Hardening instructions. How to properly temper yourself: recommendations for adults and children. In fact, there are different types of hardening, we will now look at them

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What is hardening and what is its significance?

Hardening is a set of procedures and exercises, the purpose of which is to increase the body’s resistance to the effects of various “aggressive” environmental factors - cold, heat, and so on. This reduces the likelihood of developing colds and other diseases, as well as improves immunity ( body's defenses) and maintain health for many years.

Physiological mechanisms and effects of hardening ( the effect of hardening on the body and health)

For the most part, hardening procedures can increase the human body's resistance to hypothermia.
To understand the mechanism of the positive effect of hardening, certain knowledge from the field of physiology is required.

Under normal conditions, the temperature of the human body is maintained at a constant level, which is ensured by many regulatory mechanisms. The main “sources” of heat are the liver ( the processes occurring in it are accompanied by the release of energy in the form of heat), as well as muscles, the contraction of which produces heat. Of the body's cooling systems, the most important are the superficial blood vessels of the skin. If the body temperature rises above normal, the skin vessels dilate and fill with warm blood, as a result of which heat transfer increases and the body cools. When the body enters a cold environment, specific cold receptors are irritated - special nerve cells that react to cold. This leads to contraction of the blood vessels of the skin, as a result of which warm blood flows from them into the central vessels located in the internal organs. At the same time, heat transfer decreases, that is, the body thus “saves” heat.

The peculiarity of the described mechanism is that the process of contraction of blood vessels of the skin and vessels of the mucous membranes ( including the mucous membrane of the throat, nasal passages and so on) in an ordinary, unseasoned person proceeds relatively slowly. As a result, when exposed to a cold environment, severe hypothermia of tissues can occur, which will lead to the development of various diseases. The essence of hardening is the slow, gradual “training” of those body systems that provide regulation of body temperature. With long-term and constant hardening, the body “adapts” to rapidly changing environmental conditions. This is manifested by the fact that when exposed to a cold environment, the skin vessels begin to contract faster than in an untrained person, as a result of which the risk of hypothermia and the development of complications is significantly reduced.

At the same time, it is worth noting that during hardening, not only the blood vessels of the skin are “trained,” but also other organs and systems involved in ensuring adaptive reactions.

During the hardening process the following also occurs:

  • Activation of endocrine ( hormonal) systems. When exposed to cold, the adrenal glands ( special glands of the human body) secrete the hormone cortisol. This hormone improves metabolism throughout the body, thereby increasing its resistance in stressful situations.
  • Changes in metabolism at the cellular level. With regular exposure to cold, a change is noted ( acceleration) metabolism in skin cells, which also helps to harden the body.
  • Activation of the nervous system. The nervous system regulates almost all processes that occur during hardening of the body ( starting from the constriction and dilation of blood vessels and ending with the production of hormones in the adrenal glands). Its activation during cold procedures also plays an important role in preparing the body for stress factors.

The role of hardening in the prevention of colds and the development of immunity

Hardening helps improve immunity ( body's defenses), thereby reducing the risk of developing colds.

Colds are usually called a group of infections that develop when the body is hypothermic. These include influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, pharyngitis ( inflammation of the pharynx) and so on. The mechanism of development of these pathologies is that with sudden hypothermia of the body, its protective properties are significantly reduced. At the same time, infectious agents ( viruses or bacteria) easily penetrate into body tissues through the mucous membranes of the pharynx and upper respiratory tract, causing the development of the disease.

When hardening the body, there is an improvement in the barrier functions of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, as well as an acceleration of metabolism in them, which prevents the likelihood of developing colds. In this case, with hypothermia of the mucous membrane ( for example, when drinking a cold drink in hot weather) its vessels narrow very quickly, thereby preventing the development of hypothermia. At the same time, after the cessation of exposure to cold, they also quickly expand, as a result of which blood flow to the mucous membrane increases and its antiviral and antibacterial protection increases.

How long do hardening results last?

The effect of hardening the body develops only 2–3 months after regular repetitions of hardening procedures and exercises. When you stop performing these procedures, the hardening effect begins to weaken, completely disappearing after 3 – 4 weeks ( in an adult). The mechanism of development of this phenomenon is explained by the fact that when the influence of stress factors ceases ( that is, the hardening procedures themselves) those adaptive reactions of the body that were responsible for its protection are gradually “turned off” ( that is, rapid contraction and expansion of blood vessels of the skin and mucous membranes). If this happens, it will again take about 2 months of regular exercise to harden the body again.

It is worth noting that in a child the hardening effect can go away much faster than in an adult ( already 6 – 7 days after stopping the hardening procedures).

Do I need to take vitamins when hardening?

Additional intake of vitamins will not affect the hardening of the body, while their deficiency can significantly disrupt this process. The fact is that for the development of hardening, normal functioning of the nervous, circulatory, endocrine ( hormonal) and many other systems. Their functioning depends on the presence of many vitamins, minerals, trace elements and other nutrients in the body. Under normal conditions ( with a nutritious and balanced diet) all these substances enter the body along with food products. If a person eats poorly, is malnourished, takes monotonous food, or suffers from any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, he may develop a deficiency of one or another vitamin ( for example, vitamin C, B vitamins). This, in turn, can disrupt the functioning of the nervous or circulatory system, thereby reducing the effectiveness of hardening procedures.

It is also worth noting that the presence of vitamins ( A, C, B, E and others) is necessary for the normal functioning of the immune system, which protects the body from viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms. With a lack of vitamins in the blood, the severity of immunity may decrease, which will contribute to the development of colds and infectious diseases even when the body is hardened.

Hardening hygiene ( basics, terms and conditions)

Hardening hygiene is a set of instructions and recommendations that must be taken into account when planning and performing hardening exercises. The fact is that improper hardening of the body, at best, may not give any positive effect, and at worst, it can cause the development of certain diseases and pathological conditions. That is why, before starting hardening, doctors recommend that you familiarize yourself with information about who can perform hardening procedures and who cannot, how to do it correctly, what difficulties may arise and how to cope with them.

Where to start hardening?

Before you start hardening, you need to make sure that the body is ready for this. The fact is that in some pathological conditions the severity of the body's adaptive mechanisms decreases. If at the same time a person begins to perform hardening exercises, he may harm himself ( in particular, colds and other diseases may develop). There will be no benefit from hardening.

Before starting hardening you should:

  • Rule out the presence of acute diseases. Colds, gastrointestinal diseases ( for example, gastritis - inflammation of the gastric mucosa), diseases of the respiratory system ( pneumonia, acute bronchitis) and other similar pathologies are accompanied by pronounced stress on the immune and other systems of the body. If at the same time a person begins to perform hardening exercises, the body may not be able to cope with the increasing loads, which will lead to a deterioration in the general condition or to an exacerbation of the existing disease. That is why you should begin to harden no earlier than 2 weeks after the acute pathology is completely cured.
  • Get some sleep. It has been scientifically proven that lack of sleep ( especially chronic, long-term sleep deprivation) significantly disrupts the functions of many body systems, including the nervous system, immune system, and so on. At the same time, adaptive mechanisms are also weakened, as a result of which a person can easily catch a cold when performing hardening procedures.
  • Get ready for a permanent job. As mentioned earlier, hardening of the body is achieved within several months and must be maintained for many years. If a person expects a quick effect, he can stop performing hardening procedures after 5 - 10 days without getting the desired result.

Traditional types, factors and means of hardening in summer

There are many different hardening procedures and exercises, but they can all be divided into several main groups ( depending on what energy affects the body).

Depending on the type of influencing factor, the following are distinguished:

  • Cold hardening. The most effective way of cold hardening is water exercises, but air procedures are also used for this purpose. When hardening with cold, the body's resistance to hypothermia increases, and the processes of heat production in the liver and muscles improve and accelerate. Moreover, when hardened by cold, certain changes occur in the skin itself - it thickens, the number of blood vessels and fatty tissue in it increases, resulting in a reduced risk of frostbite and colds.
  • Air hardening. Air procedures help normalize the functions of the central nervous system and endocrine ( hormonal) systems, improve metabolism in the body and increase its resistance to the action of infectious and other pathogenic factors. In addition, air procedures also stimulate the body’s compensatory and protective systems, but this happens “softer” than during cold hardening ( water). That is why air hardening can be used even by those people for whom water exercises are contraindicated ( for example, in the presence of serious diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory or other body systems).
  • Sun hardening. When exposed to sunlight, dilation of the blood vessels of the skin is observed, as well as an improvement in blood circulation and metabolism in it. Moreover, ultraviolet rays ( constituents of sunlight) stimulate the body's production of vitamin D, which is necessary for the normal development of bone tissue, as well as for the functioning of other organs and systems. All of these effects help increase the body’s resistance to various infections and colds.

Basic principles of hardening

In order for hardening to be successful and effective, a number of recommendations and rules should be followed.

The basic principles of hardening include:

  • Gradual increase in “load”. You should begin to perform hardening procedures carefully, gradually reducing the temperature of the factors affecting the body. At the same time, the body's defenses will have time to adapt to changing environmental conditions. If you start hardening with too much load ( for example, immediately start dousing yourself with ice water), an unadapted body may become hypothermic, which will lead to the development of complications. At the same time, if you do not increase the load or increase it only slightly, hardening of the body will not occur.
  • Systematic ( regular) performing hardening exercises. It is recommended to start hardening in the summer, since in this case the body is maximally prepared for stress. At the same time, you should continue to perform hardening procedures regularly throughout the year, since otherwise the hardening effect will disappear.
  • Combination of various hardening techniques. To harden the body as effectively as possible, water, air and solar procedures should be combined, which will activate various protective systems of the body and strengthen it.
  • Proper nutrition. It is recommended to combine hardening exercises with proper, balanced nutrition. This will provide the body with all the necessary vitamins, microelements and nutrients necessary for hardening and strengthening the immune system.
  • Taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism. When starting hardening, it is important to correctly assess the initial state of the body. If a weakened, poorly prepared person begins to perform too intense hardening programs, this can lead to the development of colds and other diseases. It is recommended that such people begin to harden with minimal loads, and should increase them more slowly than in other cases.

Is hardening useful in autumn, winter and spring?

As mentioned earlier, it is recommended to start performing hardening procedures in the summer, since in the summer the body is most prepared for the effects of stress factors. In addition, during the spring months ( with proper nutrition) the body accumulates all the nutrients and vitamins necessary for normal functioning and development of adaptive mechanisms and immunity. It is worth remembering that the effect achieved during the summer months should be maintained in autumn, winter and spring. With proper hardening, the risk of developing colds or other complications is minimal even in the cold season.

At the same time, it is worth noting that hardening should begin in the cold season ( autumn or winter) is not recommended. The fact is that exposure to water or air procedures at low ambient temperatures increases the risk of hypothermia in an unprepared body, as a result of which colds can develop. It is also not worth starting hardening procedures in the spring because at this time many people have a deficiency of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, as well as general exhaustion of the body, which negatively affects adaptive reactions and immunity in general.

The benefits of hardening in sports

Seasoned people can achieve better results in sports than unseasoned people. The fact is that the physiological mechanisms activated during an athlete’s training are similar to those during hardening of the body. During sports, the body’s adaptive systems are activated, the cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems are activated, the metabolic process in the body accelerates, muscle tissue grows, and so on. If a person is not hardened, his risk of developing colds increases. The reason for this may be hypothermia of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, which occurs against the background of rapid breathing during heavy physical exercise. Another reason may be hypothermia of the skin, caused by a pronounced dilation of the superficial skin vessels and increased sweating during exercise. In a hardened person, both of these mechanisms are much better developed, and therefore the risk of hypothermia and colds is reduced.

Hardening and massage

Massage also helps to harden the body. The positive effects of massage in this case include improving blood microcirculation in the skin and muscles, which leads to improved metabolism in them. It also improves the excretory function of the sweat glands, which improves the body's thermoregulation. In addition, during the massage, peripheral nerve endings are irritated, which improves the nervous regulation of the blood vessels of the skin, thereby promoting the hardening process.

Cold/water hardening ( water treatments)

Water hardening is one of the most effective ways to prepare the body for the cold. The fact is that water conducts heat better than air. In this regard, the effect on the human body of even warm water ( for example, room temperature) will contribute to the activation of adaptive reactions ( narrowing of blood vessels, increased heat production, and so on) and hardening of the body.

At the same time, it is worth remembering a number of rules and recommendations that will make water hardening procedures as effective and safe for human health as possible.

When hardening with water you should:

  • Perform hardening procedures in the first half of the day. It is best to do this immediately after sleep, since in addition to the hardening effect, this will give the person a boost of energy for the whole day. It is not advisable to do exercises before bed ( less than 1 – 2 hours before going to bed), since as a result of exposure to a stress factor ( that is, cold water) the process of falling asleep may be disrupted.
  • Cool already warm ( heated) organism. As mentioned earlier, the essence of hardening is to activate the body’s adaptive reactions, that is, to narrow the blood vessels of the skin in response to cold exposure. However, if the body is initially cooled, the superficial blood vessels are already in spasm ( narrowed), as a result of which hardening procedures will not give any positive effect. At the same time, it is worth remembering that it is also not recommended to apply cold to an organism that is too “hot” ( especially for an unprepared person), as this can cause hypothermia and colds. It is best to do a light warm-up for 5-10 minutes before starting water procedures. This will improve blood circulation throughout the body and prepare it for hardening, while at the same time not contributing to excessive overheating.
  • Allow the skin to dry on its own. If you wipe the skin dry after exposure to water, this will shorten the duration of the stimulating effect of cold, thereby reducing the effectiveness of the procedure. Instead, it is recommended to let the skin dry on its own, while at the same time trying to avoid drafts, as this can cause you to catch a cold.
  • Warm up after finishing cooling exercises. 15 - 20 minutes after completing water procedures, you should definitely warm up the body, that is, go to a warm room or put on warm clothes ( if the room is cold). At the same time, the skin vessels will dilate, and the blood flow to them will increase, which will prevent the development of colds.
  • Increase the duration and intensity of water procedures. Initially, relatively warm water should be used, and the duration of the water procedures themselves should not exceed a few seconds. Over time, the water temperature should be lowered and the duration of exercise should be gradually increased, which will ensure hardening of the body.
Water hardening includes:
  • rubdown ( trituration) water;
  • dousing with cold water;
  • swimming in an ice hole.

Hardening by rubbing ( rubbing)

This is the most “gentle” procedure, with which it is recommended that absolutely all unprepared people begin hardening. Wiping with water allows you to cool the skin, thereby stimulating the development of adaptive reactions of the body, at the same time, without leading to severe and sudden hypothermia.

The initial temperature of the water used for wiping should not be lower than 20 - 22 degrees. As you perform the exercises, the water temperature should be reduced by 1 degree every 2 to 3 days. The minimum water temperature is limited by the capabilities of the person and the reaction of his body to the procedure.

Rubbing can be:

  • Partial. In this case, only certain areas of the skin are exposed to cold. It is recommended to rub them in a certain sequence - first the neck, then the chest, stomach, back. The essence of the procedure is as follows. After a preliminary warm-up for 5 to 10 minutes, a person should undress. You need to take water at the required temperature into your hand, then splash it onto a certain area of ​​the body and immediately begin to intensively rub it, performing circular movements with your palms until all the liquid from the surface of the skin evaporates. After this, you need to move on to the next part of the body. You can use a towel soaked in water to dry your back.
  • General. In this case, the entire body is wiped. To perform the exercise you need to take a long towel ( or a sheet) and soak in cold water. Next, you should stretch the towel under your arms, take its ends with your hands and begin to intensively rub your back, gradually descending to the lumbar region, buttocks and back of the legs. Next, the towel should be moistened again in cold water and rubbed over the chest, stomach and front surfaces of the legs. At the initial stage, the entire procedure should take no more than 1 minute, but in the future its duration can be increased.

Pouring cold water

Pouring is a more “hard” hardening method, in which water of a certain temperature is poured onto the body. It is also recommended to perform the procedure in the first half of the day or no later than 2 to 3 hours before bedtime. In the initial hardening period, it is recommended to use warm water, the temperature of which should be about 30 - 33 degrees. This is explained by the fact that water conducts heat very well, which, when poured over an unprepared body, can lead to hypothermia.

The essence of the procedure is as follows. After preliminary warm-up, you should fill a bucket with water at the desired temperature. Then, having undressed, you need to take several deep and frequent breaths, and then pour all the water on your head and torso at once. After this, you should immediately begin rubbing the body with your hands, continuing to do this for 30 - 60 seconds. The exercise should be performed daily, reducing the water temperature by 1 degree every 2 to 3 days.

Contrast shower

An alternative to dousing with water from a bucket can be a regular shower, the temperature of which should be adjusted according to the method described earlier. At first, you should stay in the shower for no more than 10–15 seconds, but as the body hardens, the duration of the procedure can also be increased.

A contrast shower can be a more effective hardening technique, but this exercise can only be used after several weeks of hardening by wiping and dousing with water. The essence of the procedure is as follows. After the preliminary warm-up, you should get into the shower and open cold water ( 20 – 22 degrees) for 10 – 15 seconds. Then, without leaving the shower, you should open a hot ( about 40 degrees) water and remain under it for 10 - 15 seconds. Changing the water temperature can be repeated 2 – 3 times ( It is recommended to finish the procedure with warm water), then get out of the shower and let your skin dry. In the future, the temperature of the “cold” water can be lowered by 1 degree every 2 to 3 days, while the temperature of the “hot” water should remain constant. The advantage of this technique is that during a change in water temperature, a rapid narrowing and then expansion of the blood vessels of the skin occurs, which maximally stimulates the body’s adaptive reactions.

Hardening by swimming in an ice hole

This technique is suitable for well-trained people who have been intensively hardened for at least six months and are confident in the strength of their own body. The first and basic rule of this hardening method is that you cannot swim in an ice hole alone. There should always be a person next to the swimmer who, if necessary, can help cope with an emergency or call for help.

Immediately before immersing yourself in ice water for 10 to 20 minutes, it is recommended to do a good warm-up, including gymnastics, light jogging, and so on. This will improve blood circulation and prepare the cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems for stress. Also, before diving, you should put a special rubber cap on your head, which should also cover your ears ( If ice water gets into them, it can cause otitis media, an inflammatory disease of the ear.). Immersion in water should be for short periods ( from 5 to 90 seconds, depending on the body’s fitness).

After leaving the icy water, you should immediately dry yourself with a towel and throw a warm robe or blanket over your body to avoid hypothermia in the cold. Also, after swimming, it is recommended to drink warm tea, brought with you in advance in a thermos. This will warm the mucous membrane of the pharynx and internal organs, preventing severe hypothermia of the body. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol after swimming ( vodka, wine and so on), since the ethyl alcohol included in their composition helps to dilate the blood vessels of the skin, as a result of which the body loses heat very quickly. In such conditions, hypothermia may occur, and the risk of developing a cold or even pneumonia increases.

Hardening the legs ( stop)

Hardening the legs ( in combination with other hardening procedures) allows you to reduce the risk of developing colds and other diseases of internal organs, as well as strengthen the body as a whole.

Hardening of the legs is promoted by:

  • Walking barefoot. The essence of the procedure is to get up and walk barefoot on the lawn for 5 to 10 minutes in the early morning hours, when dew appears on the grass. At the same time, cool dew will have a cooling effect on the skin of the feet, thereby stimulating the development of protective and adaptive reactions.
  • Pouring feet. You can pour cold water on your feet or use a contrast shower for this ( according to the methods described above). These procedures will further improve blood microcirculation in the feet, thereby increasing their resistance to hypothermia.

Air hardening ( aerotherapy)

The principle of action of air as a hardening factor also comes down to stimulating the body's thermoregulatory systems, which increases its resistance to hypothermia.

For the purpose of air hardening the following are used:

  • air baths;
  • breathing exercises ( breathing exercises).

Air baths

The essence of the air bath is the effect on the naked ( or partially nude) human body by moving air. The fact is that under normal conditions, a thin layer of air located between a person’s skin and his clothing has a constant temperature ( about 27 degrees). The body's thermoregulatory systems are in a state of relative rest. As soon as a person's body is exposed, the air temperature around it decreases and it begins to lose heat. This activates the body's thermoregulatory and adaptive systems ( the purpose of which is to maintain body temperature at a constant level), which promotes hardening.

Air baths can be:

  • Hot– when the air temperature reaches 30 degrees.
  • Warm– when the air temperature is between 25 and 30 degrees.
  • Indifferent– at an air temperature of 20 to 25 degrees.
  • Cool– at an air temperature of 15 – 20 degrees.
  • Cold– at temperatures below 15 degrees.
At the initial stage of hardening, it is recommended to take warm air baths, which is easiest to achieve in the summer. This is done as follows. After ventilating the room in the morning, you need to undress ( all the way down to underwear). This will ensure cooling of the skin and activation of adaptive reactions. You should remain in this position for a maximum of 5 – 10 minutes ( in the first lesson), after which you should put on clothes. In the future, the duration of the procedure can be increased by approximately 5 minutes every 2 to 3 days.

If no complications are observed, after 1 - 2 weeks you can move on to indifferent baths, and after another month - to cool ones. In this case, the procedure itself can be performed indoors or outdoors ( for example, in the garden). Cold baths are indicated only for those people who have been hardening for at least 2 to 3 months and do not suffer from any serious diseases of the cardiovascular or respiratory system.

While taking air baths, a person should feel a slight coolness. You should not allow a feeling of cold or the development of muscle tremors to occur, as this will indicate a stronger hypothermia of the body. Also, during the procedure itself, you should not be in a draft or outside in windy weather, as this will cool the body too intensely, which can cause complications ( colds).

Breathing exercises ( breathing exercises)

Breathing exercises are certain breathing modes that ensure the supply of a large amount of oxygen to the lungs, as well as the most effective enrichment of blood and body tissues with oxygen. This improves microcirculation in the lungs, improves metabolism and makes hardening procedures more effective.

It is recommended to perform breathing exercises before starting the hardening procedures themselves. This will “warm up” the body and prepare it for the upcoming stress. At the same time, performing breathing exercises after hardening allows you to normalize your heart rate, blood pressure and breathing rate, which has a positive effect on the functioning of all body systems.

Breathing exercises during hardening include:

  • Exercise 1 ( belly breathing). Starting position – sitting. You need to go slow at first ( in 5 – 10 seconds) take a maximum deep breath, and then just as slowly exhale as much as possible. As you exhale, you should pull in your stomach and tense the muscles of the abdominal wall, which has a beneficial effect on the functions of the diaphragm ( the main respiratory muscle located on the border between the chest and abdominal cavity). The exercise should be repeated 3 – 6 times.
  • Exercise 2 ( chest breathing). Starting position – sitting. Before starting the exercise, you should draw in your stomach, and then slowly take a maximum breath in through your chest. The front of the chest should rise up, and the stomach should remain retracted. At the second stage, you should exhale as much as possible, during which you need to slightly tilt your torso forward. Repeat the procedure 3 – 6 times.
  • Exercise 3 ( holding your breath). After maximum inhalation, you should hold your breath for 5–15 seconds ( depending on the person's capabilities), then exhale as much as possible. After exhaling, you also need to hold your breath for 2–5 seconds, and then repeat the exercise 3–5 times.
  • Exercise 4 ( breathing while walking). While performing the exercise, you should move slowly around the room, alternating deep breaths with maximally deep exhalations ( 4 steps per inhale, 3 steps per exhalation, 1 step – pause). It is best to perform this exercise after hardening procedures, as it helps normalize the functions of the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems.
  • Exercise 5. Starting position – any. After a deep inhalation, you should purse your lips, and then exhale as much as possible, resisting the exhaled air with your lips. This procedure should be repeated 4–6 times. This exercise promotes the penetration of air even into the most “hard-to-reach” areas of the lungs ( which are not ventilated during normal breathing), thereby reducing the risk of developing viral and bacterial infections.

Sun hardening ( sunbathing)

During sunbathing, a person is exposed to direct sunlight. The impact of such rays on the skin stimulates the activation of adaptive reactions - a decrease in heat production, dilation of skin vessels, their overflow with blood and an increase in heat transfer. This improves microcirculation in the skin, thereby accelerating the metabolism in it. Moreover, under the influence of ultraviolet rays ( constituents of sunlight) the formation of the melanin pigment occurs. It accumulates in the skin, thereby protecting it from the damaging effects of solar radiation.
Also, under the influence of sunlight, vitamin D is formed in the skin, which is necessary for the normal development of bone tissue, as well as for the functioning of many other organs and systems throughout the body.

Sunbathing is recommended in calm weather. The most suitable time for this is from 10 to 12 am and from 4 to 6 pm. Solar radiation is intense enough to cause the necessary changes in the skin. At the same time, it is not recommended to be in the sun from 12 to 16 hours, since the damaging effect of solar radiation is maximum.

The duration of the sunbath at the beginning of hardening should not exceed 5 minutes. To do this you need to undress ( fully or partially, leaving a loincloth, swimming trunks or swimsuit) and lie on your back or stomach. During the entire period of sunbathing, the person's head should remain in the shade or be covered with a hat, since exposure to direct sunlight can cause sunstroke. After completing the procedure, it is recommended to immerse the body in cool water for 1 - 2 minutes ( swim in the sea, take a cool shower and so on). This will lead to constriction of skin blood vessels, which will also contribute to hardening of the body. In the future, the time spent in the sun can be increased, but it is not recommended to be in direct sunlight for more than 30 minutes ( continuously). Sunbathing should be interrupted immediately if a person experiences a burning sensation in the skin, dizziness, headache, darkening of the eyes or other unpleasant sensation.

Unconventional hardening methods

In addition to traditional hardening factors ( water, air and sun), there are a number of others ( non-traditional) techniques to strengthen the body and increase its resistance to adverse environmental factors.

Non-traditional hardening methods include:

  • rubbing with snow;
  • hardening in a bath ( in the steam room);
  • Riga hardening ( hardening with salt, salt path).

Snow rubdown

The essence of the procedure is as follows. After preliminary warm-up ( within 5 – 10 minutes) you need to go outside, pick up snow in your palm and start sequentially wiping certain areas of your body with it ( arms, legs, neck, chest, stomach). You can use another person to rub your back ( if possible). The duration of the entire rubdown can range from 5 to 15 minutes ( depending on the person’s health status).

This technique is suitable for trained, hardened people whose bodies are already adapted to extreme cold stress. It is strictly forbidden to start hardening procedures by wiping with snow, as this can most likely lead to a cold or pneumonia.

Hardening in a bath ( in the steam room)

Stay in the bathhouse ( in the steam room) is accompanied by a pronounced dilation of the blood vessels of the skin, improved microcirculation in the skin and increased sweating. This also stimulates the development of adaptive reactions and reduces the risk of colds. That is why this hardening method is recommended for use by almost all people who have no contraindications ( severe diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory or hormonal systems).

Be in the steam room itself ( where the air temperature can reach 115 degrees or more) should be done within a strictly defined time period. First, you should close yourself in the steam room for 1 - 2 minutes, after which you should take short breaks ( 10 – 15 minutes). This will allow you to assess the body's reaction to such a high temperature. If there are no unusual symptoms during breaks ( dizziness, headaches, nausea, darkening of the eyes) is not observed, you can increase the time spent in the steam room to 5 minutes. In the future, this time can be increased by 1 - 2 minutes with each next visit to the bathhouse.

After leaving the steam room, you can also plunge into cold water. The resulting stress will lead to a rapid narrowing of the blood vessels of the skin, which will have a pronounced hardening effect. If the procedure is performed in winter, after leaving the steam room you can wipe it with snow, which will give the same positive result.

Riga hardening ( hardening with salt, salt path)

This procedure refers to methods of hardening the legs. You can make a track as follows. First you need to cut out three rectangles ( one meter long and half a meter wide) made of thick fabric ( for example, from carpet). Then you should prepare a 10% sea salt solution ( To do this, dissolve 1 kilogram of salt in 10 liters of warm water). You need to moisten the first piece of cloth in the resulting solution, and then lay it on the floor. The second piece of fabric should be moistened in regular cool water and laid behind the first. The third piece of fabric should be left dry, laying it behind the second.

The essence of the exercise is as follows. Human ( adult or child) must sequentially, in small steps, first go through the first ( salty), then on the second ( just wet) and then on the third ( dry) path. This will help improve microcirculation in the skin of the feet, as well as strengthen its blood vessels, that is, hardening. At the beginning of classes, it is recommended to go through all three paths no more than 4–5 times. In the future, the number of circles can be increased to 10–15.

What will happen to your body if you douse yourself with cold water every day?

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

27 . 03.2017

A story about how to start hardening an adult at home. What is meant by hardening? What rules exist when starting to harden an adult and whether you need to walk barefoot, you will learn about all this below. Let's go!

- Well, where are you going like this? - Gray Wolf asked, looking at Ivan, who appeared on the porch in only shorts and barefoot. - Winter is just around the corner.

“So this... I’ll harden myself,” muttered the prince.

- Just like that? Would it hurt to wear a sports suit?

- Well, you walk around naked all year round.

- I'm wearing wool! - Wolf snapped...

Hello friends! If someone thinks that he knows how to start hardening an adult at home, I hasten to warn you. This is a delicate matter, and it is easier to harm yourself than to achieve results. And there is no need for extremes in such a matter. So pull all your clothes back on yourself and listen!

Unhardened steel rusts, overheated steel crumbles

— Any phenomenon has its pros and cons. Let’s first find out what is meant by hardening,” Gray Wolf suggested to Ivan. - This is the body’s adaptation to temperature changes. He must have time to adapt when he gets into heat or cold. But our lethargy, generated by a sedentary lifestyle, excesses and illnesses, deprives the body of its natural ability. It can be returned. Gradually and gently so as not to make things worse.

Every body has reserves. Yours too, even if you haven’t been involved in sports since birth and didn’t do exercises in the morning. You need to spend your reserve wisely. It is not infinite.

The wolf put two daggers on the pebble.

“Nobody hardened this blade, and it became covered with rust.” It’s the same with the body: diseases overcome it, undermine and corrode it. But this dagger was so diligently thrust into fire and water that its entire safety margin was spent.

The wolf smacked his paw on the shiny blade - and it split.

How to start hardening for an adult at home: who and when to start

- Be healthy!

- I didn't sneeze.

- That's not what I'm talking about! When you are fighting an illness, you need to use the reserve for it. And don’t even think about starting to harden yourself if:

  • you have a cold, acute respiratory infection, flu;
  • wounds, ulcers;
  • increased eye pressure;
  • kidney disease;
  • serious illnesses - .

This rule must be followed without question! In doubtful cases, it is better to first talk to a doctor who is treating you and knows you, and only then start working on increasing the body’s thermoregulation.

The method is simple: first treat, then study. And then - improve!

How to start hardening an adult at home: hurry up slowly

Where to start? If you have finally made up your mind and are full of strength and optimism, start with your daily routine.

  • Get up at the same time, except on weekends, when you can relax and sleep longer.
  • Can't live without coffee? Start with a light shower. I crawled out of bed, did five or six exercises, warmed up, and went to the bathroom with some water at body temperature. Let it flow around for a couple of minutes. Then I dried myself off and had breakfast.
  • After a week, start lowering the water temperature so that it is a little colder every two or three days. Until you bring it to room temperature.

You can douse yourself from a bucket according to the same principle - at first it’s a little warm, then it gets colder and colder, but in such a way that you get to the cold stage no sooner than after 30-40 days. You have nowhere to rush, you don’t have time to get sick. The main principle is to be gradual.

I will warn you: for newborns, hardening methods should be prescribed by a pediatrician. Children's bodies are weaker, they are not used to changes, and adult methods will not work for them.

Air will help us

Haven't you figured out how to start hardening an adult at home yet? There are many ways, go simple. Start sleeping with the window open, but under a good blanket. Let your nose breathe and your body rest in the warmth. By the way, if you adhere to this principle in winter and summer, you can easily recover from allergies and strengthen your throat.

Take air baths at home first. Open the window, strip down to your underpants and stand in the room (but not in a draft) for a minute.

After a few days of this procedure, increase the time by two minutes, gradually increasing it to ten, or even twenty. During the sessions you can do simple physical exercises, such as stretching, for example.

When you realize that you are comfortable and at ease, start going out onto the balcony or onto the street. Just dress so that it is neither cold nor hot.

Walk more, it will help. Swim in summer. Don’t avoid the sun on purpose, but I don’t recommend sunbathing. and deprives it of its barrier function.

Walk barefoot. At home. But don’t let your feet freeze, this will not increase the body’s resistance to illness. You'll just catch a cold.

I don’t recommend immediately following Ivanov’s example and walking around in shorts in the cold. He was a man of the old school, unlike you, and he accustomed himself to life without clothes very gradually, over the course of several years. And then in the end it worked.

- Wait! So he died after eighty!

- So you live to be eighty. Reasonable and without ailments.

Continuity principle

The main thing is that if you start studying the question “how to start hardening an adult at home?”, don’t go astray. Don’t stop, don’t take breaks, don’t put it off “for later.” Live like this:

  • learn to wash your face with cool water twice a day (but always wash your hands with hot water!);
  • in the morning, shower or douse, first warm, gradually, after a couple of months, bring it to room temperature (lower is possible, but not necessary);
  • during the day, walking in the air, air baths;
  • in the evening, rubbing yourself with a wet towel, diligently, as it should - you will gradually move from them to a contrast shower, but also not earlier than in a couple of months;
  • sleep in a ventilated area at night;
  • rest on weekends;
  • if you can and love it, go to the bathhouse (but not the sauna).

In a couple of years you will get to the point of diving into an ice hole if you want, but this is not necessary. The one who dives and the one who does not dive but leads

Water is essential for the life of every creature on the planet. As you know, a person is 80% liquid. But with its help you can also improve your health. Douse yourself with cold water in the morning and reap the benefits.

Types of water hardening

There are quite a few types of douches, but they all have one essence - a sharp change in temperature, which tones the body and gives vigor. Of these, the most popular are:

  1. Contrast dousing - initially the procedure is carried out using warm water, then its temperature is lowered by at least 15°C. As a result, the body learns to effectively fight viruses;
  2. A contrast shower is a softened version that does not act as strongly. The beneficial effects appear later;
  3. Swimming in cold water can be done right in your bathroom. To do this, you need to plunge into the prepared liquid for about 3-4 seconds. More “advanced” swimmers engage in winter swimming, but this requires special training.

The main advantage is accessibility. The benefits of cold dousing can be used by anyone. This does not require special equipment or significant financial costs. The procedure will not take much time, and it can be performed even in a city apartment. The main thing that should be in the arsenal is water and a bucket.

Beneficial effects on the body

The benefits of dousing with cold water have been proven by both doctors and adherents of a healthy lifestyle. The procedure not only improves mood and gives vigor. It has a fairly wide range of action and has a beneficial effect on the condition of many body systems:

  1. Strengthens human immunity, increases resistance to viruses and bacteria. The amount of antibodies intended to destroy pathogenic microorganisms increases in the blood;
  2. Corrects body thermoregulation - the ability to protect against cold and produce its own heat. As a result, a person better tolerates adverse environmental factors;
  3. Stimulates the burning of brown adipose tissue. To keep warm, the body begins to actively process calories, which leads to weight loss. In addition, the severity of the so-called “orange peel” decreases;
  4. Alternating constriction and dilation of blood vessels is an excellent workout. It increases their elasticity and improves blood circulation. Due to increased breathing, the body is enriched with oxygen. This is a good prevention of heart and vascular diseases;
  5. Stimulation of blood flow causes increased functioning of the higher functions of the brain - memory, attentiveness, performance;
  6. Cold dousing after exercise will help remove lactic acid from the muscles, the accumulation of which causes pain. It relieves swelling and enhances the outflow of lymph from tissues.

The benefit of dousing with cold water for women is its positive effect on the condition of the skin - it evens out the complexion, tones, and tightens pores. The effect is also noticeable on the hair - it protects against dehydration and fragility, giving it a healthy look. The fair sex looks several years younger.

In men, the production of the hormone testosterone increases. It is responsible for the duration of erection and muscle mass gain. The quality of sperm improves, which is important for conceiving healthy offspring.

Every person living in the modern rhythm invariably has to deal with stress. Many people suffer from unpleasant symptoms such as chronic fatigue, insomnia, and headaches. Cold douses make it easier to tolerate increased stress and adapt to unfavorable factors. The amount of uric acid in the body decreases, and the level of glutathione, an antioxidant, on the contrary, increases. As a result, your overall stress level decreases.

The procedure is effective in the fight against depression - another scourge of modern society. When the temperature changes, the work of the “coeruleus spot” in the brain, which is responsible for the production of norepinephrine, is activated. Deficiency of this hormone causes depression. At the same time, skin receptors transmit signals to the brain that stimulate its action.

You need to start tempering children from as early an age as possible. But this is done gradually so as not to harm or scare the child. From birth, the baby can be doused with water a couple of degrees colder than the one in which he bathes. He must get used to this procedure. Over time, the temperature is lowered. Then, from infancy, the baby will acquire a strong immune system and a strong heart.

The famous folk healer Porfiry Ivanov developed his own healing system based on cold douches. It was called "Baby". Its essence is the constant hardening and unity of man and nature. He published a book of the same name, which describes all the rules in detail. With its help, you can learn how to properly temper yourself, delay the onset of old age and increase your fortitude.

Where to start

It is quite difficult to immediately pour a bucket of cold water on yourself. To make it easier to start performing this procedure regularly, you should listen to a few simple tips:

  1. Tell your friends and relatives about your intention. Their support will help realize our plans. It’s good if there are like-minded people among them - getting wet together is much easier and more interesting;
  2. Buying equipment also motivates you to practice. You can buy a bright bucket, special slippers or a towel;
  3. The best time to start hardening is summer or the first half of autumn. Before the onset of winter, the body will have time to significantly improve thermoregulation;
  4. You shouldn’t immediately dive into an ice hole or douse yourself with ice water in the cold. To begin with, use fairly warm water - about 20°C. Gradually the temperature is lowered to 10-15°C;
  5. Right before the procedure, you need to calm down, clear your head of extraneous thoughts and tune in to the desired wave. Then the body will receive the maximum healing effect;
  6. Warm up the muscles with light exercise or a short jog. Eli this is not enough, then they rub the body with their hands until they feel a noticeable warmth;
  7. In winter, you can run barefoot in the snow. This is a good conditioning and foot massage. There are many points on the feet that are activated as a result of such actions;
  8. During the first douches, you should not touch your head. This is especially true for those with long hair.

If it’s still difficult to start, then you can start by simply wiping your body with a towel dipped in cold water. If appropriate conditions exist, it is better to carry out hardening in the fresh air rather than using a cramped bath.

When and how to douse yourself correctly

Pouring cold water will help heal the body. Benefit or harm largely depends on the state of health and compliance with the rules:

  1. After the first procedures, you should not be exposed to drafts, otherwise the risk of catching a cold or ARVI increases. The best ambient temperature is 20°C;
  2. It is useful to douse yourself with cold water in the morning. Then the person will receive a powerful boost of energy, and metabolic processes will be activated. In the evening, hardening is also carried out, but the effect will not be as noticeable;
  3. It’s good if one of the relatives helps carry out the first hardening. An outsider will provide insurance in case of unforeseen situations;
  4. Elderly people should not bring the temperature of the water for dousing to too low (below 15°C). In any case, you need to listen carefully to your own feelings;
  5. The process should be enjoyable. There is no need to force yourself; such hardening will be of little use.

After the procedure, it is important to immediately warm up - actively rub your body with a towel or perform several warming exercises.

The main goal is to turn hardening into a natural habit. For its stable formation, dousing is repeated daily for a month. During this time, a person will learn to get real pleasure from the process.

Cautions and contraindications

The dousing procedure is stressful for the body. Temperature changes cause a sharp constriction of blood vessels, which can lead to stroke, angina and even cardiac arrest. But such negative consequences appear in weakened people with diseases of the cardiovascular system. Before starting hardening, you should consult your doctor.

In addition, negative effects occur in the following cases:

  1. When immersed in cold water for a long time, it leads to hypothermia and the risk of colds;
  2. During pregnancy, pregnant women should limit themselves to dousing their feet;
  3. For problems with the central nervous system, the spine should not be exposed to cold;
  4. During the period of exacerbation of various ailments.

You definitely need to pay attention to the body's reaction. If the condition worsens, then hardening should be stopped and contact a specialist.

Pouring cold water is a simple procedure that has a positive effect on health. People who regularly devote time to it rarely get sick, do not have heart problems and are highly efficient. The main thing is to observe the measure, then the beneficial effect will not be long in coming.

Our skin contains a huge number of so-called “cold receptors”, irritating which can affect the entire body. If you carry out hardening procedures correctly, you will help strengthen the immune system and improve thermoregulation (the body’s ability to maintain a constant temperature under different environmental conditions). In addition, hardening stimulates metabolic processes in your body, strengthens the nervous system, tones the heart and blood vessels, and eliminates arrhythmia. Finally, hardening promotes weight loss, improves skin tone and gives the body a boost of energy.

To begin with, here are simple rules for hardening the body that everyone should know about. If you decide to douse yourself with cold water (or choose other types of hardening - we’ll talk about them below), keep in mind:

1. You can start to harden only when you are absolutely healthy

Colds and viral diseases (for example, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza), purulent wounds on the skin will have to be cured before hardening procedures begin. Also, hardening the body is contraindicated for those who suffer from high eye pressure - if the temperature changes, the pressure can become even higher, which will provoke retinal detachment. Hypertensive, hypotensive and those suffering from kidney disease should consult a therapist before proceeding with the procedures. Coronary heart disease, heart failure, tachycardia are diseases in which hardening the body is strictly prohibited.

2. Start hardening gradually to rid your body of stress

If your body is not in excellent health, start strengthening it in the simplest way - accustom yourself to washing with cold water (do this gradually - let the water at first be at room temperature 20-22°C, then lower it by about a degree every day). Eventually, you will get used to washing your face with cold tap water and will be able to move on to the next stage without negative consequences for your body.

3. Carry out hardening procedures regularly, systematically, without interruptions

If you have already decided, then harden yourself every day, in any weather and in any conditions. Even on a trip or camping trip, you must continue what you started, and what kind of procedure it will be - walking barefoot or wiping with a towel - decide for yourself. Keep in mind that hardening can cause a runny nose, but this is not a reason to stop the procedures. An exception may be an increase in temperature.

Types of hardening procedures

Let's discard such extreme procedures as winter swimming, and talk about procedures that are easy to perform and accessible to everyone.

1. Air baths

Air hardening should begin in a well-ventilated room at a temperature not lower than 15-16°C. At the initial stage, the session should last 3 minutes (over time you will increase it to 5 minutes). After undressing, do some vigorous “warming” exercises (walking in place, squats, push-ups - whatever your heart desires). You can start taking outdoor baths after at least a month of such preparation.

If you start to harden yourself now, then by summer you will be able to switch to air baths outside - it is recommended to start taking them at a temperature of 20-22°C. The first session is no more than 15 minutes (and only if you have prepared your body with winter home workouts), subsequent air baths can be longer (add 1-2 minutes every day).

In the cold season, outdoor sessions (on the balcony, for example) can be carried out only after a year of preliminary preparation (start with 1 minute and gradually increase the “dose” to 15 minutes).

2. Rubdowns

Rubdowns are useful for everyone who has no contraindications and - especially - skin disorders. The procedure consists of vigorously rubbing the body with a towel dipped in water. For 2 minutes, consistently rub with a wet towel until your neck, chest and back become red and warm, then wipe them dry. Repeat the procedure with your thighs and legs.

First, wet the towel with water whose temperature is 33-34°C, gradually (every 10 days) lowering the temperature by 5°C, so you will bring it to 18-20°C. Having consolidated the result for 2-3 months, you can proceed to lowering the temperature of the water to cold - also continue to lower it by 5°C every 10 days.

3. Pouring

The easiest way for beginners is partial dousing. The best time for the procedure is morning. I recommend preparing the water in the evening: fill a bucket of cold tap water (it will warm up to room temperature overnight). In the morning, spray your hands, feet and neck several times and rub them dry with a towel. After 2 weeks of daily douches, you can start dousing the whole body.

Regarding temperature, the effectiveness of hardening increases as the contrast between body temperature and water temperature increases. Every 10 days, as with rubbing, lower the water temperature by 5°C. Make sure that the air temperature in the room is not lower than 20°C - this way you will avoid hypothermia.

4. Contrast shower

The contrasting effect of water strengthens the heart and blood vessels, triggers metabolic processes in the body due to the rapid flow of blood to the organs. Without lingering for a long time on individual parts of the body, sequentially pour a stream of water from the shower over yourself. The simplest and most understandable scheme of the procedure that exists, in my opinion, is this: 10-30 seconds - hot shower, 10-30 seconds - cold shower, repeat the cycle three times.

Start with 10 seconds, after 2 weeks increase the time to 20 seconds, after another 2 weeks increase the time to 30 seconds. Water temperature in the first 2-3 weeks: hot - 40-45°C, cold - 28-30°C. Then you can lower the cold water temperature to 15-20°C.

5. Barefoot in the cold

Hardening the feet is a method accessible to everyone. Pour water at room temperature (20-22°C) into the bottom of the bathtub, stand in it for 2-3 minutes and alternately step from foot to foot. Every 2-3 days, reduce the water temperature by 1°C. Gradually you will “reach” the temperature of cold tap water.

A nice bonus is that this method of hardening the body not only helps to increase immunity, but also serves as a prevention of flat feet and hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) of the feet.

How to properly temper yourself at home? This is a difficult question for those who are accustomed to cozy, heated apartments, warm sweaters and jackets. On the one hand, why do we need hardening at all? To specifically cool yourself, test the strength of your immune system, torment your body by lowering your temperature over and over again? On the other hand, look at the street animals. Their standard of living is not the best, but they don’t know what a cold or bronchitis is. Now look at yourself again - a great and powerful man, a conqueror of nature, unadapted even to the conditions of his own room. A little draft - snot, a little cold - fever. Somehow it doesn't work out well.

If you are tired of giving your money to doctors, and the cashier at the pharmacy already knows your name, you are rightfully worried about the future of your child or adult loved one, it’s time to change the situation and take your health into your own hands. We'll tell you how!

The influence of controlled exposure to cold on the human body

Scientists have long proven that the stressful effects of temperature changes cause activation of the body's defenses. Maintaining the influence of this stimulus always leads to improved resistance to disease. Such activation, artificially regulated by the person himself, with a competent approach leads to a favorable state of internal organs. Simply put, toughen up!

Hardening will help you improve your health

And you will experience the following positive changes:

  1. Vessels. Due to temperature changes, their walls sharply contract and relax, this strengthens them. Capillaries and skin also maintain elasticity and youth. And we, for a minute, have 100 thousand kilometers of them!
  2. Heart. If you measure your pulse level after a douche, you will notice how much it has increased. Hardening affects the heart rate, the strength of each push and can heal and increase the tone of the main human muscle.
  3. Blood. Its quality improves (the number of leukocytes and blood cells). Healthy blood circulation is accelerated, congestion is destroyed, internal organs are washed with blood and this facilitates the delivery of nutrients.
  4. Muscles. Many “walruses” note that after a certain period of dousing and diving into the ice hole, their physical strength increased. An increase in regeneration in the body, constant enrichment of cells with blood and the alternation of “strong tension - complete relaxation” also play a role here. After dousing, you will always feel pleasant fatigue and peace.
  5. Metabolism. It increases, toxic elements are removed from the body, nitrogen (taken from food) is better absorbed.
  6. Psyche. After such procedures, a person feels completely relaxed. His sleep will be sound, and he will wake up vigorous and fresh.

Keep in mind that, in addition to contraindications (tumors, inflammation, blood diseases), it is worth taking into account your personal mental type. This is ideal for calm, balanced people. People with increased nervous excitability should think twice before starting hardening. This is especially true for children, who may be suitable for completely different recreational hobbies, for example, sports.

Advice: carefully analyze your health before exposure to stress.

Rules for carrying out any hardening procedures

Perhaps this is not the first time you have asked yourself the question of how to properly begin to harden yourself at home, and you think that you are completely ready for the method, but do not forget about the psychological side of the issue. Yes, we tend to be afraid of the cold. It seems that it is already in the human genes to run from the frost to your warm nest. But as practice shows, comfort in large quantities does not bring anything good except laziness and excessive relaxation of the body. As a result, we get illnesses, apathy and blues. At first, it will be difficult to resist the remarks of adults about hardening children, who express a negative attitude. Do not allow a psychological clamp to form.

Always warm up before your procedure. Insufficient preparation of the body before dosed cooling is a common mistake. The ideal way to do this is with simple warm-up exercises: twirl your arms, legs, and pelvis, rub your body until you feel hot, and take a moderately hot shower. You shouldn't sweat. Please note that different parts of the body have their own temperature: the stomach is hot, the feet and legs, on the contrary, are cool, etc. When you heat the surface of the skin, it will fill with blood and the blood vessels will respond more readily to the cold. If you harden on a cool body, vasospasm will occur and there will be no correct reaction to your actions.

How to properly temper yourself with cold water at home? Try not to dry yourself with a towel afterwards. Warm up, do some squats, walk around, dry off naturally. Afterwards, you can even crawl under the blanket to restore blood circulation. After about twenty minutes you will feel that it is getting hot - get up and get dressed. This way you won’t get sick, even if you’re new to this business. It is also important to cool the head at the same time to avoid blood stagnation or even disturbances in the functioning of blood vessels. Start from the top of your head, then your shoulders, chest, and the rest of your body. If you do not plan to pour your head, wash your face and wet your cervical area. This is especially true for people with diseased, inelastic vessels.

Increase the duration and strength of hardening procedures gradually. Hardening increases only if you adhere to this mandatory rule. At the same time, it is important not to get stuck in one place and constantly move forward, lowering the degrees. If you are concerned about how to properly harden yourself at home without negative consequences, take a look at the forum. They advise, despite clear instructions, to listen to individual feelings. They should only be an indicator of your progress. Also consider the following:

  1. Invigorating procedures such as hardening with cold water are best done in the morning, immediately after waking up. At this time, the body is still uniformly warm, the body's response will appear much more readily. And the vigor acquired from the process will be with you all day. Hardening with hot water is possible before bedtime. This will make it easier to fall asleep.
  2. Use not only controlled cooling, but also body heating. Porfiry Ivanov, the creator of the well-known health system, argued that a sauna or steam bath cleanses, and cold removes mucus and toxins. Combining these concepts allows us to achieve structuring of bodily structures, and this is a completely different sense of self.
  3. Pay special attention to the neck, feet and palms as areas with a large number of reflex points. They have a significant impact on many internal systems.
  4. During the menstrual cycle, you can continue to massage, but avoid procedures that can cause an influx or outflow of blood from the pelvic area.

Advice: start to harden yourself, moving from sunbathing in the summer to air baths in the fall and water baths in the winter.

How to properly harden yourself at home from scratch? Recommendations for adults

You should start small; the first stage can be partial rubdowns. Warm up as described earlier and fill your palms with water. Splash it forcefully onto yourself, then rub your skin until completely dry. Start with the largest areas and work down to the small ones. For example, chest, abdomen and ending with arms. Treat your back with a damp towel. Start with a room temperature of 20°C and lower this edge a few notches each time. Achieve the condition where the skin quickly turns red. This means that the body has responded to your efforts. It's incredibly beneficial for circulation.

Next, perform general wiping. For this, a sheet or canvas made of natural fabric is used. Dip it in water and tie it around your body like you would tie a bath towel after a shower (under your arms). Rub your body intensively through it until you feel hot. This type of rubdown is ideal for elderly and frail people. If possible, ask for help. The temperature limit starts around 15°C and decreases, gradually reaching 10–12°C. After mastering this point, you can move on to more serious ones:

  1. It is preferable to choose early morning for douches; 6–7 o’clock is the ideal time. If it is more convenient for you to exercise in the evening, make sure that it occurs at least 3 hours before bed, otherwise you will toss and turn in bed until midnight.
  2. Warm up your body with rubbing and exercise.
  3. Fill a plastic bowl or bucket with water at the selected temperature (below 10°C). The main thing is to hold it comfortably.
  4. Kneel, between or on your heels, and slowly pour the liquid over yourself, starting from the top of your head and working your way down. The procedure lasts a few seconds, no more. If you don't want to get your hair wet, wash your face and rinse your neck.
  5. You can also plunge your head into the bath. The water should completely cover the body, and the duration of exposure should not exceed 15 seconds.
  6. After a bath or douche, run, jump, shake your abs. An excellent solution would be to exercise with dumbbells. This further activates the bodily response to the action. You will be better cleansed and energized for the whole day.

Advice: how to properly temper yourself at home without mistakes will help you find out the videos, of which there are a lot. Accumulate a sufficient amount of theoretical knowledge before taking active steps.

How to properly temper yourself at home from scratch for children? Raising a healthy child

How to properly harden children at home? Sometimes it’s scary to even talk about this topic. How is it possible to take a warm, favorite lump and pour a tub of cold water on it? Even thinking about this is scary, but it is an important condition for health. For example, the Yakuts dipped a newly born baby in snow and water and immediately wrapped him in skins. The children grew up and had excellent health! People with poor immunity do not live long in Siberia. What do we have? Our baby is wrapped as warmly as possible, placed in diapers in a heated room, and God forbid there is an open window somewhere! But the truth is that from the first minute of life a child is ready for the most severe tests of a new reality for him.

His immunity works to its fullest and if this connection with nature is not interrupted, he will work like this all his life. And you should start not with hardening, but with organizing a healthy atmosphere for the child’s existence. Such “natural upbringing” is often in dissonance with pediatrics, but those parents who are seriously concerned about the health of their child are surprised how they “worked for the pharmacy” for so long, because the process itself is simple, and the result will not be long in coming:

  1. How to properly harden a child at home? Start by increasing your physical activity. Let him finally know what long walks outside are like. Don't be afraid of light rain or wind. This is nature: both you and your child are part of it. In almost any kindergarten or school there is clearly a lack of sports. Give the baby to a section or circle. Believe me, the sooner you start, the stronger your immunity will be in the future.
  2. Clothing should protect, but not hinder movement. If you are going for a walk, remember that the baby should not sweat, but he will move actively. It would be reasonable to gradually reduce the amount and thickness of clothing, observing the child’s well-being.
  3. Nutrition is another “pillar” on which health is based. Never force your child to eat if he doesn't want to. If he doesn't eat, he hasn't spent enough energy. Force feeding will lead to another problem in the future - an eating disorder.

If you are sure that you have fulfilled all the previous conditions, you can proceed to direct hardening. In infancy, start with air baths, gradually increasing the amount of time spent on this from 5 minutes or more at 20°C, then move on to walking barefoot around the house. Hot and cold rubdowns are good: dip a towel in water and quickly wipe your baby. You can start at room temperature and gradually lower it. In the case of hot rubbing, use 40°C and a duration of about 4 minutes. This is an evaporative technique according to K.V. Plekhanov. Douches are carried out like adults, but with milder temperatures.

Advice: practice sleeping your child outside, it strengthens the child.

A video on this topic will help you understand how to properly and safely temper yourself at home with cold water: