How to send a letter by Russian Post? Letter to a guy in the army - how and why to write it by hand

A complete collection of materials on the topic: how to send a letter to the army? from experts in their field.

Military service is an amazing metamorphosis in the lifestyle of a young man, one who just yesterday could party until the morning with friends, eat his mother’s delicious cutlets and still be a little willful. The harsh military regulations require unquestioning obedience. It is extremely important for friends and girlfriends to support a young warrior in the first month of service, so that he does not feel forgotten and abandoned by everyone. Letters will help with this. But letters to the army must be very different from those you write to distant relatives once a year.

You will need

  • pen;
  • sheet of paper;
  • envelope.


1. The first thing friends need to consider is that letters in the army are reviewed. Consequently, you are not obliged to criticize military orders if your friend takes his service very seriously. If there are any tasks, he will tell you himself.

2. Support your friend. Tell him that you are proud of him as your personal protector. Take some comical photos of everyone you know. Prepare a comic “amulet against hazing.”

3. Never write about troubles and bad news, escalating the atmosphere. If you write that his girlfriend has decided to break off the relationship, the news may push the young man to take rash steps that can have very important consequences. And military censorship will not easily let such a letter through.

4. There should be more positivity than stories about minor troubles. Try to make your friend feel better with humorous questions about army procedures and the desire to respond with jokes.

5. Talk about what is happening in your company in his absence, what you are doing, what ideas and thoughts are wandering in your head, you can ask for advice in resolving some personal problems, or tell about a funny incident with everyone you know.

6. Make plans for how you will rejoice after he returns home, you really miss him.

Technological progress has led to the fact that the epistolary style ceased to be in demand a long time ago. Why write letters if you can call, send SMS, click on ICQ. Meanwhile, knowing how to write a great letter costs a lot. Some young men are tormented because they don’t know how or what to write to a girl, and yet there is nothing difficult about it.


1. For a young man, the need to write a letter to a girl can be an insurmountable difficulty. He doesn’t know what to write about, how to do it, what words the girl will like, and what words will inadvertently repel her. But there is no need to panic. Let's look at a few settings. The girl can be your favorite one, a primitive acquaintance, or one whom you have never seen before and want to make an impression on her. It doesn’t matter what kind of relationship you have with a girl, but if you decide to write to her, it means you have good reasons for this.

2. Mentally imagine a girl and think about what you would like to tell her. There is no need to select any difficult epithets, start primitively. Tell her, say, about what you've been doing lately. Smoothly move from presenting your affairs to expressing some of your thoughts. Something like: “Yesterday I was doing such and such, and I thought.” Describe everything as if she were sitting in front of you and listening to you. Believe me, writing a letter is even easier than talking to a person in person. Since every thought, every proposal can be thought over as much as desired, and without fear of a word that will fly out involuntarily.

3. If the girl is your favorite, then do not be shy about expressing your feelings. Firstly, girls love it, and there are never too many declarations of love for them. Secondly, believe me, she will re-read the tender lines again and again, and after all the reading, a reciprocal feeling will come to life in her. Therefore, don’t skimp on cycles, but you don’t need to be too sweet either. Do not use other people’s epithets, easily write to her those words that live in your soul, that you have long wanted to tell her. If you know how to write poetry, you can supplement the letter with a small quatrain. But there is no need for plagiarism; girls usually have a good understanding of literature. Consequently, it’s cooler to be clumsy, but your own, than pompous, but someone else’s. Write to the girl about something that unites you, tell her about your dreams and plans. Let’s say: “I’ll come, and we’ll definitely go on that same hike, the one we missed last summer.”

4. Remember that even the most modern realist girl has a penchant for romance at heart. Don’t be shy to write beautifully, even if you think you’re not much of a writer. Just try it, you just have to start, and the words will flow by themselves. But try to make as few spelling mistakes as possible. Of course, you shouldn’t check every letter either, but try to avoid some gross spelling violations. At the end of the letter, add a small note. Even a basic “P.S. I love you,” repeated from letter to letter, can become the original highlight of your correspondence. The girl will appreciate it.

The army is an inseparable part of every person’s life: some served, others saw off, others wrote letters. For everything, the period of service becomes a significant test that must be passed with the least losses. Men who pay debts to the fatherland are in difficult conditions of deprivation of communication and restriction of will, which leaves an imprint on their sensitive state. Consequently, the main task of those who are expecting a person from the army is to help and morally support the soldier. Since the lion's share of communication is carried out through letters, it is very important to compose them correctly.

You will need

  • So, in order to write a letter to the army, you need to follow several essential rules:


1. WE WRITE ONLY POSITIVE. A guy shouldn’t receive any bad news depending on whether something happened or not. Even if his girlfriend is walking left and right, or his friend was killed in a car accident, let him find out everything in civilian life. While the soldier is far from home, while there are weapons nearby and no loved ones, such news poses a major threat to him and can lead to the saddest results (escape, suicide, crime).

Don’t even think about confessing your love openly. The phrase “I love you” is too promising, be more cunning, tell about your feelings casually, share your experiences and emotions. You can tell us what you felt during your recent meeting. Write beautifully, ornately and romantically.

Besides, what if the letter falls into the wrong hands, how will you feel? And if there is no direct confession, then there is nothing to show you. Be gentle in your writing, not too explicit, and at least a little original. You shouldn’t write about something that a guy has already heard many times from other girls, come up with something of your own. There is no need for tears, excessive drama and completely wild proposals.

A man must clearly understand that the message is addressed specifically to him. Every person is afraid of accidentally answering someone else's letter. Therefore, mention in your message some detail that will make it clear that it is about him. To begin with, after the word “hello”, indicate his name.

In the text, tell us, for example, how you recently clashed with umbrellas in the park during the rain. Only after making sure that the letter is intended specifically for him will the man consider it possible to answer it.

If you start ranting at length about your feelings, scribbling out three pages or even more, then the man, most likely, will simply fall into shock and wild amazement, or maybe mistake you for a city madwoman. Don't make that mistake! The normal length of a letter is a couple of paragraphs, which is quite enough. A short message is best; at the end, hint that you agree to meet.

Minimum length - 1 paragraph. Maximum - 2 middle paragraphs.

Rule number four - do not use exclamation points or parentheses.

Understand that your message is the impulse of your soul, it expresses your emotions and feelings. Don’t add exclamation marks either, as you will completely confuse the man. Guys are afraid of overly emotional girls, they are frightened and intimidated by them. A bunch of parentheses, exclamation marks - all this is unnecessary, remove them from your letter.

Rule number five - the message must be serious

If a guy suspects that this is all a joke, he will play a prank on you or, be it as it may, he will be offended and harbor a grudge. Take your writing with all seriousness, snickers and giggles will lead to the fact that the man will not appreciate your efforts, and maybe even take evil revenge. Do you need this?

  1. An email can't tug at your heartstrings the way a piece of paper can. Definitely write a declaration of love to a man on high-quality, thick, thick paper. Choose a shade of paper, there is simply a huge selection in stores now. Maybe a man will want to keep your letter, which is why it is so important what to write it on and how. Choose excellent ink; it will be bad if it suddenly smudges across the sheet.
  2. Pink paper with hearts, elephants or teddy bears will not work. Such leaflets cause irritation in men. It is best to have a small ornament, strict and consistent, in gray-green or dark blue tones.
  3. You can lightly perfume your letter, but not too much, with floral or oriental perfume. A chypre scent is not suitable, nor is it too strong.

You can make such a present from thick pink cardboard (on February 14 it is acceptable to use paper in pink shades), decorating it with beads. Write how you feel, how deep your love is, tell how you value your relationship. Remember in the letter how good it was for you and that you hope for happiness together in the future. Let your message be sincere and sensual. Valentine's Day exists to once again express your love for your partner. Be romantic, don't skimp on epithets.

I don’t know what prompted me to write this letter. Lately I've been feeling torn all the time. I remember how you and I were preparing this report, it had to be submitted urgently, but it was still not ready. You helped me, although you were already so busy. Your eyes sparkled, as I remember, some feeling of tenderness rises in me, and it’s so good and calm with you. Next to you I feel protected, I’m not afraid of anything and I can handle everything.

In general, if you want to see me, drink tea or coffee together, or maybe take a walk in the park, know that I will probably agree. Call me if anything happens. I don’t know, it came out crumpled, I’m lost, words don’t come to mind.

You recently met and you are separated by thousands of kilometers. Your communication pleases both of you, you feel good and comfortable together. Sometimes pamper a man with a love letter, reveal in him the feeling that arises in you. Hint how comfortable and pleasant you are with him. You feel harmony and mutual understanding between you even at a distance, express this in your letter;

When you're far apart, feelings tend to be more intense. You miss your loved one so much, you think about him for days on end. Send him a message, tell him in a message how you miss your soul mate, how sad and yearning you are, waiting to meet him and dreaming about him. It’s a good idea to perfume a letter on a piece of paper with your favorite perfume;

When sending a letter to a guy at work, take into account that his colleagues can also read it. Don’t write too frankly, just tell him about the latest news, what happened in the family, what’s new with his friends. Express your regret that the guy couldn’t visit the theater with you, you missed him so much. Tell us about your new dress or your hairstyle, that you have changed and become prettier and are really looking forward to it. Let the boy introduce you in a new image. At the end, be sure to say that everyone loves him and is waiting for him to come home.

It's not the best idea to write to your ex. You broke up, it’s all over and, alas, there is no turning back. Most likely, your message will remain unanswered. If you want to say something to your ex, just tell him when you meet him. This way he will definitely hear you, and you will instantly see his reaction.

How to write a beautiful love letter to a guy
Don’t even think about confessing your love openly. The phrase “I love you” is too promising, be more cunning, tell about your feelings casually, share your experiences and emotions.

Love letter to boyfriend, beloved man

Personal letters to your beloved guys contain a piece of the human soul. Having reached the addressee, they strive to get an echo in his consciousness.

To understand how this happens, we will learn how to write a letter to your beloved guy about love.

I thought that I was not able to survive the breakup, but now I forbid myself to think about death.

We all have something to be angry at the world for, and only the will dictates other laws. My beloved, I say goodbye to you and mentally prepare myself to realize the fact of separation.

I cannot help but understand and sincerely wish to let you go. To hold by force means to force yourself to hate. If there is no more love, then let respect remain.

My memory will forever preserve the impressions of the days spent next to you. These days are made up of moments of happiness and joy. I hope that they will be memorable for you too.

Your kindness, your participation always illuminated my path.

You literally changed my life. And you continue to change, making me stronger every day.

Let me be honest in this difficult moment of parting.

By hurting you, I cannot help but shower myself with reproaches, despite the fact that for high feelings there is no such thing as guilt.

Leaving a trail of blood is the fate of the one who leaves first. But it is necessary to take this path, otherwise we both risk drowning in lies.

Love is not subject to human desires. It cannot be caused by an effort of will and cannot be replaced by other feelings. And pretense is a bad adviser, unable to provide effective help.

Never cheat on your boyfriend if you have another one!

In this article you can find out how to get over a breakup with a guy as quickly and painlessly as possible!

I love you. It's surprising that I'm the first to say these words. But I no longer have the strength to hide my feelings.

I hope that I am not considered a dreamer in your eyes, and that my attempt to open my soul will not turn against me. After all, while you remain in the dark, I can console myself with sweet hope.

Where to start an erotic letter to your beloved man? I'm obsessed with you. Your hands, your eyes and your lips haunt me in a vibrant, cohesive way.

I'm afraid to wake up. After all, there, in this twilight world of dreams, you are forever mine, and I am yours. This wonderful dream is my constant companion.

I will carry obsessive thoughts into infinity, burn myself to the ground. My love is limitless, it is all of me. And you are my inexhaustible source of inspiration.

My dear! My dear! I can't wait to hold you in my arms again. You probably already left for service at this time. Well, separation is meant to strengthen our feelings.

I promise that I will try to be optimistic and occupy myself with useful things so that I have something to tell you about. And you hold on. Be a strong and brave defender of the Fatherland.

I'll write to you again tomorrow. Correspondence will help me brighten up the cruel loneliness. I love you and am really looking forward to it. I hope to receive an answer soon.

In this article you can find tips to know what to talk about with a guy on a first date.

You can achieve increased self-esteem in a woman if you follow these tips.

Yearning. I am soaked with it from the inside. This feeling is beyond my own understanding. The abstract pain of my soul has long grown into physical pain and is now stuck as a thorn in my heart.

How many times have I tried to deceive time, but all in vain. I'm counting down the days and hours until our next meeting. The world of fantasies and dreams became more real for me than the present. This resembles madness, and I am a patient who does not want to be treated.

Answer me, my love. Say a word, this word will warm me for months. Thinking about you will not hurt so much if I believe that you, too, are directed towards me in your thoughts.

Written messages have not only form, but also power.

However, to set this force in motion, you need to remember a few things:

  1. Always be sincere, write a truthful letter to your boyfriend about your feelings.
  2. Think about the person you are writing to.
  3. When composing a letter, do not forget about politeness and goodwill.
  4. Don't be afraid to talk about something intimate, letters are meant for that.
  5. Remember that with the help of a letter you create a kind of archive in your own memory and in the memory of the recipient.

Love Letter – This is one of the most wonderful ways to express your feelings and possibly avoid complications.

Tell him about the most secret things.

Of course, now there are many different opportunities to express your feelings, such as getting a guy interested in contact via correspondence and making an unexpected confession in ICQ, which you would not dare to do in person.

Have you decided to write something very romantic to a man who doesn’t know about your feelings?

And perhaps your beloved guy is far away now.

Do you want to use a beautiful love message to tell him how much you miss him and how much you are waiting for him?

Or maybe there are problems in your relationship that you can’t talk about and a romantic message will be the solution?

If you are corresponding with a guy, then you will be interested to know how you can interest a guy and arouse his sympathy.

Find out what statuses girls use and what to write to your loved one to make him smile.

Romantic letters are written to the army and with their help you can ask for forgiveness from your loved one or just tell about what you have never been able to say out loud and say to your face.

Probably the best way to start a love letter is to tell your loved one why you decided to express your feelings in this way, in writing and not otherwise. After this, you can already express the essence of your love message and the recognition itself.

A love letter does not have to have any obvious meaning.

And for your loved one it can simply become a memorable gift. Or proof of your love and your sincerity towards him.

He will re-read your letter many times and relive all the most wonderful moments of your relationship.

You can find many beautiful words about love on the Internet. Is it worth using such templates? On the one hand, it is better to write a romantic message yourself.

Reflect your sincere feelings in it. But in principle, no one forbids you to use ready-made love letters and be sure to use them. From them you can take several beautiful lines that really express your attitude towards the young man.

Ideally, a letter to your beloved man about love should not contain vague arguments and tell in detail about your suffering. Still, we must not forget that boys and men are more rational than girls and women.

If you don’t talk about anything specific, but just write how bad you feel without him, he’s unlikely to like it and understand your feelings. Therefore, if with the help of a letter you want to achieve a certain reaction and specific actions from your loved one, try not just to express your feelings, but try to make your message at least a little meaningful and intelligible.

Be honest about your feelings to make him cry.

If you are writing a letter to a loved one, be extremely frank in your confessions. How to write a letter to your beloved guy that will bring you to tears? - Don’t be afraid to tell too much about your feelings - he will definitely appreciate your sincerity. And remember: a confession cannot be written in a hurry.

The best way to start is to simply write everything you want to tell your loved one and re-read your romantic message the next day. This way you can evaluate your love message more objectively.

For your lover, the joyful moments of your love story are no less important than for you, but young people rarely remember them and therefore they definitely need to be reminded. If you remind your lover about the best thing that happened between you. He definitely won’t remain indifferent.

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After all, writing it is not everything. If you write it in clumsy, crooked handwriting - even if you want to - he will not understand your letters.

Therefore, you need to write correctly - without mistakes - and carefully. And if you perfume the piece of paper you wrote on, this can really add benefits to you. Many girls go further - they leave a kiss - a lipstick mark. Here it is also important to guess the color of the lipstick.

You can put some paper flower in an envelope. And convey it unnoticed. And it’s better if he finds it himself by chance - It should be addressed specifically to him. Otherwise he will think that this does not concern him.

Love letter to boyfriend, beloved man
How to write and prepare the perfect letter to your beloved guy about your feelings that will bring you to tears. We are preparing a version of a letter for a man and husband in our own words.

A letter to a loved one: how to beautifully tell about your feelings?

A confession of sincere feelings can be the best gift for the anniversary of meeting a young man, especially if he is far away and you cannot tell about your love in person. A message from a girl, written in her own words, will move any man to tears.

In addition, a letter to a beloved guy will help the young lady explain herself when breaking up if he is in the army or, for example, in prison.

How to write a love letter correctly? To say “I miss you,” it is important for a girl not to hide her feelings and be as sincere as possible.

It turns out that writing a farewell letter to your loved one is not so easy. In order for your words to sound weighty, you must follow certain rules. In this case, your ex-lover will have no choice but to come to terms with your decision.

If you don’t know how to write about your feelings to a former lover who left you or whom you abandoned, we offer a sample of such a message.

“Sunny, it’s very hard for me to believe that our love is over, and tomorrow I won’t be able to snuggle up to your chest, feel the warmth of your lips and smell the aroma of your favorite cologne. I cannot write this message without tears, because I understand how wrong I was in throwing away the opportunity to see you more often.

Only now, after breaking up, I regret that I spoke too rarely about my feelings. Despite the enormous disappointment and pain, only the best moments that happened between us will remain in my heart, soul and memory. I will try to remember our love for the rest of my life, because this is the best thing that happened to me... Always yours, Beloved Baby.”

If your lover is far away, your letter of true love can cheer him up. And it doesn’t matter what kind of message it is - a letter to a loved one in prison or loving words to a husband who is simply at a distance from you, for example, on a long business trip. How can a girl make her romantic confession even more emotional?

To correctly write a letter to your loved one when you are apart, you need to understand: your words should please and warm a man even at a distance. It is quite possible to include erotic and sexual hints so that the guy wants to return to you as soon as possible. Your long distance love message might look like this.

“My dear, the best and only, I miss you very much. It's too lonely in our apartment without you. In my soul there is only emptiness and complete indifference to any events that happen next to me... Your love is the best thing in my destiny, and only now, when we are far from each other, I began to understand this.

And I don’t care that everyone around me knows about it. My love is so strong that it is simply impossible not to notice. To see it, you just need to look into my eyes when I look at you. I miss your caresses and kisses madly and wait every minute for you to return. I adore you, my treasure!

Is the young man away from you on duty? To support him, give your warmth, tenderness and love, write a letter to your loved one in the army. He is now confused because he is at a great distance from his family, friends and girlfriend, so a letter about your love will come in handy.

“My beloved man, don’t even dare to think that I stopped thinking about you as soon as you were drafted into the army. These 14 days without the most beloved boy in the world seemed like real hard labor to me. I couldn’t see anyone because I was crying, I felt so bad because of your absence.

I don’t want to listen to my favorite music, I don’t want to study or even eat. I miss. I want you to be next to me, and I would again tell you how much I like being next to you. But enough tears already, I just want you to know for sure that I love you madly and will wait as long as necessary!

To make you less bored, I will write to you several times a week. I will describe my every step, and then I will definitely come to your oath with my parents. They have already promised to take me with them. You can’t even imagine how much I dream of hugging and kissing you. It’s just a pity that we’ll spend so little time together, and then I’ll miss you even more... I give you many, many kisses, my love!”

In our time of highly developed technologies, paper messages are gradually being replaced by electronic messages and telephone calls. Yes, of course, they reach the addressee much faster, but paper confessions do not give up and continue to arrive in our mailboxes. Why should you pick up a fountain pen rather than a telephone or computer keyboard?

  1. A letter to a husband, written by a beloved wife, will be treasured indefinitely. It is very pleasant to return to it periodically, open it, and feel the aroma of the perfume of your beloved woman.
  2. It is not always possible (or even courage) to tell your loved one about your emotions and feelings. In such situations, a letter about your love is the best option for a shy girl.
  3. Nobody knows how your life will turn out next; it is likely that paper messages will remain those memorable things that will remain after us to our loved ones.
  4. Writing a letter is a structured and reasoned way to express your thoughts, which are extremely difficult to express over the phone or in a personal conversation. It is curious that when writing, the human brain begins to work more actively, which is why it seems that thoughts easily and simply fall on paper.

Writing a beautiful love letter to a young man is not as problematic as it might seem to an inexperienced girl.

And if, unfortunately, the time has come to break up with your boyfriend, a love letter can become a kind of psychotherapy that will help quickly heal a wounded heart.

These days everyone soldier has the opportunity to call his family and friends on his mobile phone, and sometimes even communicate via E-mail and Skype. However, when a beloved son or, it seems that the heart is about to jump out of the chest from longing and fly away after him. Thoughts and worries about their beloved sons and boyfriends do not leave the minds of soldiers’ mothers and girls for a minute, so they are not content with occasional phone calls and constantly write letters to the army in order to keep abreast of the soldier’s life and make his life at least a little easier.

Certainly, mother's heart- the most sensitive. A mother always knows what to write to her son in order to support him in difficult times and cheer him up. Another thing is the girl you love, who is still so young and inexperienced. Before being drafted into the army, she had not yet fully learned the character of her boyfriend, his habits and preferences.

She wants write to your boyfriend such a letter so that he understands how much she loves him, waits for him and misses him, but she is tormented by doubts and worries like, did he really love her and will he stop loving her in a year of separation? After all, she knows of many cases when a guy returned from the army as a completely different person with a greatly changed outlook on life and immediately after returning from the army he found himself another girl.

Therefore the text letters to your beloved guy in the army should be such that it not only expresses the girl’s feelings, but also inspires the soldier, pleases him and strengthens his love for her. Therefore, you need to carefully choose words and phrases if you decide to write a letter to your beloved guy. To ensure that the guy appreciates you and does not change his attitude towards you, when typing the text of the letter, adhere to the following rules:

1. Write competently and beautifully. A letter written by the hands of a beloved girl should lift the soldier’s spirits and support him. Reading it, he will immediately understand what the girl’s level of intelligence is and how hard she tried while typing the text. If he finds a lot of mistakes and scribbles in the letter, he will immediately realize that he is dealing with a not very neat and poorly educated girl.

Even if you have problems with knowledge grammar, do not be lazy, carefully read the letter several times and correct errors using a dictionary or a special service on your computer. The popular phrase “men love with their eyes” means that the stronger sex attaches great importance to what they see. Therefore, you must write a letter to the army in such a way that the soldier does not mistake you for a lazy and uninteresting girl. Choose a nice color of paste, carefully write the letters so that your handwriting is beautiful and even. You can lightly spray the letter with perfume at the end. In general, try to make every effort to make your letter caress the eyes and smell of your beloved guy.

2. Treat it right. Addressing someone you have known for only a few months, using diminutive words like “kitten”, “bunny” and “baby” indicates that the girl and the guy have a fairly close relationship, and they can, without hesitation, discuss any intimate topics. If your goal is only to convey your feelings to the soldier, then it is better to choose the words “dear”, “beloved”, “dear” and so on. In any case, you should not write about something intimate to a soldier, because it is quite possible that your letter will accidentally fall into the hands of his colleagues and the entire platoon will learn about your secrets.

3. Be more interested in his life. The main mistake many girls make when typing a letter to the army is that they are too carried away in describing their feelings for the guy, incidents from their lives and their well-being, while forgetting to be interested in his life. No matter how hard it is for you without your beloved guy, you are at home. You are surrounded by familiar surroundings, family and friends.

The soldier had a completely different start life, his daily routine and environment have radically changed. Now he needs your support more than ever. Therefore, you should not complain about your life, write about how lonely and bored you are now without him. Write only what will be interesting for him to read. About mutual friends, about your successes in school or work, hobbies, etc. To convey your love, it will be enough to use phrases like: “I love you!”, “Waiting for you, my love,” “I already miss you,” “You are so brave!”, “I miss you and believe that when you return, everything will be fine with us again,” “I love you and kiss you tenderly,” etc.

No need to complicate life soldier, trying to arouse his compassion and jealousy. Imagine how a guy will feel after reading the lines: “I cry all day long, missing you,” “I don’t want to do anything, I just wait for calls and letters from you,” “When I wake up in the morning, I pray that evening will come soon,” and etc. Don't forget that guys are drawn to girls who are cheerful and cheerful and radiate light. Be confident and optimistic; you don’t need to try to arouse pity for yourself in your letter, discuss friends and acquaintances, or describe in detail how you suffer without your loved one. Your successes and funny stories from life will please the soldier more than the fact that you have not been able to sleep, laugh and enjoy life since he was drafted into the army.

Hello, my dear Protector! I am writing you another letter in the hope that it will warm your soul even for these short three minutes while you read it. I know that in the army the countdown of time is completely different, but you can’t argue with time. I believe with all my heart that the day will come when we will again catch up with each other, running on the green grass, relax under our nut, hugging each other tightly and watch wonderful sunsets by the lake together. I just believe, love and wait. This gives me the strength to smile when I don’t feel like it at all.

Believe it too.

But with us everything is the same. The rain is dripping on the old roofs, but for some reason I can’t hear it at all anymore. It reminds me of that same cloudy evening and our last meeting. And winter goes towards the wind, so absurdly and carelessly. Waking up in the morning, I pray for evening to come soon.

Even though the army took you, my beloved, into a soldier not for life, but that’s exactly how long these months away from you last for me. Caravans of thoughts and mirages, but I wake up and understand that everything is the same as before - you are there, and I am here. They say there is no happiness without pain and truth without lies, but I believe my feelings and miss you very much. I try to be wise and enter into duels with myself: I want versus I can’t, I want versus be patient. Well, you know how a person feels when someone he can’t live without is completely unavailable. And in the end, I am left alone with my confused thoughts, and everything is constantly pounding in my head too, I miss you! You can’t stop your heart from being sad, and why? You know, I think that when seeing off a loved one to the army, not only he, but also the girl becomes a soldier. While the soldier becomes the true defender of his homeland, the girl becomes the protector of their mutual feelings. This test of courage is one for two, which we will also pass.

And yet, pride plays in me for you, for us, for the country. The army is a school of life for a soldier, and my beloved copes well with all its tasks and difficulties. I believe in you, and you in my faith. I waited, I wait and I will wait. And one day, waking up in the morning, we will realize that spring has finally arrived on our street. I really want this separation to be the only and longest separation in our lives. Every cloud has a silver lining and that's wonderful. I know that very soon you will be here with me. I love you for who you are, wherever you are! Strange. how little is needed for happiness!

Other letters to the army to a beloved guy, a soldier from his beloved:

Letter to a loved one in the army

Every girl, being separated from her loved one, misses him. Thoughts and worries about how he is doing and whether everything is fine with him simply cannot leave my head. Separation is a difficult test for two loving hearts. The reasons for a long separation can be varied, unforeseen circumstances, work trips, departures for family matters, but most often the army gets in the way of lovers.

It would seem that what could be simpler than writing a letter to a guy in the army? But as soon as it comes to actual writing, girls begin to get lost and don’t know where to start, how best to express their feelings and what can or cannot be written about. If this sounds like you, then you just need to read this article on how to write a letter to the army, and everything will become simple and clear.

How to write a letter to the army?

The army is a lot of excitement and anxiety for the conscript himself, so when he finds himself in a completely unusual “military” situation, the guy needs to know that you support him regardless of separation and distance. Finding the right words to support a loved one is never easy.

In order for your friend or boyfriend to receive your letter, you should know certain features of writing letters to the army.

What should you not write?

  1. Letters with bad news about the death of relatives or about a break in relations with a soldier may simply not reach him, since in the army all letters are re-read beforehand. This is necessary in order to protect soldiers from emotional breakdowns, which, combined with the ability to access military weapons, can lead to disastrous consequences.
  2. In a letter, you should also not reproach your loved one for anything, because his emotional state is now very unstable and he can take everything he reads very close to his heart.

What should you write in the letter?

  1. How to start a letter to the army? Express your feelings for your loved one, say that you miss him terribly and are waiting for his return. Insert a sincere “I love you” into the text of the letter to your loved one in the army. It would not be amiss to mention that you are proud that he serves in the army and gives his duty to his homeland.
  2. In order to write a beautiful letter to a guy in the army, put something else in the envelope, it could be some kind of amulet or a photo of you and him, it is this cute little thing that will give your letter more sincerity and help you express your feelings.
  3. Ask how he is doing, what is happening to him. In a response letter, your chosen one will describe all his experiences, thus getting rid of accumulated internal experiences. This will give the soldier confidence that you care about him and that your feelings for him are more sincere than ever.

Don't neglect letters. Of course, you can call your boyfriend, but believe me, a telephone conversation will never compare to a letter written in your hand that he will treasure forever. Writing letters to a loved one during separation brings two lovers very close, since at a distance they have time to think about their mistakes. In separation, loving hearts understand the reasons for all previously arising quarrels, and find answers to many questions about relationships that interested them, which helps make them even better.

How to write a letter to a guy in the army

Letters are like a mental kiss, or what to write to a guy in the army about

Often the army becomes the first serious test of feelings for young people. Not everyone can handle separation. But, according to the French writer Simone de Beauvoir. if love is strong enough, then waiting becomes happiness. This, first of all, concerns the soldier’s girlfriend, who lives for the future meeting.

Are you overcome by the feeling that a separation of 1.5 - 2 years will drag on forever and never end? Believe me, you won't be so lonely if you start sending letters to your young soldier. But this needs to be done correctly, so that, having read your news, he knows: he has somewhere and someone to return to, and does not think that his stay in the service makes someone unhappy. No matter how sad you are, try to write the lines in such a way that they will cheer up your boyfriend, and he will look forward to your meeting, and not curse his days of service.

To write a wonderful love letter,

you just need to start writing without knowing what you want to say,

and finish without knowing what they wrote about&hellip

Have you never written a letter before? Believe me, it's not scary. Pay attention to the words of the famous French writer and philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Just pick up a pen, put a blank sheet of paper in front of you and try to put on paper everything that you are experiencing at this moment. The hardest thing is to start. And, let the first letters be decorated with droplets of your tears and, after re-reading it, it will seem to you that this is not at all the same, but your boyfriend will definitely understand you. After all, the feeling of resentment from the forced separation overwhelms not only you, but also him. Over time, it will not be so difficult for you to find words to tell how you are looking forward to the time of your meeting. Don’t look online for samples and templates of ready-made letters. A loving heart will tell you the right words. What can you write about?

  • The first thing a guy who is in the military should experience is that his girlfriend is not only waiting, but is proud and admiring that he is serving. Write that it’s very difficult for you, but at the same time it’s nice to feel like the one who is waiting for your loved one from the army. Tell us how jealous your friends are that you are so brave and have not shied away from your duty, as many do now.
  • There is no need to tell you that some friend of yours, whose boyfriend is also in the army, goes to discos and parties, but you don’t do this, because you are waiting for him faithfully and devotedly at home. Just say that you don’t want this now, that you’re not interested in going somewhere without him. But time will pass, you will arrive and we will... (then start talking about how you imagine the meeting and the first walk)
  • Be sure to try to keep in touch with his family. Call, and if you know his mother well, drop by for a cup of tea. Believe me, the young man will be very pleased to hear this from you.
  • Don't know what else to write about? Tell us about the weather. Yes, yes. Just when describing the autumn rain, do not forget to drop a couple of lines about how it reminds you that you have a similar state in your soul. And when talking about the first snow, remember how fun you played in the winter, or how it warmed you with its warmth on winter evenings.
  • Are you wondering how your boyfriend lives? Ask him what a military unit, company, barracks is. How are the beds there? Is it true that all soldiers have time to get dressed in 40 seconds? That is, let him tell you about his life.

    Between the lines - the meaning,

    Well, there are a lot of good words in the lines

    Do not write any intimate details of your meetings in letters to the army. In many military units, messages from relatives are read. Also, you should not reproach him for the fact that he communicates little with you and does not answer letters. The main thing is that you keep in touch with him. Let it be his rare messages or a 10-minute telephone conversation, but you know that he loves you.

    A guy will be very pleased to pick up a letter that will show at first glance that it was sent by his beloved girl. Take a few extra minutes and decorate the message once with hand-drawn hearts. and next time let it be funny stickers. Perhaps these will be funny pictures of guys in uniform, and under them write funny captions that can be taken from the Internet. We also recommend sprinkling the letter with your perfume. Believe me, the light aroma will remain. And definitely a kiss in the form of traces of your lips.

    Military service is a challenging step that will test the strength of your relationship. You must support each other and wait. And he will find out that you are always ready to be with him when he receives the long-awaited envelope in which a piece of your love is hidden. After all, according to Liz Carpenter, people have lost so much by stopping writing letters. After all, a telephone conversation cannot be re-read over and over again.

    Yulia Spiridonova specially for

    Letter to a guy in the army

    Many girls don’t know how to write a letter to their beloved guy in the army. Therefore, they search the Internet for samples, templates and examples of letters to their beloved soldier. And to put it more correctly, they are looking for a ready-made love letter from a girl. For example, a sample letter to a soldier in the army (a sample is below).

    First, let's consider which letter the soldier would like best. Surely an original and romantic letter that a girl in love will write herself with her feelings. Such a letter will be much more beautiful and pleasant. Therefore, you should not look for a sample letter, but you need to write it yourself.

    What can you write in a letter to a soldier? Of course, about his feelings, because he really misses this in his service. Therefore, write to him how much you love him and why. A declaration of love can be written in lines in the form of an oath, this will brighten up your letter. Also be sure to ask how his military service is going.

    How to format a letter to the army? The simplest way would be to draw hearts. In addition, you can write funny and cool poems in hearts to make the soldier smile. At the end of the letter, draw some interesting animal. If you have a lot of time to write a letter, then you can do the following: draw a picture on the entire paper and decorate it with pencils, and then write a letter on this paper.

    » Letter to a soldier in the army (Sample)

    » How to write a beautiful love letter to your loved one

    » Letter to a loved one in the army

    We are sure you will like it:

    help me write a letter to a guy in the army, if possible as a sample! where to start. Well, at least something approximate. please

    Anastasia M Thinker (6934) 4 years ago

    Well, you're a fool.

    Hello my dear. ask about health, about the team, are there any guys from his city, has he met anyone, what do they feed them, what is he doing there? what are they taught there? what manual? Well, in general, aren’t you interested in what and how they have it?

    Tell me what you’re worried about: they write all sorts of things about the Army. then write that you are proud of him, that he serves. You hope to see him strong and matured, that the army is a school of life, that if you wish, you can benefit from it. So that he doesn’t get into trouble there, but stands up for himself, makes friends.

    Well, in the end, that you are very bored, but you are waiting and that you don’t have a life here - but just vegetation: the heat is incredible and you do nothing.

    In short, so that he understands that serving is cool, and not just wasting time and that you are not frolicking here. that's all.

  • Sending a letter by mail was once the most common thing: students who left to study corresponded with their relatives, girlfriends of guys who had gone into the army sent them expected letters, documents and their copies were sent by mail, because there was no such method of communication as electronic mail. But today many are wondering how to send a letter by post to Russia. And we will try to enlighten you on this.

    Fortunately, modern Russian post does not resemble those post offices where you had to travel by crossbar, and letters were delivered over weeks and months.

    The rules of today's mail are simple

    1. It is necessary to find out the exact address of the recipient (indicating the index).

    2. Buy an envelope at the post office, and if the weight in the end is no more than twenty grams, then you don’t need stamps, if it’s more, and the shipment is not close, you need to buy more and stick on stamps. Postal workers will tell you about the details in more detail.

    3. If you are interested in sending a registered or valuable letter, you should buy a special envelope, weigh the item, stick the required number of stamps, perhaps fill out an inventory, and such a letter will arrive a little later than usual. This letter can be used to send documents and things that are especially dear to you. The weight of the shipment should not exceed one hundred grams. Payment for this service depends on the weight and distance of the recipient.

    4. If the letter is not “valuable” and not “registered”, you should simply put it in a blue mailbox with the white inscription “Russian Post”, and after a few days you should ask whether it arrived or not. You can send it with acknowledgment of delivery.

    In those days when the Soviet postal service flourished, numerous collectors successfully replenished their collections with beautiful stamps, carefully peeled off envelopes using steam, and even collected postmark impressions and envelopes!

    What should be included on the envelope?

    Today there are fewer letters, and therefore fewer opportunities for collectors. Filling out addresses became more formulaic with the advent of postal codes. When filling out an envelope, you usually indicate

    • surname, first name of the recipient
    • street names, house and apartment numbers
    • name of the region
    • city
    • name of the country (if we are talking about international correspondence)
    • index

    Registered shipment

    They fill out paperwork for it and receive a tracking number. Such a shipment can only be received with a passport. Additional options are attached to registered shipments.

    • A return receipt is legally binding confirmation that you have received the letter. He is loved by all sorts of government organizations and private companies. Some military registration and enlistment office or court will send you a letter with notification of delivery.
    • A description of the attachment is proof that the letter contains exactly
      what is contained. For example, you send a claim regarding a contract. You make an inventory, and the postal employee stamps it - this means that he has become your witness. Now the recipient will not lie that he received congratulations on his anniversary.

    • Declared value is essentially insurance. If the post office loses or damages the parcel, you will be refunded the declared value. Also, part of the cost will be refunded for violation of delivery deadlines. The higher the declared value, the more expensive the shipment.
    • Cash on delivery is the amount that the recipient of the parcel will pay. It will be returned to the sender by money transfer. Older online stores often work with cash on delivery (the normal ones accept cards on the website or send them by courier). Cash on delivery cannot be more than the declared value.


    A parcel is something between a letter and a parcel, but only for printed materials. Books, newspapers, magazines, and bundles of documents are sent in parcels.
    It costs less, and you don’t need to fill out forms. Just put the book in the bag, write the address and give it to the operator. The main thing is that your parcel weighs no more than two kilograms (otherwise it’s just a parcel).

    1st class departures

    These are any registered letters, parcels and parcels that cost more, but arrive twice as fast. For 1st class shipments, you also do not need to fill out forms - just write the address on the envelope or package.

    1. Buy envelopes, stamps and send documents yourself, without mail.

    2. Send books and magazines by parcel post.

    3. Send parcels 1st class if you want it faster and have the opportunity to pay an extra couple of hundred.

    4. Use the new Mail website and mobile application.