How and when to brush your teeth correctly. How to brush your teeth - step-by-step instructions and recommendations. Mouth cleaning sequence

Often, some people boast of a perfect snow-white smile, while other clients constantly visit the dentist to whiten or treat their teeth. Every person cleans their teeth every day throughout their life. This has been happening for many years.

Few people know, but when brushing, there are rules for how to brush your teeth, following which you can prolong the health of your gums. It is necessary to know the criteria by adhering to which you can achieve a white smile. After eating food, they linger on the enamel particles food, then they rot and decompose.

If leftover food is not removed in time, it can lead to tooth decay. Thus, if improper care is taken, pathogenic bacteria appear in the patient’s oral cavity. As a result, an undesirable odor begins to appear from the mouth. Often, food debris that has not been removed is reorganized into plaque, which causes oxidative processes.

As a result, the enamel spoils and a person develops caries. To avoid similar unpleasant situations, teeth must be brushed frequently and properly. Proper teeth cleaning will be discussed below.

Rules for brushing your teeth thoroughly

Any person is simply obliged to brush their teeth at least 2 times a day. After waking up, you need to brush your teeth, and you also need to brush them before going to bed. The cleaning process should last at least 4 minutes. So how to brush your teeth correctly?

The paste is squeezed onto the toothbrush in a certain amount; it should be no more than a small ball. If a child under 7 years old brushes his teeth, he should use a circular brush. method:

If the cleaning is done by an adult, then it should be more thorough. How to thoroughly brush your teeth using the following method: you need to open your mouth, then brush the outer teeth and their plane with vertical movements, going from the gums to the chewing lobe. Movements should be from above and below.

The same manipulations must be done with internal flat. On the front teeth, the brush must be unfolded. Thus, it is necessary to brush the front teeth with movements from the chewing lobe to the gums. It is necessary to clean the chewing plane of the teeth using horizontal movements.

The final step on how to brush your teeth properly is massage gums, it must be done with circular soft movements. The jaw should be closed. The final step is the use of dental floss. With its help, you need to clean the openings from stuck pieces of food.

Children should use dental floss after the age of nine. If a child can reach hard-to-reach places, then this is very good. Dental floss does a much better job of removing food debris than a toothbrush. Children should floss only under adult supervision.

How to brush your teeth correctly, so that cleaning is as comfortable as possible, the ends of the threads need to be wound around your middle fingers. Use your index finger and thumb to adjust the floss and guide it between the teeth. Zubovoy thread It must be used very carefully so that it does not damage the gums.

At the end of cleaning, you need to use a special mouth rinse solution. If there is no special solution, then the toothpaste can be rinsed with plain water. But if mouthwash is available, then it should be used in an amount of 15–25 ml.

If do not comply This is a rule, then there will be no therapeutic effect. To keep your enamel healthy longer, you need to use a good, proven toothpaste, toothbrush and floss to clean it at home. All personal hygiene items are selected in accordance with the individual characteristics of the person.

The very first rule to follow when choosing a toothbrush is to pay attention to the hardness of the bristles. As a rule, very flexible bristles are designed for young children. Soft bristles are needed for children over 6 years of age, as well as for patients who have sensitive gums.

For example, soft bristles on a toothbrush are recommended for people who suffer from periodontitis. After the age of twenty, it is recommended to use a toothbrush with medium-hard bristles.

If your toothbrush has soft bristles, it should be changed every month. Now you can find electric and ultrasonic brushes in stores. They are different from regular toothbrushes. Electric brushes are better than regular brushes.

Their convenience is that they rotate themselves. Thus, a person does not need to make unnecessary movements and the plaque is better removed. When using an electric brush, it must be moved slowly over the surface. Nothing more is required from a person.

The main disadvantage is that it wrong use, resulting in trauma to the enamel and gums. An electric toothbrush, according to dentists, should be used no more than three times in seven days.

An ultrasonic brush has a huge number of advantages. When an ultrasonic brush is used, a person does not need to press on the jaw plane. Thus, the gum tissue and enamel are not injured. If a person suffers from various dental diseases, then doctors recommend using an ultrasonic brush.

The second tool when cleaning is a toothbrush. paste:

  1. Cleaning with a paste is much more effective because it contains abrasive and foaming substances.
  2. A lot of pastes contain additional substances that have a therapeutic and preventive effect on the gums and enamel.
  3. When choosing a toothpaste, you need to consider whether it contains medicinal ingredients or not.

When choosing a toothpaste, the following points must be taken into account: if a person has overly sensitive teeth, then, accordingly, the toothpaste should eliminate unwanted sensitivity. The medicinal components of toothpaste can prevent the formation of tartar, can strengthen enamel and prevent caries.

The paste may contain whitening components that are of great importance for smokers. The buyer must decide which paste to choose.

After studying the composition of the paste, you need to pay attention to its consistency and appearance. If the paste has a helium composition, then it is medicinal. As a rule, gels are used at night. The gel contains special medicinal components that form a film on the surface of the enamel.

She helps hold useful components inside the enamel. If the appearance of the paste is creamy and white, then it contains calcium. Such pastes have cleaning effect. They must be used in the morning. Important:

The traditional method of cleaning is considered soda. It has abrasive properties, resulting in rapid whitening. But it is not recommended to whiten teeth with soda, because it destroys the enamel. If you frequently clean with soda, then soon a person will develop problems with gum disease.

Another popular cleaning method is table salt. Due to it, tartar and plaque are removed. To use salt for cleaning, it must be properly crushed. Before using this procedure at home, you should consult your dentist.

Is it necessary to brush your teeth after eating?

There is no definite answer to this question, because all dentists give different advice on this matter. But still, you need to adhere to the following tips: if you have eaten carbohydrates or sweets, then you need to brush your teeth.

If you don’t have a toothbrush at hand at the moment, you need to chew chewing gum no sugar. You need to chew it for 15 minutes. If you have eaten fruits, vegetables, or solid ingredients, then it is enough to rinse your teeth with plain water.

Braces make regular tooth brushing difficult, so brushing should be done more thoroughly:

Typically, when wearing braces, teeth are cleaned using a dental irrigator. At the end of the procedure, your mouth must be rinsed with a special mouthwash or plain water.

Cleaning dentures

If a person is wearing a dental prosthesis, then brushing your teeth occurs in a special way. How to properly clean in this case? If a person has an implanted implant, then he needs to be looked after carefully. If you do not adhere to hygiene rules, the implant may develop suppuration. As a result, the foreign body may be rejected.

If a person wears crowns or dental bridges, the space between the crowns and gums must be thoroughly cleaned. Typically, the border between the bridge or crown and the gum contains food particles.

As a result, it may appear raid, which can lead to caries. In this case, you need to use an irrigator. The device is a device that cleans difficult areas using high water pressure.

But still, all of the above procedures are not enough to properly clean. To keep your teeth always healthy, you need to visit the dentist once every six months. Only he can give a sober assessment condition teeth:

  1. If the need arises, additional hygienic teeth cleaning can be performed in the dentist's office.
  2. The doctor may prescribe home use of a medicinal paste or gel; the dentist may also recommend the use of specific rinses that are suitable for the patient’s individual case.

In conclusion, how to brush your teeth correctly, I would like to say that you need to constantly monitor your teeth. It is necessary to regularly visit the dentist. It is necessary to apply all preventive methods for dental hygiene procedures. You need to take good care of your teeth to prevent tooth decay. When brushing your teeth, you need to use a toothbrush that will meet your individual needs.

How to clean properly: in the morning you need to use a paste containing calcium, and in the evening you need to brush your teeth with gel, which forms a protective film on the surface of the enamel. At the end of the teeth cleaning procedure, it is necessary to use a special rinse solution that contains medicinal components.

Oral hygiene is the key to health.

Excellent oral hygiene is the first and most important component of keeping our mouth healthy, the most effective method of preventing the development of caries and gum disease. Personal hygiene, and first of all, home brushing of teeth is something that depends entirely on us. Let's do this efficiently to get maximum results for our health and oral health.

Toothbrushes are a group of personal hygiene products; they are designed for mechanical removal of plaque, as well as massage of the gums when carrying out hygienic measures in the oral cavity. Today on store shelves there is a huge selection of manual (manual) and automatic (electric and ultrasonic) toothbrushes. Despite the great achievements of scientific and technological progress, proper brushing of teeth with a manual brush gives better oral care results.

How to choose the right toothbrush?

The most important parameter that distinguishes toothbrushes from each other is the properties of the bristles. It is desirable that the bristles be soft. These are brushes - “sensitive” (from the English sensitive - sensitive) or “soft” (soft).

If you brush your teeth with a brush with hard bristles, then 1-2 minutes of brushing will lead to microtrauma to the gums and damage to the enamel. Oral receptors signal this to the central nervous system, but the patient interprets this to mean that he has done a good job brushing his teeth. And with a feeling of accomplishment, after 1-2 minutes from the start of brushing, he puts the toothbrush aside. The constant use of hard brushes over the years leads to gum recession, exposure of the surface of the tooth root, as well as abrasion of tooth tissue in the area adjacent to the gingival margin (in this place the enamel is very thin - a few microns, it wears off quickly, then the brush erases the dentin, much softer structure than enamel). Patients who use hard-bristled brushes often complain of tooth hypersensitivity (pain from touching these areas or eating cold foods). This is a big problem for patients.

It is more correct to brush your teeth with a brush with soft bristles (soft). This eliminates injury, but massages the gums. This is beneficial for soft tissues. This cleaning can last 5-10 minutes.

Some people believe that natural bristle brushes are better because they are environmentally friendly. However, dentists advise against using such brushes. The fact is that a large number of microbes collect on them. You should opt for nylon bristles.

We brush our teeth correctly

Don't forget that good oral care involves brushing your teeth in the morning after breakfast and in the evening before bed. Brushing your teeth after breakfast, and not before meals, will ensure that your teeth are free of plaque for at least half a day - until lunch.

The cleaning procedure should be as follows:

1) Cleaning the outer surfaces of the teeth. The bristle tufts should be positioned at a 45 degree angle to the tooth surface. Sweeping movements of the brush. We brush the teeth left and right on the lower and upper jaw.

2) Cleaning the outer surfaces of the teeth. The brush makes circular movements, simultaneously moving along the dentition.

3) Cleaning the inner surfaces of the teeth. The brush should make sweeping movements, alternately four segments: the upper jaw on the right and left, the lower jaw on the right and left.

4) Cleaning the chewing surfaces of the teeth is carried out with reciprocating movements (back and forth movements).

The entire process of brushing your teeth should take at least 5 minutes. This is the minimum time required for the components of the paste to have their beneficial effect on the gum tissue of the teeth. Only in this case, the paste strengthens the tooth enamel, preventing the formation of caries, prevents the formation of tartar, preventing the development of periodontitis. Brushing your teeth for less than five minutes is equivalent to brushing without toothpaste!!! We recommend having an hourglass in the bathroom, it will help you navigate the time.

Features of brushing teeth in hard-to-reach places

Now let’s move on to the most important areas of the teeth – contact areas. These are the areas where the teeth are pressed against each other, making them the most difficult to clean.

The bristles of a regular brush are not able to penetrate these areas; plaque leads to demineralization of the enamel and inflammation of the gums. As a consequence, the development of caries and local periodontitis.

For good hygiene of interdental spaces, special toothbrushes are produced industrially. These brushes have brush attachments of various lengths and configurations.

The brushes must be correctly selected in length and diameter (this is done by the doctor). Then the brush fully cleans the interdental spaces, but does not injure soft tissues. Also, brushes are used to remove plaque under the pontic and around the braces.

Cleaning with such a brush does not present any difficulties. It is necessary to treat each interdental space in turn. The movements are reciprocating.

Cleaning teeth in a dental clinic

Poor personal oral hygiene (daily brushing) and smoking are the cause of many dental diseases and also harm your image.

In such situations, the help of a dentist is necessary. Combined cleaning in a dental office, using ultrasound, and an air-abrasive method (sandblasting machine) will help restore your teeth to their natural whiteness and shine. After professional teeth cleaning, it will be easier for you to start a new life with a new toothbrush and proper brushing.

Be healthy!

Beautiful, straight teeth and a dazzling smile, like those of Hollywood stars, have long ceased to be the pipe dream of every woman and most men.

Advances in dental science and the progress of technology allow almost everyone to enjoy an ideal set of teeth today. This, of course, is not a cheap pleasure - to conquer everyone around with your white-toothed smile, but the game is worth the candle. However, there is a simple and accessible way for everyone to maintain the beauty and health of their teeth - proper regular teeth cleaning. Yes, yes, the same cleansing that my parents talked about since childhood. In today’s article I will tell you how to brush your teeth correctly so as not to lose them :)

What does improper teeth brushing lead to?

I remember how my grandmother repeated every morning “brush your teeth for four minutes, otherwise you will turn into a toothless Baba Yaga.” And I stubbornly fiddled with my toothbrush, wanting to turn into a fairy-tale princess, and not into a terrible toothless hag. Over time, I learned to brush my teeth correctly, for which I never tire of bowing to the angelic patience of my elders. My teeth are in excellent condition because good oral hygiene and visiting the dentist once a year have become my go-to laws for staying healthy and saving money.

Improper cleaning of teeth will not preserve their health and beauty, and can even lead to premature destruction of tooth enamel, injury and infection of the gums, thereby accelerating the development of caries and other oral diseases. A toothbrush that is incorrectly selected in size and hardness is such a small thing, it would seem. But it is a bad brush that causes such unpleasant dental problems as abrasion of enamel, hypersensitivity teeth, tartar, bleeding gums. A well-chosen toothpaste can help eliminate many dental problems, but it is better for you to focus not on the promotion of the brand, but on the recommendations of your dentist.

Oral hygiene is the key to preventing caries and gum inflammation. You can put off unpleasant procedures in the dental office for many years if you properly take care of the cleanliness of your teeth, gums, and tongue. To do this, you will have to “sacrifice” very little - four minutes of time in the morning and evening, time to buy a quality toothbrush and toothpaste. You may have to relearn the correct directions for moving your toothbrush in your mouth, but from now on your life will be filled with fresh breath, a radiant smile and excellent health.

How to choose the right toothbrush?

  • Choosing a toothbrush is the first component of proper dental care. Like me once upon a time, you may want to buy a large and stiff brush to quickly remove plaque, food debris and win the fight against bacteria. Dentists recommend choosing a medium-hard toothbrush or even giving preference to soft bristles, especially if you have sensitive enamel or gums prone to inflammation.
  • The second rule of choice is to buy a medium-sized brush with a small narrow head. These brushes do a better job of cleaning hard-to-reach surfaces of molars. Our teeth also grow in hard-to-reach places, especially wisdom teeth, which, if not properly cleaned, can make us not only wise, but also sick.
  • You should also pay attention to whether the brush is suitable for cleaning the surface of the tongue. Most modern brushes are equipped with a special area with tubercles or protruding papillae, which are very convenient for cleaning the tongue - it is not injured by the bristles of the brush, and anatomically the papillae ideally correspond to the tuberous surface of the tongue. There are special scrapers and gels for cleaning the tongue on the market, but even with a toothbrush you can remove plaque from the tongue and eliminate one of the main causes of bad breath.
  • The third rule regarding a toothbrush is that it must be changed regularly. No matter how accustomed you are to your savior, after a maximum of three months you will have to part with her. Even if it seems to you that everything is fine with your brush, if you regularly brushed your teeth twice a day for at least three minutes for three months, the brush is definitely worn out. The bristles are guaranteed to have become shorter, some are definitely bent outward or inward. Such a brush will no longer be able to reach plaque or pieces of food; you will have to press harder on your teeth, which will lead to abrasion of the enamel and damage to the teeth. I hope you don’t need such imaginary savings.
  • The question that worries many when choosing a toothbrush is what is better, a brush made of natural bristles or with nylon bristles. It would seem that natural bristles are more environmentally friendly and therefore safer. Do not forget, however, that microbes also prefer natural things, and on a brush with natural bristles they will multiply many times more intensely. Therefore, dentists recommend choosing the lesser evil - a brush with nylon bristles.

How to choose the right toothpaste?

As for the choice of toothpaste, it’s a matter of your taste. Whether you like a mint aroma, the taste of exotic fruits, or a paste with absolutely no taste or smell, you will always find the best pasta for yourself. You can consult with a dental hygienist whether you just need a caring preventative paste or is it time to switch to a therapeutic and preventive paste that can help solve problems with your teeth or gums.

Without consulting with your dentist, it is better not to experiment with the choice of paste, so as not to miss early bleeding of the gums or destruction of the enamel. The range of toothpaste is so diverse that you can easily choose the right toothpaste for children, adults, and the elderly. Properly selected toothpaste can prevent the appearance of tartar, stop bleeding gums, reduce the sensitivity of tooth enamel, which will protect you for a long time from such troubles as gingivitis, caries, periodontitis and periodontal disease.

Methods for proper brushing of teeth

Let's move on to the main thing - how to brush your teeth correctly.

Rule one– Teeth should be brushed for at least four minutes. Most people allow themselves to neglect this rule, therefore, even with excellent toothpaste and a perfectly selected brush, over time they are faced with the need to treat numerous holes in their teeth.

Rule two– Teeth should be cleaned in the morning after eating and in the evening before bed. If you do not have dentures, braces or bridges that require a special oral hygiene system, brushing your teeth twice a day is enough. Some people try to brush their teeth before eating so as not to eat the plaque that has formed overnight. However, if you brushed your teeth properly after eating in the evening, there should not be so much plaque that it cannot be simply removed by rinsing your mouth in the morning. Leftover food left between your teeth after breakfast will cause much more harm to your teeth if you brush your teeth in the morning rather than after eating.

A question that worries many people is: should you brush your teeth after every meal? Undoubtedly, if you have dentures or wear braces, your teeth need to be cleaned, even from a cosmetic point of view - so that no pieces of food remain in their elements. If your teeth are in excellent condition, you just need to rinse your mouth with water or tooth elixir, or chew chewing gum for a couple of minutes, which perfectly cleans your teeth.

Rule three– teeth should be brushed with the correct movements, cleaning each area of ​​the oral cavity sequentially:

  • brush the outer surface of the upper and lower teeth;
  • we treat the internal surfaces of the upper and lower dentition;
  • clean chewing surfaces;
  • clear the tongue.

Teeth brushing technique:

  • Place the toothbrush at an angle of 450 to the surface of the tooth and press lightly.
    The movements of the toothbrush are first sweeping, then translational-rotational. That is, first you try to remove food debris from the interdental spaces, then clean the entire surface of the tooth and gums. Ten such movements on each section of the tooth are enough. We clean the chewing surfaces of the teeth by holding the brush perpendicular to the surface of the tooth.
    We clean the tongue with a special part of the brush. We hold the brush at the back of the tongue and gently move along the tongue to the tip. Several such parallel movements will clear the tongue of plaque and bacteria.
  • Remember that your tongue needs to be cleaned no less thoroughly than your teeth, because bacteria accumulate on it many times more, leading to halitosis, or bad breath.
  • If you choose a brush with soft bristles (soft), you can additionally massage your gums while brushing your mouth. This will have an extremely positive effect on the condition of your teeth - all dental tissues will be better saturated with blood, and therefore with oxygen. However, in this case you can increase the duration of brushing your teeth to 5-10 minutes.
  • That's all the secrets of proper teeth brushing. As you can see, there are very few secrets, and they are very simple. Make it a rule to brush your teeth competently and regularly, and then your visits to the dentist will only be preventative, and your smile will delight others with its whiteness, brightness and sincerity for many years.

Experts say that most dental problems arise due to a simple lack of proper care. Very often, people brush their teeth in the hope of avoiding problems with them, but they do it incorrectly, which creates new problems. Improper brushing of teeth can cause the enamel to wear out much faster; in addition, soft tissues and mucous membranes can be damaged, which together can lead to the development of many diseases, such as periodontal disease, gingivitis, caries, etc.

Cleaning teeth from plaque should be done as carefully as possible. In addition, it is necessary to choose the right toothpaste and some other teeth cleaning products. A systematic visit to the dentist, who can carry out high-quality professional cleaning, will not hurt.

Why is it necessary to brush your teeth?

Most people have been taught from childhood that brushing their teeth is necessary, so there is no doubt about it, so many people don’t understand why they should do it. In fact, everything is simple, there are a lot of bacteria in the oral cavity, much more than in other cavities of the human body. The vital activity of most bacteria does not benefit the teeth, so they must be systematically removed.

If this is not done, then the leftover food will rot under the influence of bacteria, and the products of rotting will not have the best effect on the health of the oral cavity. Besides, Bacteria that live in plaque release acids that destroy tooth enamel. The combined effect of these substances leads not only to tooth decay, but can also provoke some diseases of the internal organs. And, of course, don’t forget about bad breath.

The need to clean teeth was no secret even for ancient civilizations; almost all of them had some kind of analogues of toothbrushes and pastes. But even today there are people who believe that brushing your teeth is not necessary. In fact, refusal to take care of your teeth is a conscious refusal of your health.

How to choose the right toothbrush

The modern market offers a huge number of different toothbrushes. This diversity poses a new problem - how to make the right choice. You should not trust advertising in this regard; it is better to follow the advice of dentists.

First, you need to pay attention to the size of the cleaning brush head. It should not be very large, the length of the brush should be approximately 25 - 30 mm. This brush will make it easier to reach the most difficult to reach places. You also need to pay attention to the shape of the cleaning head; it should be regular and rounded. This head will allow you to clean your teeth without frequently injuring your gums, which can lead to their atrophy.

Almost everyone dreams of having a snow-white smile. For this, it is not enough to have beautiful and even white teeth. They require careful care, otherwise numerous microbes will settle in the dentition, stones will form and an unpleasant odor will appear. Soon the teeth will begin to decay.

To prevent this from happening and to always keep your breath fresh, you need to properly care for your oral cavity. There are a number of preventive measures, and one of them is removing plaque from teeth. How to perform this procedure correctly, what means to use?

Why does plaque appear?

Even after thorough brushing of teeth A pigment coating forms on the chewing organs. Over time, yellowness, gray color appears on the tooth enamel, stones and black edging appear in the dentition. What could be the cause of these unpleasant phenomena and how to get rid of them?

Irregular brushing of teeth, frequent consumption of sweets, fatty foods and alcohol most often lead to plaque on the chewing organs.

Strong tea, coffee and other coloring drinks promote the appearance of pigmentation. If you use them too often, the stronger and more intense the pigmentation process will be.

Nicotine also contributes to the appearance of yellow discoloration on teeth. Tobacco has the property of a natural dye and during smoking it eats into tooth enamel. In addition to plaque, smokers often develop tartar.

Damaged enamel (microcracks, abrasion) is a good place for leftover food after meals. After rinsing and brushing your teeth, it is very difficult to remove them from there. Spots appear on them and the enamel looks unattractive.

In addition to the unsightly film on tooth enamel, bacteria begin to multiply. The result is tooth decay, gum problems and other dental diseases.

What does dentistry offer?

Most people often go to dental clinics to have their teeth cleaned. Experts offer two options for removing plaque on enamel:

  • jet method;
  • ultrasound.

In the first case, sodium bicarbonate under high pressure from the tip hits the tooth enamel and knocks off pigment spots and various plaque from it.

Often, except for plaque there are also tartars and in this case it is better to use a procedure using ultrasound. The cleaning process takes place using a special nozzle under the influence of vibrations of a high-frequency generator. Vibration waves provoke the destruction of deposits that have appeared, after which they are washed off the teeth with water. A special saliva ejector removes everything from the mouth during the procedure.

These hygiene procedures are simple, but cost money. Ultrasonic removal is expensive, so not everyone can afford it Visit your dentist regularly for this purpose. Folk remedies are considered a good alternative to dental procedures. They are less safe, but will cost much less. Special products for whitening tooth enamel are also sold. All these methods can be beneficial only if you monitor the oral cavity daily and in a timely manner.

Special means

Specialists recommend using a hygienic attack at home to restore lost whiteness to teeth. It is necessary to rinse the mouth at least twice with a special liquid. After eating, it is advisable to use dental floss. It is best to brush your teeth with toothpastes with a whitening effect. They contain special substances with an abrasive and polishing effect. When brushing your teeth, they help remove plaque and not harm the enamel.

Also on sale special drugs, loosening pigment deposits on enamel. There is a product based on the plant enzyme “Bromelain”. All these products cannot be used daily, but only 1-2 times a week.

Folk remedies

There are many simple ways you can solve the problem of plaque on your teeth at home. All they are available and inexpensive. The most common and effective remedy is baking soda. It must be added to toothpaste on your brush and brush your teeth. During the cleaning process, you should not press on the enamel, because soda has abrasive properties. How many such procedures to perform will depend on the degree of neglect of the enamel. You should not brush your teeth often using this method.

Hydrogen peroxide has bleaching properties. It can always be found in your home medicine cabinet. For the procedure, you need to take peroxide and make a solution:

You should rinse your teeth after brushing your teeth and do it very quickly, no more than 1-2 seconds. If you hesitate, your gums may suffer. At the end of the procedure, rinse your mouth with clean water.

Peroxide is also used in its pure form, but not for rinsing. A cotton pad is moistened in it and applied to the teeth without touching the gums. After completing the procedure, you must rinse your mouth with clean water.

In the old days, people used wood ash for bleaching. This method is still relevant at home. Ash can be bought at a flower shop. It is used as fertilizer for flowers. Ash is added to toothpaste in equal proportions. You can also apply pure ash to the enamel and rub it in. The procedure can be carried out no more than once a week, since ash has abrasive properties.

Strawberries are considered a good remedy. This berry useful not only for its valuable vitamins. It has whitening properties. It is advisable to chop strawberries for 1 month and apply them to your toothbrush instead of toothpaste. After that, take the paste and brush your teeth again with one paste.

Essential oils have very beneficial properties. For example, tea tree oil and lemon can be added to toothpaste and brush your teeth. It only takes one drop of oil from each plant for the composition to give a positive result. This will help remove plaque and also help in the prevention and treatment of periodontal disease.

Unique properties are attributed to horsetail. It is recommended to brew this herb as a decoction rinse your mouth twice a day before bed and in the morning. The procedures must be done over 3 weeks. To prepare a decoction, you need to take 30 grams of dried herb and pour 1 cup of boiling water over it. After the herb has infused, the product is ready for rinsing.

For smokers Suitable for cleaning enamel using activated carbon. The tablets are crushed to a powder, after which you can brush your teeth with a brush with the finished powder. The brush should be damp, soaked in clean water. The resulting effect is consolidated with toothpaste.

Preventive measures

To make your task easier and not to fight plaque, it is better to prevent its appearance. To do this, you should monitor your oral cavity and try to get rid of bad habits:

  • It is necessary to brush your teeth in the morning and before going to bed;
  • try to quit smoking either occasionally;
  • do not abuse coffee and tea;
  • change the brush every 3 months;
  • It is advisable to rinse your mouth after every meal and drink;
  • do not brush your teeth with the same paste all the time, replace it with another one;
  • visit the dentist to clean your tooth enamel.