How to treat a wound after a burn. How to get rid of burns at home without causing harm. Specifics of burn injury

Burns are the most common household injuries that every person encounters repeatedly. But it is impossible to treat them as something not worth attention. Even a seemingly minor burn can have serious consequences if left untreated.

Degrees and types of burns

Before treating a burn with any other means, you need to find out its degree and take into account the type.

All burns are divided into thermal (resulting from exposure to a hot substance - water, steam, oil, sunlight, etc.), chemical (tissues are damaged by caustic chemicals - alkali, acid, etc.) and electrical (formed under the influence of electric current).

If you receive chemical or electrical burns, it is not advisable to self-medicate, except to provide first aid. But you can eliminate the consequences of thermal burns yourself. But here it all depends on the degree. There are four of them:

  • The first is manifested by redness of the skin, a burning or tingling sensation and slight swelling.
  • The second degree is manifested by severe redness of the skin and blisters.
  • A third-degree burn is accompanied by severe pain, from which the victim can go into shock and even lose consciousness. Burns to large areas of the body can be fatal.
  • The fourth degree is manifested by charring of the skin. Muscles and even bones are destroyed. Often the victim does not feel pain due to damage to the nerve endings.

If there is a third or fourth degree burn, even on a small area of ​​skin, the first thing to do is to immediately take the victim to the hospital. But with the first and second degrees, it is quite possible to do without the participation of doctors.

First aid for first and second degree burns

Before treating a burn, you need to cool the affected area. This will reduce the pain. It is good to place the wound under running water for 10-20 minutes.

Next, at the first stage, you can treat the wound with some kind of antibacterial agent or healing cream. If the skin at the burn site is dirty, it should be wiped with an alcohol solution (40%) before treatment.

In case of a second degree burn, the damage is treated with antiseptic agents based on furatsilin, rivanol, etc. Anti-inflammatory and film-forming aerosols are used. You can also apply a bandage soaked in a solution of novocaine, or take painkillers orally.

What not to do

For first and second degree burns, there are taboos, the violation of which is fraught with complications. So, what should you never do?

  • Apply ice to the burned area of ​​skin.
  • Apply oil or rich creams to the wound. Although they relieve pain in the first minutes, they retain heat and slow down the healing process.
  • Lubricate the wound with sour cream, kefir and other dairy products (unless we are talking about a sunburn).
  • Use cauterizing agents such as brilliant green or iodine.
  • Bandage the wound.
  • In case of second degree burns, it is forbidden to rip off the blisters.

How to treat a burn? List of medications

Furacilin ointment has proven itself well as a primary treatment for burns (especially for children). “Plastubol” and “Iodvinisol” have film-forming properties. Aerosols “Olazol” and “Lioxazide” have high medicinal properties. Ointments “Bepanten”, “Rescuer”, “Levomekol” are also suitable.

The best answer to the question of how to treat a burn with boiling water is the Panthenol aerosol. In this case, it is simply irreplaceable. If you don’t have any of the listed remedies at hand, you can use traditional methods of treating burns, which will be discussed below.

Folk remedies for thermal burns

The centuries-old “burn practice” has not passed without a trace for humanity. People have come up with a lot of options for treating a burn at home, without resorting to traditional medicine.

Here are the most popular and accessible:

  • Toothpaste (preferably with propolis or mint). Applying it to the burned area relieves pain and prevents blisters.
  • Potatoes or carrots - grated raw, they are applied to the wound and fixed with gauze.
  • Cabbage. The cabbage leaf is cooled and applied to the affected area before heating. Then take another cooled sheet.
  • Soda. One tablespoon per glass of water. Gauze is moistened with the solution and applied to the burn site.
  • Green or black tea. Cooled fresh tea leaves are poured over the wound.
  • Egg white. You can simply apply it to the wound, or you can mix it with sauerkraut (finely chopped) and apply it.
  • Onion. Finely chopped vegetables are fried in a large amount of sunflower oil until brown. Then the mass is cooled and filtered. Onion oil is applied to the burned areas.
  • Dill. The juice squeezed out of it is diluted with water in a ratio of one to two and applied to the burn in the form of lotions.
  • Calendula. The tincture of this flower is mixed with Vaseline in a ratio of one to two. The resulting ointment treats burns well.

Many people are interested in the question of whether it is possible to treat a burn with urine. There is no clear answer to this. Some say that urine in this case is a panacea, while others categorically deny it, claiming that urine contains toxins that can cause inflammation of the affected area.

Treatment of burns with hydrogen peroxide

Another pressing question: “Can a burn be treated with peroxide?” This product, unlike special ointments, is in almost every first aid kit. It is used to stop bleeding and treat wounds. A solution of hydrogen peroxide (three percent) does not cause burning of the skin or other pain, but acts quickly. And it's inexpensive. But what about burns?

If the damage is of the first or second degree and does not occupy a large area, then it is quite possible to treat the burn with peroxide.

To do this, soak a napkin or bandage with the product and apply a compress to the wound. Hold for a few minutes. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day for three days. The product quickly relieves swelling and pain.

But peroxide cannot replace other drugs. After treating the wound with a solution, it is recommended to apply ointments like Levomekol to the burn.

Thermal oil burns

Injuries caused by hot oil, which housewives often encounter, deserve special attention. Treatment for such thermal burns is somewhat different from those caused by steam, hot water, metal, etc.

If hot oil gets on your skin, the first thing you need to do is place the injured area under cold water for about ten minutes. Remove the oil from the skin using cotton wool and take a closer look at the burn. If everything turns out to be redness or small blisters, you can try to deal with the problem yourself.

What else can you use to treat a burn?

  • In this case, dark household soap has proven itself to be excellent.
  • It is good to apply soda, chalk or starch to the sore spot. They relieve swelling.
  • Honey compresses relieve pain and heal wounds.
  • If pustules appear (which often happens with oil burns), you can use antimicrobial ointments. For example, Fuzimet.

Specifics of sunburn treatment

The faster first aid for a sunburn is provided, the “less blood” this situation will cost the victim. And it consists in eliminating the influence of sunlight and moisturizing the affected areas of the skin. True, a cold shower is not recommended - it is better to cover the burned areas with a wet cloth of natural origin.

This should be done before treating the sunburn with any nourishing product. For example, a solution of aloe and vitamin E. By the way, this vitamin can also be taken orally - it promotes tissue restoration.

Among the folk remedies, the most popular for the treatment of sunburn are traditional yogurt with sour cream, which is applied to the burned areas, potato juice, chamomile and oak infusions, as well as regular black tea.

Chemical burns

As noted above, if you receive chemical burns, you cannot self-medicate. After all, they are characterized not only by skin injuries, but also by the entry of harmful substances into the body. Therefore, medical supervision is necessary.

But if the degree of burn is not higher than second, then first aid measures can and should be taken. The action algorithm is as follows:

  • Rinse the wound with running water for 20 minutes.
  • Treat the burn with a neutralizing solution. If the injury was caused by acid, a soap solution will help; if the alkali is boric, citric or acetic acid (two percent solution).
  • It is good to treat the areas around the wound with ammonia (0.5% solution).
  • After removing dead pieces of epithelium, apply a compress with Vishnevsky ointment or syntomycin emulsion.

And be sure to see a doctor, whose help, by the way, will be needed for any degree and for any type of burns, if the wound does not heal for a long time, rots, hurts, has an elevated body temperature, etc. It is important to always remember that such a seemingly trivial injury, like a burn, can cause serious complications, including death.

Neither children nor adults are immune from such injury. It’s good when the first aid kit contains special medications that can relieve the first symptoms and provide timely treatment. If this is not the case, then a suitable folk remedy is used.


It is necessary to know not only what helps with burns, but also the types of such injuries, since the remedy that will be used directly depends on this. There are several categories of damage.

1. After an injury, the skin turns red, aches a little and a slight swelling appears. You don’t have to worry too much, since the skin is not very damaged and treatment for such a wound is not required, everything regenerates on its own.

2. In addition to all the above symptoms, the blister swells. The only danger is that when it is damaged, there is a risk of infection.

3. If the skin is covered with large blisters with blood that have combined, then urgent hospitalization is necessary. It is almost impossible to eliminate such an injury at home.

4. When not only tissues, but also bones are damaged, it is urgent to call an ambulance. Most often, such a wound can be obtained at work.

If the damage was caused by a child, then you should contact a specialist immediately, regardless of the extent of the damage.

It is necessary to know what helps with burns and understand further steps to facilitate future treatment.

1. You need to carefully remove clothes that have come into contact with boiling water.

2. The affected areas are placed under cold water for 10-20 minutes. It is important that it is not icy, as this can cause shock and dangerous consequences associated with sudden temperature changes.

3. To reduce swelling, the injured limb should be kept elevated, if possible.

5. Afterwards, use a sterile bandage; if it is not at hand, you can take a clean cloth, iron it and, after cooling, place it on the redness.

Burn disease

Pathology develops when a person has suffered more than a third of the surface of the body with superficial or 10% with deep damage. In older people and children, this disease occurs even when a small area is affected. These circumstances may lead to:

Intoxication with tissue breakdown products;

State of shock;

Purulent inflammation of the skin.

It is necessary to understand what works well for burns, since if they are not treated, it is fraught with serious consequences. Infection of the lymph nodes, abscesses, phlegmon, and in the most severe situations, sepsis often develop.

Household lesions

While at home, especially in the kitchen, you can easily get injured on the skin. Thermal burns from hot liquids are considered a very serious problem for which first aid is important, so you need to know what helps with burns. This is due to the fact that the temperature is above 55 degrees. begins to cause irreversible tissue damage and leads to skin necrosis. At 70°C this entire process takes just a moment. Therefore, if the injury was acquired with the help of steam, then this place should be held under cold water for 15-30 seconds.

The situation is much worse with burns caused by hot oil, since it boils at 200 °C and does not conduct heat well. Therefore, even if after an injury you put the area under cold water, the fat will harden, but the skin underneath will still remain hot and the pain will intensify. Such ailments heal much worse than those caused by steam. Therefore, you definitely need to know whether Panthenol helps with burns, since it occupies a significant place in the first aid kits of many housewives and can save in emergency situations.

The most painful injuries are those caused by an iron. The hot metal literally begins to melt the skin and leaves scars. If just such a wound was acquired, then the damaged area must be kept under cold water for at least ten minutes, and then the area should be bandaged with a sterile bandage.


Therapy largely depends on the extent of the lesion. In stationary conditions, it is carried out in a closed and open type. The first involves applying a bandage to the skin, which has previously been treated with antibacterial drugs and an antiseptic such as hydrogen peroxide, furatsilin and chlorhexidine. The second type is carried out using infrared radiation and fans, this is all done so that a crust forms on the skin faster.

Pharmacy products

Today you can buy a huge number of drugs that are used for burns. What helps, which ointments, sprays and gels are better, as well as the principles of their correct use to prevent long-term pain - all this is described below.

1. "Argakol" is available in the form of a hydrogel. It contains antiseptics in the form of dioxidine, catapol and poviragol. This is an excellent antimicrobial agent used to treat burns and other minor injuries. After drying, it turns into a film that can be easily removed with water.

2. “Betadine” - it contains iodine - is famous for its broad antimicrobial effect. Apply 2-3 times a day.

3. “Panthenol” helps with burns, as it is a real household healer for a wide variety of skin injuries. It has a very mild effect, heals wounds well and has virtually no side effects. Together with such drugs as Bepanten, Spasatel and Solcoseryl, it is recommended for use for burns in children.

4. “Katapol” (medicinal components are povidone and benzalkonium) is a broad-spectrum antiseptic, applied under a bandage.

5. “Dermazin” contains sulfonamide and is excellent at fighting germs.

6. Solcoseryl helps regeneration and is used to speed up healing. It looks like an ointment and a gel.

7. “Amprovisol” works due to menthol, anesthesin and vitamin D. It has anti-burn, antiseptic, cooling and analgesic effects. Can be used to treat severe burns at home.

8. “Olazol” consists of sea buckthorn oil with additives. Available as a spray and has an antibacterial and anesthetic effect.

What helps with boiling water burns?

After such an injury, blisters often appear, so the chosen drug must contain antibiotics, protect against infection, stimulate the immune system and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Such wounds are very dangerous, as they can later cause infection if not properly treated.

The instructions for all these medications are very simple: immediately after the burn, the area is smeared with a thin layer of the drug, then repeated 2-4 times depending on the degree of damage. Potent components are first applied to a gauze bandage, and then the area of ​​redness is wrapped with it; replacement is required 1-3 times a day. These manipulations must be performed until all traces of injury completely disappear.

Herbal remedies

You need to know what helps with a burn at home, since first aid is very important. In addition to medications, traditional medicine helps a lot.

1. You can prepare a well-healing compress from a decoction of oak bark. To make it, you need to pour one teaspoon of the mixture with warm water, and then cook for eight minutes, then you need to cool it and strain it. A cotton sponge is dipped into the resulting infusion and applied to the reddened area, then it is fixed with a bandage. The bandage needs to be changed several times a day.

2. Carrots are considered a good remedy, as they perfectly relieve inflammation, do not clog pores and do not dry out the skin. The vegetable is grated on a grater with small holes. The prepared mass is applied to the affected areas. The lotion is replaced several times a day. If you apply this paste immediately after the incident, you can avoid the appearance of a blister.

3. Potatoes are finely chopped and applied to the affected skin, as it perfectly relieves the symptoms of burns. Many people know that such an easy remedy helps at home, since their parents used it. Compresses need to be replaced when the mass has dried out. To get the best results, it is recommended to even drink freshly squeezed juice from it at this moment.

4. Aloe is considered an excellent remedy, as it is found in almost every home. The affected area is lubricated with juice or compresses are made. A piece of gauze is soaked in the juice and applied to the burn (the bandage needs to be changed several times a day).

5. Fresh blueberries are a good anti-inflammatory and pain reliever. They are poured with boiling water and left for 10 minutes. Next, the fruits are removed and ground in a mortar. The cooled pulp should be applied to the injury site and secured with a bandage.

6. You can use pumpkin pulp; for this, it is grated on a fine grater and wrapped in gauze, then applied to the redness. Pumpkin juice is also good for treating burns.

It is very important to know what helps at home with such an injury, since medications are not always at hand.

Skin condition

Immediately after the injury, a blister forms on the skin, containing a clear liquid - plasma. With proper care, which includes treating the neoplasm, inflammation will not appear and the epidermis layer will begin to recover. "Levomekol" for burns helps relieve the consequences of the injury, since infection can penetrate through the damaged areas. If the pathology turns out to be more serious, then, most likely, the blister itself will begin to fester, in which case it is imperative to seek medical help. The doctor will prescribe all the required tests that will help determine the cause of the inflammation. In such cases, the victim often feels weak and chills, and may also have a fever.


In order not to harm an already difficult situation, you need to know what to do is generally not recommended:

Do not rub the burn with alcohol-containing solutions, as this causes even greater irritation;

Baking soda is sometimes used for burns, but there is no point in wasting time on it, since its effect is minimal;

If there is a small child in the house, then there is no need to place hot things within reach;

You should not use ice, as after applying it you will feel even more pain due to the significant difference in temperature.


Most people know what helps with burns, but not everyone and not always use the necessary means on time and are able to properly provide first aid to themselves. As a result, spots and often scars remain on the skin. Such neoplasms may be accompanied by itching and burning. To return to its former beauty, you should use special ointments that prevent tissue growth. And it is also recommended to contact a cosmetologist and undergo a course of chemical peeling, which is carried out using fruit acids.

It is also recommended to use laser resurfacing services, although this procedure is very expensive. If all of the above remedies do not help, then you need to make an appointment with a doctor, and he will prescribe treatment on his own.

In what cases does a wound become wet after a burn?

Having received a second or third degree burn, the victim is faced with the formation of a wound that becomes wet. This occurs due to the formation of blisters, which are peeling skin due to injury. It’s a matter of time before the bubble bursts, and a wound with a weeping surface will inevitably appear at the site of the lesion.

Treatment of a weeping burn involves systematic drying of the wound using agents that form an elastic film on the damaged surface.

General principles of treatment


When starting to treat an oozing burn, they begin to carry out procedures that dry out the wound. To do this:

  • treat the damage with an anti-burn antiseptic;
  • sprinkle the wound with streptocide powder;
  • cover with a sterile gauze bandage.

Another option for treating a wound is the open method of drying - medications are applied to the wound area until the formation of moisture stops without covering the burn with a bandage. In this case, perform the following actions:

  • blot the wound with a sterile swab;
  • an anti-burn preparation in the form of an ointment/cream is applied to the dried area without rubbing;
  • for reliable antiseptics and recovery, the medication should be applied both to the area of ​​damage itself and to adjacent areas of the skin;
  • after the drug is absorbed into the wound area, you can resume applying the ointment;
  • the open treatment procedure is repeated several times a day;

Do not worry about burning sensations after using the medicine or the formation of redness of the skin, which indicates the active effect of the medicine.

Healing time

A weeping burn usually heals within five days, provided that the damage was small in size and depth. More severe lesions may require two weeks of treatment.

The application of anti-burn drugs with preliminary drying of the wound significantly shortens the recovery period, however, if the affected area is large and it is not possible to dry the wound completely, drying antiseptics should be used and an open method of therapy should be carried out. Of course, it will take longer for the damage to heal.

Treatment of weeping burns with drugs

Sequence of application

Wound surfaces of a weeping nature occur in three stages, according to which therapeutic measures are carried out.


At the initial inflammatory stage, the affected area should be treated with antiseptic drugs, for example peroxide, Chlorhexedine, Furacilin, Miramistin, followed by application of a sterile bandage with hygroscopic properties.

As a rule, at this stage, a clear liquid exudate is actively released from the wound, which cleans it and promotes healing. If the discharge is profuse, wound treatment should be open. If bandages are used, then they must be changed frequently. Extensive burn areas are successfully treated using Biaten Ag dressings.

When changing the bandage, the wound surface is treated with an antiseptic each time. If there is a doctor's prescription, treatment with drying agents with antibacterial properties (iodine, Betadine) is practiced.

When the necrotic phase develops with the formation of pus under the bandage, it is recommended to apply antibacterial drugs in the form of water-soluble ointments Mafenide acetate, Levosin, Levomekol. The exception is for external agents that do not contain antibiotic compounds, since they do not help cleanse the lesion.

Topical aerosols, injections or tablets can be used to relieve pain.

Pharmacological properties of Actovegin are as follows:

  • activation of metabolic processes in the tissues of the whole body;
  • improvement of trophism;
  • activation of regeneration processes;
  • helps increase tissue resistance to oxygen starvation;
  • increase in cellular energy resource;
  • acceleration of healing of wound surfaces;
  • makes a significant contribution to the treatment of burns, ulcers and trophic disorders;
  • manifestation of insulin-like activity.


If the inflammation is removed, an anti-burn patch can be applied to the restored clean tissue. The healing effect of the patch lies in its impregnation with a unique medication, which, in contact with the wound surface, becomes gel-like and has a targeted effect on the regenerating integuments of the skin.


When the therapy reaches its completion stage and the damaged surface begins to scar, Contractubex is applied. The ointment is used up to three times a day, covered with a sterile gauze bandage.

The most effective means

Today, at any pharmacy you can purchase external medications to provide therapeutic assistance for burns. Almost all of these drugs are dispensed without a doctor's prescription.

  • Solcoseryl ointment/gel is a leader among other wound-healing drugs, characterized by a high therapeutic effect. It contains components that deliver oxygen to tissues, as well as nourish and restore them. Solcoseryl gel is used in the treatment of weeping burn lesions, and ointment is used to treat dry lesions.
  • Lioxazine gel is a high-tech healing remedy for burns with an analgesic effect. The drug quickly heals damage and prevents infection during any period of treatment.
  • Aerosol Amprovisol is a combined remedy for burns with menthol, propolis, vitamin D and anesthesin in the composition. The spectrum of its effects includes analgesic, anti-burn, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. Quickly regenerates the skin.
  • Spray Olazol is used for wound healing of burns. Contains sea buckthorn oil. Acts as an antibacterial, epithelializing, analgesic drug. With its use, the tissue restoration process is significantly accelerated and the separation of exudate is reduced.

10 traditional medicines

The use of potatoes, eucalyptus, onions, chamomile, aloe juice, medicinal calendula, calamus, St. John's wort, and sea buckthorn oil has been helping to heal burns at home for centuries. Of course, the use of traditional medicine in anti-burn therapy is permissible within reasonable limits, when the damage is small and shallow. Otherwise, you should not do without medical help. The treatment of burns according to the recipes of traditional healers in combination with drug therapy has proven itself well.

  1. Potato . Fresh tubers must be peeled and grated on a fine grater. Squeeze out the juice and soak the bandages with it. Apply to the wound. The dressing must be changed every 6 hours.
  2. Herbal medicinal collection. Combine 40 grams of each type of medicinal raw material (St. John's wort, chamomile, horsetail) and mix. Take a couple of tablespoons of the resulting mixture and steam no more than half a liter of hot water. The warm decoction obtained after boiling (fifteen minutes on the stove) can be used to treat damage and apply compresses.
  3. Onion. An onion, grated, can clean the wound and reduce pain/swelling. To do this, onion pulp is wrapped in gauze and applied to the affected area.
  4. Eucalyptus. With eucalyptus infusion, you can make lotions for wounds and baths for minor injuries. To prepare it, you need to take a glass of water and pour in no more than ten grams of crushed dried leaves. Boil for about ten minutes, and then, after letting it sit for more than half an hour, add honey (40 g).
  5. Aloe (juice). The leaves of the tree-like plant are collected and the juice is squeezed out of them. The resulting drug is soaked in a gauze bandage to be applied to the burn.
  6. Pharmaceutical chamomile. Burn injuries are washed with an infusion of chamomile flowers. To make it, take fifteen grams of dried medicinal raw materials and pour no more than a glass of boiling water. Leave for thirty minutes and strain.
  7. Common calamus. An infusion prepared from calamus is used as a lotion when treating burn injuries. Pour boiling water (200 milliliters) over a spoonful of crushed rhizomes and heat for a quarter of an hour in a water/steam bath. Cool and strain.
  8. Calendula. No less effective is treating burned injuries with an infusion of calendula flowers. Why take ten grams of plant material and pour at least 250 milliliters of hot water. You should infuse for half an hour and after straining, you can use it, making sure that the infusion has cooled down to a comfortable temperature.
  9. Sea buckthorn oil. Boil the oil and cool. Soak a gauze cloth and apply to the treated wound. Use several times a day.
  10. St. John's wort oil. Compresses with St. John's wort oil are excellent for healing burns. To make it, you need to take olive oil and plant flowers in a ratio of 2 to 1. Mix. Leave in the dark for thirty days.

Burns are among the most common types of household injuries. With minor damage, the wounds heal on their own and do not require special treatment. But serious damage, accompanied by blistering and destruction of the deep layers of skin, can lead to infection and other complications. Doctors say that correctly provided and timely assistance reduces the degree of damage by one and helps prevent the unpleasant consequences of injury. That is why it is important to know how to treat a burn immediately after an injury and what absolutely cannot be done when providing first aid.

To understand how to treat a burn at home, it is important to understand the type and degree of damage.

Depending on the type of damaging agent, there are burns:

  • thermal (from hot water, hot oil or other liquid, steam, particles of molten metal, open flame);
  • chemical (aggressive chemical agents - acids, alkalis, pesticides, flammable mixtures, salts of heavy metals);
  • electrical (electric shock upon contact with exposed wires, faulty electrical appliances);
  • radiation (ultraviolet, ionizing radiation).

Based on the depth of damage to the skin, there are 4 degrees of burn.

  1. The damage affects only the upper layers of the epidermis and is accompanied by burning, redness and slight swelling of the damaged area.
  2. The injury extends into the deeper structures of the skin and is manifested by the formation of blisters, severe pain, redness, and swelling.
  3. Destruction of the deep layers of the dermis, muscle and nerve fibers, the upper layer of subcutaneous tissue, accompanied by unbearable pain and the formation of a scab (dry crust). The development of painful shock and burn disease is possible.
  4. Carbonization of the skin occurs, muscle tissue, bones, and internal organs are involved in pathological processes.

3rd and 4th degree burns, even with a small area of ​​damage, require calling doctors and treatment in a hospital.

You can deal with 1st and 2nd degree injuries on your own if you know how to treat a burn at home correctly. The procedure for providing first aid depends on the type of burn.


If you receive a thermal burn, you must first stop exposure to the damaging agent, then immediately cool the burned surface with cool (15-20 ° C), preferably running water. To stop tissue destruction, rinsing should be carried out for at least 10-20 minutes. If the injury is accompanied by severe pain, you can apply a sterile bandage soaked in a solution of Novocaine or Lidocaine to the wound surface.

You can then treat the damaged area with an anti-burn agent.

  1. Panthenol spray. The drug based on dexpanthenol soothes and moisturizes irritated skin, accelerates the healing of damaged tissue.
  2. Olazol aerosol. An aerosol based on benzocaine, chloramphenicol, boric acid and sea buckthorn oil effectively relieves pain, has an antibacterial and antiseptic effect, and stimulates regeneration processes. It is used both for the treatment of minor burns and for the treatment of deep skin lesions, including purulent burn wounds.
  3. Lioxazine. A dressing anti-burn agent based on hydroxypropylcellulose and lidocaine disinfects and anesthetizes well, and activates epithelization processes.
  4. Furaplast. A product based on nitrofuran and perchlorovinyl resin, when applied to the skin, forms a protective film that is not washed off with water and lasts from 1 to 3 days. In addition, the medicine has antimicrobial activity and prevents infection of the wound surface. To treat burns, the product is used in the form of an ointment or gel.
  5. Levomekol ointment. A product based on an antibiotic (chloramphenicol) and a regenerating component (methyluracil) is used to treat burns, as well as to treat bacterial complications of burn injuries.
  6. Povidone-iodine. The drug in the form of a solution is used to treat a burn immediately after injury; for further treatment, a drug in the form of an ointment is used.

Immediately after an injury, it is better to use aerosols: the foam is easily applied to the wound, does not require hand contact with damaged tissue, and the treatment does not cause additional pain. In the future, both aerosols and ointments can be used to treat the burn. It is better to apply the ointment under the bandage.


As in the previous case, assistance begins with stopping exposure to the aggressive reagent. To do this, rinse the damaged area under running water for at least half an hour, and for a burn with alkali - even longer. If fluoride compounds come into contact with the skin, the procedure lasts from 40 minutes to 3 hours, depending on the extent of the damage.

The longer the aggressive component has been in contact with the skin, the longer the washing procedure should be.

If you know what substance caused the burn, you can neutralize its destructive effect with an antidote:

  • acid - a weak alkaline solution (soap or soda solution);
  • alkali - an unconcentrated solution of acetic or citric acid;
  • lime – 20% glucose (sugar) solution;
  • aluminum compounds - gasoline, kerosene, alcohol;
  • phenol - vodka or 70% alcohol;
  • carbolic acid - glycerol.

For further treatment, the same agents are used as for thermal burns: Levomekol, Sintomycin, Panthenol, Olazol, Lioxazide. In case of severe pain, bandages impregnated with an anesthetic (Lidocaine, Novocaine) are applied.


With a severe radiation burn, clinical manifestations develop several hours after exposure to the traumatic agent. The patient, in addition to symptoms of skin damage, experiences general clinical manifestations: decreased blood pressure, increased heart rate, increased body temperature, nausea, vomiting. This condition requires emergency medical care and hospital treatment.

Minor radiation damage occurs latently in the first stages, and only 2-3 weeks after irradiation are manifested by peeling, itching and redness of the skin. If symptoms of a radiation burn appear, you should rinse the damaged tissue under running water, cover with a sterile bandage or Lioxazine dressing, and then go to the hospital for qualified assistance.


Sunburn is also a radiation burn and develops when exposed to harmful ultraviolet rays (sun, solarium, industrial installations emitting ultraviolet spectrum). Unlike other radiation injuries, sunburn is almost always superficial and does not cause disruption in the functioning of internal organs.

First aid for sunburn comes down to:

  • eliminating the damaging factor (you need to hide from the sun in the shade or go indoors, preferably cool);
  • cooling burnt areas of the skin (cover the damaged areas with a cloth soaked in cool water);
  • treating the skin with anti-burn agents.

It is best to immediately treat the irritated skin with Panthenol spray or cream (or another external product with a light texture) immediately after getting a sunburn, and for further treatment use Panthenol in the form of an ointment.

If, in addition to skin damage, you experience symptoms of sunstroke (chills, malaise, nausea, headache), you should consult a doctor.


Electrical burns are different in that even with minor external damage they can cause serious disruption to the functioning of internal organs. Therefore, in case of such an injury, you need to cover the site of injury (areas of skin where current marks were found) with a dry sterile bandage and immediately call an ambulance.

Folk remedies

If there is no pharmaceutical preparation for burns in your home medicine cabinet, you can treat the wound with a folk remedy. Most often used for this purpose:

  • a chilled cabbage leaf or an aloe leaf cut lengthwise (applied to the damaged area as a compress);
  • decoction of oak bark or St. John's wort herb;
  • baking soda (dilute in a small amount of water, apply the resulting pasty mass to the damaged area);
  • starch (applied dry to the damaged area several times a day);
  • compress with plantain juice;
  • lotions with green or black tea.

Alternative medicine can be used to treat only minor 1st degree burns when the injury is not accompanied by blistering.

What not to do

When providing first aid after receiving a burn, it is strictly prohibited:

  1. Touch the damaged area with your hands (use sterile wipes).
  2. Tear off stuck clothing (you need to cut and carefully remove the fabric, and the remaining particles will be removed by specialists).
  3. Use ice or very cold water for cooling, otherwise tissue frostbite will accompany the burn.
  4. If a powdered chemical comes into contact with your skin, wash it off with water. First you need to shake off the powder with a towel or napkin, and only then rinse.
  5. In case of burns with aluminum compounds or lime, wash the wound surface with water, otherwise the burn will worsen.
  6. Accidentally or intentionally pop blisters.
  7. Treat damaged skin with irritating solutions: alcohol tinctures, iodine, brilliant green (they will only increase tissue damage).
  8. Lubricate the burn with oil, cream and other fatty compounds (they create an airtight film on the surface of the wound, which complicates the natural cooling of tissues and aggravates the condition).
  9. Use fermented milk products to treat the wound (you can get infected).
  10. Use plaster or cotton wool or non-sterile materials to bandage the wound.
  11. Bandage the injured area too tightly.
  12. Cover burns localized on the face and groin area with a bandage.
  • face, head, groin area burned;
  • the damage occupies a large area;
  • deep burn, 3-4 degrees;
  • a child, an elderly person, a pregnant woman were injured.

Treatment of burns at home should be carried out competently, since incorrect actions can lead to the development of serious complications (long healing, wound infection, scar formation). Knowing how to treat a burn and how to provide first aid can significantly alleviate the victim’s condition, minimize the risk of complications, and ensure normal recovery after injury. But if the measures taken did not help, and the seemingly insignificant wound does not heal for a long time, it hurts, it festers, you need to consult a doctor.