The true meaning of proverbs. The true meaning of proverbs What does it mean in a family there is a black sheep

Accidents will happen in the best regulated families

Accidents will happen in the best regulated families
From the fable “Elephant in the Voivodeship” (1808) by I. A. Krylov (1769-1844):
Even though elephants seem to be a smart breed,
However, there is a black mark in the family:
Our voivode
My family was fat,
Yes, he was not like his relatives.

Playfully and ironically: and in the best team there will be a person who casts a shadow on it, acts contrary to its principles and traditions.

Encyclopedic dictionary of popular words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”. Vadim Serov. 2003.

See what “There’s a black sheep in a family” in other dictionaries:

    There's a twist in the bread, there's a black mark in the family. Wed. Two brothers, both Ivanovichs, one Don, and the other Shat (smart, the other connecting rod, an allusion to the rivers Don and Shat, both flowing from Lake Ivan). Wed. Yes, among the priesthood there there are unworthy people...

    See: A big family has its black sheep...

    There's a black mark in the family. There's a twist in the bread, there's a black mark in the family. Wed. Two brothers, both Ivanovichs, and one Don, and the other Shat (delicate, the other connecting rod, an allusion to the rivers Don and Shat, both flowing from Lake Ivan). Wed. Yes, between... ...

    1. Unlock About a person who stands out from what kind of people for his shortcomings. group, team. BMS 1998, 521. 2. Jarg. Arm. Iron. About an excellent student in combat and political training. BSRG, 534 ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    Accidents will happen in the best regulated families. A large family has its black sheep. See KIND TRIBE... V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    The family has its fair share of blacks, and the freak is not always favored. See FAMILY RELATIVES... V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Bread has its share of defects, and the family has its share of black sheep. See KIND TRIBE... V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Wed. But just as there is no rule without an exception, then here, in this painful period of my early memories, there is one exception... Leskov. Sovereign court. 2. Wed. Although he knew people, of course, and generally despised them; But (there are no rules without exceptions): Others he... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    There is no rule without exception. Wed. But just as there is no rule without an exception, then here, in this painful period of my early memories, there is one exception... Leskov. Sovereign court. 2. Wed. Although he knew people, of course, and them in general... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    What kind, tribe? What are you, kings of princes or kings of princes? Shem's bone is holy, Afet's is white, Ham's is black. The laymen are nobles by birth: there is no onion in the cabbage soup, but the button is light. As in the title when there is nothing in the box. A woman lives for... ... V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people


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  • History of the group "Sounds of Mu", Guryev Sergey. “Sounds of Mu” appeared when Soviet power was in the prime of its powers, but six years of their music-making was enough for the seemingly unshakable empire to turn into scraps and “Sounds...

Tell me, is there justice in the world? Why did the law of universal disgusting work specifically for me? They say that every family has its black sheep - so that’s about me. No, according to others, I am beautiful, very beautiful, oh, even too beautiful! BUT! I was born into a family of alphas - a beta. Wow... Really, it's a bummer?! Well, first things first.

My father is the most powerful alpha in the empire. He holds the post of head of the state security department. Practically, he is omnipotent. Almost everyone is afraid of him! Are you impressed?! But that's not all. I have three older brothers. Note that everyone is alpha. Their father persecutes them mercilessly. But the result is obvious. Three handsome young men, daring giants, all equally matched... Ugh! Something carried me away again. So, what am I talking about... Yeah, I remembered. So, my three older brothers are gorgeous alpha males. The most spectacular omegas salivate when looking at them. These three tyrants chose the safety of my father and me as their goal in life. But, since our dad is a rather unusual omega, and he can only be looked after at a great distance, they put all their efforts into raising my poor carcass. You say life is bad for omegas? Three times ha! You didn’t live as a beta in my family.

My dad is an incredibly handsome omega. His father will not get enough of him, despite the many years they have lived together. Despite the customs of the country, where the birth of ten children by an omega is considered the norm (after all, there are so few omegas), after the birth of three sons, the father personally took care of providing his beloved spouse with safe infusions to prevent pregnancy. According to him, his beloved husband is not an incubator on legs, but a delight to his father’s eyes. And for ten years he carefully took care of the health of his omega. As relatives and friends concluded, this approach had results. Dad blossomed.

How did I manage to be born into this crazy family? Oh, this is a dramatic story, completely covered with white spots of mystery. I don’t know what our father did, but dad left him. Can you imagine? It was my own husband who cheated the omnipotent of all things. They say that my father performed dances with a tambourine around my father for about a year, but finally persuaded him to return. It was as a result of these persuasions that I was born.

After my birth, an idyll reigned in the family. Remember when I said that almost everyone is afraid of their father? There are exceptions to any rule. In this case, the exception was dad and me. The formidable head of the state security department was plasticine in the hands of her husband. And for the first years of my adult life I felt like a teddy bear. All five of them tried to squeeze me. Nightmare! (I'm lying, I love them too!).

So in our family, all the alphas (Father - Ector, brothers - Eric, Eduard, Edward) all worked in the same state security department. Dad (again an exception to the rule - omegas practically did not work. And even when, with a bunch of children in his arms) worked as the director of the central branch of the capital's imperial bank. And I'm finishing school. And today there is a family council, on the agenda of which there is one question - WHERE TO SEND the child to study. Give them free rein, they would have locked me at home. After all, I am so small, fragile, and the world is so cruel. Well, yes, small (mine are 1.70m, versus my brother’s and father’s 2.0m, even my dad’s 1.85m), well, fragile (I honestly go to the gym, but my muscles don’t build. As my trainer says, I’m wiry). My brothers have a Nordic appearance, that is, they are blue-eyed, two-meter blond - like their father. And I’m a “scorching brunette”, I look like my dad. These despot brothers wear short hair, but they force me to have long hair. Oooh, sadists.

To be honest, I’ll tell you a secret, just don’t tell anyone, okay? So, for the last year I have been grateful to my parents that I am a beta. The omegas of our class, whose hormones had awakened in previous years, began to dance a jig. The alphas are ready to tear them apart with their bare hands. Horrible! As soon as one person's heat stops, another's starts. And we have thirty of them, as many as six. It's a mess, I'll tell you, it's still a mess. There are lessons when teachers only work with us betas, because omegas either before or after heat, alphas “train endurance,” and we, betas, don’t give a damn. HA!

Even in the school corridors, we stand out from the crowd with our neatness, our imperturbable calm, and restraint. And it doesn’t matter that we are a “dead-end branch”. For this purpose, there are three alphas in my family. So let them improve the demographic situation of the empire.

So today is family council. My father came up with a “bright idea” about the need to improve his core subjects before enrolling. When he found out that I had not yet decided where I would go, the end of the world began. Where dad is looking, what his brothers are thinking, a restless child (that’s me, if anyone doesn’t understand), it’s creepy.

I was fooling around and pouring out my thoughts to you. I'm sorry you had to listen to me. I’m just afraid to tell anyone from the family, otherwise it’ll be a mess. Because every family member considers himself obligated to ensure my happiness. At the same time, everyone sees this very happiness in their own way. I have nothing to say against, they all sincerely love me, but Gods, how hard it is to live up to their dreams of my beloved.

I was going shopping. I left the house and immediately remembered that I had left the card in another bag. We'll have to go back...

- Forgot something, honey? “Our old ladies were sitting on a bench near the house. Apparently there weren’t enough topics to talk about in the morning, so my fussy behavior gave them a topic for another conversation.

- Yes, I forgot. Hello,” I picked up my bag and headed back to the entrance.

“Don’t forget to look in the mirror,” the advice of one of the trio rushed after me, otherwise it’s not good to go back...

Taking everything you need and... After looking in the mirror and making a funny face at myself, I went downstairs again.

The conversation was already different:

- That's how it all turned out. It’s not for nothing that they say: every family has its black sheep,” Irina Sergeevna looked with pity after the leaving man.

He swayed from side to side and muttered something as he did so. The trouser leg was torn on one side. I noticed the face... It seemed vaguely familiar to me.

- Didn’t you recognize it? This is Seryozhka, Leshkin’s brother. Completely drunk. Leshka treated him, coded him, and did everything he could... But he was such a good boy.

I peered at the retreating figure. Indeed, it was Seryozha. True, I haven’t seen him for a hundred years. I didn’t expect to see it in such a state.

“I’m telling you, there’s a black sheep in a family.” One brother is like that: a businessman... rich, important, and the second one seems to have shouldered all the sins of the family on himself,” Irina Sergeevna waved her hand in annoyance.

Accidents will happen in the best regulated families. Probably, a foreigner will never understand such an expression without a very scrupulous explanation. Yes, we ourselves do not quite understand and use it correctly.

Let's figure out where this expression came from.

In ancient times in Rus', family was not called, as we all now thought, a husband and wife, no.

A married couple was called a real full-fledged family only when they had their first child. Those. a child who became the first sprout of his Family. He was the crown of his Family. And if the first-born was also a boy, this was considered a particularly good sign.

The letter U (prefix) here means “near”, “near”, i.e. belonging to something. By the way, in contrast to the prefix “you”, which denotes the direction outward, removal.

And this catchphrase then has a very clear meaning: there is a black sheep in a family. Those. a real family always has a firstborn, i.e. a child standing by his Family. Like this.

But when did this expression change its meaning...

For the Family, the person responsible for his Family at a given moment in time is his crown. And, since we are all children of God, very often the child was called God’s gift. This child belonged to his Family in the same way as to the Family of God. Those. he was with God.

Hence the expression “poor”, i.e. under the protection and patronage of God.

Usually the holy fools were called wretched in Rus'. It was believed that God awarded them with a special vision of this world, completely inaccessible to mere mortals. It was not permissible to offend the holy fools; it was necessary to look after them and listen to their words. They carried God's message.

But, as you yourself understand, human mutilation is not pleasing to the eye. Defectiveness irritates and causes rejection. That is why the word freak (foolish fool, holy fool) began to mean a person with some kind of physical or mental disability.

Yes, by the way, a person who broke away from his Family and broke ties with it was called a degenerate in Rus'. Remember the prefix “you” - go out, leave. It was believed that such a person had departed not only from his Family, but also from God. Because at the head of any human race is God.

Here is another example of how the original meaning of an expression has changed its meaning over time.

I looked sadly after him leaving. But I remember him. He was a romantic, played the guitar...

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