Indian amulet: Dreamcatcher. Dream Catcher. Amulet that protects sleep and more Indian talisman dream catcher

Once upon a time, an amulet called the “Dream Catcher” was popular only on the American continent and was used by Indian shamans. However, it is still unknown who first invented it, so only fragments of legends and stories about it have survived to this day. Many people assume that the dream catcher was invented by indigenous northerners or aborigines from Eastern Siberia. However, this is just a version. But what is this amulet used for, and why do people all over the world still believe in its magical ability?

Amulet of dreams: all about its meaning

According to legends, in Ancient India, the Dream Catcher was used by people to see only good dreams in their sleep, so that in the morning they would be alert and not alarmed by anything. His role was to “catch bad dreams”, protecting a person. But what is the significance of the amulet these days? Everyone has certain life problems that affect their sleep quality. This happens due to the fact that a person experiences stressful situations or other negative factors that prevent him from relaxing during rest and seeing only good dreams. That is, we can say this: everything that happens in life affects the functioning of the brain during complete rest of the body and replenishment of energy, only in a more exaggerated form, so often in a dream a person sees nightmares and feels bad in the morning. The amulet is often used to ward off dreams that worsen a person’s well-being, making him more relaxed, alert and healthy after a night’s rest.

How to properly place a “Dream Catcher” in the house?

In order for a person to have a restful sleep, not filled with nightmares and helping to be cheerful and happy in the morning, the amulet must be placed at the head of your bed or hung on the lamp of the bedside table or bedroom/closet door. Only then will he fulfill his magical purpose. Interesting fact: the Indians loved to place a dream catcher over the baby's cradle so that the baby would grow up to be a healthy and emotionally stable person.

Appearance of the amulet

The shape of the Dream Catcher is most often round. A circle of vines is bent and wrapped around the tendons of branches, painted in the color you would like to see in your dreams. A kind of nettle fiber net is woven inside the circle. The decoration of the amulet is feathers and beads suspended from it, and they are mandatory for everyone.
However, feathers from beads and the color of the amulet can be made in absolutely any way. But what you dream about, what you will be like in the morning depends on this.

The Meaning of the Dreamcatcher's Fillers

Beads can have the following meaning:

  • one bead symbolizes the spider, which weaves its life web itself;
  • four beads represent the cardinal directions: north, west, south and east;
  • many beads give the owner of the dream catcher a chance for a new life.

Feathers are interpreted in most cases as follows:

  • eagle feathers were used for the amulet of the future warrior protecting his tribe and family;
  • owl feathers give a person wisdom, intelligence and prudence;
  • any other feathers, taking into account those listed above, give a person air and the opportunity to breathe and live calmly, because for us the most important thing is breathing.

Color has its own symbolic meaning:

  1. The black color of the amulet denotes masculinity and the protection of the night. Dreams with a black Dream Catcher are of the nature of death, the world of the dead, etc.
  2. Blue color reveals the feminine principle. Dreams will talk about sad events or loneliness, as well as the development of a strong girl.
  3. Green color speaks about the Earth and everything connected with it. Dreams help a person fulfill his desires and plans.
  4. The color red foreshadows injury, war, and assault events in dreams.
  5. White color is characteristic of a quick healing that a person dreams of.
  6. Yellow symbolizes the Sun, giving a bright and bright future.
  7. Orange color brings harmony and love to the home.

Types of Dreamcatcher amulet:

  1. Indian amulet of dreams. The essence of such a Dream Catcher is to bring good dreams to a person, which descend to the person through the feathers.
  2. Magical instrument of Siberian shamans. With its help, the magical messenger sees the spirits and ghosts caught by the amulet. However, this thing is dangerous for people who do not have experience working with this magical thing.
  3. Asian amulet. The dreams it brings depend on the symbol of the beast that it contains in its intertwined threads in the circle.

Instructions for making a dream catcher

We will need:

  1. A willow branch or a small diameter hoop made of wood.
  2. Thick threads. Any color, depending on what kind of dreams you want.
  3. All kinds of beads you want!
  4. Feathers, also depending on the dreams that you prefer for yourself.

BUT! It is very important that almost all materials are of natural origin, because artificial materials do not contain anything magical. Work progress:

  1. Prepare a round wood base.
  2. Tie the thread in an arbitrary place in the circle so that there is a length left for the loop by which you will hang the Dream Catcher. Wrap the remaining length of thread around the entire circle. Tie it up.
  3. After this, you can proceed to creating patterns on the amulet. To do this, you need to create a web pattern by running a thread through the diameter of the circle, tying it on the opposite side. Repeat several times.
  4. Having made 1 row, you can proceed to the second, doing the same as described in point No. 3, but now the diameter will be 1 cobweb. During this, you can string beads on threads, thereby decorating the amulet.
  5. Repeat the same as many times until you reach the middle where you complete the weaving and tie the end of the thread tightly.
  6. Now you can decorate our amulet by hanging feathers from a living bird. They can be painted in bright colors, but this should be done using only organic dyes.

Congratulations! The dream catcher is ready, enjoy your dreams and your work!

Stores where you can purchase the Dreamcatcher amulet

Other Indian amulets:

  • A Yantra amulet is a small plate made of clay or metal on which some geometric design is applied. It is intended for the highest power of the Gods to descend upon a person. Hindu homes were decorated with such amulets.
  • Amulet Sign Om – the first sound of the Universe depicted on pendants. Hindus wear it as jewelry. It acts as a symbol of world peace.
  • The Hand of Fatima amulet is a talisman in the form of a patterned human hand that can protect him from any damage or evil eye. Most often, this amulet is hung on the front door of a house or inside a car.
  • The Magic Mantra Amulet is a pendant containing a sacred prayer written on a small piece of paper. Instead of thread, the amulet uses a leather cord. The mantra protects a person from all troubles and protects him from karma for what a person has done.

And there are a huge number of such amulets in India. They all protect a person, each means something different.

Many are familiar with such an unusual device as a dream catcher, the origin of which is associated with an ancient Indian legend. According to the legend, dreams and energy floating in the night air fall into the catcher's web and are woven into its threads. Good energy finds a way out and descends along long threads to the sleeper, endowing him with wisdom and helping him in solving life’s problems. And negative forces get entangled in knots of weaving and beads, finding no way out, and dissolve with the appearance of the first rays of the sun. A dream catcher can be a real amulet that protects the owner from negative energy and bad influences. At the same time, it is believed that only a dream catcher that is made with one’s own hands has real magical power: during the manufacturing process, it is endowed with human energy. So, let's move on to the lesson from which you will learn how to make your own dream catcher.

Ring-shaped base. Traditionally, the amulet uses a willow rod bent into a ring, but you can also use the inner circle from a hoop;
- cord or thread with a length of 12 to 14 meters. The threads should not be too thin: a woolen thread, braid or waxed cord is suitable for an amulet. It is believed that when choosing the color of a thread for a dream catcher, preference should be given to natural, “natural” shades;
- wooden beads of different sizes. It is advisable to use natural materials, but modern dream catchers also use all kinds of beads made of glass, plastic or natural stones;
- feathers. Feathers of various colors needed for the amulet can be purchased at craft and scrapbooking stores;
- transparent glue "Moment";
- scissors.

Work progress:

A long cord must be tightly tied to the ring, taken as the basis of the amulet, leaving about 20 of the other edge free for attaching beads and feathers. Start wrapping the thread tightly around the warp, being careful not to leave any gaps between turns. It is advisable that the thread does not break during the process. After wrapping the entire warp, tie the threads tightly to the cord left at the beginning of the work. All knots can be coated with clear, quick-drying glue to strengthen them.

Then, close to the knot, you should tie the initial thread that will braid the amulet. To start the first row of web, step back 3-4 centimeters from the beginning of the thread and make a loop: wrap the hoop in a clockwise direction and thread the thread into the hole formed, pulling it tightly. Continue making similar loops in the round. In the process of making a dream catcher, you can weave wooden beads and shells into the web, securing them with knots if desired.

When the first row is completed, immediately move on to the second round. Now the thread should not be wrapped around the base, but the loops should be fastened on the thread itself, which makes up the first row of the dream catcher. Continue weaving the web around the next rows. The radius of the hole inside the weave should gradually decrease.

You can finish weaving when a small circle of thread is formed in the very center of the trap. Carefully tie the end of the cord, securing it with a knot. Apply a small drop of instant glue to the knot to prevent the web from unraveling. Align the rows of weaving and cut the end of the thread.

At the next stage, you can start decorating the amulet. String beads onto the cord left before starting work and secure them with a knot so that they do not fall off. When the beads are strung on a thread, you need to firmly tie the end of the cord to the base of the feathers chosen for the dream catcher.

At the same distance from the cord, make two similar “tails” with feathers and beads.

To make a loop for attaching a dream catcher, cut a thread approximately 16 centimeters long and tie the ends together. Fold in half and make a knot as shown in the picture.

Your personal dream keeper is ready!

(English) dreamcatcher; dream catcher; Ojibwe asabikeshiinh , the inanimate form of the word “spider” or bawaajige nagwaagan “dream catcher”) is an Indian talisman that protects the sleeper from evil spirits.

Where did this amulet come from and how does it work?

Since ancient times, many Indian tribes and peoples of our North had amulets for dreams. The only difference between them was in the materials from which they were made. It was believed that in a dream one could steal a person’s soul or bring damage to him.

An Ojibwe Indian legend tells of the association of the Dreamcatcher amulet with a spider woman known as Asabikashi. She cared for children and people on earth. As the Ojibwe tribe spread throughout North America, it became difficult for Asabikashi to reach every cradle. Therefore, the spider Asabikashi taught grandmothers and mothers to weave magical nets for children using hoops and tendons or ropes from plants. They say that initially the belief not to touch spiders is associated precisely with the spider woman, who protects people on earth from evil. Even to this day it has come to our understanding that it is not customary to touch spiders.

What is the Dreamcatcher amulet?

This is a circle, inside of which there is a web intertwined in intricate patterns. The circle symbolized the sun's daily journey across the sky. Threads and tendons symbolize the threads of life.

Initially, it was a willow circle and the web inside it was made of nettles and tendons, which protected the sleeper from the magical dream spider. If this amulet was made to protect a child’s sleep from nightmares and evil spirits, then a circle of willow was required. As the child grew older, the components of the amulet became unusable: the willow rod dried out and the amulet broke. Then the dream catcher was replaced with a new one.

Traditional dreamcatchers are made with eight points where the net is attached to the hoop. These eight points represent the spider's eight legs. The spider symbolizes energy, wisdom and learning.

The network is an imitation of the web. This net is often woven from fine yarn, usually dyed red. In the old days this web was made from nettles. The hoop usually had two webs hanging on it and it was believed that they caught any harm that might be in the air. The web traps and holds everything that comes into contact with it. At night, terrible dreams get stuck in the web, and when the sun comes, they crumble.

Dreamcatchers were traditionally woven with feathers to represent breath or air. It was believed that the owl's feathers contained wisdom (a female feather), and the eagle's feather (a male feather) was responsible for courage. This does not mean that their use is limited by gender. It’s just that each of them was responsible for a characteristic inherent in the female or male sex. These feathers had another important meaning for young children. The child watched them, could play and learned a lesson about the movement of air when he saw the feathers flutter.

Beads, pebbles (symbolizing the four cardinal directions), and much more are added to the Dream Catcher. Often a single semi-precious stone is placed in the center of the web, which symbolizes the “single creator in the web of life.”

The meaning of the Dream Catcher amulet

There are several versions of the meaning of the Dream Catcher talisman. According to the legend of the Indians of North America, good dreams and thoughts are “caught” in the web of the amulet and then descend to the sleeper along hanging threads and feathers.

Among the indigenous peoples of Siberia, the dream catcher is used by shamans as a tool in their practice, and they do not divide the spirits caught in the web into good and bad. During the day, the spirits gather in the web, and then at night they descend along the main cord to the sleeping shaman and make his dreams more intense and dynamic. The amulet helps the shaman see the future in dreams and make decisions that are important for the entire tribe.

Some interpret the function of the dream trap differently: they believe that bad dreams pass through holes in the net and out of the nearest window. Good dreams, on the other hand, get caught in the web and slide down the beads and feathers to the sleeping child.

According to another version, the web delays nightmares and black forces sent to a person, and the hole in the middle allows good dreams and thoughts to pass through, which travel down to the sleeper through feathers, threads, etc.

Today this amulet can be found in many shops and souvenir shops, as well as in indigenous Indian stores, where they are made by hand from natural materials. Sometimes they bear little resemblance to traditional species and have no specific meaning - only a recognizable shape and pseudo-Indian design.

Esotericism experts believe that any of the amulets can be made into your talismans, even from a souvenir shop.

For some American Indians, the dream catcher has a broader meaning than just legends associated with dreams. For these people, Sleep Traps are totems that represent good energy and help neutralize bad energy when you are sleeping or even when you are awake! Therefore, images of other totem animals are often added to the amulet: a wolf, a bear.

The main thing is to believe that if you hang a dream catcher above your bed, then good dreams will definitely come. However, if you are a strict adherent of the teachings of feng shui, you should not have anything hanging above your bed. Choose any place where you would like to hang the amulet. Follow your intuition.

Don't forget to recharge your amulet. Wipe it from time to time and ventilate it. You can hang a dream catcher on the window for the whole day on the day before the new moon and ask it to guard your sleep. Then hang it in the bedroom.


  • you won't be afraid of nightmares,
  • the effects of negative energy will decrease,
  • your sleep will normalize,
  • The amulet will help you develop creative ideas for attracting money.









From this article you will learn:

    What is the meaning of the dream catcher amulet

    What is the dream catcher amulet for?

    What types of dream catcher amulet are there?

    How to choose a dream catcher amulet

Long gone are the days when the dream catcher amulet could only be seen in the homes of people interested in esotericism. Nowadays, it is chosen by completely different people. The amulet protects those sleeping from unpleasant dreams and leaves only good dreams. Thanks to this, a person sleeps peacefully all night, rests properly and stores up strength for a new day. In addition to its direct purpose, a dream catcher can become an original home decoration, as a pleasant detail with a bright ethnic character. It is not difficult to buy a dream catcher amulet - it is sold in esoteric goods stores. Another way is to make your own houses.

What is a dream catcher: the meaning of the amulet and the history of its appearance

People became actively interested in dream catchers in the second half of the twentieth century (60s - 70s). And not everyone who purchased this item believed that it would protect them from bad dreams. Many buyers these days primarily want to get up-to-date home decor.

Dream catchers come from the Indian settlements of North America, although no one knows exactly when they appeared. Some Siberian peoples also used similar magical objects for the same purpose. The traditions of using amulets among the Indians and the inhabitants of Siberia most likely existed independently of each other, since the exchange of information between them was excluded due to the significant remoteness of their geographical location.

The history of the appearance of the Siberian amulet has not reached us, but there is a beautiful legend about the Indian amulet. One day, one of the leaders of the Dakota clan was sitting on a high hill. He meditated and reflected alone. And suddenly the patron spirit of his tribe appeared to him in the form of a large spider. The spirit talked for a long time with the leader about birth, rebirth, death, the mysteries of existence and the meaning of life.

Then the spirit took a willow branch and weaved it in the shape of a circle, filling it inside with patterns of cobwebs, so that the good that was seen by a person at night in a dream would easily penetrate his life, and the bad would become entangled and burnt in the dawn light of the sun.

Since then, the Indians began to make amulets that helped them avoid the influence of bad dreams and see only good dreams at night.

What does the dream catcher amulet protect against today?

Nowadays, frequent stressful situations and other negative factors do not have the best effect on the quality of sleep. Hence the nightmares and poor health after waking up. But once you improve your sleep, a person wakes up in a good mood, gets more done, performs daily work better, and is also less susceptible to various diseases.

In order to make a person’s sleep restful, filled with good dreams and ward off nightmares, a dream catcher amulet is placed at the head of the bed. The Indians have a particularly widespread tradition of decorating the cradles of babies with amulets, so that the web of the dream catcher confuses the evil spirits of the night and attracts the good ones with pleasant dreams. To improve a child’s sleep, they now even use mobile phones in the form of a dream catcher amulet, which are not difficult to buy or make.

Among the peoples of Siberia, a dream catcher was one of the shamanic objects. Located above the head of the sleeping person, the amulet not only protected sleep from evil spirits, but also allowed the shaman to control dreams. With the help of sleep, the shaman could learn about upcoming events and receive tips in making fateful decisions for the tribe. Therefore, these days, practitioners of various sleep rituals and procedures, such as lucid dreaming, may need an amulet.

So, how can a dream catcher amulet help a person in the modern world? The amulet will improve sleep, allow you to get enough sleep and rest at night in order to meet and spend a new day with a good mood and well-being.

It is believed that good dreams pass through a small hole in the middle of the “web”, and nightmares get entangled in it and melt away with the first rays of the sun.

What are the different types of dream catcher amulet?

Interestingly, the variety of dream catchers is divided into several varieties. However, all catchers have a number of common features by which they can be easily recognized, this is

    the composition is based on a circle symbolizing the sun and its daily cycle;

    Mandatory elements of any catcher are bird feathers, indicating breathing and lightness.

What variety is possible in the traditional form of an amulet? Today, there are three most popular types of design, depending on the origin of this magical item:

    Indian amulet dream catcher. An object in the shape of a circle filled with intertwined threads. Such a “web” catches good dreams, which descend to the sleeper along the feathers and make his sleep calm and pleasant, but at the same time delays bad dreams. Evil spirits carrying bad dreams linger in the weave and disappear in the rays of the dawn sun.

    Magical instrument of Siberian shamans. This dream catcher is designed to attract any vision, whether it be pleasant dreams or nightmares. All of them are significant for the shaman. With the help of such an amulet, he sees images of trapped spirits in his dreams. Confronting negative forces allows the shaman to penetrate the depths of his own consciousness. Such amulets can be dangerous for inexperienced adherents of such rituals.

    Asian amulet. The power of such an object lies in the symbolic components from which it is made. Often Asian dream catcher amulets contain figures of animals or Zodiac constellations.

How to choose a dream catcher amulet

When choosing the right dream catcher, its color design, which is also symbolic, is of great importance. Here is a list of primary colors and their effect on humans:

  • White the color symbolizes purity and healing. It gives a person elevation, bright energy and relief from ailments.

  • >Black the color symbolizes infinity and the feminine energy of life. It gives a person perseverance, fortitude, and the strength to complete what he started.

  • Red the color symbolizes will and powerful force. It gives a person energy and stimulates creativity.

  • Pink the color symbolizes love energy. It gives a person a love of life, relieves stress, and helps to understand oneself.

  • Orange color gives a person harmony, balances the masculine and feminine principles, and gives strength to resist negative manifestations.

  • Yellow the color symbolizes spirituality. It gives a person physical and mental health, spiritual strength and sharpens mental perception.

  • Green the color symbolizes endless life. It gives an objective vision of the world, the strength to implement plans.

  • Blue symbolizes truth. It gives a person the ability to foresee the future, a positive perception of reality, and makes consciousness bright.

  • Blue color gives a person harmony of life and purifies the spirit, activates logic.

  • Violet the color symbolizes the soul. It gives a person inspiration, gives strength to humility and acceptance of reality.

The above information characterizes only the Indian dream catcher; the shamans’ amulet is made according to completely different principles. For the Siberian amulet, predominantly dark colors are used: dark blue, black, and rarely red. However, people unfamiliar with shamanism should not purchase such a serious magical item.

How to make a dream catcher amulet with your own hands

Anyone can make an amulet on their own. All you need to do is prepare the components and show a little perseverance. Mandatory condition: the maximum possible number of materials for the amulet must be natural. So, first prepare:

    a willow twig (or a hoop from a hoop, made of wood, metal, etc.);

    thick threads or cord;

Let us remind you once again that all components (or most of them) must be made from natural materials.

Beads made of wood, bone, or stone are suitable for a dream catcher. And if you choose beads from amethyst, obsidian, rauchtopaz, rock crystal, then the dream catcher will become not only a talisman, but also a talisman that enhances the abilities of the mind and spirit. Important elements such as feathers are only needed if they are dropped by living birds, and not taken from dead birds. If you decide to color them (which is generally undesirable), use natural dyes.

It is better to decorate a dream catcher amulet intended for a woman with owl feathers, and for a man with eagle feathers. As a last resort, a feather from poultry (chicken, goose, etc.) is suitable. True, there is an opinion that such a talisman will be less effective.

To make a talisman at home, follow the instructions:

    leaving a free end about ten centimeters long, wrap a hoop with cord, thread or braid;

    Having finished wrapping the circle, tie the cord on the hoop near the free end, and you can proceed to creating a pattern;

    after setting aside a few centimeters, tie a thread on the hoop, wrapping it around the base and passing it into the resulting loop;

    do the same around the entire circumference - this will be the first row of the “web”;

    the next row is woven similarly, the basis for it will be the first row;

    when creating a pattern, string beads onto a thread in random order;

    Having reached the center and completed the weaving, tie the thread tightly in a knot and secure with glue.

Where to place the dream catcher amulet in the house

Considering the purpose of this magical item, the trap amulet should be placed above the head of a person’s bed. If this is not possible, then a suitable place would be:

    wall at the head of the bed;

    lamp on the bedside table;

    bedroom/closet doors.

In addition to its direct purpose, the amulet will also perform a decorative function, complementing the decor of the room.

The Indians also have other magical objects that complement or are similar to the dream catcher amulet. This is, for example, the “medicine wheel”. It looks like a circle (hoop) with crossed lines in the center and feather pendants at the bottom.

The ring is the life cycle, and the spokes inside it are the four cardinal directions, the four world races, the four manifestations of man (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual).

This amulet is intended to remind us of the unity of the world, that everything is connected to each other and we must not forget about Mother Earth.

Another amulet is the “merging of souls.” It consists of two intersecting hoops. In this case, a “cobweb” passes through the non-intersecting parts, and an amulet, most often a bead, is suspended in the non-intersecting parts. This amulet is designed to protect the relationships and sleep of people in love.

Amulet dream catcher tattoo: why to do it and where to place it

Nowadays, magical images have ceased to be the privilege of the Indians. Now this design for tattoos is widespread throughout the world. The master, according to his own plan or the desire of the client, can significantly change the appearance of the depicted object.

What are the goals of those who want to apply the image of a dream catcher to their body?

    eliminate the effect of harmful energy;

    improve sleep quality, overcome sleep problems and nightmares;

    find harmony with nature, the symbol of which is also the dream catcher amulet;

    demonstrate adherence to ancient customs.

Thus, the tattoo image of a dream catcher amulet has the meaning of amulet, following ancient traditions and freedom.

The closer the tattoo is to the head, the stronger its effect. The most common decoration with this pattern is the neck and forearms. The positive effect of a tattoo is based on the psychological comfort of the presence of a protective sign on the body. Another common place to apply an image is on the edges.

Often, instead of a hoop, a horseshoe is depicted - a sign of good luck and protection from negative influences. This detail will give a powerful energy charge and add unusualness to your decoration.

Whatever you strive for, whatever lifestyle you lead, luck and magical protection will never interfere with you.

The Witch's Happiness store has selected an extensive collection of amulets and charms for you and your loved ones. Each of our amulets carries secret power that will protect you from failures and troubles, harmful spells and the evil eye, human deception, the machinations of evil spirits and much more.

The dreamcatcher (in the Ojibwe language asabikeshiinh - which is the inanimate form of the word "spider") is an ancient Native American talisman believed to protect a sleeping person from evil spirits.

Indians believe that bad dreams get stuck in the web of this amulet, and good ones pass through the hole in the middle. In addition, it is believed that the amulet itself creates pleasant dreams.

The dream catcher consists of a web woven using strong threads and deer sinew, which are stretched over a circle of willow branches. In addition, several feathers are attached to the amulet.

After making, the amulet is hung over the head of the sleeping person.

Different Indian peoples interpret the meaning and purpose of this amulet differently. For example, among the Lakota people, the Dream Catcher is used to catch good thoughts and dreams.

Among the Ojibwe people, the Dream Catcher allows good dreams to pass through and catches bad ones. All the bad dreams caught at night fall apart in the web with the coming of the Sun.

Making such an amulet is very simple. There are several options for creating it, but all of them, one way or another, have a common method of weaving a web from threads.

Creating a dream catcher is a very interesting and exciting process.

If there are several simple ways to make this Indian symbol, which became famous thanks to the book by Stephen King.

DIY dream catcher. Option 1.

You will need:

Small rim (hoop, metal circle or wreath)

Thread of any type

Needle (if desired)

1. Tie a thread to the rim. After that, start wrapping the thread around the rim as shown in the image.

Try to make the thread wrap around itself.

2. Continue to weave the “web” and remember - the more loops around the rim, the more the appearance of your dream catcher will change. You can experiment.

3. When weaving a web, make loops along the already woven threads. Each loop can be secured with a drop of glue.

4. You can decorate the web by adding small beads as it flies. You can also use threads of different colors.

5. Add leather strips to the rim or paint the rim. You can also add colorful ribbons, feathers, sticks, dried flowers, etc. Experiment.

Dream catcher amulet and how to make it (sketch). Option 2.

You will need:

Strong thread

Suede laces (stripes)

1 small metal amulet (in this case a feather)

4 beads

Metal ring (rim), diameter 10-15 cm


PVA glue


Artificial feathers

1. Start wrapping the suede lace around the rim, gradually adding PVA glue to ensure the lace holds well.

2. Once you have wrapped the entire ring in suede, start tying the thread (see image).

3. When you have finished tying the first row of thread, move on to the second.

4. Try adding as many rows as possible.

5. Tie a knot in the center.

6. Use the remaining suede lace to create a holder (some kind of hanger) for jewelry.

7. Add beads, and then other decorations - in this case, feathers.

In the video tutorial you can look at the entire assembly process in more detail (watch from 1-30 min).

Dream catcher: how to make (master class). Option 3.

You will need:

Metal ring

Leather thread


Decorative elements (feathers, pebbles, beads)

1. Wrap leather thread around a metal ring. You can use a small clothespin to attach one end of the thread.

2. Prepare a long rope. Tie a knot on the first knot of the leather thread. Follow the images to see how the thread is woven.

3. As you weave, you can add beads by placing them on the thread.

4. When finished, cut off the excess thread.

5. Attach various decorations to the craft to your taste.

How to make a dream catcher. Option 4.

You will need:

Metal rim (diameter 12 cm)

Suede (length 260 cm)

Strong thread (length 260 cm)

Leather glue or superglue


1. Cut approximately 180 cm of suede thread and wrap it around the rim. The larger the diameter of the rim, the longer the thread. First, glue the end of the thread to the rim or simply tie it in a knot.

2. After you have wrapped the rim, glue the other end too, or tie it in a knot.

3. From the remaining suede thread, make a loop from which you can hang the craft.

4. Now it's time to start weaving the web. Tie one end of a strong thread to the rim. Start weaving in the same way as in the previous versions. You can start adding beads anywhere.

5. Cut three pieces of suede thread, each about 50 cm long. Tie each one to the bottom of the rim as shown in the image (just tie to the rim with a regular knot).

6. Add beads to these hanging threads. You can add where you like and as many beads as you like. Add feathers (you can simply insert them into the hole of the glued beads) and you're done!

Dream catcher: how to weave (photo instructions)

Instructions 1.

Instructions 2.

Instructions 3.

Instruction 4.

You will need:

Flexible branch

Strong thread


Beads and feathers