How to make rolls at home. Japanese cuisine recipes. How to cook baked sushi and rolls

Every day, Japanese cuisine is becoming more in demand and popular. Their satiety, attractive appearance, refined and original taste do not leave any person indifferent. Rolls can be eaten not only in a restaurant, but also prepared at home, which will be cheaper.

What are rolls, what products are needed to prepare them?

Rolls are a dish traditional for Japan and Korea, sometimes they are also called sushi rolls. They are prepared from various ingredients that can be combined and combined in different ways, each time getting a new and original dish.

To prepare this dish, you definitely need a mat with which to roll the rolls, as well as some products:

  • rice vinegar;
  • nori sheets;
  • wasabi;
  • soy sauce;
  • pickled ginger;
  • fish;
  • avocado;
  • cucumber.

To prepare more exotic rolls, you can use several types of fish, caviar, mussels, octopus, crab, shrimp, sesame seeds, and various cheeses.

How to properly prepare rice for rolls

One of the main products in the preparation of sushi and rolls is rice of a certain type. It is prepared using a special technology.


  • rice – 0.4 kg;
  • 0.5 liters of water;
  • rice vinegar – 4 tablespoons;
  • 2 teaspoons salt;
  • sugar – 1 tablespoon.

Preparing delicious rice for rolls is very simple if you follow the instructions and follow them completely:

  1. Pour the rice into a sieve and rinse it under cold running water;
  2. Pour water into a saucepan, add rice, cover with a lid and bring to a boil and let simmer for 2 minutes, then remove the container from the heat and let the rice swell for 10 minutes;
  3. Remove the lid from the saucepan and let the rice cook for 10 minutes;
  4. Pour vinegar into a saucepan, add sugar, salt, stir and heat;
  5. Place the finished rice in a plate, add the marinade to it and mix well.

Rice prepared according to this recipe turns out exactly as needed. In combination with seaweed and various ingredients, it will fully open up.

If you are tired of ordinary sushi and want to try something new and unusual, you should prepare baked rolls. This dish will appeal to all family members, both adults and children.


  • lightly salted salmon – 0.2 kg;
  • hard cheese – 160 grams;
  • nori – 4 sheets;
  • 1.5 cups cooked rice;
  • cucumber – 2 pieces;
  • 6 tablespoons of mayonnaise.

Baked rolls are a tasty and unusual dish that not all sushi lovers have tried. All ingredients combine perfectly with each other and create a delicate and harmonious taste.


  1. The rice is cooked, seasoned, cooled;
  2. The cucumbers are washed, if necessary, the skin is cut off and cut into strips so that their thickness is 0.5 centimeters;
  3. Place cling film on the mat, place a sheet of nori on it, a layer of rice on top and carefully turn the seaweed up;
  4. Place chopped cucumber on top of the sheet and wrap the roll so that the rice is on top;
  5. Cut the fish into small pieces and mix well with grated cheese and mayonnaise;
  6. Cut the rolls into 6 pieces, place on a baking sheet and top with a mixture of mayonnaise, fish and cheese;
  7. Bake for 15 minutes in the oven at 180 degrees.

Hot sushi is best served immediately so that it does not have time to cool. Their taste will be a little unusual and piquant, but this will only benefit them.

Baked rolls

Ingredients for baked rolls:

  • Rice vinegar - 50 ml.
  • Rice for sushi - 500 g.
  • Nori sheets - 5-7 pcs.
  • Fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Lightly salted salmon (or trout) - 200 g.
  • Capelin caviar - 1 jar
  • Curd cheese (Almette) - 1-2 packs.
  • Soy sauce


  1. For baked rolls we need to cook rice. Cook the rice as in the recipe. Peel the cucumber and cut into long pieces.
  2. We also cut the lightly salted salmon into long pieces.
  3. Take a mat and put cling film on it. Now let's start making rolls. Place a sheet of nori on the mat. Place a thin layer of rice on the nori and put curd cheese on top. You can add capelin caviar.
  4. Now take the cucumber and fish and place 1-2 pieces on the edge and begin to roll the roll. These are the rolls you get.
  5. Now we cut our sausages into pieces with a sharp knife. You can cut it directly with the film.
  6. Place the rolls on a baking sheet. Now we need to make the sauce. Mix 2-3 teaspoons of capelin caviar and curd cheese, add a little soy sauce, mix well. Spread this sauce on the rolls. Place the rolls in the oven at 180 degrees for 15 minutes.
  7. The baked rolls are ready. Bon appetit.

Baked rolls with chicken and pineapple


  • Chicken fillet
  • Pineapple
  • Mayonnaise
  • Garlic


  1. Cooking rice for sushi. First, wash it in a small amount of water. The water needs to be changed several times until it becomes clear. Next, fill it with water and leave for 30 minutes. Place on the fire and cook until tender for 20 minutes. Do not cool.
  2. Wash the chicken fillet and boil in salted water for 25 minutes after boiling. Cut the chicken flesh into small pieces or tear into fibers.
  3. Peel 2 cloves of garlic. Pass the garlic through a garlic press and add to the mayonnaise. Peel the pineapple and cut into slices 1 cm thick, then cut each circle into bars 1 cm thick. Chef's tip! You can use canned pineapple instead of fresh.
  4. Place nori on the mat, and spread rice on the nori in an even layer. Place pieces of pineapple and chicken fillet in the middle of the rice. Carefully, taking the top edge of the nori, roll all the ingredients into one roll and cut into 6 or 8 pieces.
  5. Spread mayonnaise and garlic on top of each roll. Bake for 3 minutes under a vertical grill. Serve hot.

Baked rolls

Prepare homemade baked rolls using this recipe - this is a very tasty dish that you can delight your family or guests with.

While many people today have learned to prepare ordinary sushi and rolls at home, not every cook who has gotten the hang of preparing these popular oriental dishes with their own hands has tried to make baked rolls. And all because it seems like baked rolls are something especially complicated. This is wrong! With this recipe, you can not only learn how to cook baked rolls, but also understand the principle of their preparation in general.


  • 100 g lightly salted salmon fillet
  • 50-80 g grated hard cheese
  • 2 sheets of nori
  • 1/2 cup rice for rolls and cucumber
  • 2-3 tbsp. mayonnaise
  • 1 tsp Sahara

How to make baked rolls:

  1. Prepare pre-cooked rice for rolls - cool, etc.
  2. Cut the cucumber into long strips about 0.5 cm wide.
  3. Take a sheet of nori, place it on a mat for preparing rolls, spread half of the rice evenly over the surface, cover with cling film, turn the nori over so the rice is facing down.
  4. Place cucumber strips on the side of the nori without rice, which is at the top, roll it up - it will come out with rice on the outside.
  5. From the remaining rice and the second sheet of nori, make a roll with rice inside: put nori, rice on it, cucumber on the rice, roll up the roll.
  6. Cut the rolls into 6-8 pieces, place on a baking sheet lined with parchment so that the cuts are at the top and bottom.
  7. Chop the lightly salted fish very finely, mix with coarsely grated cheese, mayonnaise and sugar, distribute the prepared mixture into rolls, spreading equally on each one.
  8. Place the rolls in an oven heated to 180-200 degrees, bake for 10-15 minutes until the “cap” sets – the cheese should melt.
  9. Serve the baked rolls hot.

Homemade baked rolls


  • Kimchi base sauce 100ml
  • Soy sauce “Sushiman” 500 ml.
  • Japanese mayonnaise
  • Tobiko red caviar
  • Roasted light sesame
  • Roasted black sesame
  • Unagi Kabayaki Eel Sauce


  1. To prepare baked rolls, you first need to know how to prepare standard rolls - hosomaki (classic thin rolls with nori seaweed on the outside) or uramaki (thin rolls), and tomago (Japanese amlet roll) is best suited.
  2. The main feature when preparing baked rolls is the sauce that is poured on top of the roll. Today there are a lot of varieties of such baking sauces.
  3. We suggest you prepare one of the simplest and most classic types of sauce: You need to mix 200-250 g mayonnaise (preferably Japanese), 50 g soy sauce, 30 g spicy kimchi paste (or tobajan), 60 g grated cheese (regular), tobiku caviar or peeled small shrimp
  4. Turn the oven to medium heat. Pour oil onto a baking sheet. Then carefully pour the prepared sauce on top of the prepared rolls.
    Cook in the oven until the sauce thickens (10-15 minutes).
  5. After baking, you can additionally pour thick, sweet unagi sauce on top of the rolls and sprinkle with sesame seeds.
  6. It is also possible to prepare baked rolls in the microwave, but please note that the heat distribution in such microwave ovens may be uneven. Try it in small portions.
  7. Baked rolls are best eaten warm.

Baked rolls


  • Rice vinegar - 50 ml,
  • Rice for sushi - 500 g,
  • Nori 5-7 sheets,
  • Fresh cucumber - 1 pc.,
  • Lightly salted fish (salmon or trout) - 200 g,
  • Capelin caviar - 1 jar,
  • Curd cheese (Violette, Almette) - 1-2 packs,
  • Soy sauce
  • bamboo mat,
  • Cling film.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Wash the rice in running water and cook in 500 ml. water. As soon as the water boils, reduce the heat and cook for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  2. Place the rice in a separate container, add rice vinegar. Mix everything thoroughly and let the rice cool. You should get a viscous sticky mass.
  3. Wash the cucumbers in small strips. We do the same with fish.
  4. We cover the bamboo mat with cling film, this makes it easier to wrap the rolls.
  5. Place a sheet of nori and spread a not very thick layer of rice on it. You can do this with a wooden or plastic spoon so that the rice does not stick to your hands.
  6. Place curd cheese on the rice (not in a very thick layer, as it will be difficult to roll the roll). Put a layer of capelin caviar on the cheese, then it will be spicier.
  7. Place 2 strips of cucumber on the edge of the nori sheet, then 2 strips of fish. And carefully wrap the roll using a mat, trying not to wrap the cling film together with the seaweed.
  8. The result was a roll wrapped in cling film. Let's roll it a little on the mat so that the edges stick together better.
  9. Take a sharp knife and cut the roll into 6-8 pieces directly in the film to maintain its shape. We clean the already cut pieces from the cling film.
  10. Place the resulting rolls on a baking sheet.
  11. Let's prepare the dressing: mix 1 teaspoon of curd cheese, 1-2 teaspoons of capelin caviar, add a little soy sauce, mix everything. Carefully spread the dressing onto the rolls.
  12. Place the baking sheet in a preheated oven at 180 degrees. oven for 10-15 minutes. Then carefully transfer to a plate.

Baked rolls “Blooming Branch”


For rolls:

  • Blue Dragon sushi rice – 100 g
  • Japanese rice vinegar “Blue Dragon” - 1 tsp.
  • Salt, sugar to taste
  • Nori seaweed "Blue Dragon"
  • Mini asparagus – 75 g
  • Fresh cucumber – 1 several slices
  • Bell pepper – several slices

For topping:

  • Curd cream cheese – 100g
  • Baked trout – 100g
  • Blue Dragon oyster sauce - 2 tbsp.

To submit:

  • Pickled ginger “Blue Dragon”
  • Wasabi paste “Blue Dragon”
  • Dark soy sauce “Blue Dragon”

How to cook:

  1. We rinse the rice until the water is completely transparent, pour it into a saucepan, fill it with cold water and boil until tender under the lid.
  2. To prepare the rice sauce, combine Blue Dragon rice vinegar with salt and sugar (you can warm it slightly to better dissolve the spices). Pour the prepared sauce into the prepared and still hot rice and mix. Let's stand for a while.
  3. Boil mini-asparagus in boiling water for 2 minutes, transfer to ice water for 3 minutes, remove excess moisture with a napkin. Wash the pepper, remove the stem and seeds, cut into thin slices. Cut the washed and dried cucumber into thin slices.
  4. Place rice on a sheet of nori up to the middle of the sheet. Place the prepared vegetables and roll them up using a mat. We glue the edge with rice grains. Cut with a WET sharp knife into portioned pieces. Place the rolls in a heat-resistant form.
  5. For topping, mix baked trout fillet with cream cheese, add Blue Dragon oyster sauce, and mix. Spoon the topping onto the rolls using a teaspoon.
  6. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 7 minutes.
  7. Before serving, paint a branch with soy sauce on the plate using a brush, lay out leaves and flowers from wasabi and Blue Dragon ginger, and place the prepared rolls.
  8. Serve with Blue Dragon soy sauce.

Baked rolls recipe with photos

Ingredients :

  • White wine vinegar 30 ml
  • Wasabi 5 grams
  • Rice 140 grams
  • Smoked salmon 100 grams
  • Mayonnaise 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Cucumber 1 piece
  • Soy sauce 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Nori 2 pcs

Cooking recipe:

  1. We will have not just rolls, but rolls with sauce. For the sauce, combine mayonnaise and soy sauce. Mix well. Add finely chopped elk.
  2. Wash the rice well and boil until soft. Place in a colander. Add vinegar. Peel the cucumber and cut into cubes. Cut the salmon fillet into long strips. Read more
  3. Now we will prepare the roll. Place rice on a sheet of nori, leaving a couple of free centimeters on one edge without rice. Add cucumber and fish.
  4. We wrap the roll. We cut off the excess. We take a very sharp knife, otherwise you’ll just ruin everything. Cut the roll into pieces, there should be about 8 of them.
  5. Transfer everything to a baking sheet and add the sauce. Bake for about 10 minutes at 200C.
  6. Serve the rolls warm, don't forget the wasabi. Bon appetit!

Start cooking baked rolls best after you have mastered the technology of making traditional rolls. The recipe for their preparation differs only in that after cooking they are seasoned with a special sauce, which is covered with a golden crust during baking.

Baked rolls recipe.

- mayonnaise
- capelin caviar
- sauce
- filling (cheese, eel, salmon)
- nori

1. Prepare rice. Try steaming it. To do this, pour 1.5 cups of water into a glass of rice and then leave for 35 minutes.
2. Place cooked rice on top of the seaweed.
3. Place the filling in the middle of the sheet, roll the roll using a mat, cut into pieces.
4. Prepare the sauce. Mix thick mayonnaise with ketchup and capelin caviar. Place a tablespoon of this sauce on each piece of rolls.
5. Place the rolls in the oven, leave to bake for five to seven minutes

Homemade baked rolls with salmon.

- rice for – 520 g
- fresh cucumber
- rice vinegar – 55 ml
- nori – 5 pcs.
- salmon – 220 g
- capelin caviar – jar
- soy sauce
- curd cheese

1. Cook sushi rice, place in a container, moisten with rice vinegar, and stir.
2. Cut the cucumber into strips.
3. Cut the fish into strips.
4. Wrap the mat with cling film to make it easier to wrap the rolls.
5. Place a whole piece of nori, add rice. It is best to apply it with a small spoon.
6. Place curd cheese and a layer of caviar on the rice.
7. Place a few strips of fish and cucumber on the edge of the nori.
8. Carefully wrap the roll. Wrap the cling film together with the cling film.
9. Using a sharp knife, cut the roll into pieces. Free the cut pieces from the cling film.
10. Place the resulting rolls on a baking sheet.
11. Prepare the dressing: mix capelin caviar, curd cheese, add soy sauce, stir.
12. Carefully spread the dressing onto the roll.
13. Place the baking sheet in the oven for ten minutes. Baked ready!

Baked roll with mussels and eel.

- cucumber
- rice for sushi
- avocado
- Buko cheese
- mussels
- sesame seed
- mayonnaise
- flying fish caviar

1. Boil sushi rice. we have on our website.
2. Place rice on half of the noya.
3. Spread the toasted sesame seeds over the rice.
4. Turn the nori and rice over.
5. Place the filling of cucumber, eel, avocado and cheese.
6. Wrap the roll, cut into pieces.
7. Prepare sauce with mussels for baking: boil frozen mussels, chop, mix with tobiko, cheese and mayonnaise.
8. Place the cut roll on a baking sheet, put a little sauce on each piece, and bake in the oven.

Cooking time: about an hour, complexity: average.

You will need: rice vinegar - 50 ml, sushi rice - 500 g, nori 5-7 sheets, fresh cucumber - 1 pc., lightly salted fish (salmon or trout) - 200 g, capelin caviar with smoked salmon flavor - 1 jar, curd cheese ( Suitable: Buko, Violette, Almette) - 1-2 packs, soy sauce.

Additionally you will need: bamboo mat, cling film.

Short version of preparation:

    Cook sushi rice, transfer to a separate container, pour over rice vinegar, and stir.

    Cut the cucumbers and fish into strips. If necessary, remove skin and seeds from cucumbers.

    Place a sheet of nori on a bamboo mat. It is better to wrap the mat itself with cling film, this will make it easier to roll.

    If you like it spicier, you can add a layer of capelin caviar.

    Place one strip of fish and cucumber on the edge.

    Carefully wrap the roll.

    We do the rest in the same way, you should get 5-7 pieces.

    Cut into portions and place on a baking sheet.

    Top with 2 tsp dressing. capelin caviar and 1 tsp. curd cheese.

    Bake in the oven for 15 minutes.

Cook rice according to this recipe. Place the rice in a separate container, moisten it with rice vinegar, and stir.
For the filling, cut the cucumber into strips; if the skin is thick and the seeds are large, cut them out.

We also cut the fish into thin strips.

We wrap the bamboo mat with cling film, this will make it easier to wrap the rolls.

Place a whole sheet of nori and spread rice on it in a not very thick layer. You can do this with a small spoon so that the rice does not stick to your hands and you do not have to constantly wet your hands with water.

Place curd cheese on the rice (also not in a very thick layer, otherwise it will be difficult to roll the roll). You can put another layer of capelin caviar on the cheese, then it will be spicier.

Place 1-2 strips of cucumber on the edge of the nori sheet, then 1-2 strips of fish. And we carefully begin to wrap the roll using a mat, while trying not to wrap the cling film together with the seaweed.

The result should be a roll wrapped in cling film. You can roll it a little on the mat so that the edges stick together better.

This way we make 5-7 rolls.

We take a sharp knife, cut each roll into 6-8 pieces directly in the film, this will help maintain its shape and each roll will not fall apart or become wrinkled. Remove the cling film from the already cut pieces.

Place the resulting rolls on a baking sheet. Prepare the dressing: depending on the number of rolls, mix 1-2 teaspoons of capelin caviar, 1 teaspoon of curd cheese, add a little soy sauce, mix everything. Carefully spread the dressing onto the rolls.

Today, you don’t have to go to a restaurant to enjoy Japanese sushi and rolls. Modern housewives have been preparing baked rolls at home for a long time. Moreover, all the necessary products and a special standard set for them can be bought at any supermarket. And we have selected several recipes for you, tested by many housewives.

Secrets of Japanese cuisine

So, before we go on our culinary journey and find out how to make baked rolls at home, let's get acquainted with the secrets of preparing this Japanese delicacy:

  • When choosing rice for rolls, you can also buy regular coarse grain rice. The main thing is to boil it correctly.
  • Before cooking, rice should be washed, as they say, in seven waters, and then kept in cold water for half an hour.
  • It is better to place the cooked rice in a clay or wooden bowl and pour in a little vinegar. This will allow the grains to acquire viscosity.
  • An obligatory ingredient of the rolls is nori - dried seaweed. Buy them only in whole dry packaging. Raw seaweed will stick together when cooked and ruin the beautiful appearance of the dish.
  • The main secret of delicious rolls is that you don’t need to add more than five ingredients to the filling.
  • Professional chefs prepare rolls very quickly. This is necessary so that the temperature of the human body does not have time to be transferred to the dish.
  • To form the rolls you need a special bamboo mat - makisu.

And remember that excessive consumption of such a dish as rolls can be harmful to your health.

First, we will learn how to prepare baked rolls at home with asparagus, caviar and salmon fillet. And our recipe will help you cope with this not very easy task. Serve these rolls at your holiday table, and you will forever be assigned the status of a culinary genius.


  • 200 g long grain rice;
  • 1 nori leaf;
  • 5 pcs. asparagus;
  • 2 tbsp. l. caviar;
  • 100 g salmon fillet;
  • 5 tbsp. l. Japanese breading mixture;
  • egg;
  • 4 tbsp. l. starch;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sifted flour;
  • 50 ml filtered water;
  • ½ tsp. baking powder;
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper.


  • Let's start preparing the rolls with rice. We rinse it at least seven times and leave it in cold water for half an hour.
  • Drain the water and pour clean water, boil the rice for 20 minutes after boiling on a low burner level.

  • Place the rice in a colander and leave it to cool.
  • Now we need a mat for forming rolls. Cover it with cling film.
  • Then lay out the nori and spread the rice in a thin layer. We do this with our hands, trying not to press too hard.

  • Carefully turn over the nori sheet with rice.
  • Now distribute the filling over the entire surface of the seaweed in this order: asparagus, then caviar and salmon fillet. By the way, salmon can be replaced with your favorite seafood.

  • It's time to form our rolls. We begin to gradually roll the filled rolls from the edge of the bamboo mat. Use your fingers to lightly press the mat so that all the ingredients fit snugly against each other.

  • Now let's knead the dough. Combine sifted flour with starch and baking powder. Beat in the egg, add filtered water, pepper and salt. Knead the base for the rolls.
  • Pour Japanese breadcrumbs into a separate bowl. If there are none, take regular ones.
  • The next stage is binding the rolls with dough. To do this, carefully dip their ends in the dough, and then completely cover the rolls with it.
  • Roll the rolls in breadcrumbs. This needs to be done very quickly.

  • We heat the deep fryer and place our rolls in it for five minutes. As soon as they are covered with a golden crust, take them out.
  • Be sure to place the finished rolls on a paper kitchen towel to drain excess fat.
  • Let the rolls cool for about ten minutes and then cut. This needs to be done correctly: moisten the knife with water so that the rolls do not stick to it, and cut them up to 1.5 cm thick.

  • Serve rolls with pickled ginger or soy sauce. Bon appetit!

We have already figured out how to prepare baked rolls at home. Now let's look at the recipe for rolls that are prepared without heat treatment. Believe me, they will turn out no less tasty than baked ones.


  • 250 g salted salmon;
  • 300 g boiled shrimp;
  • 1-2 pcs. avocado;
  • 1-2 fresh cucumbers;
  • mango;
  • 100 g cream cheese;
  • 5-6 pcs. nori leaves;
  • 150 g long grain rice;
  • sesame seeds.


  • As usual, let's start with rice. Cook it as described in the previous recipe. If you have special sushi rice, follow the instructions on the package.

  • Cut the avocado into halves along the pit. We turn them in different directions and “open” it.

  • Now cut each avocado half into slices and remove the peel.

  • Peel the mango and cut into thin long strips.

  • Cover the bamboo mat with cling film. Lay out nori (1 sheet) and spread the rice thinly.

  • Place the filling closer to one edge: first salmon and avocado slices, then cucumbers, shrimp and mango. Sprinkle the filling with sesame seeds.

  • Using a bamboo mat, wrap the rolls tightly. We start from the edge where the filling is.

  • Carefully remove the rug. Don't worry if the ingredients fall out.
  • Moisten the edge of the nori sheet with water and glue it together.
  • Cut the rolls into 3-4 cm pieces with a sharp knife dipped in cold water.
  • Serve rolls with soy sauce, wasabi and ginger.

To learn how to cook baked sushi and rolls, I strongly advise you to cook and cook at least once. It will be much easier for you to cook something very tasty the first time.

Method for preparing baked sushi

They are prepared almost the same as regular sushi. That is, (4*16cm) is wrapped around a lump of rice (5*2*2cm), finely chopped filling is placed inside the resulting basket (you can use shrimp, salmon, mushrooms, crab meat in a spicy or creamy sauce), and then the sushi is “closed” » baking sauce (the simplest option is thick mayonnaise + capelin caviar + a little ketchup). Next, the sushi is placed in a preheated (about 200 degrees) oven and left until the sauce turns golden (about 7 minutes). Baked sushi is ready!

Method for preparing baked rolls

The baked roll is prepared in exactly the same way as its “ordinary” counterpart. Boiled rice is laid out in a thin layer on nori. Then the filling, cut into long “sticks,” is laid out tightly and evenly on one of the edges (from the left to the right edge). The roll is rolled up, starting from the edge with the filling, into a “sausage”. And after that, with a sharp knife, it is cut into a number of pieces convenient for you (usually 6 or 8).

In order to get a baked, and not a simple roll, you need to pour the resulting parts after cutting with the baking sauce mentioned above, and also place in the oven until golden brown for 5-7 minutes.

Features of preparing baked rolls and sushi

The best option is obtained by using special sushi rice (it is sold in supermarkets), “Japanese mayonnaise” (baking sauce) - a rarer product, but can be found in large stores, and a grill for baking instead of the oven (it works worst in the microwave) .

Some recipes for the most popular baked rolls

Baked crab roll with rice on the outside, filling - Philadelphia cheese, eel, cucumber. The outside of the resulting roll is coated with capelin caviar. Crab meat is placed on the cut pieces of the roll and covered with a square of Mozzarella cheese. Bake until the top cheese is completely melted.

Baked salmon with mushrooms - roll with rice inside, filling - salmon, cucumber. Mushrooms are placed on top of the sliced ​​roll. Bake in this form for 5 minutes.