Instructions for use of vaginal and rectal suppositories Genferon - composition, side effects and analogues. Genferon light suppositories - instructions for use Interaction with other drugs

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Medicine Genferon is an immunomodulatory agent with antimicrobial activity, which is used mainly for the treatment of inflammatory pathologies of the genitourinary tract in men and women. The antimicrobial activity of Genferon extends to a fairly large group of pathogenic microorganisms - viruses, bacteria, mycoplasmas, fungi and others. Immunomodulatory properties manifest themselves in the form of activation of immune defense components, which ensure effectiveness against long-living microbes that provoke chronic inflammatory diseases.

Genferon has a systemic and local effect, activating components of the immune system acting on the mucous membranes and in the blood.


The drug is available in the form of suppositories (candles) for vaginal or rectal administration. The Genferon suppository has the shape of a cylinder with a sharp end, and is colored white or light yellowish. The inner surface of the suppository has a uniform structure. Sometimes a section of the suppository reveals an air core or a small funnel-shaped depression.

The drug Genferon of any dosage is produced in packages of 5 or 10 suppositories by the domestic pharmaceutical company Biocad CJSC.

Release form

Suppositories (candles) Genferon contain human interferon alpha 2b in varying dosages as one of the active substances. Depending on the dose of human interferon, the drug is available in three types of suppositories:
1. Genferon 250,000 – contains interferon alpha 2b in the amount of 250,000 IU.
2. Genferon 500,000 – contains interferon alpha 2b in the amount of 500,000 IU.
3. Genferon 1000,000 – contains interferon alpha 2b in the amount of 1,000,000 IU.

Different dosages of Genferon are used for a differentiated approach to the treatment of pathologies that occur with different severity, duration, clinical symptoms, etc.


Genferon suppositories contain three main components as active substances:
1. Human interferon alpha 2b at dosages of 250,000 IU, 500,000 IU and 1000,000 IU.
2. Aminosulfonic acid – taurine in the amount of 0.01 g.
3. Local anesthetic - benzocaine or anesthesin in the amount of 0.055 g.

Since the active components of the drug require a special environment for rapid penetration into the bloodstream and fixation on the mucous membranes of the vagina or rectum, hard fat was chosen as the optimal substance for this purpose. In solid fat, active components and other excipients are evenly distributed, which ensure penetration into the bloodstream, stabilization in the volume of the suppository, etc. The auxiliary components are exactly the same and are contained in equal quantities.

So, the excipients of Genferon are as follows:

  • dextran 60,000;
  • polysorbate 80;
  • emulsifier T2;
  • sodium hydrogen citrate;
  • citric acid;
  • purified water (deionized);
  • hard fat.

Absorption, distribution and excretion from the body

Rectal use of suppositories (suppositories) Genferon
The introduction of Genferon into the rectum leads to close contact of the drug with the mucous membrane, rich in blood and lymphatic vessels, due to which the active components are easily absorbed into the blood. When administered into the rectum, approximately 80% of the dose is absorbed into the bloodstream. The maximum concentration of active components in the blood is observed 5 hours after administration of the suppositories. The high degree of absorption of the drug into the blood allows the drug to have not only local, but also systemic effects.

Vaginal use of suppositories (candles) Genferon
When Genferon is administered into the vagina, a local effect is achieved with the accumulation of a large part of the dose in the pathological focus. The vaginal mucosa does not have high absorption capacity, so the penetration of active components into the bloodstream is minimal. Due to this circumstance, when administered vaginally, the drug has mainly a local effect, and only a slight systemic effect. The maximum concentration in the bloodstream and at the site of inflammation on the mucous membrane is achieved, on average, 5 hours after administration of the suppositories.

The drug Genferon undergoes breakdown into metabolites in the kidneys, which are excreted in the urine. The time during which half the dose of Genferon is eliminated is called the half-life - T1/2. T1/2 for Genferon is 12 hours, which necessitates the need to use the drug at least twice a day.

Therapeutic effects (treatment principles)

Genferon is a combination drug - an immunomodulator, which is used primarily for the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary tract in men and women. The therapeutic effects are provided by the active substances included in its composition - interferon alpha 2b, taurine and benzocaine.

Effects of interferon

Recombinant human interferon alpha 2b is obtained by introducing a special gene into the body of the Escherichia coli bacterium, which produces this substance. Human interferon alpha 2b has the following local and systemic effects:
  • antiviral effect;
  • antibacterial effect;
  • immunomodulatory effect;
  • antiproliferative effect (stopping the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms).
Genferon exerts its antiviral effect by influencing specific enzymes that help stop the proliferation of viruses. In addition to activating enzymes, Genferon directly suppresses signals for the reproduction of the viral particle.

The antibacterial effect of the drug is achieved through the activation of immune system cells, which begin to more effectively fight pathogenic bacteria.

The immunomodulatory effect of the drug Genferon is manifested by increasing the activity of immunocompetent cells, which directly capture microbial cells, destroy them, and remove them from the body. This effect is called increased activity of the cellular component of immunity, which is provided by T-lymphocytes or, as they are called, CD8+. Activated T-lymphocytes quickly destroy pathogenic bacteria and viruses that are in the blood and have penetrated the cells of the human body. In addition to cells affected by pathogenic microbes, T lymphocytes recognize and destroy cells that have undergone tumor transformation and can serve as a source of further growth of tumors.

In addition to activating T-lymphocytes, Genferon enhances the activity of killer cells (NK cells, CD16+), which are capable of destroying 5-10 times more pathogenic microorganisms compared to lymphocytes. Increased activity of killer cells is associated with an increase in the speed and efficiency of phagocytosis processes, which are ensured by the massive release of special cells - macrophages living in the tissues of the body.

The second direction of activation of the body's immune defense under the influence of the drug Genferon is characterized by increased production of special biological molecules - antibodies directed against pathogenic microorganisms. Antibodies are immunoglobulins, and are produced by special cells - B-lymphocytes circulating in the blood.

The drug Genferon also increases the production of the histocompatibility complex molecule, which is necessary for identifying the human body’s own cells and distinguishing them from the structures of pathogenic microbes and cells infected with viruses.

Genferon activates all types of leukocytes localized on the surface and inside the mucous membranes, which makes it possible to enhance the immune response and effectively eliminate the pathological focus in the shortest possible time. The components of the drug Genferon enhance the synthesis of immunoglobulin A (IgA) molecules, which provide protection against pathogenic microorganisms on the mucous membranes and prevent relapses of inflammation.

The antiproliferative effect of the drug is expressed in direct suppression of the activity of the genetic apparatus of viruses and chlamydia, which stops the reproduction of the latter.

Effects of Taurine

Taurine has a complex effect on the tissues of the human body, causing the following effects:
  • strengthening metabolic processes;
  • acceleration of tissue repair processes (regeneration);
  • normalizes the properties of cell membranes, increasing cell stability and viability;
  • anti-inflammatory property;
  • immunomodulatory effect;
  • antioxidant effect associated with neutralizing free radicals and stopping chain reactions of peroxidation;
  • enhances the activity of interferon alpha 2b.

Effects of Benzocaine

Benzocaine is a local anesthetic drug that is not absorbed into the blood and does not have a systemic effect. Main effects of benzocaine:
1. Blocks the transmission of pain sensations along nerve fibers.
2. They block the perception of pain by the processes of nerve cells.

Thus, the drug Genferon has pronounced therapeutic effects that can effectively cure long-term chronic inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary tract of men and women.


Since the range of therapeutic properties of Genferon is quite large, it has found wide use in the complex therapy of various inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system of men and women. Genferon is used both as an independent drug and as part of complex therapy using non-drug methods.
Genferon is indicated for the following diseases:
  • genital herpes;
  • chlamydia;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • candidiasis of the vulva and vagina (for example, chronic recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis);
  • human papillomavirus (papillomas and condylomas);
  • cervicitis (inflammation of the cervical canal);
  • vulvovaginitis (inflammation of the vagina and vestibule);
  • bartholinitis (inflammation of the Bartholin glands);
  • inflammation of the prostate gland (prostatitis) in men;
  • urethritis (inflammation of the urethra);
  • balanitis (inflammation of the glans penis);
  • balanoposthitis (combined inflammation of the glans penis and foreskin);
  • viral hepatitis.


An absolute contraindication to the use of Genferon is the presence of sensitivity or allergy to any component of the drug. In addition to this absolute contraindication, there are conditions in the presence of which it is necessary to make a balanced decision about taking the drug, and carry out therapy under close medical supervision. Such relative contraindications include the following conditions:
  • autoimmune diseases (for example, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, systemic lupus erythematosus, type I diabetes mellitus, glomerulonephritis, etc.);
  • exacerbation of allergic conditions;
  • pregnancy up to 12 weeks;
  • children's age up to 7 years.

Instructions for use

Methods of using the drug Genferon differ in men and women.

Scheme of application for women

Depending on the severity of infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the urinary and reproductive systems, the duration of their course, the severity of complaints, women need to use Genferon 250,000 IU, 500,000 IU or 1,000,000 IU. Suppositories are administered twice a day into the vagina or rectum, depending on the location of the pathology (in the vagina for genital tract infections, and in the rectum for inflammation of the urinary tract). Treatment is continued for at least 10 days.

If there is a long-term inflammatory disease of the genitourinary tract, after the main course of therapy lasting 10 days, it is necessary to continue taking Genferon for 1-3 months, one suppository every three days.

A severe infectious disease of the genital tract can be treated by combining Genferon suppositories with other suppositories that have antibacterial and antifungal properties. In this situation, in the morning, 1 Genferon 500,000 IU suppository is injected into the vagina, and in the evening, 1 Genferon 1,000,000 IU suppository is injected into the rectum, and a second drug with pronounced antifungal and antimicrobial activity is injected into the vagina. Course - 10 days.

In order to sanitize the vagina, normalize the microbial biocenosis, treat sexually transmitted infections and inflammation of the genitourinary system, pregnant women can use the drug Genferon, 1 suppository of 250,000 IU twice a day. To do this, one suppository is inserted into the vagina in the morning and evening for 10 days. Pregnant women can receive treatment from 13 to 40 weeks.

Scheme of application for men

For the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary system and genital tract, men use Genferon suppositories in dosages of 500,000 IU and 1,000,000 IU, depending on the severity of the pathology, the duration of the disease and the severity of clinical symptoms.

Genferon for men is administered rectally (into the rectum), one suppository twice a day, for 10 days.

While using the drug Genferon, you can use vitamin therapy (B and C), which significantly increases the effectiveness of the drug.

Scheme of application for children

Children under 7 years of age can use the drug Genferon Light at a dosage of 125,000 IU, solely on the recommendation of a pediatrician.

Children and adolescents aged 7–14 years can safely use Genferon suppositories at a dosage of 250,000 IU. Adolescents over 14 years of age can use the drug in any dosage (250,000 IU, 500,000 IU and 1,000,000 IU), depending on the severity of the disease.

Genferon is most often used to treat acute respiratory viral diseases or urinary tract infections in children. Suppositories are administered to children exclusively rectally, that is, into the rectum. Avoid introducing Genferon into the vagina in girls under 7 years of age, since the child’s microflora is not sufficiently developed and is not ready to be exposed to chemicals that are aggressive to it.

So, for the treatment of acute viral infections in children, one suppository is administered into the rectum twice a day for 5 days. If the disease is protracted or chronic, then the duration of treatment is extended to 10 days. After completing the course, in order to prevent a relapse of the viral infection and strengthen the child’s immunity, you can take one suppository rectally, in the evening, once every two days, for 1 to 3 months.

Treatment of diseases of the urinary system and genital organs in children is carried out using a 10-day course of rectal administration of the drug Genferon, one suppository twice a day. It is necessary to ensure that the interval between two injections of Genferon does not exceed 12 hours.

The use of the drug in children must be combined with the intake of vitamins A and C, as well as antibiotics and other medications that can be used to treat viral or infectious-inflammatory pathologies.

Contraindications for the use of Genferon in children are similar to those for adults (autoimmune pathologies, allergic reactions). If an allergy develops, you must immediately stop taking the drug.


To date, an overdose of this drug has never been detected. However, in a situation where a large number of suppositories are administered at once, it is necessary to take a break from taking it for 24 hours, and after a day, continue treatment according to the regimen indicated by the doctor.

Side effects

Side effects rarely develop while taking the drug Genferon. Most often, various manifestations of an allergic reaction are observed, for example, a burning sensation in the vagina or rectum, skin rash, itching. As a rule, such allergic side effects go away on their own, 3 days after stopping the drug. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the dosage.

Rarely, while taking the drug Genferon, the following side effects develop:

  • chills (increased body temperature);
  • loss of appetite;
  • joint pain (arthralgia);
  • decrease in the total number of leukocytes and platelets in a general blood test.
The above side effects most often develop with a daily dose of Genferon of more than 10,000,000 IU.

Interaction with other drugs

The combined use of Genferon with antibiotics and antiseptics enhances the effectiveness of the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary tract.

The following drugs enhance the analgesic effect of benzocaine:
1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs:

  • sulindac;
  • clofezone;
  • tenoxicam;
  • metamizole;
  • phenacetin;
  • ketorolac;
2. Anticholinesterase drugs:
  • physostigmine;
  • galantamine;
  • proserin;
  • armin;
  • pyrophos;
  • eserine.
Sulfanilamide drugs, when used in conjunction with Genferon, lose some of their effectiveness against pathogenic microorganisms.

If body temperature rises after taking the drug, a single use of paracetamol in a dose of 500–1000 mg is allowed.

Special instructions

Genferon does not affect the activity of the nervous system, so a person can engage in any work associated with increased concentration and concentration (for example, driving a car).

Genferon during pregnancy

The drug Genferon is safe during pregnancy from 13 to 40 weeks, and for lactating women, at a dosage of 250,000 IU. The decision to use Genferon in pregnant and lactating women should be made taking into account all possible risks and expected benefits.

If there is a need to take Genferon during breastfeeding, then it is better to temporarily transfer the child to artificial formula.

The use of the drug Genferon in pregnant women up to 12 weeks is undesirable, since there is no objective data on the effect of the drug on the body of the mother and fetus.

Use of Genephron in children

Genferon in children is used as an antiviral agent for the treatment of acute respiratory infections and inflammation of the urinary system. However, the drug should be used with caution and only when the expected benefit significantly outweighs all possible risks.

To treat viral infections in children, it is better to use specially developed drugs that take into account the peculiarities of the functioning of the child’s immune system. It should be remembered that a child is not a miniature adult, his immune system functions completely differently, immune mechanisms work in different modes.


Today, the immunomodulator Genferon has good recommendations, which are ensured by the high effectiveness of the drug. This medicine is most often used by people who have suffered from chronic diseases of the urinary and reproductive systems for a long time and who have undergone numerous courses of treatment. In such situations, the completed course of treatment ensures remission of the disease, but due to the failure of one’s own immune system, the slightest fluctuations can lead to a relapse or the development of dysbiosis, which can exist for years, reducing the quality of life. The introduction of the immunomodulator Genferon as part of complex therapy helps to avoid relapses and restore the normal microflora of the genitourinary system. In the vast majority of cases, therapy is successful, and there are no relapses of the painful disease, which is why people leave positive reviews about Genferon.

In rare cases, you can find negative reviews about the drug. This may be due to improper use of the drug, lack of indications, or profound disorders of the immune status, which requires serious correction. If a person has serious immune disorders, then Genferon will not have a significant effect, and relapses of the disease will develop. Very rarely, people are not sensitive to interferon produced by a certain type of microorganism, which also leads to a lack of positive effect from the drug. In this case, people leave negative feedback.

Use of Genephron in children - reviews

Reviews about the use of the drug in children are very numerous and varied - from enthusiastic to extremely negative. This polarization of opinions is due to the fact that Genferon is not a specialized children's medicine that takes into account the peculiarities of the functioning of the child's immune system. Therefore, the effectiveness of the medication depends on many individual characteristics of the child and the characteristics of the pathological process. This explains why taking Genferon helped some children to recover completely, while in others it did not have a significant therapeutic effect.

Each parent must decide for themselves whether to use Genferon to treat their child, after carefully weighing the expected effect and all possible risks. If in doubt, it is better to replace it with a special children's antiviral drug, which is designed taking into account the age-related characteristics of the child's immune system.

Genferon or Viferon – which is better?

Genferon and Viferon belong to the same group of drugs and are analogues, that is, they contain the same active substance - interferon alpha 2b. The spectrum of action and effectiveness of these drugs are the same.

However, when deciding the question: “Which is better – Genferon or Viferon?” it is necessary to take into account not only the data of “dry” science, but also the individual characteristics of a person, including psychological ones. The active substance of the drugs Genferon and Viferon is produced by special bacteria, so its activity and affinity for the tissues of a particular human body may vary. In one case, the patient can get an excellent effect from using Genferon, but in another time the same drug will turn out to be completely useless. Then it’s better to switch to Viferon.

Also of great importance is the psychological component, which is formed due to the opinions of acquaintances, friends, relatives and colleagues. When a person has a positive attitude towards the drug, the effectiveness of its action will undoubtedly be higher. If you do not trust the drug, it is better to choose the one that seems best to you.

Viferon and Genferon exhibit different effectiveness against pathogenic fungi Candida, which is due to a greater or lesser effect on a specific type of microorganism. Viferon more effectively suppresses some types of Candida fungus, and Genferon – others. Therefore, the effectiveness of the drugs will be determined by the specific type of fungus present in a person.


Genferon suppositories can be purchased at a pharmacy or through an online store. The manufacturer recommends dispensing the drug with a prescription, but you can often purchase Genferon without a doctor's prescription.

The price may vary and depends on the trade markup of the pharmacy chain, transportation costs, etc. Since Genferon is produced by Biocad CJSC, there is no difference between a cheaper and more expensive drug.

So, the average price for 10 suppositories Genferon 250,000 IU is 310 - 415 rubles. The cost of 10 suppositories of Genferon 500,000 IU averages 402 - 539 rubles, and the price of 10 pieces of Genferon 1,000,000 IU ranges from 552 to 700 rubles.


Today, the range of immunomodulators with antiviral properties is quite wide. Analogues of Genferon include the following drugs that have similar effects:
  • lyophilisate for preparing Avonex solution;
  • solution for intramuscular injection Avonex;
  • Altevir injection solution;
  • Alfaron lyophilisate (for intranasal administration and injection);
  • Alfaferon injection solution;
  • Betaferon lyophilisate (for subcutaneous administration);
  • gel for topical use Viferon;
  • ointment for topical use Viferon;
  • rectal suppositories Viferon;
  • Genfaxon solution (for subcutaneous administration);
  • vaginal and rectal suppositories Giaferon;
  • ointment for topical use Diaferon;
  • lyophilisate Ingaron (for intramuscular, subcutaneous and intranasal use);
  • lyophilisate Interal-P (for injection);
  • lyophilisate Interferal (for injection);
  • recombinant human interferon dry Recolin (for injection);
  • injection solution – human leukocyte interferon;
  • solution for local use – human leukocyte interferon;
  • rectal suppositories – human leukocyte interferon;
  • recombinant ointment – ​​Interferon alpha-2 (for local and external use);
  • Intron A solution (for intravenous and subcutaneous use);
  • Infagel gel (for topical use);
  • lyophilisate Inferon (for intramuscular injections);
  • Infibeta lyophilisate (for injection);
  • lyophilisate Laifferon (for intramuscular and ophthalmic use);
  • Laifferon solution (for intramuscular and ophthalmic use);
  • lyophilisate Leukinferon (for injection);
  • lyophilisate Lokferon (for topical use);
  • Pegasys solution in vials and syringe tubes (for subcutaneous administration);
  • lyophilisate Intron (for subcutaneous administration);
  • lyophilisate Realdiron (for intramuscular and subcutaneous use);
  • lyophilisate Reaferon (for injection and topical use);
  • lyophilisate Reaferon-EC (for injection and topical use);
  • Rebif solution (for subcutaneous use);
  • Ronbetal solution (for subcutaneous use);
  • Roferon-A solution (for subcutaneous use);
  • rectal suppositories Sveferon;
  • lyophilisate SinnoVex (for intramuscular injections);
  • lyophilisate Eberon Alpha R (for injection);
  • Extavia lyophilisate (for subcutaneous administration).

Treatment of condylomas with geneferon

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

In this article you can read the instructions for use of the drug Genferon. Reviews of site visitors - consumers of this medicine, as well as the opinions of specialist doctors on the use of Genferon in their practice are presented. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: whether the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not stated by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Genferon in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of genital herpes, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis and other urological infections in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

Genferon- a combination drug, the effect of which is determined by the components included in its composition. Has local and systemic immunomodulatory effects.

Interferon alpha-2 has antiviral, antimicrobial and immunomodulatory effects. Under the influence of interferon alpha-2, the activity of natural killer cells, T-helper cells, phagocytes, as well as the intensity of differentiation of B-lymphocytes increases. Activation of leukocytes contained in all layers of the mucous membrane ensures their active participation in the elimination of primary pathological foci and restoration of the production of secretory immunoglobulin A.

Taurine has membrane and hepatoprotective, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, enhances tissue regeneration.

Benzocaine is a local anesthetic. Reduces the permeability of cell membranes to sodium ions, displaces calcium ions from receptors located on the inner surface of the membrane, and blocks the conduction of nerve impulses. Prevents the occurrence of pain impulses at the endings of sensory nerves and their conduction along nerve fibers.


When administered vaginally or rectally, interferon alfa-2 is absorbed through the mucous membrane, enters the surrounding tissues, and enters the lymphatic system, providing a systemic effect. Also, due to partial fixation on the cells of the mucous membrane, it has a local effect.

A decrease in the level of serum interferon 12 hours after administration of the drug necessitates its repeated administration.


As part of complex therapy for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract:

  • genital herpes;
  • chlamydia;
  • ureaplasmosis;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • recurrent vaginal candidiasis;
  • gardnerellosis;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • human papillomavirus infections;
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • cervical erosion;
  • cervicitis;
  • vulvovaginitis;
  • bartholinitis;
  • adnexitis;
  • prostatitis;
  • urethritis;
  • balanitis;
  • balanoposthitis.

Release forms

Suppositories for vaginal or rectal use 250,000 ME, 500,000 ME, 1,000,000 ME.

Genferon Light suppositories vaginal or rectal 125,000 ME.

Spray for nasal use Genferon Light dosed 50 thousand IU + 1 mg/dose.

Instructions for use and dosage regimen

For infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract in women, the drug is prescribed intravaginally, 1 suppository (250 thousand or 500 thousand IU, depending on the severity of the disease) 2 times a day for 10 days. For chronic diseases, the drug is prescribed 3 times a week (every other day), 1 suppository for 1-3 months.

For infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract in men, the drug is prescribed rectally, 1 suppository (500 thousand-1 million IU, depending on the severity of the disease) 2 times a day for 10 days.

At the first signs of the disease, Genferon Light spray is administered intranasally for 5 days, one dose (one press on the dispenser) into each nasal passage 3 times a day (one dose is approximately 50,000 IU of interferon alfa-2b, the daily dose should not exceed 500,000 IU).

In case of contact with a patient with acute respiratory viral infection and/or hypothermia, the drug is administered according to the indicated regimen 2 times a day for 5-7 days. If necessary, preventive courses are repeated.

Instructions for use of the spray

1. Remove the protective cap.

2. Before using for the first time, press the dispenser several times until a thin stream appears.

3. When using, keep the bottle in an upright position.

4. Inject the drug by pressing the dispenser once into each nasal passage in turn.

5. After use, close the dispenser with the protective cap.

Side effect

  • skin rash, itching (these phenomena are reversible and disappear 72 hours after reducing the dose or stopping the drug);
  • headache;
  • leukopenia, thrombocytopenia;
  • increased body temperature;
  • increased sweating;
  • fatigue;
  • myalgia;
  • loss of appetite;
  • arthralgia (joint pain).


  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

If it is necessary to use the drug in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy, the expected benefit to the mother should be weighed against the potential risk to the fetus.

Special instructions

The drug should be prescribed with caution to patients with allergic and autoimmune diseases in the acute stage.

Drug interactions

When used together with antibiotics and other antimicrobial drugs used to treat urogenital infections, the effectiveness of Genferon increases.

When used simultaneously with vitamins E and C, the effect of interferon is enhanced.

When used together with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and anticholinesterase drugs, the effect of benzocaine is potentiated.

When used together, the antibacterial activity of sulfonamides decreases (due to the action of benzocaine).

Analogues of the drug Genferon

The drug Genferon has no structural analogues for the active substance. However, there is a whole class of similar drugs that have a different chemical structure of their composition:

  • Altevir;
  • Alfarona;
  • Alfaferon;
  • Wellferon;
  • Grippferon;
  • Interferal;
  • Interferon alpha-2 human recombinant;
  • Intron A;
  • Inferon;
  • Laifferon;
  • Lokferon;
  • Oftalmoferon;
  • Realdiron;
  • Reaferon-EC.

If there are no analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases for which the corresponding drug helps, and look at the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.

Genferon Light (candles, spray) – instructions for use, analogues, price and reviews

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The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Medicine Genferon Light is an immunomodulator with antiviral activity, which is used to treat inflammatory pathologies of the urinary and reproductive systems in adult men and women, as well as acute respiratory diseases or infections in children and adults.

Genferon Light effectively fights a wide range of pathogenic microorganisms:

Genferon Light activates and normalizes the properties of the human immune system, which begins to more effectively fight any pathogenic microbes and tumor cells, not only eliminating the source of infection, but also preventing infection by other types of microorganisms.

Release forms

Today, the drug Genferon Light is available in two main dosage forms:
1. Suppositories in dosages of 125,000 IU and 250,000 IU.
2. Nasal spray 50,000 IU.

Genferon Light suppositories are inserted into the vagina or rectum. Available in two dosages - 125,000 IU and 250,000 IU in one suppository, which are often briefly designated: Genferon 125 or Genferon 250. Spray for intranasal administration contains 50,000 IU in one dose.


Suppositories Genferon Light Both dosages are cylindrical in shape, pointed at one end. It has a white or yellow-white color on the outside, the internal contents look uniform when cut. In some candles, the cut may show oblong air rods or a funnel-shaped recess. Genferon Light suppositories of both dosages (125,000 IU and 250,000 IU) are available in packages of 5 or 10 pieces.

Spray Genferon Light It is a transparent liquid with a yellowish tint or completely colorless. The liquid is completely homogeneous and should not contain any inclusions or suspended particles. The spray is available in bottles with a nozzle that allows you to dispense liquid. One dose contains 50,000 IU of active substance, and the entire bottle is designed for 100 doses.


All pharmaceutical forms of the drug Genferon Light contain interferon alpha 2b and taurine as active substances. Moreover, Genferon Light 125,000 contains interferon alpha 2b in a dose of 125,000 IU, and taurine in the amount of 0.005 g. Genferon Light 250,000 contains interferon alpha 2b in a dose of 250,000 IU, and taurine in the amount of 0.005 g. One dose of Genferon Light spray contains interferon alpha 2b at a dose of 50,000 IU, and taurine - 0.001 g.
Suppositories contain the following components as excipients:
  • hard fat;
  • dextran 60,000;
  • polysorbate 80;
  • emulsifier T2;
  • sodium hydrogen citrate;
  • citric acid;
  • water for injections.
The spray contains the following components as excipients:
  • sodium EDTA;
  • glycerol;
  • dextran 40000;
  • polysorbate 80;
  • sodium chloride;
  • potassium chloride;
  • potassium dihydrogen phosphate;
  • peppermint oil;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • water for injections.

Absorption, distribution and excretion from the body

Suppositories. Rectal administration ensures absorption of 80% of the drug, due to which Genferon Light has both local and systemic effects. Complete absorption of the drug and maximum concentration in the blood is achieved 5 hours after rectal administration of the suppository. Half of the administered dose is eliminated within 12 hours. The components of the drug are converted into metabolites in the kidneys and are excreted from the body in the urine.

The introduction of suppositories into the vagina provides a local effect, since a small amount of the active substance is absorbed into the blood. This retention of the components of the drug is ensured by the properties of the vaginal mucosa, which fixes interferon and taurine on the surface of its cells.

Spray. When the drug is administered into the nose, the absorption of Genferon Light is insignificant, so the systemic effect is weakly expressed. Intranasal use of the drug provides a strong local effect, since the components of the drug are fixed on the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. The retention of interferon and taurine on the nasal mucosa is ensured by a complex of 25 proteins.

Therapeutic effect (properties)

The therapeutic effects of the drug Genferon Light are due to two substances - interferon alpha 2b and taurine. Interferon alpha 2b has the following properties:
  • antiviral effect;
  • antimicrobial effect (bacteria, fungi, etc.);
  • antiproliferative effect (stops the proliferation of microbes and tumor cells);
  • immunomodulatory effect (normalization of immune system functions);
  • immunostimulating effect (increasing the efficiency of the immune system);
  • anti-inflammatory effect.
Antiviral and antimicrobial actions
Interferon is able to directly influence intracellular organisms (viruses and chlamydia), stopping their reproduction. The antiviral effect is also explained by the activation of the immune response, which is able to effectively remove pathogenic microorganisms and body cells infected by them. In this situation, healthy cells create a good immune defense against infected structures, stopping further penetration of pathogenic particles into uninfected cells.

Interferon is able to bind to the cell membrane and change its properties in such a way that viruses and bacteria cannot penetrate inside. And this, in turn, leads to the impossibility of reproduction. In addition, interferon interacts with the cell nucleus and reduces the production of proteins for the virus, which also leads to a stop in reproduction. Thus, stopping the proliferation of viral and bacterial cells makes it possible to delimit the pathogenic focus, after which immunocompetent cells are effectively destroyed and removed from the body.

Antiproliferative effect
Interferon is capable of changing the properties and structure of cell membranes, as well as regulating the processes of cell reproduction and maturation. Genferon Light stops the growth of tumor cells and stops the proliferation of virus-infected structures. Genferon Light suppresses the reproduction of infected cells at different rates, depending on the type of pathogenic microorganism.

Immunomodulatory and immunostimulating effects
Interferon enhances the activity of macrophages and natural killer cells (NK cells), which capture and destroy pathogenic microorganisms, infected cells and viral particles. Genferon Light increases the efficiency of phagocytosis, accelerates the process of recognition of microbes and improves the processes of cooperation between immune cells.

Interferon stimulates the production of antibodies by B lymphocytes (including immunoglobulin A), activates leukocytes, which are able to quickly localize the source of infection and eliminate it. Immunoglobulin A creates immune protection on the mucous membranes, preventing the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the body.


Suppositories Genferon Light are absolutely contraindicated in the following cases:
  • sensitivity, intolerance or allergy to any components of the drug;
  • pregnancy up to 12 weeks;
  • epilepsy or other seizure conditions;
  • severe heart disease.
If a person has autoimmune diseases (Hashimoto's thyroiditis, glomerulonephritis, systemic lupus erythematosus) or allergic attacks in the past, Genferon Light suppositories are used under control and careful observation.

Instructions for use

Suppositories of both dosages can be used rectally and vaginally. The choice of method of administration and dosage of suppositories depends on the location of the pathology, the severity of its course, the characteristics of the clinic, the age and gender of the patient.

Treatment regimens with Genferon Light, depending on age and nature of the disease, are shown in the table:

Pathology Patient age Treatment regimen
Acute infections
urinary system
Children1 suppository in the anus twice a day for 10 days
Pregnant women1 suppository in the vagina twice a day for 10 days
Inflammation of the urinary systemAdult women and
1 suppository 250,000 IU vaginally and rectally twice a day for 10 days. Treatment of long-term chronic pathology after this course is continued for 1-3 months, 1 suppository per day every other day
Acute viral
pathologies (including ARVI)
Children1 suppository into the anus twice a day for 5 days. If symptoms partially remain, you can repeat the course of treatment after 5 days
Chronic viral
Children1 suppository rectally twice a day for 10 days. Then for 1-3 months, 1 suppository in the evening every other day

An overdose of Genferon Light is impossible. However, if a large number of suppositories are administered at the same time, you should stop using the drug for a day (24 hours), and then continue taking it according to the regimen prescribed by your doctor.

Genferon Light is highly effective as part of complex therapy for diseases of an infectious and inflammatory nature. The following drugs mutually enhance each other's effects when used together with Genferon Light:
1. Antibacterial agents (antibiotics, sulfa drugs, antiseptics);
2. Antifungal drugs;
3. Antiviral drugs.

Genferon Light does not affect the activity of the nervous system, therefore, while taking the drug, you can do work that requires attention.

If the temperature rises in response to the introduction of the Genferon Light suppository, it is allowed to take paracetamol in a dose of 500-1000 mg for an adult, and 250 mg for a child.

Instructions for use in children

The drug Genferon Light is not a specialized medicine for children, but can be used to treat a child. Children under 7 years of age can use Genferon Light suppositories at a dosage of 125,000 IU, which is conventionally called children's dosage. Children over 7 years of age can use 250,000 IU suppositories if indicated, or if the disease is severe and protracted.

Newborns and premature babies (8 months old) can use Genferon Light 125,000 IU twice a day for 5 days. Premature babies born before 8 months receive Genferon Light 1 suppository 125,000 IU three times a day (every 8 hours), for 5 days. Such courses of treatment are repeated if necessary (pneumonia, herpes infection, sepsis, meningitis, mycoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus infection).

For children over 7 years of age, the following treatment regimen for various pathologies is recommended:
1. Acute infections of the urinary system: 1 suppository twice a day for 10 days (rectal administration).
2. Acute viral inflammations of different localization: 1 suppository twice a day for 5 days (rectal administration). If the clinical symptoms have not disappeared completely, then repeat the course of treatment after a 5-day break.
3. Chronic viral inflammations of different localization: 1 suppository twice a day for 10 days (rectal administration). After this course, continue maintenance therapy - 1 suppository in the evening, for 1-3 months; enter every other day.

Side effects

Genferon Light suppositories rarely cause side effects. This is mainly due to the high daily dose of the drug. Most often, allergic manifestations develop - itching, burning sensation in the vagina or rectum. These unpleasant symptoms disappear without intervention three days after stopping the drug.

In rare cases, the following adverse reactions may develop:

  • increase in temperature;
  • severe heart pathology;
People suffering from nosebleeds should use Genferon Light spray with caution and under close supervision.

Instructions for use

The spray is administered into both nasal passages using a short press, which corresponds to one dose. The medicine is used according to the following scheme:
1. Remove the cap.
2. Release a short test stream by pressing the dispenser several times.
3. Insert the dispenser into the nasal passage and place the bottle in a vertical position.
4. Briefly press the dispenser and inhale the spray deeply.
5. Close the cap.

The use of Genferon Light spray begins at the first signs of the development of an acute respiratory viral disease or influenza in children and adults. The spray is administered into both nasal passages, one dose three times a day, for 5 days. Remember that the maximum allowed number of doses per day is 10 (ten clicks on the dispenser).

There is another scheme for using Genferon Light spray for the treatment of acute viral diseases: when the first signs of pathology appear, within 3-4 hours, administer one dose of the spray into each nasal passage, every 20 minutes. After this, one dose should be administered into the nasal passages 4-5 times a day, for 3-4 days.

In order to prevent ARVI and influenza upon contact with sick people, or after suffering from hypothermia, Genferon Light spray is used for 5-7 days, twice a day, one dose (one press on the dispenser) in each nasal passage. The duration of prophylactic use of the spray can be increased until the danger of infection ends. Courses for the prevention of viral diseases can be carried out as necessary.

To prevent infection from each other, you should use an individual bottle of spray for each person.

The possibility of overdose with this spray has not been identified.

Genferon Light spray does not interact with other medications.

Side effects

To date, no side effects have been established for Genferon Light spray.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Spray Genferon Light can be used by pregnant women and nursing mothers without restrictions, according to usual dosages.

Suppositories Genferon Light. Today, the safety of using Genferon Light suppositories has been proven during pregnancy from 13 to 40 weeks, that is, the II and III trimesters of gestation. The effects on the woman’s body and fetus during pregnancy from 1 to 12 weeks have not been clarified. Experimental studies on animals revealed the safety of Genferon Light in relation to the fetus, but also a moderate increase in the risk of miscarriage in women.

Genferon Light does not pass into breast milk, but causes activation of immune processes in a woman’s body, including the formation of antibodies against pathogenic microbes. Antibodies freely penetrate into mother's milk. During treatment of a nursing mother with Genferon Light, the child may suffer from aggressive antibodies and suppressed pathogenic microbes entering his body with breast milk. Therefore, it is recommended to stop breastfeeding for the entire period of treatment.

Pregnant women between 28 and 34 weeks can use Genferon Light for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases, 1 suppository 125,000 IU twice a day. Suppositories are administered every other day. The full course of therapy is 5 days, then a break for another 5 days. Such 5-day courses are repeated a maximum of 7 times.

Pregnant women at 35–40 weeks can use Genferon Light 250,000 suppositories to treat infectious and inflammatory pathologies. Administer 1 suppository twice a day every day for at least 5 days. After which they take a break for 5 days and repeat the course of treatment a maximum of 7 more times.

The number of 5-day courses of treatment for pregnant women is determined taking into account the improvements achieved and the normalization of test results.

The second option for treating inflammation of the urinary system in pregnant women is the following: 1 suppository of 250,000 IU, or 125,000 IU twice a day for 10 days.

Which immunostimulant to choose - Genferon or Viferon or Genferon light, which is better to use for children? Indications for use, contraindications, features of use, similarities and differences, we will also consider everything clearly.

Pharmacological group

All three drugs are strong immunostimulants. The antiviral effect is indirect and is due to the activation of internal defense mechanisms. This drug activity is due to the presence of interferon alpha-2b as an active component.

The preparations Genferon and Genferon light, in addition to the immunostimulant, contain taurine, a regeneration stimulator. The first of them also contains the anesthetic benzocaine. The second drug contains low dosages of an immunostimulating component.

In the drug Viferon, the active substance is interferon alpha-2b. In addition, the drug contains a number of biologically active excipients: ascorbic acid and tocopherol acetate, which increases the spectrum of activity of the pharmaceutical product.

All drugs are sold with a prescription. Release form - rectal suppositories, which are a white dense mass, which is given a specific bullet-shaped shape.

Pharmacological action

The presence of interferon alpha-2b in all drugs gives them pronounced immunostimulating properties. The active substance is produced using genetic engineering techniques, through the introduction of a special gene into the body of bacteria of the species Escherichia coli.

Interferon alpha-2b has immunostimulating properties. Indirectly through the activation of many parts of the immune system, the drugs have the following pharmacological effects: antiviral, antiproliferative, anti-inflammatory and some others.
Activation of the immune system is quite multifaceted. Under the influence of any of the three drugs, the reactions of the synthesis of specific antibodies are enhanced. The activity of so-called killer cells, capable of destroying pathogenic bacteria, increases. The differentiation of B lymphocytes and activation of phagocytosis increases.

The antiviral effect also occurs due to the suppression of the activity of reactions of the synthesis of cellular enzymes, weaning off the processes of synthesis and assembly of viral nucleic acids.

In addition, the immune system begins to quickly recognize affected cells and produce substances that can quickly localize a threat to the body, bacterial or viral.

Taurine, which is part of the drug Genferon, has the ability to accelerate tissue repair reactions, which shortens the period of convalescence (recovery). This component also has antioxidant properties.

The anesthetic benzocaine, found in Genferon and Genferon Light suppositories, is intended to reduce the intensity of pain, in particular in diseases of the urogenital tract.

The drug Viferon contains vitamins C and E. The first is a stimulator of the immune system and an activator of cellular respiration reactions. The second has antioxidant properties.

Indications for use

Due to the presence of the same immunostimulating component, all three drugs can be used in the same cases:

As part of the complex treatment of infectious diseases, regardless of the cause of the pathology (influenza, pneumonia, chlamydia, candidiasis, and so on);
Treatment of viral hepatitis in adults and children;
Treatment of urogenital infections.

In most cases, all the drugs under consideration are part of the complex treatment of a particular pathology. For this reason, they should be taken only after consultation with a specialized doctor.

Contraindications for use

Contraindications to the use of drugs are also the same:

First trimester of pregnancy;
Increased sensitivity.

There are no age restrictions for the use of medicines. True, it is better for children under one year of age to use Genferon Light, since it does not contain benzocaine, and the immunostimulating component is in low dosages.

Application and dosage

The dosage regimen is determined by factors such as the patient’s age, diagnosis, presence of concomitant diseases, and so on. You should check with your doctor for the recommended dosage.

Similarities and differences

If the patient is a child, it is better to prefer the use of Genferon Light or Viferon, since they do not contain the local anesthetic benzocaine, which is intended to suppress pain in urogenital diseases.

When choosing between the drugs Genferon light and Viferon, it is better to give preference to the first one if we are talking about a child. The second drug contains fairly high dosages of interferon alpha-2b.

All three medicines are produced by pharmaceutical enterprises in Russia. In addition, their price category is the same. Drugs with low dosages cost about 400 rubles per package, with high dosages - about 1000.


Since the drugs are produced in the same country, contain the same active substance, and are sold by prescription, they must be chosen by the attending physician, who has detailed information about the patient’s health status.

Suppositories for rectal and vaginal use - 10 pieces per package

Pharmacological action

Genferon Light is a combination drug, the effect of which is determined by the components included in its composition. Has local and systemic effects. The composition of the drug Genferon Light includes recombinant human interferon alpha-2b, produced by a strain of the bacterium Escherichia coli, into which the human interferon alpha-2b gene was introduced using genetic engineering methods.

Taurine helps normalize metabolic processes and tissue regeneration, has membrane-stabilizing and immunomodulatory effects. Being a strong antioxidant, taurine directly interacts with reactive oxygen species, the excessive accumulation of which contributes to the development of pathological processes. Taurine helps maintain the biological activity of interferon, enhancing the therapeutic effect of the drug.

Indications for use

  • as a component of complex therapy - for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and other infectious diseases of bacterial and viral etiology in children;
  • for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract in children and women, including pregnant women.

Directions for use and doses

The drug can be used both vaginally and rectally. Method of administration, dose and course duration

depend on age, specific clinical situation and are determined by the attending physician.

In adults and children over 7 years of age, Genferon Light is used in a dose of 250,000 IU interferon alfa-2b per suppository. In children under 7 years of age, it is safe to use the drug at a dose of 125,000 IU interferon alfa-2b per suppository. In women who are 13-40 weeks pregnant, the drug is used at a dose of 250,000 IU interferon alfa-2b per suppository.

  • Acute respiratory viral infections and other acute diseases of a viral nature in children: 1 suppository rectally 2 times a day with a 12-hour interval parallel to the main therapy for 5 days. If symptoms persist, the course of treatment is repeated after a 5-day interval.
  • Chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases of viral etiology in children: 1 suppository rectally 2 times a day with a 12-hour interval parallel to standard therapy for 10 days. Then for 1-3 months - 1 suppository rectally at night every other day.
  • Acute infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract in children: 1 suppository rectally 2 times a day with a 12-hour interval for 10 days.
  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract in pregnant women: 1 suppository vaginally 2 times a day with a 12-hour interval for 10 days.
  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract in women: 1 suppository (250,000 IU) vaginally or rectally (depending on the nature of the disease) 2 times a day with a 12-hour interval for 10 days. For prolonged forms, 1 suppository 3 times a week, every other day, for 1-3 months.


  • individual intolerance to interferon and other substances included in the drug;
  • 1st trimester of pregnancy.

Special instructions

Clinical studies have proven the effectiveness and safety of using the drug Genferon Light in women who are 13-40 weeks pregnant. Use in the first trimester of pregnancy is contraindicated.

There are no restrictions for use during lactation.

Storage conditions

At temperatures from 2 to 8°C. Keep out of the reach of children.