How to avoid colds in spring? Spring diseases: what to prepare for and how to treat them How to dress correctly in spring so as not to get sick

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If someone calls you selfish, it's definitely not a compliment. This makes it clear that you are paying too much attention to your own needs. Selfish behavior is unacceptable to most people and is considered immoral.

There are times when a person is hit by a series of problems and a dark streak comes in life. It feels as if the whole world has rebelled against him. How to get out of a streak of failures and start enjoying life again?

There are more than seven billion people on Earth. They are all unique and differ from each other not only in appearance, but also in their set of psychological traits. There is a category of people who easily communicate with strangers, easily fit into unfamiliar companies and know how to please almost anyone. Such people are more successful in their personal lives and careers than others. Many people want to become just such people, a sort of “life of the party.” Today we will talk about what to do to please people and become a more successful person.

Conflicts can arise anywhere, regardless of the people around you and the circumstances. An angry boss or unscrupulous subordinates, demanding parents or dishonest teachers, grandmothers at bus stops or angry people in public places. Even a conscientious neighbor and a dandelion grandmother can cause a big conflict. This article will discuss how to properly get out of a conflict without suffering damage - moral and physical.

It is impossible to imagine a modern person who is not subject to stress. Accordingly, each of us experiences such situations every day at work, at home, on the road; some sufferers even experience stress several times a day. And there are people who constantly live in a stressful state and don’t even know it.

Life is a strange and complex thing that can throw up several dozen troubles in one day. However, it is worth remembering: any trouble is a lesson that will definitely come in handy sometime in the future. If a person is an honest student, then he will remember the lecture the first time. If the lesson was unclear, life will confront you with it again and again. And many people take this literally, making their lives more difficult! But sometimes you shouldn’t tolerate certain things, looking for life lessons in them! What specific situations should be stopped?

Everything seems dull and gray, loved ones are annoying, work is infuriating and thoughts arise that your whole life is going somewhere downhill. In order to change your own life, you don’t have to do something supernatural and difficult. Sometimes the simplest and most accessible actions for every person can significantly increase energy levels and make you feel much better. Try to implement 7 effective practices into your life that will dramatically change your life for the better.

Anyone who is engaged in self-development knows that he cannot do without a feeling of discomfort. Quite often, people confuse discomfort with a bad streak in life and begin to complain, or even worse, try to avoid change. But as experience shows, only by going beyond comfort can we find and gain all the benefits we need.

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The transition from winter to spring, from February to March, is the most dangerous and difficult period for us. At this time, the body, weakened by winter cold, lack of vitamins and the rare appearance of the sun, is susceptible to various viruses. How can you not get sick here? It is during these two months that there are usually a lot of people in hospitals. Symptoms are repeated year after year: nasal congestion, cough, swelling and wheezing in the throat, fever... When people get sick, they promise: well, this time is definitely the last time, I’ll be more careful, I won’t get sick next spring. As soon as you get better, all the promises fly out of your head.

In fact, you don't need much. Let’s try to figure out what exactly it is now.

Why do we get sick in the spring?

The first and most common cause of disease is own frivolity. The thaw comes, warm jackets, boots, scarves and hats quickly move to the back closet. In vain. Spring warmth is deceptive and unreliable. There are still frosts in the morning, in the evening the puddles freeze and turn into ice - isn’t this an indicator? The first drop means nothing, and the frosts and snowstorms will return. And the wind, seemingly imperceptibly, even pleasantly, blows through your collar. As a result, all this ends with sick leave for a period of a week.

The risk of overwork also increases during this period. Lack of vitamins and weakened immunity - the disease is right there. Even slight physical activity combined with sun rays and warm spring air - the flu is guaranteed, and even pneumonia.

You need to be especially careful with children at this time. They love active games and do not like to dress warmly. However, what about children when even adults rejoice at the arrival of a thaw?

Next reason - exhaustion body. Although in winter vegetables and fruits are present in the diet, but in much smaller quantities. In terms of benefits, they do not compete with summer ones. In this case, vitamin tablets will come to the rescue. It is better to consult a doctor who is competent in this matter, and after consultation, begin the prescribed course. Don’t forget that you need to think about this in advance, and not when you feel the first symptoms of the disease.

When asking this question, you need to remember the causes of colds. By following simple recommendations you will definitely not get sick this spring.


Where can you get useful elements in winter, when the stores are filled with tasteless vegetables? Of course, the benefits of the latter are questionable, and not everyone has a cellar. What to do in this case?

You can support the body with fresh vitamins from the windowsill: everyone has the opportunity to grow a small garden of onions, dill and other fresh herbs. A small seedling box will help you with this.

It is useful to brew herbal teas: from linden, rosehip, chamomile. It is better to take care of the collection on time, during the season, and store it at home in special bags. However, you can also buy them at the pharmacy; fortunately, they cost little, but the benefits from them are noticeably greater.

Hardening and sports

With the right approach, playing sports will help boost your immunity. Even a little exercise in the morning can wake up the body and prepare it for a spring exacerbation. Maybe it's time to think about buying a gym membership?


It has long been proven that 80% of infectious infections occur by contact, and the remaining 20% ​​by airborne droplets. Basic hand hygiene after going outside will significantly reduce the risk of getting sick. Wash your hands frequently and use antimicrobial soap and alcohol-based wipes.

Here are some simple tips to help protect yourself from diseases. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Rules for the prevention of ARVI in the spring season

To avoid catching a cold in the spring, you need to dress according to the weather.

Symptoms of ARVI, such as cough, runny nose, headache, muscle pain and sore throat, excessive lacrimation, weakness and fever can seriously disrupt our optimistic spring plans. Why does this happen and how can this be effectively dealt with?

Why do we get sick in the spring?

Winter frosty air counteracts the spread of pathogenic viruses. In the spring, the frosts recede, the air temperature rises, and its humidity increases - this is how conditions are formed that are optimal for the reproduction and spread of viruses. This is the main, but not the only factor that influences the increase in the incidence of colds in the spring season. Additionally, seasonal hypovitaminosis “helps” the spread of ARVI - since in winter, even when buying fruits and vegetables, we get 2-3 times less useful vitamins and microelements with them than in summer or autumn, during the harvesting period. Lack of vitamins and sunlight (and therefore vitamin D) weaken the human immune system, which becomes very difficult to effectively counteract the attacks of pathogens. And, finally, we must not forget about the impatience inherent in a person - as soon as he sees the sun, he is ready to immediately take off his scarf, hat, sweater, warm outerwear, without giving the body time to readjust to the new temperature regime.

What to do: practice good hygiene

Simple hygiene rules will help to significantly reduce the risk of spring colds for both adults and children. Don't forget to wash your hands when returning home from the street, and before eating. If for some reason this is not possible, use antibacterial liquids or wet antibacterial wipes. Ventilate the room 2-3 times a day, avoiding drafts; At least once every 2-3 days, carry out wet cleaning at home, mechanically “sweeping away” pathogenic microorganisms. These rules are elementary, everyone knows them, but they are not always followed. And completely in vain!

What to do: Dress for the weather

Spring, especially early spring, is characterized by large temperature changes. At night, quite a serious minus can still be observed, but during the day, above-zero temperatures prevail, and the sun begins to really warm up. During periods of such changes, it is very easy to catch a cold simply due to the wrong selection of clothes. In the spring, it is important that your clothes be multi-layered - so that one layer can be removed during the day (for example, a cardigan or jumper worn over a shirt) so as not to overheat, and put on in the evening to feel comfortable and not freeze.

What to do: Eat right

You already know that one of the causes of spring colds is a lack of vitamins. To replenish it, it is important to eat right, replacing fast food and canned foods with fresh ones, or (in spring this is even more rational) with quick-shock frozen products that preserve vitamins and nutrients. So, a compote made from frozen fruits and berries or from dried fruits in the spring will be healthier than the same compote made from apples that have lain all winter. It is also important to introduce fermented milk products into the diet to regulate the intestinal microflora - an important part of the immune system - the first fresh greens, as well as a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Even if you go on diets every now and then, for example, to combat excess weight, remember that spring is the most inappropriate season for strict diets. It's time for good nutrition!

What to do: help your immune system

In spring, outside help is more important than ever for the immune system to protect itself from viruses and prevent the development of ARVI. Modern antiviral drugs can provide such assistance. Proper nutrition rich in vitamins and beneficial bacteria; compliance with basic hygiene standards; Reasonably selected clothing and preventative antiviral medications are what you can do to combat spring colds. And may spring give us all only pleasant surprises!

By mid-spring it is already getting quite warm, which means you can exchange huge jackets for a comfortable coat, and heavy boots for light sneakers. But it is during this period that it is very easy to succumb to deceptive weather and catch a cold. How to avoid getting sick in spring?

Boost your immunity

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You can buy a special spring vitamin complex at the pharmacy or simply make vitamin teas with lemon, ginger, sea buckthorn and other things.

Do wet cleaning more often

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At this time, our body is very susceptible, so start ventilating all rooms more often, wiping off dust and washing the floors.

Start walking more

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Warming weather is a great time to start walking outdoors more often. As you know, those who spend days in their apartment are more likely to catch a cold on their first trip to the store. Even if you work from home, get out of your room for at least a short walk to the nearest park and back.

Don't rush to hide warm clothes

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This is the most common mistake that causes many people to get sick in the spring. Even if it has finally warmed up outside, the wind can be quite cold and piercing, and in the shade it can even chill you to the bones. In addition, at this time the temperature during the day and evening is very different, so if you throw on a light windbreaker during the day, you can freeze terribly when returning home in the evening and get sick. To avoid this, take a light scarf that will protect you from the wind or a spare warmer blouse.

Use a special nasal ointment

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If someone gets sick at work or at home, remember that in the spring there is an increased chance that you will become infected too. Use a special nasal ointment that protects against viruses. A face mask will also not hurt, both for you and the person who is sick. Especially at work.

Don't delay treatment

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If you feel that you are starting to get sick, do not ignore the first symptoms. If you have a slight sore throat or runny nose, react immediately. Boost your immunity with both folk remedies and medications. Still, consult a pharmacy and pick up a vitamin complex. Now, knowing how not to get sick in the spring, you will meet the first warm weeks without a cold.

Victoria Demidyuk