How to find a reliable wholesale supplier or seller in China directly on Aliexpress without intermediaries? How to reach wholesale suppliers from China through Aliexpress? Current contact database for suppliers of goods from China (smartphones, clothing, auto parts, etc.)

Evgeny Smirnov

# Business with China

Briefly about Chinese sellers:

A fragment of the Chelyabinsk meteorite appeared on Taobao 2 days after its fall in Chelyabinsk.

Before thinking about organizing a joint business with a Chinese company, do your research using online sites and personal meetings. If you have the opportunity, visit the country where your potential partners live. Be sure to decide on the type of online trading, products and calculate all the risks. A balanced approach will help to establish partnerships with Chinese merchants and check the reliability of the partner.

Where to look for a product supplier

How to find and work with a supplier from China directly? Three methods of finding such a partner have become widespread. Namely:

  • Personal meetings. This option is suitable for large entrepreneurs. It involves direct interaction with Chinese businessmen. By choosing this path, you will get acquainted with the production facilities, draw up the necessary documents that relate to cooperation and future prospects.
  • Attending presentations, fairs, etc. Contact with businessmen from China is established at specialized Russian exhibitions. Here you can get acquainted with a wide range of products and decide on a partner. One of the main advantages of this approach is that there is no need to travel abroad.
  • . There are plenty of them on the Internet. Here you can purchase wholesale quantities of products and retail goods. To find an approach to the supplier and establish contact with him, you will need to create your account on the site. Without registration, it is impossible to conduct transactions.

Platforms for suppliers on the Internet

Direct purchases from China can be made on the following resources:

  1. This is a showcase for wholesale trade. The main advantage is low prices. The advantages also include a wide selection of products, convenient search, availability of information about suppliers and products, as well as support in Russian. The downside is that you have to pay in full in advance and run the risk of dealing with a scammer.
  2. Differs in a variety of product selection. One of the main advantages is the ability to make mutual settlements through domestic payment systems. This also includes displaying prices in Russian currency. Customer support service works around the clock. Delivery is fast. We are pleased with the discounts and bonuses. The disadvantages are high prices and insufficiently thought-out usability.
  3. A wholesale marketplace created for domestic Chinese commerce. You can only work on it through third parties. A serious disadvantage is exclusively wholesale trade and sale of products only to the Chinese. The advantages include low prices and gradation of cost depending on the scale of the purchased batch.
  4. . One of the largest retail sites. Has protection for buyers from unscrupulous sellers. The supplier will receive the money only after the buyer confirms that he has received the products. A large number of sellers allows consumers to choose the optimal conditions for their purchase.
  5. One of the largest Chinese language stores. Among the advantages are low prices, a large assortment and exclusive products.

Exhibitions and presentations

Direct supplies of goods in bulk from China for your online store can be easily arranged without intermediaries at an exhibition or presentation in China. Attend such an event. Information about the largest of them can be easily found on the website The thematic exhibition will allow you to view samples, receive catalogs, and also provide a chance to make personal acquaintances with Chinese businessmen in order to discuss with them the terms of potential cooperation.

Visiting exhibitions has a number of benefits. Let's focus only on the most important of them:

  • Presentations of the required product will help you find reliable suppliers and business partners.
  • You have a chance to find an exclusive product.
  • You will be able to visually evaluate the product on site and become familiar with its quality characteristics.
  • Personal communication with the manufacturer increases the chances of receiving discounts and bonuses.

Where to look for exhibitions of Chinese goods online

The website of the exhibition or fair contains a list of companies taking part in it. Once you have selected the most suitable suppliers, visit their official websites to find out up-to-date information about them, get contacts and send a trade proposal.

One such useful website is chinaexhibition. Here you can find information about industrial Chinese exhibitions. Using this site will simplify the task and you will easily find a suitable supplier.

By the way, in this way you can find sellers who do not work on the resource. You will be surprised, but not all suppliers from China are registered there. This approach will be an additional advantage over competitors.

Visit to the Celestial Empire

The benefits of traveling to China are obvious. You will not only be able to verify the quality of the product after receiving a sample, but also understand the features of the production process. Even if you fail to sign a contract, invaluable experience is guaranteed.

Here are some serious benefits of traveling to China:

  • You will see with your own eyes the enterprise, its production facilities and management team.
  • You will significantly increase your status in the eyes of your Chinese partners, who will have no doubt about the seriousness of your intentions.
  • You will be able to assess the potential prospects of a joint business.
  • You will learn all the nuances of Chinese entrepreneurship, study the manner.

Cooperation via Internet platforms

Directly on the Chinese website TaoBao or the Alibaba trading platform, you can buy everything you need to open a commercial representative office online. Aliexpress offers customers purchases directly from China and the lowest prices with a fairly diverse assortment.

If you don’t know how to find direct suppliers from China, look at the statistics of requests in Yandex Direct. It is clearly seen here that most potential entrepreneurs are looking for suppliers from China on Aliexpress.

Entrepreneurs who purchase products in bulk from large services are protected. They can return the money back if the products did not arrive or the order has a presentation that does not correspond to the stated description;

Types of online trading

The bulk of Russian business people who prefer to cooperate with foreign companies (including Chinese ones) use traditional options for working together with partners, tested in practice:

  1. Wholesale sales. The Chinese market offers various goods in abundance. Therefore, choosing products that will be in consumer demand in Russia will not be difficult. To set up a successful business, you will only need to select the optimal supplier, find retailers, receive advance payment and ensure delivery of products. All types of online advertising can help you.
  2. Sales through an online store. This form of business organization requires an initial investment, but provides good profits. To do business with China this way, an entrepreneur needs knowledge and skills in online commerce, the specifics of promoting a store on the Internet, and the ability to advertise a product. A competent approach to business will provide the entrepreneur with a mass of loyal customers and a serious level of profit.
  3. Dropshipping model. This form of business organization allows you to start trading with China without investment. The buyer orders goods from the entrepreneur on an advance payment basis. The latter makes a purchase directly from the supplier, who organizes delivery.
  4. Own sales through a retail outlet. The markup makes it possible to receive a constant income with a simple method of trading.
  5. Joint purchases of goods from China. The method is advisable for financial benefits for entrepreneurs due to the discount, as well as saving money on.

What is the easiest thing to sell?

  • Here are the priority items that are in great demand among domestic consumers:
  • Wardrobe items. This is traditionally a popular Chinese product. Many entrepreneurs start their business by searching for suppliers of exactly this type of product.
  • Equipment and materials. Mid-level enterprises sometimes offer goods of fairly good quality to wholesale buyers from Russia.
  • Souvenirs and inexpensive jewelry. Such products are often produced by small companies, due to the nature of production. Accordingly, the cost of such a product is low.

Why do you need a trial order?

Agree with suppliers about ordering trial batches of products, while finding out the following points:

  • How easy is it to communicate with support, is it possible to achieve understanding;
  • How quickly a support employee or potential partner responds to requests;
  • How are delivery deadlines met?


The main disadvantage of purchasing Chinese goods through online trading platforms is that negotiations are conducted online. Therefore, an entrepreneur is not always given a chance to test a potential partner.

As a result, wholesale purchases are made blindly, when the entrepreneur does not understand who is bargaining with him on the other side of the monitor: the supplier, the Chinese manufacturer, or scammers who enjoy the trust of the buyer.

Remember that trading platforms work according to the scheme of online advertising, that is, they promote product pages that pay for high positions on the site.

As a rule, those who know the rules of online commerce well are ranked higher. More often than not, such companies are resellers rather than product manufacturers. A serious drawback of such trade is paying for products that the entrepreneur has not checked for quality, has not counted the number of copies and does not even know what the packaging looks like. Without taking these points into account, a successful transaction may not take place.

Communication with Chinese partners

Before you buy wholesale goods for your online store, read and follow our tips and everything will work out. Strive to interest the supplier to ship goods directly from China. Things will go smoothly if the seller understands that you are interested in long-term cooperation.

A serious factor is the volume of purchases. If wholesale purchases are large-scale, you will immediately become one of the supplier’s promising clients. In China, openness, perspective and respectful relationships between partners are valued as highly as anywhere else.

We check the reliability of the supplier

  1. Whois services, for example, whois-domaintools. Here you can find out how long the supplier’s resource has been registered with the hosting. If he is less than a year old, it is better not to risk it.
  2. Resources about companies whose legal address is in Beijing and Shanghai. From them you can find out whether the company actually operates in these cities. To check, simply enter information about the company or its representatives into the search. Sometimes a title or surname is enough.
  3. Hong Kong Companies Registry (icris). This contains information about actually registered companies in the area.

And at the end of our material there are useful tips. How to order goods directly from a manufacturer from China - recommendations from experienced entrepreneurs:

  • Decide what you want. Find out what your options are and organize the information. In particular, you have a choice between a manufacturer or a third-party supplier, a large firm or a family business, and so on. Proper systematization will help you navigate your objective needs. For example, if you're only going to work with a few brand names, it might be easier to deal directly with the manufacturer rather than a third-party seller.
  • Create a table with information about potential partners. It should include columns with the company name, contact information, production size and field of activity.
  • Use search engines to collect and analyze information that relates to the selected products.

China without intermediaries. First, let's figure out what we mean by the word "intermediary":

1. Intermediary - "outbid". He buys goods from suppliers in China and sells them to you at his own markup. At the same time, you do not have contacts or any information at all about how the purchase takes place. There is no point in discussing working with such intermediaries.

2. Intermediary export agent. You usually know your supplier, you know the prices, the agent's commission is clearly indicated. The intermediary helps with purchasing, checking the goods, and delivery. Such an intermediary is useful in working with China.

Is it possible to work without intermediaries at all? Let's figure it out:

Remote work with China without intermediaries

Many people start working with China with remote purchasing, without visiting China to exhibitions, factories and wholesale markets. Is it possible to work without intermediaries in this case? Of course you can. But not in all cases.

1. We buy from domestic Chinese sites TaoBao, and others

The first case when the help of an intermediary can't be avoided- This is a purchase from the above sites.


Hi all! Lately we have been talking mainly about online stores and goods from China. Now I want to tell you how to find a supplier of any goods in China or Russia for sale in an online store or in a store in your city.

Kolesnikov, where he talks in detail about how he looks for suppliers to sell trending products from one-page websites. The video is towards the end of the article, be sure to watch it and read Roman’s article:.

I also want to notify you that a page has appeared on the site!

We are looking for a supplier in Russia

It couldn't be simpler. It's corny, but true! Google and Yandex can help us. Simply enter the product and the word “wholesale” or “wholesale” into the search engine. For example: “bags wholesale” or “watches wholesale” and so on. You can substitute the city if you want to find a supplier in your city. There are also many Russian wholesalers now who sell trendy Chinese goods. Their prices are slightly higher than in China, but the delivery time is several times shorter. Some even allow you to return an item if you can't sell it.

Important to know. It is not always possible to find a supplier in your city and you have to look in other cities with delivery to yours. I also looked for bags in Russia in other cities, but now many factories are calling me and offering their goods.

Conditions for all factories and suppliers are different. For example, the minimum order amount, depending on the product, can be 5,000 or 50,000 rubles. Contact suppliers and clarify these points.

There is also one cool market in Moscow called Sadovod. You can find any products there! Here .

We are looking for a supplier in China

This one is a little more complicated, but not particularly difficult. I’ve written about this many, many times already, but now let’s look point by point and put it all together.

For the dropshipping model (selling a product without having it). You can read about the model. To find a supplier for dropshipping, just use the Aliexpress website, but first read the article. There you can find a seller and constantly order from him those goods that they will buy (order) from you.

For standard model, when products are in stock. Here the Taobao website can help you. There are a number of articles about how to work with the Taobao website, I advise you to read them in the order in which I present them:

This is a large Chinese sellers' market and you can find absolutely any product there at very low prices. I described how to search and how to buy in the articles above. There, it is not necessary to buy from the same seller and look for a high rating, because the reseller will check the quality of the product before sending it to you.

For wholesale trade. For wholesale trade, suppliers in China can also be found on Taobao, if we are talking about small wholesale. If there is a large wholesale (one product from 50 or from 100 pieces, for example), then the Chinese website Alibaba or 1688 will help you. Here is a detailed article:. You can buy retail there, but mostly wholesale. The site is in English and all suppliers must be contacted in English.

And 1688 is a large Chinese wholesale platform entirely in Chinese. .

If you need a reliable intermediary who will help you organize the delivery of goods from China at competitive prices, with all the necessary documents, then you can, I will give his contacts.

Supplier advantages:

  • he checks the quality of the goods before sending them to you;
  • directly contacts sellers;
  • takes care of the entire process of delivery of goods;

For the commission that you pay him, he saves you from routine and unnecessary hassle.

Please do not confuse:

Supplier - this is the seller from whom you want to buy the product.

Mediator - this is the person who will ensure the purchase and delivery of goods from the supplier to you.

Video instructions on where to find suppliers for an online store


I hope that I have already definitively answered the questions about how to find a supplier and where to find a supplier. Now you can easily find a supplier for your online store both in Russia and China. I advise you to work with both, because in China some goods are not much cheaper than our domestic ones and it is more profitable to order in Russia with much faster delivery. Moreover, a larger assortment will not hurt you. Thank you for your attention! Ask questions in the comments and subscribe to the blog in the form below the article!

Have you done research on popular online platforms for selling various products and found a product that you would like to sell? All such activities require a lot of time and effort, since you will have to become a real scout. But in the process, you may encounter some problems that will prevent you from finding Chinese product suppliers. They will make negotiations much more difficult. You find factories in China where people with a completely different culture and native language work, communicate with them via the Internet and discuss potential investments of impressive amounts (thousands and tens of thousands of dollars). And there is no way to avoid certain risks here.

In this article we will try to tell you how to find a supplier in China who will become your potential partner, how to structure the negotiation process and payment, how to ensure product quality control - all these factors are extremely important for successfully doing business on popular Internet platforms in any country in the world .

Guan Xi: the basics of doing business in China

Guan Xi means "relationship" in Chinese. This word is the basis of business relations in the Middle Kingdom. The values ​​and culture in the PRC are radically different from those in the West, and the difference is noticeable in literally everything. Trust, respect, eye contact and careful negotiation will all allow you to create excellent relationships with Chinese suppliers.

Guan Xi is an extremely important concept that must be remembered when communicating with manufacturers in China. The success of your relationship and its duration will depend on this. If everything is done correctly, factories in China will respond more quickly to your requests, while offering you more favorable payment terms and prices, and will be more accommodating when solving any problems.

There is another important concept that Huang identified as the ethics of Chinese suppliers. Copying a product brand or stealing intellectual property is commonplace here. You can protect yourself from this, but you should be extremely vigilant. But this doesn’t always help - you need to be prepared for the fact that your product and brand can be copied sooner or later. An excellent example is that one of the Chinese brands freely “borrowed” the branding and logo from a competitor for a new line of its products. This example clearly shows how radically different business practices and ethics are between China and the West.

The only thing that unites you and the Chinese product supplier is the desire to make money. If you manage to negotiate around a common goal, then money here will become a universal language, understandable in any country in the world.

3 Keys to a Successful Search Company

No. 1 Choosing the right supplier

When looking for a potential factory in China, the first place you should look is Alibaba. Yes, there are also a lot of outbids here, and it is not so easy to understand who is the real manufacturer in China, and who is simply posing as one. At the same time, this is the largest trading platform in the Celestial Empire, which means there are the most suppliers of products here. Quality suffers from this, but these are the nuances of doing business. You can always send a request to any seller on the site, but the number of responses will be quite small - quite expected, however.

This kind of work can be called “broadcast negotiations”; further dialogue with suppliers will be conducted based on their answers. There is another option for obtaining suppliers - Global Sources. The number of manufacturers from China is an order of magnitude smaller here, but each supplier has to undergo selection, which has a positive effect on their quality. There are also smaller resources, but you shouldn’t pay attention to them - most suppliers will be either on Alibaba or Global Sources in any case.

In addition to these stores, you can visit exhibitions - this is an excellent place to communicate with suppliers and negotiate production locations. The Canton Fair is the largest exhibition held in China twice a year. There are industry fairs in the West (in the USA and Europe), where you can also communicate with Chinese manufacturers and begin to build business relationships based on the Guan Xi principle.

How to distinguish a trading company (repurchase) from a manufacturer?

There is an extremely obvious answer to this question - you just need to ask. If they directly answer you that “yes, we are a factory,” then you are communicating with manufacturers. If the “we are cooperating with this factory” tricks begin, then this is a trading company.

You can also understand who you are communicating with by looking at the product catalog on online sites. For example, the entire assortment of a factory in China is usually represented by one direction (in the picture - silicone products). If the supplier sells products that are in no way related to each other and works in several niches at once, then with a high degree of probability you are dealing with a reseller.

Trading companies are also often new to the technical side of things. For example, Gary Huang communicated with one of the suppliers and asked him about details regarding the gadget’s battery - he was never able to get an answer.

Trading company, its pros and cons

Resellers can offer you the best service, they speak excellent English and often have an office in the city center. In return, you will have to shell out more money for the products. And if any problems arise, outsourcing will usually take the manufacturer’s side. Moreover, a trading company can simply disappear at one point if many people have suspicions about it. The main incentive for such companies is quick profit, and often this does not work in favor of the buyer. Factories are interested in long-term cooperation and can offer you lower prices.

No. 2 Choosing a factory in China

There is one unspoken rule that can be applied to many aspects of life: “You only get what you pay for.” This means that there are many important nuances in negotiations, in addition to the final price. You can discuss the quality of the product, payment terms, delivery times and your future relationship with the product supplier.

In addition, any company has a lower price level - a minimum cost-effective value. If you manage to negotiate production at too low prices, you should prepare for possible problems. To save money, a factory can save on materials, make products of lower quality, change the composition, reduce the amount of packaging materials, and much, much more. The main aspect here is long-term cooperation, so you should prepare for difficulties with quality control at too low prices.

It is much more logical to agree with the manufacturer in China on a higher price for your first order, and from the second time increase the volume of purchases and ask for a discount. Remember - you need to negotiate with Chinese suppliers continuously. To start negotiations, you can use Skype, telephone or e-mail. Preliminary agreements on price are the starting point in negotiations; cost should be discussed only in long-term cooperation. If you have the opportunity to negotiate face-to-face in person, take advantage of it; this will strengthen your position and allow you to negotiate more favorable terms.

In addition, you should communicate with the owner or manager of the factory in China. This way, you will be able to solve many problems on the fly - negotiations will be conducted with people who are ready to make decisions, and not with sales representatives of enterprises. It is also worth taking into account external factors during negotiations, including currency fluctuations. Thanks to them, you can get a discount for yourself under a certain set of circumstances.

#3 Ensuring quality control

For successful trading, production quality control is fundamental. Problems can come from anywhere, but if you sign an agreement, they can be minimized. It is necessary to indicate in the document the materials, dimensions, packaging, quality of the goods, noting any details in writing. If a problem arises due to the fault of the supplier, you can always appeal to this agreement, demanding compensation for losses or a credit for further orders.

Quality control is important throughout the process as problems can arise at any time. It is much easier to identify them immediately than after several shipments. On the graph, you can track the exponential increase in costs when defects are discovered after the production and shipment of the product.

Identifying quality problems is quite simple at the stage of selecting a supplier of goods. When you first communicate with the factory, you can ask some leading questions that will allow you to get to know the supplier better. We recommend a “country review”. To do this, you just need to ask the supplier about the main countries where his products are exported. For European countries, the USA and Japan, product requirements are an order of magnitude higher than for Russia and the countries of the customs union. Things are much simpler in the Middle Eastern countries and Africa, where there are practically no restrictions on quality control.

In addition, you can always request a sample from the product supplier before ordering a whole batch. On Alibaba, many suppliers actively use image editors to make their products more attractive. A funny situation that is observed quite often on the largest Chinese site: a supplier, who is not a manufacturer, takes a photo of a product from another site, puts watermarks on it and pretends that he is manufacturing the product.

To keep a tight rein on suppliers and receive only high-quality goods, you will need a special contract for the purchase of goods. Before production begins, you can always receive a pre-production sample, evaluate its quality, and then place an order (we wrote about this in the last paragraph). After production, you have the right to request a post-production sample in order to understand the quality of the resulting batch of goods. If you don’t want to order expensive urgent delivery, you can ask the manufacturer for a video of the product.

An excellent option for monitoring product quality is the services of special agencies. This is true for orders from 3-5 thousand dollars. You will have to pay about $300 for the company’s services, but you will receive a detailed report on the products. Such audits will be especially useful for new factories, since with repeat orders you will most likely be able to establish a trusting business relationship and eliminate audits. It is important to remember that until the order is paid in full, you always have leverage over factories in China. They are much more willing to engage in dialogue and seek a compromise on any problem if they have not yet received all the money for the order.

We strongly discourage you from making verbal compromises with suppliers. In all dialogues, you need to behave as clearly as possible, always requiring confirmation in writing. If you already have such an agreement, pay attention to product quality control. This will have a positive impact on both your relationship with the supplier and the quality of the goods received. The most important aspect is that working with suppliers from China is based on the Guan Xi principle. Your relationship with the manufacturer in China is the basis for future fruitful work, so you should approach it with respect. Who knows, maybe in the future you will become partners and open a common production.

Product search in China from Russia

NS Trade is ready to provide comprehensive assistance in finding manufacturers in China. The company’s specialists work with databases of Chinese suppliers and know many of the nuances of communicating with them and concluding transactions. Working with NS Trade will allow you to avoid numerous problems and avoid pitfalls when concluding a transaction. The company can also fully organize or help you negotiate deals with product suppliers . The last service is especially relevant for people who are dealing with Chinese suppliers and foreign economic activity for the first time.

Business hacks: how to find a manufacturer in China

The moment has come when you decide to open your own business and sell, for example, bearings. Or, after the birth of a child, they abandoned the lamp store and decided to switch to children's clothing and toys. How to find suppliers among hundreds of thousands of Chinese factories? Multi-page threads on forums are devoted to this topic. “Chinese compote” shares several effective methods.

Method #1: Alibaba

From - an ingenious trading platform operating on a B2B model. It is the world's largest online wholesale marketplace, already surpassing eBay and Amazon combined in terms of transaction volume. The site also has a Russian version, as well as many other versions. Alibaba is here to help you. Source:

There is a catalog and a search line available - you can easily find a manufacturer who is capable of producing the desired product. But there's a catch. The manufacturer may turn out to be (and in most cases will turn out to be) not a representative of the factory, but an intermediary - with all that that implies.

It is very difficult to distinguish a seller from a manufacturer without a site visit, and sometimes the mission is impossible in principle. This type of fraud flourishes in China. Therefore, you should not immediately place an order when you find an interesting offer on

It is often impossible to distinguish a manufacturer from an intermediary online. Source:

The site is needed primarily in order to navigate the proposed circumstances. You can “test” the market segment that interests you, including comparing prices. Before bargaining and serious negotiations, the stated amounts are something like the average temperature in the hospital, but these figures will not bother you.

Also, by searching on, you will find out in which region of China the product you are interested in is manufactured. You will find a nest, sorry, a cluster. Industrial. You'll know where to go when you decide to tour the factories. Knowing where the cluster is located, you can cover several enterprises in one trip.

Method #2: Canton Fair

It is China's largest and one of the world's largest trade exhibitions, held in the southern city of Guangzhou twice a year - in spring and autumn. Manufacturers from all over the Celestial Empire and beyond come to show themselves and look at others - the number of laowai participants is growing every year.
The Canton Fair is the largest trade exhibition in China. Source:

We've already got some good advice on how to behave at a trade fair. Let's add a couple more, for, so to speak, a complete set.

If you have already decided to go, do not rush to buy a plane ticket for the opening. Both spring and autumn fairs take place in three stages, that is, manufacturers of different groups of goods alternately replace each other. For example, factories producing household appliances occupy pavilions at the first stage - in April and October. You can get acquainted with sporting goods manufacturers at the third stage - in May and October. And so on.

Write to the factories you are interested in and schedule a meeting during the Canton Fair

And just before the trip, remember your school days and do your homework. Write to the factories you are interested in and schedule a meeting during the exhibition. The Chinese will appreciate this move and will greet you like an old friend. And don't worry that your dream manufacturer may not be at the Canton Fair. If this is a company that respects itself at all, it will. And you, honestly, don’t need the rest, even though it’s cheaper.

Even if the Chinese supplier made the most excellent impression on you, do not rely on intuition and visit the factory.

Method number 3: Panjiva

Throwing aside all prejudices, we must say thank you to the capitalists for the opportunities they give us. For example, any cargo that is cleared through customs in America is accompanied by a bill of lading. Information from the document often ends up in the public domain - they have to play it open there. There are companies that collect this data, systematize it and then - no, they don’t leak it, but sell it in the form of a subscription to access the database. An initial subscription to Panjiva costs $99/month. You can use a limited version for free.

For example, you decided to sell rubber boots. By scouring the Internet, find American (or British, or German - the geography is wide) companies that import similar goods. Then look for information about these companies in the Panjiva database.

Global trading database.