How to learn to suggest your thoughts to a person with your gaze. Suggestion: methods and techniques. Suggestion of thoughts at a distance

Is it possible to transmit thoughts at a distance? In the 20s XX century Academician V.I. Vernadsky introduced the concept of the noosphere, defined as the “intelligent” shell around the earth.

In my understanding The noosphere is a kind of field in which all the thoughts of all people on the planet are located. I would NOT call it collective intelligence or social consciousness, no, it’s more like a field where thoughts fly around indiscriminately.

Essentially, the thoughts you think do not originate in your head. They come to you from outside. Just from this field. This feature could easily be observed by those of you who, in order to “strengthen the power of thought,” engaged in the practice of “no mind,” that is, stopping their thoughts.

When I observe my silent mind, I notice how various thoughts literally attack my head, trying to break into my space, into my mental shell.

Remember, you probably have had situations when some thought directly bombards you beyond your desire. Has it happened? Our mind generally has two functions: to receive thoughts from the outside and to create them independently. You and I, people who strive to fulfill our desires, very often tune our minds precisely to create OUR thoughts and images.

We do this by writing down our desires and speaking affirmations, we visualize our desires. That is, we, through an effort of will, create our own thoughts and transmit them to the noosphere.

But who can catch this thought from the noosphere? Anyone! Now let's move on to practice and see how you can transmit thoughts at a distance to other people.

My dears, let me clarify right away. We don't force anyone to call! We only direct our thought into the noosphere in order to transmit it to another person. All this is quite harmless.

So, one day I really wanted a young man to call me. An old friend of mine, with whom I have not spoken for a very long time. And that's what I did.

I began to mentally imagine what he would say to me if he actually called. I came up with words that I knew exactly what he could say. To do this, I turned to my memory and remembered how he used to start his phone call to me.

And he started it banally: a long, drawn-out “Hello,” then a pause and “How are you?” I presented not only the content of the text. I also imitated his voice, intonation, and emphasis. After this image, I moved on to another.

I imagined the phone ringing, I looked at the screen and saw that he was calling, I saw the name with which he was written in my phone book. I “flavored” both of these visualizations with the emotions that I will experience when he actually calls. So, of course, I will be happy...

Hmm, what should I tell him? It probably wouldn’t be bad for him to know about that... That was my train of thought. I fully believed that I would actually receive a call from him in the near future. And in the end he called me about 5 days later. Everything went exactly according to plan.

When I saw his name on the screen and then heard these “hello” and “how are you” - I was a little stunned. It's incredible how you can convey thoughts at a distance!

How to attract a message from the right person?

And now the second story. About SMS. This story was shared by a girl who told her:

I really wanted to make peace with the man.

In the evening, on a piece of paper, I spontaneously drew a dialog box, like in Viber, and a text from it: “Hello, I miss you.”

About two hours later I received a message from him on Viber with exactly the same text.

Wow! As you can see, both mental visualization and what we write down on paper work. Do you want to receive a call or SMS from someone? Then try it. No magic. Only the power of directed thought!

These two stories clearly show how one person can direct thoughts to a call or text message to another person.

Do you know what it looks like from the side of the person to whom the thought was sent? He will be absolutely sure that this is his own thought!

Now think, are you thinking your own thoughts now?

How to make a man think about you?

Many people ask me whether it is possible to “work” with a person at a distance. I answer everyone at once - it is possible. At the beginning of the article, you read how our thoughts move from one person to another.

Now I want to tell you how to direct your thought so that the right person “catch” it. This is done very simply - using your imagination.

You simply imagine this person and imagine that the thought you need enters his head.

And now I’ll tell you a more piquant way of instilling thoughts in a person, and not even thoughts, but rather desires... That is, for a person to think about you. This is only suitable in the case of a love relationship.

The author of the “Magic Touch” method is Amargi Killer.

"Magic Touch" Method

Imagine your person is naked. Your next step is to reach out and touch it. Use your visualized sensation to caress him erotically with your hand. If you lose the overall picture of this person, that's okay. Just concentrate on the area of ​​the body you are touching.

If you can't imagine what this particular body part looks like, complete it (it will work anyway). Using touch in your visualization is the most important aspect to make a man think about you.

This skill must be developed and you must practice touching in your mind so that you can “feel” it with your mind. When you touch someone in your visualization, you create a terrifyingly powerful connection with that person.

This is a “magical” touch that will send a person into a frenzy and attract him to you. Explore it with your fingers, palms, hands and spend time on it. Let your imagination explore every perception as you touch the person.

You create in your mind what you do to them and what they experience. Let your fingers and your hands explore different areas of their body: nipples, mouth, ears, inner thighs, hair, knees, etc.

No other technique of your mental ability can compare to this use of touch, and there is no way for a person to avoid it. If you do this for just five minutes, you create an effect that can last for several hours.

Suggestion of thoughts is an influence during which a person changes his own attitudes, beliefs, and intellectual attitude regarding any event, action or object. Also, the suggestion of thoughts includes the acquisition by a person of new attitudes, for example, the emergence of desires and aspirations that he did not have before.

In order for the suggestion of thoughts to always have a positive result, it is necessary to follow some rules:

  • The object of suggestion must be in a state in which critical thinking and logical processing of information are disabled. This can happen in a light trance, under the influence of hypnosis and alcohol.
  • The person exercising the influence must sincerely believe in what he inspires in his ward. If this does not happen, the result of the suggestion will be doubtful.
  • You cannot feel dissatisfied with yourself and your actions during a suggestion session. Otherwise, the result will not be achieved.
  • It is necessary to fulfill all the promises that were given to the suggested person, otherwise the result of the suggestion will be neutralized.
  • You need to constantly train and improve your skills, as this affects the quality of the result obtained.

Suggestion and persuasion

Suggestion and persuasion are ways of influencing the human psyche.

Persuasion is one of the types of directed psychological influence, which is carried out through the presentation of arguments. Conviction operates on a person’s consciousness. Therefore, it is important to use argumentation to explain the essence of a phenomenon, cause-and-effect relationships and relationships; in the course of it, the essence of the phenomenon is explained, an explanation of the significance of any issue.

The means of persuasion include showing, telling and justification (argumentation). Therefore, you can convince not only with the help of words, but also with action, a personal example of behavior. A suggestion effect is possible, which is based on opposition, which, for example, causes the object of persuasion to want to try something that is considered inaccessible to him.

Belief influences human behavior, but not directly. Because it is an internal motivation or compulsion to action through an appeal to the human mind.

The strength and quality of persuasion is influenced by the following factors:

  1. Prejudice. In this case, the main work occurs with the formulation of the problem itself and the solution that the client already has. For the manipulator, it is necessary to change with his message those attitudes in which the object of persuasion believes.
  2. Trust the source. It is very important to inspire trust with your appearance and behavior, inspire sympathy and appear authoritative.
  3. Message. The message itself must be convincing. To do this, not only arguments are used, but also vivid images designed to concentrate the audience’s attention on the emphasis of the problem desired by the manipulator.
  4. Emotions. Despite the fact that persuasion appeals to people’s minds, it is impossible to bypass emotions in this impact on a person. For example, messages that “touch the soul” of the client have a much greater impact on him than dry arguments and facts.

The difference between persuasion and suggestion is that suggestion appeals to the subconscious, bypassing the conscious aspect of information control. And belief affects a person’s consciousness, in which it is very important to critically comprehend the information received, correlate it with previous experience and build logical chains. Although persuasion has an emotional component, suggestion only deals with a person's emotions and other subconscious factors when persuasion appeals specifically to the person's mind.

Methods of suggestion

Experts identify the following methods of suggestion:

  1. Suggestion while the client is awake, when he is in an active state of consciousness.
  2. Suggestion during relaxation, when psychological and muscular relaxation occurs.
  3. Suggestion through hypnosis, when the client finds himself in a highly altered psychophysiological state.

There is another classification of methods of suggestion:

  1. Verbal suggestion, in which the influence is carried out using speech, verbally.
  2. Mental suggestion, which is made without direct contact with the client, over a long distance.
  3. Metaphysical suggestion, which is a combination of conversation about the reality of the human “I” and the unity of the Universe with the mental process of suggestion. This method is used for physical and mental healing of the client.
  4. Spiritual influence, which is used for the physical, mental and spiritual healing of a person. The healer is in the flow of the healing powers of the Universe, which he directs to the client. The healing process involves the superconscious, which has good contact with a person’s subconscious and helps to heal from illnesses, as well as bring the psyche into a state of harmony.

There are also three forms of suggestion:

  1. Strong persuasion.
  2. Pressure.
  3. Emotional-volitional influence.

Indirect suggestions

Indirect suggestions are a type of influence on a person in which he has a choice: to accept or reject the suggestion. This type of suggestion is necessary in order to direct the client's behavior, emotions or thoughts in the direction that he is avoiding.

Indirect suggestions are divided into several subtypes:

  1. An acceptance sequence in which the suggestor lists statements with which the client agrees. And at the end he pronounces the attitude that a person needs to accept.
  2. Implication, during which the suggestor speaks affirmatively about what can happen, and the client prepares himself in advance for the predicted result.
  3. Double bind is a frequently used technique in which the client is offered a choice of two similar options.
  4. Suggestion by absence of mention, in which the suggestor lists a list of possible situations, omitting a significant event. The client’s attention is subsequently drawn to it, and as a result, the person focuses his consciousness on this factor.

Hypnotic suggestion

Hypnotic suggestion is a type of influence on a person that requires immersing the client in an altered state called hypnosis. During the suggestion session, the client, with the help of a suggestor, is immersed in a hypnotic sleep. In this state, the target actively reacts to what the hypnotist says. At the same time, there is no critical understanding of the information, and the commands go straight into the subconscious, bypassing conscious analysis and comprehension. And then they influence a person’s behavior and health, his psycho-emotional state.

Methods of hypnotic suggestion are divided into:

  1. Mechanical, during which the client is influenced by objects and phenomena of a monotonous nature (light, sound, and so on).
  2. Mental, when verbal influence is used.
  3. Magnetic, based on the use of therapeutic magnetism.

It is believed that the greatest effect is achieved by a combination of psychic and magnetic approaches.

Psychological suggestion

Due to the fact that there is everyday suggestion, it is necessary to specifically highlight psychological suggestion. This is a form of suggestion in which a special psychological influence of one person (suggestor) is exercised on another person (suggestor). The above influence is carried out through verbal and non-verbal communication. At the same time, the quality of the suggestor’s arguments is low, and the criticality of the suggestor’s thinking is at a low level.

The suggestor is imbued with the suggestor’s arguments as if they were his own, often without requiring any evidence of the statements being made. In such cases, the suggestor is influenced not so much by the source, content and form of suggestion, but rather by the personality of the suggestor, who inspires unquestioning trust in the client.

Suggestible attitudes, implanted in the suggestor by the suggestor, become an integral part of the client’s personality. And in the future, the person exposed to the influence of suggestion changes his behavior in accordance with the received attitudes.

Mental suggestion

Mental suggestion is carried out when the object of influence is not within the reach of the suggestor. Such influence is considered absentee. Mental suggestion is carried out as follows - you need to imagine that the recipient of the influence is next to the person carrying out the suggestion. You can imagine the client from a distance, but it is important to see him nearby. Then you need to imagine that thoughts leave the suggestor and reach the brain and consciousness of the suggested person. It is also possible for the person making the suggestion to imagine that he and his client are having a conversation.

One of the main conditions for this technique is the ability of the suggestor to imagine the desired state of the client. When transmitting thoughts over a distance, much energy is not consumed. You just need to imagine that thoughts are moving from the suggestor to the suggested person.

Mental suggestion has several stages:

  1. Tracking and tuning into the object of suggestion.
  2. Focusing on an object and forming a contact.
  3. Providing the necessary information.

Suggestion at a distance

Suggestion at a distance is an ability that not every person has. Most people are confident that their thoughts and desires are completely independent. However, there is such a phenomenon as suggestion at a distance, which can change people's beliefs and behavior. This phenomenon is associated with telepathy and hypnosis. Classical hypnosis methods require direct contact with the client. However, hypnotic telepathy is possible without eye contact with the suggestor or even without the presence of the object of suggestion.

Suggestion at a distance occurs through the transmission of impulses emanating from the cerebral cortex of the person carrying out the influence. The person receiving the signals does not even suspect that he has involuntarily become a receiver of other people’s thoughts. Therefore, a person perceives thoughts and feelings that arise in himself as his own.

It has long been known that the human brain is like a kind of “radio receiver” that can both receive and emit different impulses. Under certain circumstances, the brain begins to perceive other people's thoughts at a distance, and also transmits its own to people.

Suggestion technique

The basic technique of suggestion includes the following steps:

  1. Establish contact (rapport) with the client and build subconscious trust. For this purpose, the mechanism of verbal and non-verbal adjustment (implicit imitation) is used. Verbal adjustment occurs through agreement with the statements of the target. Nonverbal adjustment uses speech rate, intonation and timbre of the client's voice; postures and gestures; rhythm of breathing and pauses in speech, and so on.
  2. Leading the client into a light trance in order to reduce the activity of consciousness. This happens with:
    • fixing the client's attention on any external object, manipulating objects;
    • drawing attention to any part of the suggestible body and focusing on sensations in it;
    • keeping the attention of the object of suggestion on some experience or emotion.
  3. The activity of consciousness also decreases in situations of mild shock, surprise, confusion, and overload with excess information.
  4. Launching an unconscious search for analogies in the client’s subconscious is carried out with the help of metaphors, questions, stories told by the suggestor.
  5. Direct suggestion. At this stage, the suggestor uses the introduction of commands into the subconscious of the target.

Mechanism of suggestion

In order for suggestion to achieve results, you need to influence the person’s subconscious. To do this, in various ways, the conscious processes responsible for critical understanding of information and logical analysis of the data obtained are turned off. And the emotional component of a person’s personality, on the contrary, becomes actively involved in the process of suggestion.

The subconscious mind perceives as truth any command that is repeated many times, and in a convincing form. The suggested attitude penetrates the subconscious and remains there forever, even if the object of influence has forgotten about the very act of suggestion. Over a certain period of time, a change occurs in the client’s state and behavior, in accordance with the commands received.

Neurophysiologists explain the mechanism of suggestion as follows. With the help of speech, the suggestor influences the client’s cerebral cortex, thereby irritating it. The suggestor's orders cause certain emotions, which arise due to stimulation of the subcortical areas of the brain. Negative induction, which appears due to low resistance of consciousness, is transmitted throughout the cerebral cortex. Therefore, the command becomes limited from all other influences and the client submits to suggestion. A new dominant excitation appears in the cerebral cortex, which is quite persistent and greatly influences the client’s further behavior.

Suggestion and hypnosis

Hypnosis is a special altered state of human psychophysiology, which is induced for the purpose of making suggestion. With the help of this state, you can achieve a change in the client’s attitudes and beliefs, and achieve an improvement in his psycho-emotional state and well-being. Since the subconscious of the object of suggestion is configured to carry out those commands that were received under hypnotic influence.

There are four phases of hypnosis:

  1. Slight drowsiness and muscle relaxation appear, while consciousness and memory remain clear.
  2. A waxy flexibility appears in the muscles, which allows the client to maintain a particular position for a long time. Consciousness becomes clouded.
  3. Hypnosis itself is when the client’s impressions and emotions are limited directly by the information that is given to the client by the hypnotist verbally. During this phase, the client can be plunged into a state of catalepsy, in which his body seems to become wooden.
  4. It is characterized by the client entering a somnambulistic state, in which the manifestation of such phenomena as telepathy and clairvoyance becomes possible.

Suggestion and hypnosis are different types of influence, since hypnosis takes place in a strong altered state of consciousness, and suggestion is carried out either in a light trance or in the full consciousness of the client. The relationship between suggestion and hypnosis is that any hypnotic effect is carried out to carry out a session of suggestion to the client.

Types of suggestion

Types of suggestion are divided into verbal and non-verbal, intentional and unintentional influence.

  1. Verbal is a type of suggestion that is carried out using words. There are three subtypes of verbal suggestion:
    • direct;
    • indirect;
    • open;
    • hidden.
  2. Nonverbal is a type of suggestion that is carried out wordlessly, with the help of gestures, glances and intonations. There are three forms of nonverbal suggestion that specialists use:
    • catalepsy;
    • pauses;
    • levitation.
  3. Intentional is a form of suggestion when the suggestor has a specific goal of influence; clearly understands what he is going to inspire and to whom and makes every effort to achieve his goal.
  4. Unintentional is a form of suggestion when the suggestor does not have any explicit goals to suggest anything to the object of influence and does not use any intentional efforts for this. This form of suggestion is effective if the object of influence is internally predisposed to the suggested information.
  • Positive – allows you to achieve positive changes in the client’s condition, his qualities, emotions and behavior.
  • Negative – has a negative psychological effect on a person, after which he develops negative states, properties, feelings and actions.

Strict suggestion

Strict suggestion is censure expressed in a harsh form towards certain actions of a person. Strict suggestion is made in a negative form and predicts the most deplorable measures for the object of influence if the suggestor does not fulfill the conditions that were set for him.

Strict reprimand is usually carried out after a person has committed an offense. Usually such influence is exerted by a more influential, authoritative person, higher in rank, rank or position. With strict suggestion, they can use elements of intimidation or threats, emotional pressure and blackmail, as well as a forecast of negative consequences for a person.

Suggestive suggestion

Suggestion is a mental suggestion that is used to change the thinking processes of the target. Also, during the suggestion process, feelings and emotions, reactions and other aspects of the client’s behavior change. The act of influence is usually not noticed by the person on whom the suggestive suggestion is carried out. The method of suggestive influence is usually used in psychotherapy with the aim of curing the mental and physical ailments of the patient.

There is a distinction between suggestion, which is carried out from the outside (someone else's suggestive suggestion) and one's own suggestive suggestion (autosuggestion, self-suggestion).

Verbal suggestion

Verbal (or verbal) suggestion is a type of influence on a person that is produced using words.

Let's consider the subtypes of verbal suggestion:

  • Direct suggestion. With this type of suggestion, the intentions and goals of the suggestor are clear, which are clearly stated and implemented. They cannot be interpreted in any other way than that which was proposed to the object of influence. This type of suggestion is used, for example, during operations to anesthetize the process.
  • Indirect suggestion. In this case, the intentions of the suggestor are not clear to the object of suggestion, so he may not be influenced. Since the goals and intentions of the person carrying out the suggestion are unclear to the client, the latter has a choice - to succumb to suggestion or not. Typically, indirect suggestion is used when they want to direct a person in a direction that he is ignoring.
  • An open suggestion, which differs in that it provides a person with a choice of different options for action. There are several forms of open suggestion:
    • Mobilizing when the object of suggestion is offered a fairly broad framework, which the client fills with content to his liking.
    • Limited, when the client is offered a list of answers from which he can choose the one that suits him.
    • A therapeutic metaphor that uses the replacement of the name of one object, phenomenon or event with another. This method is used to combine different aspects of reality in suggestion.
  • Hidden suggestion is the arrangement of the suggestor's speech using various kinds of hidden commands. Such forms of influence are inserted into the broader context of the text that the suggestor pronounces.

Nonverbal suggestion

Nonverbal suggestion is an influence carried out without the help of words through the use of nonverbal methods - intonation, gestures, glances, manipulation of objects, timbre of voice and others. It is possible to use this type of suggestion not only for a conscious specific purpose, but also exclusively unconsciously.

Let's consider the types of nonverbal suggestion:

  1. Catalepsy, during which the client accepts a certain imposed position for the success of the suggestion being made. Catalepsy of the whole body or its individual parts is distinguished. There is no point in constantly resorting to this type of suggestion.
  2. Pauses that are inserted in the right places. The client fills the gap (emptiness) in the spoken text with his own decisions, so the use of pauses can take the form of open suggestion. In addition, with the help of pauses you can highlight the main idea of ​​a phrase or the entire text.
  3. Levitation, during which no physical influence of a suggestor is required. The suggestion made is carried out with the help of the client himself, namely, thanks to his imagination. In this case, the object of suggestion itself determines the moment of entering a trance state, which makes levitation suitable for self-hypnosis sessions. Because after the suggestor has taught the client to enter a state of levitation, the object of suggestion can use it independently.

Hidden suggestion

Hidden suggestion is a form of nonverbal influence. There are several forms of hidden suggestion:

  1. Suggestion through speech strategies. This is a method of hidden suggestion, when the instructions given to the client are dissolved in the structure of the sentence. Such verbal tricks are achieved using the techniques of assumption, restriction of choice, abstract proposition, denial, cause-and-effect opposition, truisms, and so on.
  2. Suggestion using hidden quotes. This method of suggestion involves influencing by expressing the thoughts of strangers or creating an artificial situation that can be used as a reason for psychological influence. The story is told on behalf of another person, but the target understands that the appeal is directed to him personally.
  3. Suggestion through marking. The essence of this technique is to non-verbally highlight that part of the utterance that is a command for the object of suggestion. This can be achieved, for example, by raising the voice on the desired phrase, changing the tempo of speech, inserting small pauses before and after the command, changing the timbre of the voice. You can gesture with your hands or manipulate objects - a mobile phone, a lighter, a pen.
  4. Creation of a thought form. Suggestion occurs through the introduction of thoughts to the client that begin to guide his actions. Such statements, which are pronounced in a convincing manner, begin their independent life in the head of the object of suggestion and direct his reasoning in the right direction.

Suggestion in a dream

The result of this method of influence is similar to the effect of hypnotic suggestion. In a dream, the influence of speech is not conscious. The object of influence is not aware that he is listening to someone’s speech; clients treat the words they perceive as thoughts that appear in their dreams.

Suggestion in a dream occurs by whispering special phrases to a sleeping person. The technique of suggestion to a sleeping person is simple and is divided into several stages:

  1. Adjustment to the sleeper. It is necessary to sit at the head of the object of influence. You need to touch the client's finger and hold it in such a way as not to wake him up. You can also gently place your palm on your forehead. For 2-3 minutes you need to say in a quiet voice, in the rhythm of the sleeper’s breathing: “Sleep is getting deeper and deeper.”
  2. Checking sleeper awareness. Speech should be quiet and calm; while pronouncing words, you need to either slow down or speed up the pace of speech. If the breathing rhythm of the sleeper also changes, then contact with the client has been established.
  3. Suggestion. At this stage, phrases are spoken that need to be conveyed to the client.
  4. Suggestion of forgetting. You can tell the client that after waking up he will forget everything that happened during sleep. But, at the same time, the sleeper will remember what was suggested to him.

The suggestion session is carried out at night in the first 15-45 minutes of sleep or in the morning 1-2 hours before waking up.

Suggestion in reality

Suggestion in reality occurs in several varieties:

  1. While the client is actively awake.
  2. In a state of peace and slight relaxation.

There are several rules that help achieve success during suggestion:

  1. You must be absolutely confident in your abilities and in what is being said.
  2. Speaking requires pronouncing words loudly, clearly and distinctly.
  3. You need to look into the eyes of your ward.
  4. Before starting to work with a client, you need to relax as much as possible and relieve yourself of psychological stress.
  5. At the beginning of the session, it is necessary to establish contact with the client.
  6. The best results are obtained when the target is in a state of light trance.
  7. It is necessary to set the required expectation; say what should happen as a result and why.
  8. The suggestor must be at rest.

Direct suggestion

Direct suggestion is a type of suggestion in which the intentions of the influence are open and cannot be interpreted in any other way. Direct suggestion is divided into the following subtypes:

  1. Explicit suggestion - the suggestor transparently and in detail explains to the client what goal is being pursued and what result is expected.
  2. Camouflaged suggestion - the suggestor does not declare the intentions of influence, but at the same time makes it clear that the effect of influence depends on the client himself.
  3. Post-hypnotic suggestion is used to provoke a state of self-hypnosis in the client or in cases where the object of influence needs to erase from memory any events traumatic to his psyche. Thanks to post-hypnotic suggestion, the client can be programmed to perform some action after the hypnosis session is completed.

Suggestion of thoughts from photographs

Suggestion of thoughts from a photograph is a type of mental suggestion that is carried out at a great distance from the client. With mental suggestion, you need to establish contact with the object of influence. To do this, the suggestor evokes an image of the client in his mind and holds it for a long time.

To facilitate the transmission of thoughts over a distance, a photographic photograph of the object of suggestion is used. Since there is no need to direct efforts to retain the client’s image in the mind, mental influence on him is more successful.

The technique of instilling thoughts from a photograph is simple. The suggestor needs to sit down, relax and put himself into a state of light trance. Then you need to focus your gaze on the client’s photo and begin to mentally say a command repeatedly. This must be done confidently, casting aside any doubts. Constant concentration of consciousness is required on the desired setting, as well as on the image of the client.

Suggestion in business communication

Suggestion in business communication occurs under the influence of the authority of the person from whom the information received comes. This happens in emotionally charged business negotiations, as well as in stressful situations. At this time, the criticality of consciousness decreases and you can succumb to provocative suggestion.

Lack of time, when it is impossible to take a break and critically rethink the information received, is also a factor contributing to suggestion.

Suggestion is made in a categorical form, with elements of psychological pressure. Therefore, the suggestible person does not weigh the information and does not submit it to logical analysis, but simply automatically reacts to it, performing certain actions.

A person who falls under suggestive influence is able to impulsively make a decision only under the influence of emotions, without thinking about his behavior.

The quality of suggestion depends on the person’s age, gender, personality characteristics and type of thinking. Also, the suggestor’s knowledge of the personality traits of the individual to whom the suggestion is made is the key to the success of the influence.

Treatment by suggestion

The word is considered healing no less than other medical techniques - medication, surgery, physiotherapy, folk medicine. Using suggestion techniques you can cure:

  1. Neuroses, stuttering, aggressive behavior and other psycho-emotional disorders.
  2. Many internal diseases, especially psychosomatic ones.
  3. Initial stages of cancer.
  4. Alcohol, drug, food and other types of addictions, as well as smoking.
  5. Bad habits, for example, the desire to constantly bite your nails and so on.
  6. Correct undesirable behavior, for example, get rid of laziness, improve school performance, lack of desire to eat, and so on.

Healing of the body and psyche occurs through the use of the huge hidden reserves of the human central nervous system. Suggestion treatment is carried out by controlling psychophysiological processes while introducing the patient into a hypnotic state and pronouncing a command to him that changes the client’s attitudes, beliefs and mood.

Suggestion of illness

Suggestion of illness is a negative form of suggestion. The object of influence, which was previously healthy, experiences manifestations of the disease for which it was programmed. Very often, the suggestion of illness occurs at the everyday level, for example, by overly caring parents or grandmothers who constantly inspire their child that he will get sick from some external factors.

Diseases of suggestion most often occur in hypochondriacs, who are susceptible to both external suggestion and self-hypnosis. Hypochondria is a condition that involves fear or excessive worry about one's own health. Hypochondriacs are often afraid of contracting some dangerous, fatal disease.

Usually, the suggestion of a disease is effective when a person internally agrees with the speaker or suspects something similar.

Instilling fear

Instilling fear is a negative influence designed to provide a person with a state of anxiety, anxiety or panic. It is also possible to actualize depressive states or apathy. The danger may be real or imagined. Fear can be caused by a specific object, phenomenon, or simply by persistently maintaining an inexplicable state of anxiety or panic. A feeling of fear can also arise in front of the unknown.

It is characteristic that before the moment of suggestion, the object of influence did not have any negative reactions to the above stimuli. After the suggestion has been made, suggestors exhibit stable behavior in which they begin to avoid any places, objects or phenomena to which they were previously indifferent. Moreover, this fear is unmotivated: if a person is asked why he is afraid of something specific, he will not even be able to give a reasoned answer to this question.

When confronted with an object or phenomenon that causes fear, a person’s entire psychophysiological characteristics change, he easily loses control of his consciousness and falls into panic. The instillation of fear can be removed only by a response session (or sessions) of exposure of the opposite direction. Instilled fear cannot be removed by rational means, persuasion and other methods.

Suggestion of health

Health suggestion refers to a type of therapeutic suggestion that is carried out during a patient’s illness. Such suggestion sessions can be carried out in a state of relaxation, light trance or under hypnosis. With autosuggestion, it is also possible and necessary to apply settings to improve health.

There are many known cases where complex somatic ailments disappeared only thanks to sessions of suggestion or self-hypnosis.

Experts recommend conducting self-hypnosis sessions aimed at improving health immediately after waking up or before falling asleep. The fact is that at these moments the line between consciousness and the unconscious is erased, the person finds himself in the so-called drowsy state. In this state, access to the unconscious is facilitated, which more easily assimilates commands for restoration of health and healing.

Suggestion to lose weight

Since the subconscious mind perceives commands or images well when the control of the cerebral cortex is turned off, suggestion methods can be used for weight loss sessions.

To do this, the suggestor conducting the session must use verbal commands that encourage the client’s psyche to stimulate the processes of burning fat in the body. Very good results are achieved through suggestion in a state of hypnosis. It is also good to use images and verbal commands in self-hypnosis sessions.

The suggestion to lose weight is used to restore an optimal state of mind and metabolism; lost skills of self-regulation of the body's protective functions are restored.

Instilling self-confidence

Self-confidence is a feeling of one’s own inner strength, rightness, supported by a calm state of mind, in which a person feels comfortable in any situation.

There are several ways to create a state of self-confidence:

  1. You need to play with self-confidence, direct your body activity to copy confident behavior.
  2. It is necessary to use affirmations or self-hypnosis phrases that should be used in situations of stress or loss of confidence.
  3. Resort to sessions of self-hypnosis and relaxation, while using images of success and self-hypnosis phrases aimed at strengthening the psyche.

Instilling self-confidence can also occur in psychotherapeutic sessions through trance or hypnotic effects.

Suggestion training

Training in suggestion begins with the ability to establish contact or rapport with a person. These skills are well developed in a psychological movement called neuro-linguistic programming (NLP).

Training in introducing a client into a state of light trance and the effective use of speech structures and special commands occurs at trainings and seminars on Ericksonian hypnosis.

Training in hypnotic suggestion can be completed at special training courses on hypnosis, but for this you need to have a medical education that allows you to use hypnotic influence for therapeutic and psychotherapeutic purposes.

Protection from suggestion

Protection against suggestion is a necessary skill, not only in a critical situation, but also in everyday communication.

To protect yourself from suggestion, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Always remember your goals when communicating and bring the conversation back on track.
  2. In a conversation, change your posture more often, the pace of speech, the timbre of your voice and intonation, the rhythm and frequency of breathing, and gesticulate differently.
  3. Do not look into the eyes of your interlocutor, do not follow the things he is manipulating. It is best to focus on an object that you have chosen yourself or to move your gaze from object to object.
  4. Go into an internal trance - immerse yourself in some memories, thoughts, imagine some events.
  5. Include an internal monologue: start mentally saying a prayer, reading a poem, singing a song.
  6. If you cannot get out of the suggestive influence, it is best to immediately break off contact and leave the meeting place.

How not to succumb to suggestion?

There are rules of conduct for those people who are concerned about the problem of how not to succumb to suggestion:

  1. You need to avoid communicating with suspicious strangers, gypsies, beggars, and so on.
  2. You should not accept information from strangers without critical reflection, no matter how frightening or attractive it may be. Any information received must be questioned.
  3. Do not look into the eyes of unfamiliar interlocutors and do not allow your body to be touched.
  4. You need to learn to refuse, to say “no”. Each person is free in his actions, and no one is obliged to help anyone, put himself in someone else’s position, know the answers to all questions, fulfill rash promises or communicate with anyone.
  5. You should never make quick decisions under external pressure.
  6. There is no need to tell strangers any confidential information about yourself, or “open your soul” to strangers.
  7. It is necessary to engage in autogenic training in order to resist extraneous influences in a critical situation.
  8. Wearing dark glasses, listening to the player, and simply being in a hurry are a good way to isolate yourself from suggestion.
  9. In critical situations, it is necessary to remain calm and cool, and avoid emotional reactions to various circumstances.
  10. Collective suggestion has a greater effect than individual suggestion. Therefore, large gatherings in which there is a possibility of exposure should be avoided.

Suggestion is a serious tool for psychological influence on a person. And therefore, when using it, you need to be professional and very careful. Because with the help of suggestion you can both harm a person and heal him.

Do you think that you are not dependent on others? Is your life governed solely by your own thoughts and desires? It is quite possible, but another option is also likely - the dreams and aspirations living inside you were brought into consciousness through suggestion.

Often, the closest environment with the best intentions can inspire a person with certain thoughts, and he, in turn, sincerely believes that the perception of reality is his own.

In order to put a certain view of a problem into a person’s head, tactile or verbal contact is not at all necessary; often suggestion of thoughts happens at a distance. The great hypnotist Wolf Messing owned a similar technique; he could “work” with a person who was hundreds of kilometers away from him.

Thanks to his extraordinary abilities, the man who gained fame as a magician and wizard gained incredible popularity; the most powerful of this world sought to use his talent for their own purposes. Messing managed to anger Hitler so much with his own prophecies that he promised huge money for his capture.

Messing himself said that he acquired the ability to suggest through long-term training. The hypnotist sincerely believed that almost all people have the ability to inspire thoughts; the only difference is that he developed his abilities for many years, and those around him did not strive for such progress.

Wolf Messing defined several rules, the implementation of which is necessary in order to suggestion of thought always completed successfully:

A person must sincerely believe in what he is doing; if the hypnotist doubts, there will be no positive result;

Dissatisfaction with oneself is a path to failure;

The hypnotist is obliged to fulfill everything that he promised to the suggested person;

Constant training is the key to success.

Wolf Messing’s technique of suggestion is also interesting; if he needed to work with an object that was located at a great distance, the hypnotist imagined its image (often in his thoughts transferring it to the room in which he was located) and worked exclusively with it. The contact between Messing and the suggested person took place “brain to brain”; Wolf sought to clearly formulate and send to the object the thought that would prompt him to a certain action. Moreover, the more emotionally colored the thought was, the faster the process of suggestion went.

Despite the incredible successes of Wolf Messing in the field, he was just an outstanding personality in the field of influencing the human psyche; the technologies of suggestion themselves appeared much earlier. For example, putting people into trance states and techniques of suggestion were known back in the days of pagan tribes.

The West and the East, which have been fundamentally competing with each other in all areas for a long time, approach methods of transmitting thoughts at a distance in radically different ways.

Western specialists try to use aggressive influence when influencing a person; their technique assumes the dominance of the hypnotist: an order, a targeted gaze, touch. As a rule, when influencing a person, representatives of Western methods use all their will, but their “spell” lasts for a short period of time.

Eastern theory suggestion of thoughts works according to different principles, the hypnotist strives to establish contact with the inner world of a person, the effect of such work is longer lasting.

In modern conditions methods of suggestion thoughts are used in the treatment of serious psychological illnesses, alcoholism, drug and nicotine addiction.

According to psychologists and esotericists, a person can be influenced not only verbally, but also with the help of the power of thought. Thanks to the simplest techniques you will learn how to do this.

Experts say that there are many ways in which you can learn to influence people with just the power of thought. As it turned out, this can be done even from a distance. Psychologists claim that there is nothing supernatural in these methods: for this you only need to know the basics of human psychology. By following simple rules, you can win over any person and force others to perform any actions you wish.

As it turned out, influencing a person with the power of thought alone is not so simple. To do this, you need to have certain qualities, and most importantly, focus. Only in this case the result of psychological influence will bring a positive result.

First of all, the object of influence must be in a relaxed state. Therefore, it is best to do this when a person is sleeping or is slightly intoxicated, since at such moments a person’s subconscious is not able to work at full capacity.

The most important thing is faith in a positive result. If you are skeptical and expect failure, chances are you will fail. Don’t doubt your capabilities, and soon you will learn how to control people’s subconscious.

Don't lose faith if you don't succeed at first. For these techniques to bring results, constant training is necessary, and preferably with different people.

At the moment of transmitting the impulse, imagine that it is moving from the forehead area to the corresponding part of the body of the target. At this moment, be sure to monitor your breathing: it is important that it be even.

At the time of performing the technique, not only the recipient, but also you should be in a relaxed state. You should not influence a person while in a bad mood, otherwise you risk harming him.

It doesn’t matter whether the person is at a distance or nearby. At the moment of impact, you must be abstracted from the crowd. Extra noise and fuss can distract your attention, which means it will be very difficult to get the desired result.

You should not perform techniques in an overly lit place. If you're doing this at home, dim the lights, or better yet, turn them off completely.

To influence a person with the power of thought, you need to concentrate. The noise and conversations of others can distract you, but calm music and incense sticks will help you relax.

If you influence a person with the goal of healing or supporting him, at this moment you should smile. In this way, you instill happiness and joy in the subject’s subconscious, which means that his physical and mental state will soon improve.

To learn how to influence people with the power of thought, you need to have a rich imagination. You must be able to visualize, imagine what you want in all its colors, and even experience certain emotions. Then soon you will be able to use the techniques at any time and without additional preparation.

How to influence a person with the power of thought

Once you know how and under what conditions the techniques should be performed, you can begin to take action. There are several popular ways to influence people.

From the photograph. This technique is one of the most common. It is perfect for those who want to influence a person at a long distance, or for beginners. To complete this, you only need a photograph of the object. Place it in front of you and for several minutes imagine that the person from the photograph is now next to you. Then slowly say what you want from that person and repeat it many times. When you are sure that the recipient has heard you, complete the technique.

At a short distance. If the person next to you wants to learn the technique of influence, this method is perfect for the two of you. Go to different rooms, close your eyes and mentally imagine the image of each other. Only one of you should send the message, the other’s task is to receive it. Repeat the technique for twenty minutes, and then open your eyes and see the result. If you fail, don't be upset. Perhaps you just need to gain experience.

Treatment of a person. With just the power of thought, you can heal both the physical and mental condition of the patient. In the same way, you can provide moral support to someone who needs it. Sometimes loved ones use this technique unconsciously. As it turned out, a loving heart and concern for a loved one can really work miracles. To heal the recipient, imagine that you have a ball of healing energy in your hands. Now mentally transfer it to another person. Imagine how he inhales this ball, and his body is filled with positive energy. His mood changes for the better, he begins to smile, rejoice and forgets about the obsessive illness. It is very important that at this moment you feel the patient’s condition, otherwise there will be no result.

On human action. Thanks to a simple technique, you can not only force a person to perform a certain action, but even make him fall in love with you. To do this, you need to sit comfortably, take three deep breaths, close your eyes and formulate a short message. Imagine that the addressee is next to you, even try to smell him, and then say your order. Start visualizing its action. For example, if you want a person to text you or call you, imagine how he picks up the phone and begins to write to you what you want to receive from him. If you want this very much, the object will soon make itself known to you. To master telehypnosis, you need to devote 20-25 minutes to it every day.

Message to man. Sometimes there is a need to urgently contact a person, but it is impossible to do this here and now. In this case, this technique will help you. To do this, formulate a precise message, and then take a deep breath and exhale, during which your message will be sent to the recipient.

Having studied the above techniques, you will be able to influence people even at a time when they are not aware of it. However, the possibilities of our subconscious do not end there. With the power of thought, you can not only force the reflectors to do what you want, but also fulfill your deepest desires. You will soon be able to verify this. We wish you happiness and good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and

Many of us know that people who communicate with each other unite energy threads. This is especially true for family and friends. The Internet is precisely an analogue of our mental communication.

Once in a dream, I flew past these threads, but I saw them the size of electrical wires. Some are thin, others are thick, like on a high-voltage line. And these wires were everywhere, I was even afraid to fly higher, so as not to catch them. And the higher I flew towards them, the more clearly I saw their thickness and heard the sound of resonance. The wires stretched very far and were at bird's eye level. They went down to all the buildings where people were. I even followed one wire that went down to the ground and flew into a building unknown to me. There were even more of them in the building than in the space. They scared me so much that I could get entangled in them like in a cobweb, that it didn’t last me long and I tried to free myself from them as soon as possible. Only after exploring the building did I realize that these were energy threads connecting people. Thanks to these threads, a person can find out the condition of a loved one from a distance, which will result in an unexpected desire to call in order to either confirm his suspicions or dispel them.

Have you ever noticed this feature: you just thought about this person, and he’s already calling you? You have already received his mental signal through these energy wires.

Before my mother died, I shuddered at every call that they would now tell me that my mother was no more. She really died that day. And the day before my death, I was hysterical when I came to my friend and said that my mother was dying. Although there was nothing suspicious in my mother’s behavior. But I already knew that she was preparing to move on to another world. When I looked at my mother, I realized that I was seeing her for the last time in my mind... Mothers of their children feel exactly the same way if they are in danger, even if they are very far away. One woman told me that she clearly saw that her adult son was dying in a car accident. He was in the USA at that time. She prayed for him every night, cried and begged God not to take her son away...

He actually got into a car accident, but remained unharmed. And he immediately called his mother to... thank her for saving his life. It turns out he heard her voice, and therefore took all precautions.

But this is what concerns the threat to life and health. But there is also an energy exchange between loving people. A loving person feels his partner at a distance, all his thoughts, his state of mind. Sometimes a person, without realizing it, begins to drink a glass, although he has never experienced such a desire before. Then he is very surprised why this suddenly came over him. And it turns out that at this moment his partner can drown his “grief” with vodka. Thoughts are transmitted instantly along energy threads. The same can be said about feeling betrayed at a distance. It seems that the partner behaves as usual in everyday life, but the second partner feels mental discomfort. He begins to get nervous and naturally seek confirmation of his suspicions, which most often are not groundless. There are many examples of such telepathic connections. I actually get to the point where I “see a movie” of an upcoming event. I won’t say that I like it, especially if it concerns something that is not good for me. Well, what can I do, that’s my nature. I’m already used to this and I’m just internally preparing myself for the upcoming troubles.

But you can also influence a person so that he thinks the way you need it. I did this experiment on my husband. The fact is that my husband didn’t like the fact that I went to psychological training and because of this I would return home late. It was then that I applied the technique that I will give below. I clearly imagined that he was in a good mood and he greeted me with interest and asked how my classes went. What do you think? Everything happened exactly as I imagined. For a long time I was surprised that this technique worked. Or at least a word of reproach. I didn't hear anything like that from him. Moreover, he prepared dinner himself and waited until I arrived to delight me with his culinary skills. Since then, I realized that I need to be more careful with my thoughts. You should never imagine your partner as angry and aggressive, otherwise thoughts will be transmitted as if through a telegraph with lightning speed.

Today I will teach you how to work on a mental level.


Telepathic hypnosis is the most powerful system hypnotic influence. With it you can inspire any thoughts to another person. However, the law of karma or cause and effect must be taken into account. Everything we do to others comes back to us threefold. As opposed to conventional hypnosis, telehypnosis Almost no one can resist...

Technique of suggestion of thoughts at a distance

This practice is carried out mainly at night, when the consciousness of the object suggestions, as relaxed as possible or asleep. This is the most favorable moment, since during sleep a person’s subconscious is maximally open to impact. So you can telepathically convey one's thoughts or emotions to another person so that he or she accepts them as his own. This method allows inspire love, health, desire or emotion to any person.

  • Sit or lie down comfortably.
  • Relax all the muscles in your body.
  • Take three deep breaths in and out.
  • Write a short text suggestions, corresponding to your intention.
  • Focus on the feeling of the person you are planning for. inspire your thoughts.
  • Close your eyes, imagine this person vividly and realistically.
  • Imagine him as clearly as possible and mentally repeat your order to him.
  • Your mental repetition should be continuous and extremely attentive, and there should not be a single different thought in your head.
  • Visualize him doing what you tell him to do.
  • For example, that he goes to the phone, dials your number and calls you.
  • Your thoughts penetrate his brain through energy channels and do their job.
  • Yours suggestion reaches this object.
  • Your thoughts turn into his personal thoughts and desires.
  • This object will think that dialing your phone number is his personal desire. And after a while he will call you himself.
  • Exercise for 15 minutes. daily and the results will shock you. Soon you will learn to do hypnotelepathicsuggestions anyone.