Why do you dream of piglets - the exact interpretation of the dream. Why do you dream of a small piglet in your arms?

Piglets in a dream are a very ambiguous symbol. Deciphering night dreams with these animals, on the one hand, is based on the fact that the pig is a symbol of prosperity, and on the other hand, all its unpleasant qualities are taken into account. That is why, when interpreting dreams in which piglets appear, you need to take a versatile approach and be sure to use natural intuition, which will allow you to link the dream with events in real life.

Well-fed clean or dirty exhausted piglets

Whatever the plot of a dream with piglets, its positive or negative orientation can be judged by the appearance of the piglets. So, why do you dream about piglets? Thus, clean and well-fed piglets always foreshadow a prosperous life period. And if you dreamed of dirty and emaciated animals, then in reality you should expect trouble.

Why do you dream about little piglets?

If you are interested in the question of why little piglets dream, then try to remember all the details of the dream. If you watched animals from afar and were moved by their behavior, then this portends a lot of happiness and joy in reality. Such a dream predicts a big surprise for you in life, from which you will be delighted.

Lots of piglets

When you dream of piglets in large numbers, this indicates that in real life you will be able to make a big profit. Moreover, most likely, you will discover a permanent source of income. It is very good when you see piglets in your own home. In this case, in addition to material well-being, the dream also portends excellent health. Other dream plots can be interpreted as follows:
    When you dream that a pig is walking around the yard, followed by a pig, it means that in real life another person is using you for personal gain. Therefore, you urgently need to analyze your relationships with people from your inner circle and remove the hypocrite from your circle of acquaintances. If you dream about dead piglets, then you should take care of your own health. When you dreamed that little piglets were lying in the mud, then perhaps in real life you will find yourself in the center gossip and intrigue. You should be careful not to damage your reputation. If you dream of little piglets sucking milk, then soon you will be able to enjoy the fruits of your own labor.

The dream books also focus the dreamer’s attention on the color of the dreamed pig:
    A black pig warns that trouble may happen to you in reality. A white pig means that, despite all the obstacles, you will be able to achieve your goal. A pink pig portends good luck and happiness in life. Holding a pig in your arms means having fun with friends.

Contact with piglets

Dreams in which the dreamer had to come into contact with piglets can be interpreted in different ways. If, based on the plot of the dream, you understand that you are the owner of piglets, then this indicates that prosperity and prosperity will reign in your home. When, according to the plot of a dream, you feed small animals, then in reality you care about the future. In addition, such a dream indicates that you are a very reliable person and your loved ones feel very comfortable around you.

Actions with piglets

But if your night dreams emphasize the fact that you, as the owner, keep a pig in a barn, then you need to prepare for the fact that in real life you will have to work a lot to achieve well-being. You should not be upset, because your work will pay off well. Other actions with baby pigs are interpreted in dream books as follows:
    Killing a pig means waiting for real happiness, which is already very close. Eating a roast pig means suffering losses in real life, perhaps they will be associated with theft. Rolling around in the mud with the piglets means participating in an activity that is unusual for you, which will turn out to be very interesting. Cutting piglet - you will always be a wealthy person. Buying a piglet at the market - get the opportunity to improve your own well-being. Holding a cute playful pink piglet in your arms is confirmation of the right direction in life. Catching piglets - you should not share your plans and secrets with loved ones. Keep the piglet in bag - disruption of plans.

I dreamed of a pig

A piglet often indicates that there is a person next to you who is not burdened with moral principles and is not familiar with the rules of etiquette. Such a dream is a warning that there is a high probability that you will have to deal with uncleanliness in any of its manifestations.

Interpretation for women and girls

For a woman, a dream in which she saw a pink, plump pig foreshadows an easy and relaxed relationship with the first suitor she comes across. Remember that in this case you should not count on a long-term relationship. And for a young girl, the dream may be on the eve of an imminent marriage, which can be very successful.

Talking pig

If you dreamed of a talking pig, it means that in real life you will experience great happiness, which will be the envy of everyone around you. Try to enjoy the coming period of life, and do not forget that life consists of black and white stripes.

Why do you dream of being bitten by a pig?

Why do you dream about such a plot? If a pig bites you in a dream, then this indicates that you underestimate your opponents. Perhaps there is a hypocrite next to you whom you mistake for a friend.

Butchering a pig

If, according to the plot of your dream, you see yourself butchering a pig, then in the near future you will have to part with one of the people from your immediate circle.

Freud's Dream Book

Freud's dream book interprets the appearance of a dirty pig in a dream as the fact that the partners lack cleanliness in the relationship. And without this, it is hardly possible to build harmonious relationships. In addition, such a dream indicates that the dreamer’s partner can be very rude and unfair. It is believed that a pig dreamed from Thursday to Friday promises a new addition to the family. This dream is especially relevant for a young couple who dreams of a child.

From time immemorial, some people believe that a dream is not just a reflection of the day, experiences, a glimpse of memory. Many people think that dreams carry a mystical meaning that predicts the future.

Over the years, interest in this area does not decrease, but only increases. Maybe this is precisely what provokes the rapid growth of various reference books and online dream books, which sometimes interpret exactly the same dreams in different ways. But it is known that absolutely identical dreams do not exist. To correctly interpret your dream, remember all the nuances, even the most insignificant ones.

For example, to understand why a pig is dreaming, you need to note the following facts: quantity (many or one), the state of the pig (clean, lively, cheerful), location (house, barn, in your arms) and actions (caressed, fought, bit). Naturally, the voiced options for the development of the dream are not the only ones, but more on this and their interpretation below.

Differences in interpretation

In the interpretation of dreams regarding the question of why piglets dream, there are many contradictions and discrepancies. For example, a children's dream book says that an unpleasant event is expected in the future. And the Small Velesov dream book predicts a meeting, the result of which will be anxiety. The versions of the interpretations of the apostle Simon the Canaanite and the medium Hasse are very similar. Using them to see the animal we are considering predicts future happiness and surprise from something. But the spring dream book and the esoteric E. Tsvetkova see in this the coming meanness and anxiety. The Ukrainian dream book does not see anything frightening in a dreamed pig; on the contrary, it predicts a miracle, an interesting meeting with friends.

But, as it turns out, the interpretation also depends on the time of birth of the person who saw the pig. For example, May, June, July, August birthday people, having seen a roast pig, should expect a rich feast. And according to the dream books of the medium Hasse and the apostle Simon the Canaanite, a fried pig is seen as a sign of pain. But eating the fried owner of the snout means future troubles.

Why do you dream of a pig according to Freud’s dream book?

The dream book, compiled by the famous psychologist Sigmund Freud, is based on the concept of subconscious sexual desires. It is also regarded as an erotic dream book or a dream book of partnerships. To understand why a pig is dreaming, according to Freud, you need to remember at least a minimum of details.

For example, if a dirty pig crept into your dream, this means that not everything is as smooth as you think in your relationship with your partner. You idealize him, although you understand his disdain and rudeness towards you.

Changing your usual way of life, even for a short period of your life, is what you dream of about a pig that you are riding.

Dreams live in the subconscious - interpretation according to Miller's dream book

In terms of psychological orientation, Freud's dream book is similar to Miller's. Miller saw the human subconscious as the basis of dreams, so he based his dream analyzes on understanding the human subconscious. A pig in a dream to a person who sees it indicates impending unfavorable external conditions. The way to solve them, according to Miller, is to be calm, collected and persistent.

Why do you dream of a pig with piglets? Go towards your goal gradually, do not overexert yourself. Think about the results of your efforts: maybe they are not as important to you as they seem?

Miller points out that it is not enough to find out why piglets dream; you need to understand how to overcome the brewing situation. The dream prepares you for possible anticipation and decisive action on your part to achieve your desired goal.

The appearance of piglets influences the interpretation of the future

Why do you dream of clean piglets?

According to V. Melnikov’s interpretation, if in a dream you stroke a clean pig, then this shows you from the worst side: exposing your ability to sleep with everyone you meet. Seeing a dirty pig means future losses, the cause of which will be hidden in your stubbornness and intransigence.

If you dreamed of well-fed, healthy piglets, success in business and improved financial well-being await you. If there are dirty piglets lying around and running through the mud, you will be negatively influenced from the outside; Unintended expenses are also expected.

If a woman had this dream before her wedding, it means that her husband will become stingy and jealous in the future.

The outcome of the interpretation also depends on the color of the pig: black - be careful in new endeavors and when planning things; white - everything that was planned will come true successfully.

Why do you dream of a small pig next to its mother or brothers?

It is believed that the child of a pig is a sign of wealth and success. Why do you dream of a pig with piglets? They foretell a meeting with old friends. If there were a lot of piglets around you, fate will be favorable to you, so dare and make responsible decisions: they will be successful. For single people, the dream promises a meeting with a soulmate; for married people, it promises profit.

Remember the details

If you dreamed that a pig was at home, then this is a good sign that portends health and financial well-being. It can also be a sign of the arrival of guests.

If he is tinkering in the barn, then you definitely won’t avoid work today, but your efforts will not be in vain.

Why do you dream about a small pig that behaved aggressively or bit you? Your opponents are not as simple as you think. Be prepared for anything, otherwise everything will end badly.

Naturally, there are many more scenarios for the development of dreams involving piglets, but we tried to reveal different options: what they did, where they were, appearance, behavior. And, of course, we give you the legal right to choose the dream book according to which the interpretation will take place. Good luck!

If you dream of a pig, then the dream book offers rather ambiguous explanations: on the one hand, seeing cubs together with a pig is a very favorable vision, it portends material profit and harmony in relationships. On the other hand, little pigs symbolize not the most pleasant and accepted qualities of character and personal dignity. So, why do you dream about piglets?

If you dream of a pig, then the dream book offers rather ambiguous explanations

Seeing these small, fussy animals in a dream is considered an ambiguous prophecy and prediction, but in most interpretations it is a positive sign.

  1. For a more accurate and objective interpretation, you need to remember all the details of your vision, including the emotional load, as well as the events that happened the day before. If the dreamed pigs did not interact directly with the sleeping person, but were simply present in the dream, then it is important to remember the type of animals themselves and their actions, this is where the solution may be hidden.
  2. Little pigs that behave quite peacefully towards people in a dream, as a rule, do not bode well. On the contrary, after such a vision one can expect material or financial reward, bonus or inheritance.

Often, after a dream with piglets, a person receives lucrative offers. The decision whether to accept the offer or not should depend on how the little characters behaved in the dream.

Despite people’s wary attitude towards these animals, most interpreters agree that the pig character in a dream itself is a positive sign. Most often, it promises financial well-being and unexpected profits, but in some cases it promises a successful completion of a protracted business.

Pig in the dream book (video)

A living pig in a dream and a dead, dead one

Seeing small piglets, causing pleasure and tenderness with their appearance, can be the eve of extraordinary surprises and small joys.

  1. If you dreamed of a live pig, then this promises financial income and material well-being. Living little pigs in a dream, which the dreamer takes care of, promise all kinds of entertainment and a pleasant pastime.
  2. Quite the opposite should be interpreted as a vision in which a dead pig was seen. This phenomenon is considered a symbol of troubles, anxiety, illness and problems.

You can see small piglets, causing pleasure and tenderness with their appearance, on the eve of extraordinary surprises and small joys

Dream books, explaining why dead pigs dream, offer several interpretations.

  • if the sleeping person’s professional activity is directly related to pig farming, then what he sees warns of financial difficulties and problems;
  • a dead pig means waste and tangible material losses in general;
  • sometimes dreaming of dead baby pigs means victory over those who act dishonestly and dishonestly, “putting a pig on the sleeping person.”

Dead pigs can symbolize lost hopes, especially if they were seen on the eve of important life-changing events. Such a dream can also act as a warning for a person to be vigilant and not miss out on good luck.

Seeing a clean pig in a dream

What a small fussy and grunting character in a dream means and why you see it can be guessed by its appearance.

  1. Pure pig cubs are a prediction of improved material well-being and successful completion of affairs, as well as an undeniable advantage over ill-wishers. If, moreover, the piglet is white, then such a vision portends sustainable financial well-being and a stable income.
  2. A dream in which you saw a clean pig promises improvement in your professional affairs. Also, a sleeping person does not have to worry about his health, since a clean pig means getting rid of ailments and ailments. Seeing such a character in a dream is a very good sign.
  3. A clean and cheerful pig foretells the success of the dreamer’s material condition and his career growth in the future.
  4. A black or too dirty pig in a dream promises ingratitude to the sleeper for his good deed.

A clean and cheerful pig foretells the success of the dreamer’s material condition and his career growth in the future

Advice: a person who sees a black pig in a dream should be wary of people who, taking advantage of his kind attitude towards them, act selfishly towards the dreamer, using his experience, knowledge and skills for their own selfish purposes

If piglets run in their sleep

It happens that in some dreams there are many little pigs running around. What does this vision mean then? The dream book offers several interpretations.

  1. A vision of running piglets foreshadows a dizzying life filled with bright events. Such an event promises ups and downs in reality, and in family life – troublesome affairs and numerous worries.
  2. If in a dream pigs run and graze in bright green lush grass, then this prediction is considered the key to a strong and prosperous family.
  3. If the dreamer runs after piglets, this means that in reality he will have to hear a lot of gossip about himself. At the same time, interpreters explain that chasing pigs in a dream and not catching them means impending health problems for the sleeping person.

It happens that in some dreams there are many little pigs running around

It is important to remember in the morning what emotional connotation the vision itself had: a positive attitude towards fussy characters promises fun and easy chores, filled with joyful expectation and anticipation. Otherwise, worries will burden and will not bring joy to the person in reality.

I dreamed of a pig being held in my arms

Holding a piglet in your arms means for the dreamer that happiness will unexpectedly fall on him:

  • picking up pigs in your arms means that in real life you will be able to catch luck: such a dream promises a prosperous future and a happy life;
  • the dreamer expects success in all endeavors and successful completion of affairs.

Holding a piglet in your arms means for the dreamer that happiness will unexpectedly fall on him

Another interpreter offers a different interpretation of such a dream: the sleeping person should be vigilant and beware of meanness on the part of the people around him. If a person holding a pig in his arms in a dream experiences disgust and displeasure from such a burden, in reality he will soon have to bear the burden of human ingratitude.

Feeding piglets in a dream

Feeding piglets in a dream reflects the dreamer’s habit of taking care of his future, his ability to plan and manage finances.

  1. If you dream that piglets are fed with the milk of their mother sow, then such a dream indicates that a person will definitely receive what he deserves for his work and will fruitfully reap the fruits of his labor in the future. For the most part, such a dream should be interpreted as an indicator that a person is following the right path to his intended goal.
  2. A dream in which a pig is hand-fed means for the dreamer that he will achieve his goal without any help from the people around him.
  3. A vision in which well-fed and well-groomed pigs eat food from a trough promises financial profit, family well-being and a good harvest season.

Why do you dream about a pig (video)

Of no small importance in any dream are other people or animals that the sleeping person dreams of. They mean friends, relatives and close circle of the sleeper. At the same time, it is important to remember your attitude towards them, the emotions and feelings you experience.

Attention, TODAY only!

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian Why do you dream about Piglet according to the dream book:

To see a small piglet in a dream - if it is cheerful, clean, well-fed - you will be successful, your well-being will improve. If the pig is dirty and thin, you will have troubles that will harm your well-being.

Why do you dream of a small pig - it can mean that for all the good things you have - friendship, love - you need to pay to your fate.

An old Russian dream book What does it mean when you dream of a Piglet:

Interpretation of the dream book: To see a pig in a dream means an idle, stingy person, from whom you cannot get anything during life, but you can hope for a lot after death.

Autumn dream book Why do you dream about Piglet according to the dream book:

Piglet - Seeing a good, well-fed piglet in a dream means great success in business.

Summer dream book Why do you dream about Piglet according to the dream book:

Piglet - Roasted piglet dreams of a rich feast.

Children's dream book What does Piglet mean according to the dream book?

Why do you dream about Piglet? They will do a small but unpleasant thing to you. He who is forewarned is forearmed.

Small Velesov dream book Why does a Pig dream in a dream:

Piglet - Miracle, meeting // anxiety, this is how the dream book interprets this dream.

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when you dream of a Piglet:

Piglet - Miracle, some kind of meeting (with a friend).

Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova Dream book: Piglet what does it mean

Piglet - Anxiety.

Spring dream book Why do you dream about Piglet according to the dream book:

Piglet - To meanness.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Pig in a dream

Piglet - Seeing is happiness worthy of surprise. Feed him - beware of tricks; fried - pain.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing a Pig in a dream

In a dream, what does a Piglet dream about - Happiness is worthy of surprise - feed it - beware of tricks - fried - pain

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Piglet - Profit; anxiety; a kind, pure and innocent person.


Why do you dream about a pig?

A dream about a pig in which it is well-fed denotes small difficulties that will need to be overcome in order to complete the work started. If you work tirelessly, the result will exceed all expectations. Piglets stained in mud, seen in a dream, are a sign of the harmful influence on a person from the people around him.

At such a moment, it is necessary to protect yourself and your family from the “evil” eye and words of a stranger. If a woman sees a piglet in a dream, then this may portend not very pleasant “surprises” on the part of her loved one. It may well turn out that she overestimated him too much. But as a result, a person has a number of unsightly qualities that were not noticed and revealed earlier. When a large number of piglets are present in a dream, then such a dream is a sign that exciting dates, meetings and travels lie ahead in reality.

Today, many people are interested in the meaning of their own dreams. Therefore, getting up early in the morning, they try to look into the dream book and interpret their dream. This article will be of help to those who dreamed of such an animal as a pig. Seeing a pig in a dream is a good and lucky sign.

It is evidence of financial well-being and prosperity in business. The prosperity of your own business is especially promised by a well-fed and “well-groomed” pig in a dream.

When a baked or roasted pig is seen in a dream, this dream will be a symbol of a rich and sumptuous feast. If you have a dream in which a small pig is being fed by a pig, then such a dream will be a harbinger of a very important meeting. Perhaps this event will entail meeting a person who will subsequently become a patron and mentor in work and business.

Why do you dream about a pig? You can find it in the Ukrainian dream book. This dream interpreter says that a pig dreams of some kind of miracle, an unexpected meeting and pleasant surprises. According to all existing dream books, a pig or a pig is associated with acquisition, prosperity, and wealth.

It’s not for nothing that many piggy banks are made in the shape of pigs or pigs. This animal is capable of accumulating wealth and giving good luck. And if in a dream you dream that the dreamer is riding a pig, then such a dream is a symbol of a fun pastime that will bring a lot of positive emotions.

In conclusion, I would like to add that piglets and pigs in real life, to put it mildly, are not liked. They say it is a dirty animal. However, in dreams it promises only pleasant and wonderful events. Therefore, you should not be so biased towards piglets!


Why did you dream about pigs?

Whom we sometimes meet in our dreams.

There are all sorts of guests, but when a pig appears in a dream, you can’t help but wonder what it’s for?

Few people will associate the pig with friendship, joy, health or good news. Rather, this animal is associated with untidiness, dirty thoughts or actions, there is an expression “to put a pig down”, in general - nothing good.

But before you decide that a boar in a dream promises trouble, don’t rush. In fact, it is not easy to understand why pigs dream – and what’s more, such dreams can portend very, very good things.

Health, wealth, success - the pig can easily prophesy all this! And here it is important to correctly decipher the dream.

And for this you need to remember all its details and details. What was the pig like? What did she do, how did she behave? What conditions and circumstances was she in? And, in the end, what did you do with this animal?

For example, dream scenarios might look something like this:

  • You just saw an unremarkable animal.
  • You dream of a lot of pigs, for example a whole pigsty.
  • You see a large boar or several hogs.
  • You dreamed of cute pink piglets.
  • Or a pig with piglets.
  • All you saw was stubble.
  • You dreamed of a pig's head - for example, in a market or on a table.
  • We saw a pig's snout.
  • I dreamed of a pig in the mud.
  • A pig has found itself in your house or apartment.
  • You saw an animal dying in a dream.
  • A boar or pig is itching in your dream.
  • You dreamed of a pig wearing a crown.
  • You dream that you are the owner of one pig or a pigsty where there are many of them.
  • You kill a wild boar in a dream.
  • Eat a pig.
  • Eat pork cooked in any way.
  • You are buying a pig (or pork).
  • Feed the cattle.
  • Ride a pig or boar.

Whether the dream is pleasant or not is not so important, because its meaning may be quite unexpected for you. So remember the details properly, and we’ll find out what to expect from such a dream.

See a pig – and more than one!

In a dream, you could either see pigs from the outside, or actively do something directly related to these animals.

These are completely different types of dreams, and we will first consider those in which you only saw an animal, but did not contact it and did not come close to it. Or they approached, but did not touch, did not feed, and so on.

What do such dreams mean? Depends on what kind of pig was and what she did.

1. Just an ordinary pig, unremarkable in anything, dreams of wealth, a well-fed life, prosperity and stability in the home. But the dream book warns that living too much and not knowing the limits can cause harm, so enjoy your prosperity, but live in moderation and wisely.

2. Seeing a lot of pigs, wild boars, or a whole pigsty in a dream is not very good. The dream warns you of notoriety, rumors and gossip, rumors about your unworthy behavior. Try not to provoke this - behave in such a way that your reputation does not suffer.

3. Large, menacing hogs or wild boars are dreamed of as a warning. You may be surrounded by evil, ignorant, bad people. Avoid bad company and maintain your dignity.

4. But for a girl or young, free woman, a boar dreams of an imminent proposal! A potential groom will appear on the horizon very soon, and it’s up to you to decide whether to agree or not...

5. The dream in which piglets appear is a dream of profit. Cute little piglets will bring you income in reality - and the more of them there were in the dream, the larger the profit, winnings, promotion or reward will be.

6. And if you saw a pig with piglets in your dreams, this meaning is completely different. Such a dream can promise arrogant people, parasites, slackers who want to make a profit just like that.

These people can either harm you and your work, or simply be nearby, in your environment, or take advantage of you directly. If you dreamed of a pig with piglets, be especially careful and attentive, do not let people take advantage of you just like that.

7. Seeing pork bristles in a dream is a sign of great joy, good events and surprises, very pleasant.

8. If in a dream you saw a pig's head - be it on the counter of a market or a butcher shop, or on a table, beautifully decorated - this, according to the dream book, promises a long journey.

  • If the head looked normal and was fresh, then the road will bring joy and will be good.
  • If you dream of a head with flies, worms, or a scary one, be very careful on the way, some difficulties may arise.

9. But a dream in which you saw a pig’s snout warns that you are in danger of injury, unexpected injury. So be careful.

10. As the dream book says, animals in the mud, in a puddle, are gossip and intrigues of enemies in reality.

11. A pig in your own home promises recovery, recovery for the sick, and improvement of affairs.

12. If a pig dies in your dream, some unpleasant news and even trouble may await you.

13. A dream in which animals itch promises quarrels and conflicts.

14. And if you happen to see a hog wearing a crown, expect a conflict with your superiors.

Throwing pearls before swine

Dreams in which you had somehow to come into contact with pigs have many interesting meanings.

Remember what exactly you did?

1. A dream in which you were the owner of a pig or pigsty promises you great unconditional happiness! Your life will soon become happy and full.

2. If you ate a pig in your well-fed dream, then expect losses. Better yet, think about how to avoid them so that you don’t have to live in poverty.

3. If you eat pork in any other form, this also does not bode well. The dream warns of your vulnerability to illness. Try to take care of your health.

4. Buying a live pig or pork in a dream promises some kind of deception on the part of others. They will try to deceive you.

5. If you fed pigs in your dream, this means that in reality you are spending your own money unwisely, and you should think about it and reconsider your expenses. Otherwise, you risk going bankrupt soon.

6. If you rode on the back of a pig or boar in your dreams, then in reality you will probably experience loud and unbridled fun, which you will regret later. It’s better, of course, to take care of yourself - you can’t wash your reputation and conscience, so don’t do anything stupid.

Such different dreams - even though the pig is a simple animal, there are a whole lot of meanings. Be attentive to dreams, analyze the meanings and your actions, and decide for yourself how to apply the knowledge gained.


I dreamed of a pig - an ambiguous vision, generally defined as positive. It is especially successful if the pig seen was healthy and well-fed.

What kind of pig did you dream about? How many pigs did you dream about? What did you do in your dream? What did the pig do in the dream? Which part of the pig did you dream about?

What kind of pig did you dream about?

Dreaming of a live pig

A dream about a live pig is extremely positive. It portends a solid income, but it will not come so easily. You will need to show effort and strong-willed qualities of character.

Pigs and piglets Dead pig Big pig Black pig

Why do you dream about a slaughtered pig?

I dreamed of a slaughtered pig - a rather contradictory vision. For a butcher it portends a solid income, and for a woman it symbolizes the arrival of menstruation.

I dreamed of a killed pig

A dream about a killed pig does not bode well. He promises a long and serious illness. This may be due to an unhealthy lifestyle, poor nutrition or stress.

Seeing a little pig in a dream

Why do you dream about a little pig? You will be able to achieve success in business, but the results obtained will not be very pleasing. Do not forget to pay attention to the moral side of the issue when deciding important matters.

Dreaming of a pig covered in blood

The Felomena dream book considers a pig in the blood as gaining authority and power over enemies. For the sake of justice, you will have to use unpopular methods to protect your property.

I dreamed about a dirty pig

If you see a dirty pig in a dream, things will be difficult at work. Everyone will try to profit from you - from employees to competitors. A difficult period will begin that you need to endure.

wild pig

How many pigs did you dream about?

Lots of pigs

What did you do in your dream?

Slaughter a pig Kill a pig Feed a pig

Butchering a pig in a dream

The dream book interprets butchering a pig as an indication of the dreamer’s ability to correctly plan his own expenses, as well as determine plans for the future. Running away from a pig means trying to avoid an ambiguous situation with your superiors.

What did the pig do in the dream?

The pig wants to bite

Pig attacks in a dream

A dream of a pig attack usually means a fight with an ill-wisher. These will not be cunning actions on the sly, but a direct head-on collision. The confrontation could take a serious turn.

Pig runs away in a dream

I dreamed of a pig running away - an auspicious sign. In reality, you will be able to escape the impending difficulties. They will not have time to harm you, everything will end well.

Dream about giving birth to a pig

A dream about giving birth to a pig promises minor problems in matters of the heart and in communicating with relatives. The difficulties will be temporary and soon everything will return to normal.

Which part of the pig did you dream about?

Pig head

I dreamed of a pig carcass

Felomena's dream book considers a pig carcass as a symbol of financial stability and prosperity. Harmony and complete security will reign in the family, the house will be a full cup.


Why do you dream about piglets?



You'll eat like a pig again!!!


for money maybe)))


to the barbecue)))

Aigul Kochkorova

everything is for the better, the main thing is a positive attitude!

Mr. Freeman

Dream Interpretation of a Piglet - Seeing in a dream means an idle, stingy person, from whom you cannot get anything during life, but you can hope for a lot after death.

Dream interpretation of those born from September to December

Dream Interpretation Piglet - Seeing a good, well-fed piglet in a dream means great success in business.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Dream Interpretation Pig - Roasted pig dreams of a rich feast.

Children's dream book

Dream Interpretation Piglet - They will do a small but unpleasant thing to you. He who is forewarned is forearmed.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Piglet - Miracle, meeting // anxiety.

Ukrainian dream book.

Dream Interpretation Piglet - Miracle, some kind of meeting (with a friend).

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Piglet - Anxiety.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Piglet - To meanness.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse. Dream interpretation

To see a Piglet in a dream - To see - happiness is worthy of surprise. Feed him - beware of tricks; fried - pain.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

I dreamed of a Piglet - Happiness is worthy of surprise - feed it - beware of tricks - fried - pain

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Dream Interpretation Piglet - Profit; anxiety; a kind, pure and innocent person.


to the party.


Maybe someone... planted the pig!!!

[Sob@k Limited Inc.] **

to drinking until pigs squeal...

Little piglets a lot

Dream Interpretation Little piglets a lot dreamed of why there are a lot of small piglets in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a lot of little piglets in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Small

Seeing an incongruously small nose, mouth, ear, or any organ of the body in a dream is a warning against indiscriminate choice of friends.

If you dream of a small animal, insect, bird or fish, such a dream warns that someone's treachery can cause serious harm to you if you do not exercise due diligence.

If your clothes are small or tight in a dream, this is a sign of bitter disappointment in love. A pillow or blanket that is too small foretells that you will soon awaken an interest in the profitable side of life and a desire for self-improvement.

Finding yourself in a small house or small room in a dream means that in reality you will feel short on funds.

Receiving a small amount of money in a dream instead of a large one due means unforeseen circumstances that will dramatically change the measured course of your life.

Dream Interpretation - Small

Play with small stones - a noble son will be born.

Small fish lay eggs - great happiness and benefit.

A small door to the room opens - predicts a love affair.

Small sprouts, opening buds - portends many unpleasant situations.

Seeing yourself in hemp thickets portends illness.

Dream Interpretation - Small

Becoming small in size or stature in a dream (especially in comparison with someone) means fear, danger that you fear, defenselessness, weakness of spirit. Such a dream also means that you have a strong enemy. If you dream that some objects have decreased in size, then see the interpretation: them by name. Such a dream foreshadows a weakening of the meaning of these objects. See interpretation: little things.

Dream Interpretation - Little girl

The dream promises losses in the house. Perhaps one of the relatives (close or acquaintances) will leave home or city forever. If a girl talks to you in a dream, then one of your friends will die a “not natural” death.

A dream in which you see a little girl whose hair someone is braiding, foretells the appearance of a child in your home. A child will naturally require care and attention, but will also bring with it a lot of joy and pleasure. Perhaps the plans you have made will come true. If you have an adult daughter, it is time to take care of a dowry for her.

Dream Interpretation - A lot of something

Many snakes - indicates matters related to the afterlife.

Many people dressed in white clothes indicate matters related to service.

Many people dressed in blue clothes - indicates separation from family, separation from loved ones.

Lots of people wearing purple or purple clothes - indicates abuse.

Stabbing a person repeatedly with a knife brings joy and benefit.

Many people gathered around the stove in the house - portends harmony in relationships and happiness.

Many people dressed in red clothes indicate great happiness and good luck.

There are a lot of fruits on fruit trees - this means that children and grandchildren are in good condition.

There are a lot of fruits on fruit trees - this indicates that children and grandchildren are in good condition.

You lift a basin or a bucket, and the bottom falls off - foreshadows ruin.

Dream Interpretation - A lot

If you dream that you have a lot of something, then do not expect your hopes to come true. This is a dream in reverse. He encourages you to be thrifty and appeals to your common sense. If in a dream you have a lot of food, then you will have to starve; if there is a lot of money, then a long period of need and deprivation awaits you; if there is too much health, then you should save it in life without wasting it.

Dream Interpretation - Small house or house where the individual was born

Mother's body, womb: perhaps a regressive fantasy of avoiding problems.

Stable home life.

Dream Interpretation - Little boys

Achieve long life, health and great wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Little guys

You have a lot of work and work ahead of you.

Dream Interpretation - Small nose

Damage awaits you.




I dreamed of three little fat piglets, I held them in my arms




I dreamed of a bunch of little pigs with human legs, so cute, I just looked at them. Sleep from Friday to Saturday.


I dreamed of a very cute little pig, I had feelings of tenderness for him, feelings of love! But for some reason I couldn’t leave him at home and I was very worried about where he would live, I really wanted everything to be fine with him! In the end, I placed it somewhere under the fence. During the day he ran with me and at night he spent the night there. Why such a dream and why such warm feelings in a dream for this animal?

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Your dream, in which there was a pig, most likely indicates that you can decide on very successful investments.


I dreamed of two piglets, one of which I beat to kill because I was afraid of him, he attacked me and then my godfather came and beat him)




I found a plump pink pig and took him to the flock, all the piglets were in pairs, but there was none for him, and I thought that without a pair he would die.


I dreamed that they were presenting me with a live pig on a tray. I take him under the armpits and want to take him to the bath. He starts twitching and knocks out my upper tooth. I try to put him carefully in the bath, he hits himself and dies. There is blood running down his head.

help me figure it out. sleep is very disturbing.


I dreamed that somewhere in the forest (it felt like late morning there, the sun was breaking through the trees) for some reason a pig was climbing towards me and I pushed it away with a stick. he persistently pestered, but I didn’t let him. then he ran into the hole and ran out with his mother. I gave in and he chased after me. Dad appeared and we ran away together. eventually broke away from him


Hello! Today, from Thursday to Friday, I dreamed that my husband bought piglets, we distributed them in a barn into two cages, 12 of them, about a clean barn, sawdust was sprinkled and the piglets were nice, plump, large, pink, 3 months old, I’m so happy, I feed them in a trough, clean water and bran sprinkled on top, I’m from of joy I brought another bucket of bran so that I could sprinkle it on it later. From whom can I expect a good dream? Help me guess!


I took two skinny piglets, but then my husband gave me one plump, red-haired piglet, and I really liked him, because he looked like our guinea pig (she died in reality) and I was worried whether this piglet would eat our guinea pig when he grew up !!! such a dream!!! What do you say?


I’m standing in a clearing where green grass grows, surrounded by little piglets. I eat fried chicken legs and then feed them these bones, and they are like puppies, jumping up, wagging their tails and eating


I caught a small pig - I caught it, drove it into a pen, and there were a lot of rats eating food, I got scared and immediately started looking for poison for them


I'm standing on the road. A little pig appears next to me.
The voiceover tells me: this is a pig, it is very similar to a person in many ways.
On the opposite side of the road a man appears holding a rat in his hands. Then he says: this is a rat, and it is also similar to a person in many ways.
- If you let the rat go, it will attack the pig. He will run to you, looking for protection, but you will just watch. Because you combine the qualities of both a pig and a rat.
The man across the road releases the rat, it runs across the empty road and jumps right onto the back of the little pig and begins to eat him. It's natural to eat alive. He squeals. And I stand and just watch.


I have dreams that I walk on the surface of the water and see everything that lies under the water... And today I dreamed of two pigs, a boy and a girl...


I dreamed about a lot of things in one dream: a factory and coal on it and some orange-colored gems in the coal. And then, when I was walking around this factory, a pig ran up to me and caressed me, and I stroked and tickled him, and he grunted with pleasure.


I saw little piglets in a dream and held one, he was so good and in this dream the guy was my first love. And my friend’s dead dad.


The event took place in the garden of the parents' house. Night. Something starts to sparkle in the sky, then something like a big moon appears in an eclipse, then it burns, explodes and falls to the ground, far away then many more of the same appear and they all fall, I feel a threat to our planet (the second time I feel something like this in a dream ) I run into the house and through the window I see fireworks, I go out into the garden again, then lightning and thunder begins again, and many round moons appear again and they explode, burn and fall to the ground, only this time in ours and in the neighbor’s garden, I run in again, again I see colored fireworks, I go out again, and as if from the universe it begins to suck up all the burnt (like paper) remains of the planets, like a vacuum cleaner, I smell a burning smell, a poisonous burning sensation, I take air into my lungs and run into the house, In the intervals between actions I saw in the garden unusual beds, very high, like graves, there were piglets running between them, maybe three, but I clearly saw two young ones.


I dreamed of two little pigs in the forest. My mother and I caught them. and there was also a very beautiful cat, similar to a lynx


I dreamed of a little pink pig. It’s as if I’m at home, in the bathroom, with a pig in my arms, taking a bath. The piglet grunted contentedly)) after leaving the bathroom the dream ended..


Good afternoon, Tatyana. Thank you if you can help me solve the dream.
They gave me a small live pig and told me to put it alive in the freezer in order to cook it later. But I couldn’t put the living creature in the freezer and carried it in my bosom, near my chest. I cried because they forced me put it in the freezer, but when I look at his eyes, my heart breaks, so I carried him with me, then walked with him on the street, like a little dog...


I dreamed of a little pink pig and two little chickens lying outside the gate. I chose a pig and brought it to some shed and fed it. She looked after him, carried him in her arms, fed him, and then took him to show his relatives. I handed it to my mother with the words “Look at the piglet,” and saw a small child. She took him, and he was already outside the window, putting his hands on the glass and shouting “mom, mom.” I woke up.


Hello Tatyana) If it’s not difficult, can you comment on 3 dreams? within two weeks I had three dreams.1. I arrived in St. Petersburg, and there everything was like hell in devastation, everything was the other way around. (The library was old, destroyed, there were books about Lenin, it seemed to me, or from those times, the embankment on the shore of the Titanic was destroyed, people were jumping from the railings from the embankment, and below there was a crevice in the ice, they they fall there, break, and this is considered normal entertainment, people are all dressed in rags).2. I’m riding in a compartment on a train, and a little piggy dog ​​comes running (the body of a dog, the face of a piglet), so affectionate and pleasant. I want to hug her, kiss her on the face. Then I understand that she has two owners, grannies, and following this realization, grannies come and It's getting crowded in our compartment.3. Everything happens in the approximately distant future, everything around is different. I and several people enter the house (the house inside is larger than the outside) We wander around it for some time, hiding around corners from the guests, walking in incomprehensible ways, like some kind of goal to comb through the entire house, but the goal is unclear. There was a feeling that there was an organization in this house. After they ran out of the house, everyone left their hats on the ground and dived into them))) jumping inside the hat, I found myself in the car) and it seemed to me that the hat was stretched into the car under human size. As if technology is in the future)))


My friend and I are sitting and talking. Someone passes by (I don’t remember exactly who, but someone I know) with a small pig in his arms. I let him play with him. That means we feed him, play with him like a dog, and continue to talk. And that's it, the dream ends here


I was driving a car and the tractor that was leaving broke my headlight while we were waiting for the inspector, but for insurance, I was walking not far from the cars and saw a piglet, taking it in his arms, a guy came up to me and said that this was his pet piglet and that he was not given to anyone ,except him. then the inspector arrived and said that compensation for this accident would be reimbursed in half a year... I was upset, but the guy with the pig))) said that he would help me... then immediately my dream switched to some kind of large porch that I was watering with a hose …. that's all.


Hello, I dreamed of 5-6 spotted and plain white piglets, very cute and friendly. There were also cute kittens with them. The dream was more black and white than color, although I always have color dreams like a movie. They were in my parents’ garden, although my son and I also live there for now.


my husband dreamed of a small dirty pig who came home and sat on the threshold of the house and looked at him, and his ears were like those of a person and large. Why would this be? So my husband asked me to find out about it!


first there was cross-country skiing in the snowy mountains. then it was as if a war had started and we ran to the nearest houses to release the animals. I mounted my horse and took him out. Then she released two piglets, but they ran to the field and began to dig up and eat the planted potatoes. then we went to see the man off on the bus


I dreamed that together with my friend and a group of tourists we were sailing across the ocean to Rio de Janeiro, already standing on the ground, everyone was admiring the landscape, and out of nowhere a beet-colored pig appeared. Everyone was afraid of him, and he ran after me all the time.


I dreamed that my husband and I separated, I was packing my things. I kissed my husband’s sister goodbye, and while I was packing my things, my son was playing with a small white pig, and the pig had small gray spots on its head.


The pig was very affectionate, like a cat, and lay on my lap, I stroked him and I had a feeling of tenderness for him, like for a beloved dog


I dreamed of some kind of tragedy, I was left alone with a pig. It was cold, he warmed me and I felt more protected with him.


I dream that I go out into the street in the village and cross the road. and then a little pig runs towards me. I take him in my arms and he begins to caress me like a cat. Then I put him on the ground and he runs somewhere nearby. And suddenly a herd of the same little ones runs, all friendly. I'll take one more. Then I start looking for the very first one, going through several. But I don’t remember whether I found it or not. But there was no worry that I needed to find him. At this point, the dream either ends or goes into another. The strangest thing about this is that they behaved like affectionate cats.


the bridge looks like a tunnel, overgrown with trees, broken near the shore. A small piglet is running along the bridge, I catch him, but he breaks free and falls from the bridge. I jump from some kind of bungee, fly over the raging river, and with difficulty get to the shore.


my husband and I came to visit his friend, it turned out he had such a creepy apartment, and a very beautiful girl, she was washing the floor in a dirty bathtub, in the apartment in the hallway there was a cow nursing, and in the room where I was lying on the bed a very clean, light pig was pestering me , and there was also a dog and, I think, a cat, walking around there, but this little pig chased me and grabbed me, and I ran away from him and freaked out, my husband got drunk with a friend, I called him to leave but he didn’t want to, and in general we were arguing


I dreamed of a dirty room in which there were clean piglets, and I cleaned their room of dirt.


Hello! My name is Yulia! In fact, I always have very strange dreams!
Today this is what I saw:
I was at some kind of event with all my relatives... but most clearly I saw my boyfriend, younger brother and dog Bonya! it was a lot of fun and suddenly a small, cutest pink pig appeared... he constantly playfully sat down with his butt in a small puddle and I washed him)))) then everything quickly changed. I was hanging out with my boyfriend, my Brother and my dog ​​at the bus stop. ..we got into a half-empty minibus with no driver. ..some non-Russian guy pushed the minibus and we quickly took off....the road was so winding...up and down. ..in the end we flipped over and finally landed...I was absolutely terribly scared. ..but I only heard my own scream...
then everything changed again and I found myself clean in beautiful clothes. ..and my handsome brother and my dog ​​and the three of us walked through an incredibly beautiful park where there were many colorful cafes. ….and it was as if they were heading towards the finale. ..like in the movie. …..


All I remember is that I was lying there, and a little pig was next to me, snuggling like a child and briskly poking my face with its snout. He didn’t seem to speak out loud, but I understood him. It was a little annoying that he was so active


I nursed a pig all night, everyone laughed at me, saying that they thought it was a puppy. I carried him in my arms and tried to protect him from ridicule.


They offered to buy pig meat, not bloody, very fresh, a carcass without skin, and a duck also very fresh, plucked. I paid 150 rubles for the duck, and pork, at a cost of 350, was sold for 150, I planned to buy it, but I don’t remember whether I bought it or not


The piglet was in a clean barn, he was lying in his crib and smiling. When he saw me, he ran to me, caressed me and hugged me. I picked him up and hugged him. Then I found myself in the house and from the window in the yard I saw a large cow with an unusual coloring: a red flower and green leaves (the main color is black).

Nina Kalinina:

They gave me a piglet, a small one, with blue and pink stripes. He began to freeze and began to turn blue. there was an iron trough with round stones and warm water. We put him down. There was a little boy with me, as if he were my son. The piglet began to come to life, jumping merrily, and puffed up a little or something. Well, it got a little bigger. and immediately after that they take me on a sled ride in the snow with the same boy.


I dreamed that I was cleaning a dead fish, I wasn’t even cleaning it, I was just removing the “skin” from it. But suddenly it comes to life and in my hands the fish became a little pig. I woke up.


I caught the pig, and he ran away. It was somewhere in the yard (but not ours). He never escaped. Two unfamiliar guys helped me catch.


I dreamed of a piglet, he fell from a height and died; his relatives poured blood into a basin and laughed, please help me, I’m scared


as if some woman was forcibly leading me from the barn and along the road there were geese, then pigs and some other animal I don’t remember. On the road they seemed to be clean and then at the end when she brought me to the barn she pushed me and locked me there I looked at to the sides and there the piglets were in the mud with worms, generally terrible. Then I ran away through the window from there.


I came through the back door to some mansion and stayed there to live with the main one (no idea why). In order not to be a freeloader, I decided to somehow work around the mansion, clean up or something else, but they told me that it was better not to do that, they say there are others for this. And I didn't clean up. But he often went out onto the back porch, where there was a table and a trash can. There was always a little pink pig sitting under the table. One day I sat down under his table and began to talk to him. He didn’t understand me and couldn’t answer until I said, like, the magic word “friend.” When I said "friend" to him, He immediately looked at me and started talking to me. During the whole dream I came to him 3 times. I only remember the third one, when I came to him and began to ask, “buddy, how can I officially get a job here?” several times, as if I had forgotten about the magic word, but then I remembered it. After the table we moved to the back door and sat there. The piglet sat like a man (on his butt) and drank juice from a straw. WE were talking about something, but then he dropped the juice and spilled it on the floor. I looked at it in panic and thought that we were finished from the main mansion (they had violated the cleanliness) and ran into the forest. Behind the forest there were small wooden stands, next to three pillars with a man in a kimono tied to them (like Jesus on the cross, only not nailed, but tied). There were other people in kimonos practicing nearby, perhaps practicing punches or something like that. This is where the dream ended.
John, 16 years old.


I saw a piglet running around in some barn, I took him in my arms, put my husband’s old work trousers on the table and made him a nest. I put the piglet in this nest and he liked it there


I dreamed of a little pink pig, I played with it, washed it. He was old. Then I dreamed about fishing with my dad, as if I fell into the water and got out and a fish swam under my clothes


I dreamed of pink piglets. There were a lot of them, they gathered around me, grunted friendlyly and all pressed tightly against me. It was very clean around, everything was blue, and I was so delighted with these piglets. The man asked me whose piglets these were, and I said they were mine, I bred them. Why are they clean and so pink, even the spots are clean? And I tell him, this is how I take care of them. And I woke up. And I myself think, what is this dream for? Is it disgusting or what?


I was given a small pig. In my dream I had thoughts that I needed to raise him. but this doesn't seem to be a problem. I was there thinking about what I would feed him. but the problem is that when it grows up, who will cut it. my father will refuse to do this. in general something like this.


I dreamed that I was in some strange houses with a group of people and we were all preparing for a performance. three nice little pigs appear, then water suddenly appears in the basement, we begin to wipe it away, then I pack my things in a suitcase and get ready for the train, looking for money, because there is no money for the trip, I find some small change in a stocking. Then I pick up books from a friend that I need to use to prepare for lessons, and I leaf through them. only these books are very large, and a friend says that she definitely needs to do something based on them, or rather, I did something. We are setting some table, waiting for some guests


The whole family is in the apartment except the daughter (who lives separately) and two cheerful, clean pink piglets are running around, playing on the sofa, everyone is happy.


I dreamed of my dead husband’s face, I didn’t see it, but I’m sure it was him and my late mother-in-law, my husband was cleaning the droppings from under a cow, my mother-in-law said that they had come to sell the cow for meat, I was very indignant, I kicked them out the gate and screamed after me that I would never give it up. In the dream there were little piglets grazing peacefully. I also got covered in droppings. Before this, I dreamed of a pack of banknotes with a face value of 50 hryvnia, where did I get them and where did I go?




At first I dreamed that trucks with trailers were driving one after another past my house, I looked out the window. in one there were watermelons, in another there were melons, in the third there was New Year's tinsel, and in the fourth there were pigs, and clean ones, and in the fifth there were huge apples with human faces. I dream as if I turn on the light, but the light bulbs do not light up in any room... and when someone else turns it on, they light up. I often dream about light bulbs not turning on, and in a dream this creates a feeling of some kind of fear and misunderstanding. and I’m standing in this darkness near the wall and two clean little pigs run up to me, at first I was scared of them, and then I realized that they were just hiding from someone... I woke up in bewilderment


the pig barked in his sleep


I dreamed that I approached the barn and it caught fire. I know that there are a lot of animals there, but I only see a little pink pig and I save him. I take him out of the barn and am glad that he is alive


I dreamed that I was a wolf, I had a collar on, but there was no one around. I ran somewhere madly - I came running to some dilapidated mill, there was a hole in the wall and there was no one. I went to the river, then a she-wolf joined me and we played with her. the weather was wonderful - sunny, warm. then everything changed dramatically. someone started shooting at the mill, we ran there, but it was already quiet there. on the ground inside the mill there was a lot of foil and in some places marmalade was visible.


I dreamed that my husband bought 2 piglets, they were running around the yard, and my son and I were going to feed them, we wanted to go pick grass, and then my husband came and said that he would cook and eat porridge. Well, that's all.


Hello, today I dreamed of a pink, very loudly grunting pig. which then also bit me. what is this for?

why the name:

I dreamed of a pig, which after buying it I sold, but not for money but for some kind of precious stone


I was bathing and playing with a little pig in the house and there was also an unfamiliar man there, he also bathed in the same bath with the pig and I also stroked the hedgehog and saw the sprouts of some flowers in cones that stood on the floor under the table where there were boxes in which the hedgehog and the pig live I put the sprouts on the shelf so they could see the sun, otherwise they turned very yellow in the shade the dream was a colorful day on Saturday


Good afternoon
I dreamed that I was walking down the street with friends, and one of us had a pig, a minipig. it was very hot and the piglet became ill. we saw a well and tires from a wheel. a friend put the piglet in rubber and lowered it into the water. another of the guys pushed the rubber, and the well turned out to be very deep, the pig could not resist, slipped and went under the water like a stone.


I dreamed of a small, clean pig in lace shorts... he ran along the side of the pool, and then jumped into the pool and thereby amused the children swimming in
German Address Vaselena1975@yandex/ru


my son-in-law gave me a piglet, I went to feed it, he ran away, began to look for me and cry, a large dog jumped out and growled, but did not attack, she never found the piglet and cried all night.


I dreamed of a small white playful pig. He followed me everywhere. It was not my pig, but because of his affection for me, I decided to take him home. When I was petting him, I found something like a horn on his back... and I thought it was a boy


Two piglets ran out of the cage, I caught one, picked it up, he was so affectionate and kind, he even meowed a little like a cat and caressed me, I played with him, when I caught him, it seemed like he was a little dirty, but when I picked him up, he turned out to be clean.


Hello, today I dreamed that my husband and I were given small piglets (a lot), pure pink ones, and at the same time the man said, do you want to sell it at the market or let it grow and then sell it.


I live in a private house. I dreamed. that for some reason the wall on the side of the neighbor’s house is whitewashed like a stove. but it’s thin, not brick, and it moves, sways, and little piglets fall out of it. pink, clean. And in that place I dream about dogs. that my dog ​​starts eating one of the piglets. and the pig buries itself underground.
That same night I dream. that my mother (she is a pensioner) has three small children. for some reason they don’t seem to recognize one thing, as if they don’t want them to know about it, I feel this way in a dream and I can’t understand why.


The head of a piglet is small but alive and I make small punctures on the ears with the tips of a knife so that there is blood, there was not much blood


I keep several piglets. And after some time I remembered that I had not fed them for almost a week. and I’m kind of scared to go and see what happened to them.


As a sign of respect, they gave me a white fluffy pig, he lived in my house, slept on the bed like a pet, my husband had to find him a new home and owners, but he never found one, and that’s when I woke up


Hello! I dreamed that I went into a grocery store, walking among the counters, I saw in the refrigerator display case with cut up meat the head of a black pig, it was covered with a thin layer of ice, but my eyes were blinking, then I noticed that not only the head was there, but the whole pig. I began to be indignant at who it was who stuck the fallow to freeze alive, opened the display case and pulled him out of there, hugged him to me and carried him out, there they tried to take him away from me, but I didn’t give him away and left with him clutching me. Then she brought him to a large two-story house and released him on the site in front of the house, there was a flat area with green lawn grass...


I dreamed that I went into someone else’s yard to look around, and the owner gave me a cute little pig and I was happy about it and carried it with me in my arms


I dreamed of our yard in the summer, I went into the barn and there were a lot of little pigs digging in the hay, it was in the hay, not in the dirt, I asked where they were from, my husband called his father and he said I gave it to you. And there was also a strange white dog sitting next to the barn and began to live with us in a dream; there was no aggression from it.


I plant seedlings in the beds and a pig comes along - very young and pink, I am at a height, he is below - looking at me)


I dreamed that a tiger, 3 piglets and a hedgehog lived in our garden. and it turned out that they got out of the cages. I quickly went to get my father so that he could help me drive them in. (my father died 10 years ago) after that we drove off, and the animals sat quietly and waited near the fence.


I dreamed of a big pink pig, I’m trying to catch it by the ears, it runs away from me in fear.


In my dream, a small white pig is running through the snow. I ran after him, caught him, warmed him up, he grunted.


I had a dream that I was riding in a cart with a horse harnessed, and I was driving it myself. From somewhere a small beautiful pink pig appeared on the side of the road, and I was afraid not to run over it. And suddenly the horse disappeared, and a pig appeared in its place. I felt sorry for the pig and put it on the cart, and I began to pull the cart myself, and at the same time I thought that it was not easy to pull the cart, but I could stand it, and I admired the beautiful pig.


I dreamed of a pink pig... who ran very quickly, and when I caught him, he bit my finger.


as if they left me with two little piglets to feed. One small and the other larger, I picked them up and carried them to look for a cage where I could keep them and feed them. I released them in the barn, there was a pen fenced with boards, and it seemed as if there were large gaps in the floor. I felt I don’t feel like they failed….


Hello! I dreamed that I was in a room in my parents' house. And there I see a beautiful white pig, a rat, a puppy and a cat. I took the piglet in my arms and asked him not to interfere with my rest. He heard me and went to the corner to sleep, and then I took the little shepherd puppy on my lap. And then I woke up


I dreamed that two well-groomed piglets came towards me, one of them had a bow on his head. and in my hands there was a dark-colored kitten, it seemed to be frightened of the piglets and began to escape from my hands.


There were two piglets. One dead, blue. Nearby were his mother and sister. I wrapped the piglet in a rag and he began to come to life in my arms... My brother recently died. Mother called his name


I was given 2 small black beautiful piglets. I played with them and fed them.


Good afternoon Tatyana!
I had a dream in which it was as if my parents and I were sitting at home, and a large centipede crawled under my T-shirt, but it didn’t sting, and began to crawl out of my sleeve, but very hard, since it was a tight T-shirt...
When she crawled out halfway, I asked my mother to give me a patka, which I then offered to her, and she latched on to it and crawled away.. There was great fear..
After we sit and discuss this creature, we suddenly hear the sound of a supposedly wild boar. I caught myself before I had time to recover from my previous fright and ran to the side.
When I saw that there was a small and not at all aggressive pig there...
I called him and he began to approach. Then I grabbed him and wanted to kill him quickly and not painfully, for future consumption.. Since there was nothing at hand, I just hit him against the house several times, he began to bleed.. Laying him on the ground thinking that he was dead.. But he caught himself and started running, but he ran into a corner and I still caught him there. In the place where he caught it, there is everything for crushing animal feed, and there is always a large knife on the shelf, so he grabbed it and used it to cut the throat of that piglet.
After that I woke up with a great feeling of pity, regretting what had been done.
After all, he was so naive and kind, and what he did to him was barbaric.
Please explain to what events this dream occurred.
Thank you!!


I dreamed of a very well-fed pig. Clean, he climbed into my bed under the blanket


My late husband brought me a nice, clean pig, I was glad


Hello Tatyana! Last night I dreamed of a pig. It’s as if I’m at a friend’s house, and either hers or my pig is there. She is not small, but not big either, white and very affectionate, she kept rubbing against me like a cat, affectionately gnawing and sucking my hand, I couldn’t get away from her, she followed me on my heels and fawned over me. then the pig went into another room and gave birth to piglets there


I kissed a clean, pretty pig on the snout, then with my late mother I was surrounded by a stream of water and in the morning they set my hair on fire, it burned slightly on one side.


I caught piglets in the barns and put them in cages, one was pink and the other white, there were 2 ducks, chickens and geese in the barns.

Seen in a dream, reflects the dreamer’s desire to enter into sexual relations with the first person he comes across. There is no need to follow your own desires; it is better to turn on your head and think about the possible consequences of such an act: conflicts, gossip and a tarnished reputation. A dirty and ugly pig in a dream speaks of future problems arising due to the dreamer’s stubbornness and intransigence.

Understanding in a dream that the pig turned out to be talking is a sign of great happiness in the future. Success and good prospects will become the envy of some people around the dreamer. If you feed a pig in a dream, in reality you should expect some kind of trick from your work colleagues. Buying a pig in a dream means improving your well-being, and slaughtering these animals means material and financial losses. Eating roasted pig means a prosperous life, good luck and love.

Why do you dream about piglets? Freud's Dream Book

The legendary scientist Sigmund Freud interprets these dreams in his own manner. For example, dirty piglets in a dream should be interpreted as a lack of purity and sincerity in the dreamer’s love relationships with some people: even sex for the sake of sex must be sincere! Pure and pink ones speak of complete mutual understanding in the dreamer’s sexual life: lovers are more than happy with each other.

Piglets in a dream. Modern dream book

The interpreters of this dream agree with most of their colleagues: well-fed and healthy piglets symbolize success in business and prosperity in life. Piglets lying in a dirty puddle symbolize bad changes in reality: perhaps the dreamer’s friends are trying to poison his life with their bad influence. You should not continue communicating with such “friends”.

Young girls dreaming of piglets foreshadows the appearance of a rich, but stingy and tight-fisted man in their life. His high social status and material security are unable to make the young dreamer happy, so this dream should not be interpreted as favorable. Eating a delicious roast pig in a dream means a long journey.

Piglets according to Miss Hasse's dream book

Interpreters of this dream book call piglets harbingers of curious and amazing events in life. Feeding a piglet in a dream is not a good sign: in reality you should beware of tricks from envious people. People who wish the dreamer harm are next to him. You need to understand this and identify the ill-wisher. Eating a roasted and delicious pig in a dream means emotional loss, worries, and physical pain.