Why dream about feces. Why do you dream of feces: interpretation of a nasty dream. Feces with worms

This year promises the Snakes a surge of energy, strength and incredible self-confidence. 2017 will bring many changes to the lives of representatives of this sign. It is in the new year that all plans and ideas will be brought into reality. The incredible creativity of snakes will simply awaken with a power equal to the patroness of this sign. With the onset of warmer weather, new acquaintances and admirers will be drawn to people of this sign. The reason for this surge of interest in your personality may be your incredible sense of style and proportion, which will attract someone who wants to imitate you.

It is 2017 that will allow Snakes to develop their unique and innovative ideas, which will allow you to take part in an innovative project and reach incredible heights. But the desire to go abroad is not destined to come true. However, Snakes will spend all their time on the robot with their colleagues. This attitude towards work will not please you, but not for long and by the middle of the year, you will be surprised at how successful the situation will be. You will be able to benefit enormously from this state of affairs.

The main question of 2017 for the snake will be the desire of the snake to achieve something in this life by expressing itself, or whether it is not worth changing anything and just need to go with the flow. Gradually, the Snakes will have to actively get involved in the work. 2017 will force some lazy snakes to do something and actively take part in their destiny. Rapid changes in events will force snakes to constantly be in a state of pursuit, which sometimes plays a cruel joke, because snakes will simply miss chances to improve their position. 2017 will begin for snakes very cheerfully and with a surge of energy, but the next month will be the beginning of an active race for previously earned funds and their own development.

In the new year 2017, a series of white and black stripes awaits the Snake, but your diligence and determination will help you solve all the problems and constantly reduce the black stripes and increase the white ones.

Horoscope for a woman - Snakes

2017 will bring some very important changes in life for women of the Year of the Snake. They should pay attention to the main goal of their life. If the Snake plans to get married this year, then they should be a little less offended by trifles, so as not to scare away their loved one. If the Snake plans to become a mother this year, then this year will simply become the patron of this desire. Astrologers recommend that women not show excessive temper or irritation, as this will alienate not only people close to them, but also colleagues, and this will significantly reduce your position in society. In general, 2017 will bring some loss of strength and slight bewilderment for Snake women, but already in the middle of the year you will be able to find a worthy place for yourself.

Horoscope for Snake men

Unlike women, snake men will have incredible luck. Whatever a man thinks about and begins to implement will bring incredible success. Snake men will simply move mountains this year.

Personal life in 2017 will be calm and measured, no shocks or difficulties. The chosen one of the Snake man will constantly please him, since she is flexible and gentle (such men simply do not choose others). There will be practically no conflict situations in married couples, just some omissions, but with future active and joyful reconciliation. The main thing that awaits men in 2017 is success in all endeavors.

What the Snake is preparing: the horoscope for 2017 for women and men is radically different; if women face constant hesitation in their choice, then men will be confident as always. Men and women just need to correctly perceive the signs of fate.

Love horoscope for Snakes in 2017

Love is the basis of every person's life. Snakes, despite their natural coldness, still need love and warmth. 2017 will be a clearer indicator than ever that the snake needs warm feelings, even those from the sign who are already married. In married couples, the Snake will face some difficulties in family life. Your perseverance will allow you to overcome all difficulties and even add some newness to your relationship.

Astrologers recommend taking a romantic trip, which will help bring back old feelings. All attempts of the Snakes will be crowned with success, which will significantly increase your chances not only of joyful family relationships, but also of a series of successes in work. It is 2017 that promises snakes the joy of motherhood and fatherhood. However, some small intrigues of partners can significantly make one feel sad about the serenity of life. You shouldn’t fall for all your partner’s wishes, because they are not always sincere.

Career and money horoscope for 2017 for Snakes

Astrologers do not recommend that Snakes open their own business in 2017, since this year will not be successful for you. In addition, for those who already have their own business, this year does not promise any profitability, and their activity may become a complete failure. Despite such difficulties, relationships within the team are quite excellent and productive. However, your boss will constantly overload you with work. You will need to learn how to somehow easily and naturally explain that you are not a draft horse and you simply cannot handle such volumes. Exactly, such a frank conversation will greatly reduce the pressure on you. In the fall, the Snake will receive a promotion, which will significantly improve your financial situation.

Regarding your financial situation, you will be characterized by some thrift regarding funds. This feature regarding the management of the family budget will become the basis for the establishment of a kind of dictatorship by the Snakes in the family. Astrologers advise not to waste money, since all business this year will be simply risky, or even completely failure. It is worth taking care of your funds especially in winter and spring, since at this time you can end up in a debt hole. In addition, astrologers do not advise giving a loan, since the borrower may simply not give the money, which promises you not only a quarrel, but also serious problems with how to repay the debt.

Health horoscope for 2017 for Snakes

The snake will constantly worry about its own health, so you will always have to carry medications with you. You will need to constantly fight for your own immunity. However, astrologers do not recommend self-medication, as this is fraught with many negative consequences. You should pay careful attention to your condition, which is why you should visit your family doctor. In addition, you should pay attention to your diet. Walk more, start playing sports, eat more vegetables and fruits, this will help strengthen your immunity.

Astrologers say that there is a possibility of detecting problems with the kidneys and liver, so when visiting a doctor you should pay attention to this. Constant stress, difficulties at work and in your personal life will reduce your well-being to almost zero. Try to get rid of bad habits and try to be in the fresh air. All your efforts will be crowned with success, and by the summer you will feel much better, and constant illnesses will recede. You will again become successful in everything.

For Virgo, the horoscope for 2017 promises a great opportunity to completely turn your life around, start all over again and discover new paths for yourself. Many representatives of this sign will make a complete reassessment of values, which will help them look at the world differently, leaving stress and resentment behind.

General horoscope for Virgo

At the very beginning of 2017, Virgo will feel changes in herself, this will concern her attitude towards work, family, friends, and herself. Many will have to really spend a lot of time thinking about what needs to change in order to open up all the roads to a more successful future. The stars say that for those who manage to do this, the future will bring great benefits and wealth. Therefore, an analysis of your life should be carried out at the beginning of the year, so that at the end or middle of it you can be content with pleasant gifts of fate, which will undoubtedly be deserved. Many virgins are subject to scrupulousness and isolation; in 2017 they will have to overcome their typical habits and open up to the world again.

If something has been seriously wrong in your life lately, it's all in your head, by changing the way you think and how you treat others, you can achieve noticeable positive results. Therefore, this year is primarily for those who can and love to work on themselves and are able to do this objectively. You will need to pay special attention to your health and not disappear at work around the clock. Many chronic diseases will make themselves felt, so you need to be careful and visit your doctor in advance for prevention.

Horoscope for Virgo man

Virgo men in 2017 will have the opportunity to show themselves only if they are not too selfish and secretive. Attractive prospects await many, especially in the field of work. Helpful and interesting people will appear who will remain in your life for a long time. This year, new acquaintances will play a big role, so do not lose the chance to surround yourself with sociable friends, attend interesting events more often and do not hide from a busy social life. For single men, such events are a great chance to meet your soulmate and change your life for the better!

Some financial disputes may arise, most often at work, so be careful about the public budget and how money is spent. Then they won’t be able to attract you for squandering and thereby spoil your reputation. There will be plenty of people willing to do this, especially among people who constantly circle around you, but are not close friends and acquaintances. Be attentive to your health, avoid hypothermia. Men may have problems with the throat and respiratory tract; these organs must be kept warm at all times.

Horoscope for Virgo woman

Virgo women will be able to look at themselves in a new way this year, realizing their shortcomings and striving to correct them. Many people know that any gracious aspiration will definitely be rewarded! Therefore, if thoughts of changing something about yourself for the better have crept into your head, you should definitely do it. Women need to spend less time in the company of unfamiliar friends and girlfriends whom you do not consider close. There is a high chance of slander, spreading gossip and other unpleasant consequences of sharp female tongues.

Surround yourself with reliable and trusted people, try to keep new acquaintances at the level of friendship, without letting you get closer. This is especially true for working representatives of the fair sex, who most often work in female teams. This year you should give up social events and spend more time with your family. If a woman is still single, an old acquaintance may appear in her life, who will relieve loneliness and brighten up everyday life with interesting and vibrant relationships.

Regarding health, women need to pay attention to the genitourinary system, so if there are chronic diseases in this area, it is worth checking with a doctor, even as a preventive measure.

Love horoscope

The love horoscope for 2017 is favorable for single Virgos, who have been looking for their soul mate for a long time and cannot find it. Men should attend social events more often, because a fateful meeting can happen there, while women should reconsider the circle of their old acquaintances. The year is extremely positive for marriage; it is advisable to formalize your relationship in the second half of the year, then the union will be long and happy. For those who choose to get married in the first half of the year, the marriage will be easy, pleasant, and the partners will not violate the personal freedom of each of them. Which option suits you best should be considered in advance.

Married representatives of the sign should devote less time to work, as is usually the case. And if your other half offers to do something even not very interesting, this prospect is worth taking advantage of. This year, Virgos need special attention from their relatives and family; their energy will help them emerge victorious in any situation. Therefore, stay at home as often as possible, come up with interesting activities and have fun. A relaxing holiday with your family is a great alternative to noisy parties. This time will help you get as close as possible to your partner. After all, the other halves of Virgos have a very difficult time with such workaholics, and timely attention will help keep the marriage and relationships sensual and happy.

Single representatives should immediately be reminded that relationships need to be built first of all by paying a significant amount of attention to their new partner. A couple of dates and one evening at the cinema will not be enough, use your imagination so as not to get bored!

Career horoscope

Virgo's career may improve in 2017. This is a great time to improve your skills, gain new knowledge, and maybe even a profession. If you have long dreamed of taking a course of lectures or specialized classes, it is worth implementing such a plan so that you can then enjoy attractive offers from future employers or promotions at your main job. This year they will pay much more attention to your professionalism, and if you have nothing to surprise your boss with, alas, you will have to give way to those who are constantly learning something new. Conservative representatives of this sign who do not like to broaden their horizons will have to face such unpleasant consequences.

For those who are looking for the ideal job, you should pay attention to vacancies that are completely incompatible with your main profession. The development of new spaces this year has been successful, which should definitely be taken advantage of. You will be able to discover new facets and skills in yourself that you had never even imagined before. Lovers of familiar places by nature - Virgos - change their place of work with particular difficulty. If the opportunity to take on a new position appears on the horizon, even if it is less paid than your current position, where you have not been promoted for a long time, this opportunity is worth taking advantage of! You will be surprised, but one change brings with it many consequences, which this year will be especially pleasant for determined individuals. Be careful with the government budget, many situations may arise in which they want to deceive and frame you. Therefore, even after your colleagues or subordinates have counted the money, do it again yourself. Trust, but verify, there is nothing wrong with this, but your conscience will be calmer, and you will thereby reduce the possibility of difficult situations arising.

Virgo health in 2017

In 2017, health can fail and significantly fray Virgo’s nerves. Therefore, at the beginning of the year, it is worthwhile to undergo examinations and doctors in advance for the sake of prevention in order to minimize the possibility of diseases occurring. This way you can protect yourself from unnecessary stress and other unpleasant situations. It is especially worth paying attention to vision, respiratory tract and genitourinary functions, they are the weakest this year. You shouldn’t be overworked at work, it’s better to spend more time surrounded by your family and friends, soaking up their love and care, which will help you for new victories and opportunities!

If you have a dog, you should take on the basic functions of caring for it, spend more time on walks, and in the warmer months you can play sports with your dog, for example, jogging. All of this will have positive results for your well-being, and you can experience it for yourself. In general, Virgos who do not have pets and are not allergic to wool should definitely get a pet this year. It will help you feel better and will take away all the stress and worries.

Eastern horoscope

  • Virgo-Rat (1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008)

Virgo should pay more attention to the people around her. Haven't talked to your loved ones or friends for a long time? This year, try to call and meet as often as possible; social connections will help you implement ideas and feel better.

  • Virgo-Ox (1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)

Virgo-Ox requires careful use of electricity, more time in the fresh air. Overcome your shyness and try to spend more time at social events.

  • Virgo-Tiger (1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)

Tiger-Virgo must overcome her anger, selfishness and other negative qualities. After defeating your shortcomings, a lot of new roads will open in life.

  • Virgo-Rabbit(1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)

Representatives of this year of birth will have a good time for promotion and work. A successful family union is possible.

  • Virgo-Dragon(1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)

The year will require determination, and quick determination. You will have to react with lightning speed to all changes in your life in order to stay afloat.

  • Virgo-Snake(1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

The year is successful for traveling abroad and for studying. If you wanted to get another education, now is the time to do it! Your significant other will pleasantly surprise you all year long!

  • Virgo-Horse(1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

Do not forget about yourself and work only for the benefit of others. You need to look around and stop for a while to put your thoughts and feelings in order.

  • Virgo-Goat(1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

More patience, a difficult situation that has been going on for too long will be resolved this year, but you need to be patient.

  • Virgo-Monkey(1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004)

Will delight others with unique ideas and solutions. But save your thoughts and think before you voice. Someone will want to take your ideas and pass them off as their own. Success awaits you at work.

  • Virgo-Rooster(1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005)

Talk less, work more! Show attention to your family, leave a job you don’t like, you can confidently look for new prospects and options, luck is on your side this year.

  • Virgo-Dog(1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006)

You may be disappointed in a close friend; trust your innermost secrets less - they can be used against you. If they offer you a new position at work, feel free to accept it.

  • Virgo-Pig(1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007)

Take care of your health, go to the doctor and get your chronic diseases checked. An exacerbation can happen at the wrong time. A good year to get married and find your soulmate.

In 2017 of the Red Fire Rooster, the Snake will have to get out of its comfort zone. The owner of the year likes her practicality and wisdom, but this sign will need to develop more perseverance and hard work.

The snake will find a powerful source of energy for itself. This will give her the strength to move towards her goals, despite the difficulties. A creative streak will awaken in her, she will become interested in a new hobby or show miracles of style. This will involuntarily attract many new acquaintances into your life.

The Year of the Rooster will not bring changes to the Snake’s field of activity; it will remain at its “old” place of work. Towards the end of the year, career advancement is possible. Throughout the entire period, she will receive cash bonuses and improved relationships with colleagues and superiors.

Love, relationships

2017 will bring good luck in the field of love and relationships, because the owner of the year is a family sign. The Snake, tied by marriage, will be able to fully enjoy his homely, cozy happiness. You shouldn’t spend all your time working; it’s better to leave it for your significant other. Otherwise, misunderstandings and disagreements may occur.

Single representatives of the sign will have a chance to meet the love of their life. The main thing is not to waste your time on relationships based only on physical attraction. The Rooster will not approve of such behavior, and luck may run out.

It is worth spending time with relatives. They will need support, because 2017 will not be easy for all signs of the eastern calendar. Parents may not approve of the choice of a significant other. To end the conflict, it is recommended not to touch on this topic for a while, and they will soften their verdict.

Work, finances

In 2017 of the Red Fire Rooster, it is better for the Snake to stay in the same job. The new job will not be as interesting and highly paid, so you shouldn’t change your mind. The optimal tactic is to double your diligence and perform your core functional duties perfectly. The bosses will appreciate this and by the end of the year they will reward you for your good work with a cash bonus or promotion.

The Rooster will not support the Snake in opening his own business. “Working for yourself” will not bring the expected result; a crisis and loss of money are possible. It is recommended to improve your basic professional level - take English language courses, attend seminars and conferences in your specialty. This will lay the foundation for a push later in the year.

In the financial sphere, the Snake will show its inherent prudence. When investing in a risky business, it is advisable to consult an expert in the field. This way you can avoid loss of capital. There may be quarrels with relatives over borrowing money. In this case, it is better to give money on a non-refundable basis, if possible.


The Rooster will bring a lot of physical activity into the Snake's life. 2017 is not a time for laziness, so it is advisable to buy a gym or swimming pool membership. This will significantly improve your health and strengthen the nervous system. In the middle of the year it is better to take a vacation and spend it not only on the beach, but also hiking.

In summer, colds are possible. Therefore, it is recommended to strengthen the immune system in the spring. This will help you avoid taking handfuls of pills and going to the doctor.

The weak points of the Snake's body in 2017 are the kidneys, liver and thyroid gland. If you experience any disturbing symptoms, it is better not to delay the process and consult a doctor. Self-medication is strictly prohibited.

Years of birth of the Snake: 1941,1953,1965,1977,1989,2001

Lucky numbers: 1,2,4,6, 13,24,42,46

Western Astrology Equivalent: Taurus

Color: red

Celebrities born in the year of the Snake: Kim Basinger, Wob Dylan, Treasure Garbo, Audrey Hepburn, Liz Hurley, Wred Pitt, Brooke Shields, Oprah Winfrey


“Oh, it’s not difficult to deceive me, I’m glad to be deceived myself” - if you live by this motto, you will not avoid a problematic romance and other disappointments. Don't despair, by summer everything will change - you will begin to look at life more realistically, get rid of oppressive relationships and will remain alone for some time. But autumn will bring a new meeting - do not miss your destiny.


Don't overload yourself at work, otherwise it will affect your health. Limit time for important things. In spring, positive changes in your life await you, and this will require a lot of strength. Summer will pass calmly, but in the fall it is better to take a break from the hustle and bustle, because at work your efficiency will be quite low.


The wisdom and intuition of the Snake this year will help her spend the year calmly and measuredly. Even noticeable success in business will not force the Snake to make any special efforts. At the beginning of the year, you shouldn’t put things off, solve them slowly, but bring them to the end. Otherwise, the delay may slow down other projects. In the spring, you may be drawn into behind-the-scenes intrigue. Remain indifferent to this mouse fuss, and then you will be a winner. At the same time, you have a chance to get promoted at work.


Spring and summer are a great time to realize professional ambitions; financial issues should be resolved independently, without relying on the participation of a partner - he may let you down. In the fall, the Snake may find an additional source of income to start his own business.

METAL SNAKE (1941,2001)

The Metal Snake is about to travel, where a holiday romance will certainly await her. And even if she stays at home on her vacation, she is still guaranteed a romantic meeting with an old friend or even a neighbor. Autumn will bring peace, stability and restraint of feelings into everyday life.


The Water Snake is very sensitive. Passion usually guides her, and under its influence she can commit impulsive, rash acts. In the spring you will have to work a lot without feeling tired and without noticing problems with the digestive system. It's time to go on a diet!


This year you are guaranteed a lot of acquaintances and declarations of sympathy. Married couples are also not far behind, they will have the opportunity to start a new honeymoon. However, in the spring some details from the past may come to light and poison the entire romantic atmosphere. Admit your guilt and resolve the conflict situation once and for all.


In fact, you are just looking for how to add something new to your relationship with your partner. If you want to preserve an already established union, call on your imagination to help. After all, even without supernova ideas, you really have the power to make your relationship interesting for both.


Starting in the fall, your matters of the heart will intensify. You will experience unforgettable moments of bliss, although it may not be possible without suffering. But you won't complain, because you will be captivated by an exciting love game. If you are not married, then at the end of the year your personal life may undergo a series of upheavals due to your partner’s jealousy or stubbornness. In these moments, you will truly feel who you are dealing with, and you will finally decide whether this relationship has a future.

Horoscope for 2017 Year of the Rooster for women and men