Why does the Prophet dream? What does it mean to see the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ in a dream? I dreamed of the Prophet, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book

Allah Almighty said in K ur`an (Sura “Az-Zariyat”, Ayats 20-21), meaning: “There are many clear signs on earth that lead to sincere Faith in Allah for those who are set on the path of Faith and follow it. And there are clear signs in you too - don’t you notice them and don’t you see what they point to? »

This Ayah means that a person looking at another finds amazing things in him that indicate the Greatness and Power of Allah.

One of them is the dreams that a person sees. In dreams he sees various distant countries, food and drink, sorrow and joy, and the like. These dreams are spiritual vision, that is, the soul of a person during sleep, without leaving the body, by the will of Allah, can see a lot.

A dream can be good and pleasant, or it can be terrible and nightmarish due to the intervention of the shaitan, or due to overwork. We find proof of this in Hadith, transmitted by Imam Al-Bukhariy from the Messenger of Allah: « A good and truthful sign in a dream is from Allah, and nightmare visions are from Satan».

Truly, everything happens according to the Will of Allah and everything was created only by Him. In this Hadith, Shaitan is mentioned, since nightmares and temptations come from him. As for pious dreams, the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon Him, also said about this: « Revelations are complete and signs remain». They asked the Prophet, peace be upon him: « What is a sign?». The Prophet, peace be upon him, replied: « These are pious dreams in which the believer sees himself, or he dreams of others».

A pious dream is, for example, seeing Prophets or Angels in a dream, hearing good news from them, which says that he will be one of the inhabitants of Paradise, or seeing himself in Paradise among those saved on the Day of Judgment.

As for the interpretation of dreams and their meaning, we say that dreams are divided into two categories.

*One of them is dreams that are clear in meaning, the meaning of which indicates salvation - this is good news.

*Another of them are dreams that require additional explanation when interpreted. This can only be explained by the Prophets and some Auliya, to whom Allah has granted knowledge of this science.

As for the dreams that the Prophets see, this is a revelation from Allah. For example, it is said in Quran about the story of the Prophet Ibrahim, when He dreamed that He was cutting His son. This was the command of Allah, but Allah did not want this to happen, so he replaced his son with a big ram.

But the dreams of ordinary people, that is, not Prophets, are not revelation and not everything that is dreamed comes true. Most dreams have their own interpretation. When the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon Him, saw a dream, He Himself interpreted it. He also interpreted dreams for others. An example of this is Hadith, transmitted by Al-Bukhariy from ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar, in which the Prophet, peace be upon Him, said: “In a dream, I saw that they brought me a cup of milk. I drank so much that milk began to leak out from under my nails. Then I gave the remaining milk in the cup to ‘Umar.” Sahaba was asked: “What is the meaning of this dream?” The Messenger of Allah replied: This means: “Knowledge!”

In addition to the Prophets, some of the Auliya, to whom Allah has granted knowledge of this science, have the right to interpret dreams. This knowledge is not transmitted by teachers or from books. This science is a gift from Allah to whomever He wants from Auliya. We find confirmation of this in K ur`an: This means: « Fear Allah and Allah will give you knowledge, for Allah knows everything», that is, Allah grants the ability to interpret dreams to some God-fearing people. You cannot turn to a person to interpret dreams, knowing that he has only read books on interpretation or having heard from him that he interprets dreams.

One of the best pious dreams is when you see the Prophet Mukh ammad, peace be upon him, in a dream. This is a sign that whoever sees this dream will die a believer. Lawyers (faqihi) spoke about this, based on the Hadith of the Prophet, peace be upon him. « Whoever sees me in a dream has truly seen me, Satan cannot appear in my image». Narrated by Imam Al-Bukhariy.

Some of the theologians have set a condition to see the Prophet Muh ammad, peace be upon Him, in his real image - only then can one consider that a person has really seen the Prophet, peace be upon Him. A description of his appearance, peace be upon Him, is given in the story “The Image of the Prophet Mukh ammad, peace be upon Him.” It says that the Prophet, peace be upon Him, had white skin with a ruddy complexion, black hair, he was of average height, he had a wide forehead and other characteristics. But other scholars did not set such a condition and said that if someone sees the Prophet, peace be upon him, in a dream, even in the form of a child or in the form of a person whom he knows, but in his heart he is confident that he saw the Prophet, it means so it is, that is, I really saw the Prophet Muh ammad, peace be upon him. And this opinion has more evidence.

You cannot believe a person who claims that he saw the Prophet Mukh ammad in a dream and that He allegedly said or did something contrary to Islam, because the Prophet, peace be upon Him, in no case speaks in a dream or conveys in words what contradicts his Shari'ah. And if a person claims that in a dream the Prophet Muh ammad told him to do something contrary to religion, then this means that such a person either did not understand or is deliberately deceiving.

Also, one cannot rely on dreams in matters that are determined by Shari'ah. For example, if someone refers to the fact that the Prophet Muhammad told him in a dream that tomorrow is the beginning of Ramadan, then there is no need to base his actions on this. It is necessary to act as prescribed by Shari'ah, that is, either see the new moon or continue Sha'aban on the 30th day, and not take this person's dream as a basis, because it could simply seem to him that this happened in his dream.

You need to know that you cannot invent dreams. Ibn ‘Abbas reported the words of the Prophet, peace be upon him: “Whoever composes some kind of vision himself and talks about what he actually did not see is deceiving and will be responsible for it.” Transmitted by X adis through Al-Bukhariy. And the worst deception is when a person says that he saw the Prophet, peace be upon him, in a dream for the sake of profit. For example, he says: “I saw the Prophet, peace be upon Him, in a dream, and He ordered me to marry your daughter,” or says: “The Prophet, peace be upon Him, told me that you should give me part of your money,” and so on. Great punishment and torment will be given to those who lie, referring to the Prophet, peace be upon him. Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said: « Whoever lies referring to Me, then there is more sin for him than the one who lies referring to someone else.».

In conclusion: whoever wants to have a good dream, let him do Uud before going to bed, lie down on his right side and read the Surahs from K ur`an: « Al-Kafirun», « Al-Ikhlas», « Al Falyak», « An-Nas» , and also reads Dhikr until he falls asleep. Whoever follows these tips will have an Angel next to him until the morning, and his soul, without leaving his body, will be near Al-‘Arsh, so the person sees good dreams. If you dream of any troubles, then let him ask Allah for protection from Satan and spit three times over his left shoulder. Prophet Muhammad said about this: “A good dream is a gift from Allah. Whoever sees such a dream, let him tell it to the one he loves. If he sees a bad dream, then let him ask Allah for protection from the harm of what he saw, spit (blow) over his left shoulder three times and not tell anyone about what he saw, then there will be no harm from this dream.” And let him read the Du'a that the Prophet, peace be upon him, taught to his companions. It was transmitted to us through At-Tirmidhiy, through Abu Dawud that ‘Amr Bin-Shu’ayb learned from his father, who in turn knew from his father that the Messenger, peace be upon Him, taught to repeat the following words in fear: « A'uzu bikyalimyati llahit-tammah min gadobihi wa sharri 'ibadihi wa min hamazatishshaytyn wa an yahdurun». This means: “I turn to Allah Almighty, hoping for protection from the harm of people and from the harm of the shaitan, as well as from their presence.” And they say that ‘Abdullah, the son of ‘Umar, taught this to those who were at such an age that they already understood, among young people and children, and whoever did not understand among the children, he wrote it on paper and gave it to them to wear around their necks. And in this saying there is evidence against the Wahhabists, who prohibit wearing prayers, protection, and khirz. We turn to Allah Almighty and ask him to grant us to see our beloved Messenger of Mukh ammad, peace be upon Him, and that we have a good ending.

Ibn Sirin said that he heard Abu Bakr ben al-Hussein ben Mahran al-Mukri say:

"I bought a slave. I think that she was Turkish by origin. The slave did not know my language, and I did not understand her. My friends had slaves who translated her speeches for me. One day she fell asleep, and then suddenly jumped up , began to cry and scream. She begged me in my native language: “Oh my lord! Help me learn Surah Fatiha!

I thought to myself: “Look, what a harmful woman. She knows my language, but she didn’t want to speak it with me!”

Gradually they gathered around the slave - the slave of my friends. They were surprised: “You did not know the language of your master, how can you speak to him now?”

The slave answered: “In a dream, I saw an angry man. He was walking somewhere. A large crowd was moving behind him. I asked people about him. They told me that it was Musa (Moses) (may peace be upon him!). Then, I saw another man who looked much better than the first. He was also walking somewhere surrounded by people. To my question: “Who is this?” they answered that it was Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him!). I will follow him. And then we approached the huge doors. He knocked, and the gates opened in front of him. Together with the people around him, only I and two other women remained outside. they also knocked on the gate. They opened. We were told that whoever could read the sura of the Koran well would be allowed to enter. Both women uttered the words of the first sura of the Koran, and they entered Paradise, and I was left alone.”

She again began to ask me to help her learn Surah Fatiha. With great difficulty I managed to teach the slave girl to read this surah. And when she learned it, she fell dead to the ground."

Ustaz Abu Saad (may Allah have mercy on him!) said:

“Seeing prophets in a dream (may the Almighty bless them!) means two things: it is either good, good news, or a warning.

An example of good news is when a prophet appears to someone in a dream in his usual appearance and condition; this is evidence of the piety of the person seeing this dream, his greatness, nobility of manners and foreshadows his victory over his enemies.

An example of a warning is if someone saw the prophet in a dream in an unusual form with a gloomy face; this indicates the poor condition of this person and the severity of the troubles that befell him. But later the Almighty will relieve him of his hardships and console him.”

If someone sees in a dream that he is killing a prophet, it means that the person who saw such a dream is betraying faith and breaking a covenant.

As for details or particulars, the following can be said about them:

If someone sees Adam (may peace be upon him!) in all his greatness in a dream, he will acquire greater holiness, being worthy of it, for the Almighty said: “I will install a vicegerent on earth.”

If someone sees in a dream that he is speaking with Adam (may peace be upon him!), he will become a scientist, an expert. The Almighty said: “And He taught Adam all the names.”

They also say that someone who meets Adam in a dream (may peace be upon him!) may be deceived by the words of some of his enemies, but after some time he will see the light and be freed from deception.

The appearance of Adam (may peace be upon him!) in a dream in a changing appearance means moving from one place to another, and finally returning to the original place.

The one who meets Shis (Sif) in a dream (may peace be upon him!) will acquire wealth, children and a pleasant life.

If anyone sees Idris (Enoch) in a dream (may peace be upon him!), he will be granted piety and endowed with goodness.

Meeting Nuh (Noah) in a dream (may peace be upon him!) means a long life and great trials from enemies. Subsequently, such a person will prevail over his enemies and will thank Allah a lot, for the Almighty said: “He was a grateful slave,” and will marry a woman from close relatives who will bear him boys.

Anyone who sees Hood in a dream (may peace be upon him!) is expected to be persecuted by his enemies. However, he will subsequently defeat them.

The same applies to those who see Salih (peace be upon him!) in a dream.

The one who meets Ibrahim (Abraham) (may peace be upon him) in a dream will perform the Hajj, if Allah wills. They say that he will have to endure great hardships from a cruel, unjust ruler, but Allah will help him overcome adversity and defeat his enemies. The Almighty will increase his wealth and give him a pious wife.

They also say that the appearance of Ibrahim (may peace be upon him) in dreams also means disobedience to his father.

They say that Sammak ben Harb became blind and saw in a dream how Ibrahim (may peace be upon him!) touched his eyes with his hand and said to him: “Go to the Euphrates and plunge into its waters! And then the Almighty will restore your sight.” When Sammak ben Harb woke up, he did this and received his sight.

Anyone who meets Ishak (Isaac) in a dream (may peace be upon him!) will face great troubles. Some of his relatives and elders from his clan will suffer. Then the Almighty will help him overcome adversity and return him honor, greatness and happiness. A considerable number of kings and leaders will emerge from his descendants. This is the case if he sees Ishaq (may peace be upon him!) in all his beauty and perfection. And if he sees him in an unusual state, his vision will disappear, Allah save us.

Anyone who sees Ismail (may peace be upon him!) in a dream will be rewarded with eloquence and leadership abilities. They say that such a person will build a mosque or provide financial assistance in this matter. The following saying of Allah approaches him: “And so Ibrahim builds the foundations of the house (Kaaba) and Ismail...”

They say that whoever meets Ismail (may peace be upon him!) in a dream will face difficulties in connection with his father, but Allah will subsequently ease his hardships.

As for the person who saw Yakub (Jacob) in a dream (may peace be upon him!), great sorrow will befall him in connection with his children, but the Almighty will subsequently remove this burden from him and return to him the one he loves.

Anyone who meets Yusuf (Joseph) in a dream (may peace be upon him!) will face oppression, arbitrariness and arrest, he will be subjected to cruel treatment from relatives and will even be slandered. Over time, he will become a ruler, his enemies will obey him.

In addition, the appearance of Yusuf (may peace be upon him!) in a dream indicates frequent giving of alms. This corresponds to the words of the Almighty: “Show us mercy.”

They say how one of the people saw in a dream that Yusuf (may peace be upon him!) was giving him one of his shoes, and when he woke up, he became an interpreter of dreams.

Rumor has it that Ibrahim bin Abdullah al-Karmani met Yusuf (peace be upon him!) in a dream. He asked the prophet to teach him what Allah taught him. Yusuf (may peace be upon him!) put his shirt on that man. He woke up and then became an interpreter of dreams.

Ibn Sirin said:

“I saw in a dream how I was entering a mosque. Inside I met three elders and a young man with a beautiful face standing next to them. I asked the young man: “Who are you?” He replied: “I am Yusuf.” “Who are these elders?” "- I asked him. The young man replied: “These are my ancestors - Ibrahim, Ishaq and Yaqub.” Then I asked him: “Teach me what Allah taught you.” Yusuf said: “Look and tell me what you see.” , - and opened his mouth so that I could look into it. I looked and answered: “Your tongue.” He again ordered: “Look and tell me what you see,” and again I answered: “I see yours.” small tongue." And he again asked what I see, and again opened his mouth. This time I said that I see his heart. Then Yusuf said to me: “Be an interpreter and do not be afraid.” I woke up, and no matter how far away I became from me my dream seemed as if I was seeing it in the palm of my hand."

Anyone who sees Yunus (Jonah) in a dream (may peace be upon him!) will hasten in a matter that may end in poverty or even arrest for him. The Almighty, however, will help him avoid an evil fate and save him. At the same time, such a dream can also be interpreted in such a way that the person seeing it is prone to sudden outbursts of anger, and then a rapid transition to a state of calm, and can also enter into relationships with treacherous people.

Anyone who sees Prophet Shuaib (may peace be upon him!) trembling will lose his sight. And if he sees the same prophet in a different form, then people can limit his rights and subject him to oppression. Subsequently he will gain the upper hand. There is a possibility that those who have such dreams will have daughters.

If someone sees Musa (Moses) and Harun (Aaron) in a dream (may peace be upon them!) or sees one of them, then this means that the one who saw such a dream will deal with a cruel tyrant. The appearance of these prophets in the dream of a person going to war will make the latter a winner.

They say that the slave of Said ben al-Musayib saw in a dream how Musa (may peace be upon him!) found himself in the country of Sham (Syria). He held a staff in his hands and walked on the water. She told Said about her dream, and he told her: “Your dream is true, for Abd al-Malik ben Marwan has died.” When asked how he knew about this, he replied: “Because the Almighty sent the prophet Musa to crush the tyrants. And I don’t see anyone there except Abd al-Malik bin Marwan.” And it happened as he said.

Whoever sees Ayub (Job) in a dream (may peace be upon him!) will lose property, relatives, his son and himself. Then the Almighty will replenish and even multiply everything he has lost. To this end, the saying of Allah is appropriate: “And We gave him a family and others like them along with them.”

He who saw Daud (David) in a dream (may peace be upon him!) in his usual appearance will achieve dominion, power, reign and wealth.

As for the one who saw Suleiman (Solomon) in a dream (may peace be upon him!), he will be granted kingship, learning, and knowledge of Islamic law. If this person sees Suleiman (may peace be upon him!) dead on the pulpit in the mosque or on the bed, then this means that some caliph or emir, or commander will die, but his death will become known only after a certain period of time .

They say that whoever sees Suleiman (may peace be upon him!) will experience travel, superiority over his enemies, and rulers will obey him.

Whoever sees Zakaria in a dream (may peace be upon him!) will give birth to a very pious son in old age.

Whoever sees Yahya (John the Baptist) in a dream (may peace be upon him!) will succeed in virtuous deeds, will be distinguished by modesty, chastity and purity of thoughts, so that on this path he will become an outstanding man of his time.

Lucky is the one who meets Isa (Jesus) in a dream (may peace be upon him!). The appearance of this prophet in a dream means that the one who sees Jesus is a blessed person, brings great benefit, does a lot of good, travels often and is revered for his knowledge of medicine and other sciences.

Sharif Abu-l-Qasim Jaafar bin Muhammad in Egypt, reported to us from the words of Hamza ibn Muhammad al-Kinani, who referred to Abu-l-Qasim Isa bin Sulayman al-Baghdadi, who spoke from the words of Dawud bin Amr ad-Dabbi, who told him , referring to Musa ben Jaafar ar-Rid, who referred to the words of his father and grandfather (may Allah be pleased with them!), narration of al-Hasan ben Ali. The latter said that in a dream Isa saw the son of Maryam (Mary) (may peace be upon him!) and addressed him with the following conversation: “O soul of Allah! I would like to inscribe something on my ring. Could you say , what inscription should I put on the ring? The Prophet replied: “Carve the words on the ring: “There is no god but Allah.” After this, all sorrows and adversities will disappear.

They say that if any woman, while pregnant, sees Maryam's son Isa in a dream (may peace be upon him!), then she will have a smart, sensible son.

Whoever sees Maryam’s daughter Umran in a dream will gain influence, a high position among people, and achieve everything he wants.

And if a pregnant woman sees the same dream, then she will also give birth to a wise son.

And if unkind slander and slander are brought against her, she will be acquitted and Allah will prove her purity and innocence.

The one who sees in a dream how he worships Maryam will talk and sit with the king.

Anyone who sees Daniyal al-Hakim (may peace be upon him!) will be very lucky. Great luck awaits him, he will be able to interpret dreams and will prevail over the tyrant after his need and troubles befall him through the fault of the latter. There are also rumors that he may become an emir or vizier of an emir.

They say that Abu Abdallah al-Bahili saw in a dream that he was carrying Daniyala on his shoulders (may peace be upon him!). He put it on the wall and brought it to life. He spoke to him: “Rejoice, because you have joined the ranks of the heirs of the prophets and become an imam among the interpreters.”

The appearance of al-Khidr (Elijah) in dreams (may peace be upon him!) speaks of the fertility of the earth and prosperity after drought and the onset of security and peace after fear.

It is said that if someone sees how some prophets beat him, it means that he will fulfill his worldly and spiritual desires in this world.

Whoever sees himself turning into a famous prophet will suffer misfortunes, the severity of which will depend on the degree of greatness of this prophet and the trials that befell him. But in the end he will overcome adversity and begin to offer prayers to Allah, praise be to Him!

  • Ustaz Abu Saad said: “Seeing prophets in a dream (may the Almighty bless them!) means two things: it is either good, good news, or a warning. An example of good news is when a prophet appears to someone in a dream in his usual appearance and condition ; this is evidence of the piety of the person seeing this dream, his greatness, nobility of manners and foreshadows his victory over his enemies. An example of a warning is that if someone saw a prophet in an unusual form with a gloomy face, this indicates the poor condition of this person and the severity of what has befallen him; his troubles. But later the Almighty will relieve him of his hardships and comfort him.” If someone sees in a dream that he is killing a prophet, it means that the person who saw such a dream is betraying faith and breaking a covenant.
  • As for the details or particulars, the following can be said about them: If someone sees Adam in all his greatness in a dream, he will acquire greater holiness, being worthy of it. If someone sees in a dream that he is speaking with Adam, he will become a scientist, an expert. They also say that someone who meets Adam in a dream may be deceived by the words of some of his enemies, but after some time he will see the light and be freed from deception. The appearance of Adam in a dream in a changing form means moving from one place to another, and finally returning to the original place. The one who meets Shis (Sif) in a dream will acquire wealth, children and a pleasant life. If someone sees Idris (Enoch) in a dream, he will be granted piety and endowed with goodness. Meeting Nuh (Noah) in a dream means long life and great trials from enemies. Subsequently, such a person will prevail over his enemies and will thank Allah a lot, for the Almighty said: “He was a grateful slave,” and will marry a woman from close relatives who will bear him boys. Those who see Hood in a dream are expected to be persecuted by their enemies. However, he will subsequently defeat them. The same applies to those who see Salih in a dream. Anyone who meets Ibrahim (Abraham) in a dream will perform the Hajj, if Allah pleases. They say that he will have to endure great hardships from a cruel, unjust ruler, but Allah will help him overcome adversity and defeat his enemies. The Almighty will increase his wealth and give him a pious wife.
  • They also say that the appearance of Ibrahim (may peace be upon him) in dreams also means disobedience to his father. They say that Sammak ben Harb became blind and saw in a dream how Ibrahim touched his eyes with his hand and said to him: “Go to the Euphrates and plunge into its waters! And then the Almighty will restore your sight.” When Sammak ben Harb woke up, he did this and received his sight. Anyone who meets Ishak (Isaac) in a dream will face big troubles. Some of his relatives and elders from his clan will suffer. Then the Almighty will help him overcome adversity and return him honor, greatness and happiness. A considerable number of kings and leaders will emerge from his descendants. This is the case if he sees Ishaq (may peace be upon him!) in all his beauty and perfection. And if he sees him in an unusual state, his vision will disappear, Allah save us.
  • Anyone who sees Ismail in a dream will be rewarded with eloquence and leadership abilities. They say that such a person will build a mosque or provide financial assistance in this matter. The following saying of Allah approaches him: “And so Ibrahim builds the foundations of the house (Kaaba) and Ismail...” They say that whoever meets Ismail in a dream will face difficulties in connection with his father, but Allah will subsequently ease his hardships. As for the person who saw Yakub (Jacob) in a dream, he will experience great sadness in connection with his children, but the Almighty will subsequently remove this burden from him and return to him the one he loves. Anyone who meets Yusuf (Joseph) in a dream (may peace be upon him!) will face oppression, arbitrariness and arrest, he will be subjected to cruel treatment from relatives and will even be slandered. Over time, he will become a ruler, his enemies will obey him. In addition, the appearance of Yusuf (may peace be upon him!) in a dream indicates frequent giving of alms. This corresponds to the words of the Almighty: “Show us mercy.” They say how one of the people saw in a dream that Yusuf (may peace be upon him!) was giving him one of his shoes, and when he woke up, he became an interpreter of dreams. Rumor has it that Ibrahim bin Abdullah al-Karmani met Yusuf in a dream. He asked the prophet to teach him what Allah taught him. Yusuf put his shirt on the man. He woke up and then became an interpreter of dreams.
  • Anyone who sees Yunus (Jonah) in a dream will hurry up in a matter that may end in poverty or even arrest for him. The Almighty, however, will help him avoid an evil fate and save him. At the same time, such a dream can also be interpreted in such a way that the person seeing it is prone to sudden outbursts of anger, and then a rapid transition to a state of calm, and can also enter into relationships with treacherous people. Anyone who sees Prophet Shuaib trembling will lose his sight. And if he sees the same prophet in a different form, then people can limit his rights and subject him to oppression. Subsequently he will gain the upper hand. There is a possibility that those who have such dreams will have daughters. If someone sees Musa (Moses) and Harun (Aaron) in a dream or sees one of them, this means that the one who saw such a dream will deal with a cruel tyrant. The appearance of these prophets in the dream of a person going to war will make the latter a winner. Whoever sees Ayub (Job) in a dream will lose property, relatives, his son and himself. Then the Almighty will replenish and even multiply everything he has lost. Whoever sees Daud (David) in a dream in his usual appearance will achieve dominion, power, reign and wealth. As for the one who saw Suleiman (Solomon) in a dream, he will be granted kingship, learning, and knowledge of Islamic law. If this person sees Suleiman dead on the pulpit in the mosque or on the bed, then this means that some caliph or emir, or commander will die, but his death will become known only after a certain period of time. They say that whoever sees Suleiman will experience travel, superiority over enemies, and rulers will obey him. Whoever sees Zakaria in a dream will give birth to a very pious son in old age. Whoever sees Yahya (John the Baptist) in a dream will succeed in virtuous deeds, will be distinguished by modesty, chastity and purity of thoughts, so that on this path he will become an outstanding person of his time. The one who meets Isa (Jesus) in a dream will be lucky. The appearance of this prophet in a dream means that the one who sees Jesus is a blessed person, brings great benefit, does a lot of good, travels often and is revered for his knowledge of medicine and other sciences. Whoever sees Maryam’s daughter Umran in a dream will gain influence, a high position among people, and achieve everything he wants. And if a pregnant woman sees the same dream, then she will also give birth to a wise son. And if unkind slander and slander are brought against her, she will be acquitted and Allah will prove her purity and innocence. The one who sees in a dream how he worships Maryam will talk and sit with the king. Anyone who sees Daniyal al-Hakim will be very lucky. Great luck awaits him, he will be able to interpret dreams and will prevail over the tyrant after his need and troubles befall him through the fault of the latter. It is also rumored that he may become an emir or vizier of an emir. The appearance of al-Khidr (Elijah) in dreams speaks of the fertility of the earth and prosperity after drought and the onset of security and peace after fear. It is said that if someone sees how some prophets beat him, it means that he will fulfill his worldly and spiritual desires in this world. Whoever sees himself turning into a famous prophet will suffer misfortunes, the severity of which will depend on the degree of greatness of this prophet and the trials that befell him. But ultimately he will overcome adversity and begin to offer prayers to Allah, praise be to Him!


How do I know that I saw the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in a dream?


In the name of Allah, Gracious to everyone in this world and only to believers in the next

Seeing our beloved master, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in a dream is a blessing from Allah Almighty, and such a dream is full of dignity.

If a person dreams of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), then there is no doubt that he saw the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).

Our master Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reports that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever saw me in a dream has definitely seen me, since the Shaitan cannot appear in my image.” .

Hadith interpreters and scholars have interpreted the meaning of this hadith in different ways:

1. It is as if a person saw the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in reality, although he does not become a companion. And he does not have to carry out the orders given to him in a dream, since the law is not based on dreams.

2. The hadith concerns only the contemporaries of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and means that the one who saw him in a dream was thus given the good news that he would see him in reality. This meaning is reinforced by another hadith: “Whoever sees me in a dream will soon see me in reality.” (Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim).

3. If someone sees the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in a dream, then this dream is true. This is not just a work of imagination, because Satan cannot appear in a dream in the form of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).

(All three interpretations are transmitted by Mulla Ali Qari in the book “Al-Mirkat” (9/24))

Scholars disagree about whether a dream will be true if a person sees the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) differently from how he is depicted in the Islamic tradition (that is, if in the dream he lacks his inherent features).

Some scholars say that a dream is true only if a person saw the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) with his inherent traits and qualities. This opinion is attributed to Qadi Iyad al-Maliki.

But most scholars believe that such a dream will be true in any case, regardless of whether a person sees the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) as the hadith describes him or not.

However, if a person sees the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) not as he is described in the hadiths, for example, without a beard, then such a dream needs interpretation.

Maybe people see the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) differently because their righteous traits and bad habits differ. Dreams change according to a person's character. Some people see the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in a dream as old, and others as young. Some people see him happy, while others see him worried. Therefore, such dreams should be interpreted by a person who specializes in dream interpretation and is known for his piety and righteousness (see Mirkat al-Masabih, 9/25).

In light of the above, it can be argued that if a person saw the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in a dream, then it was precisely the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). This should not be doubted, as it is stated in the hadith. However, there are two important points to understand here.

Status of dreams in Shariah

Firstly, dreams are not the source of Shariah. Therefore, if a person received a certain command in a dream from the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), two options are possible.

1) If the command does not contradict Sharia, then such a dream can serve as an argument in business, but only for the person who dreamed of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), but not for other people. Anyone who is ordered to do something by the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) should try to do it. However, this command does not have the same force as the Sharia commands established by the Qur'an and Sunnah, and cannot serve as an argument for others.

2) If a command given in a dream contradicts Sharia, then it is not accepted and does not serve as an argument for others. It is not permitted to carry out such a command. The meaning of this is that the science of dream interpretation is very complex and not everyone can interpret dreams. In addition, a person may forget some important part of the dream or not understand something. In addition, dreams vary depending on the disposition of people and the strength of their faith (iman).

Sheikh Ali al-Muttaqi al-Hindi (may Allah have mercy on him) reports that one man saw a dream in which the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) ordered him to drink an alcoholic drink. This man was extremely confused by his dream, and so he turned to scientists. One of the great scholars, Sheikh Muhammad ibn Urat (may Allah have mercy on him), interpreted his dream as follows: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) did not say: “Drink alcohol” (ishrab al-hamr). On the contrary, he said: “Don’t drink alcohol” (la tashrab al-hamr). But you understood differently because your mind was clouded." (Mazahir al-Haqq, 4/325).

From the above, it becomes clear that people who introduce innovations into Islam based on their dreams clearly contradict Sharia. They should stop doing that.

The second point that should be understood is that our main goal should be to fulfill Shariah injunctions and follow our beloved Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Salvation and success do not depend on dreams.

If a person saw the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in a dream, but in reality did not fulfill the injunctions of the Sharia and did not follow the Sunnah, then one dream is not enough for salvation in the next life.

During the time of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), many people, such as Abu Jahl and Abu Lahab, often saw the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), but remained the inhabitants of Hell, because they did not deserve the pleasure of Almighty Allah and His Favorite (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

On the other hand, there are people like Uwais al-Qarni (may Allah be pleased with him), who was not lucky enough to see the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), but who became one of the righteous.

It is reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said to our master Umar ibn al-Khattab (may Allah have mercy on him):

“The best of the Tabieen (the next generation after the Companions) is a man named Uwais. He has a mother and is a leper. (When you see him), ask him to ask forgiveness for you (from Allah)." (Sahih Muslim).

Thus, it becomes clear that we need to strive to act in accordance with the teachings of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). If someone follows his teachings and then sees him in a dream, then he is certainly a very righteous person. However, if a person does not fulfill the commands of Allah, and then sees the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in a dream, then it cannot be said that this is a sign that he has succeeded.

And Allah Almighty knows best.

[Mufti] Muhammad ibn Adam

Darul Iftaa

Leicester, UK

Malika Umm Yahya translated from English.

whoever sees Him in a dream is a blessed, useful, gracious and well-travelled person. He is devout, content with little and endowed with knowledge, especially in the field of medicine. And whoever sees him in any city or mosque, and people at that time are experiencing misfortune and difficulties, then they will get rid of it, for he is the spirit (ruh) of Allah and His mercy. Seeing Isa (a.s.) in a dream is also a sign of strength, greatness and blessing wherever it occurs. If a sick person sees him, he will be cured. And if a pregnant woman sees Isa, a.s. in a dream, then perhaps she will give birth to a reasonable and wise boy who will become a doctor.

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

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Dream Interpretation - Companions of the Prophet

whoever sees them in a dream in a beautiful form, then this is a sign of the correctness of his belief and the fact that he follows their path. Sometimes this is a sign of the dissemination of knowledge, an incentive to good and the prohibition of evil, just as the fact that seeing them, r.a. is a sign of sympathy, love, brotherhood, help, getting rid of enmity and envy and the disappearance of anger and hatred from the hearts . The vision of them, r.a, is also a sign of goodness and goodness, according to their positions and virtues known from their biography and life path. And perhaps seeing each of them individually indicates what happened to them and what happened in days gone by from turmoil or justice. And whoever sees any of the companions in a dream, then let him interpret this dream according to the name of the companion, such as: Sa"d and Said (happy) - means that he will be happy. Seeing one or all companions alive in a dream also speaks of the strength of faith and virtue of a person who sees such a dream. The one who sees such a dream will gain strength, power, greatness, his position will be elevated. If someone sees in a dream that he himself has become one of the companions, at first he will experience difficulties. and then success will come to him. The repeated appearance in dreams of one of those who was a companion indicates that the one who sees such dreams leads a correct lifestyle. He who meets the living Abu Bakr in a dream will gain honor and respect. for showing compassion and mercy to the servants of God. And the one who sees Omar, r.a. in a dream, will be revered for his firmness in faith, justice in his statements, virtuous behavior towards those who are under his command. He will also live long. , do meritorious deeds and speak only the truth. And whoever sees him in a city where they are suffering from drought, then it will rain there, and if violence and oppression have settled in him, then justice will reign in him. And whoever sees that Omar, r.a., beats him with a whip or threatens him with punishment, then let him stop doing what he is doing at this time. Modesty and respectful attitude towards one’s person on the part of others characterizes the one who sees Usman, r.a. alive in a dream. At the same time, such a dream also indicates that this person will have a large number of envious people. Seeing the Commander of the Faithful, Caliph Ali Ibn Abu Talib, r.a., alive in a dream means that the person who sees this dream will be revered for his knowledge, courage and piety. Whoever sees himself in a dream along with one or many companions will go through misfortunes and hardships, and then achieve victory and success.

Interpretation of dreams from