Interactive game “Pets” (presentation). Presentation "pets" for children of the middle group Presentation for children on the topic of animals

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Presentation for children of the younger group. Prepared by: Yakovleva N.V.

Goal: Expand children's understanding of pets, evoke an emotional response with the help of artistic words.

Sergey Mikhalkov Kittens Listen, guys, I want to tell you; We gave birth to kittens - there are exactly five of them. We decided, we wondered: What should we name the kittens? Finally we named them: ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE. ONE - the kitten is the whitest, TWO - the kitten is the bravest, THREE - the kitten is the smartest, AND FOUR - the noisiest. FIVE - similar to THREE and TWO - Same tail and head, Same spot on the back, Sleeps in the same way all day in a basket. Our kittens are good - ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE! Come to us, guys, look and count.

Interesting facts about cats A cat's nose print is unique, like a human fingerprint Cats are the laziest mammals, they sleep 16 hours a day Cats smell 14 times stronger than humans, and are much better than dogs

Elena Stekvashova PUPPY How I want a puppy, But a living one, not made of plush. So that the sides are plump and the ears stand straight up. I would love him so much! He would love me too, I would go for a walk with him On a rainy day or a fine day. I would feed him from my hands, He would lick my palm. I talked to my sister - For some reason she needs a cat.

Interesting facts about dogs Laika, a Russian mongrel, was the first mammal to orbit the Earth in a spacecraft in 1957. Small amounts of grapes or raisins can cause kidney failure in dogs. Chocolate, Aussie nuts, fried onions or anything with caffeine can also be harmful to dogs. The Egyptians, Japanese, and Indians considered dogs to be sacred animals and revered them very much.

Tail in a pigtail, Legs like matches, Lip stuck out down... All fluffy, Golden, With a white star on his forehead. A skirt, a stick, a piece of washcloth - whatever he sees, he sucks everything. He walks behind Aunt Nadya and teases Zhuchka at the gate. If he goes out into the field - what a treat! He looks into the distance for a long time - and suddenly he squeals like a pig, throws up his back and gallops towards his mother in the meadow. (Sasha Cherny)

Interesting facts about horses If you put a bucket of coffee and a bucket of cocoa in front of a horse, the horses will prefer coffee in four cases out of five. Horses can also recognize themselves in pictures. Having seen a brother in the picture, the horse can “greet” him with a quiet neigh and sniff him. Horses have selective musical tastes. They prefer soothing or upbeat instrumental music, but become agitated by loud music such as rock.

Z. Pisman On the lawn, near the river, sheep are chewing grass. The shepherd urges them on and plays the pipe. The sun is shining in the sky, the wind is circling and flying, the river is shining blue, running down the hill like a wave. The water in the river is good, the sheep are drinking by the shore, the fish are swimming in schools. Ducks live by the river. The sheep walked and fell asleep near the river. And their shepherd boy got tired and put away his horn until morning.

Interesting thing about sheep Rams and sheep have an amazing ability to remember their shepherd. When the flock is driven to a watering hole, many sheep are mixed there. However, when the shepherd calls his sheep, they all move away from the water and move on to the pasture. It is very rare for someone else’s sheep to wander into the wrong flock. This only happens due to ear or eye diseases. The main diet of rams consists of leaves and grass, but they also like to eat mushrooms. An interesting fact is that when sheep graze in an open, unfenced area, they huddle together and do not move away from each other, but if they see a fence, they feel calm and graze without fear of anything.

A. Butenin More than all my little animals that I look at - (Real and toys) - I treasure the cow I love my cow, And, waking up, at exactly 5, Tying a rope on the horn, I take her out for a walk I go to the watering place with her, And I give pluck the grass, and along the cherished path, I go to the house where I live. In the morning I’ll tell her: “great”! At night I’ll whisper to her: “bye”! And then my cow will give me a lot of milk

Interesting facts about cows: Cows and bulls are color blind. The taste of a cow's milk is affected by the grass she eats. If the milk has a bitter taste, it means that the cow ate wormwood or some other bitter herb. The cow is a ruminant animal. They can make up to 100 jaw movements per minute.

Evgenia Ilyina
Presentation for children 3–5 years old “Pets”

Pet in the family it is a powerful educational factor. The child learns to take care of him, look after him, he develops moral, volitional and labor qualities. This is not surprising, because every mother and every father wants their children to be kind, warm-hearted, and responsive. According to the scientist, “A person who does not love cannot be kind.” animals who never cared about them." The children living in the city mostly know each other (have in their families) with such representatives pets like – cat, dog, parrot. What other ones are there? pets? In what conditions do they live, what benefits do they bring to humans, who are their cubs, what do they eat? To solve this problem, I prepared this presentation.

Target: Pin view children about domestic animals and their babies.


Learn children recognize by external signs pets, their cubs. Clarify knowledge children what they eat, what benefits they bring animals to humans.

Develop attention, thinking, speech activity

Cultivate a desire to care for pets.

3-6 slide: we ask questions what is the name of dad, mom, cubs?

Publications on the topic:

"Pets." Abstract of GCD on speech development with elements of TRIZ technology for children 2–3 years old"Pets" Program content. 1. Tasks for the development of cognitive abilities: consolidate material on the topic: “Pets”;.

Summary of a lesson on speech development of young children “Pets and their cubs” for children 2–2.5 years old Educational area: speech development Goal: introducing children to young domestic animals Objectives: To consolidate children’s knowledge about domestic animals.

Goal: To consolidate children’s ideas about familiar pets. To foster children’s interest in books about animals. Objectives: to introduce children to the characteristic features of the appearance, behavior, lifestyle of domestic animals and their young; to develop the ability to name domestic animals and their young; to form a caring attitude to pets; to develop emotional responsiveness to works of art.

Preliminary work: Observing the life of domestic animals; Examination of toys, pictures of pets; reading works of art: fairy tales: “The Wolf and the Little Goats”, adaptation by A.N. Tolstoy, “Cat, Rooster and Fox”, adaptation by M. Bogolyubskaya, “Bull - black barrel, white hooves”, adaptation by M. Bulatov, “Goat” dereza”, adaptation by E. Blaginina, poems: A. Barto “Bull”, “Little Goat”, “About a Kitten”, V. Berestov “Bull”, stories: K. Ushinsky “Vaska”, V. Suteev “Three Kittens”, "Who said 'Meow?' solving riddles.

He eats grass, chews, is silent, and then moos for half a day: Stroke my sides - I’ll give you fresh milk

Who is this? A beard, horns. She has legs in her hooves. She produces excellent healing milk.

Sweet, good-natured, Pig nose, Lying in a puddle, Crochet tail sticking out

She happily waves her tail when the owner comes into the house. Her destiny is this - to keep the house from strangers.

Who lives in our house? He drinks milk from a bowl. At night he chases mice. During the day he rests on a bench.

He gives us wool so that we can dress ourselves and keep warm in woolen clothes. He grazes in a flock in the meadow. What is that animal’s name?

Didactic game “Guess who is the odd one out?”

Didactic game “What are the names of young domestic animals?

Physical exercise “Kittens”.

Guys, let's listen to the poem: All day long, two girlfriends grazed near the pines - ME and MU. MEOW warmed his barrel in the sun, BE disturbed him all day. KRYA was swimming nearby in the river, Kukareku sang songs, GAV was lying on the porch, ONG was under a sniffle bush. And now, my friend, remind me, Call by name everyone who caught our eye on this hot afternoon. (T. Litvinova.) Children name pets

Didactic game “Who eats what?”

Listen to what a good poem the poet Roman Sef wrote about them: These animals live at home, That’s why they are called pets, We shelter them in warmth from the frost, We feed and water them, if necessary, we give them a haircut, We stroke them affectionately, we always take care of them, They They are attached to us, very obedient and not indifferent to our voice. The dogs diligently guard our house, All the cats, of course, live near the house And they guard our food from mice. Today we remembered our favorites. Let's remember who they are? (Pets).

Thank you for your attention.



Ivanova E.S.

Target: give an idea about domestic animals.


  • show the distinctive features of domestic animals;
  • clarify the names of the adult animal and the baby;
  • to cultivate love and respect for nature and “our smaller brothers.”

What are pets?

These are animals that are kept by humans. He provides them with shelter and food, and they, in turn, bring benefits to people, are either a source of material goods and services, or companions who brighten up human leisure.

Mystery You stroke it, it caresses you, You tease and he bites.

The dog says to the puppy:

“Don’t get into a fight with a cat, Even though the owner is friends with her, But she doesn't serve him. Since you live in a kennel, That means he’s in charge in the yard!”

Mystery Even on an iron roof He walks quietly, quieter than a mouse. Will go hunting at night And how he sees everything during the day. Often sleeps, and after sleep She washes herself.

The kitten is fiddling with a ball: Then he will creep up to him secretly, Then he will start throwing himself at the ball, Pushes him, jumps to the side... Can't guess That there is not a mouse here, but a ball

Mystery Hungry - moos, well-fed - chews, Gives milk to all the kids!

The cow has a calf Ready to fight with her. He calls her to play And she chews grass - To raise a bull We need a lot of milk!

Mystery I'm digging in the ground with my little snout, I'll take a swim in a dirty puddle.

Pig teaches piglet Eat a lot, grunt loudly.

And also swim in a puddle, To be no worse than others. To weigh a hundred kilos, To be lucky in life .

Mystery For me, the stable is home. Treat me to some oats! The mane curls behind his back, You can't keep up with me!

The horse will ask the foal: "Tell me, my dear, Who has a mane like that? Who grows up so beautiful?" And he will answer for him: "You, my sweet, yoke-go!"

The goat and her kids went out for a walk, Drink in the stream, pinch the grass. The goat gives milk to the mistress, She spins threads from goat fluff.


With a beard, not an old man, With horns, not a bull. Not a horse, but kicking, They milk, but not the cow, With down, not a bird, He pulls his bast, but doesn’t weave bast shoes.

Mystery Over the mountains, over the valleys He wears a fur coat and a caftan.

The lamb has wool in rings, His mother is a sheep. He runs after her And he’s shaking all over with fear. It means it's too early Call him a sheep .


He is the little brother of the bunnies, And the child is happy with him. A ball of fluff, a long ear, Jumps deftly, loves carrots

Where are the rabbits? The mother rabbit lost her babies, And the little rabbits lie and are silent. One is behind the willow tree, Two are behind the broom, One is under the leaf, Two are under a bush. How to find children as quickly as possible? Mom has a little more than five of them .

What are they giving us? pets?

TEST YOURSELF! What animals are called domestic?