How to properly temper yourself: recommendations for adults and children. How to start hardening with cold water at home Home hardening

Hardening is a whole set of measures that help strengthen the immune system, increase resistance to viruses and infections, and make a person healthier and more resilient. Air and sun baths, dousing and rubbing with cold water, winter swimming and rubbing the body with snow - all this is a powerful stimulator of metabolism and is of great benefit for the functioning of all organs and systems. Let's figure out where to start for an adult and what subtleties hardening procedures have.

Pouring and rubbing with cold water gives instant results: the entire body is activated, metabolism and the removal of toxins are enhanced. Moreover, the body’s reaction, according to research results, is divided into three stages:

  1. Spasm of skin blood vessels. Due to exposure to cold, the vessels become narrower to maintain normal heat exchange.
  2. Adaptation of the skin to new external conditions - cold water. At this stage, vasodilation occurs. Outwardly, this is manifested by slight redness and a decrease in blood pressure. It is at this stage that the body’s metabolic processes are activated.
  3. Hypothermia. This stage of exposure of the body to cold water during hardening should be avoided. During this process, a new spasm of blood vessels occurs, but this time the body’s reserves and resources are depleted, and the body can no longer retain heat. The skin takes on a bluish or pale tint, and chills appear.

If you constantly harden the body with cold water and do it correctly, then over time the first phase will become much shorter, and the second will come faster and last longer.

Experts recommend starting hardening very carefully and not rushing. Wrong actions can lead to hypothermia, exacerbation of chronic diseases, runny nose and many other problems. Doctors advise following the following recommendations to help answer the question of how to start hardening without harm to health:

  1. Normalize your daily routine, sleep and wakefulness, and even try to eat at about the same time. This will improve your emotional and mental state of health, the functioning of the digestive and endocrine systems, help you work and relax more productively, and free up a lot of time for interesting things.
  2. Review your diet. Eliminate baked goods, unhealthy sweets (cakes, candies), fast food and all fast food products and those that contain a lot of synthetic additives, dyes, flavors, preservatives. Try to fill your diet with fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs, and dried fruits.
  3. Drink plenty of clean water. During the day, an adult needs to drink 2-3 liters of clean water, but everyone’s needs are individual, so this indicator should be calculated independently based on your type of activity, age, weight and even weather conditions.
  4. Move more. Daily morning exercises and evening walks, training in the gym several times a week and many other types of activities will help maintain good health and will support you during hardening.

Important! To obtain the desired result, you need to think through a plan of hardening procedures for several days and even weeks in advance, and then follow it daily. The only exceptions may be days when you are sick, during pregnancy and menstruation.

How to start hardening for an adult

Hardening for beginners should always be done gradually. It is impossible to sharply lower the temperature. To strengthen your immune system and improve your health, you need to carry out the procedures correctly. Any hardening should bring positive emotions and should be done only with desire and proper motivation. You shouldn’t start hardening just to be fashionable or “like everyone else.” But a thoughtful approach and correctly chosen methodology will not keep you waiting long for positive results. After the first week you will feel vigor and a surge of strength, self-confidence, an increase in the overall tone of the body and mood.

Hardening needs to be approached comprehensively. Pouring and rubbing with cold water must be supplemented with air and sun baths. But even here you need to know when to stop. After all, exposure to the sun can lead to overheating and sunstroke. Start hardening with the simplest. Sleep in warm weather with the window open, walk barefoot on pebbles and grass, and wash your face with cold water. Depending on the degree of preparation of the body, hardening for adults can be divided into several stages:

  1. For the unprepared and those who are often sick, rubbing with warm water is suitable. To do this, take a clean towel, moisten it with warm water and wipe first your arms, shoulders, legs, and then your entire body. Gradually lower the temperature and after a month you can wipe yourself with cool water. After such rubbing, it is necessary to rub the skin with a dry towel until a feeling of warmth appears.
  2. After the first stage, you can begin contrast procedures. Here we harden ourselves with a shower with alternating water temperatures. At first, it is recommended to keep the amplitude small, but after training, the difference between hot and cold should be increased by 1-2°C every few days. It’s worth stopping when the cold water temperature reaches 12-14°C, but it can be lower. Optimally 4-5 temperature changes during one procedure.
  3. After mastering these two stages, you can begin dousing with cold water. It is recommended to do this twice a day. The air in the room in which hardening is carried out must be warm. To begin with, dousing is carried out with a water temperature of 20-25°C. Every day it is necessary to lower this indicator by a degree until it reaches a temperature of 8-10°C.
  4. Winter swimming and rubbing with snow. This method has contraindications and may not be used by everyone. It takes a long time to prepare for it. Short swims in the ice hole are suitable (at first no more than 1-2 minutes, and then the time can be increased). After such procedures, you need to rub your body well with a towel and put on dry, warm clothes. The maximum time spent in ice water even for the most prepared person is 20-30 minutes.

Basic principles of hardening

Hardening procedures in adulthood are carried out in compliance with the following principles:

  1. Gradualism. It is necessary to gradually reduce the temperature of the water for washing and rubbing, as well as increase the number and duration of procedures.
  2. Systematicity. Many people start hardening, then give up for a few days and start the procedures again. But this does not give a positive effect or leads to colds. Therefore, start hardening and do not interrupt it unless there is a good reason.
  3. A sense of proportion. You should not try to achieve any records in the shortest possible time. Constantly monitor your health status. Irritability, lethargy, deterioration of appetite and sleep, nasal congestion and other negative manifestations are an alarming signal that cannot be ignored.
  4. Individuality. It is always worth considering age, health, weight, gender, season and other features that affect the result.
  5. Motivation. If you know how the hardening program you have chosen works and what you want to achieve as a result of following it, then any procedure will be a joy, since it is another step towards the goal.
  6. Diversity. Start with rinsing your mouth and wiping your feet, and gradually work your way up to wiping or dousing your entire body. If you feel bored, add some variety to your life. For example, you can swim outdoors or visit the pool, take a shower in the bathroom or on the street.

Important! If you have any problems or don’t know how to properly start tempering, then seek help from a professional. The specialist may ask you to take some tests and undergo special tests, after which he will draw up an individual plan for hardening measures. In this case, you do not risk overdoing it and harming yourself. All that remains is to follow the recommendations of a professional.

Now you know how to start hardening an adult at home. Don't be afraid that it is very difficult or won't suit you. Definitely give it a try, but try to stick to the recommendations given here. If you hold out for at least a week, you will notice the first positive results: a surge of energy and strength, increased performance, improved functioning of the whole body. And after 20-30 days, most likely, you will not want to give up your new habit and dousing yourself with cold water will become as much a part of your daily routine as breakfast or going to the store.

Adhering to a healthy lifestyle, most people prefer to strengthen the body. To begin to properly harden without causing harm to health, an unprepared person must follow certain rules.

From an early age, parents teach that water, air and sun are the best helpers. They strengthen the immune system, strengthen the body and have a beneficial effect on its functioning. The benefits of hardening have been talked about since ancient times. During the reign of Sparta, hardening measures were carried out in raising boys: newborn babies were bathed in cold water and steamed in a bathhouse immediately after birth. In this way, the children's body increased its endurance to natural conditions and resistance to external natural factors.

Why is hardening needed?

Hardening is a systematic procedure aimed at increasing the protective functions of the body and its resistance to various adverse environmental factors. A useful procedure includes activities that help a person adapt during the season when temperatures drop or rise.

In the complex of strengthening procedures, in addition to proper nutrition and exercise, close attention is paid to special hardening measures: air and sun baths, water procedures. Proper hardening helps strengthen the immune system, helps improve the body's thermoregulation and metabolism, keeps the blood vessels of the heart and muscles in good shape, and normalizes blood pressure. Hardening gives the body vigor and energy. Regular hardening improves blood circulation and increases the productivity of the nervous system. Seasoned people are less likely to get colds and feel less discomfort during changing weather conditions. Such people can boast of good health.

How to start tempering

To get a positive result from strengthening activities, you must follow the instructions:

  • Do not start hardening if you have health problems. It is not recommended for people with kidney disease to begin strengthening measures without consulting a doctor. Hypertensive and hypotensive patients should definitely consult their doctor. People with heart failure and other heart diseases are strictly contraindicated to harden. This category of people includes those who have eye pressure, since during temperature changes there is a possibility of increased pressure, which can lead to retinal detachment. Those wishing to do cold water dousing with signs of colds and flu, as well as purulent wounds, must first be cured.
  • Strengthen your body gradually. Sudden loads are stressful for the body. In order for hardening the body to have a positive effect on health, begin the process gradually, increasing the load over time. To begin, dry yourself with a towel soaked in cold water. Start from the neck, moving smoothly towards the legs, grabbing the rest of the body. Allow the body to dry naturally without wiping with a dry towel. Wash your face with cold water, gradually lowering the temperature by 1-2 degrees. This will make it easier to move on to the next stage of hardening.
  • Carry out regular procedures. Be sure to carry out any hardening event without interruptions or hitches. The main requirement is systematic training. Regardless of the weather and other situations, do not stop the procedures. It takes time for the body to get used to regularity. The only reason for refusal may be increased body temperature.
  • Walk barefoot in the snow. If you live in a place where there are no difficulties in finding snow, you have a unique opportunity to take advantage of this effective type of hardening. You should start walking in the snow if you have experience strengthening the body with cold water. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting sick. For the first time, the duration of the walk should be no more than 3 minutes. Gradually add a minute at a time, but no more than 15 minutes a day. After walking barefoot in the snow, dry your feet thoroughly with a dry towel. You can harden your feet in another convenient way: pour cool water into a bathtub or large basin, put your feet in cold water and make movements that imitate walking. Every two days, lower the water temperature by 1 degree. This method of strengthening the body improves immunity and fights foot problems.
  • Start your morning with a shower. Pour tap water into a bucket and leave overnight. In the morning, pour water warmed to room temperature over your hands, neck and feet. Rub them with a dry towel. You can start dousing the body after 2 weeks. Try to lower the water temperature by 3-5 degrees every 7 days.

How to start water treatments correctly

  1. Pour cold water over your entire body at once. The process of influencing the body will take no more than 2-3 seconds. A similar result can be obtained if you plunge your head into water.
  2. Before the event, warm up your body with exercise. Do not dry yourself after dousing; the body should dry on its own. If you do the opposite, pain in the back and hip joints will appear. Due to insufficient moisture, the skin will become dry.
  3. If it is difficult to decide to pour cold water on yourself, you can start with a bucket of warm water, and then cold.
  4. Warm up your body through intense exercise. Get into a hot shower, then a cold one. When the body gets used to it, switch to dousing it with cold water.
  5. The water process should take no more than 2-3 minutes, otherwise it can weaken body functions and cause paralysis of the body.

Popular types of hardening

Air baths or aerotherapy– an accessible method of strengthening the body, based on daily walks in the fresh air. The advantage of this type is the direct effect of fresh air on the nerve endings, thereby feeding the body with oxygen. Air baths improve thermoregulation, boost the immune system, normalize heart function, and relieve stress. It is recommended to take air baths in places rich in vegetation and near water bodies. During the technique, avoid drafts and winds, which can cause hypothermia. To avoid unexpected hypothermia, wear synthetic thermal underwear or move more if you don’t have it. Aerotherapy is carried out regularly, regardless of weather conditions and season. It is advisable to adhere to a specific walking schedule. The most ideal time for aerotherapy is from 7 to 10 am.

This species has a strong impact on humans and requires caution. The first time in the water should be very quick, you should plunge headlong and get out. To achieve the effect, you need to swim 2-3 times a week, preferably in the summer. Active and intense movements in the water are encouraged. The degree of exposure to water depends on the endurance and preparedness of the person. When properly hardened, a feeling of warmth should appear. Chills are the first sign of hypothermia. In case of chills, reduce the time you spend in the pond, thoroughly rub your body with a towel, drink hot tea and do exercises.

In winter, swimming in ice water occurs only under the supervision of a specialist. Excessive activity can lead to serious illnesses and develop allergies.

Sunbathing or heliotherapy– a technique of hardening the body with the help of light and solar heat, which can strengthen the body and cure diseases. Sunbathing should be done in the morning from 7 to 10 am and in the evening after 5 pm. The morning sun improves tone and has an invigorating effect, and the evening rays calm the body and relieve nervousness. Therefore, to charge positive emotions, take solar treatments at dawn, and for calm and a sense of relaxation, take them in the evening. Prolonged exposure can be harmful to health and cause burns, so sunbathing should not last longer than 20 minutes. Then you can gradually extend the solar load by 10 minutes. When the body gets used to it, you can sunbathe without harm in the sun for about 3 hours a day. Use protective products: SPF - factor (30-40) for fair-skinned people, SPF - factor (10-20) for dark-skinned people, SPF - factor (50) - for beginners with any skin color. Be sure to wear a hat and sunglasses.

Remember that the sun is necessary for a person, it increases a person’s protective functions, improves memory and creative activity.

Foot baths. A method of hardening that affects the body's resistance to unfavorable environmental processes. Foot baths increase the tone of the muscular and nervous system, improve performance, and prevent frequent colds. This is an excellent remedy for varicose veins, flat feet and sweaty feet. Thanks to regular foot baths, you don’t have to worry about the consequences of frozen feet in the winter. Doctors recommend hardening in the summer. At this time, the air temperature remains high, which means there is no risk of hypothermia.

Persons with diseases of the heart, respiratory and genitourinary systems, bronchial asthma and epilepsy are contraindicated in foot baths.

Contrast shower– a healing technique for the body, useful for diseases such as nervous disorders, decreased immunity, disruption of intestinal activity, etc. Temperature changes help remove fat deposits, toxins and waste. Certain results can only be achieved through regularity of the procedure.

For the first time, water at room temperature will be enough. Alternate it with hot water, under which you should not linger for more than one minute. Then turn on the cold water for half a minute. Repeat this alternation several times. Contrast showers start with hot water and end with cold. It is correct to use a contrast shower in the morning, but if it is more convenient for a person to carry out the procedure in the evening, then you need to perform it 3 hours before bedtime, since a cheerful state will not allow you to fall asleep.

Before using a contrast shower, consult your doctor. This type of hardening is contraindicated for people with malignant tumors, vascular diseases, and inflammatory diseases of internal organs.

The benefits and harms of dousing with cold water

Pouring cold water is a technique for healing the body, improving metabolism and strengthening the immune system. This method of hardening instantly increases blood circulation and performance, awakens the body’s protective functions and its resources. We can speak with confidence about the benefits of bathing, since dousing with cold water has the following advantages:

  • Strengthens resistance to colds,
  • Activates all metabolic processes,
  • Strengthens the nervous system
  • Prevents varicose veins,
  • Has a positive effect on the psychological state,
  • Relieves fatigue
  • Frees you from a negative state, feelings of bitterness,
  • Renews body cells
  • Promotes weight loss,
  • Smoothes wrinkles and removes stretch marks,
  • Gives strength and restores sexual desire in men.

This technique, like any other, has its contraindications and negative consequences. Incorrect and sudden dousing can damage the heart and lead to death. Before the main procedure, it is necessary to carry out short douches so that the body has time to get used to the temperature change.

To correctly perform hardening procedures using dousing, use a few tips:

  1. Buy a bucket or large basin. It is advisable to choose a plastic container that is easy to lift.
  2. It will be easier for a beginner to start dousing if he washes his face, neck, hands, gradually lowering the temperature.
  3. Warm up your body thoroughly before starting. This could be running, exercise, or a warm-up set.
  4. In the first week, cover your legs, in the second week, cover your knees, then cover your hips and back. After a month of preparatory actions, try dousing with your head.

Hardening in the form of water procedures helps to get rid of female diseases, and a man to acquire extraordinary vigor and energy.

When and how to start hardening an infant at home

The age of the child is not a barrier to hardening activities. Naturally, this does not mean that from birth you need to bathe your child in an ice hole or soar in a bathhouse. The process must be gradual. Various methods of hardening children require compliance with the following rules:

  1. Start hardening at room temperature.
  2. The child must be healthy. If there are signs of illness or fever, stop the procedure. Allow the child’s body to get stronger and recover.
  3. During bathing, unroll the diaper and lower your baby into the water. You need to stay in this state for at least 5 minutes.
  4. Rinse your baby with cool water.
  5. Repeat all steps regularly.

It is very easy to harden a newborn’s body at home. To begin with, arrange for the baby to sleep in the fresh air, be it a balcony or a summer cottage. After 2-3 weeks, take the child outside. It is advisable to walk with the baby 2 times a day, morning and evening.

A child who already knows how to move independently can be hardened in the following way: ventilate one room and lower the air temperature to 15 degrees. The baby should walk barefoot on a warm floor, then on a cool floor. This training very well strengthens the vascular system and the body’s immunity.

Caring parents understand that a seasoned child suffers less from colds and easily fights the disease. As a rule, such children do not have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. They are more active and energetic and develop quickly. But this does not mean that the child will not get sick at all. Even the strongest immunity can become infected or catch an acute respiratory viral infection, but the body formed during the hardening process is able to more easily endure the disease and recover quickly.

To properly prepare a child for hardening, a number of rules should be followed:

  1. Take daily walks
  2. Going out into nature with your child,
  3. Do active gymnastics together,
  4. Do not overload with additional mugs,
  5. Provide the correct climate in the children's room, humidify the room and maintain an average temperature.

A huge number of people today practice hardening. Choose the type of strengthening and health activities depending on your preferences and health status. These can be air or sun baths, or water procedures. With regular hardening sessions, the results will not take long to appear. Soon you will notice how your body has become stronger and more resilient.

How to properly harden in order to be healthy and not harm your body?

After all, now so many people begin to follow a healthy lifestyle with hardening, but unfortunately, for many, this is where it all ends. The whole point is that for an unprepared person to douse himself with cold water or plunge into an ice hole - this means inflicting colossal stress on his body. Therefore it is very important to know how to temper yourself correctly.

We all know from childhood that the sun, air and water are our best friends. These are our helpers! They help strengthen our immunity and strengthen the body. Our ancestors knew that hardening is beneficial for the body.

The most famous example is the experience of Ancient Sparta. Already from infancy, they began to harden boys, future warriors. From the age of 7, they were raised in public houses in harsh conditions: they bathed in cold water, walked barefoot and in lightweight clothing in any weather.

In ancient Rus', hardening was also known to everyone. For example, a bathhouse.

What is hardening?

Hardening is a system of procedures that are aimed at increasing the protective properties of the body, i.e. to stimulate its adaptive properties by various external factors such as cold and hot air, water, atmospheric pressure, sunlight, through dosed and systematic influence on the body by these factors.

In simple words,you make the body a little unpleasant by accustoming it to these troubles, that is, you make it shudder so that it becomes more active!

Yogis also said that hardening is the body’s desire to be part of nature. Therefore, hardening is a system and a way of life.

So, 5 fundamental principles on how to properly temper yourself!

  1. Correct hardening, what is it?

Hardening is a very important moment for the healing of the human body. But, as with any system, there must be preparation, frequency of repetition of certain techniques and their long-term use. Only after this can some result be achieved.

This means that you cannot use the technique of dousing or winter swimming or any other types of cold exposure to water in order to strengthen the human body. There must be a system, frequency, duration, consistency. These are the main points that will work for a positive result.

It is also believed that the hardening system must work continuously for 2-3 months so that a person begins to adequately respond to these factors.

You can start hardening at any time of the year and at any age. The main thing is to take into account the characteristics of your body. This can be a contrast shower, dousing, rubbing, even a swimming pool - this is also a kind of hardening.

The main thing is the change in temperature.

Of course, it is much more effective if you start tempering from birth. Then it will become your way of life. You will get sick less, become more productive and more successful.

After all, hardening is actually not a narrow focus on stimulating your thermoregulation system.Hardening is a fairly broad concept. This includes a balanced diet, exercise, and long stays in the fresh air.

  1. Why you need to harden or the advantages of proper hardening!

Basically, the hardening system is the process of training the body to respond to changes in heat and cold.

When you influence the body with various factors such as increased temperature of air, water, ultraviolet rays, you thereby activate many systems in the body that include adaptation mechanisms and this improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and increases the elasticity of the vascular wall.

  • This means that the vascular wall is able to respond to temperature differences more adequately and maintain a level of sufficient blood supply in areas affected by cold or, conversely, high temperatures.
  • The nervous system becomes more resistant to the influence of not only external factors (for example, blood pressure levels), but also to internal factors (for example, internal conflicts in the body or various stressful situations).
  • Your skin completely changes its condition. Not only does her peripheral blood supply improve (the blood vessels work well), but the subcutaneous fat layer also changes its composition. That is, heat-resistant fats appear, the stratum corneum of the skin thickens, which is less susceptible to temperature changes.

In a word, a lot of processes take place that enable your body to maintain normal physiological levels in difficult climatic conditions!

  1. Main types of hardening procedures

Today there are quite a lot of options for hardening procedures.

And you need to start based on your own feelings and knowledge about the state of your body!

To begin with, I advise you to consult with your doctor to choose a specific technique for yourself. Because hardening includes not only dousing and contrast showers. This includes hardening of individual, specific areas and systems of the body.

Let's consider the basic hardening procedures:

  1. Contrast shower. I practice it myself, and it seems to me the most convenient and simplest way of hardening. It has a positive effect on blood vessels and the heart and also increases metabolic processes in the body. The scheme is quite simple: hot water - 10-30 seconds, cold water - 10-30 seconds. And repeat this for 3-4 times. In the morning, this is a great way to cheer up and wake up quickly. Better than any coffee! 😉
  1. Rubbing. It is used mainly by those who have no special contraindications (allergies, irritations). The essence of this method is actively rubbing the body with a wet towel. First, the chest, neck and back are rubbed. This is done for 2 minutes until redness and a feeling of warmth appear. After this you need to wipe yourself dry. Then the same procedure must be repeated with the legs and hips. First, the towel is wetted in water with a temperature of 33-34 degrees and gradually this temperature must be lowered by 5 degrees. Gradually - this means once every 10 days. 😉
  1. Pouring. It's also a fairly simple method. I recommend starting with a partial dousing. In the evening you prepare the water by simply drawing cold water from the tap, until the morning it warms up to room temperature. In the morning, wet your arms, neck, legs and then be sure to rub these areas dry with a towel. After 2-3 months of regular dousing, you can begin dousing the entire body. As for the temperature, here, just like in wiping, you need to reduce it by 5 degrees every 10 days. And the room temperature should be at least 20 to avoid hypothermia.
  1. Air baths. This method is recommended for beginners. For example, in the morning, during breakfast, try opening the window for 5-10 minutes at first, gradually increasing the time. Thus, you can walk up to 2 hours.
  1. Hardening the feet. This method is great for those who often get the flu. First, immerse your feet in cool water for 3-5 minutes. It is best to start with water at a temperature of 35-36 degrees, while reducing the temperature every two days by 1-2 degrees. Thus, after 2-3 months you will already have ice-cold water.

In general, it is believed that hardening is more effective if you start with the feet (especially for children). Even walking barefoot is also a method of hardening. Pediatricians even recommend that children who have pathologies of the kidneys and tonsils walk barefoot on the floor at home. And when the warm season comes, walk barefoot on the grass, on pebbles, on warm sand.

  1. Another way of hardening is to gargle with chilled water. You need to start with water at room temperature, then gradually lower the water temperature by one degree. Thus, it is possible to prevent inflammatory diseases of the tonsils. Very effective for those who suffer from chronic sore throats and chronic tonsillitis.

I don’t recommend starting with a contrast shower right away; you need to take into account the characteristics of your body. If you still decide to start with a contrast shower, then do not immediately go under ice water and then under boiling water. Start with cool and warm water, do everything gradually!

Any contrast between warm and lower temperatures always gives a stimulating effect because it instantly affects the vascular wall and it immediately begins to work.

  1. The principle of all hardening procedures

In hardening it is important to be systematic and dosage. You need to know clearly that if you choose a hardening method like winter swimming, then you need to start with water procedures. And the first thing you need to do is wiping and rubbing after water procedures. You need to clearly remember that your body gets severe stress from swimming in cold water. And before diving into an ice hole with cold water, I advise you to soberly assess your capabilities.

  1. Contraindications.

Hardening procedures are strictly prohibited:

  • for everyone with acute diseases (viral, chronic diseases)
  • who have diseases of the cardiovascular system (hypertension, people who have had myocardial infarction, people suffering from cardiac arrhythmias)
  • The same applies to children suffering from bronchial asthma, severe heart defects and, in general, heart defects.

How to temper yourself correctly- this is exactly the question that every person who wants to be healthy and successful should ask himself. Since hardening is an excellent way to increase immunity and performance. Therefore, there is no need to doubt the benefits of hardening. The main thing is to know how to temper yourself correctly.

I wish you health, and that hardening brings you only health, joy and uplifting spirit! 🙂

Sincerely, your friend, Alisa Pukhalskaya.

How to start tempering at home

Hardening is the best remedy for colds, chronic fatigue and even excess weight. How to properly harden at home, where and when to start hardening for an adult, rules and tips for hardening - in the Soviet Sports guide.

Why do you need to temper yourself at home?

Proper and regular hardening at home strengthens the immune system and minimizes the risks of colds and viral diseases. In addition, hardening the house with cold water increases the overall tone of the body - a person feels a surge of strength, chronic fatigue, apathy and depression go away. Hardening also “slows down” the aging process: it has a rejuvenating effect on the skin, trains the cardiovascular system (in some cases, it can treat vascular diseases), and improves metabolism.

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The main rules to follow if you decide to start hardening at home: absence of diseases (mainly heart disease), regularity (ideally, hardening should become your daily habit) and a gradual increase in “loads”.

How to properly start tempering at home

General recommendation: an adult should begin to harden himself at home by walking barefoot. Try walking around the apartment for 10-15 minutes without slippers or socks. Increase this time by 10 minutes daily, teaching yourself to do without indoor shoes altogether. If you have carpets at home, roll them up and put them aside: to harden them you need to walk on a cool surface - linoleum, tiles, etc.

What do you usually wish for on your personal holidays? Happiness, health... It is about health that I would like to talk, or more precisely about how to begin to harden yourself. Hello everyone, guys! This article describes gradual instructions on how to force yourself to harden, even if you don’t really want to, gives recommendations to beginners and describes the general principles of hardening.

As I understand those who are very reluctant to take such a serious step as hardening. But it’s necessary, guys, it’s necessary for ourselves and the next generation.

I myself had problems with my daily routine, and how difficult it was for me to establish it: I woke up early and went to bed late. Evening would come, I would sit down at the computer, and it would begin: I’ll play a little more, I’ll watch another episode of the series, oh, and there’s a “video” on the joke channel—I have to watch it. And so on until one in the morning. And get up at seven! But that's a long time ago.

Something similar is observed among people who want to start tempering themselves, but still can’t decide. Or maybe I'm wrong?

How to force yourself to toughen up

Clench all your will into a fist and, finally, open the window wide open so that the cold air enters your room, if, of course, it is the cold season. Literally for two minutes, no more. This will be some kind of air baths at first, later we will move on to the air baths themselves. If it is a warm season, there is no need for such ventilation. Proceed straight to washing. But more on that a little later.

So, the hardening began. Get used to such ventilation of your own home: first do it several times a day for 2-3 minutes, later increase the frequency and time of ventilation to 10-15 minutes at a time.

Can you withstand such “loads”? Then you can safely take off your clothes (first the top, later the bottom) and walk around the apartment while airing. Is it also possible to stay almost naked for 10-15 minutes? Then you are ready for “liquid” hardening.

Hardening with water. Start washing your face with cold water. This, by the way, can be done in parallel with air baths. The only thing is not to get your eyes and nose areas near them wet: they get cold easily.

Later, you can start drying yourself: soak a towel in cold water and wipe your entire body. At first, when you are not yet accustomed to withstanding low temperatures, it is better to dry yourself at different times with ventilation. Then, you can combine: wiping, airing - the effect is indescribable. You need to wipe yourself up to 5-7 times a day.

We all wash. So why not combine bathing with hardening? Just 15 seconds after a hot shower (bath), open the cold water and... I wanted to say, enjoy. Once you get used to it, you can take such showers up to several times a day: in the morning to cheer up, several times during the day and in the evening. It will be something like dousing with cold water. By the way, if conditions permit, use a contrast shower.

The top, it seems to me, would be airing after a cold or contrast shower.

If you start to harden in the summer, then what kind of ventilation can we talk about - warmth. I suggest you then simply douse yourself, dry yourself, and wash your face more often. And if in winter you can go outside and just walk for a couple of minutes in the snow, then in the summer, dip your feet in a basin of cold water.

When I talked about dousing with cold water, I meant cool at first, and cold at a later stage. Follow the principles of proper hardening. One of them is gradual loading. There is no need to immediately “throw yourself” into cold water that you are not yet accustomed to.

By the way, if you have a private house, and not an apartment, and you have the opportunity to walk around the yard with a bare torso (instead of ventilating, for example), then I ask you to avoid windy areas - it can get drafty. This, by the way, is also true for apartments.

How to motivate yourself to harden

I understand that many people find it difficult to force themselves to swim in cold water. But, if you are looking for such information, then you need it. Know that a habit takes about two months to form. Stay hardened during this period, and then it will become easier, believe me. It is not necessary to do everything at once, as I advised. Start with at least simple ventilation: two months and you will get used to it. And so on.

In general, as one motivation coach said, there is no motivation: You either need it or you don’t; You either do it or you don't. That's it.

To somehow help yourself in forming the habit of systematic hardening, set yourself a specific date. For example, in exactly six months I (that is, you) will have to do 5-7 douches (cold showers) a day. Write down this goal on paper, hang it in a visible place so that it looms before your eyes.

You won't believe how much better goals we write down on paper are achieved than those we keep in our heads. This method forces action (not everyone, of course - there are special lazy people). Now all that remains is to act, constantly increasing either the frequency of procedures or their time.

I can add that you are on the right path. Hardening is the programming of your own DNA, the information from which will be passed on to your heirs. Would you like them to be healthy? You can even spur yourself to action by the fact that low temperatures keep your skin youthful. Personally, would you like to keep your body young longer? I would like it very much.

Best regards, Vladimir Manerov

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