How to get a quota for stroke treatment. Rehabilitation after spinal injury. Federal Scientific and Clinical Center for Reanimatology and Rehabilitation


Review of rehabilitation centers

If an elderly person has suffered an injury, surgery, or simply needs to improve their health, a rehabilitation center will be an excellent alternative to a hospital. Such institutions deal with comprehensive rehabilitation, not just medical ones. In this article we will talk about the most famous centers of Moscow and the Moscow region.

Treatment and Rehabilitation Center of the Russian Ministry of Health

One of the largest and most reputable institutions, founded shortly after the 1917 revolution (it has been operating under its current name since 2006). European medical standards are practiced here and the latest equipment is used. The interior of the building has a convenient layout, wide corridors and spacious chambers. The center accepts patients after a heart attack, stroke, traumatic brain injury, as well as with diseases of the genitourinary system.

The center is located in Moscow, not far from the Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo park (Tushinskaya metro station). Capacity - more than 400 seats. Various training rooms and physiotherapy rooms are equipped for patients, including cryo-, ozone-, laser therapy, and pulse point treatment. As additional therapeutic measures, they are offered mud, hydromassage, and carbon dioxide baths. Patients of the center are distributed among departments - cardiology, urology and others, where highly specialized specialists work with them.

The cost of treatment at the center is 3-7 thousand rubles, the price of one procedure is from 300 rubles and more. Free treatment is, in principle, possible, but to get it, you need to get on a waiting list and wait up to several months.

Central Clinical Hospital for Rehabilitation of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia (“Goluboe”)

The institution was founded in 1968 and is located in the Solnechnogorsk district of the Moscow region. Its capacity is 430 seats. Every year, more than 7 thousand people undergo rehabilitation here, with experienced doctors who have dedicated an average of 20 years to their profession. The institution has a department of rehabilitation medicine, whose employees are well-known in medical circles.

Individual motor rehabilitation programs are developed for patients, which are carried out only with an instructor or in groups. In addition to exercise therapy, patients are prescribed massage - hardware, manual, hydromassage. Occupational therapists work with those who have lost the ability to self-care. For people with problems with the cardiovascular system, treatment with high oxygen pressure is intended.

In general, patients stay at the center for quite a long time, so leisure activities are regularly organized for them, as well as interest groups. The difference between Goluby and many similar institutions is that a family member or relative can live with patients. The fee for such accommodation is 3200 rubles per day.

The cost of treatment at the center is from 3,500 rubles per day. Like the previous institution, you can get here for free only by waiting in line.

Sanatorium named after Herzen

It is located in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region on the territory of the village of the same name. There is a stadium, a park, and a garden on it. The sanatorium was founded more than 60 years ago as a multidisciplinary medical institution and remains so to this day. Patients who have suffered a stroke and need to restore hand motor skills, speech, and self-care skills are accepted here. Exercise therapy instructors, occupational therapists, and speech therapists work with them, thanks to whom they receive the opportunity for comprehensive rehabilitation.

In addition to them, a psychologist works with patients, as well as their relatives, to help get rid of stress, depression and anxiety for the future - their own and that of their loved ones. The facility has a weight loss and obesity treatment program. An individual recovery program is developed for each patient, the results of which may vary depending on his initial condition. Most of the sanatorium's patients subsequently return to a full life.

The sanatorium has luxury, eurolux, two-room singles and one-room doubles. The capacity of its building is more than 400 people. The minimum cost of living is 2600 per day.

Clinical Center for Rehabilitation Medicine and Rehabilitation

Located in the north of Moscow (metro station Khovrino) on the territory of Grachevsky Park in an old mansion. Patients with spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, arthritis, and also after stabilizing operations on the spine are sent to the institution. There are departments of neurology, physiotherapy, traumatology, and functional diagnostics here. Patients are engaged in exercise therapy rooms with experienced instructors. As additional rehabilitation measures, they are prescribed acupuncture and massage.

The center uses LOKOMAT equipment designed for robotic walking. It helps immobilized patients regain skills lost due to spinal cord injuries. Another unique exercise machine is Alter G, which is an anti-gravity treadmill that allows those who have damaged muscles or ligaments to run.

The center's capacity does not exceed 100 people, who are accommodated in wards for 2-4 people. The minimum cost of rehabilitation at the center is 2,500 rubles per day. It is possible to get here for free by referral or after consultation with a doctor, but there is usually a rather long queue to see doctors.

Federal Scientific and Clinical Center for Reanimatology and Rehabilitation

The institution is located in the Solnechnogorsk district of the Moscow region. It includes not only a hospital, but also scientific departments, including a laboratory of neurogastroenterology, respiratory research, biomechatronics and others. Patients are admitted here after brain damage that has caused problems with swallowing, respiratory function, speech, or problems with the gastrointestinal tract or musculoskeletal system.

One of the most effective rehabilitation methods that allows sedentary patients to return to physical activity is the use of a verticalizer. It is necessary for patients who have been immobilized for a long time. This device normalizes the functioning of internal organs, stimulates blood circulation, and allows you to “develop” atrophied muscles. The center employs psychologists and psychotherapists who help patients overcome stress caused by illness or injury.

The cost of rehabilitation in the center is from 1,700 rubles per day (four-bed room). The capacity of the institution is quite high - more than 500 people, so there are no such long queues as in those listed above.

"Three Sisters"

A private rehabilitation center located in the Shchelkovsky district. The number of rooms in it is 35, each of which accommodates 2-4 guests. The establishment is located in an ecologically clean area, surrounded by deciduous forest, tall trees grow on its territory, and there is a garden. The center building is a cottage specially equipped for people with disabilities: there are ramps for wheelchairs, anti-slip coating in the bathrooms, and panic buttons.

The center accepts older people with spinal cord and brain damage, after stroke and injuries to the musculoskeletal system. The recovery program here lasts according to the working day principle - 8 hours with a break for lunch and rest. Patients attend exercise therapy classes, massage sessions, and acupuncture. The center uses techniques such as Exart suspension systems and Bobath therapy. Much attention is paid to occupational therapy, as well as restoration of memory and speech - for this, a psychologist and speech therapist work with patients.

The cost of living in the center per day is 12 thousand rubles: this amount includes care, medical procedures, and assistance in self-care. Relatives of patients can stay with them for a hotel fee - 3 thousand rubles per day.

"Silver Dawn"

The center is located in New Moscow. Its capacity is up to 50 people living in rooms with 2-4 beds. Elderly people are accepted here after a heart attack, stroke, injury, fracture, or surgery in various conditions: both able to care for themselves and partially or completely immobilized. The cost of staying in the center depends on the patient’s condition. The staff of “Silver Dawn” have a medical education and are capable of not only caring for an elderly person, but also giving him an injection, IV drip, and providing first aid.

The rehabilitation program is developed here individually. Some may be prescribed sessions of therapeutic massage and exercise therapy, others – physiotherapy, and others – all together. The leisure time of the center's patients is varied: animators work with them, they are visited by volunteers, and they are allowed to receive relatives and friends at any time.

Patients eat 5 times a day. A dietary menu is drawn up for them, allowing them to consume the required amount of vitamins and nutrients and not gain excess weight, which is undesirable when restoring the musculoskeletal system, and the entire body as a whole.

European Medical Center (EMC)

One of the few rehabilitation centers that has been operating for 20 years. It is located in the Central Administrative District of Moscow (metro station Sukharevskaya). Here, elderly people are provided with comprehensive assistance in recovery from injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Patients stay here after surgery and go home after complete restoration of the functions of a limb or joint.

In the center there is a physical therapy room equipped with a variety of exercise equipment, including exercise bikes, ellipsoids, Biodex proprioceptive simulators, and “Artromot” devices for mobilizing joints. One of the main methods of rehabilitation in EMC is physiotherapy - ultrasound treatment, electro-, laser-, and magnetic therapy. Upon discharge, the patient is prescribed a rehabilitation program at home. Also, the center can assign a specialist to a former patient who will come to him and deal with restorative procedures.

The specialization of the EMC is quite narrow, and the capacity is small, but there is always a small number of patients. On average, the recovery process at the center takes about three months. Its cost varies depending on the severity of the patient's injury and his general condition.

BiATi Rehabilitation Clinic

The institution is located near Tushinskaya metro station. Patients are sent here after a stroke. Various specialists work with him here - a neurologist, a cardiologist, an endocrinologist. The clinic cooperates with similar medical institutions in Israel and invites its specialists for consultations. The main directions of rehabilitation at the BiATi clinic are the restoration of speech, limb mobility, and self-care skills.

Similar results are achieved by improving the patient’s cerebral blood supply, restoring mobility to the limbs and spine, and developing atrophied muscles. Patients at the clinic spend a lot of time with a speech therapist and occupational therapist, who helps them restore speech and self-care skills. Every year, the institution graduates more than 300 patients who have returned to normal life after injuries and operations. On average, they spent 2-3 weeks in it, but some of them recovered within a month or more.

The cost of staying at the BiATi clinic varies and depends on the patient’s condition and an individually developed rehabilitation program.

"Rejuvenating apple"

A relatively new (operating since 2009), but already well-established rehabilitation center. His main area of ​​activity is recovery after stroke. It includes exercise therapy, therapeutic massage, physiotherapy, speech restoration, and psychological rehabilitation. For each patient of the center, an individual training program is developed, according to which his daily routine will look like.

One of the advantages of the Rejuvenating Apple center is that it is located near Sokolniki Park, where patients go for walks, accompanied by caregivers or relatives who come to visit them. The capacity of the center is small - no more than thirty patients stay here at a time, housed in rooms for 1-3 people. There are always nurses next to them, helping them move, dress, undress, and eat. After discharge from the center, its specialists—a therapist or a neurologist—visit the former patient at home and monitor his condition. Meals in the center are five times a day. It includes seasonal vegetables, fruits, fresh meat, fish and completely excludes processed foods.

The cost of staying at the “Rejuvenating Apple” consists of the procedures that the patient needs and their quantity. So, one session with a speech therapist costs 1,500 rubles, a consultation with a psychiatrist costs 3 thousand rubles, ultrasound of blood vessels costs 3 thousand rubles, and so on.


Without exaggeration, this boarding house can be called a flagship in the field of organizing rehabilitation and accommodation for elderly people, both healthy and those suffering from certain physical or mental illnesses. Highly qualified personnel, both medical and maintenance, advanced rehabilitation programs, high-quality care for seriously ill patients - all this allows the boarding house to occupy a leading position.

The boarding house consists of several buildings in which people with various health problems undergo rehabilitation. Hip fractures, neurological and cardiac diseases, including people after myocardial infarctions and strokes, dementia and Alzheimer's disease. "Monino" offers three stay programs - temporary, permanent and rehabilitation. Upon admission to a boarding house, an elderly person undergoes a comprehensive medical examination, and an individual rehabilitation program and diet are developed for him.

The rehabilitation center is equipped with the latest technology - medical equipment, medical beds, care items. Depending on a person’s health status, several types of support are offered - for active people moving independently, for those with disabilities and for bedridden patients.

The boarding house pays special attention to the leisure of elderly residents. The staff has its own professional animators, artists are constantly invited, theatrical performances are held, and dance and literary evenings are organized.

"Your home"

The boarding houses included in this network are focused on the rehabilitation of people with impaired motor function resulting from a hip fracture, stroke, or heart attack. In addition, the boarding house accepts people who suffer from other diseases - hypertension, diabetes, mental disorders.

All boarding houses are equipped with ramps, special restrooms and showers for people using a wheelchair. All residents of the center are under strict medical control - daily examinations, if necessary, adjustment of the treatment regimen, prescription of medical procedures or medications. All sick people are provided with six dietary meals a day, which takes into account the individual characteristics of each patient and the doctor’s recommendations.


This is a whole network of 12 private boarding houses, which are located in various areas of the Moscow region. The closest of them is located only 4 kilometers from Moscow, and the most distant is 35 km. Regardless of the distance from Moscow, all boarding houses are equally comfortable, well equipped and have highly qualified staff. Elderly people living in this boarding house are under medical supervision and receive the necessary medical procedures and medications. In the mornings, physical exercises are carried out and active recreation is organized.

A special highlight of the boarding houses of this network is the impeccable five meals a day. The diet is selected individually, taking into account the health characteristics of each elderly person. Elderly people live in 1, 2, and 3-bed rooms, which are very comfortable. The boarding house itself is equipped with the most modern equipment and items for caring for the elderly.

"Tree of Life"

The network includes six boarding houses in different areas of Moscow, which allows you to choose the one that is most convenient for you. Absolutely all boarding houses have landscaped areas with their own ponds, parks, they are located in green, environmentally friendly areas. Boarding houses can accommodate both healthy, active elderly people and bedridden patients - medical equipment and qualifications of medical and service personnel allow them to provide high-quality assistance and care even for seriously ill patients.

The rooms in which elderly people live are comfortable and cozy, have everything necessary for a comfortable stay, and are equipped with a staff call button. Elderly people are provided with five meals a day, taking into account their health status. The boarding house understands perfectly well that in adulthood life should not be limited by the walls of the room and medical procedures, therefore the leisure of older people is carefully organized. Animators work in the boarding houses, master classes and creative evenings are held.

Social boarding house for the elderly Mitino

We offer for your loved ones a whole network of boarding houses, which are radically different from municipal nursing homes. For your convenience, boarding houses are located in various areas of Moscow and the Moscow region. Cozy buildings and a landscaped area conducive to walking for our guests. By the way, we regularly take even the weakest people for walks. Boarding houses accept both healthy elderly people and patients with severe health problems, including functional mental disorders.

All elderly people receive nursing care and monitoring of medications. Qualified doctors, if necessary, develop individual rehabilitation programs for those elderly people who need them. Cozy rooms in which an elderly person will feel at home, and not in a government institution. In addition, the rooms are adapted for the convenience of wheelchair users. For bedridden patients there are special functional beds. Change of bed linen not only as needed, but also upon request. Assistance in implementing hygiene procedures, organizing the daily routine of guests.

Five meals a day, adapted to the characteristics of the body of an elderly person. If necessary, dietary meals are provided.
Much attention is paid to the leisure of patients - communication, a warm atmosphere, creative activities, and holding festive events.
Regardless of the time during which your loved one will be in our boarding house, he will feel at home, feel warmth, support and sincere participation in his destiny. You can visit your loved one at any time convenient for you and regularly keep in touch with their doctor.

Cerebral palsy, spinal injury, stroke are serious diagnoses that require qualified treatment. But even after the intervention of the most experienced doctors, the disease makes it difficult to fully function, limiting a person’s movement, household services, due to functional disorders of speech, hearing... In order to feel free and independent again, after a serious illness, a comprehensive recovery is necessary. For this purpose, special simulators, physical procedures are used, and numerous rehabilitation techniques are used. But the main thing is that a team of psychologists and doctors with a narrow specialization is needed. Where and for what money can you find all this in Moscow and the Moscow region?

Which rehabilitation center can I go to?

What is better to choose for rehabilitation: a sanatorium, a day hospital or a specialized rehabilitation center? There are plenty of both in Moscow and its environs. Let's look at the pros and cons of all options.


Very often, doctors advise spending a rehabilitation period in a sanatorium. Here the patient receives several advantages at once:

  • he is under the supervision of doctors of various profiles, including psychologists and speech therapists;
  • he still has a lot of free time, which can be spent in the fresh air, since most often sanatoriums are located in forests and near water bodies;
  • Very often, sanatoriums provide mud therapy services and treatment with local mineral water - in addition to the basic health restoration program.

However, there are also disadvantages. The main one is the cost of living in a sanatorium: as a rule, it is quite high. In addition, patients who are able to move independently and do not need maintenance are sent to sanatoriums. And such institutions do not always have the necessary departments; most often these are general institutions that combine treatment, dietary nutrition and physical exercise. It is far from a fact that medical procedures will be provided every day, in the required volume and proportions, taking into account the individual characteristics of a person and his disease.

Dispensaries have a narrower specialization. But they are now increasingly closer to simple sanatoriums, whereas in Soviet times, treatment in them meant maintaining the usual mode of operation. The difference between dispensaries and sanatoriums is their greater accessibility, since they are more often located in urban areas, but at the same time they have fewer treatment and rehabilitation capabilities.

Usually sanatoriums are departmental, which is both a plus and a minus. Departmental hospitals offer better care and more qualified staff, but it is also more difficult to get into such institutions, and the cost of living for non-residents of the department (state or private organization) is again quite high. In short, the sanatorium is a good choice, here you can not only improve your health, but also have a good rest, but it is almost impossible to get specialized assistance in rehabilitation at the sanatorium.

Rehabilitation departments at clinics

Massage or physiotherapy rooms, rooms for therapeutic exercises and the like are available in almost every hospital and clinic, regardless of whether it is a private or public institution. At the same time, getting there for rehabilitation is quite simple if you have been treated at this clinic. However, the procedure becomes more complicated if you were treated in one place and decided to recover in another. As a rule, you will need to wait a certain amount of time (usually quite a lot) or pay not the lowest price, and sometimes you have to do both. In addition, departments at clinics and hospitals do not always have all the necessary simulators, and not all required procedures are carried out, especially in narrow areas. The only advantages that can be noted are, perhaps, the low and often zero cost (if you are “attached” to the clinic) and the opportunity to be at home during your free time from procedures.

Specialized centers for rehabilitation medicine

Obviously, the most effective recovery from serious illnesses and injuries can be obtained in centers that specialize in rehabilitation. Such institutions recruit not only rehabilitation doctors with relevant experience, but also kinesiotherapists, occupational therapists, massage therapists, neuropsychologists, urologists, and specially trained junior medical personnel. The key advantage of rehabilitation centers is the personal selection of a recovery program for each patient. You can go for treatment at both a public and private center - as a rule, they all provide paid services.

  • State centers
    There is a chance to get into federal rehabilitation centers for free; there are more budget places in them than in private ones. But to save money, you will have to wait a long time for your turn. At the same time, treatment under compulsory medical insurance includes only a limited set of procedures, and if the patient wants something else, including additional examinations, he will have to pay. In addition, many public clinics have not yet reached the European level - neither in the quality of equipment nor in the nature of the service. The problem of shortage of qualified personnel and lack of proper attention to each patient in government institutions still persists.
  • Private centers
    Their main disadvantage is the high cost of services. Although budget places are provided here, their number is small. Private rehabilitation centers bear little resemblance to hospitals in the usual sense and are more like comfortable hotels and sanatoriums. In such centers, patients do not experience problems with moving in wheelchairs and crutches, since everything is adapted for people with limited mobility. And, of course, private clinics, in the fight for clients, try to give their patients maximum attention and care.

Treatment and rehabilitation centers in Moscow and the region


The Central Clinical Hospital for Rehabilitation of the FMBA of Russia (“Goluboe”) is a state institution that dates back to 1968. The rehabilitation center is located in the Moscow region, in the Solnechnogorsk district, the center is huge - with 430 beds, every year it receives approximately 7,000 patients. It is noteworthy that this is also a scientific center - the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine operates here, and there is a large staff with more than 20 years of experience.

At the hospital, patients are selected an individual motor rehabilitation program. There are enough methods and devices for implementing various programs here. Classes are conducted with an instructor - individually and in groups. Special exercise equipment is used for training to help the patient “stir” the muscles safely. Various massage techniques are used: manual, hardware, hydromassage. Occupational therapy sessions are organized, that is, work on fine motor skills of the hands. Patients with vascular diseases are treated with a method such as hyperbaric oxygenation - treatment with high oxygen pressure. Of course, physiotherapy is also used, including electro- and magnetic therapy, photomatrix and quantum therapy, baths with the addition of minerals, salts and organic medicinal substances.

Patients are offered single and double rooms, both with and without amenities. Cultural and sporting events are organized periodically. A day of rehabilitation can cost from 3,500 to 11,000 rubles - it all depends on the diagnosis, as well as the volume of procedures and duration of treatment, which will be prescribed by the hospital’s rehabilitation commission. If additional examinations and treatment measures are required, a separate fee will be charged for this. The cost of accommodation for accompanying persons is 3200 rubles per day per person.

You can get to the Goluboye rehabilitation center only on a first-come, first-served basis, after collecting the necessary documents and passing a medical commission. Free treatment is possible upon referral from medical institutions in the Moscow region. If you believe the reviews of patients, the range of procedures prescribed under compulsory medical insurance is small, and the patient will have to pay for everything else on their own. In general, the Goluboye treatment and rehabilitation center collects different reviews: some are satisfied with the effectiveness of the treatment, there are also complaints about the small number of procedures even with paid hospitalization, and about the medical staff who do not have time to serve everyone. Most are satisfied with the food.

Persons Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare No. FS-99-01-009021 dated March 26, 2015

Treatment and Rehabilitation Center of the Russian Ministry of Health

Another government agency. It has existed under its current name since 2006, but began to take shape in the post-revolutionary years. One of the first in Russia to switch to European standards of medical services. The rehabilitation center is located within Moscow, on Ivankovskoye Highway, near the large Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo park. There are almost as many beds here as in Goluboi - 420. Rehabilitation treatment is organized along the chain “polyclinic - hospital - rehabilitation - polyclinic”, such a cycle was created in the Treatment and Rehabilitation Center itself. A separate division is the Center for Restorative Medicine and Rehabilitation (CRMR), where patients are sent after heart attacks, strokes, injuries (including craniocerebral and spinal), with diseases of the spine and genitourinary system. The task of CVMR is a personal and comprehensive approach to rehabilitation. The Center has many training rooms equipped with modern complexes that read information about muscle strength and mobility, joint function and allow you to achieve results faster. The physiotherapy department provides rehabilitation using cryotherapy, laser therapy, ozone therapy, pulsed current treatment, electrolymphatic drainage, whirlpool, hydromassage, dry carbon dioxide baths, and mud therapy. For each type of disease (heart disease, spine disease, genitourinary system, nervous system, trauma), its own department has been created, staffed by specialized specialists.

The cost of staying at the Treatment and Rehabilitation Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation ranges from 3,000 to 7,000 rubles per day. The price of one procedure varies from 300 to 5000 rubles (maybe higher). The full cost of treatment is determined individually for each person. It’s not easy to get into this center for rehabilitation, especially with a quota, but there is such an opportunity.

Those who have undergone rehabilitation at the Treatment and Rehabilitation Center receive numerous thanks to the doctors for their professionalism and the medical staff for their kindness. Many people are pleasantly surprised by the cleanliness and order in the hospital. Patients especially note the modern and rich technical equipment of the clinic.

Persons Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare No. FS-77-01-007179 dated December 25, 2015


The private rehabilitation center “Overcoming” is located in the center of Moscow, on 8 March Street. It welcomes patients with cerebral palsy (patients over 14 years of age), people with spinal injuries and after spinal surgery, as well as those who have suffered strokes and other serious illnesses that have led to movement disorders.

The European level center, designed for 50 patients, can be accommodated in rooms for 1–4 people, where beds and bathrooms are equipped with amenities for patients with limited mobility. The condition of patients is monitored around the clock and they are ready to provide the necessary assistance at any time.

Every day, patients are engaged in physical therapy for 1.5 hours - there are three halls for this, and two more halls are equipped with specialized simulators (such as a stabiloplatform, quadromuscle, motorized and others) to restore motor activity. Also, every day there are classes in the pool for 30 minutes, attention is paid to ergotherapy and walking training on simulators, a full range of physiotherapeutic procedures and massage are provided. Rehabilitation at the “Overcoming” center is carried out comprehensively, so that, in addition to physical exercises and medical procedures, work with a psychologist and adaptation of patients to life in society and to living conditions are provided.

To keep guests from getting bored, they are offered courses on computer work, photography, learning foreign languages ​​and playing billiards, choral singing, master classes and meetings with famous people, and artists often give concerts. The rehabilitation center has a library, cinema hall, karaoke, billiards and table football, and a winter garden.

The course of treatment lasts a month and is not cheap - several hundred thousand rubles, it is impossible to name a specific amount, it is calculated individually. There are also budget places in “Overcoming”. To get to the center, you need to undergo a lot of tests and prepare a number of medical documents.

The rehabilitation center collects positive reviews: clients are satisfied with the convenience of the rooms, the politeness of the nurses and the qualifications of the doctors. Patients enjoy recreational activities and a large winter garden. The cost of stay and recovery, of course, does not suit everyone.

This private rehabilitation center is located in the Shchelkovsky district of the Moscow region, in a clean, green area. The center has 35 single rooms, fully equipped for people with limited mobility. Both the wards and the entire center do not at all resemble a hospital - it is rather a comfortable four-star hotel, where even those who cannot care for themselves feel as comfortable as possible. The rooms have safe showers, panic buttons, patients are under the strict supervision of medical staff, everyone is provided with the necessary care, which is why many patients are not afraid to come here unaccompanied by relatives.

The recovery program at the Three Sisters rehabilitation center is intensive and lasts as long as an 8-hour working day. This institution operates on the principle of multidisciplinarity. The rehabilitation program includes, firstly, restoration of motor functions (physical therapy, Exart suspension systems, Bobath therapy, massage, aquatherapy and a number of other special techniques). Secondly, the rehabilitation center pays a lot of attention to occupational therapy. Thirdly, do not forget about treatment with acupuncture, physiotherapy, hirudotherapy, etc. Fourthly, a neuropsychologist and speech therapist work with patients, who, if necessary, help restore memory and speech.

All free time of patients at Three Sisters is filled with exciting events, including sports, holidays are organized, meetings with interesting people are held, and musical and literary evenings are held.

The Moscow rehabilitation center “Three Sisters” accepts patients after strokes, injuries with damage to the spinal cord and brain, with joint diseases, and after severe operations on the musculoskeletal system. The vegetative state of a patient is not an obstacle to admission to rehabilitation - the center is ready to provide assistance to everyone. Treatment at the center costs 12,000 rubles per day, this includes a comprehensive, or rather multidisciplinary, recovery program, patient care, procedures, tests, medications - no additional expenses will be required. One course of treatment lasts three weeks, in some cases - two. For relatives who want to stay in the center with the patient, the fee for accommodation and food is 3,000 rubles per day. By the way, you can also get into “Three Sisters” through a quota - through social service centers in Moscow.

The rehabilitation center collects warm reviews: patients note, first of all, the effectiveness of rehabilitation treatment, personal attention and a responsible, individual approach, and in general, the most favorable attitude of absolutely all employees of the center: from maintenance and junior medical staff to rehabilitation doctors and heads of departments.

So, we have presented a description of the four largest and most famous Moscow rehabilitation centers. It can be seen that the basic set of services and procedures in them is similar, but each is stronger in some way: in some there are more exercise equipment, in others there are more courteous staff, in others the leisure time of patients is better organized, some are attracted by the intimate and cozy atmosphere or a set of rehabilitation techniques used. Everyone chooses their level of comfort and decides how much they are willing to estimate their return to a healthy life. But when choosing, you should remember that the most important thing is the result of rehabilitation, which consists of many components at once and cannot depend on one thing.

Rehabilitation of disabled children
How to get a “quota” for high-tech assistance?

High-tech care is provided according to a waiting list within the framework of an established state assignment, which is annually formed by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia in accordance with the needs stated by the republican health authorities based on the structure and dynamics of morbidity in the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The procedure for sending citizens of the Russian Federation, including children, to provide high-tech medical care at the expense of budgetary allocations provided in the federal budget to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, was approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 1689 dated December 28, 2011.

The basis for referring a patient for treatment is the decision of the committee for selecting patients for VMP.

The period for preparing a decision should not exceed ten days from the date of receipt of the application. After this, the commission draws up a protocol.

Thus, to obtain a “quota” the following documents are required:

Detailed extract on the profile of the disease (not more than one month old);

Protocol of the medical commission (high-tech medical center (HTMC));

Statement of consent to the processing of the patient’s personal data;

Copies of the following documents: passport (date of birth, registration), birth certificate, compulsory medical insurance policy, SNILS, certificate of disability (if any).

The patient selection committee sends a package of documents to the State Autonomous Institution of the Republic of Tatarstan “Dispatch Center of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tajikistan” to fill out an application for the provision of high-tech medical care in the information and analytical system of the Ministry of Health of Russia - “Subsystem for monitoring the implementation of the state task for the provision of high-tech medical care at the expense of the federal budget.” The required package of documents is delivered on paper by a courier from VTMC or the child’s legal representative during office hours.

After issuing a coupon for the provision of medical treatment, this coupon along with the extract is transferred to the database. The extract and certificate are sent to a specific medical institution.

At the clinic where the discharge voucher is sent, they are printed out and handed over, as a rule, to the head of the departments. After they read the extracts, a decision is made whether to take the patient for treatment or not. The decision is made by the commission of the medical institution.


The decision must be made within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the coupon and statement. Thus, the maximum period for making a decision on the “quota” is 20 days.

The specialists of the State Autonomous Institution of the Republic of Tatarstan “Dispatch Center of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan”, which is located at the address, also notify the patient or his legal representatives about the decision made.

Naturally, after suffering a stroke, a person faces not only a long treatment process, but also a long rehabilitation process, which can be carried out both at home and in specialized rehabilitation centers in Moscow absolutely free of charge. Rehabilitation usually takes place in two stages - initially, patients are in the hospital in intensive care, where they support and save a person’s life, and then they are transferred to a regular department, where damaged nerve cells and parts of the brain are restored.

First of all, the rehabilitation period largely depends on the support of relatives, on the condition of the patient himself and, of course, on the professionalism of medical workers.

What is the problem?

Coordinated activity in the human body is regulated by the central nervous system and the brain. When a stroke of any kind occurs, the nutrition of the brain is disrupted, blood and oxygen enter the organ to a lesser extent, which means the nerve cells die and cease to function. The most popular in medicine is ischemic stroke, in which blood flow is hampered due to changes in the lumen of blood vessels. The second type, hemorrhagic, is less common; in this case, the vessel ruptures and cerebral hemorrhage occurs. In any case, the brain and its activities are damaged. The task of rehabilitation centers is to restore the body’s previous functioning, that is, to focus on restoring swallowing, urination, the process of defecation, restoring vision, hearing, functioning of the senses and much more.

Goals of rehabilitation centers

The rehabilitation process is a long-term phenomenon that requires dedication from the patient and his relatives. The main goals are:

  • Restoring life and damaged areas of the brain.
  • The process of restoring blood flow and brain nutrition.
  • Maintaining the health of the victim.

List of free rehabilitation centers inMoscow

There are currently many different centers open in Moscow that provide rehabilitation for people who have suffered a stroke. Moreover, they accept patients both from Moscow and from other cities and regions. The centers are staffed by qualified medical workers of various specialties and with good work experience. It is possible to be hospitalized in the centers both on a paid basis and to get there for free. Read more about free rehabilitation centers in Moscow.

BiATi Rehabilitation Clinic

In Moscow, this is a fairly popular center that accepts both adults and children for treatment. The clinic has all the necessary conditions for stroke patients. It is possible to consult any doctors - cardiologist, neurologist, endocrinologist and many other specialties. The rehabilitation center has a huge number of doctors of different medical profiles on its staff. Every year they undergo advanced training and improve their knowledge, which means they can help in any situation. The clinic communicates closely with leading Israeli specialists, so there is no need to travel far abroad, but you can get advice here. The clinic uses an individual technique for each patient.

The location of the clinic is a convenient place, which is located near Vnukovo airport, next to the Tushinskaya metro station, on Tsiolkovsky street, building 7. The consequences of a stroke in the clinic are curable if actions are taken on time, under the supervision of the best specialists, of course, the support of family and friends is necessary, both moral and physical. The clinic focuses on restoring the most important functions - speech, movement of limbs, restoration of social horizons. When a patient enters the center, doctors must thoroughly study the entire medical history and only after that plan an individual approach and treatment. The emphasis is on those human abilities that he needs in the process of normal life.

The results are amazing - every year the clinic graduates more than 300 people who have returned to life with renewed vigor. The rehabilitation program is designed for 2 or 3 weeks, depending on the condition of the patient. The clinic improves the following indicators:

  1. Improving blood flow in the brain.
  2. Restoration of motor characteristics of the spinal column.
  3. Restoration of motor characteristics of the upper and lower extremities, as well as learning to walk again.
  4. Restoration of speech functions with the help of a speech therapist.

The clinic has more than 20 years of experience and in this short period of time it has already shown excellent results.

Central Clinical Hospital for Rehabilitation Treatment

The medical institution is located in the Moscow region, Solnechnogorsk district, Goluboe village, house 4. Previously, it was called the “Goluboe” Rehabilitation Center. Treatment is provided both paid and free of charge. You can get into rehabilitation at the center on a first-come, first-served basis, if we talk about the free basis. To do this, you need to collect some documents in order to obtain a quota and a place for rehabilitation. They are sent there only from hospitals in Moscow; patients from other cities will not be able to get there for free.

As for the free profile, there are not many services here; if you need better help, you will still have to pay for them. The clinic's staff includes doctors of various specialties and profiles, modern equipment and good living conditions. The center practices various methods, for example, kinesitherapy and hydrokinesitherapy are widely used, during which the patient’s motor functions of the arms, legs and spinal column are restored. Massage and physical therapy exercises are practiced to improve muscle function. Doctors do an excellent job of restoring speech, and also work with patients and develop thinking, memory and mental ability. The hospital provides only planned hospitalization.

Treatment and Rehabilitation Center of the Russian Ministry of Health

The clinic is included in the list of state budget centers, which means you can get here by referral. The clinic effectively uses both domestic and Western methods of treatment, prevention and rehabilitation measures. Doctors here deal with stroke and myocardial infarction every day. Most often, they are approached by patients who have already lost the meaning of life and this is their last hope. An individual program is drawn up for the patient according to medical indications and results are monitored daily.

This institution practices the methods of European technologies. There are plenty of places for patients, so there is no queue to get here as such. From the clinic, the patient first goes to the hospital, later to the center itself, then back to the clinic - this is the chain that the center’s doctors follow. Medical workers set themselves the task of an integrated approach from different angles, which will act on the impaired functioning of the body. Patients have the opportunity to get to the center through a quota; for this, an appropriate package of documents on the medical profile is required. The clinic uses various physiotherapeutic procedures such as ozone therapy, mud baths and much more.

The location is quite convenient - there are three metro stations near the center. Each disease has its own method of treatment by specialized specialists who will find an individual approach to each person throughout the entire rehabilitation period.

Clinic "Three Sisters"

The location of the clinic is excellent - there is a forest and various landscaping nearby, the air is clean and nature is gorgeous. This is the Moscow region, Shchelkovsky district. There are few bed spaces here, there are only 35 single rooms, equipped to the highest standard, ready to accept new patients. Relatives can easily send a person who has suffered a stroke here. Each room has panic buttons in case the disease reoccurs. The methods of individual programs here are lengthy - the patient is offered various types of services that take almost a whole working day.

The restoration of motor functions comes to the fore for doctors, and at first this is therapeutic exercises. The systems are subsequently supported using acupuncture. There are doctors on staff whose abilities are aimed at restoring thinking, mental functions and speech abilities. The course of treatment is three weeks, sometimes it can be reduced to two. Unfortunately, relatives will need to pay 3,000 rubles per day to live together, but the patient has the opportunity to receive a quota for free rehabilitation, but unfortunately this is a long process, due to the fact that there are not many places in the center.

The above clinics are the main ones in Moscow, which you can get to free of charge from a government referral.

Rehabilitation centers for many people affected by a stroke are the only opportunity to return to a normal lifestyle again. After all, not all conditions can be created at home, but the main thing is to create a team of experienced doctors who can bring a person back and restore his physiological abilities in the shortest possible time. Quota or treatment under compulsory medical insurance is now provided to many residents of Moscow and other cities.

Free stroke rehabilitation centers in Moscow and the region updated: August 20, 2017 by: darya78

We are often asked for advice with this question.
Indeed, relatives and the patient himself are often left to their own devices.
As such, there is no state rehabilitation program yet. Moreover, we also do not have a universal answer.

One thing we know for sure is that all patients and their relatives have the same goal: a speedy restoration of function and a return to normal life. The goal is one, but the paths to it are different, often long and, sadly, dead-end...

When treating a stroke, the situation very often develops as follows. A man is admitted to the hospital. The life of family and friends changes dramatically. Anxiety for a loved one, changes in work schedule, financial costs for medications, caregivers and consultations. And when you get discharged, it turns out that everything is just beginning: equipping an apartment, hiring caregivers, or temporarily stopping work for one of your relatives. And the prices for rehabilitation make you feel uneasy...

Yes, everyone’s financial capabilities are different!
Yes, many people have to rely only on themselves!
Yes, there are no clear and understandable government programs, for example, for a heart attack!

- Well, no, no trial!

Americans, for example, are a mercantile people and far from stupid. They once calculated that every dollar invested in treatment, without further rehabilitation, turns into 17 dollars spent in the future. Let's just count in money. This is important. Just numbers Average monthly drug treatment for stroke: from 2 to 7 thousand rubles.

Depending on the degree of dysfunction, complications and concomitant pathologies. Let's add to this a nurse or the financial losses of relatives if they are present and caring for the patient. Another 20-30 thousand monthly. All methods of motor and speech rehabilitation cannot be implemented on your own. Whatever one may say, at the first stages you will have to invite specialists. Preferably at least. There are a lot of subtleties, no matter what they write on the Internet. This is also money. Now all that remains is to add up all these numbers and multiply by the number of months. At 6 for example...or at 12...

The numbers may, of course, vary. There are different types of strokes. And if you don’t look at the numbers, but think about the time for effective rehabilitation, which we already have little of. In the end, we need to get our loved one back on his feet. Return to society, learn to drive a car again. And this is possible in modern conditions. So it turns out that the amounts are ultimately comparable, but the effects and results are radically different.

If you have read this far and haven’t given up on this idea without taking our word for it, let’s look for solutions and minimize costs.

The first way. Rehabilitation center after stroke

Even before discharge from the hospital, select a rehabilitation center based on the functional equipment, capabilities of the center and the patient’s condition. Many centers do not accept bedridden patients. This is a fact that must be taken into account.

Also, you can count on free rehabilitation according to the so-called quota. They don’t take seriously ill or bedridden patients, but if their condition allows it, it’s worth “fighting” for the quota. Naturally, commercial rehabilitation centers working according to European methods do not work according to quotas. But the approach, to put it mildly, varies. A distinctive feature of good centers is an individual approach, round-the-clock care and fast rehabilitation times with the maximum possible restoration of functions. There are also worthy centers among government institutions, but you won’t get away from the continuous approach.

The second way. Combined approach

If you are denied a quota due to the patient's condition.
In this case, you can combine the approach, and thereby, in fact, save the patient’s life. A short course of rehabilitation in a good paid center, and then quota rehabilitation. By the way! Even if you initially cannot pay for paid rehabilitation, be sure to visit good centers.

Show your medical documentation and get a free consultation from highly qualified specialists. At the very least, this will help you navigate the deadlines and outline a further rehabilitation plan. It is at least unreasonable to miss such an opportunity!

The third way. Recovery after a stroke at home

If this is the case, study as much information as possible. Information that is objective and adequate.
You should not do the exercises “in a hurry.” An arm, then a leg. This is where the biggest mistake lies. Rehabilitation measures are only successful when they are applied systematically and continuously. Buy a rehabilitation manual in video format. Consult with really smart rehabilitologists. And be patient.

Whenever possible, try to get free qualified assistance.

We apologize if the material in this article seemed harsh and uncompromising to you.
But if you look at it, the lives, health and well-being of both patients and their relatives are at stake.