How to deal with wax plug. How to remove wax plug from the ear at home - proven methods. Wet method of cork removal

A sudden feeling of congestion, a noticeable decrease in hearing and other unpleasant symptoms of the formation of wax plugs cause a lot of inconvenience. How can you provide help if you can’t see a doctor?

The wax plug itself is an accumulation of a mass of earwax in the ear canal. This happens due to the increased production of special glands of natural lubrication, that is, earwax. During normal operation, sulfur formation occurs constantly, but a malfunction disrupts the principle of the natural purification system, which leads to the appearance of a compacted accumulation of sulfur masses.

The main task of sulfur is to protect against the accumulation and contact of foreign particles, such as dust, with the eardrum. The sulfur produced by the glands also serves as a kind of barrier that prevents germs and viruses from entering the eardrum. Thus, sulfur, to which particles of sebum, dust and dying cells adhere, forms a clot, the so-called plug, which over time grows and blocks the ear canal, thereby causing, to put it mildly, inconvenience and discomfort to its owner.

Ear plug

To understand how to provide help, it is necessary to find out what was the impetus for the formation of the traffic jam, and also to exclude an incorrect diagnosis. After all, by mistakenly starting the process of another, possibly more serious disease, there is a high risk of losing the ability to hear. Therefore, in order to prevent an accidental mistake, you should contact specialists who can confirm or deny the presence of an ear plug. But, if for some reason it is not possible to use the services of a doctor, it is important to familiarize yourself with all the associated characteristics inherent in the ear plug. This will help you understand as clearly as possible the principles and methods of diagnosis and choose treatment.

Signs by which you can recognize the presence of wax in the ear:

  • the ability to hear has significantly deteriorated;
  • an unpleasant resonance of one’s own voice is created during communication;
  • continuous or periodic ringing or noise in the ears;
  • it feels like there is a foreign object in the ear that causes discomfort;
  • dizziness.

Acute, unbearable pain should be the reason for an immediate visit to an otolaryngologist, who will make an unambiguous diagnosis and, if desired, advise the patient on how to properly pierce a plug in the ear independently at home, without resorting to outside services. In any case, consultation with a specialist will make it possible to find an effective method that is most effective in the current situation.

Causes of ear plugs

The most common causes of traffic jams are:

  • the viscosity of earwax has increased;
  • narrow ear canal;
  • particles of dust or other small particles that have entered the ear canal;
  • excessively high number of growing hairs in the auricle;
  • constant use of headphones;
  • improper implementation of hygienic procedures for cleaning the auricle;
  • inflammatory diseases;
  • water flowing into the ear canal, which contributes to swelling of the plug;
  • susceptibility to changes in atmospheric pressure;
  • instability of cholesterol levels;
  • failure of the sulfur glands due to old age.

Until the moment when the ear canal is completely clogged with a sulfur clot, you may be completely unaware of the ongoing process of compaction formation. The most noticeable appearance of sulfur clots becomes when its size increases. When it occupies at least 70% of the volume of the ear canal, the symptoms become more pronounced and the cause of the discomfort becomes more obvious.

Disruption of the natural process of removing accumulated sulfur affects general well-being, which is a serious cause for concern and worsens the quality of life.

In addition, regular water procedures, for example, going to the pool, can provoke pain that appears due to the fact that when water gets into the ear canal, the plug gets wet, increases in size and comes into contact with the eardrum. This causes not only pain, but also contributes to the development of pathogenic microflora, increasing the risk of other diseases due to ear plugs.

Symptoms that may indicate the presence of a traffic jam:

  • a feeling of congestion is created;
  • sudden pain reaction;
  • autophony;
  • cough;
  • nausea.

Preventing earwax accumulation

Minimizing the risk of the appearance of sulfur masses and preventing their occurrence in the future is a completely feasible task. In order to prevent a traffic jam from appearing, you should familiarize yourself with all the factors that can provoke a violation and follow recommendations regarding hygiene.

It is worth remembering that regular hygiene procedures for the auricle with cotton swabs can disrupt the normal functioning of the sulfur glands, as well as a variety of hard objects that are often used when cleaning the ears. Therefore, it is recommended to use cotton swabs for the outer part of the ear canal. This will prevent the wax from clumping into a lump and will also prevent it from being pushed inside the ear. The more often earwax is removed, the more intensively it is produced by the glands. For this reason, doctors advise washing the ear with soap at least twice a week.

Complications in the absence of therapy to remove the plug

Failure to visit an otolaryngologist in a timely manner, as well as the lack of necessary procedures to remove wax plugs, can lead to inflammation of the middle ear. Constant contact with the eardrum irritates it, which creates the preconditions for the onset of the inflammatory process. This, in turn, will require more serious therapy compared to the simple procedure of punching the plug. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows about the most common complications that can arise from improper treatment of an ear plug.

These include pathological processes such as:

  • deafness;
  • inflammatory processes near the cartilaginous tissues of the middle ear;
  • otitis, any form;
  • perforation of the eardrum;
  • tachycardia.

In children who suffer from congestion, it is not recommended to independently carry out procedures to eliminate and treat the disease. There is a risk of aggravating the situation and starting the process of inflammation of the ear canal. In order not to endanger the child, you should involve a doctor who can remove the plug without possible complications. If we talk about adults, they are able to help themselves on their own, if, of course, they know how to do it.

Types of ear plugs. Diagnostics

Depending on the structure of the plug, you can determine how intense the treatment should be and what drugs should be used in a particular case. The color and consistency of the cork are of decisive importance, and the principle of its removal depends on the structure of the clot.

There are the following types of ear plugs:

  • yellow pasty accumulations of earwax are easier to soften and remove than other types;
  • The sulfur mass, which is more viscous in consistency, similar to plasticine, has a pronounced brown tint and will require more effort when softening;
  • stony plugs, hardened or dry, are extremely difficult to remove. They differ from the above-mentioned plugs in their denser structure.

The diagnosis is made by an otolaryngologist using otoscopy. Taking into account the patient's complaints, the specialist, using a funnel, examines the ear canal, in which, in advanced cases, sulfur masses are clearly visible, covering the ear canal.

After studying all the collected data on the course of the disease, the doctor chooses a treatment method. The choice of therapy depends on the type of plug formation.

For example, the simplest method, which is used everywhere, if a patient has a soft plug, is rinsing. Using a special tool, a stream of warm water washes the external auditory canal, as a result of which the plug is washed out.

The thicker, more compacted cork is first softened before removal. For this, hydrogen peroxide or another effective medication is most often used.

The most serious intervention will be required when washing and softening do not bring the desired result. What can be done in this case? There is a special tool for this - an electric suction device, or it can be removed manually with a hook-probe. This therapy is prescribed only in emergency cases, when the stony clot has to be practically scraped off from the walls of the ear canal. Manipulations of such complexity are performed only by a professional who is able to perform all the necessary actions without risk to the patient’s health.

Home methods

Despite the fact that there are many cases where independently interfering with the hearing organs has unpleasant consequences, most people who experience inconvenience resort to independent treatment. Lack of free time and lack of quality help in remote areas makes people think about getting rid of ear plugs on their own.

The first method, which is used in mild cases of clot formation, is quite simple to carry out without outside help. To do this, you need to take, for example, a solution of furatsilin or another type of ear drops that are injected into the ear canal.

After this, you need to pull the lobe down a little. This will allow the solution to penetrate to the place where sulfur accumulates and soften the mass. After the consistency becomes homogeneous, excess wax will flow out of the ear, which must be plugged with a cotton swab.

Thus, it is enough to have simple and widely used drugs on hand, and you can easily cope with this disease.


The presence of cerumen plug is dangerous because it acts as a barrier, which accompanies the growth of pathogenic microflora around the eardrum. The spread of the inflammatory process can only be stopped by using special medications. Products can be water-based or oil-based. Each group of medications has a sufficient number of drugs that can quickly and effectively help eliminate the problem. Therefore, choosing the right product will not be difficult.

To help break through, you should pay attention to a medicinal product such as phytosuppositories. They help soften clots, reduce pain symptoms and relieve inflammation caused by ear plugs. In addition, you can make them yourself, if you have all the necessary ingredients: bee waste products (propolis and beeswax), several medicinal herbs, as well as essential oils. This composition helps soften the plug, warming up the ear canal, in which a vacuum is artificially created due to the burning of a phytocandle.

But there are some contraindications for their use that should be taken into account before giving preference to phytocandles:

  • allergy,
  • the presence of pus,
  • eardrum injuries,
  • damage to the external auditory canal.

Making phytocandles yourself is not as simple as you might think. And, moreover, it does not guarantee a positive result; on the contrary, it can provoke more serious inflammation of the inside of the ear canal. Thus, if after warming up the pain worsens, you should urgently seek medical help.

Traditional medicine

In addition to medications, there is effective and affordable treatment with folk remedies. The ease of their use allows everyone who is faced with this problem to use them.

Natural oils, onions, and birch tar, when used correctly, will bring maximum benefit and will gently and painlessly eliminate the cause of the discomfort caused by ear plugs.

The simplest methods include recipes that use soda solution or vegetable oil. In any case, the use of folk remedies should be a conscious decision, because self-therapy does not guarantee the desired result. In addition, such treatment can cause the formation of more complex forms of diseases of the auditory organs, provoked by traditional medicine. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is worth weighing the pros and cons.

Contraindications for use with ear plugs

When self-medicating, it is worth considering that any technique may have contraindications. Using a remedy that can become a catalyst for the development of a more complex form of disease is dangerous to health and is fraught with disastrous consequences. In addition, it is unacceptable to use drugs without thinking about the side effects.

Many people use medications or traditional medicine recipes, but are predisposed to allergic reactions. Without paying due attention to contraindications, and without taking into account the possible manifestation of an allergy to the components of a folk remedy or medicine, you can cause significant harm not only to the hearing organs, but also to your general health. Therefore, the safest and most effective prescription can only be the prescription of the attending physician, who, based on general clinical indicators, can select the most effective method of treatment without the risk of complications.

Unfortunately, if treatment is necessary, it is not always possible to get to an ENT specialist. Problems with the ears often require an immediate solution, and in this case, methods for treating ear plugs at home can come to your aid.

The presence of wax plugs is not uncommon, and for some people it has become a regular problem that can bring a lot of suffering. To avoid complications, the best solution would be to contact an otolaryngologist.

If this is not possible, then you can try treating ear plugs at home. There are traditional methods of rinsing the ear and removing accumulated wax. But first you need to find out about the first signs of the accumulation of plugs in the ear canal.

Signs of a plug in the ear

  • Your hearing has become worse.
  • The unpleasant sound of your own voice.
  • Tinnitus.
  • Feeling of “clogged” or fullness in the ear.
  • Dizziness, cough.

Preventing the accumulation of plugs in the ears

Wax plugs are formed as a result of excessive wax production, which tends to accumulate in the ear canal and harden over time. When conditions favorable for the accumulation of plugs appear - such as water getting into the ear, the habit of cleaning the ears with cotton swabs, the above unpleasant symptoms may appear.

To avoid problems associated with wax plugs, the ear canals need to be cleaned, and already formed plugs must be dissolved or removed. When cleaning your ears, you should never use sharp objects - they can easily damage the eardrum. The use of cotton swabs often aggravates the problem by not completely clearing the ear canals of wax accumulation, but by compacting and pushing it inside.

There are various ways to clean your ears from accumulated wax. How to remove wax yourself? The most effective folk methods are washing the ears and softening the plugs in the ear canal.

How to remove wax plug from the ear by rinsing

The procedure for rinsing your ears is quite simple. It is convenient to do this with a syringe, without putting on a needle, or a small bulb.

Instructions for rinsing the ear:

  1. Stand over the sink. Tilt your head with the affected ear down.
  2. From a container prepared in advance, draw water into a syringe or syringe. Gently squeeze the air out. Pour water into the ear canal, but not directly into it, but along the upper wall of the auricle.

You should rinse your ear until the symptoms of wax plug disappear.

If it is not possible to completely remove the accumulated plug due to its hardness, you should try to soften it and repeat the washing again.

How to soften a cork: folk remedies

  • Grate ½ onion. Squeeze the onion juice through cheesecloth and dilute with boiled water at room temperature in a 1:1 ratio. Use a syringe or pipette to instill 3-4 drops into the sore ear twice a day.
  • Dilute onion juice with boric alcohol or vodka in a ratio of 1:4. Instill 2 drops twice a day.
  • Heat vegetable (sunflower or almond) oil in a spoon over a candle or over a gas burner. Drop two drops using a pipette over a couple of days.
  • A popular folk remedy for ear congestion is hydroperite.

How to get rid of ear plugs using hydrogen peroxide

To get rid of wax plugs and avoid burns, it is recommended to use 3% hydrogen peroxide. This is a simple procedure consisting of the following steps:

  1. Take a few drops of hydroperite into a pipette or baby syringe. Lie on your side, healthy side down. Drop the solution into the ear canal and place a cotton swab. Carry out the procedure before going to bed for a week.
  2. Ear rinsing.
  3. Washing the plug out of the ear. This can be done conveniently using a shower. Remove the shower head, set the water temperature to a comfortable temperature and direct the stream directly into your ear. As a result, the plug will quickly come out of the ear canal, and your health will improve.

Softening cork using phytocandles

Candles for removing hard ear plugs (phytosuppositories) can be purchased at a pharmacy or made using propolis, beeswax, herbal mixtures and essential oils. Such suppositories help dissolve hardened plugs and relieve pain and inflammation. A positive effect is achieved by creating heating of the ear canal and creating a vacuum, arising in it while the candle is burning.

Prepare ear candles, rich baby cream, ear sticks, a cotton swab, matches, water and napkins. Then follow these steps:

  1. Using baby cream, massage the outer ear.
  2. Lie on your side with your healthy side, cover your head with a napkin with a hole for the ear.
  3. Insert the narrow lower edge of the candle into your ear and set fire to the upper part.
  4. Wait until a small part of the candle burns out, then remove it from your ear and extinguish it by dipping it in the prepared water.
  5. Remove the stubs from a candle, or simply the wax remaining in the ear, using a stick.
  6. To preserve heat, cover your ear with a swab and lie down for 10 minutes. If you have pain in both ears, then at this time you can perform the procedure on the second one.

How to make ear candles with your own hands

  1. First make a wooden blank for beeswax. Take a piece of dry aspen, cut out of it a cone about half a meter long, the diameter of its wide part is 2 cm, and the narrow part is 50 mm. To make it easier to hold the cone in your hand, leave a small branch on it.
  2. Take beeswax and melt it in a regular water bath or small frying pan.
  3. Cut long ribbons 5 cm wide from natural linen or cotton fabric.
  4. Take the strip by one end, dip it in hot wax and wait until the entire fabric is saturated with it.
  5. Grease the prepared cone with vegetable oil and wrap a wax-soaked strip of fabric around it. This must be done tightly, without gaps between the fabric turns. If gaps do form, use a brush to cover the gaps with wax.
  6. Let the freshly prepared candle cool and slowly remove it from the wooden template. You should now have a hollow wax tube.

Contraindications for treatment with ear candles:

  • various disorders in the external auditory canal;
  • presence of pus;
  • external ear injuries;
  • damage associated with the eardrum;
  • allergy to bee products.

Self-blowing of the nose

If, after softening and washing the ear, you still cannot get rid of the wax plug, you can try self-blowing your nose. To do this, take a breath and pinch the wings of your nose with your fingers. Exhale forcefully - this should release the wax. Please note that this procedure must be carried out with great care and if severe pain occurs, consult a doctor immediately.

Getting rid of an ear plug that has formed is quite simple. But before you do it yourself, think about whether you will harm yourself.

If you have the slightest doubt, and especially in cases of acute pain, it is better not to try to cope with the problem yourself, but to contact a qualified specialist.

It is not a regular hygiene procedure. It is necessary to rinse your ears as needed and when wax plugs occur. The formation of a traffic jam is a rather unpleasant process that begins to worry the moment the traffic jam interferes with the perception of sounds.

It is recommended to rinse the ear for its symptoms, as well as some forms. Not all diseases allow this procedure. For example, it is possible to rinse the ear from pus, but in case of severe inflammation and perforation, rinsing the ear is contraindicated.

Earwax constantly accumulates in the human ear. Most people are accustomed to cleaning their ears with cotton swabs, but this is what often provokes the appearance of a plug. Wax often pushes out of the ear canal on its own, so the ear needs to be cleaned from the outside and shallow into the ear canal. Cotton swabs are not intended for cleaning ears; they are made for cosmetic purposes. Constantly cleaning your ears with a cotton swab only compacts the wax and leads to the formation of a dense, hard plug.

There are several ways to wash your ears at home.

The simplest method is using boiled water. You can also use special drops, oils, etc. But do not forget about contraindications.

An ENT doctor will help determine the presence of sulfur plugs. In some cases, it is better to entrust the washing procedure to medical staff, since even such a simple procedure can lead to various complications if careless.

The following symptoms indicate the presence of wax plugs and the need to rinse the ear:

  • And . The feeling of a blocked ear canal or the presence of a foreign body in it indicates that the plug has increased in size and has blocked the ear canal. When talking, your voice sounds very loud. This condition can hardly be called dangerous, but it is very unpleasant and can lead to headaches. In more severe cases, tinnitus is heard. This indicates that the plug has begun to put pressure on the auditory nerve.
  • Deterioration in hearing quality. Sulfur plugs affect the quality of sound perception and significantly reduce hearing.
  • Ear pain. Pain in the ear due to wax impaction appears only when there is an inflammatory process and the proximity of the impaction to the auditory nerve. Pressure on the nerve can also cause reflex and dizziness.

Rules for rinsing ears

The easiest way to rinse your ear is with water and a syringe. It is quite easy to rinse your ear at home, but it is better to ask a family member to do this, since it is easy to injure the ear canal and eardrum on your own.

To make the procedure safe, you need to follow the basic rules for rinsing your ear at home:

  1. Take the largest syringe you can find at home and remove the needle. The syringe must be new and sterile. If you don’t have one, take a rubber bulb, but boil it beforehand.
  2. Before starting the procedure, it is better to plug the ear with a cotton swab for about 10 minutes. The absence of air in the ear canal will allow the plug to soften a little.
  3. When rinsing, the patient's head should be tilted slightly with the sore ear up and slightly to the side so that water can flow out. A basin or tray is placed under the ear.
  4. The water should be boiled and lukewarm. You need to fill the syringe with water and slowly, without sudden jolts or strong pressure, the water is introduced into the ear canal. For greater safety, the jet should be directed at the back wall of the ear, and not into the auditory canal itself, so as not to injure the eardrum.
  5. If the plug does not come out, the procedure can be repeated 2-3 more times. It will be easier to remove plugs that are too hard and old if you drop a couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide into the ear canal before rinsing.

After the rinsing procedure, you need to dry your ear, as water in it can cause inflammation. This should not be done with a cotton swab, as this can injure the ear and cause infection. Some people recommend drying the ear with a gentle stream of warm air from a hairdryer, but simply inserting a cotton swab for a while is enough. If you are blow-drying, do not direct the hot stream directly into the ear canal.

You can learn more about how to remove wax plug from the video:

Why is there bleeding from my ears? - Causes and danger signs

The ear rinsing procedure is painless. If severe pain occurs during the process and the water turns pink, you should interrupt the procedure and consult a doctor.

In some cases, rinsing the ear is ineffective. The cork may be so dense that water cannot wash it out. In this case, the doctor will recommend using softening drops, after which the plug will come out on its own or can be easily removed during rinsing.

Medications and folk remedies

Drops, as a rule, are completely safe and can even be used for prophylaxis. They are very convenient for removing wax from the ears of small children, who are difficult to persuade to sit still during the rinsing procedure.

The most popular are Aqua Maris and Remo-Vax drops. Aquamaris contains sea water, which moisturizes the mucous membrane, softens sulfur plugs and relieves inflammation. Remo-vax drops and sprays also do not contain dangerous chemicals that have side effects. It contains allantoin. It effectively removes wax and keeps your ears clean. These drugs are safe and often do not require a washout procedure. They need to be instilled into the ear 2-3 times a day for 2-3 days, and the plug will come out on its own.

It is recommended that people with hearing aids and regular visitors to the pool regularly use ear rinsing products to avoid infection.

There are a large number of effective folk methods of ear rinsing. Before using them, you should consult your doctor. If it is caused not by sulfur plugs, but by pressure or incipient pain, some folk recipes can be harmful.

Traditional recipes:

  • Vegetable oil. To soften wax plugs, any heated vegetable oil is suitable: olive, flaxseed, peach, almond. You need to warm it up slightly and drop 2-3 drops into the sore ear. After 2-3 days of such procedures, hearing may deteriorate slightly. This is due to the softening and swelling of the cork. You should not try to clean your ear with cotton swabs; it is better to carry out the procedure of rinsing the ear to remove the swollen plug.
  • Onion juice. An effective, but not the safest method of removing wax. It is better to dilute fresh onion juice a little with boiled water and drip a couple of drops into the sore ear. If the mucous membrane is damaged, there will be a strong burning sensation and even a burn, so this method must be used with caution.
  • . The patient turns his head with the affected ear up, and 2-3 drops of hydrogen peroxide are dripped into it. It will start to hiss and foam, this is a normal process. After a couple of minutes, the foam must be carefully removed with a cotton swab, but only from the outside. The procedure is repeated for 2-3 days.

Contraindications and complications

The ear rinsing procedure has virtually no contraindications. When performed correctly, it is safe and painless. You can rinse your ears for otitis media to remove pus and disinfection, for wax plugs and dust accumulation in the ear canal, as well as for a foreign body in the ear.

In case of microcracks, damage and sores in the ear, rinsing can lead to infection, so it is not recommended to carry out the procedure without a doctor’s recommendation.

Ear rinsing and possible complications:

  • . Otitis is an inflammation of the middle ear. It can occur when pathogenic microbes enter the ear canal. This is possible both when cleaning the ear with ear sticks, and when washing it improperly or using unsterile syringes. Otitis is accompanied by pain in the ear and head, often with purulent processes. Treatment is carried out using antibacterial and
  • Burns. Burns to the mucous membrane often occur not during the washing procedure itself, but when using folk remedies and preparations to soften the sulfur plug. If the ear mucosa is inflamed and damaged, peroxide can also cause a burn.
  • . One of the most unpleasant consequences. Hearing loss can occur when water or droplets come in contact with the auditory nerve. The reversibility or irreversibility of deafness depends on the degree of complications.
  • Stenosis of the external canal. This is often a consequence of the cork itself, and not of rinsing. Stenosis of the external auditory canal is accompanied by pathological narrowing of the canal, noise in the ear occurs, and hearing is significantly reduced.

To avoid undesirable consequences, you need to consult a doctor for examination. Only after examining the ear can you begin the rinsing procedure. It is important to follow the rules of the procedure and not use drugs not recommended by your doctor.

Almost every person has had to deal with wax plugs. This is an accumulation of wax in the ear canal, which has acquired a dense consistency and impairs hearing function.

Earwax is constantly produced in every person; it performs an important protective function. can grow in the ear rather slowly and cannot be felt in any way until it blocks the auditory canal.

A certain amount of sulfur is constantly formed in the auditory canal. It gradually accumulates, dries out, particles of dust and microbes settle on it, and then this sulfur flakes off and comes out on its own. The removal of sulfur is also facilitated by cartilage, which moves during chewing and speaking; sulfur begins to be pushed out at this moment.

To understand how to remove wax plugs at home, you must first identify the reasons for its formation. In some cases, the reasons are related to improper ear hygiene, and all previous attempts to remove the plug will lead to even greater compaction.

Causes of wax plug:

  • Cotton swabs. The habit of cleaning your ears with cotton swabs leads to the fact that earwax is compacted and compacted even deeper, which leads to the formation of a plug. Attempts to remove the cork in the same way will not lead to a positive effect.
  • Too active hygiene. Even if sulfur is removed carefully, but too often, the consequences will be negative. Frequent cleansing of the ear canal leads to stimulation of the glands, and more and more sulfur is released after each cleaning.
  • High cholesterol. Improper metabolism and impaired cholesterol production can also lead to increased earwax production. In this case, traffic jams will form quite often.
  • Unfavorable conditions. Ear plugs often form in people whose work involves dust or loud noise. Unfavorable factors activate the defense system, and sulfur is released in large quantities.
  • Exposure to humidity. Earwax is more actively released and accumulates under the influence of moisture, for example, in swimmers who spend a lot of time in the pool, or simply when the air humidity is high.

Useful video - How to remove wax plug at home:

The inside of the ear itches: causes, characteristic symptoms and methods of treatment

The formation of sulfur plugs is accompanied by characteristic symptoms. While the plug is small, no symptoms appear, but as soon as it blocks more than 50% of the ear canal, a feeling of stuffiness occurs and hearing decreases.

Medications for removing wax plugs and ear suppositories

Earwax is usually removed with plain water. This procedure can be done at home or you can contact an ENT specialist for professional help. The rinsing procedure is usually quite effective, painless and quickly removes the blockage.

Difficulties may arise when removing wax plugs from a small child, when he simply cannot endure the entire procedure. Also, drug treatment may be needed if the plug is so dense that it cannot be washed with water, and it must first be softened.


  1. . Aqua Maris Oto is used to wash ears and soften wax plugs. This is a safe drug based on sea water. It can be used by pregnant women and young children. The drug moisturizes the mucous membrane, cleanses it and softens the sulfur plug. Aqua Maris is recommended for use as a preventative measure for people who use hearing aids and often wear headphones or earplugs.
  2. Remo-Wax. A drug that gently cleanses the mucous membrane, helps remove dirt and particles, softens wax plugs, but does not contain antibiotics or aggressive substances. It can be used for prevention. Contraindication is damage to the eardrum. Remo-Vax contains substances that retain moisture and prevent the formation of new plugs.
  3. Vaxol. Vaxol contains natural olive oil. It softens the plug and envelops the mucous membrane. Vaxol is instilled into the ear for 5 days, several times a day. Then the washing procedure is carried out, and the plug comes out easily. Olive oil also protects the ear canal from the formation of new plugs.
  4. Candles. Not all ENT doctors accept treatment with ear candles, although they are sold in pharmacies and are considered medicines. These are not suppositories, they do not dissolve with heat, but real wax candles, which are inserted into the ear and set on fire. Such candles may contain various essential oils and plant extracts, which are activated when heated and help remove the plug. It is not recommended to use suppositories for purulent discharge from the ear.

Effective folk methods

When removing wax plugs, traditional methods can be very effective, but they should be used with caution. In case of ear pain, headaches, purulent and bloody discharge, or suspected perforation, using any traditional methods can be dangerous.

They are designed solely for removing wax, but not for treating serious ear diseases. It is advisable to consult a doctor before using them.

Folk remedies for sulfur plugs:

  • Almond oil. Natural oil will help not only moisturize the ear mucosa, but also soften and dissolve the plug. The oil needs to be slightly warmed and while warm, drop about 5-7 drops into the ear, and then insert a cotton swab. The procedure can be repeated several times. If it does not help, after 2-3 days you can carry out the washing procedure. Once exposed to oil, the plug will come out faster.
  • . This method can no longer be considered a folk recipe; it is recommended and used by many ENT doctors in the treatment of sulfur plugs. Before rinsing the ear, 3% peroxide should be dripped into the sore ear. A few drops will be enough; the peroxide should not spill out. The head should be slightly tilted so that the peroxide remains in the ear. After a couple of seconds, foam will appear, so the peroxide dissolves the plug and disinfects the ear. After this procedure, rinsing is easier and faster.
  • Soda solution. The soda solution is not used for instillation, but for rinsing the ear. A weak solution of soda must be drawn into a syringe (without a needle) or a rubber bulb. The ear is washed in such a way that the water pressure is not directed at the eardrum, but flows down the wall of the ear canal. The procedure is repeated several times until the plug is completely dissolved and removed.
  • Wax funnel. The principle of operation of a funnel is the same as that of ear candles. A funnel-shaped piece of fabric soaked in wax is inserted into the sore ear and set on fire. Store-bought candles have a protective stop; in the case of funnels, you need to make sure that the wax does not drip. The sulfur plug softens and stretches due to heat and exposure to wax. The procedure can be repeated several times.

Possible complications of wax plug and prevention

Wax plug is not inherently dangerous, but if it is not removed in time, it can lead to unpleasant consequences. It should be remembered that it is not so much the wax plug itself that leads to complications, but rather its incorrect and careless removal.

Complications of wax plug:

  • . In some cases, the plug can cause inflammation of the ear canal, leading to partial or complete hearing loss. Hearing restoration is possible with long-term treatment.
  • Neuralgia. If the plug is large and deep, it can put pressure on the auditory nerve. This leads to headache, dizziness, nausea, sometimes vomiting, and reflex cough.
  • Inflammation. In some cases, aggressive washing can lead to an inflammatory process, which in turn can lead to or. Inflammation is accompanied by pain in the ear canal and hearing loss.
  • Perforation of the eardrum. Damage to the membrane can result from improper rinsing with strong water pressure, as well as attempts to remove the plug with tools and cotton swabs.

To prevent wax plugs from forming, you need to follow simple prevention methods. To begin with, you should not use hairpins or pins to clean your ears. They injure the ear.

Important! You can use cotton swabs, but the cleansing procedure is carried out only on the outside of the ear canal and auricle.

When swimming in ponds, rivers, or swimming pools, your ears should be protected from water. This contributes not only to the formation of sulfur plugs, but also to the penetration of infection.

You need to wear swimming caps or insert cotton swabs into your ears.If the work involves dust or industrial noise, you need to use earplugs or hearing protection.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Wax plug in ears- This is the accumulation of wax in the ear canal, which did not come out naturally. In large volumes, sulfur can completely block the ear canal.

Earwax in the ears not only reduces the quality of life, but can also cause serious illness if no action is taken to get rid of it.

Wax plug in the ears: causes of formation

There are two main reasons for the formation of sulfur plugs.

Increased sulfur formation.

Anatomical features of the auditory canal.

Often people themselves contribute to the formation of wax plugs in the ear. Excessive concern for the cleanliness of the ear canal may have the opposite effect. The main task of sulfur is to protect the inner ear. Daily cleansing manipulations will be a signal to the body for increased formation of sulfur, as a protective component, which the ear canal is deprived of.

The use of cotton swabs as a means of cleaning the ear leads to the fact that the wax becomes compacted and moves deeper into the ear canal. Some time after such “cleansing” procedures, a dense sulfur plug forms. Physiologically, the ear is designed in such a way that excess wax is removed spontaneously when a person chews or speaks. Our task is to keep only the outer part of the ear (auricle) clean, and not to try to penetrate deeper into the ear canal.

Sources of additional irritation of the ear canal and, as a result, the formation of a plug can be various diseases (dermatitis, otitis, eczema), increased levels of dust and moisture in the air, and regular use of headphones and hearing medications.

What symptoms indicate the presence of wax plug?

Characteristic symptoms of sulfur plugs.

  • Feeling of persistent ear congestion for a long time (in the morning or after taking a bath).
  • Noises, the feeling that your own voice is echoing in your ears.
  • Cough, nausea, dizziness and even heart pain can be caused by an ear plug.
  • Inflammatory processes in the middle ear - they can also be caused by excess wax clogging the ear canal.

Often, excess sulfur content in the ear canal does not manifest itself in any way - hearing loss occurs gradually as long as there is a gap in the cerumen plug.

How to remove wax plug at home

The best way to deal with ear plugs is to prevent them from occurring. But if they are already formed, you need to competently approach the issue of getting rid of them. The best option for removing wax plugs is to seek help from an ENT doctor. But if you are firmly convinced that the cause of your discomfort is indeed a plug of sulfur, then you can try to get rid of it without resorting to outside help.

To get rid of wax at home, you need to follow a certain sequence in your actions.

Softening a dense lump of sulfur. To do this, you will need a pipette, a cotton swab and a softening agent (glycerin, 3% hydrogen peroxide, vegetable oil - your choice). Just 4-5 drops of softener, heated in your hands to a comfortable (room) temperature, is enough. The problematic ear should be on top when the head is tilted. To instill with your free hand, you need to pull the edge of the auricle slightly up and back. After the procedure (it is more advisable to do it at night), a cotton swab is immediately placed into the passage.

Then you need to first rinse the wax plug using a syringe and 20 ml of hydrogen peroxide (3%) - carried out the next morning. Rinse while lying on your side with the problematic ear facing up. Gradually fill the ear canal with peroxide until it begins to overflow over the edge of the ear. After this, stop washing and lie quietly on your side for 15-20 minutes.

To completely remove wax plugs, it is enough to jets of warm water under pressure . For these purposes, you can use a shower hose without a spray nozzle. Starting from a certain distance, the stream of water should be gradually brought closer to the ear until the edge of the hose touches it.

To completely remove wax plugs from the ears, several visits are sometimes required. Lack of relief even after several procedures is a serious reason to contact ENT specialists.

Folk remedies against sulfur plugs

You can try to remove wax plug using popularly proven means.

Warm almond (sesame, hemp, olive) oil- 5-7 drops at night.

Baked onions stuffed with dill seeds- 3-4 drops of juice at night. Close the ear canal with a cotton swab and Vaseline.

Onion recipe: cut off the top of the onion in the husk so that you get a depression, pour dill seeds into it and send the onion wrapped in foil to the oven to bake until brown juice appears.

Douching with soda (or salt) mixture- 50 ml of warm water plus a teaspoon of soda (table salt).

Are there any contraindications?

Do not use sharp objects (hairpins, toothpicks, etc.) to remove the cork. Diabetes mellitus, perforation of the eardrum, inflammatory processes in the ear, uncertainty in a self-made diagnosis - these are the reasons why you should also refuse independent manipulations in the ear canal area.