , Citron, Cicero, Tsori, TsendoTsanta, Queen, Royal Fun, Flower, Flower, Zvikken, Tselli, Tsenzi, Tseri, Tserceya, Tsesarevna, Cestin, Cecilia, Cyana, Cigueira, Zilla, Cilda, Zinia, Zittau, Tsortia, Tsena
Chaid, Childe, Chayton, Chuck, Chucky, Chaco, Chan Fee, Chang, Changar, Changul, Chani, Charles, Charlie, Charles, Charms, Magician, Charton, Chatter, Chaust, Chadwick, Chasey, Celentano Che, Langer, Chamberlain, Champion , Ace of Hearts, Cheri, Chernomor, Black Whirlwind, Black Prince, Chernysh, Cherry, Cherstin, Churchill, Chesler, Chessy, Chester, Chizar, Chick, Chica, Chicago, Chickebum, Chickibum, Chicky, Chickfun, Chingiz, Genghis Khan, Chips, Chiroki, Chop, Chubarik, Chubais, Chubik, Dude, Chuk, Chukki, ChumakChazeta, Chaika, Tea Rose, Chakki, Changa, Chandra, Chanita, Chanka, Chanuri, Chara, Charda, Charlie, Enchantress, Enchantress, Charsi, Chara, Chekki, Chelita, Chelsea, Chemmi, na, Cheri, Black Star, Black Moon , Cheruti, Chesma, Chilesta, Chinzana, Chinita, Chinni, Chio-chio-san, Chippy, Chicholina, Choppi, Chunga-changa, Chunya, Chucha, Chu-chu, Chuchundra
Shabo, Chaiko, Chambery, Shami, Champagne, Chanel, Shani, Shanity, Chance, Shapito, Charzh, Charles, Shatun, Shah, Shahmal, Schwartz, Schwarzneger, Sheikh, Shandy, Sheni, Cherbourg, Sherlock, , Sherman, Sherry, Sherkhan, Chef, Shiko, Shilik, Shimmy, Shmel, Schnapps, Lace, Shock, Chocolate, Sean, Shorty, Show, Showman, Sprat, Schroeder, Stirlitz, Storm, Schumacher, Shurik, Shurka, ShustrikShagane, Shadi, Shini, Shakira, Shalunya, Shami, Chanel, Chantal, Shantane, Sharada, Charlene, Charlotte, Sharmanka, Sharman, Sharo, Shahinya, Shahmani, Mop, Sheba, Sheila, Shekli, elby, Shella, Shelda, Shelma, Sharon, Sherry, Shiva, Shirley, Sheatsi, Shi-shi, Skoda, Shnyra, Shokoladka, Shokhinya, Shumka, Shura, Shusha, Shushara, Shaggy
Ebony, Ebonite, Absolute, Ever, Everest, Euclid, Aegeus, Ego, Egri, Edward, Edwig, Edgar, Edgard, Eddie, Addison, Edelweiss, Edmon, Edmundo, Aesop, Esot, Air, Exotic, Ecco, Elvis, Elegant, Eliot, Elon, Elroy, Elton, El, Elzar, Elrik, Elf, Amber, Emerald, Emerson, Emil, Emir, Andy, Enzo, Enrique, Enrico, Anthony, Enstein, Eric, Earl, Ernesto, Eron, Eros, Eskimo, Esmir, Espresso, Etienne, Effect, Ashley, AshryEbi, Ebraska, Eva, Evita, Eurydice, Eureka, Aggie, Eji, Edmunda, Ace, Eisha, Ekki, Ecstasy, Elektra, Eli, Eliza, Elizabeth, Elina, Elita, Ella, Ellagros, Hellas, Ellen, Ellie, Elsie, Elbi, Elsa, Elmira, Elsie, Amy, Emily, Emilia, Emma, ​​Emmanuelle, Angel, Enima, Annie, Epoch, Era, Erica, Earley, Esmeralda, Estha, Esther, Ethel, Etna, Etoile, Eshel, Ashley
Yuji, Eugene, Yukki, Yuks, Yumir, Yunga, Younets, Junior, Unitus, Jupiter, Yuran, Jurgen, Yuri, Yuriko, Yurok, Eustace, Yutik, Yutush, Yuchan, YushanYuvita, Yugoslavna, Judit, Judith, Yuzhana, Yulota, Yuki, Yukka, Yuksi, Yula, Yuliana, Yulona, ​​Yuma, Yum-yum, Yuna, Yunika, Juno, Yuppi, Yurga, Yurze, Yurma, Yurmala, Yusi, Justina, Utah, Utah
Yavor, Iago, Jaguar, Jason, Jacob, Jacobin, Yan, Young, Yanir, Janius, Yankee, Yanson, Yasson, Yantar, Yarik, Yaromir, Yaron, Yaroslav, Yaroslav the Wise, Yarofey, Yarosh, Yarro, Ardent, Clear, Yason , Yakhont, Yasher, YashkaJava, Yagodka, Yagoza, Jadwiga, Jacobina, Yalvina, Jamaica, Yamaha, Yamina, Yana, Yanga, Yanessa, Yanetta, Yanina, Yanita, Yanka, Yara, Yarika, Yassa, Yauza


If the kitten is purebred, then, as a rule, the nursery or breeder names the litters in order by a specific letter of the alphabet. More often, the first litters are named by the name of the nursery itself (by all letters of the name in turn) or simply starting with the letter “A” and onwards.


Names for cats In the pedigree and pet names of cats may differ. You can choose a long royal name and write it down in documents, and at home come up with a short nickname that is consonant with this name.

You can take into account the breed of cats and choose nicknames for the British cat (British), for Sphynxes, Scottish folds, Persians and other cat breeds. Noble names suit such high-breed animals; they are often called knights or heroes from books and fairy tales.


Names for boys cats, of course, most often reflect masculinity and strength, more and more people began to prefer rare and beautiful names. You can choose a sonorous and loud name to emphasize his masculine character. Name for a boy kitten should be chosen based on the breed, character of the animal, as well as color.


What to name a cat? - names for girls’ cats are more gentle, sweet and affectionate. You should also choose carefully, taking into account the character of the animal, color and, of course, the preferences of the owners. Frequents choose melodious names, euphonious and short.


If the kitten is small, it can easily be retrained and given kitten's name completely different. At the age of one year, kittens quickly get used to it. And even if the kitten has already responded to a name, he can easily relearn it in 1-2 weeks.

After 2 years, it is already more difficult for adult cats to change their name, and adaptation to a new home is more difficult and longer for them. If you absolutely don’t like the nickname, then you can come up with one that is consonant or similar, so as not to give your pet any reason to worry.


Also, some are looking for names for cats taking into account color, for example, a nickname for a white cat, black, gray, red, etc. A huge number of names for cats have been collected here, and you will definitely be able to choose the right one.


If you are a movie fan, and in general you are close in spirit to the world famous superhero and fantasy films of film companies - Marvel, DC, Disney, WB, HBO, then this part of the article is for you. Why not name your beloved pet something special, such as after your favorite movie character. After all, there is nothing wrong with this, the most important thing is that the nickname suits the cat in this case. It corresponded to the character and maybe you will find similarities with the hero of the film.

Superhero names:

The world-famous characters from the famous series “Game of Thrones”:

Names from the movie "Harry Potter":

You can also let your imagination run wild and immerse yourself in your favorite films/cartoons or any other pictures.

We hope we've given you some great ideas.

In our nursery you can "". We have many different colors, we will help you choose and answer all your questions!


Animal main characters often appear in various works. These can be funny adventures for children, classics, detective stories - regardless of the genre, the characters of cats, dogs, parrots and other little brothers organically complement any plot.

The name of a fictional character plays a key role - it determines his type and character. Therefore, the names of animals from books and cartoons are selected as carefully as names for people, and are often used in real life to emphasize the individuality of the pet. And nicknames in the artistic world are very different.

Cartoon characters

Many animal names from cartoons are associated with funny, kind characters: the hard-working, good-natured dog Sharik and the cunning cat Matroskin from the cartoon “Vacations in Prostokvashino”, the kindest Leopold from “The Adventures of Leopold the Cat”, a cute kitten named Woof.

After the release of the animated film “Garfield,” owners of ginger kittens universally used the nickname of the main character for their pets—a fat, lazy ginger cat.

The serial adventures of Tom the cat and Jerry the mouse made the sonorous cat nickname Tom popular, but if there is also a decorative mouse living in the house, then you don’t have to think about choosing a name for it.

It is unlikely that anyone would have a lion as a pet, but the colorful name Boniface from the cartoon of the same name is used to call both dogs and cats. Kitties are often nicknamed Bagheera, although the cartoon heroine is a panther. Small dogs and cats are given the affectionate name Bambi in honor of the cartoon deer. And for snow-white kittens, puppies, calves, they choose the name Umka - a small polar bear cub.

It is impossible to resist the temptation not to name a couple of hamsters Chip and Dale in honor of the famous cartoon characters about the adventures of the cheerful chipmunks. The turtles are given the names Leonardo and Donatello, just like the characters from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. And the fish are often called after the character of “SpongeBob” Patrick or simply SpongeBob after the name of the cartoon.

Interesting nicknames from cartoons can sometimes be used for several animals at once. So, in “Grom the Cat and the Enchanted House” the main characters are the red cat Grom, the Chihuahua dog Charlie, the mouse Mini and the rabbit Jack. And in The Secret Life of Pets - the hamster Norman, the parrot Pea, the cat Chloe, the dogs Gidget, Maximilian, Duke and Leonard.

Movie characters

Nicknames from films are no less popular among pet owners. Thanks to the famous film “The Adventures of Pinocchio,” cats are called Basilio, turtles are called Tortillas, poodles are called Artemon, and cats with a cunning character are called Alice, despite the fact that this character is not a cat, but a fox.

900" alt="Photo. Thai Bangkoo puppies. Author: kc.bangkaew /" src="" height="600" title="Photo. Thai Bangkoo puppies.

The heroes of films are often cute cats. In 1958, the film “The Bell, the Book and the Candle” was released, starring one of the first “movie stars” - a cat named Pywacket, who played the witch Jill’s pet. The cat from Harry Potter, Crookshanks, also became famous.

After the touching film “Babe: The Four-Legged Baby,” about a pig who miraculously escaped the fate of becoming Christmas dinner, some piglets began to be named after this hero. And some pet mice received the nickname Stuart - in honor of the main character of the film “Stuart Little”, a charming white mouse.

Fairy tale characters

In real life, animal names from fairy tales are often used. Smart, sedate cats are given the simple name Murr by their owners, fans of the work of E. T. A. Hoffmann, which he came up with for a character in the fairy tale “Biographies of the Cat Murr.” The main character of the work can write, read, speak, knows foreign languages, and he is the author of his own biography. The prototype of the image was the storyteller’s own cat, whom he considered “profound and wise.”

Another famous “fairytale” cat is the insidious Bayun from Russian fairy tales. The name Bayun is translated from ancient Slavic as talker, storyteller, soporific, and comes from the verb “bayat”, that is, to tell. The nickname is quite consistent with the character of the cannibal monster, who, telling tales in a charming voice, lured people, put them to sleep and killed them. However, many owners call their cats this because of their melodic, soothing purring.

Domestic chickens are sometimes called Ryaba - in honor of the famous Ryaba Hen from the fairy tale of the same name, who can lay golden eggs. Another famous fairy tale about Turnip made popular the dog name Zhuchka, the one who helped pull out the turnip.

Nicknames from books and cartoons, movies and fairy tales are a great option for choosing a name for your pet. In the works you can find a lot of interesting ideas for sonorous names that suit the animal’s temperament, characteristics, appearance or fate. In addition, the search process - watching a touching film or reading a fascinating book - will give pleasant emotions to the owners.


An animal, even if it is a pet, does not need a nickname; it lives well as it is. People, giving names to their pets, want to individualize them. Often this nickname manifests a deep emotional experience or the internal mood of the owner.

How do politicians live?

The dog names of celebrities among those in power can tell a lot about their early biography. For example, Emperor Alexander III, studying with Moscow State University professor Solovyov, became infected with a love for Kamchatka. He named his dog Kamchatka. During the train accident of 1888, of all those in the same carriage with the emperor, only Kamchatka died. Which Alexander III very much regretted.

French President Francois Mitterrand as a child was delighted with the heroic epic of delivering medicine to diphtheria patients in Alaska. This operation went down in history as the “Great Race of Mercy of 1925,” and the main character was a husky dog, Balto. While president, Mitterrand named his dog this name, but in the French manner - Balti.

US President Richard Nixon loved English checkers. This is the name he named his spaniel.

In general, according to American ceremony, the first person of the state must have a dog. And each president’s dog had some original name.

George W. Bush was a sports fan in his youth and admired world champion boxer Barney Ross. He named his presidential terrier Barney.

Buddy was the name of B. Clinton's Labrador. But in American slang it sounds like Buddy.

Dmitry Medvedev's setter's name is Artemon, and his cat's name is Dorofey. The reasons why the animals received such names are unknown.

Information on the name of Vladimir Putin’s Labrador is even more closed. The official name of the Russian President's dog is Connie Polgrave. In principle, this is understandable; the name of a KGB officer’s dog should not evoke any associations.

Names of media personalities' pets

People of art are more creative and the dog names of Russian celebrities sometimes do not fit into the usual framework. For example, V. Mashkov has a terrier named Pear, and Anfisa Chekhova has a dog of the same breed called Coffee. One can assume that the star owners simply love not only animals, but also these foods.

This theory is supported by the name of the next terrier - Chelsea. This is what Vadim Oleynik, a singer and fan of the English football team, named his shaggy friend.

And Ksenia Borodina loves not only apple pie, but also philosophy. That's why her terriers are called Strudel and Spinoza.

Leonid Yarmolnik also has two terriers - Cupid and Solomon. But Yarmolnik claims that he loves only his family.

If you don’t pay attention to Philip Kirkorov with his dog Pokemon, then all terrier owners are surpassed by Yulia Kovalchuk, her pet’s name is Melody of the Blue Pearl. True, at home the dog responds to the nickname Melik.

Chihuahua owners have a special view of the world. Dogs of this breed are very small and touch the hearts of any owner; Lera Kudryavtseva named her baby Businka. Hollywood star Paris Hilton named her dog Tinkerbell. In Russian this translates to “Ding-Ding”, like the ringing of a bell.

Madonna named her pet Chiquita, translated from Spanish as “Little”.

It is more difficult to understand the Ukrainian singer and composer Max Barskikh. After the release of his album “According to Freud,” he was given a male Chihuahua, which he named Sex. According to the owner, this is what the dog likes to do with soft toys. And six months later, Sex got a girlfriend, Sausage, the same breed as him.

No less strange nicknames for the cats of pop stars.

John Lennon had a dozen and a half cats in his life. Among their nicknames there were Major and Minor, but the coal-black Salt and the milk-white Pepper stood out more.

Freddie Mercury was also a cat person, but he deliberately named his pets that way in order to destroy associative ranks. In particular, he named one cat Goliath, and the other Delilah.

Sergei Bezrukov lived with a Cornish Rex named Ryamzik ​​for almost 15 years. This is a derivative of Ramses. This quick-witted cat stood out because, accompanying his owner on tour, he independently collected towels in the hotel room, pulled them onto the bed and formed a nest out of them, in which he slept.

In 1988, a young cat jumped into Armen Dzhigarkhanyan’s car and thereby warned the artist against a collision. For this he received the name Philosopher and lived with the actor for almost 20 years. Oksana Fedorova keeps at home a graceful black cat, Bagheera, who gets along well with her parrot, Sarah.

Roman Bilykh from the group “Animals” named his fluffy cat Herring.

Pavel Volya's Maine Coon is huge, weighs more than a pound, and his name is Boomer.

A little about the pets of people of art and intellectuals

Joseph Brodsky was sure that cats love it when their nickname has the letter “S”, and that’s what they react to. That's why he named his cats Samson and Mississippi. The poet dedicated many poems about cats to them.

Ernest Hemingway's last cat was named Cuba.

And Nikolai Drozdov’s favorite is Munya.

The only undefeated world chess champion A. Alekhin, after emigrating, led a difficult life, but he was always accompanied by the cat Chess (English: Chess). He even attended the owner’s games, and may to some extent help him retain the championship title.

Alexandre Dumas Jr. had a medical education. And he named his cat the Doctor.

The brilliant artist Louis Wayne is practically unknown in Russia, but in Western countries he is considered the King of Cats. He named his first cat in honor of Peter the Great - Grand Piter. It was from him that I learned to draw cats. He lived a long life and created a whole cat world. But genius often goes hand in hand with madness.

He spent the last 20 years of his life in a psychiatric hospital, where a colony of cats lived. They drew them, and these drawings are now inserted into psychiatry textbooks to show how gradual insanity manifests itself in artistic creativity.
