What causes demodicosis? Demodex on the face symptoms. Distinctive feature and dignity of folk remedies

Demodicosis is a skin disease caused by the microscopic mite Demodex folliculorum. This tick belongs to the opportunistic organisms, that is, it is normally found in healthy people. Its size is up to 0.5 mm, and it lives in the ducts of the sebaceous glands of smooth skin and in the ducts of the meibomian glands, which are located on the edge of the eyelid. Quite often, glandular acne, or subcutaneous mite, as the causative agent of demodicosis is also called, is found at the mouths of hair follicles.

Why does demodicosis occur?

Demodex mites are found in 90% of people; in most of them it does not manifest itself in any way, while some people cannot be cured of demodicosis for a long time.

The cause of demodicosis is the rapid proliferation of the pathogen, as a result of which the patient experiences a number of unpleasant sensations. Normally, one hair follicle contains 1-3 mites, but with demodicosis their number can exceed 10 individuals. The exact reason why the tick begins to actively reproduce, causing a pathological process, has not been established. Only risk factors have been identified in which demodicosis occurs with high frequency.

These factors include:

  • emotional;
  • nervous tension;
  • poor nutrition with a predominance of fatty and spicy foods in the diet;
  • tan;
  • “abuse” of bath procedures;
  • use of fatty creams and ointments.

All of the above stimulates increased production of sebum, thereby creating favorable conditions for mite reproduction. Immunodeficiency of any origin (a simple cold!) can also lead to illness. In women, the provoking factor is sometimes the use of hormonal drugs that cause metabolic disorders in the skin.

This is interesting! Daily use of eyelid and face skin care creams from the same container causes demodicosis on the face, as re-infection occurs with mites that got into the container with the cream.

Skin demodicosis in itself is not a very serious disease. Its danger lies in the addition of a bacterial infection, causing even greater inflammation.

People with loose and sensitive skin that has a tendency to redness are more susceptible to demodicosis. In men, this disease develops much less frequently, since they use cosmetics less often and shave their faces. During the shaving process, particles of keratinized skin with the mites located in them are removed; scientifically speaking, the insemination of the skin by the pathogen is reduced.

It is extremely rare that demodicosis occurs in people who do not belong to any risk group and do not have any predisposition to it.

Symptoms of demodicosis largely depend on the number of reproducing mites, skin type, and general condition of the patient. The leading symptom is a rash on the skin of the face and eyelids; the rash most often has an inflammatory nature. There are several forms of demodicosis, the classification is based on the predominant type of rash. In fact, these forms are also stages of the disease.

All stages and forms of demodicosis are characterized by itching in the affected area, which intensifies in the evening and at night, when the period of maximum activity of mites begins and they come to the surface of the skin.

Symptoms of the erythematous form

It manifests itself as hyperemia (erythema) of certain areas of the face. The rashes are localized on the nose and cheeks, have well-defined borders and raised edges. This form is quite similar to and requires differential diagnosis.

Papular-pustular demodicosis

Against the background of hyperemia, papules and pustules form; their appearance is due to the overflow of hair follicles with sebum, since the flows of the glands are clogged with clusters of mites. The pustules can be up to 2 mm in size and vary in color from pink to purplish red.

Hypertrophic stage

It develops with actively ongoing demodicosis and in the absence of treatment. It manifests itself as pronounced hypertrophy of certain areas of the skin, most often on the nose, chin and cheeks.

Symptoms of demodicosis of the eyelids and demodicosis of the eyes

The disease can be combined with damage to the smooth skin of the face, or it can occur in isolation. Reproduction of subcutaneous mites in the meibomian glands (located at the base of the eyelashes) leads to their inflammation, which is accompanied by itching. A typical sign of demodicosis of the eyelids is the appearance of a whitish border at the base of the eyelashes, as well as inflammation of the edge of the eyelids.

Lack of treatment leads to hair loss, hypertrophy of the eyelid margins, which is accompanied by difficulty in closing them.

Demodicosis of the head

Demodex mites also live on the scalp, where they can equally well cause demodicosis in the presence of provoking factors. The peculiarity of this form is the fact that it is very rarely detected due to the invisibility of papules and pustules under the hair. The main symptoms are itching in the evenings and slight lumps on the skin, palpable on palpation of the head.

How to determine demodicosis

The diagnosis can be made based on the patient’s typical complaints and the results of an external examination. However, some diseases present with similar symptoms, such as rosacea. An analysis for demodicosis, which involves taking a skin scraping followed by examination under a microscope, will help to distinguish one disease from another. When diagnosing demodicosis, large numbers of mites are found in the scraping material.

Scraping is usually done with a scalpel from the surface of pathologically changed skin; it is possible to examine fallen eyelashes and material taken from the edges of the eyelids. To make the result more accurate, the patient should not wash with soap or use cosmetics 2 days before taking a scraping for demodicosis.


In most cases, demodicosis causes significant inconvenience to patients, but if left untreated, it can lead to unpleasant complications. Itching and irritation force patients to scratch the skin, which leads to injury and bacterial infection, which is why patients with demodicosis often have a pustular rash. In people with initial immunodeficiency, boils and subcutaneous abscesses may develop.

With demodicosis of the eyelids, eye complications are often associated:

  • conjunctivitis,
  • blepharitis,
  • marginal keratitis,
  • dry eye syndrome.

In the chronic form of the disease, abnormal growth of eyelashes is observed.

Treatment of demodicosis

Since the causative agent of this disease is found in 90% of healthy people, not a single patient will be able to completely get rid of it - sooner or later the mites will again get on human skin. Therefore, the main goal of treatment is to achieve long-term remission, when all external manifestations of the disease disappear.

Important: Alcohol-based products, when used for a long time, cause dry skin, which provokes increased synthesis of sebum. And this, as we know, is one of the causes of demodicosis, so treatment should be strictly controlled by a doctor.

The ointment for demodicosis should also have a moisturizing effect in order to slow down the reproduction of mites. It is best to treat demodicosis under the supervision of a dermatologist and cosmetologist: the first will select the most effective etiological treatment, and the second will help cope with problem skin.

Treatment of demodicosis on the face continues until the skin begins to cope with the pathogen on its own, sometimes you have to wait several months for this effect. Electrophoresis with medications will help support the skin. Under the influence of electric current, therapeutic agents penetrate deep into the skin, most effectively affecting mites.

It is very difficult to treat demodicosis of the eyelids due to the difficulty of applying ointments to the eyelids. In this case, it is recommended to use medicated eye baths.

The answer to the question of how to treat demodicosis can only be given by a competent dermatologist, it is advisable that he also has a specialization in cosmetology.

Prevention of demodicosis

The following measures will help prevent the occurrence of this unpleasant disease:

To reduce the likelihood of re-infestation with ticks, bedding and underwear should be changed daily, followed by washing and ironing. The eel worm is a very “delicate” creature and quickly dies when exposed to high temperatures. Therefore, ironed linen can be used with complete peace of mind.

Demodicosis of the facial skin is a disease that can be easily confused at the initial stage with ordinary acne. The cheeks are covered with pimples and redness is observed. Most often, demodicosis occurs in women; their skin is whiter, more sensitive, and prone to increased oiliness. If the disease is not treated, the pores become clogged, the surface of the face becomes very swollen, becomes bright red and lumpy. It is better to start therapy immediately after discovering the culprit of the problem - the subcutaneous mite.

Causes of development and possible complications of the disease

  1. Oily skin, abundant secretion of sebaceous glands. The tick feeds on sebaceous secretions, so its favorite places are the wings of the nose, cheeks, and forehead.
  2. Weakened immunity. In a healthy state, it is able to fight pathogenic microorganisms. They can be asymptomatically present on the body, waiting until the body weakens.
  3. Disorders of the intestinal microflora create conditions favorable for skin diseases.
  4. . Fragile vessels located close to the surface of the skin are often injured. The blood flowing from them becomes a good source of nutrition for the tick.
  5. Erasure of the protective layer of the epidermis occurs due to excessive use of scrubs, peelings, and mechanical facial cleansing.

If an infection is detected, treatment must be started quickly; it actively multiplies in a favorable environment, which leads to complications.

  1. Edema and swelling of the eyelids, chin, cheeks. The nose increases in size, acquires a red and even bluish tint.
  2. Dilatation of blood vessels, their deformation. Unsightly, small hematomas appear.
  3. Enlarged pores, unevenness, profuse acne leaving scars.

Symptoms of the disease

Local therapy: ointments and creams

Sulfur ointment It is used as prescribed by a doctor, as it is not combined with a large number of drugs. It is applied throughout the night, covering large areas of redness. It is not recommended for long-term use; it dries out the skin greatly.

If the disease has spread to the eyelids, they are lubricated Metrogil-gel. At this time, the use of mascara and eyeliner is contraindicated.

The company offers a comprehensive set of ointments and creams for demodicosis Stop demodex. It produces talkers, special gels effective against the causative agent of the disease, and a cream for recovery after therapy. A special gel is provided for the eyelids.

Important! The effectiveness of creams and ointments will be noticeable in at least 12-15 days. But relief of symptoms does not mean a cure for the disease. The duration of the course is determined by the attending physician. It can last from 2 weeks to six months, it all depends on the degree of development of the disease.

Antiprotozoal agents

Benzyl benzoate for demodicosis has a detrimental effect on the nervous system of ticks. The product is available in the form of ointment, cream, emulsion. They are applied in a thin layer to problem areas overnight. Duration of use is from 1 to 2 weeks.

Amitrazine. It has an acaricidal effect (fights ticks, suppressing their ability to reproduce). Available in the form of ointment and drops. The ointment is applied morning and evening. In some patients, the drug may cause irritation and severe burning, as Demodex begins to actively resist the effects of the harmful substance.

Important! Ticks are most vulnerable early in the morning and late in the evening, by which time they are closer to the surface of the skin. Knowing this, doctors prescribe the use of medications during these hours.


During reproduction and life activity Demodexa poisonous, allergy-causing substances are released. They make the swelling even worse, the eyelids swell, and the whole body itches. Therefore, a competent specialist adds antihistamines to the course of treatment.

Popular among them are:

  1. Parlazin. Compared to other allergy medications, Parlazin has no strong side effects and does not cause drowsiness. It prevents the development of tissue edema, eliminates itching and inflammation.
  2. Erius. It has a high speed of action, quickly and permanently blocks allergy symptoms.
  3. Cytherizine. Helps reduce the activity of the inflammatory process and eliminate skin rashes. Take 1 tablet per day; when relief occurs, you can take 1 tablet every 2-3 days.
  4. Fexadin. Prescribed by doctors for most dermatological diseases. Contains a minimal list of contraindications.

Taking antihistamines continues until the subcutaneous mite completely disappears.

Cosmetology procedures

They are prescribed by dermatologists as an auxiliary method for accelerated skin regeneration. Physiotherapeutic methods include:

Electrophoresis- combines the effects of electric current with the administration of anti-inflammatory drugs: Dimexide And Zinc sulfate.

Ozone therapy. Small doses of ozone normalize metabolic processes in the epidermis. In addition, ozone has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. Intracapillary injections smooth the skin, restoring their protective properties.

Plasmapheresis. When cleansing the blood with special preparations, the body's immune system is strengthened. Blood is drawn from the patient's vein, enriched with the drug and returned back through intramuscular injection. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day (morning and evening) and continues for 10-12 days.
As time passes, the therapeutic effect of plasmapheresis increases and painful symptoms disappear. Demodicosis will not return for at least a year, suppressed by increasing the body's protective properties.

Effective treatment regimen

Therapy must be comprehensive, combining: taking medications, external agents and diet. Physiotherapeutic procedures will help consolidate the effect.

One of their schemes:

  1. Take Trichopolum, 1 t. 3 times a day after meals for 10 days. After 3 days the course is repeated.
  2. External use of antiprotozoal ointments or gels.
  3. Conducting plasmapheresis (after consultation with the attending physician). Taking vitamin complexes and tonics that increase immunity (for example, echinacea tincture).
  4. Disinfection of pillows, sheets, towels. It is better to throw away feather pillows and replace them with synthetic ones.

Traditional medicine methods

To relieve itching and inflammation, baths and lotions are applied to the face during the course of treatment. The compresses are based on tinctures of medicinal herbs: chamomile, calendula, buckthorn bark. The herbs are brewed, allowed to brew and applied to skin inflammations.

Wormwood recipe

  • take two tablespoons of dry crushed;
  • pour a liter of boiling water;
  • Cook over low heat for 5 minutes;
  • Leave in a warm place for a couple of hours;
  • take half a glass 3-4 times a day (course 7 days, then break for two weeks).

Lotions and compresses

  1. Oak bark 1 teaspoon, pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave and use as a lotion on the affected areas.
  2. Squeeze aloe juice onto a bandage or tampon and apply to the affected areas three times a day. Aloe juice can be used to wipe the area around the eyes, cheeks and sides of the nose. It will prevent excess secretion of oil from the sebaceous glands, depriving the tick of food.

Medical mask

Mix the juice of celandine, lemon and blueberries (if not, you can use currants); for oily skin, add one egg white; for dry skin, add the white along with the yolk.

To increase immunity, drink grapefruit and orange juices, tincture of pomegranate peels, and a decoction of celandine (the plant is poisonous, you need to be careful with the dosage; if in doubt, it is better to refuse and drink wormwood).


A diet for demodicosis should be based on the principles of a healthy, nutritious diet, which includes various cereals and durum pasta. Easily digestible carbohydrates (carbonated drinks, sweet flour products, sweets) should be excluded during the treatment period.
A complete protein with essential amino acids such as (valine, isoleucine, lysine, etc.) is also important.

Products containing essential amino acids

Essential amino acids What products contain
Leucinebrown (unrefined) rice, meat, fish, eggs, nuts, lentils
Valinpeanuts, mushrooms, dairy products
Methioninesoy, fish, meat, beans
Phenylalaninebeef, chicken, nuts, cottage cheese
Lysineamaranth, wheat, meat, fish
Methioninebeans, meat, fish, lentils
Threoninebeans, nuts, fish, meat
Isoleucinealmonds, cashew nuts, chickpeas

Don't forget about fats in the diet, which contain omega-3 fatty acids and mono-unsaturated fats. But do not use fat for homemade creams and petroleum jelly; this is a favorable environment for demodex mites.

Vitamins C, E, group B, provitamin A are needed to maintain the immune system.

It is worth excluding from the diet:

  • Fried;
  • over-salted dishes;
  • smoked meats;
  • sauces and marinades;
  • milk;
  • alcohol.

Menu for the day

Breakfast: Hercules porridge with dried apricots or raisins, green tea (it is better to avoid coffee)
Lunch: Pea soup (without smoked meats), boiled beef with vegetables, dried fruit compote.
Afternoon snack: cottage cheese casserole, yogurt (preferably homemade).
Dinner: Baked fish with vegetables, pumpkin juice.

Disease prevention

Prevention methods will help avoid relapse:

Olga 42 years old Moscow

To recover completely from demodicosis, you need to approach treatment comprehensively, using various techniques. Otherwise, various problems may remain, such as scars and spots from skin lesions. I used Vitamin A in capsules, Demazol cream, Bleforogel, facial massage with liquid nitrogen, etc. After which there were restorative procedures using medicinal cosmetics, such as Cetaphil cream and other means. The process of treatment and recovery is not quick, you need to gain strength and patience.

Thank you

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

The term demodicosis has synonyms rosacea and rosacea. Externally, the disease really resembles acne, since in both cases the sebaceous glands are affected. However, the mechanism of development of demodicosis is fundamentally different from the pathogenesis of acne vulgaris.

"Rosacea" literally means "like a rose." The name refers to the characteristic disfigurement of areas of the patient’s face, when telangiectasia (dilated small vessels) appears on thickened, hyperemic (reddened) skin.

According to the name (brevis - short), Demodex brevis is shorter than Demodex folliculorum and lives in the sebaceous glands, while Demodex folliculorum, in accordance with the name, prefers hair follicles.

Demodex mites have a short life cycle - only a few weeks. Female subcutaneous mites, which are slightly smaller and shorter than males, lay 20-25 fertilized eggs in the cavity of the hair follicle. After 3-4 days, small six-legged larvae hatch from the eggs, which after a week turn into adults and begin to reproduce.

Of course, sick animals should be treated, but it must be taken into account that they are infectious only for their species.

How is demodicosis transmitted?

It is believed that infection with mites that cause demodicosis occurs through close contact with a mite carrier (sick or healthy), when there is contact between hair, eyebrows and sebaceous glands.

So, for example, Demodex are capable of surviving in water at a temperature of 15 degrees above zero for up to 25 days, and on dead skin particles at room temperature for up to 20 days. It remains questionable whether ticks that survive in such conditions retain the ability to infect a healthy person.

Indeed, as studies have shown, about a third of children, half of mature people and two-thirds of old people are infected with Demodex mites, meanwhile, demodicosis, which manifests itself with clinical symptoms, is not so widespread.

The following factors are believed to contribute to the development of demodicosis:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • endocrine disorders (diabetes mellitus, hormonal imbalance, etc.);
  • immune system dysfunction.
The following negative external influences can provoke the development of the disease:
  • severe nervous or physical stress;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • occupational hazards associated with exposure to high or, less commonly, low temperatures (working near a stove, working in the wind in winter);
  • use of hormonal medical and/or cosmetic drugs;
  • the use of cosmetics (sometimes quite expensive) that cause allergic reactions and/or promote the proliferation of subcutaneous mites;
  • abuse of alcohol, spicy and hot foods that provoke a rush of blood to the face.

Demodex under a microscope - video

Clinic of demodicosis

Prodromal period

The skin disease demodicosis has a so-called prodromal period (literally “the state preceding the onset of the disease”), which is characterized by the appearance of so-called “hot flashes”.

Patients complain of an occasional feeling of heat, which is accompanied by dilation of the blood vessels of the facial skin and is visually manifested by redness of the skin in the form of a painful blush.

In the prodromal period, hot flashes are associated with exposure to provoking factors, which, however, do not cause such a reaction in healthy people (small doses of alcohol, mild anxiety, small portions of spicy and/or hot food).

This period, in fact, signals the presence of a serious predisposition to the development of the disease. It is at the prodromal stage of pathology development that a peculiar vascular neurosis is formed.

It is characteristic that the resulting blush has fairly clear boundaries, which often resemble flames or rose petals (another explanation for the name of the pathology is “rosacea”).

Stages of demodicosis

Demodicosis is a disease that occurs in stages. In total, there are three stages of pathology:
1. Erythematous.
2. Papular-pustular.
3. Hypertrophic.

The erythematous stage is characterized by the appearance of unstable facial erythema (redness of the skin), which, however, unlike the prodromal period, occurs for no apparent reason and persists for a long time (hours, days).

In this case, the color of the erythema can be different: soft pink, bright red or bluish-purple. Against the background of redness of the skin, telangiectasias gradually form - “vascular spiders” and “veins” of dilated vessels, which at this stage are most often located on the wings of the nose and in the cheek area.

The papular-pustular stage, according to the name, is characterized by the appearance of papules (pimples) and pustules (pustules). Initially, against the background of reddened and thickened skin, nodules appear - papules, which subsequently merge, forming pustules that externally resemble juvenile acne (hence another name for the disease - “acne rosacea”).

The hypertrophic stage is characterized by the appearance of facially disfiguring thickenings of the skin caused by hyperplasia of the sebaceous glands and pineal growths on various parts of the head. Thus, hypertrophic processes in the nose area form rhinophyma, in the forehead area - metaphyma, in the eyelid area - blepharophyma, in the earlobe area - otophyma, in the chin area - gnathophyma.

What does demodicosis look like? Symptoms of the disease in humans (photo)

How demodicosis manifests itself as a facial skin disease: erythematous stage (photo)

Rice. 4. Erythematous stage of demodicosis (rosacea). Erythema is located in a classic place (cheeks, nose) and has sharply defined, slightly raised borders. Dilated vessels (telangiectasia) clearly appear on the wings of the nose.

Demodicosis on the face of a person: signs of the papular-pustular stage (photo)

Rice. 5-6. Papular-pustular stage of demodicosis (rosacea). The appearance of rashes resembling juvenile acne against the background of typically located erythema.
http://med-look.ru/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B7%D0%BE%D0%B2%D1%8B%D0%B5-% D1%83%D0%B3%D1%80%D0%B8.jpg

Symptoms of the hypertrophic stage of demodicosis on the face (photo)

Rice. 7. Symptoms of the last stage of demodicosis: hypertrophic growths on the chin (gnathophyma).

Rice. 8. Hypertrophic stage of demodicosis: pillow-shaped thickening of the skin on the forehead (metaphyma) and on the cheeks.

Classic hypertrophic demodicosis on the nose - rhinophyma (photo)

Rice. 9. Rhinophyma in combination with pillow-shaped thickening of the skin of the cheeks.

Rice. 10. Plastic surgery for giant rhinophyma.

Demodicosis of the scalp: symptoms of the hypertrophic stage in the ear area - otophima (photo)

Rice. 11. Otofima. Growths resembling cauliflower in the ear area.

Rice. 12. Severe consequences of demodicosis. A combination of rhinophyma and otophyma (hypertrophic growths of the earlobe).

Demodicosis of hair (photo)

Rice. 13. Demodicosis of the scalp. Hypertrophic growths on the auricle and characteristic rashes on the skin of the face and neck are visible.

Demodicosis of the scalp is no less common than demodicosis of the face. However, quite often the disease remains unrecognized. Especially in cases where erythematous skin lesions and papular-pustular rashes are completely hidden under the hair.

In such cases, patients complain of itching and burning in the affected area, and also pay attention to palpable lumps, which are accumulations of inflamed sebaceous glands.

In addition, with demodicosis of the scalp, increased formation of dandruff occurs. With a long course of the disease, severe damage to the hair follicles and hair loss is possible, which can lead to alopecia areata (patchy baldness).

Demodicosis of the forehead and eyebrows (photo)

Rice. 14. Demodicosis of the forehead and eyebrows. Increased dandruff formation in the eyebrow area, hair loss. The skin of the forehead is hyperemic and thickened.

Causes and symptoms of demodicosis - video

Demodicosis of the eye in humans

Demodicosis of eyelids and eyelashes

On human eyelids, Demodex mites settle in eyelash follicles and meibomian glands (modified sebaceous glands that open at the edges of the eyelids).

Intensive reproduction of pathogenic mites causes inflammation of the edges of the eyelids - demodectic blepharitis, and is accompanied by intense itching, intensifying at night, as well as when exposed to heat.

In addition, patients with demodectic blepharitis are disturbed by a feeling of “heaviness” of the eyelids, a burning sensation in the area of ​​the edges of the eyelids, and rapid eye fatigue.

It should be noted that demodectic blepharitis has such a characteristic symptom as the appearance of white muffs around the affected eyelashes, accompanied by redness and thickening of the edges of the eyelids with the formation of crusts and scales on them.

Progression of the process leads to loss of eyelashes and significant thickening of the edges of the eyelids, which disrupts the normal closure of the palpebral fissure.

Demodicosis of the eyelids and eyelashes of humans in 60% of cases is accompanied by manifestations of demodicosis of the face and scalp. The following “eye” complications often develop:

  • chronic conjunctivitis;
  • dry eye syndrome;
  • abnormal growth of eyelashes with injury to the conjunctiva;
  • marginal keratitis (marginal inflammation of the cornea covering the iris and pupil).

Demodicosis of the eyelids - symptoms (photo)

Rice. 15. Demodectic blepharitis. Characteristic white muffs are visible around the eyelashes. The skin of the edges of the eyelids is hyperemic and thickened.

Ocular demodicosis: blepharoconjunctivitis, dry eye syndrome, marginal keratitis

Eye damage with demodicosis is usually a complication of demodectic blepharitis. Thickening of the edges of the eyelids of the eye contributes to disruption of the adhesion of the conjunctiva of the eyelids to the eyeball. As a result, the normal functioning of the conjunctival sac is disrupted, a deficiency of tear fluid occurs and dry eye syndrome develops, with its characteristic symptoms:
  • feeling of sand under the eyelids;
  • rapid eye fatigue;
  • decreased vision;
  • development of chronic “dry” conjunctivitis and keratoconjunctivitis (combined inflammation of the conjunctiva and cornea).
The destruction of eyelash follicles by demodectic mites leads to disruption of the growth of eyelashes, so that the mucous membrane of the conjunctiva and cornea is injured by individual eyelashes growing inward.

As a result, marginal keratitis develops, which is characterized by the appearance of erosions and ulcers along the edges of the cornea. Clinically, damage to the cornea of ​​the eye is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • photophobia;
  • painful spasm of the eyelids;
If such alarming signs appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. The dysfunction of the tear fluid, characteristic of demodectic blepharoconjunctivitis, contributes to the addition of a secondary infection, so that a complication such as a creeping corneal ulcer may occur, fraught with loss of the eye.

As clinical experience shows, damage to the eyeballs with demodicosis can occur independently, without previous inflammation of the eyelid margins. Rare isolated chronic conjunctivitis and keratoconjunctivitis in demodicosis are usually associated with immune disorders that cause a secondary infection.

In addition, eye damage with demodicosis may be associated with sensitization of the body by mite waste products. In such cases, inflammatory processes in the conjunctiva occur as chronic allergic reactions.

Demodectic mange of the eye - symptoms (photo)

Rice. 16. Demodectic blepharoconjunctivitis. Thickening of the edges of the eyelids (blepharophyma), inflammation of the conjunctiva. On the skin of the face there are signs of the first stage of demodicosis: against the background of reddened and thickened skin, dilated blood vessels (telangiectasia) are clearly visible.

Skin disease demodicosis: damage to the body

Demodicosis on the neck, chest and back

Most often, demodicosis affects the face, eyelids and scalp. It is here that pathogenic subcutaneous mites of the genus Demodex are found in the greatest numbers.

However, in severe cases, the rash characteristic of demodicosis can spread down to the neck, chest and upper back. In such cases, patients complain of itching, burning and a feeling of skin tightness in the affected areas.

Are the manifestations of demodicosis on the body limited to the upper torso? Is there such a disease as demodicosis of the feet in humans?

As many studies have shown, the causative agents of demodicosis live in humans mainly on the skin of the facial part of the head, especially in its central part. They are found much less frequently on other parts of the body.

Even with advanced processes, the surface density of Demodex mites decreases sharply from top to bottom. This distribution is associated with the peculiarities of the functioning of the sebaceous glands of the human body. There are few such glands on the feet, so Demodex mites simply have nothing to feed on there.

How to determine demodicosis in humans. Modern diagnostics

What criteria are used to establish the diagnosis of demodicosis?

You should suspect demodicosis if at least one of the following symptoms is present:
  • constant or periodic redness of the central part of the face;
  • the appearance of vascular veins on the face;
  • papules and pustules (pustules) without the rods characteristic of ordinary acne (without comedones);
  • specific localization of rashes on convex parts of the face (cheekbones, forehead, cheeks);
  • ocular demodicosis (blepharitis or blepharoconjunctivitis).
The diagnosis of demodicosis must be confirmed by a positive laboratory test result.

What is the study: scraping for demodicosis

Scraping for demodicosis is a study of the affected surface of the skin for the presence of mites of the genus Demodex, obtained using a conventional surgical scalpel.

This procedure is practically painless and does not cause much concern to the patient. Using a sharp scalpel, the doctor removes the surface layer of the skin epithelium in the most affected area (the wings of the nose, cheeks, forehead).

In case of a positive result, the type of Demodex mite is determined, since the treatment tactics and duration of the course depend on this.

To achieve the most accurate results, it is recommended not to use cosmetics or wash your skin for two days before taking the test.

Where to get tested for demodicosis of the eyelids (demodectic blepharitis)

An analysis for demodicosis of the eyelids, as well as a scraping for demodicosis, is traditionally taken at a dermatovenerological dispensary, since this pathology refers to dermatological diseases. In addition, such a study can be done in a private laboratory.

For examination, several affected eyelashes are taken (usually 3-5 from the upper and lower eyelids). A freshly extracted eyelash is placed on a glass slide and filled with a fixative solution (caustic alkali, gasoline, kerosene, glycerin).

The diagnosis of demodicosis can only be made if six or more mites are found around the root of one eyelash. The fact is that Demodex mites are found in eyelash follicles in 80% of absolutely healthy people.

In controversial cases, the doctor examines another affected eyelash under a microscope.

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Rice. 1. Demodectic mange on the face and eyelids.

Rice. 2. Ointments, creams and gels are the best means for treating facial demodicosis.

Difficulties in treating demodicosis

When using the most effective acaricidal drugs (chemicals that reduce the number of ticks), treatment often turns out to be ineffective, which is due to the special structure of the external integument of ticks, their larvae and eggs.

Rice. 3. Demodex mites (view under a microscope).

Features of therapy for facial demodicosis

Complex treatment of demodicosis

Treatment of demodicosis should be comprehensive and include acaricidal, anti-inflammatory (including antibacterial), desensitizing drugs and immunomodulators. The patient’s body must receive the required amount of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. If demodicosis occurs against the background of existing skin diseases, they are treated.

Treatment of demodicosis is long-term. Depending on the form and stage of demodicosis, treatment can be extended from 4 weeks to 1 year.

Criteria for the effectiveness of treatment of demodicosis on the face

The criterion for the effectiveness of treatment of demodicosis on the face is the reduction or disappearance of clinical manifestations of the disease and a decrease in the number of mites according to the results of the analysis.

Rice. 4. Long mites Demodex folliculorum longus live in hair follicles in groups (picture on the left) and rise to the surface at night to mate. Short mites Demodex folliculorum brevis (picture on the right) live in the mouths of the excretory ducts of the sebaceous and meibomian glands alone, rarely rise to the surface, which makes them difficult to detect and treat.

Anti-inflammatory therapy

  • At the first stage of treatment, it is necessary to use drugs that suppress the microbial population. For this purpose, anti-inflammatory drugs for external and systemic use are used. Ointments, creams and gels with antibiotics for external use have a good effect: Metronidazole, Tetracycline or Erythromycin.
  • In advanced forms of the disease, antibacterial drugs are used orally. Shown Metronidazole (Trichopol), Tetracyclines, Ornidazole, Monocycline, Doxycycline, Roxithromycin, Erythromycin.

Rice. 5. Metronidazole and Trichopolum are widely used for demodicosis.

Metronidazole for demodicosis

Metronidazole 250 mg 3 times a day is used orally for 2 - 4 weeks (standard regimen). Analogues of the drug for internal use are Trichopol, Klion, Flagyl etc.

The drug of choice for demodicosis is Ornidazole (Ornisol). It is stronger than metronidazole, well tolerated, and has fewer side effects. Used in courses of 10 days, 500 mg 2 times a day.

Rice. 6. Rosamet cream and Metronidazole gel are preparations for external use.

Rice. 7. Zinerit powder contains erythromycin and zinc acetate dihydrate.

Permethrin for demodicosis

4% Permethrin ointment Apply to the affected areas of the skin and rub in with massaging movements. After 24 hours, the ointment is washed off with warm water and soap. A single procedure is often sufficient. But sometimes the procedure needs to be repeated, which is allowed after 14 days.

Other insecticidal preparations:

In some cases, insecticidal preparations such as Crotamiton(cream), Malathion(emulsion concentrate), (emulsion), Benzyl benzoate(emulsion, ointment, cream and gel). Benzyl benzoate is applied at night to the affected areas of the skin after washing. The course of treatment is 2 - 3 weeks.

Rice. 8. Insecticidal preparations Permethrin and Crotaderm. Used in the treatment of demodicosis.

Rice. 9. Insecticidal preparations Lindane and Benzyl benzoate are used in the treatment of demodicosis.

Rice. 10. Spregal spray has a pronounced effect against iron mites.

Tar and sulfur ointment for demodicosis

When treating demodicosis, preparations containing sulfur and tar are used.

Manting, Xin Fumanling and Mefule- Chinese drugs. There are many positive reviews on the Internet about them in the treatment of demodicosis, which is due to the fact that they contain sulfur in their composition. Products Demodex Complex is a complete copy of the above drugs, but costs much more.

Rice. 11. Sulfur ointment is widely used in the treatment of demodicosis.

Rice. 12. Demoten and sulfur-tar ointment for the treatment of demodicosis.

Features of the treatment of some forms of demodicosis

Treatment of resistant strains

Despite the positive results obtained in the treatment of demodicosis with classical means, treatment-resistant and recurrent forms of the disease have become increasingly common in recent years. Thus, when resistance develops, it is recommended to use cryotherapy in combination with Rosamet cream containing 1% metronidazole.

Treatment of papulopustular rashes

When treating papulopustular rashes, it is recommended to use classical reducing (restorative) agents - zinc-ichthyol ointment, 1 — 2% tar and ichthyol ointments, 1% pastes ichthyol-resorcinol. Contains zinc hyaluronate gel Curiosin.

Treatment of acneiform demodicosis

Rice. 14. Preparations of the retinoid group are used in the treatment of demodicosis in case of resistance development. The photo shows 0.1% Retin-A cream.

Rice. 15. Acneiform form of demodicosis: papular (photo on the left) and papulopustular (photo on the right).

Rice. 16. The effectiveness of treatment of acneiform demodicosis.

Rice. 17. Rosacea-like form of demodicosis: in the form of diffuse erythema (photo on the left), granulomatous form (photo on the right).

Demodectic mange and rosacea

Demodicosis in humans complicates the course of rosacea in 88.7% of cases. This mainly occurs in the later stages of the disease - erythematous-papular, papulopustular and nodular. The basis of therapy for demodicosis and rosacea is the correction of pathology of internal organs and the use of external treatment agents.

  • For the treatment of demodicosis and rosacea, the use of sulfur-containing drugs and benzyl benzoate is recommended. The aerosol preparation has a good acaricidal effect. "Spregal".
  • For external use when papules and pustules appear, the use of salicylic acid, resorcinol, adrenaline, etc. is recommended.
  • Prevents the appearance of compactions in the outer layers of the skin and eliminates redness gel and ointment with azeloic acid gel and cream .

Rice. 18. The photo shows Skinoren gel and Azix-gel cream. Contains azeloic acid.

Demodectic mange against the background of seborrheic dermatitis

When demodicosis appears against the background of seborrheic dermatitis, the use of Retinoic ointment. It prevents the development of increased proliferation of the epithelium of the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands, reduces the production and evacuation of sebum, helps reduce the inflammatory component and promotes the regeneration of the skin. The simultaneous use of tetracycline antibiotics and glucocorticoids is not recommended.

Rice. 19. When demodicosis appears in the background, the use of Retinoic ointment is indicated.

Demodecosis with acne

Demodicosis in humans complicates the course of acne in 33% of cases. Its treatment uses only an integrated approach and long-term pathogenetic therapy against the background of basic facial skin care.

Rice. 20. The photo shows acne on the face.

Skin care during treatment of demodicosis

  • Increased production of sebum and excessive proliferation of the skin epithelium creates good conditions for the proliferation of iron mites, so daily cleansing of the skin is a mandatory procedure in the treatment of demodicosis on the face and other parts of the body. Foams, gels and lotions are used for this purpose. They remove excess oil and do not dry out the skin. The use of soap is not recommended. The frequency of washing during the treatment of demodicosis should not exceed 1 - 2 times a day. Cleanses the skin well gel "Cleanans" series of medicinal cosmetics "Exfoliac", "Clerasil Ultra", "Cetafil", "Sfingogel", "Sebium" And "Zeniac."
  • Degrease and disinfect the skin with alcohol solutions with antibiotics (5% chloramphenicol alcohol), 2 — 5% salicylic acid solution,2% resorcinol, 5 - 10% alcohol camphor solution.
  • Iron mites feed on epidermal cells and sebum, so when treating demodicosis, keratolytic and antiseborrheic agents should be used. The following have keratolytic properties: Benzoyl peroxide (Baziron, OXU-5, OXU-10, Klerasil-ultra), drugs from the retinoid group, Azelloic and Salicylic acids, Resorcinol.
  • In case of increased skin dryness, irritation and peeling, the use of moisturizing creams and gels is indicated. Well proven calming cream "Klin AK" "Avenfor hypersensitive skin", "Tlerance Extreme".
  • For the purpose of regeneration (restoration) of damaged areas, the use of a restorative cream is indicated "Cicalfate" with zinc-copper complex or "A-Derma Epithelial A.N DUO Regenerating Cream" with hyaluronic acid.
  • To prevent the formation of atrophic scars after pustules, it is recommended to use a gel "Kontraktubeks". Used for 4 weeks.
  • Constant humidity and darkness are optimal conditions for the life of iron mites, so it is better to avoid cosmetics during treatment.
  • Excessive ultraviolet exposure should be avoided. An increase in the production of vitamin D under the influence of ultraviolet radiation leads to the activation of the synthesis of cathelicidins, which support the inflammatory process.

Rice. 21. Salicylic acid and Resorcinol have keratolytic and antiseborrheic properties.

Rice. 22. Baziron is effective in the treatment of inflammatory elements on the skin and has keratolytic properties. The drug is available in various forms (cleansing gel, tonic, scrub, corrective preparations), which makes it convenient to use in various settings (at home, at work, while traveling, etc.).


In the treatment of demodicosis, both as an independent disease and against the background of skin diseases such as rosacea, acne, perioral and seborrheic dermatitis, only an integrated approach and long-term pathogenetic therapy are used against the background of basic skin care.

Demodicosis is a complex problem. It affects not only a person’s health, but also affects his psycho-emotional state.

Women pay close attention to their facial skin. Because the face is a person’s calling card. If acne appears on your face that is not treated, then it may be demodicosis. People under 25 years of age and teenagers are at risk.

What is demodicosis?

Demodex is a mite.

It has the following properties:

  • Softens horny skin scales and promotes their rapid removal
  • Reduces skin inflammation and itching, cools the skin, eliminates the feeling of “tight” skin
  • Eliminates psoriasis in 97% of cases
  • Active ingredients disinfect the skin and prevent complications
  • Completely relieves itching

Forms of demaodecosis

There are two forms of demodicosis:

  1. ophthalmological;
  2. dermatological.

There are also four types of demodicosis:

  1. combined (several forms);
  2. papular (the main symptom is a small rash);
  3. pustular (ulcers of different sizes appear on the skin);
  4. erythematous (redness of the face).

Dermatological form

The dermatological form is characterized by damage to the skin.

The main symptoms of the dermatological form:

  • damage to the forehead and nose;
  • various pustular rashes;
  • damage to the cheeks, chin and lips;
  • skin redness;
  • Inflamed areas of the skin (acne or pimples) may occur;
  • peeling of the skin.

The photo shows dermatological form of the disease. You can clearly see the external signs of the disease.

Ophthalmic form

The ophthalmic form is characterized by damage to the eyeballs and eyelids.

The main symptoms of the ophthalmic form:

  • inflammation may occur;
  • discomfort in the eyelid area;
  • eye fatigue;
  • edema.

The photo shows ophthalmic form of the disease. The photograph shows some external signs of the disease.

The nature of the course of demodicosis

According to the nature of the course of the disease, two forms are distinguished:

  1. secondary;
  2. primary.

Let's look at each form.

Primary demodicosis

Primary demodicosis occurs against a background of general deterioration of health. This form of the disease occurs on healthy skin.

Secondary demodicosis

Secondary demodicosis- the most common type. In this case, demodicosis occurs against the background of other chronic diseases. With this form of the disease, laboratory technicians detect D. Brevis.

Characteristic features of the secondary form:

  • possible total skin damage;
  • the clinic corresponds to rosacea;
  • Papulopustular elements appear on human skin.

Stories from our readers!
“After the birth of the child, severe peeling appeared on the head, which turned into scabs. Later, spots appeared on the hands. The doctor said that it was psoriasis. A colleague also suffered from it, it turned out that she cured the disease with this remedy.

I ordered it and didn’t regret it! This is a whole complex for treatment, I completed the course. Psoriasis has completely disappeared! I recommend it to anyone who has the same problem."


The symptoms of this disease are very varied. They are similar to the symptoms of rosacea and acne. These diseases can provoke the occurrence of demodicosis, since acne makes the skin more vulnerable. Each person's symptoms are different.

Let's look at the main symptoms:

  • Unpleasant sensations in the facial area (itching). In the evening and at night the itching intensifies.
  • The appearance of lumps
  • Clogged pores
  • Crawl sensation
  • Appearance of scars
  • Spots of various sizes
  • Acne (main symptom)
  • Peeling of facial skin
  • Appearance of oily sheen
  • Changing facial skin tone
  • Skin becomes damp
  • Difficulty in facial movements
  • Redness of the facial skin

Even one symptom may indicate illness. In this case, you need to start treatment.

Demodex analysis

If you suspect that you have this disease, then you need to seek qualified help from a medical institution.

You need to contact the following doctors:

  • cosmetologist;
  • dermatologist.

If demodicosis is suspected, you will be prescribed tests. It is not recommended to prescribe any tests for yourself. Only a specialist can do this.

Scraping from the affected area is the material for analysis. A scalpel is used to remove material for analysis. And also the contents of a purulent follicle can be used as material for analysis.

The diagnosis is made in the following cases:

  • When signs of infection are detected.
  • When ticks (adults) are detected.
  • When eggs or larvae are found.

Preparing for the analysis:

  • you cannot use medicinal cosmetics;
  • It is forbidden to wash your face (for one day);
  • ointments should not be used.

How to recognize demodicosis at home?

It is difficult to recognize demodicosis at home.

To do this, you need to carry out diagnostics at home:

  • Familiarize yourself with the symptoms of the disease
  • Conduct a facial skin examination
  • Take a symptom count
  • Determine the severity of symptoms
  • Determine the form of the disease

But it is still advisable to carry out diagnostics in medical institutions.


Demodicosis does not go away on its own. Recovery will require long-term and complex treatment. Even if the symptoms of the disease disappear, you need to continue treatment. It is necessary to undergo a full course of treatment, because if treated incorrectly, demodicosis may return.

Treatment of the disease includes skin care:

  • Scrubs can be used.
  • Urea and hyaluronic acid are used to moisturize the skin. These products accelerate wound healing and relieve inflammation.
  • Gommages should be applied regularly.
  • Vasodilating procedures cannot be performed.
  • Regularly you need to cleanse yourself from various contaminants (sweat, grease, etc.).
  • From time to time you need to do superficial enzyme and chemical peels.
  • Each family member must use their own (individual) towel.
  • Towels and bed linen must be changed regularly.
  • It is recommended to avoid fried and salty foods.
  • Feather pillows cannot be used. It is better to purchase pillows based on padding polyester or holofiber in the store.
  • It is recommended to avoid drinking alcoholic beverages.

Systemic drugs

The following drugs can be used to treat demodicosis:

  • vitamin P;
  • metronidazole;
  • vitamin B6;
  • vitamin C;
  • tetracycline.

Local treatment

Let's look at the drugs:

Folk remedies

Let's look at the most popular folk remedies:

  • Decoctions of medicinal herbs. You can use the following herbs: nettle, tansy, string, yarrow, wormwood, plantain, mint. It is advisable to use all herbs. Instructions: mix the herbal mixture, pour boiling water (0.5 l.). The decoction should be infused for 30 minutes. The decoction should be taken half a glass 3 times a day (before meals). Treatment lasts 4–6 days.
  • Compresses based on garlic pulp.
  • Miraculous decoction. Ingredients: eucalyptus, calendula, wormwood, buckthorn bark. Only one ingredient is used. Let's consider preparing a decoction of wormwood: take 2 tablespoons of dry herb, pour boiling water (one glass). The broth should be infused for 2–3 hours, and then strained.
  • Juniper berries. Instructions: take one spoon of berries, grind the juniper berries in a coffee grinder. Then add boiling water to the powder. The product should be infused for 5–6 hours, after which it should be strained. You need to take this folk remedy 1-2 times a day.
  • Badyagi pulp. Benefits: resolves compactions, relieves inflammation.
  • Kerosene. Instructions: apply to skin, wash off after 2-3 days.


Preventive measures:

  • Taking vitamins will improve skin condition.
  • To improve your immunity, you need to exercise regularly and eat right.
  • Treatment should begin at an early stage.
  • You cannot use other people's things:
    • towel;
    • cosmetics;
    • personal hygiene devices.
  • Practice good hygiene.


Demodectic mange is a disease that is common on all continents of the planet. Demodectic mange on the face of women can appear for various reasons. To treat the disease, you need to consult a dermatologist.