What is the best way to plant potatoes with a walk-behind tractor? Planting potatoes with a walk-behind tractor under a plow and potato planter

  • Potatoes develop in the soil at a level no deeper than 15 cm. It is this parameter that you should focus on when selecting cutters by diameter.
  • For those who don’t know, they are installed instead of wheels.
  • Loosening of the soil is carried out, as a rule, at 2nd speed.
  • The cutter leaves behind holes, so when moving in the opposite direction you need to calculate so that the left one falls on this “strip”. Otherwise, cultivation will be of poor quality.

Preparing furrows for planting

The walk-behind tractor is being re-equipped. Instead of cutters there are lugs + a hitch is attached. In turn, the hiller comes to her. When using a 2-row device, a distance between the working parts is selected equal to the width of the future bed (about 60 - 65 cm).

The area for potatoes is being marked. To do this, it’s easy to put together a kind of rake from wooden slats (in the shape of the letter “T”). At the “top” there are 2 “markers” that will delineate the ground. It is not difficult to determine what to take, understanding the meaning - thick nails, pieces of wire, bolts, and so on. Placement locations: 1 – in the center, 2 others – at an equal distance from it in both directions by the amount of spacing of the hiller elements (60 – 65).

In principle, there can be 2 or 4 “pegs”. But practice shows that it is much more convenient to work with three.

Next, along these lines, excavation is carried out using a walk-behind tractor. The height of the hiller is adjusted using a hitch. The method of processing the area is similar to the already described loosening process (the “shuttle” method).

Planting potatoes

Prepared, cut tubers are placed in furrows. There is no single recommendation here, since much depends on the potato variety, soil composition, climate and a number of other factors. Although usually the distance between them is approximately 35 cm.

  • When purchasing attachments for a walk-behind tractor, you should first choose a hitch. And only then, “under it,” buy everything else to solve specific problems.
  • There is an opinion that it is better to conduct cultivation “in a spiral.” But, firstly, for a limited area this is not entirely convenient. Secondly, there will be more work, since then the area will have to be further leveled with a rake.

The walk-behind tractor allows gardeners to reduce labor and time costs. Summer residents successfully use it for plowing land, planting and harvesting potatoes.

Methods for planting potatoes using a walk-behind tractor

There are two devices that allow you to plant potatoes using a walk-behind tractor. This can be done with a regular hiller or using a mounted potato planter. Both methods involve the use of lugs instead of conventional wheels.

Using a hiller

When using a hiller, after installing the lugs, the walk-behind tractor makes furrows into which the planting material is placed. After this, the wheels are remounted, the wings are set to the maximum width and the furrows are filled with earth.

Using a potato planter

A potato planter is used if the area allocated for planting root crops is large. The use of such a device makes it possible to complete the full potato planting cycle in one pass.

A potato planter allows you to triple the time required for planting root crops. However, this device costs a lot, so before purchasing it, it makes sense to evaluate the possible benefits of its use.

Potato planting schemes

When carrying out work using a hiller, the distance between the furrows should be 55–65 cm. In this case, it is recommended to set the width of the wings to the minimum values. Planting material in such ruts must be laid at intervals of 25–35 cm.

When using a potato planter, all parameters are set in accordance with the instructions for its use.

Review of walk-behind tractors: how to choose

Theoretically, a walk-behind tractor can perform a huge number of different functions, but in practice, their list is often limited by the number of horsepower of the unit. Therefore, before purchasing a device, it is important to decide what kind of work you plan to perform using this equipment and whether it makes sense to overpay for the extra power. When choosing, consider the size of your plot:

  • If the plot does not exceed 15 acres, then a walk-behind tractor needs 3.5–4 liters. With. and a working width of 60 cm.
  • For 20–30 acres, equipment with a power of 4.5–5 liters is suitable. With.
  • To service a plot of 50 acres you will need 6–7 liters. With.
  • For a hectare, purchase a 10 liter walk-behind tractor. With. and a working width of one meter.

For larger areas, it is more advisable to use more powerful equipment.

Soil characteristics play a significant role in choosing a walk-behind tractor:

  • For light, mined-out soil, a unit weighing up to 70 kg is suitable.
  • For clay soils, you need to use machines weighing 95 kg or more.
  • Only walk-behind tractors weighing 120–150 kg can cope with virgin soil.

When choosing the most suitable walk-behind tractor model, pay attention to the possibility of connecting additional equipment:

  • To transport goods you will need pneumatic wheels.
  • Power attachments (mowers, water pumps) require a power take-off shaft.
  • Models with gasoline engines are suitable for snow removal in winter. Diesel engines may refuse to work in cold weather.

It is advisable that the walk-behind tractor be equipped with:

  • electric starter;
  • adjustment of handles;
  • emergency stop handle;
  • unlocking the differential.

When choosing an imported model, be prepared to pay more than for a domestic equivalent. Such cars are reliable, but more demanding on fuel quality. Russian-made units break down more often, but purchasing and repairing them will cost less.

Before you give preference to any walk-behind tractor model, study its technical characteristics and make sure that you can use the equipment you need.

Attachments for growing potatoes

There are various devices for planting potatoes with a walk-behind tractor, processing them during the ripening process and for harvesting.


Single-row, double-row and disk hillers are used with walk-behind tractors. Each of them has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

Single row

When working with single-row hillers, both lugs will run in the same furrow between the ridges. Therefore, in order not to have to increase the row spacing, it is better to choose lugs with a minimum distance between the outer edges.

After installing the equipment on the walk-behind tractor, it needs to be configured. To do this, the hiller is immersed in the ground to the required depth (no more than 12–15 cm) and its axis is set perpendicular to the ground. After this, in order to hill up all the potato beds, you need to go through each row spacing.

Double row

To ensure that the two-row hiller does not crush the potato bushes located underneath it, special lugs for hilling should be used. They differ from those devices that are adapted for plowing by their larger diameter. In addition, they need to be installed on extensions so that the distance between them corresponds to the width of the ridge.

When using double-row hillers, two row spacings are processed simultaneously. Thus, to completely process a potato plot, it is enough to go through one row of rows, which allows you to halve the time required compared to single-row devices.

In addition to those listed, there are hillers with a large number of rows, but they are not in particular demand among summer residents. Their use is justified on large plots, but on small plots, bulky devices are not very convenient to use.


When using disc hillers, the walk-behind tractor, as in the case of two-row devices, passes over a row of potatoes, but, unlike previous designs, it processes only this row.

The settings for disc hillers are individual. They depend on the row spacing, soil type, plant height and some other parameters. In any case, you need:

  1. Move the lower points of the disks to the required distance (from 40 cm to 70 cm).
  2. Set the required angle of attack (selected experimentally based on the least soil resistance).
  3. Make sure that the settings for both disks are symmetrical (otherwise the hiller will deviate to the side, spoil the bed and create inconvenience).

When using such devices, you need to process each row, which will certainly take time, but the quality of hilling will be optimal. Experienced vegetable growers recognize disc hillers as much more effective than plow devices.

Photo gallery: hillers for walk-behind tractors

To work with a single-row hiller, choose suitable lugs
Using a two-row hiller, you can get the job done in half the time
Professionals prefer disc hillers

Video: how to set up disc hillers

Potato planters

Mounted potato planters are characterized by a long service life, high productivity and simplicity of design. They often provide for adjustment of the hilling height, planting depth of tubers and the distance between them. This allows you to create optimal conditions for any soil and other characteristics of the potato plot.

Potato planters from various manufacturers consist of the following mechanisms:

  • furrowmaker;
  • bunkers for root crops;
  • conveyor (mechanism for laying seed);
  • distributor (a device that supplies tubers at certain intervals);
  • disk hiller for filling furrows.

Manufacturers offer models of potato planters that differ markedly from each other. Device hoppers can be square or conical, but this design feature only affects the appearance of the device and its aesthetic perception. When choosing a potato planter, the capacity of the hopper is much more important, because the more seed you can load, the less often you will have to repeat this procedure.

Potato planters come in cone or square shapes

Another important difference between potato planters is the shape and fastening of the plates that capture the tubers for planting. In inexpensive models, they are often small and mounted on a chain, which during operation can vibrate and lose potatoes. As a result, planting is often performed poorly, with omissions. To avoid this, more expensive models use deep plates and attach them to a special tape that is securely fastened and does not vibrate.

Potato planting plates can be attached to a chain (left) or to a tape (right)

When choosing a potato planter, pay attention to the presence of transport wheels. They are needed to make it easier to rotate the device. If they are, then, having reached the end of the ridge, it is enough to use the handle to raise the drive wheels and lower the transport wheels.

Some models of potato planters are equipped with a function that allows you to adjust the spacing between tubers during planting. Different models have up to four different positions, allowing you to change the distance from 19 to 28 cm.

Growers sometimes equip their potato planters with an adjustable furrow maker. It is located at the front of the unit and affects the planting depth, which can be 5 or 10 cm.

In addition, potato planters differ in size, adaptability to different walk-behind tractors and the number of rows processed simultaneously. Currently, there are many different adapters on the market that will allow you to combine your favorite model with almost any equipment. When choosing a potato planter, consider the power of the walk-behind tractor with which it will be used, the volume of the bunker and the availability of the necessary functions.

Other machines for planting and harvesting potatoes

In addition to hillers and potato planters, other devices are also used for planting and harvesting potatoes with a walk-behind tractor:

  • mesh harrow (for removing weeds between rows);
  • “paws”, “hedgehogs”, segmental or cutting brackets (for loosening and harrowing);
  • mounted potato diggers (for harvesting);
  • other devices that folk craftsmen independently make for use as attachments to the unit.

The standard configuration of any walk-behind tractor includes only cutters with which you can plow the ground. If you do not plan to perform other work, then there is no need to spend money on purchasing additional attachments.

Video: attachments for walk-behind tractor

Features of mechanized bed processing

Using a walk-behind tractor, you can carry out a full cycle of work related to growing potatoes. To do this, perform sequentially:

  1. Digging up the earth (use plows or standard cutters).
  2. Fertilization using a special tank into which fertilizer is poured or poured.
  3. Planting seed material (with a potato planter or using a hiller).
  4. Hilling, harrowing and loosening the soil.
  5. Removing weeds.
  6. Harvesting (with a standard single-row hiller or potato digger).

Potatoes need to be planted in soft and loose soil. A walk-behind tractor with cutters or a plow installed on it allows you to plow the soil quickly, thoroughly and without much effort. For the highest quality cultivation of the land, it is necessary that the cutters go through the same area twice. To do this, when moving in the opposite direction, one cutter must be placed in the mark left by the other. In this case, the soil is processed using a spade, which is optimal for potatoes.

Some gardeners prefer to plow in a circle, starting from the edge and ending in the middle. However, this method has one drawback - after finishing the work, the plowed area will have to be leveled with a rake. It is better to cultivate along future ridges. In this case, the plowed soil lies flat, and processing will only be needed in those areas where the equipment was deployed.

To apply fertilizer, install a special tank on the walk-behind tractor or use a potato planter.

Using a walk-behind tractor, you can quickly and efficiently hill up potatoes.

Approximately two to three weeks after planting the potatoes, seedlings appear and the next stage begins - weeding and hilling. Carrying out this work using a walk-behind tractor involves forming row spacing and is not difficult; it is enough to install a suitable attachment.

Video: Harvesting using a potato digger

If you don’t have a mounted potato digger, you can use a single-row hiller to harvest the crop. With its help, root crops are first dug up through the row, and then harvested from the remaining beds.

Weeding and hilling of potatoes must be carried out periodically, and when the time comes to harvest, a potato digger must be installed on the walk-behind tractor. Setting it up may cause some difficulties for novice summer residents, but experience and intuition will help resolve this issue quite quickly. The basic rule is that the digging blade should move below the depth of the root crops so as not to spoil them.

Having a walk-behind tractor and the necessary attachments for it, you can almost completely automate the cultivation of potatoes. This unit will help at all stages - from cultivating the land to harvesting.

With the arrival of spring, summer residents have more work to do. A special place is occupied by digging beds. Although shovels are in demand as before, today another device that significantly facilitates work comes into first place. This is a walk-behind tractor. Many have heard about how to plant potatoes with a walk-behind tractor, but have never done it with their own hands.

A walk-behind tractor significantly simplifies the work of a vegetable grower.


To properly cultivate the soil, the walk-behind tractor kit for planting potatoes includes a hiller and a plow. Thanks to the multifunctional device, the earth is saturated with oxygen, the vegetable grows much faster, and all weeds are removed.

Among the disadvantages, we can name only one - only a man can control it. Before the start of spring plowing, set up and adjust the unit, then it will be much easier to hold it and guide it so that the furrows are even.

The depth of the rut for planting should be within 20 cm. For this work there is a plow, with the help of which the depth is equal and the rows are even.

Cultivation occurs using cutters, which leave depressions in the ground. For high-quality processing of the area, the manipulations must be performed correctly, i.e., when moving in the opposite direction, one of the cutters must fall into the mark left by the other cutter. This way the field will lend itself to more thorough digging.

Cultivation with milling cutters

Sometimes summer residents perform circular cultivation of the land. The MTZ walk-behind tractor is suitable for this. They start from the edge and move towards the central part in a spiral. But there is one significant drawback: after plowing, you will have to additionally level the soil with a rake. When moving along, the ground is processed with a rake only in places where the unit turns.

Preparation of equipment

After preparing the ground, we get to work on planting equipment. To do this, we change the cutters to lugs. The central stop is removed and a hitch is installed in its place. The work on preparing the equipment is done with your own hands. Metal pins are installed in the holes. We equip the walk-behind tractor with a two-row hiller, the width between the components of which is set at 65 cm. This parameter means what the distance between the rows of beds will be.

To mark out the vegetable garden, he uses a self-made marker. It's very easy to make. Take a wooden handle, at one end of which a small transverse stick is installed. We make some kind of rake, for this we fill three pegs, the distance between them should also be 65 cm. We begin to draw stripes on the field. After passing one row, unfold the level you made yourself and move it in the opposite direction, placing the outermost peg along the previous outermost line. After marking, we take a walk-behind tractor and make furrows.

Methods for planting potatoes

The formation of a furrow for planting is carried out in two ways:

  • through a hiller;
  • using a potato planter.

The first method of planting a vegetable crop is using a hiller. The equipment is equipped with lug wheels. Now you can cut the furrows into which the vegetable is placed. This is done using a plow. Afterwards, the wheels are replaced with rubber ones, the width between which corresponds to the size of the track, and the crop planted in the ground is filled up and lightly compacted.

You can fill the potatoes with a walk-behind tractor so that one of its rubber wheels goes over the potatoes.

The second method involves working with a potato planter. This is a kind of canopy attached to a walk-behind tractor. Its volume is approximately 40 liters. The root vegetable is placed in it. The equipment is used on large planting areas.

The first step is to prepare the ground:

  • to plow;
  • harrow;
  • If possible, moisten the soil.

After preparing the soil, ridges are formed. The canopy is equipped with two devices:

  • a furrow from where potatoes enter the soil;
  • disk hiller for backfilling the crop.

The process of planting with a milk block and a potato planter

The equipment is equipped with lug wheels and a potato planter. To make the furrows deeper, the distance between the discs is reduced. The vegetable is poured into the compartment, and while the walk-behind tractor is moving, it falls into the prepared ruts. You can control the frequency of planting yourself. After planting the crop, the ruts are buried and compacted.

You can make a potato shed yourself. Potatoes can be planted using a Neva walk-behind tractor without any additional equipment. This unpretentious and reliable type of equipment is simply irreplaceable for summer residents. It can be used to carry out any work on a summer cottage without any problems. The same principle applies to the Zubr and MTZ walk-behind tractors. This is due to the fact that the design schemes are identical, therefore there are practically no differences between them. Thus, planting potatoes with a Zubr walk-behind tractor occurs according to both the first and second options.

There is another way to plant potatoes using a plow. It is used to turn over the soil before winter. Potatoes are planted using a Zubr, Neva or MTZ walk-behind tractor. The plow and lugs are attached to the selected type of walk-behind tractor. When cultivating the land with a plow, land marking is not required. Among the features of the method, it should be noted that simultaneously with the formation of the track, the crop is planted. Having reached the line to the end, the equipment with the plow turns around and, forming a new track, fills the first line with planted potatoes.

MTZ walk-behind tractors are popular

Motoblocks MTZ

Today, MTZ walk-behind tractors are especially popular. Components for MTZ are manufactured to be durable and reliable so that the equipment can be in service for a long time, therefore high-quality materials are used during assembly. In addition, the unit is economical in terms of fuel consumption and is a very powerful type in its class.

The MTZ walk-behind tractor has such positive characteristics as:

  • minimum vibration level;
  • low noise level;
  • easy start;
  • simple controls;
  • environmental friendliness.

MTZ is easy to use and easy to manage. Its maintenance can be done without any problems with your own hands.

The presence of modern technology in personal plots makes the hard work of a gardener easier, especially if there is a large plot of land under cultivation. In addition, it is not necessary to purchase a walk-behind tractor with the latest technology with a bunch of bells and whistles, many of which can be done with your own hands. Therefore, multifunctional walk-behind tractors are indispensable in the household, thanks to which the summer season brings only joy.

Planting and caring for potatoes is a difficult and tedious process. Typically, the areas allocated for potatoes are quite large, so planting, hilling and harvesting potatoes requires a lot of time and effort. And, of course, this process needs to be automated. There are many devices that make the life of a gardener easier. These include both mechanized devices and manual equipment. There are plenty to choose from, given the area of ​​the plot and financial capabilities.

Cultivators for planting potatoes

Devices for cultivating land are called cultivators. The cultivator can loosen the soil, plow the ground, remove weeds, apply fertilizers, plant, and hill up.

Motorized equipment used on personal plots and farms is divided into three types: motorized cultivators and mini-tractors. They differ in power and scope of functions.

Motor cultivators are divided into classes depending on weight. Mechanisms up to 30 kg belong to the first class and are designed to work in small areas. Motor cultivators up to 60 kg belong to the second class and work over large areas. Units up to 100 kg belong to the third class. For work on personal plots, second-class cultivators are purchased, and attachments are purchased separately.

Table: comparison of motor vehicles

Photo gallery: types of cultivators

A motor cultivator is lighter and more maneuverable than a walk-behind tractor and is used in small areas The walk-behind tractor has drive wheels, the most popular equipment among summer residents. The mini-tractor can work over large areas, is easy to use, and is the farmer’s main assistant.

For all types of cultivators there is a set of attachments for performing various tasks.

Hillers are used to hill up potatoes and create a furrow during planting. A potato digger makes harvesting potatoes easier. Mounted mowers are used to mow the grass. A potato planter will help when planting potatoes. Pumps are used for watering land plots. Large areas of land are plowed with a plow.

Hedgehogs for planting, equipment features

The hedgehog device consists of two parts, each of which is a set of disks of different sizes with spikes fastened together at a certain distance. These two disc structures are connected to each other in such a way that they form an angle. The presence of an angle allows you to form an earthen ridge when moving the cultivator.

When processing beds, structures are used either from one hedgehog or from several, fastened together by a frame.

Photo gallery: varieties of hedgehogs for weeding potatoes

The main function of hedgehogs is weeding, loosening, and hilling potato plantings. Two weeks after planting, when there are no potato shoots yet, it is recommended to carry out pre-emergence treatment of the field with hedgehogs. The hedgehog removes weeds with roots and loosens the soil. After such treatment, the growth of the root system is enhanced.

Hillers for planting

Hiller is a device for a cultivator designed for planting and hilling potatoes. This device can be single-row, double-row, three-row, or have more than three rows. The greater the number of rows, the higher the productivity of the cultivator. The technique for using hillers with a large number of rows must be more powerful.

Photo gallery: varieties of hillers

Single-row hiller for motor-cultivator Double-row hiller for walk-behind tractor Three-row hiller for mini-tractor

Models of hillers come with a fixed or variable working width. With a fixed working width, potatoes are planted with a width between rows of at least 70 cm for ease of hilling. If the hiller adjusts the working width, then the row spacing can be any width.
The technology for using a two-row hiller when planting potatoes involves using a marker for marking. The hiller is installed at the marking and the furrows begin to be cut. After turning, one hiller can be lowered into the cut furrow, or you can continue cutting furrows along the marked lines. After cutting the furrows, planting of potatoes begins. The tubers are placed in furrows at a distance of 35–40 centimeters, then the furrows are filled with earth.

Mini planters

The mounted potato planter consists of several blocks:

  • a small plow for cutting furrows;
  • potato compartment;
  • special hillers for filling potatoes with soil.

Just like hedgehogs and hillers, potato planters can be uniform and multi-row. The use of one or another modification depends on the power of the equipment and the composition of the soil.

Photo gallery: varieties of potato planters

Single-row potato planter for a motor-cultivator or walk-behind tractor Double-row potato planter for a walk-behind tractor A four-row potato planter is capable of planting potatoes on an area of ​​2 hectares in one hour of operation

To perform landing, you need to replace the rubber wheels with lug wheels. When a potato planter passes through a plot, all operations are performed simultaneously: grooves are made, tubers are laid, tubers are covered with earth. Simultaneously with planting potatoes, you can apply fertilizer if you use an additional device.

Planting with a mini tractor

The mini-tractor is used in areas with any terrain.
Of course, such a technique is not suitable for a small area; there is nowhere to turn around. Such a mechanism must be purchased if the area of ​​the plot is more than 50 acres. Mini-tractors are divided into light (power up to 14 hp), medium and heavy (up to 35–45 hp). Using a mini-tractor you can perform the following work:

  • plow;
  • plant;
  • cultivate;
  • apply fertilizers;
  • mow the grass;
  • clear the area of ​​debris;
  • remove snow;
  • fill up holes and trenches.

For planting using a mini tractor, it is preferable to use a potato planter. The hiller is not suitable in this case, because the width of the furrows differs from the tractor track width, and during subsequent hilling the tracks will not match. Experienced farmers use an unusual technique. For the first pass, only two hiller bodies are used, placing them at a distance of 30 cm from the middle of the wheels. Lay out the potatoes. Then they add a third hiller, walk along the first track and bury the potatoes.

Devices for planting potatoes manually

Hand tools include a hand plow, markers and a hand cultivator.

A very convenient device is the Vyatsky Plowman plow. Planting potatoes is done in this way. Furrow No. 1 is dug and tubers are laid out in it. They begin to dig a second furrow, while burying the first. Furrow No. 2 is used for laying fertilizers. When digging the third furrow, the second one is filled with earth. Tubers are again placed in furrow No. 3. And the whole procedure is repeated. The row spacing for this planting is 60 cm.

The instrument is height adjustable.

Another device for planting potatoes is a marker. A very useful and convenient thing. The material from which the marker is made is high-quality steel. The width between the cones can vary from 10 to 50 cm.

Hand cultivators are available for sale. Using the manual cultivator "Digger (6 in 1)" you can perform several types of work:

  • planting and hilling root crops;
  • loosen, weed and trim weeds;
  • sow seeds of almost all agricultural crops;
  • loosen the crusts on the surface of the ridge before planting.

Homemade equipment for planting and hilling potatoes, diagrams

The range of homemade equipment for processing potatoes is huge. And although there are many devices on sale that can be used to plant and hill up potatoes, craftsmen are constantly creating new devices to make the work easier and faster during the sowing season.

The simplest device is a marker. Its purpose is to mark the ridges in such a way as to make the plantings even and suitable for subsequent processing with motor cultivators. For homemade markers, the distance between the cones coincides with the track dimensions of the existing equipment that will subsequently be used to process the plantings. Homemade markers can be simple or complex, made of wood or metal. The main thing here is how far apart the cones that punch the holes are from each other.

DIY markers for planting potatoes

Markers differ from each other in the number of cones for punching holes.

Single hole marker

The simplest marker is a wooden stake about 90 cm high and 60–70 mm in diameter. A crossbar is fixed perpendicularly at a distance of 15 cm from the tip. This is a stop to limit the depth of the hole. The locations of the holes are marked using cords.

Three hole marker

The three-hole marker consists of a frame and three cones. The distance between the cones is 450 mm. The cones are attached to the bottom bar of the frame with bolts that allow you to adjust the depth of the pits. Materials used:

  • profile pipe 25x25x2 mm;
  • aluminum or dense wood for cones;
  • M8 bolts 40–80 mm long.

Marker with adjustable distance between holes

The distance between the holes depends on how the marker pins are extended.

To make a marker with an adjustable distance between holes, you will need the following materials:

  • water and gas pipe with a diameter of 60 mm, a wall thickness of 3 mm, a length of 565 mm for the load-bearing beam;
  • steel sheet 1.5 mm thick for conical elements;
  • pipe 60x3 mm, 100 mm long for a cylindrical body;
  • pipe 21x2.5 mm, 250 mm long for marker;
  • pipe 21x2.5 mm, 330 mm long for a retractable bracket for a marker;
  • pipe 27x3 mm, 65 mm long for the guide sleeve;
  • bolt M8x40 (fixing) – 3 pcs.;
  • nut M8 (welded) 3 pcs.;
  • pipe 27x3 mm, 120 mm long for the stand bushing;
  • pipe 21x2.5 mm, 1500 mm long for a two-piece welded stand;
  • bolt M10x20 (clamping) – 1 pc.;
  • pipe 54x2.5 mm, length - 560 mm for a retractable bracket;
  • plug - 2 pcs.

The procedure for making a marker.

  1. Make elements for punching holes. Weld together the cylinders and conical tips (2 and 3).
  2. Weld a bushing for the stand (10), a nut (8), two guide bushings for the brackets (6) and two elements for punching holes to the supporting beam.
  3. Weld two markers to the brackets (5).
  4. Weld the third marker to the retractable bracket (12), fix it at a distance of 50 cm from the outer cone.
  5. Screw the bolts into the nuts (8).
  6. Insert the stand (9) into the bushing (10) and secure it with the clamping bolt (11).
  7. Weld the plugs to the handles (13).

Photo gallery: varieties of markers for planting potatoes

DIY shovel-harvester

Another device is a shovel-harvester. It's designed this way. Two triangle-shaped shovels are attached to the handles. When closed, the shovels resemble a beak. The shovel goes deeper into the ground by pressing the “beak”, the handles are brought together, the shovels open underground, and a tuber is thrown into the resulting hole. Then the shovel is removed from the ground without covering it. The tuber remains in the garden.

Photo gallery: shovel-harvester

Drawing of a shovel-harvester. A shovel-harvester is a simple device for planting potatoes.

Do-it-yourself potato planter for walk-behind tractor

People's engineers even make accessories for motor cultivators with their own hands. Many authors who published descriptions of their homemade potato planters used drawings of factory-made units. The principle of operation of the mechanism is that when a mini-tractor or walk-behind tractor moves, the wheels of the unit spin, and the axle with the drive sprocket rotates. Above the leading star is a small star. The stars are connected by a chain. Cups are welded onto the chain for removing potatoes from the hopper.

Factory potato planter (assembly drawing): 1 - counterweight; 2 - unit; 3 - bracket; 4 - tensioner; 5 - conveyor; 6 - hopper; 7, 9, 16, 23, 24 - bolt; 8 - stand; 10 - sector;11 - disk;12 - ridge height;13 - planting pitch;14 - furrower;15 - planting depth;17 - hitch;18 - track width;19 - bracket;20 - drive drum shaft;21 - conveyor; 22 - angle of attack

The frame for a homemade potato planter is assembled from channels. A hopper made of plywood or metal is installed on the frame; the hopper is equipped with a feed elevator. The elevator is assembled from special cups. The cups are attached to the chain at a distance of 270 mm and move with the chain.

Photo gallery: device for feeding elevator in potato planter

Drawing of fastening the cups on the chain The cup is a circle made of 10 mm wire with a diameter of 50–60 mm, two arcs are welded crosswise from below

Materials for making a potato planter:

  • metal corner;
  • tank from a Soviet washing machine;
  • gear;
  • chain;
  • fittings;
  • steel wire;
  • channel;
  • wheels.

What tools will you need:

  • welding machine;
  • Bulgarian;
  • drill;
  • hammer;
  • set of keys;
  • screwdriver;
  • wire cutters

Work order:

  1. Cut the corners and channel to size.
  2. Weld the structure.
  3. Attach the axle with gear to the frame.
  4. Make scoop cups.
  5. Secure the cups to the chain.
  6. Weld vertical rods to the frame.
  7. Place the wheels on the axle and tighten the chain.
  8. Potato planter is ready for work

    Do-it-yourself hedgehogs for weeding potatoes

    Some farmers make their own hedgehogs for hilling potatoes. According to the principle of operation, homemade hedgehogs do not differ from factory ones. To make hedgehogs you will need materials:

  • steel sheet 4 mm;
  • steel strip 20 mm wide and 4 mm thick;
  • a metal rod 8 mm thick in diameter and 100 to 140 mm long;
  • inch pipe;
  • metal rod with a diameter of 20 mm;
  • steel strip 70 mm wide and 4 mm thick, 200 mm long.

To make hedgehogs you will need the following tools:

  • welding machine;
  • gas cutter for metal;
  • angle grinder (grinder);
  • set of locksmith tools.

Procedure for making hedgehogs.

  1. Cut two rings from a sheet of metal using a cutting torch. The outer diameter of the rings is 300 mm, the inner diameter is 200 mm.
  2. In a circle with a diameter of 200 mm, which remains from a large ring, cut holes with a diameter of 100 mm.
  3. Cut out a third pair of disks with a diameter of 100 mm, in which holes for the pipe are cut in the center. The hole should be 1 cm larger than the diameter of the pipe.
  4. Cut 24 strips of at least 90 mm length from the steel strip.
  5. Of these, 16 will be needed to connect two pairs of large and medium disks, 8 (4 for each cone) - for medium and small ones.
  6. Connect large and medium rings with jumpers (8 pieces for each cone), this should be done according to the marks made in advance. First, draw two diameters perpendicular to each other, then, turning the ruler 45º, draw two more lines at right angles. On small drives, 4 jumpers are enough.
  7. Cut 80–90 pins 120 mm long from a rod with a diameter of at least 8 mm. Sharpen the pins on both sides at an angle of 45º. Remove sharp, uneven edges and burrs with a grinder.
  8. Weld 15 spikes onto large rings, 10 spikes onto medium rings, and 5 spikes onto small rings.
  9. Bend the bracket on which the axle will be attached. Weld the bracket or make 2 holes in it for bolted connections.
  10. Assemble the device: the large rings will be on the inside, and the small disks on the outside. The distance between the large ring and the small disk should not exceed 170 mm. Insert the ends of the axles into the holes of the brackets. The axles can be secured in the holes using nuts (if the axle is threaded) or by welding.
  11. Clean all uneven surfaces and paint the structure.

There are many devices for planting and hilling potatoes. The choice depends on the area of ​​the treated area. Many devices can be made independently. Each vegetable grower chooses the best option for him.

23797 03/08/2019 5 min.

From land owners There are a lot of worries in spring. It is necessary to plow the soil that has rested during the winter, apply fertilizers, plant crops, hill up, weed, harvest and plow the soil before the first frost.

The appearance of the walk-behind tractor solved many problems. Labor-intensive gardening work can now be done on it. This saves time and makes landing more efficient.

Pre-planting treatment of tubers

Pre-planting preparation of root crops requires time and effort. On a standard plot of 6-7 acres, it will take all day to plant it with a shovel, but if you connect the equipment to the work, you can do it in about three hours. For small areas, the Neva, Forza, Sadko, Don, Huter, Champion, Carver walk-behind tractors are popular.

To begin with, seed material is prepared. Preference is given to regionalized varieties that produce good yields in certain regions. Sorting is done in order to select good raw materials. Potatoes are selected to be the same size.

Small tubers produce a small harvest. Large ones must be cut into pieces, and this provokes various diseases and opens direct access to pests. Germination takes about a month. To do this, the seed material is placed in a warm (+12-15 degrees), bright room.

If dark spots appear on fresh sprouts, this indicates a disease. The affected tubers are thrown away. Before planting, they are soaked in stimulating and pickling substances. It is not recommended to place tubers in the solution for a long time.

It is better to lay them on a flat surface, spray them with preparations and let them dry. plant root vegetables are possible when the earth will warm up to +7, +8 degrees (in the landing hole).

Soil preparation

Pre-sowing work begins with the laying of mineral or organic fertilizers in the fall.

Stages of preparation for sowing in spring:

  • Immediately before planting it is necessary plow the soil to the depth of a spade bayonet(12-15cm). To do this you will need a nozzle - milling cutter
  • When planting potatoes under a walk-behind tractor Neva, The wings of the unit are removed before work. The equipment installed on the walk-behind tractor must be correctly adjusted. This will ensure smooth running of the machine and require a minimum of effort. A well-plowed field does not require harrowing.

You can watch the video online for more details about planting potatoes using the Neva walk-behind tractor:

  • Hide, for saturation with oxygen and moisture. In a well-loosened soil layer, crops sprout more easily. At this stage, the walk-behind tractor will greatly facilitate the process of preparing the soil before planting the seed.
  • Complete set of walk-behind tractor.

For plowing you will need wheels with lug elements, a set of rubber wheels, wheel extensions, a milling cutter, a universal hitch, hillers or a plow. If you are going to purchase additional attachments, you should first buy a hitch. The remaining elements are selected to match it.


Tips for correct landing of Pro, Viking, Crosser, Patriot, Cayman walk-behind tractors:

  • The row spacing when planting potatoes with a walk-behind tractor should be from 55 to 65 centimeters.
  • Furrows must be done even, this will simplify the care of the root crop.
  • Before disembarking you can fertilize the soil.
  • Distance between tubers 25-30 cm.

Depth planting potatoes under a walk-behind tractor 10-12 cm.

When planting potatoes with a walk-behind tractor, make the distance between the rows the same. Watch the track width, it should be uniform. When cutting furrows, try to make them even. If necessary, pull the ropes to navigate along them.

Let's look at the main landing methods: using hiller, hanging element – potato planters, landing under plow, landing at crest.

To plant using a hiller, wheels with lug elements are placed on the motor cultivator. Tarpan motor cultivator works well. The furrows are being cut. Potatoes will have to be planted manually. After disembarking, replace the lugs with standard rubber wheels.

Rearranging the wheels is necessary in order not to injure the seed. The track width remains the same - 55-65 centimeters, and walk along the furrows again. The walk-behind tractor will fill the row with soil and compact the seed.

Planting with a hiller is a less expensive option. The unit should only include metal and rubber wheels and the hiller itself. The inconvenience lies in manual planting of potatoes. For large sown areas, a mounted planter for a walk-behind tractor is used.

This method is considered the least labor-intensive. The unit includes:

  • Conveyor- a kind of conveyor that supplies seed material.
  • Furrowmaker, for making a furrow.
  • Distributor, for serving potatoes at certain intervals.
  • Disc hiller, paving and filling furrows.

Working with a potato planter

Thanks to planting potatoes with a walk-behind planter, you can save three times more time, than when planting with a hiller. The process is completely mechanized. Potatoes are planted and hilled at the same time. The potato planter has its drawbacks.

Firstly, seed material should be selected more carefully. The tubers should be the same in size. Young shoots are not very long. Otherwise, the seed will be injured during planting. Secondly, this planting method is more expensive.

Together with a walk-behind planter, you can use a special device for simultaneous application fertilizers in the hole, together with seed material.

Planting with a plow

You need to install lug wheels and a plow on the walk-behind tractor. The soil is prepared by loosening using a milling cutter. The plow for planting is inserted into the ground to the depth of the spade bayonet.

It is more efficient for two people to board. The first one controls the walk-behind tractor, and the second one places the potatoes in the furrow. The work is done promptly. During the first passage of the row, it is laid seed material. And during the return journey, the sown furrow is covered with soil from the newly plowed one.

Landing on ridges

Planting potatoes in ridges with a walk-behind tractor is practiced in areas where groundwater is very close to the surface. To do this, you should use a walk-behind tractor to form ridges 15–20 cm high. The tubers are planted in the ridge. This option is only suitable for well-moistened soils.

Potato processing


A week after planting, it is worth loosening the soil. During this time, a dense crust formed on the ground, preventing the germination of plant stems and the access of oxygen. Weeding is carried out weekly. This helps fight weeds that negatively affect root crops.

Trailed grain harvesting equipment is classified as agricultural equipment and is used for harvesting grain and leguminous crops. A trailed grain harvester is reliability, high quality and productivity.

Snow removal equipment is ideal for owners of suburban areas, since snow removal occurs with their own efforts. By clicking on the link, you will become familiar with the various models and characteristics of the Lynx snow blower.

Challenger tracked and wheeled tractors are used in work in difficult terrain conditions over large areas for cultivating land. The Challenger tractor is a reliable and smart work assistant.

For weeding work, a rotary or mesh harrow, paws and a weeder are used.


Shoots appear in 3-4 weeks. Now after planting you need to hill up the potatoes. A walk-behind tractor will help with this. Suitable for hilling one, two or three rows hiller If desired, you can apply fertilizer by installing an additional nozzle.


The walk-behind tractor is used not only for planting, but also for cleaning potatoes. By autumn, the potato tops dry out and everything is ready for harvesting. You need to dig potatoes in August - September, in dry weather. For digging with a walk-behind tractor, a mounted attachment is installed plower or potato digger.

The walk-behind tractor has now become a necessary tool for cultivating land. The unit is well worth the investment. You can see how walk-behind tractors can be used, in addition to planting potatoes, on the “Advice from an Old Plowman” website.

The choice of attachments depends on the owner’s requests. Using the example of planting, hilling, weeding and harvesting potatoes, you can see how makes life easier use of a walk-behind tractor for gardeners.