Name Vitalik. Origin of the name Vitaly, fate and character. Full name, shortened, affectionate

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What does the name Vitaly mean?

The name Vitaly means life (lat.)

The meaning of the name Vitaly is character and destiny

A man named Vitaly is endowed with a flexible mind, diplomatic, polite, cunning, self-interested. He loves comfort, but everything is not easy for him. He strives for material well-being, however, when the goal is almost achieved, something unexpected happens and everything changes for the worse. Vitaly suffers such breakdowns painfully, but this forces him to be more careful and not make grandiose plans in the future. He loves to drink, and constant failure can contribute to the development of alcoholism. Vitaly is quite sexy, but not too bold in relationships with women, many of his desires remain unsatisfied. Having married, he is not averse to having an affair on the side, but he rarely decides to do so. He gives birth to children of different sexes, but he is more attached to his daughter. A man named Vitaly values ​​in women intelligence, integrity, a good attitude towards his parents, the ability to run a household, and manage the family budget economically. As fate would have it, Vitaly more often comes across grumpy wives who are always dissatisfied with him, reproaching him for his inability to adequately provide for his family and for his addiction to alcohol. Weak-willed, he painfully endures reproaches, but does not have the strength to openly express his protest. It’s easier for him to act on the sly, to trick, to dodge. Only in a drunken state can he flare up and try to express everything that has been tormenting him for a long time.

Meaning of the name Vitaly for sex

Love failures almost never lead a man named Vitaly to despair, but only cause a surge of emotions and energy. He attaches great importance to external factors; he is especially concerned about the good figure of his partner, and her tender body is the source of his constant delight. It is important for him how his beloved is dressed, what perfume she wears. He does not hide his feelings, pouring them out during love foreplay and during the sexual act itself in hot and tender words, describing to his partner what sensations she evokes in him. A man named Vitaly is squeamish and is not inclined to change women often;

Vitaly will strive to diversify coital positions, giving the woman the opportunity to fully open up. For him, the main thing is to satisfy the emotional needs of his partner and keep the relationship exciting. He strives to prolong the preparatory period as long as possible, indulging in love games and giving his partner freedom of action - she helps him, and he gives her the opportunity to experience the whole gamut of strong erotic sensations.

The character and fate of the name Vitaly, taking into account the patronymic

First name Vitaly and patronymic....

Vitaly Alekseevich, Vitaly Andreevich, Vitaly Artemovich, Vitaly Valentinovich, Vitaly Vasilyevich, Vitaly Viktorovich, Vitaly Vitalievich, Vitaly Vladimirovich, Vitaly Evgenievich, Vitaly Ivanovich, Vitaly Ilyich, Vitaly Kirillovich, Vitaly Mikhailovich, Vitaly Nikitich, Vitaly Petrovich, Vitaly Sergeevich, taliy Yurievich soft and calm in character. Does not like quarrels, skillfully avoids conflicts. He is flexible in the family and values ​​calm and stability most of all. Likes to relax after work with a book in hand, you play chess well. Material wealth is not easy for him, so he is stingy. All his life a man named Vitaly dreams of luxury and exciting travels, but all this remains in his dreams. Passive, does not know how to implement his plans. He experiences passion and attraction in sex, but excessive caution prevents him from doing this too. Vitaly is squeamish, which is also the reason for his abstinence. Most often she has one child - a daughter.

First name Vitaly and patronymic....

Vitaly Alexandrovich, Vitaly Arkadyevich, Vitaly Borisovich, Vitaly Vadimovich, Vitaly Grigorievich, Vitaly Maksimovich, Vitaly Matveevich, Vitaly Pavlovich, Vitaly Romanovich, Vitaly Tarasovich, Vitaly Timofeevich, Vitaly Fedorovich, Vitaly Eduardovich, Vitaly Yakovlevich He is in no hurry to get married; he chooses his wife for a long time and carefully. He thinks about a career early, but rarely achieves what he wants. His life is difficult, failures haunt him. Unexpectedly, a man named Vitaly begins to engage in social or political activities, but this does not bring him luck either; often in the prime of his life he has to abruptly change his profession, which negatively affects his psyche and health. Vitaly may start drinking, although this did not appeal to him before, and often it all ends quite disastrously. Vitaly gives birth to children of different sexes. He is strict with children, raising them himself, as long as his affairs are going well. But if they don’t get along, then everything in the family is left to chance. He needs a wife who could support him in difficult times and help him get back on his feet after the collapse of his plans.

First name Vitaly and patronymic....

Vitaly Bogdanovich, Vitaly Vladislavovich, Vitaly Vyacheslavovich, Vitaly Gennadievich, Vitaly Georgievich, Vitaly Danilovich, Vitaly Egorovich, Vitaly Konstantinovich, Vitaly Robertovich, Vitaly Svyatoslavovich, Vitaly Yanovich, Vitaly Yaroslavovich boastful, inclined to exaggerate his capabilities, loves to make promises, but rarely keeps them. Beneath the feigned importance and solidity lies a weak-willed person. A man named Vitaly can be married several times; the wife is always the leader in the family. Sometimes Vitaly can flare up and try to change something in his relationship with his wife, but as soon as he cools down, everything falls into place again. He is kind, but somewhat stingy. Likes to make profitable acquaintances, strives to take a worthy place in society. However, his aspirations are rarely crowned with success. In the eyes of influential people he seems ridiculous. However, Vitaly knows how to extract personal benefit from every acquaintance. Let them laugh at him, but he will not miss his own. If necessary, he can be flattering and obsequious. He listens with pleasure to flattery addressed to himself. His daughters are born.

First name Vitaly and patronymic....

Vitaly Antonovich, Vitaly Arturovich, Vitaly Valerievich, Vitaly Germanovich, Vitaly Glebovich, Vitaly Denisovich, Vitaly Igorevich, Vitaly Iosifovich, Vitaly Leonidovich, Vitaly Lvovich, Vitaly Mironovich, Vitaly Olegovich, Vitaly Ruslanovich, Vitaly Semenovich, Vitaly Filippovich, Vitaly Emmanuilovich freedom-loving and independent, selfish. A man named Vitaly is sexy, but in a relationship with a woman he is more attracted by the similarity of intellectual interests. The failures of such a Vitaly do not worry too much; on the contrary, they become an incentive for his further activities. He takes on new business with even greater tenacity and energy. Disdainful, does not change partners often. Likes to talk about sex with friends or lover. Marries only after receiving a decent education. Has a daughter. This Vitaly’s marriage may not be too happy, but he will not dare to divorce. Having fun on the side calms him down somewhat.

First name Vitaly and patronymic....

Vitaly Alanovich, Vitaly Albertovich, Vitaly Anatolyevich, Vitaly Veniaminovich, Vitaly Vladlenovich, Vitaly Dmitrievich, Vitaly Nikolaevich, Vitaly Rostislavovich, Vitaly Stanislavovich, Vitaly Stepanovich, Vitaly Feliksovich self-confident, inclined to overestimate his capabilities. He is careful with women and sees a catch in everything. A careerist by nature. A man named Vitaly perceives criticism as a personal insult. With old and devoted friends he is good-natured, but with few people he is extremely frank. Sexy, but does not allow lovers into his inner world. He is calmer when love relationships are superficial. He marries late, prefers to live with a woman in a civil marriage. Such a Vitaly’s children, as a rule, are long-awaited; most often, one girl is born, because Vitaly starts a family in old age. Does not recognize illegitimate children.

Name meaning

Vitaly is a strong, resilient, purposeful and assertive man who is used to getting the most out of life. At the same time, he can be timid, gentle, vulnerable and indecisive (this is especially true in relationships with women). Vitaly's sincerity is disarming, his responsiveness knows no bounds, his kindness is immeasurable. But as soon as you betray this man, he turns into a merciless enemy who will never forgive the insult.

Characteristics of the name Vitaly

Zimny ​​Vitaly attentive, prudent, scrupulous, pedantic and persistent. He sees the goal and does not see obstacles. It is not surprising that this man achieves great heights in his career, while in his personal life he is rarely one hundred percent happy. What prevents this is the desire to control everything and always, to be dominant in the family. It is quite difficult to build a family life with winter Vitaly, especially if the woman has leadership qualities and is not going to give in.

Vesenny Vitaly is a witty, cheerful, cheerful and open person who is extremely susceptible not only to his own failures, but also to the troubles of others. In general, this creative man feels the world very subtly, so he is characterized by a philosophical mood. He loves to talk about the frailty of life, but at the same time he makes it so interesting that you can listen to him for hours. A woman for him is a muse that gives inspiration, so he treats his chosen one like a queen.

Letniy Vitaly cunning, smart, calculating and self-confident. The main thing in life for him is self-realization in the professional field, which he does very well. But in pursuit of career growth, he forgets that after a hard day at work he has nowhere to go, no one is waiting for him at home. As a result, the lack of family happiness and home comfort can become the price to pay for success at work. Is material well-being worth it?

Osenniy Vitaly – romantic and amorous nature. His novels can form the basis of a three-volume encyclopedia, and he himself is not at all proud of his achievements on the personal front. He's just looking for that perfect woman with whom he can live his whole life. And since autumn Vitaly is an extremely selective man, this search can drag on for many years. As a result, he may be left with nothing. But the most amazing thing is that this man sincerely loves all his chosen ones.

Stone - talisman

Sapphire is the stone that can bring good luck to Vitaly’s life.

It is a stone of fidelity, modesty, chastity, hope, constancy and contemplation. Sapphire calms, relieves excessive excitement and cools passions.

Sapphire, due to its coldness and purity, is considered the stone of virginity, protects against treachery, allays fears, and protects against gossip and slander. In addition, it bestows power and helps to establish business contacts, so it is better not for weak-willed and uninitiated people to wear it if they do not want to become even weaker.

Sapphire is the personification of friendship, modesty and selflessness. This is a stone that helps to avoid deception, strengthen feelings, and achieve your goal.



Five is a lucky number for Vitaly (you can read about its designation in the article “Elements, planets and numbers in human life”).




Animal - symbol

The tiger is Vitaly’s patron animal and symbolizes strength, fearlessness, justice, success and energy, and it is very important that this energy be creative, since it can also be destructive.

In China, the tiger represents darkness, the dark sides of the soul, and destruction.

Thus, the tiger is an ambivalent symbol; it can mean good and evil, light and darkness.

For some nationalities, this animal symbolizes cruelty, greed, lust, superhuman capabilities and rage.


Poplar and violet are Vitaly’s totem plants.


In the East, poplar is a dual symbol that can mean both light and darkness, both feminine and masculine.

The Greeks and Romans considered the white poplar to be a symbol of the abode of the blessed and heroes who died with honor and dignity, while the black poplar represented hell for them.

Among the Slavs, poplar symbolizes girlish melancholy and loneliness.


Today, the delicate and beloved violet flower symbolizes the coming spring, tenderness and modesty. But there was a time when the violet had a rather bad reputation and personified lust and irrepressible passion.

The ancient Greeks associated this flower with sadness and death.

Over time, the violet became a symbol of family well-being. This flower helps to gain self-confidence, helps to cope with fears and complexes, suppresses selfishness and stubbornness.

In Europe, the violet symbolizes innocence, defenselessness, virtue and devotion.

White violet is identified with purity, light, and the beginning of a new life. This flower protects the home from negativity and bad thoughts.

Red or pink violet gives courage, strengthens willpower, and helps in achieving your goal.

Blue violet calms and harmonizes thoughts, while orange and yellow ones give joy and optimism.


Copper is Vitaly's metal. It symbolizes warmth, rebirth, the beginning of something bright and new, change for the better. In addition, this metal can protect against the evil eye and negative influences.

Copper is better suited to egoists with a tough and uncompromising character than all other metals, as it makes a person calmer and more restrained.

Auspicious day

Time of year

Origin of the name Vitaly

Name translation

The name Vitaly is translated from Latin as “full of life” or “vital.”

History of the name

The name Vitaly has Latin roots and comes from the Roman generic name "Vitalis". Later, another generic name appeared, sounding like “Vitalianus” and meaning “belonging to Vitaly.”

Forms (analogues) of the name

The most common forms of the name Vitaly are: Vitalik, Vitalya, Vitya, Vital, Talik, Talya, Vitasha, Vitalka, Vityusha, Vetal, Vetas, Vitalenka, Vitalechka, Vitasya, Vitasenka, Vitulik, Vityunya.

The secret of the name Vitaly

Patrons of the name

  • Holy Martyr Vitaly of Kerkyra.
  • Venerable Vitaly of Alexandria.
  • Rev. Vitaly of Gazsky.
  • Martyr Vitaly the Roman.
  • Pope Vitalian.

Angel's Day (name day)

The legend about the name Vitaly

The most famous legend is about the Monk Vitaly of Alexandria, who became famous for his concern for harlots. So, working from morning to evening, he earned 12 copper coins daily. Saint Vitaly gave all the money he earned, minus what he spent on buying one bean, which he ate no earlier than sunset, to one of the fallen women so that she would not sell her body that night.

The Monk Vitaly, locking himself in a room with the harlot, prayed all night and read psalms over the lost woman, and in the morning he left, making the harlot promise that she would keep everything that happened secret. It must be said that the residents of Alexandria were extremely outraged by this behavior of the clergyman, because they did not know the truth. But the monk humbly endured all their insults and ridicule, asking only one thing: not to judge others.

The saint’s holy prayers gave new life to many fallen women: some went to a monastery, some got married or began to earn their living by honest labor. But none of them talked about the true reason for their “healing”, fearing to break this oath. Only one of the former harlots decided to break her oath in order to justify the monk in the eyes of the Alexandrians, for which punishment awaited her - she went crazy. After this, the Alexandrians believed even more in the sinfulness of St. Vitaly.

The behavior of the monk was reported to the holy Patriarch John the Merciful, who did not believe the lying informers, and even shamed the slanderers. Therefore, the Monk Vitaly continued to instruct harlots on the true path.

After the death of the saint, his relics had a healing property: for example, they began to heal from demon possession. All the harlots whom he guided on the true path told about the virtues of the Monk Vitaly, which shamed the Alexandrians, who henceforth tried not to condemn anyone.

Famous people

Writers and poets named Vitaly:

  • Vitaly Bianchi;
  • Vitaly Zakrutkin;
  • Vitaly Korotich.

Famous actors named Vitaly:

  • Vitaly Doronin;
  • Vitaly Solomin.

Famous scientists named Vitaly:

  • Vitaly Shafranov – physicist;
  • Vitaly Goldansky – physicist, chemist, mathematician;
  • Vitaly Ginzburg – physicist;
  • Vitaly Zverev – radiophysicist.

Famous athletes named Vitaly:

  • Vitaly Atyushov - Russian hockey player;
  • Vitaly Davydov - Soviet hockey player;
  • Vitali Klitschko is a Ukrainian boxer.

Famous musicians named Vitaly:

  • Vitaly Dubinin – bass guitarist of the Russian group “Aria”;
  • Vitaly Margulis is a Russian pianist.

Famous artists named Vitaly:

  • Vitaly Komar;
  • Vitaly Goryaev.

Vitaly Lazarenko - Soviet circus performer.

Vitaly Gromadsky - Soviet singer (bass).

Vitaly Abalakov - Soviet climber.

Vitaly Primakov - Soviet military leader.

The meaning of the name Vitaly

For a child

Little Vitalik is a calm, quiet, thoughtful and very homely child. You see him more often at home, with family and friends, and not in the yard with noisy children. This boy has few friends, since his peers do not quite understand the shy dreamer Vitalik. Moreover, they can openly mock the boy, which can develop isolation in him.

In the family, the main authorities for him are his mother and grandmother, whose excessive care can develop in him such qualities as weakness, laziness and indecisiveness from early childhood. It is the father who must take upon himself the responsibility of instilling in his son such qualities as perseverance, determination and confidence.

This is a talented child who can master any musical instrument, he loves music and cinema. Science and technology are also interesting to him, so in order to realize all the possibilities, Vitalik’s parents will have to stock up on time and money, because, most likely, the boy will want to attend more than one or even two sections.

In general, Vitaly is a trusting, kind and naive child, but if necessary, he will be able to adapt to any circumstances. If he is right, then he will defend his position to the last argument.

Studying is not easy for this boy, which is due to his carelessness and irresponsibility. He is used to his parents and grandparents always deciding everything for him.

For a teenager

Teenager Vitaly skillfully hides his real feelings and emotions behind a mask of gaiety and jokes. At the same time, few people realize that his behavior is just a clever game that helps to keep those around him away, whom he simply manipulates.

At a technical school and university, he forgets about his carelessness and starts studying, because he understands that his future will largely depend on this, and he longs for fame and wealth. Of course, the owner of this name cannot completely overcome laziness, so from time to time he gives up everything and devotes time exclusively to himself.

In general, Vitaly is a mystery to those around him: sometimes he is cheerful, sometimes gloomy, sometimes he constantly jokes about the topic of the day, sometimes he makes fun of those around him, making them angry and irritated. But! This young man will never betray his few friends under any circumstances.

For a man

Adult Vitaly is cunning, calculating and reasonable. It’s difficult to call him a pleasant conversationalist, since he has his own point of view on everything, which is simply impossible to challenge. Compromise is not his method of building relationships, which often prevents him from building both a career and family life.

Vitaly's charm dissipates as soon as he begins to be witty and sarcastic. And the point here is not a lack of tact, not an evil character, but a fear of being offended first. In order not to defend himself, he constantly attacks. At the same time, he is always attentive and caring with his friends and family, but don’t expect him to give his last shirt to help out a friend. This is also that stingy person who outwardly always wants to appear generous and wasteful.

Despite his shortcomings, Vitaly is a real darling of fate, who is lucky in everything. Knowing this, he often relies on chance, and this rarely lets him down. But sooner or later he will have to answer for his actions and make truly adult and responsible decisions, which may not be within his power.

Description of the name Vitaly


Vitaly does not consider it necessary to strictly adhere to all those moral and ethical standards that are accepted in society. He knows how to use circumstances for his own purposes, always and in everything looking, first of all, for his own benefit.


Vitaly is in good health, although sometimes his ENT organs can let him down. He should especially take care of his throat, otherwise frequent sore throats cannot be avoided. In general, the owner of this name gets sick very rarely.


Vitaly is a true gentleman who is attentive, gallant and courteous, but only until he wins his chosen one. When he gets tired of the game of love, all romanticism disappears. Another scenario is also possible, in which the woman herself will have to seek Vitaly’s favor.

Vitaly will truly fall in love with a woman with a strong character, with whom he will be interested in all areas of life. Despite the fact that he enjoys success with women, he cannot be called a Don Juan: Vitaly loves sincerely and faithfully, it’s just that this love can quickly pass, leaving behind only memories.

Vitaly takes the choice of a woman extremely responsibly, believing that his soulmate should be the best of the best, because he does not deserve anyone else. At the same time, his chosen one should not limit his freedom, otherwise scandals and showdowns cannot be avoided.

No unhappy love can break Vitaly and force him to give up the search for an ideal relationship.


Ideally, Vitaly’s wife should be smart, beautiful, economical, loving, caring, attentive, and tender. But over time, he understands that beauty, charm and charm are not the main qualities of a good wife. The main thing is sincerity and understanding. Therefore, he chooses as his wife an understanding, sincere and loving woman who will give all of herself to the family.

Vitaly most often marries once and at a fairly conscious age (after 30 years). He respects his wife and supports him in every possible way, which only strengthens the family union.

Vitaly is a faithful husband (even if the love between him and his wife has faded, he will not allow himself such meanness towards his wife - a person he respects).

Family relationships

In his relationship with his wife, Vitaly chooses a position of maximum openness, trust and honesty. He does not allow himself or his children to disrespect his wife; it is important for him that an atmosphere of warmth and peace always reigns in the family.

It’s interesting that Vitaly rarely talks about his feelings for his wife, and he doesn’t know how to show them either. True, he does not know how to restrain the feeling of jealousy, which only amuses his soulmate. But she will require increased care and all kinds of attention.

It is worth taking into account the fact that Vitaly will never give up his leadership position in the family, his authority must be indisputable, otherwise disagreements arising on this basis can lead to the breakup of the family.

Vitaly is a wonderful father who enjoys raising children, whom he loves very much and whose affection he really values.


Vitaly shows his independence even in his intimate life, without forgetting that both partners should experience pleasure. Intimate relationships for him are an opportunity to express his feelings and talk about his love. This is a rare case when a man thinks first of all about how to please his chosen one, and only then to himself.

Vitaly gives preference to more experienced partners who can be sexually liberated and take the initiative.

Mind (intelligence)

Vitaly has a sharp, inquisitive, flexible and resourceful mind, which, supported by intuition, helps him get away with it under any circumstances.


Vitaly will be able to build a career related to science and technology. So, he can become an engineer, mathematician, doctor, scientist and programmer. Creative abilities will help him realize himself in the humanitarian field and master such professions as a journalist, architect, musician, designer, teacher, artist.

Vitaly chooses only a job that will bring him material benefits, even if he doesn’t like it. It is interesting that Vitaly does not seek to take the position of manager. He has no such ambitions. The main thing is stability and a normal working day, allowing you to spend more time with your family.

In general, Vitaly is a responsible, disciplined and hardworking worker. But! He is afraid of making any fateful decisions: he prefers to be solely responsible for his own decisions, while collective work is not easy for him.


Vitaly’s business is rarely successful, since the owners of this name often do not have the assertiveness that is essential in the modern business world. The gentleness of character and lack of ambition also contribute to the fact that Vitaly’s business is developing poorly.


Few people know about Vitaly’s creative abilities, but photography can be one of his hobbies. He can also easily master any musical instrument. But most of all he likes to spend time with his family or in the garage (if Vitaly has a car, he will take care of it no worse than children).

Character type


Outwardly friendly, generous and open, Vitaly is actually closed, stingy and lonely. He is afraid to let people near him, as he has been deceived in his expectations more than once. He does not want to suffer from being betrayed or deceived. But, having found an approach to this man, you can reveal him from a completely different side.

He values ​​sincerity, which is why he himself does not like to fuss and dodge. Because of his straightforwardness, Vitaly rarely makes real friendships (those around him avoid this man, whom they consider strange).

By angering Vitaly, you may encounter such negative qualities as vindictiveness, pettiness and stubbornness.


Vitaly's intuition is quite well developed, so he often relies on it when making decisions.

Horoscope named after Vitaly

Vitaly – Aries

This is an eccentric and temperamental man, endowed with high intelligence. He stubbornly pursues his goal, seeing no obstacles. One can only envy the vitality of Vitaly-Aries. At the same time, he knows how to give in when necessary (other people’s opinions are no less important to him than his own). This attitude towards people bears fruit: those around him respect him and listen to the advice that this sensible man gives. Any woman will be happy with such a strong and reliable man.

Vitaly – Taurus

This is a realist who always clearly assesses the current situation, without trying to embellish everything. He does not like to make far-reaching plans, because tomorrow something could happen that could radically change his life. However, you should not think that Vitaly-Taurus takes life lightly. On the contrary, he does not waste his life energy in vain. It’s not easy for women to be around such a pragmatist, who completely lacks romanticism, which is compensated by his sincerity and devotion.

Vitaly – Gemini

Serious Vitaly-Gemini has an original outlook on life. His beliefs sometimes do not fit into the framework of generally accepted norms, but this does not make them any less interesting. The downside of such an unusual character is misunderstanding and even rejection on the part of those around him, who feel stupid and uninteresting next to Vitaly. He will definitely surround his soulmate with care, love and tenderness.

Vitaly – Cancer

A dreamer, visionary and romantic - this is Vitaly-Cancer, living in his own special world. It is easier for him to give in than to defend his opinion to the detriment of a relationship with a person, moreover, this man always and in everything strives to achieve harmony with the world around him. But those around him are not always able to understand him, which is why Vitaly-Cancer has practically no friends. He will devotedly love his chosen one until the end of his days.

Vitaly – Leo

Self-confident, strong-willed, ambitious and courageous, Vitaly-Lev thinks first of all about himself and his benefits, which he will never miss.

He even chooses his wife for the same reasons: she must be beautiful and stately to emphasize his status, calm and understanding, so that no one will ever claim his leadership in the family. One day, the calculation may not come true, and then Vitaly-Leo will have to face the realities of modern life.

Vitaly – Virgo

This man has insight and a sharp critical mind, so it is not easy to deceive him. Vitaly-Virgo is restrained on the outside, but vulnerable and sensitive on the inside, he craves praise and recognition. It is extremely important for him to feel needed and useful. This man surrounds himself with an aura of mystery and mystery, which attracts women's attention. Vitaly-Virgo takes the choice of his chosen one extremely seriously, discarding all romantic impulses.

Vitaly – Libra

Cheerful, sympathetic, good-natured and fair, Vitaly-Libra will never deceive. He is disgusted by two-faced and hypocritical people who do not know how to respect other people's opinions. It is not surprising that this open-minded man has many friends and acquaintances. Girls also do not ignore this gallant romantic who knows how to look after. Reliable, strong, strong and self-confident Vitaly-Libra is waiting for his ideal woman who will be able to walk with him through life, regardless of any obstacles.

Vitaly – Scorpio

This is an interesting man, whose character is dictated by his momentary mood. He can be emotional and restrained, temperamental and calm, greedy and generous. Sometimes it seems that Vitaly-Scorpio cannot be broken by any life trials, but in fact he is a very vulnerable man who, more than anything else, is afraid of disappointment in people (especially in women). Only a wise and patient woman can find an approach to him.

Vitaly – Sagittarius

Sincere, trusting and open, Vitaly-Sagittarius often suffers because of his kindness and responsiveness. He is ready to give everything to those who need it, but he is not always treated in the same way. As a result, Vitaly can withdraw into himself for a long time. This man is courteous and generous with women, so it is quite natural that the fair sex dotes on Vitaly-Sagittarius. But he can trust his heart only to the one who will never ask for anything in return.

Vitaly – Capricorn

Energetic, temperamental, with an active life position and correct views on life, Vitaly-Capricorn belongs to the category of people who are used to doing everything perfectly. Prudence, caution and prudence are the qualities on which this man’s life is built. In women, he also values ​​intelligence, the ability to analyze, calmness and prudence. Beauty for Vitaly-Capricorn is not the main criterion for choosing a woman.

Vitaly – Aquarius

This is a harmonious, calm and balanced person who is always lucky in life, and he really deserves it. In many ways, Vitaly-Aquarius is helped by his developed intuition, which, combined with a sharp mind, forms an amazing tandem. Any woman would be interested in being with such a witty and strong man who will always protect and support. In addition, Vitaly-Aquarius is a real romantic.

Vitaly – Pisces

Kindness and mercy are the main qualities of Vitaly the Pisces, who tries not to notice the shortcomings of those around him. He prefers to accept people as they are, with their flaws and dark sides. Only those around him are in no hurry to accept Vitaly himself for who he really is, so he often remains misunderstood. A woman with a flexible character, capable of understanding the vulnerable and trusting Vitaly, will suit him.

Compatibility of the name Vitaly with female names

Vitaly and Olga

This is an ideal couple who knows how to enjoy life and steadfastly endure all adversities. Olga and Vitaly are not looking for mutual benefit in a relationship; they simply give their friend all their love, affection and tenderness.

Vitaly and Anna

Passions are raging in this difficult tandem, because both Vitaly and Anna want to rule. Each in this couple wants to assert themselves at the expense of the other, forgetting that family is not a battlefield. The union of Anna and Vitaly is rarely durable.

Vitaly and Elena

Vitaly and Alena

Monotony and routine are not the ultimate dreams of Alena, who teaches Vitaly that life should be a holiday. If Vitaly can rebuild, then they are destined for a happy life, if not, the lack of stability will separate this couple.

Vitaly and Lyudmila

There is some chemistry between these people, there is attraction, but this, unfortunately, is not enough for the development of stable and long-lasting relationships. Vitaly and Lyudmila are too different to create a truly strong family.

Vitaly and Inna

Inna is an unpredictable nature, which does not suit the conservative Vitaly, who is afraid of the unknown. It's no wonder they find it difficult to get along, let alone create an ideal family. Most often this couple breaks up.

Vitaly and Irina

Freedom-loving and somewhat eccentric Irina cannot submit to Vitaly, who demands complete dedication from the woman. She also wants to build a career, while Vitaly sees his wife exclusively as a housewife. This couple is doomed to break up.

Vitaly and Elizabeth

Vitaly and Olesya

Assertiveness, perseverance, optimism and love make the tandem of Olesya and Vitaly strong, reliable, and happy. Their home is a full cup, their hearts are always open to each other, which has a beneficial effect on the relationship as a whole.

Vitaly and Varvara

Trust, honesty and loyalty - these are the basic requirements that both Varya and Vitaly place on the family. They work on their relationships, building them tenderly and reverently every day. The result: a strong and reliable family.

Valentina and Vitaly

This couple is able to overcome any difficulties, because Vitaly and Valentina love and understand each other. They are ready to sacrifice a lot for the sake of their family, because it is in it that they see the meaning of life. In this family, the man and woman do not share responsibilities, but try to do everything together.

The Latin male name Vitaly can only be found in Slavic countries. The meaning of the name Vitaly reveals this person as a calm and fairly self-confident nature. Everything about this person is balanced. Talya is not subject to emotional outbursts and rarely gets involved in conflicts.

The meaning of the name Vitaly for a boy gives him such qualities as gentleness of character, obedience and diligence. Talya is very attached to his mother. Moreover, this can be seen in adulthood. If Vitya has other brothers or sisters, then they get along well with each other throughout their lives.

The meaning of the name Vitaly for a child makes him a dreamer and a romantic. But Vitya tries not to show this side of his nature to anyone. He especially zealously keeps all his dreams and fantasies inside himself precisely in adolescence.

A full interpretation of the name reveals Vitya’s personality from different sides. This man is not always soft and conflict-free. A certain harshness and rudeness may appear in behavior if Talya feels the need to assert herself.


Such men are quite amorous, which means that they are capable of experiencing deep feelings and strong passion. In relationships with women, Vitya prefers to feel a certain freedom and independence. Tends to build relationships on the father-daughter principle.

Talya doesn't like it when his partner dominates. These men take leadership functions in relationships into their own hands. It is this inner strength that attracts a variety of women to him like a magnet.

A failed relationship cannot break Talya. On the contrary, they only encourage new conquests. Her slim figure and well-groomed body play a huge role in a woman for Tali. In addition, such men always pay attention to their beloved’s clothes and her perfume.

Due to increased disgust, he changes sexual partners quite rarely. Throughout the novel he tries to maintain relationships at the same soul-stirring level. In bed he always thinks about the woman’s pleasure. Her emotional state is of great importance to Vitya.


Relationships with a spouse are in many ways similar to relationships with a mistress. He will take as his wife that representative of the fair sex who will become, first of all, a devoted friend. This fact means that Tal must trust his wife almost as much as he trusts his mother.

A faithful family man. Marriage is of serious importance to Vitya. He tends to value his wife’s feelings. The marriage will be happy with Antonina, Ekaterina, Tamara, Maria and Nadezhda. You should not build marital relationships with Margarita, Anastasia, Zoya and Victoria.

Business and career

Talya is a hardworking worker, which means she can be successful in almost any field. Moreover, his dedication in the workplace does not depend in any way on the type of activity. Achieving high professional success can only be prevented by a lack of assertiveness and a frequent inability to concentrate.

The efforts that Talya puts into achieving her goal are also of considerable importance. If he pursues his dream hard and works regularly, his career will be successful.

Origin of the name Vitaly

The mystery of the name allows you to learn more about the personality of its bearer. History confirms the connection of this dialect with the holy martyr who lived in 164 on the territory of Rome, whose name was Vitaly. This man, his six brothers and his mother suffered for Jesus Christ.

The origin of the name Vitaly is Latin. Etymology - "vital". This is exactly how the word “vitalis” is translated from Latin. There is no doubt where this adverb came from.

Characteristics of the name Vitaly

The pros and cons of character are very diverse. By temperament, Tal is sanguine. Has an easily excitable psyche. He often becomes gloomy, without any apparent reason. Volitional qualities are quite weak.

Diligence helps Vita study well and comprehend various fairly complex sciences. But in studies, Tali’s own desire is of great importance. Only by showing a strong, unbending will will he be able to become a highly qualified specialist and receive a decent education.

In an unusual environment, he gets used to it quite quickly, which is of great importance in life. Mental abilities are quite high. You could even say that Tali has a flexible mind. Can be very stubborn, depending on surrounding circumstances. Not deprived of such a character trait as cunning. He uses cunning to achieve his goals.

The characteristics of the name Vitaly allow us to speak of this man as a real favorite of fortune. It is luck that helps Tala rise to unprecedented heights. Vitya successfully uses his luck in various areas of life.

Vitaly especially seriously needs to monitor the health of his kidneys, as well as other organs of the excretory system. A well-balanced diet and regular medical examinations are also of great importance. Only by paying close attention to her body can Talya avoid serious health problems.

Vitya's friends can always rely on him. This person is happy to help near and dear people, regardless of the time of day. Tala likes to spend time in fun companies. Among friends he maintains his independence. He defends his interests with dignity. His own rightness is of serious importance to him.

The mystery of the name

  • Sapphire stone.
  • Name days are February 7, as well as May 5 and 11.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign named Aquarius and Cancer.

Famous people

  • Vitaliy Klitschko is a professional heavyweight boxer, Ukrainian politician, People's Deputy of Ukraine of the seventh convocation, and also a Candidate of Sciences in the field of physical education and sports. Leader of the Ukrainian political party called "UDAR".
  • Vitaly Solomin is a theater and film actor, winner of the Moscow Prize, respected People's Artist of the RSFSR, member of the Union of Theater Workers, as well as the Union of Cinematographers of Russia. He starred in films called “Sink or Lost” (2003), “Winter Cherry 3” (1993) and many others.
  • Vitaly Fetisov – director. He directed the films “I Believe in Rainbows” (1986) and “Seven Days of Hope” (1989).

In different languages

The translation of the name Vitaly from Latin is “vital.” How the adverb is translated, as well as how it is written in different languages, is given below:

  • In Chinese – Weitǎlì (Weitali)
  • In Japanese - Ikiru
  • In French – Vitali and Vitalie
  • In English - Vitaliy
  • In Ukrainian – Vitaliy

Name forms

  • Full name: Vitaly.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Vitalya, Vitalik, Vita, Vityunya, Vityusha, Vityana, Tal, Vitya, Vitakha, Vitasya, Vityukha, Vitasha and Vitulya.
  • Declension of the name - Vitaly - Vitaly - Vitaly.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Vitaly.

Forms of the name Vitaly

Common name options:Vitaly, Vitalis, Vital, Vitalian, Vitalya. Short form of the name Vitaly. Vitalik, Talya, Vitalya, Vita, Vitya, Vit, Vitas, Vital, Vitali, Vitilian, Vitasya, Vitakha, Vitasha, Vitulya, Vityulya, Vityunya, Vityukha, Vityusha, Vito, Talya, Taliyah. Short and diminutive options: Vitalik, Vitalya, Vitya, Talik, Talya, Vitasha, Vityusha. Middle names: Vitalievich, Vitalievna; colloquial form: Vitalich.

Name Vitaly in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 維塔利 (Wéi tǎ lì). Japanese: ビタリ (Bitari). Arabic: 비탈리 (bitalli). Thai: วิทา (Wi thā). Ukrainian: Vitaliy. Greek: Βιτάλη (Vitáli). English: Vitali (Vitali).

Origin of the name Vitaly

The name Vitaly translated from Latin “vitalis” means “vital”, “full of life”, “life-giving”. The name comes from the cognomen (personal or family nickname) Vitalis, but in ancient Rome there was also a related cognomen Vitalianus, literally meaning “Vitaliev, belonging to Vitali.”

The name Vitaly has related names: male names, Vitalian and female names, Vitalian. Diminutive addresses to Vitaly - Vit and Vita - are also independent names.

Vitaly's character

As a child, Vitaly was a dreamy, affectionate and timid child. Most often, his best friend is his mother, so he is a little effeminate and is not endowed with purely masculine qualities, such as courage, leadership, bravery, and selflessness. But he is not without a desire to assert himself. True, because of his “feminine” qualities, it is very difficult for him to do this and this may take some non-standard forms of self-expression.

Vitaly is growing up as a diligent and obedient boy. He is good at adapting to the environment and changes easily and quickly depending on the situation. Vitaly is quite cunning and calculating, but not in a negative, but in a positive way. He tries to make everything work in his favor.

Having matured, Vitaly will hide his daydreaming from other people, he will try to look like a serious, mature man, but inside he will still remain with his dreams. His daydreaming can serve him well. Thanks to her, Vitaly can achieve success in science and engineering. Vitaly has a penchant for technical sciences and is well versed in such exact subjects as mathematics, physics, and geometry. Those with this name make excellent technical workers and will do an excellent job as a guide. But being a salesman, journalist, manager or doctor is a little difficult for Vitaly.

Vitaly pays attention to the inner qualities of a person. He is smart and optimistic, which helps him make friends. Vitaly is meticulously looking for a life partner. She should be his good friend and a wonderful mother to his children. Vitaly is faithful to his wife and is not prone to conflicts and quarrels. Likes to play chess, cards, listen to music and go to concerts of his favorite performers.

Astrological characteristics of the name

Color Name: purple

Radiation: 97%

Planets: Mercury

Talisman stone: sapphire

Plant Vitaly: violet

Totemic animal Vitaly: tiger

Basic features character Vitaly: sexuality, intuition.

Sexuality of the name Vitaly

Vitaly experiences a strong sexual attraction, but when indulging in passion, he is capable of deep, vivid emotions. This is a very amorous person, but in love he always wants to feel free and independent. He does not tolerate sexual dominance by a woman; he rather likes the type of woman who is a daughter.

There is a certain masculine strength in him that attracts the sympathies of the weaker sex. Love failures almost never lead him to despair, but only cause a surge of new emotions and energy. He attaches great importance to external factors; he is especially concerned about the good figure of his partner, and her tender body is the source of his constant delight. It is important for him how his beloved is dressed, what perfume she wears.

He does not hide his feelings, pouring them out during love foreplay and during the sexual act itself in hot and tender words, describing to his partner what sensations she evokes in him.

He is squeamish and is not inclined to change women often. Vitaly will diversify coital positions, giving the woman the opportunity to fully reveal herself. For him, the main thing is to satisfy the emotional needs of his partner and keep the relationship exciting. He strives to extend the preparatory period as long as possible, indulging in love games and giving his partner complete freedom of action - she helps him, and he thereby gives her the opportunity to experience the whole gamut of strong erotic sensations.

Having married, he behaves in the same way with his wife, lovingly preparing her for the final phase. This process gives him great pleasure and is no less, if not more important for him than intercourse itself - as a way to give his partner the highest pleasure and bring her to orgasm.

Positive traits of the name

Activity, love of life, gentleness. Vitaly has a surprisingly kind humor. He loves cheerful people, but not slackers. Vitaly is attached to his mother. He is responsive to love and tenderness. This does not prevent Vitaly from displaying such qualities as courage, courage and responsibility. Vitaly has many friends who value him for the listed qualities.

Negative traits of the name

Idealism, fantasy, excessive gullibility. As a teenager, Vitaly, aware of his natural gentleness, can deliberately behave rudely. You shouldn't pay attention to this. Over time, Vitaly realizes his mistakes and finds agreement with himself.

Choosing a profession by name

Vitaly lacks determination and consistency. In all areas of activity, he often misses profitable opportunities, being distracted by insignificant matters. Influence of the name on business: Vitaly finds it difficult to save his accumulated funds. He is always full of ideas in which to invest money. This has a negative impact on his budget.

The influence of a name on health

Vitaly is likely to have weakened functions. He needs to pay special attention to nutrition.

Psychology of the name: Vitaly is a reliable friend. You can always turn to him for help. He loves cheerful companies, but even with his idealism, Vitaly is not inclined to completely obey the unspoken laws in these companies. He knows how to maintain his independence. There is no need to infringe on Vitaly’s dignity; he has enough courage to defend his honor.

Compatibility of the name Vitaly and patronymic

Vitaly Alekseevich, Andreevich, Artemovich, Valentinovich, Vasilyevich, Viktorovich, Vitalievich, Vladimirovich, Evgenievich, Ivanovich, Ilyich, Kirillovich, Mikhailovich, Nikitich, Petrovich, Sergeevich, Yuryevich is gentle and calm in character Does not like quarrels, skillfully avoids conflicts. He is flexible in the family and values ​​calm and stability most of all. Likes to relax after work with a book in hand, you play chess well. Material wealth is not easy for him, so he is stingy. All his life he dreams of luxury and exciting travels, but all this remains in dreams. Passive, does not know how to implement his plans. He experiences passion and attraction in sex, but excessive caution prevents him from doing this too. Vitaly is squeamish, which is also the reason for his abstinence. Most often she has one child - a daughter.

Vitaly Alexandrovich, Arkadyevich, Borisovich, Vadimovich, Grigorievich, Maksimovich, Matveevich, Pavlovich, Romanovich, Tarasovich, Timofeevich, Fedorovich, Eduardovich, Yakovlevich is in no hurry to get married, he chooses his wife for a long time and carefully. He thinks about a career early, but rarely achieves what he wants. His life is difficult, failures haunt him. Unexpectedly for himself, he begins to engage in social or political activities, but this does not bring him luck either; often in the prime of his life he has to abruptly change his profession, which negatively affects his psyche and health. Vitaly may start drinking, although this did not appeal to him before, and often it all ends quite disastrously. Vitaly gives birth to children of different sexes. He is strict with children, raising them himself, as long as his affairs are going well. But if they don’t get along, then everything in the family is left to chance. He needs a wife who could support him in difficult times and help him get back on his feet after the collapse of his plans.

Vitaly Bogdanovich, Vladislavovich, Vyacheslavovich, Gennadievich, Georgievich, Danilovich, Egorovich, Konstantinovich, Robertovich, Svyatoslavovich, Yanovich, Yaroslavovich is boastful, inclined to exaggerate his capabilities, likes to make promises, but rarely keeps them. Beneath the feigned importance and solidity lies a weak-willed person. There can be several times in a marriage; the spouse is always the leader in the family. Sometimes Vitaly can flare up and try to change something in his relationship with his wife, but as soon as he cools down, everything falls into place again. He is kind, but somewhat stingy. Likes to make profitable acquaintances, strives to take a worthy place in society. However, his aspirations are rarely crowned with success. In the eyes of influential people he seems ridiculous. However, Vitaly knows how to extract personal benefit from every acquaintance. Let them laugh at him, but he will not miss his own. If necessary, he can be flattering and obsequious. He listens with pleasure to flattery addressed to himself. His daughters are born.

Vitaly Antonovich, Arturovich, Valerievich, Germanovich, Glebovich, Denisovich, Igorevich, Iosifovich, Leonidovich, Lvovich, Mironovich, Olegovich, Ruslanovich, Semenovich, Filippovich, Emmanuilovich is freedom-loving and independent, selfish. He is sexy, but in relationships with a woman he is more attracted by the similarity of intellectual interests. The failures of such a Vitaly do not worry too much; on the contrary, they become an incentive for his further activities. He takes on new business with even greater tenacity and energy. Disdainful, does not change partners often. Likes to talk about sex with friends or lover. Marries only after receiving a decent education. Has a daughter. This Vitaly’s marriage may not be too happy, but he will not dare to divorce. Having fun on the side calms him down somewhat.

Vitaly Alanovich, Albertovich, Anatolyevich, Veniaminovich, Vladlenovich, Dmitrievich, Nikolaevich, Rostislavovich, Stanislavovich, Stepanovich, Feliksovich is self-confident, inclined to overestimate his capabilities. He is careful with women and sees a catch in everything. A careerist by nature. He takes criticism as a personal insult. With old and devoted friends he is good-natured, but with few people he is extremely frank. Sexy, but does not allow lovers into his inner world. He is calmer when love relationships are superficial. He marries late, prefers to live with a woman in a civil marriage. Such a Vitaly’s children, as a rule, are long-awaited; most often, one girl is born, because Vitaly starts a family in old age. Does not recognize illegitimate children.

Characteristics of the name Vitaly according to B. Khigir

Translated from Latin - “vital”. Little Vitaly is a typical "mama's boy". He is an affectionate and obedient boy, always trying to be closer to his mother. If he is the youngest in the family, he is wary of older brothers and sisters. In a society younger than himself, he will confidently take on the role of a caring and kind patron. Vitaly is diligent and knows how to get comfortable in an unfamiliar environment. He is smart, purposeful, and to some extent stubborn. Vitaly is interested in music, chess, and is indifferent to gambling, but can keep company for playing cards. Can get a purebred dog and participate in exhibitions. Among his hobbies may be a car, to which he will devote a lot of time. He will be happy to repair the car himself. In Vitaliy, a predominant inclination towards technical activities and exact sciences prevails. He will be a good engineer, designer, mathematics or physics teacher. He will also succeed in business. In a woman, Vitaly first of all really wants to find a replacement for his mother. She must become his true friend. Love feelings and passionate experiences recede into the background. In public he does not show any signs of marital affection for his wife, but he is faithful in marriage and values ​​his wife’s love.

Additional characteristics of the name

Vibration: 120,000 vibrations/s.

Self-realization(character): 95%

Psyche Vitaly: stubborn, always stands his ground

Health Vitaly: good health, but you need to protect yourself from colds.

Vitaly and pets

In winter and autumn, Vitaly is recommended to get a Scotch Terrier, an American Staffordshire. Collie dogs are ideal for Vitalys born in summer or spring. The best relationship will develop with pets whose names are: Morgan, Flor, Titus, Harold, Ferra, Burma, Alvin, Alma.

Famous people named Vitaly

Vitaly of Alexandria ((VII century) Christian saint, revered among the venerables)
Vitaly Bianki (Russian writer, author of many works for children)
Vitaly Abalakov (Soviet mountaineer, Honored Master of Mountaineering (1934), Honored Master of Sports (1940), Honored Trainer of the USSR (1961), design engineer; author of about 100 devices used for objective assessment of the training process of athletes)
Vitaly Korotich (Soviet, Russian and Ukrainian poet, prose writer, essayist, journalist, columnist, screenwriter)
Vitaly Ginzburg (Soviet and Russian theoretical physicist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1966-1991) and the Russian Academy of Sciences (1991-2009), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (1942), Nobel Prize laureate in physics (2003))
Vitaly Solomin (Soviet and Russian theater and film actor. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1992), winner of the Moscow Prize (1998))
Vitaliy Klitschko (Ukrainian heavyweight boxer, six-time world champion title holder according to various kickboxing organizations (four times among professionals and two times among amateurs), three-time champion of Ukraine in amateur boxing, world champion in boxing among professionals according to WBO ( 1999-2000) and WBC (2004-2005, 2008))
Vitaly Dubinin (Russian musician and composer, bass guitarist and backing vocalist of the successful heavy metal band "Aria", author of most of its compositions)
Vitaly Davydov (athlete and coach (ice hockey))
Vitaly Lazarenko (circus performer, clown (1890–1939))
Vitaly Goldansky (Soviet scientist, physical chemist, academician)
Vitaly Bamburov (Russian scientist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, specialist in the field of synthesis and physical and chemical properties of new compounds and rare earth elements in the lowest oxidation state)
Vitaly Margulis (Russian pianist, musicologist and music teacher)
Vitaly Gromadsky ((born 1928) Russian singer (bass))
Vitaly Shafranov (Soviet and Russian physicist. Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (since 1997); the main areas of scientific activity are high-temperature plasma physics and controlled thermonuclear fusion)
Vitaly Lazhentsev (Russian geographer and economist, Doctor of Geographical Sciences)
Vitaly Atyushov (Russian hockey player)
Vitaly Yuferev (Russian actor, poet, Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR)

Vitaly celebrates Orthodox name days

Vitaly celebrates Catholic name days

Compatibility of the name Vitaly

Incompatibility of the name Vital

DOB: 1972-01-13

Version 1. What does the name Vitaly mean?

Balanced (at least they control themselves), cunning. Mostly stocky, of average height. Hypersexual, capable of carrying out several contacts in a row. Stubborn. Do not overload your flexible mind. They could achieve a lot, but they are lazy.

They do not overwork themselves with work, doing it according to their mood. They want to extract maximum benefits with minimal effort.

They are jealous, but do not show their temperament to anyone. Vitaly loves to visit people, eat delicious food, and flirt.

DOB: 1923-06-18

Version 2. What does the name Vitaly mean?

VITALY - life (lat.).

Name day: February 7 - Holy Martyr Vitaly, together with his mother and six brothers, suffered for Christ in Rome in 164.

May 5 - Reverend Vitaly the monk, pleased God with his concerns about the conversion of great sinners to a righteous life; suffered a lot of ridicule and reproach; died in the 7th century.

Zodiac sign - Aquarius.

Planet - Mercury.

Color - purple.

A favorable tree is poplar.

The treasured plant is the violet.

The patron of the name is the tiger.

Talisman stone - sapphire.


Whatever Vitaly wants, he will get in life, because fate is unusually favorable to him. She always throws him winning cards, and the only task is to take advantage of them. This he does with great success. Cheerful, witty, benevolent and friendly, outwardly generous. Loves to eat and drink well, have fun in company, a great woman lover; but is powerless before the power of an intelligent, strong wife. She can turn Vitaly into a completely different person, or rather, aggravate all his unpleasant traits (vindictiveness, pettiness, stubbornness), so that he will lose his former friends, his former popularity, and ruin his life’s work. However, Vitaly’s charm and hard work are always with him, and these are his main means to achieving success in life.

DOB: 1894-02-11

3rd version of the meaning of the name Vitaly

Vitaly is most often more than one child in the family. Usually has brothers. Growing up in a boyish environment, a fighting character is formed. He has a flexible mind, stubborn, cunning, although not so much as to arouse the hostility of others.

However, he chooses only work that is profitable for himself and, overcoming natural laziness, tries to make a career. Can be a good design engineer, doctor, teacher, researcher. His passion is motoring. He dreams of buying a car, and when he does, it will be nice to drive it.

Vitaly is a monogamous man, and also jealous. Loves to eat delicious food; It is no coincidence that with average height he is overweight.

DOB: 1941-12-12

5 version of the meaning of the name Vitaly

The name Vitaly comes from the Latin word “vitalis” - vital.

This affectionate and obedient boy can easily be called a “mama’s boy”: he never leaves his mother’s side. Most often he is the youngest in the family and has an older brother, of whom he is a little afraid.

He is a diligent boy who knows how to adapt to his surroundings. Shy; if he becomes friends with a girl, then it will be so that they don’t know about it at home. When visiting, he feels more confident in the company of children and will willingly take on the role of the good Gulliver. And it seems that he is really interested in them.

Shows interest in music, plays chess, and, if possible, will play cards with pleasure, although he is not a gambler. He often gets a purebred dog and takes it to exhibitions. Purposeful, stubborn.

Vitaly has a flexible mind, he is a little cunning, but this cunning is such that it does not arouse the hostility of others. If Vitaly has a car, then it will be the center of the universe for him. He drives the car beautifully, with inspiration, and takes pleasure in disassembling and reassembling it. He has the ability to do engineering and design work, to do science, but in a technical and not a humanitarian direction. Could be a physics or geometry teacher. Well versed in business.

He chooses a woman as his wife who would be both his mother and his faithful friend. Love, passionate confessions, female beauty, charm and intelligence do not occupy the main place in Vitaly’s value system. He is even with his wife, in public he does not show her signs of marital affection, he behaves too dryly, although in fact he is temperamental. Faithful in marriage, afraid of losing his wife's love, reacts with great anxiety to the slightest changes in his sexual potency.

“Autumn” Vitaly is the most amorous.

Ekaterina, Zinaida, Antonina, Clara, Lydia, Veta, Nina, Maria, Nadezhda, Polina, Tamara are most suitable for marriage with Vitaly, but Aurora, Venus, Zoya, Anastasia, Veronica, Victoria, Maya, Lilia, Margarita, Ruslana will not bring his expected happiness.

date of birth: 0000-00-00

6 version of the meaning of the name Vitaly

Vitaly - from lat. vital.

Derivatives: Vitalya, Talya, Vita, Vitya, Vitasya, Vitakha, Vitasha, Vitulya, Vityunya, Vityukha, Vityusha, Vityana.

Folk signs.

On February 7, they observe the state of the weather during the day: what the day is like from morning to noon, such will be the first half of the next winter, and the nature of the weather from noon to evening foreshadows the weather of the other half of winter.


Fate is favorable to Vitaly and constantly gives him the opportunity to pull out a winning ticket. He is cheerful, witty, kind and friendly, outwardly generous (internally, he is rather tight-fisted, but is ashamed of it). By the way, Vitaly generally knows how to work on his character; he can, if he wants, get rid of any bad habit. Vitaly loves to eat and drink well, have fun in company, and is a great womanizer; but, like all men whose name begins with Vic... and Vit..., he is powerless before the power of an intelligent, strong wife (especially if he is in love with her). An unsuccessful marriage can aggravate all his unpleasant traits (vindictiveness, pettiness, stubbornness), so that he will lose his former friends, his former popularity, and ruin his life’s work. However, I am always ready to start all over again and get out of any trouble unscathed. Charm and hard work are always with him, and these are his main means to achieving success in life!

7th version of the meaning of the name Vitaly

Vitaly - “life” (lat.)

This is a proven "mama's boy". He is near his mother all the time, always affectionate and obedient. Most often he is the youngest in the family and has an older brother, of whom he is a little afraid. A diligent boy, he knows how to adapt to the environment.

Shy. If he is friends with a girl, he tries not to let anyone know about it at home. When visiting, he feels more confident in the company of children and willingly takes on the role of the good Gulliver. And it looks like he’s really interested in them.

He is fascinated by music. He plays chess and, if possible, will gladly play cards, although he is not a gambler. He often gets a purebred dog and takes it to exhibitions. Purposeful, stubborn, does not like to talk.

Vitaly has a flexible mind, he is a little cunning, but this cunning is such that it does not cause hostility among others. If he has a car, then it will become the center of the Universe for him. He is inspired and witty when behind the wheel; enthusiastically washes the car, disassembles and reassembles it.

He has the ability for engineering, design and scientific and technical activities. Can become a physics or geometry teacher. Well versed in business.

He chooses a woman as his wife who would be his mother and faithful friend. Love, passionate confessions, female beauty, charm and intelligence occupy a subordinate position in Vitaly’s value system. He is even with his wife, in public he does not show her signs of marital affection, he behaves too dryly, although in fact he is temperamental. Vitaly remains a child throughout his life. Faithful in marriage, afraid of losing a woman’s love, reacts with great anxiety to the slightest changes in his sexual potency.

He is prone to infectious diseases, and is generally in good health.

“Winter” is attentive, scrupulous, pedantic. He persistently pursues his goal and achieves success in his work.

“Autumn” is the most amorous. This is the head of the enterprise, trainer, announcer. Suitable for middle names: Borisovich, Ivanovich, Petrovich, Fedorovich, Filippovich.

“Summer” Vitaly is a careerist. He is cunning and jealous.

“Spring” is witty, cheerful, but very susceptible to failure. Musician, actor, artist, teacher are his professions. Suitable for patronymics: Konstantinovich, Alexandrovich, Izmailovich, Dmitrievich, Yaroslavovich, Gordeevich, Glebovich.

Name day named after Vitaly

January 24, February 7, May 5, May 11, August 5, October 7,

A person has only one name day - this is either the name day that falls on the birthday, or the first after the birthday

Famous people named Vitaly

DOB: 1972-01-13

Soviet and Belarusian gymnast, six-time Olympic champion

DOB: 1923-06-18

Soviet scientist, physical chemist, academician

DOB: 1894-02-11

Vitaly Vulf

DOB: 1930-05-23

Russian art critic, TV presenter, translator, critic

DOB: 1941-12-12

Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of Russia

date of birth: 0000-00-00

Soviet and Russian theoretical physicist, academician, Nobel laureate

Numerology of the name Vitaly

Name number: 5

The number 5 in numerology is a kind of field of action and the personification of human experience. It is always ready to take on a leadership role and assume responsibility. Number 5 is introverted. Her motto: “Progress in everything.”

The meaning of the letters in the name Vitaly

IN- sociability, optimism, love of nature and art. People with names starting with "V" choose professions related to creativity. They are excellent musicians, artists, fashion designers and writers. Despite their passion, they approach the choice of a partner extremely responsibly and are able to live their entire lives with one person.

AND- subtle mental organization, romance, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. Representatives of the fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance, while men focus on internal qualities. They manage to achieve great success in science and working with people. Very economical and prudent.

T- people with names that begin with this letter are comprehensively developed. They are vulnerable, sensitive and creative people. They try to be fair in everything. They have good intuition and adapt well to different conditions of the surrounding world. Capable of showing generosity.

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name starts with A are quite hardworking. They like to take initiative in everything and do not like routine.

L- artistic and inventive individuals. They prefer to be guided by logical thinking in their actions. They know how to win over. In rare cases, they are narcissistic and disdainful of other people. It is extremely difficult to endure separation from loved ones. They are overly capricious and require increased attention to their person.

Y- owners of this letter in their name have an impulsive and explosive character. They often don't know how to communicate with people. For a more accurate meaning, you should look at the other letters of the name.

Name as a phrase

  • IN- Lead
  • AND- And (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
  • T- Firmly
  • A- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
  • L- People
  • Y- Izhe (If, If, as well as the meaning of i – Unity, One, Together, Unite, Perfection, Union, Unification)

Name Vitaly in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should first write your first name, then your patronymic in Latin letters, and then your last name. You may need to write the name Vitaly in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

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