How to celebrate the New Year. How to celebrate the New Year. New Year of the Yellow Dog: what gifts to give

After two years of the reign of the fire element, the Yellow Earth Dog will rule on Earth, so calm and balance will reign. The year of this animal will bring prosperity to every person, understanding in family relationships and success in all areas of life. Many people are wondering how to celebrate 2018, the Year of the Dog, so as not to offend it and earn its favor. Regardless of what budget is allocated for the New Year celebration or where you want to spend the holiday, it is worth listening to the advice of astrologers. This may gain the Dog's support until next year.

According to the Chinese calendar, 2018 will be held under the auspices of the Yellow Earth Dog. This animal will bring peace and goodness to people. Understanding and love will reign in families. Single people can find their soulmate. Everyone can expect well-being and success in their personal lives, at work and in other areas of life.

In the Year of the Dog, the world is open to travel. The dedication and hard work of this animal allows it to reach great heights. In order for the year to bring prosperity, when celebrating the New Year 2018, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Celebrate the New Year in a large and noisy company. The dog does not like loneliness, so don’t be sad at home on New Year’s Eve. Have fun parties with friends or go to someone's house.
  2. An excellent solution would be to celebrate with your loved ones. The dog loves to be around people who are dear to his heart.
  3. Have fun on New Year's Eve. Sitting down in front of the TV to watch Blue Light is a bad idea. Arrange various games and competitions, dance and laugh. The main thing is not to let melancholy and despondency penetrate your home.

It doesn’t matter where you decide to celebrate the New Year, the main thing is that you have fun and there are people around. A dog is a brave and determined animal, so New Year's Eve is perfect for implementing bold ideas, for example, a long-awaited trip abroad.

What to wear and what colors are held in high esteem?

To please the Host of 2018, when choosing an outfit you need to give preference to:

  1. Yellow color, which brings joy and warmth, helps get rid of stress and depression, symbolizes romantic love and tenderness.
  2. Brown color, all shades of which will bring you prosperity and success.

Other colors would also be appropriate:

  1. Orange.
  2. Gold.
  3. Beige.
  4. Ashen.

But you should avoid bright red and fiery shades, as well as leopard print, as they can irritate the Dog. It is necessary to choose stylish but discreet outfits, since the Master of the Year does not like extravagance. These can be floor-length dresses, discreet trouser suits, or carnival outfits. Men should also ditch black and gray suits and look for an outfit in tan tones.

What to serve?

If you want to attract the attention of a Yellow Earth Dog, you need to think not only about how to celebrate 2018, but also what to serve. Dogs are considered unpretentious animals, but they love meat. Be sure to prepare several simple meat dishes. Remember that the Dog loves to move, so you should avoid jellied meat and other heavy dishes.

The owner of the year is distinguished by economy and rationality, therefore he does not welcome exquisite expensive dishes. You can serve:

  1. Meat dishes - cutlets, chops, French meat and so on.
  2. Meat on the bone - chicken legs, pork or lamb ribs.
  3. Various salads, including traditional Olivier.
  4. Fruits and fresh vegetables.
  5. Natural juices.
  6. Baked goods and desserts – cookies in the shape of dogs or sugar seeds.

There must be tangerines and oranges on the table. You can also put pineapple and bananas.

Where to celebrate the New Year of the Dog 2018?

The choice of meeting place depends on many factors, including personal preferences, desires and financial capabilities. You can celebrate the Year of the Yellow Earth Dog at home or abroad, in your hometown or another country.

New Year 2018 at home

If you are planning to spend New Year's Eve at home, prepare it for a meeting with the Yellow Dog. Decorate it with gold tinsel and other yellow and brown decorations. The interior decoration of the house should be bright and attractive.

Throw a fun party at home. Think over the holiday scenario in advance, prepare competitions and games so that no one gets bored. Invite your friends and family into your home, fill it with fun and laughter, and then the Dog will definitely drop by to see you.

Trip to warmer climates

An excellent solution could be a trip to warmer climes. Replace the winter cold with the gentle sun and sea. You can go to Thailand, the Maldives or Bali. Egypt may be a more economical option. Vivid impressions will allow this New Year to remain in your memory for a long time.

If you decide to go abroad, take care of your visa and other documents in advance. Tickets should be purchased either in advance or on hot tickets.

Travel to foreign countries

You can celebrate the New Year in a fun and unforgettable way not only on the seashore or ocean. European capitals have their own traditions of celebrating this holiday. If you decide to go to the Czech Republic or Latvia, you will need significantly less money. It is unusual to celebrate the New Year in Georgia, Belarus and other countries.

If you decide to go to another city or country for the New Year holidays, remember, the main thing is to celebrate the New Year of the Dog 2018 fun and with people. It is better to go on a trip with a loved one or friends. If this is not possible, don’t be sad in your room on New Year’s Eve. Go out to the central square of the city, go to a restaurant, nightclub or other establishment and have fun with other people.

How to celebrate the New Year in Russia?

If you do not have the opportunity to travel abroad or have no desire to leave your native country, you can celebrate the New Year in Russia in a fun and unusual way. If you want the holiday to be remembered for a long time, you can implement the following ideas:

  1. Residents of the regions can go to Moscow to celebrate the New Year. The chiming clock on Red Square is accompanied by folk festivities, songs and dances, so you won’t be bored, even if you don’t have friends in the capital.
  2. A trip to Veliky Ustyug will be remembered for a long time. This city is considered the residence of Father Frost, so fairs and master classes, sleigh rides and the purchase of New Year's souvenirs are an integral part of the celebration.
  3. For bright impressions, you can go to Baikal for the New Year 2018. Tour operators offer tours for both romantic individuals and extreme sports enthusiasts. Nature of amazing beauty will add bright colors to the holiday.

Inexpensive options

If you decide to celebrate the New Year with friends, you can go to the country together or rent a house outside the city. If you or your friends do not have a summer house, take care of renting a house in advance. The closer the celebration date, the higher the prices and the less choice. When heading out of town, don’t forget to bring drinks and snacks, as well as meat for barbecue.

You can also go to a restaurant, cafe, camp site and other similar places. Typically, such establishments hold a show program on New Year’s Eve with various competitions, games, songs and dances, so you won’t be bored.

More expensive, but original, would be to rent a limousine on New Year's Eve. Travel around your city with friends, bringing drinks and light snacks. You can stop periodically to take memorable photos or dance with other people in the square. True, this option is suitable only for residents of large cities, but a lot of positive emotions are guaranteed.

Throw a party at home

If you're gathering friends at your home, it's best to throw a fun themed party. The host of the year will be happy with this decision, but do not forget to think through all the organizational issues in advance and warn the guests.

"Vacation in Hawaii"

It's hard to find a person who doesn't want to lie on the beach in Hawaii and bask in the warm rays of the sun. No opportunity to go to warmer climes? Then have a hot party at home. Inform guests of the dress code: bright summer clothes, Hawaiian shirts, beach skirts and hats.

Don't forget to prepare a variety of cocktails (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) and place plates of fruit everywhere. Place indoor plants on dressers and shelves. If you don't have any, make artificial palm trees.

pajama party

You can celebrate the New Year 2018 no less fun by having a pajama party. Tell all your friends to bring their pajamas. The main idea of ​​the party is comfort, so no heels, short skirts or other uncomfortable things.

Remove the table, chest of drawers and other furniture from the room. You can leave only the bed and upholstered furniture; place blankets, pillows, and blankets everywhere. Have a pillow fight and other fun activities. Prepare light snacks and drinks.

Theme party ideas can be different. Everything depends only on your imagination. Involve your friends in organizing the holiday to make the event as fun and varied as possible.

If you're throwing a party at home, plan the entertainment in advance. Choose interesting competitions and games so that no one gets bored on New Year's Eve, and the Yellow Earth Dog brings everyone success, prosperity and happiness.

Everyone has their own favorite holidays, but it’s hard to argue with the fact that New Year is the most magical and fabulous holiday of the year. Every person has high hopes for the New Year.

It is quite understandable why many people think about how to celebrate the New Year 2017. After all, this holiday is associated with something magical and even mystical. We believe in changes for the better, and this makes us do everything possible to help the good and kind not bypass our homes and our holiday table.

It is very important to spend the old year with dignity before the start of the magnificent New Year celebrations. Thank him for all the good things he brought you. Sitting at the festive table with your loved ones and friends, try to remember the brightest events of 2017. Don’t hold a grudge and don’t remember bad events: only good and kind ones. By celebrating the New Year with a pure soul, you make room for new bright impressions. How to say goodbye to the old year is now clear, but how should you celebrate the New Year?

Possible formats for the 2017 meeting

New Year is traditionally a family holiday in our territories. He must be met in the family circle, but this rule does not exclude noisy and emotional companies. The main thing is that you feel free, comfortable and cozy with those people with whom you decide to celebrate. Bright and positive emotions should become the pillars that support the holiday and take it to a new level.

As for the symbol of next year - the Rooster - we are lucky here. He is a very cheerful and good-natured bird. The Rooster loves entertainment and space. Therefore, try to celebrate the holiday brightly, noisily, with emotions and fun.

What to give for the New Year

Often, in order for a gift to be not only pleasant, but also useful and bring joy in the coming year, many choose souvenirs that are identified with the symbol of the year. What should you give for the New Year of the Rooster? Take a look at the beautiful figurines. They can be made of straw, fabric, felt. You can find a lot of such cute souvenirs offered by folk craftsmen at the New Year's fair. In addition, such gifts will be affordable.

If you give a souvenir with a rooster on it, then you will give good luck and prosperity to the person.

What to put on the New Year's table

The rooster loves to eat, and according to our traditions, the New Year's table must be bursting with all kinds of treats. No one will limit you in your choice of dishes. The only thing is to pay the necessary attention to fresh vegetables and fruits (the rooster loves them very much). For New Year's dessert, choose apples, pears or berries.

Also try to put as many salads with herbs on the table as possible. Let there even be several vases with fresh, uncut herbs on the table. As for the decor of the New Year's table, you should choose red or even green shades.

As for the alcoholic components, it all depends on the taste of your company. The rooster relates best to cocktails, wines and champagnes. This bird, which loves movement and sports, does not welcome strong alcoholic drinks. Now it’s clear what needs to be prepared for the New Year 2017, let’s move on in the mystical traditions of the holiday.

You can also read more about it in our article.

What colors are typical for New Year's Eve 2017

Very often, many people wonder what color they should wear to celebrate the New Year 2017. As for the color scheme, to maximize the attraction of positivity and goodness, you need to select not only clothes in colors suitable for 2017, but also the entire decor of your home and holiday table. Since this will be the year of the red fire rooster, the colors of New Year's Eve are considered to be red and orange, as well as all their possible shades. It is not so important what you need to wear for the New Year 2017, the main thing is to maintain the specified color scheme.

Red and orange are colors that characterize well-being, happiness, luck, and life. They also help avoid overthinking or fanaticism. If you decide to celebrate the holiday in clothes of a different color, then be sure to complement the look with red or gold accessories.

This is important! The rooster does not like the color black. Therefore, it is better to leave clothes and accessories of this color on New Year's Eve 2017 deep on the shelf.
When it comes to fabrics, clothes made of velvet or silk will look best. Try to choose accessories from gold. After all, this is the second material that characterizes the symbol of next year. Clothing styles should be very graceful - the rooster will definitely appreciate this approach. Choose long evening dresses and skirts.

For girls, the advice that macchiah should be natural and discreet will be relevant. Floral and herbal notes are suitable as aromas. After all, the symbol of the year loves freedom and space. The ideal hairstyle is a ponytail or curls. Loose hair will also look relevant.

Home decoration for New Year 2017

To decorate the room where you will celebrate the holiday, try to use wooden things. Vases, souvenirs and figurines made of golden material will look great. Dishes with a golden border, paintings and photographs with a cockerel will add a special piquancy to the New Year's table. To encourage happiness and good luck, hang its symbol in your interior. Creating a rustic style will be a great addition to the decor of the space where you plan to celebrate the New Year.

Before you start decorating your home, it is important to clean it thoroughly. The Rooster loves order and cleanliness. But don't start cleaning on the eve of the holiday. It is best to do this a few days before December 31st. There are various signs associated with home for the New Year. For example, if water drips from a tap on a holiday night, this means that prosperity will leave the house.

A friendly and affectionate dog, having assumed its legal rights on February 16, will bring peace, tranquility and faith in a happy life to humanity. However, happiness in families and good luck in all areas of activity will not arise just like that. The Yellow Earth Dog will require work on oneself, the application of certain efforts and self-improvement. This peace-loving animal does not tolerate idleness, anger and sycophancy, but it favors useful deeds, the warmth of the family hearth, and goodwill.

On the eve of the New Year holidays, you should decide how to celebrate the 2018 Year of the Yellow Dog, what outfits to choose for the celebration, how to decorate the house and decorate the Christmas tree. An important point will be the choice of New Year's menu and gifts for family and friends. The totem animal running to replace the Fiery Red Rooster can change the life of any person, so it is better to plan a meeting of true love and great happiness in advance.

The symbol of 2018, according to astrologers, will bring peace, comfort to the home, faith in love and family happiness for many couples. The element of Earth will favor peace, tranquility, friendliness, and a faithful pet will give success, prosperity, and the opportunity to achieve great heights in various fields of activity. How to properly celebrate the year of the Yellow Earth Dog? Here are some recommendations from famous astrology gurus:

  • Celebrate the New Year at home or with relatives, because the Dog values ​​the family hearth and loved ones. Get together in a noisy group with friends, don't be sad, have fun from the heart.
  • Don't sit in front of the TV, on the sofa in the corner. Celebrate actively, with competitions, entertaining games, and animators. Spend New Year's Eve and night on the move.
  • The animal loves cleanliness and care, so everything at home should be washed, tidied, and decorated for the holidays. Hang bright garlands, tinsel, decorate the Christmas tree with beautiful toys, not forgetting to prepare gifts for all family members.
  • Never be left alone. Invite relatives, visit loved ones, travel, in general, find a friendly company to relax together on New Year's Eve.
  • Be sure to set the table by preparing different delicacies for children and adults. Don't forget about your pets, who also love to eat meat dishes.

How to decorate a Christmas tree and decorate your house

When planning how to celebrate the New Year 2018 of the Yellow Dog, you should take into account that this friendly animal is not delighted with pretentiousness and incomprehensible ideas. The house needs to be decorated so that everyone feels comfortable, happy and happy. Here are some ideas for decorating rooms for the New Year holidays:

  • hang wreaths of Christmas tree decorations, fir branches, pine cones and tinsel on the walls and doors;
  • arrange festive bouquets from pine branches tied with red ribbons;
  • attach decorative angels made of different materials to door handles;
  • decorate the Christmas tree and walls with multi-colored flashing garlands;
  • choose golden, yellow, brown and red colors for decoration to match the upcoming symbol;
  • Avoid unnecessary expenses on decorating your home; it’s better to make New Year’s souvenirs with your own hands.

Tips on how to decorate a Christmas tree:

  • a live or artificial spruce must be placed in plain sight, decorated with taste, without excess New Year’s “rain” and tinsel;
  • It is better to take medium-sized Christmas tree decorations, giving preference to yellow, golden, and red balls;
  • the best material for toys in 2018 is considered to be all natural - this is wood, fabric, figures made of straw, pine cones, twigs;
  • Be sure to hang a figurine in the shape of a dog on the Christmas tree in plain sight.

What to wear to celebrate New Year 2018

Having figured out how to celebrate the 2018 year of the yellow dog, let's move on to New Year's outfits. With color, everything is clear right away - these are yellow, golden, brown shades with the addition of beige, red decorative elements. It is better to choose models with a classic cut, giving preference to refined lines and comfort.

A win-win and fashionable option for the 2018 New Year is a golden tight-fitting knee-length dress or a strict sheath dress in beige, light yellow, complemented with gold jewelry.

It is not recommended to choose outfits with open necklines and slits, colorful ruffles, feathers, or sparkles. The dog does not like shine and shimmer, preferring calm tones. For a fun party, you can choose a dress with orange or red inserts; for a New Year's buffet, an elegant trouser suit is suitable. The main thing is to exclude leopard prints and large jewelry, giving preference to gold.

What to cook for the New Year of the Dog 2018

The festive menu for the New Year's table should be thought through thoroughly. Particular attention should be paid to decor, serving, and services. As an option, you can cover the table with a yellow linen tablecloth, placing brown dishes and glasses with gold rims. You can take bright red napkins.

You can appease the symbol of the coming 2018 with rich treats, hearty dishes, and meat snacks. Be sure to place a vase of fruit in the center, pour natural juices and compote into glasses. Dogs love sweets, cakes, homemade pies and cookies; there should be plenty of this on the table. This animal is an omnivore; there are no restrictions on the holiday menu.

You can serve it on the New Year's table:

  • meat, fish dishes, poultry snacks;
  • all kinds of salads, sandwiches;
  • sweet canapés, desserts;
  • homemade baked goods, cakes;
  • fruits, cutting fresh vegetables;
  • any drinks.

For example, a golden-crusted oven-baked chicken, a Sunflower salad decorated with yellow chips and corn, or a pie with eggs and cottage cheese would look great in the center of the table. You can boil potatoes with meat by adding fried carrots and onions. Decor would not be complete without New Year's tangerines, oranges, bright yellow apples, and bananas.

New Year of the Yellow Dog: what gifts to give

When planning in advance how to celebrate the 2018 Year of the Yellow Dog, we must not forget about New Year's gifts. What can you give to your relatives, children, parents? Anything, really. The main thing is not to save money, exclude trinkets and unnecessary things from the list of souvenirs, and approach the choice with soul. The hits of the coming year are gift sets of terry towels, expensive bed linen with images of dogs, pillows, dishes and kitchen utensils.

Here are some options for gifts for the New Year 2018:

  • photo album, photo frame, phone case or painting with images of cute dogs;
  • house slippers with funny dog ​​faces;
  • sets of dishes with cute images of the symbol of the coming year;
  • golden candlesticks, wall sconces;
  • blanket, door mat, sofa cushions;
  • printed t-shirts.

Remember that in the Year of the Dog you cannot give soft dog toys and various chains to friends and family. The toy will be considered a “rival” of the advancing totem, and pets really don’t like chains.

This is precisely the topic that this article is devoted to.

So, in the turmoil of numerous hassles associated with choosing an outfit, gifts for family members and friends, preparing your favorite dishes, the most pressing question remains how to celebrate the New Year. Since this is the most democratic holiday on our planet, there are no special rules or recommendations in this regard. Everyone chooses the method that they like. Some people love the comfort and warmth of home, some like fiery discos, and some love traveling. In any case, we try to promptly decide on the choice of the venue for the holiday and the methods for holding it.

This night is always associated with the atmosphere of fairy tales and mysticism, so you should think carefully about how to celebrate the New Year. In travel agencies you can always find last-minute tours for this holiday, although even they are quite expensive. If you save enough money in a year, you can afford to go for a holiday week to a place where there is no snow and cold, under the warm rays of the sun, to the sound of the waves of the hot sea.

Of course, this way of celebrating the New Year is quite interesting, but there will probably be people who will not be very happy with this decision of yours. For example, parents who have a completely different idea of ​​how to celebrate the New Year.

Perhaps the most traditional way to celebrate the holiday is a family dinner, the clinking of glasses and the chimes. But from year to year this method loses its relevance; I want novelty and change. This is something worth explaining to parents. It will be great if they agree to go somewhere with you. Then there will be no pangs of conscience, and they will be pleased with an interesting way to celebrate the New Year.

The next option would be a holiday with friends. Agree with those who want to spend time in a noisy company, buy everything you need. In this case, you should not abuse alcoholic beverages, otherwise your expectations may not coincide with reality. And a headache that will torment you for at least two days will prevent you from having fun.

How to welcome newlyweds to the apartment? Remember the traditions that your parents kept from year to year, and add your own to them. Buy a Christmas tree, preferably an artificial one, which you can decorate in your own way every year, think over the dishes that will decorate the festive table. Whether to invite guests or celebrate the New Year with just the two of you is up to you. But in any case, you shouldn’t forget about your family and friends and lock yourself at home for several days. This holiday calls for fun, happiness and sparkle in your eyes, so do your best to achieve it.

How to celebrate the New Year is also an interesting question in terms of clothing. Look in the horoscope to see which animal's year is expected, and try to choose clothes that match the color. They say it brings good luck. You need to wear an outfit that suits you first and foremost, and not just a magazine cover model that makes you look, for example, square.

An important attribute of the New Year holidays is fortune telling. Christmas time is precisely the period when prophecies are true and will definitely come true. Explore several ways and surprise your family and friends.

Fireworks will be an interesting and beautiful addition to the New Year. When all the volleys in the city are silent, then light your fireworks so that everyone can see them.

If you are still looking for how to celebrate the New Year, then you can try to combine all the ways - celebrate the holiday with your family, then go to friends, and a few days later give yourself a gift and go on a trip. The most important thing is to maintain a good mood so that it will always be your companion throughout the coming year!

The symbol of 2018, the Yellow Dog, is a strong sign that will take under its protection the solution to many problems that seemed impossible to solve. An earth dog is not only a strong creature, but also a kind one; it strives to improve life for itself and its loved ones.

If you believe the eastern horoscope, many problems should be resolved in 2018. The main thing is to help this year’s patron with all your might.

When does the Year of the Yellow Dog begin?

According to the Chinese calendar, the Year of the Dog does not begin like you and I, that is, not on January 1. The calculation of the New Year in the Eastern calendar depends on the phase of the moon. Therefore, the start and end dates of their year change all the time. Every 12th new moon a new year begins. So, officially the Year of the Yellow Dog will begin on February 16, 2018 and will last until February 4, 2019. Despite this, you need to appease the symbol of the year a little earlier; New Year's Eve is the best time for this.

How to celebrate the Year of the Yellow Dog

By nature, a dog is a pack animal, and it also has a sense of attachment to the people around it. Following this logic, you need to celebrate the New Year “like a dog” - with your family and closest friends.

And 2018 itself should be celebrated like any new year - with treats and gifts: dogs are darlings.

What should be on the table in the year of the Dog

You must be wondering what to cook to put on the New Year's table? Again, we need to start from the logic of what we know about dogs. Fortunately, this animal is omnivorous and not pretentious. Their tastes overlap in many ways with human tastes. But it goes without saying that dogs love meat most of all. There must be meat dishes, herbs and vegetables on the New Year's table, but you don't have to cook fish - cats have more love for fish! As a dessert, you can make milk pudding or some kind of pie, gingerbread cookies.

What to wear to celebrate the Year of the Dog

This question torments many girls. What to wear for the New Year to look fashionable and in accordance with all the canons of the holiday? Let's be honest, this time you can celebrate the New Year even in pajamas - dogs love comfort. But you shouldn’t give up dresses either. Despite the fact that many people associate the New Year with a red dress, in the year of the dog, think about natural and pastel colors. Suitable outfits are beige, sand, camel and, of course, yellow and gold. To make you lucky in the Year of the Dog, it is important to have at least a small yellow detail in your image. For men, it can be a tie, or socks - whatever suits you. And women will have enough accessories.