How to write colors using a hyphen. Open lesson "hyphen and continuous spelling of compound adjectives"

Complex adjectives are written with a hyphen or together.

A hyphen is used if a complex adjective: 1) denotes shades of colors:yellow-blue, bright red; 2) formed from compound nouns that are written with a hyphen: southwestern (southwest), Tien Shan (Tien Shan); 3) formed by adding equal words, between which a conjunction can be inserted And: bitter-salty (bitter and salty), meat and dairy (meat and dairy), Russian-English (Russian and English).

Complex adjectives are written together, which are formed on the basis of the phrase: railway - railway, athletics - athletics.

Yellow-blue (color). Southwest (southwest). Alma-Ata (Alma-Ata). Bitter-salty (bitter and salty). Zheleznodorozhny (railroad).

When applying this rule, think like this: (car) repair- this is a complex word, it is formed from a combination of words in which one is subordinate to the other (repair of wagons). This means that this word needs to be written together: car repair. (convex)concave- this is a complex word, it is formed from the bases of words independent of each other convex And concave, you can insert a conjunction between them And. This means that this word must be written with a hyphen: convex-concave.

330 . Write down complex adjectives in two columns: in the first, write down those that are formed from a combination of words subordinate to one another; in the second - those that are formed from two words independent of each other. Emphasize the connecting vowels.

Magazine and newspaper, socio-political, pulp and paper, chess and checkers (competitions), ancient Ru..kiy,, oil tanker,, yellow-red, agricultural, Western European, iron foundry, science fiction, copper smelting, socially useful.


socially useful

331 . Together or with a hyphen? Indicate the conditions for choosing continuous and hyphenated spelling of complex adjectives (see example in the box). What category do these adjectives belong to?

(Agricultural) economic, (physical) mathematical, (Russian) English, (steel) foundry, (middle) century, (tight) fusible, (greenish) gray, (ten) storey, (locomotive) repair, (south) eastern, (yellow)red, (three) meter, (garden)garden, (rail)rolling, (north)western, (forty)kilometer, (ancient)Russian, (factory)factory, (cotton)paper, (two)room, (cast iron) foundry.

332 . What compound adjectives can be formed from these words? Write them down, indicating the conditions for choosing the hyphenated spelling of compound adjectives.

Yellow, green; white, blue; red, white; light, purple; dark, blue; pale, blue; bright, pink; dark, chestnut.

333 . Write down compound adjectives formed from these words.

Sample: pale, pink, face - pale pink, pale-faced, pink-faced.

Dark, brown, hair; black, white, eyebrow; blue, green, eye; red, blue, nose; white, pink, marshmallow.

334 . I. Write down complex adjectives that are written together in one column, and in the other - adjectives that are written with a hyphen.

(Light) blue, (crimson) red, (dark) chestnut, (water) wire, (agricultural), (silver) white, (blue) green, (steam) transport, (heat) transport, (helicopter) flight, (ice)cold.

II. In word combinations, replace the highlighted words with adjectives. Write down the adjectives along with the nouns.

Sample: Factory for ship repairs- ship repair plant.

Paper, sensitive to light; case first stage; building twelve floors; polygon with equal sides; collected works in five volumes; fruit and berry culture; factory for casting iron; woman with gray hair; man with broad shoulders; requirements sanitary and hygienic; production writing paper; young woman at seventeen.

335 . Read and title the text. Write it down using missing commas. Indicate the conditions for selecting the orthogram being studied.

336 . Read two excerpts from N.V. Gogol’s story “Taras Bul6a”. In your opinion, what type of text are these sentences taken from? Write it down using missing commas. Underline the adjectives that describe the color of the steppe and sky in the morning and evening. Explain the meaning of words you don't know.

1. The so..tse appeared long ago in the cleared sky and doused the steppe with its life-giving (warmth) creative light. The further the steppe went, the more beautiful it became. The entire surface of the earth seemed like a (green)golden window on which mi(l, ll)ions of different colors were splashed.

2. In the evening the whole steppe completely changed. Its entire motley space was enveloped by the last bright reflection of the social world and gradually darkened, so that one could see how a shadow ran across it, and it became (dark) green; the fumes rose thicker, every flower, every grass gave off ambergris, and the whole steppe smoked with a fragrant stench. Across the (blue)dark sky, as if with a giant brush, wide stripes of had been painted; From time to time, light and transparent clouds appeared in white tufts.

Open Russian language lesson in 6th grade

Lesson topic. Hyphenated and continuous spelling of complex adjectives.

Lesson type – learning new material.

Lesson objectives:

    educational: know the conditions for fused and hyphenated spelling of compound adjectives, be able to write compound adjectives correctly and justify the choice of fused or hyphenated spelling;

    developing: improve spelling vigilance; develop monologue speech;

    educational: to develop the ability to work in a group, respect for the opinions of classmates.

Equipment: multimedia installation, presentation, self-assessment sheets, colorful figures, handouts.

Progress of the lesson.

I. Organizational moment.

Hello guys, sit down.

Well, guys, check, is everything in place, is everything in order: pens, books and notebooks? Is everyone sitting correctly? Is everyone watching carefully? Everyone wants to receive only a five-star rating.

Therefore, I wish you interesting and fruitful work in the lesson. Let's start the lesson with the design of notebooks. Write down the number in your workbooks, cool work.

II. Checking homework.


What big topic are you currently studying?

We will check what you know about this part of speech. Chamomile will help us. You have to tell by tearing off the petal whether the statement is correct or not?

    An adjective denotes an object.

    Changes by gender, number, case. This is a constant sign.

    Adjective rich (experience) is relative, adjective mother's (hands)– quality, adjective winter (day)– possessive.

    In the suffixes of adjectives after sibilants and ц under stress, it is written E, in the unstressed position E.

    If the adjective includes the words far from, not at all and similar, it is written with NOT together. If an adjective with NOT can be replaced by a synonym without NOT, it will be written separately.

    Selective dictation.

What spelling, associated with the spelling of an adjective, is currently submitted for testing in the Russian language exam. (N and NN in adjectives.) Here is handout No. 1. Indicate the numbers of those phrases in which NN is written in the adjective.

    Wooden products

    Ducky nose

    An ordinary cutter

    Glass decanter

    Leather briefcase

    Tin soldier

    Sandy shore

    Lemon juice

    Peat bog

    Traditional dance

(Children must write down the numbers 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10.)

    Peer review.

Exchange notebooks and check your classmate's work. Return the notebooks. Let's comment on the answers. (One student works.)

    Work with the self-assessment sheet (for two tasks).

III. Learning new material.

    Formulation of the topic, purpose and objectives of the lesson.

Today in the lesson we will have to complete our acquaintance with the spelling of adjectives.

Read the text.

Southwestern the wind drove blue - green waves bitter - salty seas. On board fishing the ship stood tall greybeard the man looked into the distance. Looming on the horizon three-masted brig. Hanging above him white - pink clouds. One looked like a huge rhinoceros carcass.

What part of speech words are highlighted?

What makes them different from other adjectives?

Why are they difficult?

Tell me whether compound adjectives are written the same way.

Let's write down the adjectives with the nouns they refer to, dividing them into columns: together / with a hyphen. Let's prove that adjectives are complex. (Two students are working.)


Fishing vessel

Southwest wind

greybeard man

Blue-green waves

Three-masted brig

Bitter salty sea

Rhinoceros carcass

White and pink clouds

Can we explain why there is no uniformity? No.

Therefore, try to formulate the topic of our lesson.

Let's write down the topic of the lesson in our notebook. (Slide)

What is the purpose of the lesson, do you think? (Know the conditions for continuous and hyphenated spelling of complex adjectives, be able to write complex adjectives correctly and justify the choice of continuous or hyphenated spelling.) (Slide)

How will we achieve this goal? What tasks need to be completed for this? (Get acquainted with the theoretical material, perform various exercises to practice and consolidate the rule.)

So, let's solve the first problem. To do this, we will divide into groups. You have material with a rule on your tables. Study it. The first group is preparing to talk about the continuous spelling of compound adjectives, the second group is about the hyphenated spelling of compound adjectives.

    Each group's safety word.

    Independent work in groups.

Let's return to the adjectives from the text. You have yellow handouts on your tables. Meet as a group and get ready to explain why some adjectives from the text are written with a hyphen, while others are written together.

    Each group's safety word. (Now we need to change the comment: the first group talks about hyphenated spelling, the second – about continuous.)

Look closely, what did we get? What happened was essentially a graphic designation of the spelling. It remains to comment on the spelling correctly. Let's hear how this can be done. (Teacher gives an example of reasoning)

IV. Consolidation of the studied material.

    Physical exercise.

Once - get up, stretch.

Two - bend over, straighten up.

Three - three claps of your hands,

Three nods of the head.

By four – your arms are wider.

Five - wave your arms.

Six - sit down quietly.

    Selective-distributive write-off.

Group 1 writes down phrases in which complex adjectives are written together.

Group 2 writes down phrases in which adjectives are written with a hyphen.

Pay attention to the numbers in brackets. Write down the phrases in a column along with the number. Graphically denote the spelling.

(Pain)killer (8), (steam)horn (12), (plant)animal world (9), (green)golden fields (11), (railway)station (14), (six)string guitar (16), (north)east wind (13), (sweet and sour) sauce (17), (runway) (20), (water) tap (20).


If everything is done correctly, the total should be 70.

(Pain) reliever (8),

(steam) whistle (12),

(train) road station (14),

(six) string guitar (16),

(water) tap (20).

With a hyphen:

(plant)fauna (9),

(green) golden fields (11),

(north)east wind (13),

(sweet and sour sauce) (17),

(runway) landing strip (20).

Guys, what does the number 70 tell you? (This year we will celebrate 70 years since the end of the Second World War.)

Why do we need to remember this event?

    Working with a self-assessment sheet (all work in a group).

    Game "Fourth wheel".

You only need to write down the phrase that is superfluous.

    (Paper) cardboard plant, (Russian) German dictionary, (fruit) berry juice, (pipe)wire channel. (Derived from a compound noun that is written together.)

    (Wide) shouldered man, (five) storey building, (white) trunked birch tree, (red)orange disk. (Indicates a shade of color.)

    (High) quality product, (machine) gun fire, (helicopter) flight noise, (forest) park area.

    (Gray) blue scarf, (light) blue beret, (sour)sweet tea, (blue) black belt. (You can insert the conjunction I.)

    (Bright) red ball, (moisture) protective raincoat, (south)west wind, (chess)checkers tournament. (Derived from a phrase.)

    Working with a self-assessment sheet.

    Find a match.

1 (blue)blue eyes

A Together, from a noun that is written together

2 (hard) loving person

B Hyphenated, from a noun that is written with a hyphen

3 (north)west direction

IN Through a hyphen, you can insert the conjunction AND

4 (meat)dairy product

G With a hyphen, it indicates a shade of color

5 (pedestrian) path

D Together, formed on the basis of the phrase

Let's comment on the answers.

Let's check with the key.

V.Lesson summary.

Let's get back to the purpose of today's lesson.

Know the conditions for fused and hyphenated spelling of compound adjectives, be able to write compound adjectives correctly and justify the choice of fused or hyphenated spelling.

Has each of you achieved your goal?

    Test (using signal cards).


A) (well)desirable

B) (north)eastern

B) (two) room

When is a compound adjective written? seamlessly?

A) (Russian) German

B) (documentary) fiction

B) (long) legs

Compound adjective sweet and sour is written with a hyphen because

A) you can insert the conjunction AND

C) formed from a noun that is written with a hyphen

Compound adjective all-terrain it is written together because

A) you can insert the conjunction AND

B) formed on the basis of a phrase

C) formed from a noun that is written together

When is a compound adjective written? hyphenated?

A) (dark) chestnut

B) (white) barrel

B) (five) year old

    Working with a self-assessment sheet.


Look at your self-evaluation sheet and tell me how you felt in class today. To do this, use multi-colored shapes.

Coped with all tasks independently

Coped, but with the help of classmates and teachers

Need help from teacher

Now color in the little man on the ladder of success, which speaks about your state of knowledge on the topic of today’s lesson.

VI. Homework.

Your homework today is multi-level. You yourself evaluate your capabilities and complete the task either 3, 4, or 5.

Guys, I’m glad that you and I successfully studied the topic. I wish you success. Thanks for the lesson!

Appendix 1 (homework)

TASK 1 (on “3”)

Assignment: Circle the numbers of the words that are written together. Add them all up. The result should be the number 86.

1. (Multi)year old.
2. (Housing) construction.
3. (People's) liberation movement.
4. Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics.
5. (East) European Plain.
6. (Volgo) Don Shipping Company.
7. (Freshly) baked.
8. (Fast) running.
9. (Semi)night.
10. (Nine) year old.
11. (Ancient) Russian.
12. (Pure) wool.
13. (Gray)beard.
14. (Bright) red.
15. (North) Ossetian art.

TASK 2 (on “4”)

Task: from combinations of words, form the phrase “adjective + noun”, and the adjective must be complex.

1. A machine that cleans cotton.
2. A tube that conducts steam.
3. Paper sensitive to light.
4. Factory where ships are built.
5. A factory where silk is spun.
6. Average production for the year.
7. Culture of Ancient Rus'.
8. Wind from the northwest.
9. Workers of factories and factories.
10. Dictionary Russian and French.
11. The state is bourgeois and landowner.
12. Leather and shoe industry.
13. Literature on agriculture.
14. Chess and checkers section.
15. A plant where cars are repaired.
16. Carriage and locomotive depot.
17. The face is matte and pale.
18. Lemons are yellow and amber.
19. A man with a pale face.
20. Nature of the Far East.
21. Forest of short trees.
22. Fishing gear.
23. Sails of different colors.
24. Butterfly with yellow wings.
25. Hordes of Tatars and Mongols.
26. The holiday is common to the people.
27. Girl with blue eyes.
28. He is deeply respected.

TASK 3 (at “5”)

Assignment: Distribute the words below into two columns: with a hyphen and a continuous spelling. Explain the spelling.

(Average) monthly salary, (left) bank lowland, (small) scale, (Robin) Hood adventures, (general) folk, (magazine) newspaper, (large) dimensional, (scientific) educational, (folk) poetic, (educational) )auxiliary, (moderately) cold, (medical) judicial, (vocabulary) technical, (socio) historical laws, (socially) dangerous elements, (morally) stable person, (scientifically) popular, (hundred) kilometer, (spontaneously) rebellious , (dark) eyed, (dark) haired, (dark) gray, (fruit) berry, (weakly) sour, (vocabulary) grammatical, (vegetable) canning, (military) administrative, (scientific) research, (Central) Asian , (chess) checkers.

Appendix 2

Group work

"4 extra"


Teacher rating

Student self-assessment sheet____ 6th grade _______________________

Group work

"4 extra"


Teacher rating

23-24 excellent (“5”) 22-18 good (“4”) 17-10 satisfactory (“3”)

§ 80. Complex adjectives are written together:

1. Formed from compound nouns written together, for example: plumbing(plumbing), agricultural(farmer, agriculture), Novosibirsk(Novosibirsk).

2. Formed from combinations of words that are subordinate in meaning to one another, for example: railway(railway), national economic(national economy), natural science(natural sciences), complex(complex in the way of subordination), rail rolling(rolling rails), nationwide(common for the people), marshy scrub(forming protection for fields), metal-cutting(cutting metal); This also includes those denoting a single concept of formation (including terminological ones) from an adverb and an adjective (or participle), for example: little-used, nearby, vital, deeply respected, freshly baked, clairvoyant, potent, wild-growing, evergreen, plain-colored.

Note. Complex adjectives, which include adverbs, should not be mixed with phrases consisting of an adverb and an adjective (or participle) and written separately, for example: diametrically opposed, directly opposite, purely Russian, childishly naive, poorly hidden, clearly expressed.

3. Used as terms and formed from two or three bases, regardless of the nature of the latter, for example: thoracoabdominal(block), Indo-European(languages), Old High German(language), bicarbonate(gas); Also - deaf-mute.

§ 81. Compound adjectives are written with a hyphen:

1. Formed from nouns written with a hyphen, from personal names - combinations of first and last names, as well as from names of settlements, which are combinations of first and last names, first names and patronymics, for example: diesel engine, social democratic, Buryat-Mongolian, North-Eastern, Alma-Ata, Orekhovo-Zuevsky, Nizhne-Maslovsky, Ust-Abakansky, Romain-Rolandovsky, Walter-Scott, Lev-Tolstovsky, Erofei-Pavlovichsky.

Note 1. The adjective is written together Moskvoretsky.

Note 2. Adjectives formed from proper names, written with a hyphen, and having a prefix that is not present in the noun, are written together, for example: Priamudarya, Zaissykkul.

2. Formed from two or more bases denoting equal concepts, for example: interest-free, convex-concave, party-Komsomol, gardening, meat and dairy, English-Japanese, Russian-German-French(dictionary), blue-white-red(flag).

3. Formed from two bases and denoting: a) quality with an additional shade, for example: rolling-loud, bitter-salty; b) shades of colors, for example: pale pink, bright blue, dark brown, black-brown, bluish blue, golden yellow, ash gray, bottle green, lemon yellow, yellow-red.

4. Included in geographical proper names and starting with east, west, north And north, south And south-, For example: West Kazakhstan region, East China Sea, Union of South Africa.

Note 1. Adjectives formed from two or more stems that do not fit the listed rules are written with a hyphen, for example: literary and artistic(almanac), political-mass(Job), vocabulary-technical(department), podzolic-marsh, loose-lumpy-silty, elongated-lanceolate.

Note 2. Words are also written with a hyphen, the first component of which is myself-, myself- , For example: self-friend, self-third, self-heel, self-heel.

Hyphenated and continuous spelling of compound adjectives

Russian language lesson in 6th grade

Lesson objectives:

    Formation of knowledge of spelling of complex adjectives,

    Develop analytical thinking and memory of students

    Contribute to the development of a responsible attitude towards educational work.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment

2. Checking homework

What questions do you have about homework?

Children, under dictation, write down phrases with adjectives on pieces of paper, where -NN- is written:

    wooden products

    duck nose

    with an ordinary chisel

    glass decanter

    leather briefcase

    tin soldier

    sandy beach

    windless day

    peat bog

    thatched roof

Children must write down the numbers 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10.

3. Preparing to study new material

During recess, the teacher distributes printed texts (one per desk) - an excerpt from the work of I.A. Bunin

In a passage of text, which is photocopied for each student, it is proposed to highlight words that help Bunin convey color and shades of colors.

One child reads aloud:

Above us, in the bottomless depths, the fabrics of the clouds turned a soft crimson color. And a moment later everything changed: the east wind became blue-purple, the sea above it was deep purple. And the stripes in the sunset sky flared up more and more.

The teacher immediately asks the question:

What is this text about? (About nature, about the coming of evening, sunset)

Let's find adjectives denoting shades of color and write them down in a notebook:

Subtle raspberry Blue-purple Deep purple

What is special about these adjectives? The peculiarity is that these adjectives are written with a hyphen.

4. Explanation of new material

The teacher, following the child, clearly states the rule: complex adjectives denoting shades of colors, additional shades of quality or attribute are always written with a hyphen. The focus is always on the word.

For example:pale blue, sweet and sour, blue-black, etc.

The teacher suggests opening a textbook for the children (textbook for grade 6 by M.T. Baranov, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya) and getting acquainted with the rule of writing adjectives with a hyphen.

One child reads aloud and comments on the rule, coming up with his own examples.

A hyphen is used if a compound adjective is formed from compound nouns that are written with a hyphen:in the textbooksouthwestern (southwest) , your example:northeastern (northeast);

A hyphen is used if a complex adjective is formed by adding equal words between which a conjunction can be insertedAnd:

Example: bitter-salty (bitter and salty), Russian-English (Russian and English).

Complex adjectives are written together, which are formed on the basis of the phrase: railway (railroad).

Now the teacher asks you to complete the following task:

It is necessary to divide the notebook into two parts (filling out the table for the completed rule, drawn in advance by the teacher or projected on the board):

Assignment: Fill out the table with your examples.

Continuous spelling of adjectives

Hyphenate adjectives

In a notebook for recording words, we write down difficult words with a green pen that need to be remembered:socially useful and socio-political.

5. Primary consolidation

The teacher reads a prompt poem, the children listen carefully and write out complex adjectives, then explain how they wrote it and by what rule:

Dark brown boy Walked northeast So by the evening he was tired, That it turned lemon yellow But I managed to understand Where to insert a hyphen in words. You will remember our lesson At school the teacher will say: “This guy is the head!”
("Baby Monitor")

The guys write:dark blond, northeast, lemon yellow.

(More often than not, children fall for the trick and write northeast as an adjective).

Children's explanation:

Dark brown – a compound adjective denotes a shade of color, so it is written with a hyphen.
Lemon yellow – a compound adjective denotes a shade of color, so it is written with a hyphen.

What part of speech isnortheast ?

Students' reasoning:

A noun, you can form a compound adjective from it -northeastern , which will be written with a hyphen.

The word is written on the boardbitter-salty , the teacher asks a question: how will we reason when writing a complex adjective?

This is a compound adjective formed from two independent words, between which a conjunction can be insertedAnd bitter and salty, so this adjective is written with a hyphen.

According to the textbook, the exercise is performed orally in a chain:

(Agricultural) economic, (physical) mathematical, (Russian) English, (steel) foundry, (medieval) centuries, (tight) fusible, (greenish) gray, (ten) storey, (locomotive) repair, (south) eastern, (yellow)red, (three) meter, (garden)garden, (rail)rolling, (north)western, (forty)kilometer, (ancient)Russian, (factory)factory, (cotton)paper, (two)room, (cast iron) foundry.

We open the notebook of Bogdanova G.A. p.39, exercise 79:

One of the students reads the task: identify the main word and the dependent word in the phrases and form adjectives from them:

Far East – Ancient Rome – (languages) of the Eastern Slavs – Black hair - Long legs (crane) – Broad shoulders (boys) – (house) made of large paili –

The teacher asks selectively.

Guys, complex adjectives denoting shades of color or combinations of colors help us “see” the diversity and color of the world around us.

In the works of I.A. Bunin, a great master of words, uses such adjectives very often (we have already partially examined them today).

Write down compound adjectives along with nouns from examples taken from the writer’s works. Fill in the missing letters, open the brackets:

    (Green)silver light,
    (In)subtle light
    Sunrise over the earth.

    1. (Transparently) pale, like in spring,
      The snow is falling due to the (recent) cold.

      Suddenly lightning illuminated the entire thicket
      Mysterious and (pale) blue light.

    There are blocks of (well...lots of) ash stones.

    1. And the berries are (foggy) blue
      On dry juniper.

      Only the sea in the summer calm
      Still pouring affectionately onto the reefs
      (Azure) phosphoric dust.

    The family was proud of a (gray) iron-colored stallion.

    1. The sickle of the month, (cloudy) red and drooping to the side,
      Swaying on the edge of the sky.

    In the clearings, in the brilliance of the sun, cobwebs sparkled and (light) golden maples glowed motionless.

    The (bluish) leaden light of the fading day is faintly glimmering.

Students do it independently, the teacher checks three students, marks them, and checks out loud with the rest.

6. Lesson summary

Let's say the rule again when complex adjectives are written together, and when separately:

Complex adjectives that are formed on the basis of a phrase are written together.

Railway< железная дорога

Compound adjectives are written with a hyphen:

    indicate shades of colors: yellow-blue

    formed from compound nouns that are written with a hyphen: southwestern< юго-запад

    The word is formed from a combination of independent words: gardening< сад и огород.

There are words to remember:

Socially useful Socio-political

7. Homework

The teacher writes homework on the board. Homework is at the discretion of the teacher. For example, ex. 309. In one column you need to write down complex adjectives, in the other - adjectives that are written with a hyphen. One of the students reads the assignment. The teacher finds out if everyone understands how to do the exercise.

III. Adjectives

§ 80. Complex adjectives are written together:

1. Formed from compound nouns written together, for example: plumbing(plumbing), agricultural(farmer, agriculture), Novosibirsk(Novosibirsk).

2. Formed from combinations of words that are subordinate in meaning to one another, for example: railway(railway), national economic(national economy), natural science(natural sciences), complex(complex in the way of subordination), rail rolling(rolling rails), nationwide(common for the people), marshy scrub(forming protection for fields), metal-cutting(cutting metal); This also includes those denoting a single concept of formation (including terminological ones) from an adverb and an adjective (or participle), for example: little-used, nearby, vital, deeply respected, freshly baked, clairvoyant, potent, wild-growing, evergreen, plain-colored.

Note. Complex adjectives, which include adverbs, should not be mixed with phrases consisting of an adverb and an adjective (or participle) and written separately, for example: diametrically opposed, directly opposite, purely Russian, childishly naive, poorly hidden, clearly expressed.

3. Used as terms and formed from two or three bases, regardless of the nature of the latter, for example: thoracoabdominal(block), Indo-European(languages), Old High German(language), bicarbonate(gas); Also - deaf-mute.

§ 81. Compound adjectives are written with a hyphen:

1. Formed from nouns written with a hyphen, from personal names - combinations of first and last names, as well as from names of settlements, which are combinations of first and last names, first names and patronymics, for example: diesel engine, social democratic, Buryat-Mongolian, North-Eastern, Alma-Ata, Orekhovo-Zuevsky, Nizhne-Maslovsky, Ust-Abakansky, Romain-Rolandovsky, Walter-Scott, Lev-Tolstovsky, Erofei-Pavlovichsky.

Note 1. The adjective is written together Moskvoretsky.

Note 2. Adjectives formed from proper names, written with a hyphen, and having a prefix that is not present in the noun, are written together, for example: Priamudarya, Zaissykkul.

2. Formed from two or more bases denoting equal concepts, for example: interest-free, convex-concave, party-Komsomol, gardening, meat and dairy, English-Japanese, Russian-German-French(dictionary), blue-white-red(flag).

3. Formed from two bases and denoting: a) quality with an additional shade, for example: rolling-loud, bitter-salty; b) shades of colors, for example: pale pink, bright blue, dark brown, black-brown, bluish blue, golden yellow, ash gray, bottle green, lemon yellow, yellow-red.

4. Included in geographical proper names and starting with east, west, north And north, south And south-, For example: West Kazakhstan region, East China Sea, Union of South Africa.

Note 1. Adjectives formed from two or more stems that do not fit the listed rules are written with a hyphen, for example: literary and artistic(almanac), political-mass(Job), vocabulary-technical(department), podzolic-marsh, loose-lumpy-silty, elongated-lanceolate.

Note 2. Words are also written with a hyphen, the first component of which is myself-, myself- , For example: self-friend, self-third, self-heel, self-heel.