Famous same-sex couples. Development of relationships in a homosexual couple. Neil Patrick Harris

Scientific research shows an amazing diversity of animals that engage in same-sex relationships. In this amazing list, you'll find "lesbian albatrosses" from Hawaii, male dolphins who have boyfriends, and same-sex gull couples who take young ones to fly together.

(Total 10 photos)

We're often told to recommend sheep when we want to fall asleep, but the natural behavioral tendencies of rams are actually keeping scientists from sleeping soundly. Domestic sheep are the most numerous gay mammals. Scientific studies have shown that 8% of males can form pairs exclusively with males, refusing any contact with females. These same-sex couples do not mate, but they act as a couple throughout their lives. Homosexual flocks stand out as an example of different relationship statuses among animals, but of course they are less popular among farmers who strive to obtain as many sheep as possible.

2. Leysan albatrosses

In 2007, scientists studying Laysan albatrosses from Oahu noted that 60% of the birds were female, and 31% of all albatross pairs were lesbian. These pairs of females exhibit all the characteristics of closely bonded pairs, and also engage in nesting, kissing, and a variety of other attributes of breeding albatross behavior. Same-sex couples can survive just like traditional ones - in one case, it lasted as long as 19 years. In New Zealand, same-sex royal albatross pairs have recently discovered a tendency to nest together, suggesting the phenomenon may be widespread.

3. Bottlenose dolphins

Dolphins have positioned themselves at the top tier of animal intelligence, with cognitive and social abilities comparable to chimpanzees and humans. There is great diversity in dolphin society, including numerous same-sex relationships. In one incredible case, a gay dolphin couple went through a 17-year relationship while researchers identified an entire pod of dolphins made up entirely of males who turned out to be bisexual and had no shortage of romance, enjoying passionate encounters with members of the same sex or vice versa.

Bonobos, which resemble miniature chimpanzees, are not only among the most intelligent animals in the world, but are also humans' closest relatives. Living in colonies, bonobos are more good-natured than their often aggressive chimpanzee relatives. They are known for using the language of love rather than aggression to solve problems and communicate with each other. Since many conflicts occur between two males or between two females, homosexual relationships have become common among these monkeys. Sexual contacts are more common among females, but also occur among males, and contacts take the “play-fight” format. Bonobos are critically endangered and require maximum conservation efforts from environmentalists.

5. Rooster from Gibraltar

The Cock of Gibraltar is a striking woodland songbird that has an extremely striking appearance, combining brilliant orange feathers with an enormous crest. It is noteworthy that up to 40% of males of this species engage in same-sex sexual activity. Unlike sea birds, only males of this species engage in homosexual contacts. It is possible that gay behavior is associated with high population density, as well as extensive male competition for females. Same-sex contact also satisfies the birds' desire to express their promiscuity and high mating potential, thereby increasing social stability among the birds.

6. African lions

African lions, which attract harems of females, often act as symbols of traditional dominance, especially in patriarchal societies. However, a certain percentage of male African lions leave available females in order to create their own same-sex groups. Male lions have been observed interacting with other males and exhibiting behavioral nuances characteristic of same-sex couples. And although many other animal communities are structured in the same way, which may sometimes benefit same-sex mating, the reason for the male association of lions is unknown. Lions have one of the strongest sex drives among felines, which means that interactions are likely more...directed than the same sex among birds or rams.

7. Waterfowl and penguins

Homosexual behavior has been documented among wild Australian black swans, which sometimes form triadic communities involving two males when determining nesting sites. Incredibly, these two-male encounters actually resulted in increased reproduction due to the males' effectiveness in protecting the nest from predators. Additionally, two male penguins made headlines after they laid an egg and successfully hatched it. Before they got their eggs, gay penguins tried to steal eggs from opposite-sex penguin couples. Ornithologists studying this phenomenon have concluded that, in general, male pairs in birds form among the most sexually promiscuous species of songbirds, while female pairs form among monogamous species. While this behavior has naturally evolved among some bird species, scientific research has suggested that the increase in same-sex behavior among South American ibises may be the result of mercury contamination, which alters sex hormones.

8. Western gulls

Western gulls are similar to Laysan albatrosses, but are actually more closely related to puffins. Convergent evolution gave them similarities to the great albatrosses, along with a similar mating system, sometimes involving two females. Scientific expeditions to California's Channel Islands have shown that at least 14% of gull pairs consist of two females. This diversity was first noticed in the colonies when surprisingly large numbers of eggs were found in some nests. Some of the eggs were even fertilized, due to connections with males on the side.

Young giraffe males sometimes engage in same-sex intercourse and short-term alliances before mating with a female. This activity may include tongue kissing, neck massage and cuddling, as well as full body contact. Scientists speculate that the purpose of same-sex interactions is to become familiar with mating techniques before presenting them to the female giraffe. In the small community that is the giraffe herd, the idea is to build the right relationships with the females by testing the techniques on a few males.

10. Dragonflies

It's a fact: insects can be gay. Dragonflies are among the most highly evolved predators in the insect world, and also display some of the most spectacular aerial dancing and serious sensory interactions with other dragonflies. But the presence of the opposite sex is not always a necessary condition for dragonflies to date; studies have shown an unexpectedly high rate of mating between same-sex dragonflies. Understanding the causes of same-sex relationships among such small invertebrates is challenging, and the interactions are poorly understood even today. Environmental chemistry and the lack of mates may be one of the factors influencing dragonfly mating behavior.

As they say, all ages are submissive to love. And this magical feeling knows no boundaries or barriers, including gender division. PEOPLETALKbrings to your attention the strongest gay couples. They openly demonstrate their relationship to the world, adopt children and boldly defend their right to love.

Singer Elton John (67) and director David Furnish (52)

They became one of the first couples who wished to legalize their relationship. The partners have been together for 21 years. In 2005, the couple had a magnificent wedding, and on December 21 of this year, they officially registered their relationship. The couple also have two sons, who, of course, were “carried” not by Elton John, but by a surrogate mother.

TV presenter Ellen DeGeneres (56) and actress Portia de Rossi (41)

The girls legalized their relationship on August 16, 2008. Ellen gave her beloved a ring with a three-carat pink diamond... A real man's act.

Designer Michael Kors (55) and creative director Lance LePere (37)

On August 16, 2011, another gay couple appeared on the Hollywood horizon. The wedding ceremony of Michael and his husband Lance LePere, creative director of the fashion house Michael Kors, took place on one of the beaches of Southampton.

Actress Jodie Foster (52) and photographer Alexandra Hedison (45)

The romance began in 2013, and a year later the couple legalized their relationship. Let us remember that the actress admitted her gay orientation in 2007.

Designer Tom Ford (53) and journalist Richard Buckley (66)

This couple has been together for over 26 years. They met in 1986 and have not been separated since then, and in 2012 they even became parents. Alexander John Buckley Ford was born through a surrogate mother.

Actress Cynthia Nixon (48) and education activist Christine Marinoni (47)

Together since 2004. In 2012, the couple got married in New York and have a son together. Let us remember that the actress already has children: daughter Samantha and son Charles from her first marriage to English professor Danny Moses.

Singer Darren Hayes (42) and cartoonist Richard Cullen (39)

There were many rumors about the musician's sexual preferences, but they were finally dispelled on June 19, 2006, when Darren married his boyfriend Richard Cullen. The guys live in London.

Singer Beth Ditto (33) and Kristen Ogata (35)

The flamboyant singer did not hide her sexuality and in July 2013 she married her longtime friend Kristen Ogata. The wedding ceremony took place in Hawaii.

Actor, singer and illusionist Neil Patrick Harris (41) and actor David Burtka (39)

They have been together since 2004, but only got married after the law was passed in New York on July 24, 2011. The actors have been together for more than ten years, are happy, raising twins who were carried by a surrogate mother.

Actress Wanda Sykes (50) and Alex Sykes (46)

Wanda does not hide the fact that she loves women, not men. She legalized her relationship with Alex in 2008, and a year later the couple had twins Olivia Lou and Lucas Claude.

Figure skater Johnny Weir (30) and lawyer Viktor Voronov (31)

This couple tied the knot at the end of December 2011. The skater long denied rumors about his homosexuality, but a month before the wedding he admitted to People magazine that even in childhood he realized his homosexuality and perceived himself adequately.

TV presenter Rosie O'Donnell (52) and Michelle Rounds (43)

Rosie's roles can be listed endlessly. She is an actress, producer, singer, blogger, and activist for the rights of sexual minorities. In June 2012, O'Donnell legalized her relationship with Michelle Rounds, and in January 2013, the couple adopted baby Dakota O'Donnell.

No matter how much they tell the world that homosexuality is not a disease, but only one of the options for the norm, the world still stands its ground. A terrible sin known since biblical times, or genes? Loose morals or the path determined by nature? The author of The Richest portal remembered the crowned gays in the history of mankind. Deviations were hushed up for centuries, but today historians are no longer afraid to call a spade a spade. Their fates are tragic, and some of them are real monsters.

15. Nero

The first among the crowned ones was named the Roman Emperor Nero, who reigned from 54-68 AD. He is known for many things, and none of them speak well of him. He ascended the imperial throne at the age of 16 and began to rule in a style that was not expected from a teenager. Homosexual, sadist, arsonist, mentally ill. Incest with the mother he killed. Nero also became famous for setting fire to Rome and, admiring the fire, playing the lyre and reciting his poems. This shocked his contemporaries - it was not at all according to the rank of the emperor to play music and sing. It's as if President Obama appeared on Big Brother.

Nero blamed Christians for the burning of Rome and brutally persecuted them. He castrated his lover, the young man Sporus, renamed him Sabina and officially married him. But this was not enough for him; he himself was publicly and officially the “wife” of Doryphorus. That is, Nero was both the groom and the bride. Nero is one of the most hated people on the planet. But for years after his death, someone regularly laid flowers on his grave - from unknown admirers.

14. Emperor Xiaoai of the Han Dynasty

Emperor Xiaoai of China's Han Dynasty came to power at the age of twenty. He impressed his childless uncle, the former emperor, with his talents, who made him heir. His reign was marked by the hope that he would be an innovator and a moderate leader. But the brutal suppression of those who disagreed with his course quickly disappointed the people.

His most loyal supporter was his favorite Dong (Dong) Xian; it is assumed that there was a homosexual relationship between him and the emperor. Dong Xian always accompanied the emperor outside the palace and received large sums of money from him. By order of the emperor, the imperial architect built a residence for Dong Xian opposite the palace, which was so luxurious that it itself resembled an imperial palace. The emperor gave Dong Xian the best weapons from the imperial armory and jewelry from the imperial treasury, and the place for Dong Xian's future grave was chosen on the right hand of the future grave of the emperor himself.

Dong was a minor court official, but the emperor rewarded him with money and showered him with titles. At the age of only 22, Dong was appointed commander of the armed forces. However, after the sudden death of the emperor at an early age, Dong was forced to commit suicide.

The relationship between Emperor Xiaoai and Dong Xian led to the appearance in Chinese of the expression “passion of the cut sleeve” (斷袖之癖), which became an allegorical designation for homosexual relations. It is stated that one day, while the Emperor and Dong Xian were sleeping in the same bed, the Emperor awoke to find Dong Xian sleeping on the sleeve of the imperial robe. In order not to disturb his beloved's sleep, the emperor cut off the sleeve of his robe, and only then stood up.

13. Willem II

Willem II is King of the Netherlands and Grand Duke of Luxembourg and Limburg. In St. Petersburg in 1816, he married the sister of Emperor Alexander I, Grand Duchess Anna Pavlovna. For the prince’s arrival, young Pushkin wrote a custom ode to “The Prince of Orange.”

But the marriage was unhappy, the life of Anna Pavlovna and her husband turned out to be more than difficult. Willem was an avid gambler, losing entire fortunes at cards. There were rumors that Willem was prone to homosexuality; it was rumored that he had a lover who was ruining him. He surrounded himself with attractive male servants, and faced blackmail from a minister who threatened to expose his "shameful and unnatural lusts." In 1848, the revolution spread throughout Europe. Willem decided to give up many powers in order to ensure the steadfastness of his throne: without waiting for stones to fly through the windows of his palace or the palace itself to be set on fire, the king announced his readiness for reform. His phrase went down in history: “Here is an extreme conservative who overnight transformed into a convinced liberal.”

12. Jean Gaston, Prince of Orleans

Gaston Jean Baptiste of France, Duke of Orléans is a French prince of the blood, the youngest son of King Henry IV of Bourbon and Marie de' Medici. Gaston was married twice: his first wife died giving birth to their first child, and his second wife gave birth to 5 children.
Gaston received virtually no attention from his family, and he grew up alone. Contemporaries noted that he seemed silent and sad, often sobbing alone in his bedroom. Being homosexual, Gaston found solace in his lackey Giuliano Dami, who became his lover and later pimp.
Gaston had a difficult relationship with his crowned brother and nephew. In the 1630s, he raised a rebellion in Languedoc against the king and de facto owner of the state, Cardinal Richelieu, then participated in the Saint-Mars plot to depose and kill Richelieu in 1642, and miraculously escaped execution. However, he was deprived of rights to the regency in the event of the king's death. After the death of his brother in 1643, he was appointed governor of the kingdom and commanded the troops of the state against Spain.

Once in power, Gaston practically did not leave his bed. In the summer he lived on the ground floor of the palace, in the winter he was moved upstairs. But it was not melancholy. On his bed in the palace, he collected a whole collection of beautiful boys who served him. His faithful lover and pimp Dami sought out attractive young men (ruspanti) for the pleasures of the Grand Duke. By the end of his reign, at least 350 handsome men who liked him received a special pension from the monarch. It was said that during lovemaking, Gaston insisted that he be called not Altezza Reale (“your highness”), but Altezza Realona (“fat queen”). In the 1650s, during the Fronde, he constantly switched from one side to the other. Mazarin ordered him to be sent to Blois, where Gaston died.

11. Trajan

The Roman Emperor Trajan greatly expanded the borders of the empire. His reign was so successful that he hoped that future emperors would be "as lucky as Augustus and as good as Trajan." To perpetuate his military successes, he erected a large column in Rome. He married purely for political reasons - he was completely homosexual.
Homosexuality in Rome was allowed to some extent, but only for men who played an "active" role. In 97 AD e. Trajan was adopted by the aging Emperor Nerva and took the imperial throne the following year. His relative Adrian became one of the close associates of the new emperor. At a certain point, both Trajan and Hadrian were in love with the same young man named Antinous. In 130, while they were in Egypt, Antinous drowned in the Nile. Perhaps he committed suicide because he could not bear the remorse of his conscience, considering his relationship with the emperor to be “immoral.” Or because he overcame the age within which pederasty was allowed - an action performed between erastes (older people) and eromenos (beloved youths). There were also rumors that he drowned himself, sacrificing himself in the name of performing a mystical rite to ward off the forces of evil from the emperor. Adrian was overwhelmed with tireless grief and did not hide his grief. He ordered the priests to deify Antinous and in his honor founded the city of Antinopolis, where games were held every year in honor of the young god. The cult of Antinous spread throughout the empire; he became the last god of the ancient world, repeatedly embodied in marble.

10. Edward II

In 1308, Edward II married the lovely Isabella of France, daughter of King Philip IV the Fair of France. However, the English monarch turned out to be completely indifferent to his young wife. He visited the marital bedroom only on days indicated by his court astrologer and physician as favorable for conception. The king adored men and did not hide it. The whole court knew about this - Edward did not miss a single pretty male face, not even ignoring the masons who were rebuilding the Palace of Westminster.
But his main favorite was Sir Hugh le Despenser, who was awarded the dukedom. Hugh was a clever intriguer: having approached the monarch, he, without a twinge of conscience, plunged his hand into the state treasury and, with the help of various machinations, made himself a huge fortune.
The king, in the entire court, in front of the queen, showed signs of attention to his favorite - hugs and kisses were not uncommon. Isabella hated the Dispensers, but was powerless to change anything. However, Baron Roger Mortimer appeared in her life, with whom she decided to overthrow the king who was unfaithful to her. Edward II was accused of sodomy and other sins, forced to abdicate the throne in favor of his eldest son, and put under arrest.
And Despenser and his elderly father were sentenced to death for theft and betrayal. Among other charges brought against Hugh was the following: “expelled the queen from her marital bed.” The execution was public and brutal: while Despenser was still alive, the executioner castrated him and also cut off his arms and legs. Lastly, his head was cut off, which was later put on public display on London Bridge.

9. Elagabalus

Marcus Aurelius Heliogabalus (Elagabalus) was a Roman emperor from the Severan dynasty who reigned from 218 to 222. He was barely 14 years old when he ascended the throne. During his four years in power, he caused turmoil with his sex scandals. He was a great prankster - for example, he smothered his guests with rose petals until they suffocated.
As with many ancient people, the issue of Elagabalus' sexuality is extremely complex. He married and divorced at least five times, including a Vestal Virgin. However, there are historians who believe that his strongest relationship was with a charioteer named Hierocles, whom he publicly referred to as his husband.
Less reliable sources say that at the age of 15 Heliogabalus liked bright makeup, wore wigs, and tried himself as a prostitute. According to written sources, he had a terrible reputation. Edward Gibbon, for example, wrote that Elagabalus "indulged in all kinds of pleasures and often fell into uncontrollable rages." He promised the doctors huge amounts of money if they could change his sex. Thus, Elagabalus can be considered the first transgender person in history. This intemperate behavior, however, led to his death at the tender age of 18.

8. James I

James VI of Scotland, also known as James I of England, is the king of Scotland and the first king of England from the Stuart dynasty. James I was the first sovereign to rule simultaneously over both kingdoms of the British Isles. He was one of the most educated people of his time, knew not only Latin, but also ancient Greek, composed poetry in Scots and Latin, wrote a book of instructions to his son, treatises on demonology and the dangers of tobacco (becoming the pioneer of this topic). The king encouraged the research of alchemists and new work in the fields of medicine and natural history. Educated and foolish, he was a big glutton and drunkard, and was known among his contemporaries as “the most learned fool.”

Having never known his father and brought up in an atmosphere of hatred towards his mother, Mary Stuart, the king easily fell under the influence of attractive and energetic nobles, which gave reason to suspect James I of homosexual inclinations. The king's first favorite was the 34-year-old Duke of Lennox, whom young James I actually entrusted to rule the country on his own behalf.

The king completely lost interest in his wife, who did not match his level of intelligence (which did not prevent the royal couple from giving birth to seven children). In adulthood, James I again found himself under the influence of young favorites: Robert Carr, Earl of Somerset, George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham and others. But Buckingham was the most adored. After the death of his wife, Jacob gave handfuls of her jewelry to his beloved Buckingham, justifying himself as follows: “You can be sure that I love the Duke of Buckingham more than anyone else, and more than anyone else gathered here. I would like to defend my interests, and not think , that this is a flaw, because Jesus Christ did the same thing, which means I cannot be blamed. Christ had John, and I have my George.”

7. King David

Trying to look at the Bible from the point of view of modern morals, meticulous researchers discovered that the holy prophet, psalmist and King David was not only woman-loving, but also homosexual. Moreover, in a homosexual couple he played the role of the wife.

The biblical parable of David and Jonathan is given in the Old Testament in the First Book of Samuel. "When David finished talking with Saul, the soul of Jonathan [Saul's son] was attached to his soul, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul. And Saul took him that day, and did not allow him to return to his father's house. Jonathan made a deal with covenant with David, for he loved him as his own soul. And Jonathan took off the robe that he was wearing and gave it to David, also his other clothes, and his sword and his bow and his belt.”
Over the centuries, the parable of David and Jonathan has been interpreted as a story of homosexual love, and the phrase “exceeding the love of women” has long ago become a euphemism for love between men. For example, when a medieval biographer described the love of the English king Edward II, known for his homosexual inclinations, for Pierre Gaveston as a love that was “stronger than a woman’s love,” readers unmistakably understood what the author meant.
Oscar Wilde mentioned the parable of David and Jonathan as a justification for his relationships with men - they were “exceeding the love of a woman.”

6. Queen Christina of Sweden

Queen Christina ascended the throne of Sweden at the age of 6, and abdicated at the age of 28. She refused to behave like a queen: she wore men's clothes, loved books, and read a lot. And she had a close friend who shared her bed. As a child she was a tomboy, but as an adult she "acted like a man, had a man's gait, rode a horse in a man's saddle, and on occasion could swear like a rude soldier."

Her contemporaries described her as a very muscular person who was so lacking in femininity that there was confusion as a child as to whether she was a girl or a boy. Christina refused to even consider the possibility of marriage and implied that it was against her “constitution.” Her refusal to marry played a large role in the queen's abdication of the throne. Historians debate whether the queen was a lesbian or a potential transgender person.

5. Ludwig II

Ludwig II of Bavaria is to some extent known to everyone who has seen the castle on the screensavers of Disney cartoons - this is one of Ludwig's castles. He was obsessed with fairytale castles and built them as long as his empire could afford them. His other obsession was the music of Wagner...and Wagner himself. He wrote to the composer: “I fervently appeal to you, oh my only saint, to whom I pray! ... How I love, how I love you, my only, my best!”

Ludwig was a devout Catholic and he never married. It seems he never slept with anyone, at least nothing is known about it. But his personal diaries reveal deep emotional attachments to men. For example, he was devoted to the groom Richard Hornig, whom he supported and took on trips until it caused a scandal.

Ludwig was overthrown due to insanity. He mysteriously drowned in the lake, along with his doctor.

4. James Buchanan

The question often arises when the United States will be ready to elect an openly gay president. Some historians are convinced that one already exists. James Buchanan was the 15th President of the United States and is remembered mainly for being in power when the cession of states occurred that led to the outbreak of the Civil War.

In his youth, Buchanan courted young ladies, but was never married. His main companion in life was William Rufus King. They lived together for many years and were known for their incredible closeness. President Jackson ironically referred to the couple as "Aunt Fancy" and "Miss Nancy."

King described their relationship as "communication." When King moved to Paris, Buchanan wrote: “Now I am alone, without a companion by my side. I tried to court several gentlemen, but did not succeed with any of them." He said more than once that he did not rule out marrying a woman so that someone would take care of him in his old age, but this is clearly not about romantic feelings.

3. Adrian

We have already recalled the parable of Hadrian and Antinous. Hadrian was the successor of the Emperor Trajan mentioned above. Hadrian married Trajan's grandniece, but the marriage was unhappy for both parties. There was only one great love in Adrian's life, for a beautiful young man named Antinous.

Hadrian met Antinous when he was probably very young. Antinous became the emperor's favorite and constant travel companion. After several happy years together, they visited Egypt and tragedy struck on the banks of the Nile. Antinous was found drowned on the shallows of the river. Hadrian, in deep mourning, built a city on this site and named it Antinopolis. Today, his eternally young face can be seen in the largest museums in the world - many marble statues of Antinous have survived to this day.

2. Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar knew a little bit of everything. He was a great commander, a treacherous politician, a writer and a poet. He is also described as "the husband of every wife, and the wife of every husband."
As a young man, Caesar was sent to the court of King Nicomedes of Bithynia. He spent so much time with the king that he was then called the “Queen of Bithynia” throughout his life, and his soldiers said that “Caesar may have conquered the Gauls, but Nicomedes defeated Caesar.”
The poet Catullus called him "Sodomite Romulus", that is, a Roman sodomite. There were other men associated with Caesar as lovers, but it is Caesar's relationship with Cleopatra that is most often remembered.

1. Alexander the Great

The ancient Greeks and Romans did not have such a concept - homosexuality. But homosexual behavior was an accepted part of life. Alexander the Great's father had a lover and, nevertheless, was a great commander. At least until his son surpassed his greatness.

Alexander's conquests were the largest in history. He conquered Egypt, Persia, Afghanistan, and moved further to India. And on all his campaigns, Alexander was accompanied by a group of young friends. His closest friend and, according to most, lover, was Hephaestion. Contemporaries joked that Alexander was "ruled by Hephaestion's thighs." When someone mistook Hephaestion for Alexander, the emperor forgave the mistake, saying “you were not mistaken - this man is also Alexander.”

When Hephaestion died, Alexander was inconsolable. He clung to the body for a long time until he was pulled away by force.

- “Treat and isolate” - this is the attitude of more than 85% of Russian residents towards love, which they are accustomed to not accepting. “We Are Together” is a project about LGBT people who are friends, love, build families, and raise children, no matter what. Today in Russia there is a law banning the promotion of non-traditional relationships among minors, so not all of my heroes decided to show their faces, but they all talked about their feelings.

For me, working on this project was an important step towards overcoming my own stereotypes towards LGBT people, since I was raised in a family where homosexual and bisexual orientation was frowned upon. The first time I met a gay man was when I was 19. He has been my best friend for many years. He is always there when I need him, he is completely honest and surrounds me with kindness. I'm proud of this friendship.

Not all of my heroes decided to show their faces, but they all talked about their feelings.

David Fisher is not the first husband of musician Elton John. On February 14, 1984, eight years after his coming out, the artist married sound engineer Renate Blauel, but then the marriage lasted only four years. Sir Elton John met the love of his life in 1993. Furnish helped his future husband get rid of addictions, and in December 2014 the couple got married. At that time, the guys were already raising their first child, Zachary, who was helped into the world by a surrogate mother. On January 11, 2013, the couple's second son, Elijah Joseph Daniel Furnish-John, was born.

Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka

How I Met Your Mother star Neil Patrick Harris began dating her future husband in 2006, and four years later they became parents to twins - a boy and a girl - through a surrogate mother. The couple got married two months after New York State passed its marriage equality law in June 2011.


Cynthia Nixon and Christine Marinoni

Sex and the City actress Cynthia Nixon, 49, and Christine Marinoni began dating in 2004 after Cynthia gave up married life with Danny Moses, a British professor. In February 2011, Cynthia and Christine had a son, Max, whom Marinoni gave birth to. The girls legalized their relationship a few months after same-sex marriage became legal in New York State.

Ellen DeGeneres and Portia De Rossi

TV presenter Ellen DeGeneres staged a large-scale coming out in 1997. She appeared on the cover of Time with the quote, “Yes, I'm a lesbian,” and later came out to her psychoanalyst, played by Oprah Winfrey, on Ellen. Ellen has been having an affair with actress Portia De Rossi for 11 years. On August 16, 2008, after the ban on same-sex marriage was lifted in California, the girls got married.

Stephen Fry and Elliot Spencer

Fotodom / Rex Features

Stephen Fry, who had long struggled with his homosexuality, only accepted himself in his forties, when he began dating his friend Daniel Cohen. Earlier this year, the 57-year-old actor married 27-year-old stand-up comedian Elliot Spencer.

Jim Parsons and Todd Spivak

The Big Bang Theory star Jim Parsons came out in 2012, revealing that he had been dating Todd Spivak for 10 years.

Tom Ford and Richard Buckley

Designer Tom Ford and journalist Richard Buckley, men's editor-in-chief of Vogue magazine, have been together since 1986. The guys became parents for the first time in September 2012: the surrogate mother gave the couple a boy, Alexander.

Jodie Foster and Alexandra Hedison

In 2013, at the Golden Globe ceremony, receiving the Cecil B. DeMille Award for her lifetime achievements in cinema, Jodie Foster openly and officially declared her sexuality, causing tears and applause from the star guests. Foster admitted that she dated producer Sydney Bernard for 14 years, and now the girls remain close friends. In April 2014, the actress married photographer Alexandra Hedison.